Oedipus (US/ˈɛdᵻpəs/ or UK/ˈiːdᵻpəs/; Ancient Greek: ΟἰδίπουςOidípous meaning "swollen foot") was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophesy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.
The story of Oedipus is the subject of Sophocles's tragedy Oedipus the King, which was followed by Oedipus at Colonus and then Antigone. Together, these plays make up Sophocles's three Theban plays. Oedipus represents two enduring themes of Greek myth and drama: the flawed nature of humanity and an individual's role in the course of destiny in a harsh universe.
In the most well-known version of the myth, Oedipus was born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta. Laius wished to thwart a prophecy, so left him to die on a mountainside. However, the baby was found by shepherds and raised by King Polybus and Queen Merope as their own. Oedipus learned from the oracle at Delphi of the prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother but, unaware of his true parentage, believed he was fated to murder Polybus and marry Merope, so left for Thebes. On his way he met an older man and quarrelled, and Oedipus killed the stranger. Continuing on to Thebes, he found that the king of the city (Laius) had been recently killed, and that the city was at the mercy of the Sphinx. Oedipus answered the monster's riddle correctly, defeating it and winning the throne of the dead king - and the hand in marriage of the king's widow, (and unbeknownst to him), his mother Jocasta.
The Incredible Story of Oedipus - Part 1 - Greek Mythology
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
published: 22 Sep 2023
Oedipus the King - Sophocles - So You Haven't Read
* To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. *
So you haven't read Oedipus the King by Sophocles? Well, get your tragedy mask ready as we tell you about this masterpiece that has influenced the structure of western drama for millennia! Ranking as the top 10 hottest most amazing tragedies by our boi the late and great Aristotle!
Support our channel by watching ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/soyouhaventread-so-you-havent-read-oedipus-the-king-by-sophocles
* Interested in reading it for yourself? Check it out at your local library! *
Buy Local: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781416500339
Amazon: https://amzn.to/38dyBrw
published: 25 May 2022
The Story of Oedipus (Complete) - Greek Mythology
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate. Oedipus tries to escape his tragic fate, but ends up fulfilling his sorrowful prophecy.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #mythologyexplained
00:00 - The Incredible Story of Oedipus
03:57 - Oedipus and the Sphinx
07:15 - Oedipus the King
published: 18 Nov 2023
The Story of Oedipus: the King of Thebes (Complete) Greek Mythology - See U in History
Greek Mythology Stories: The Myth of Oedipus the King of Thebes (Oedipus Rex)
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
published: 04 Feb 2019
Fate, Family, and Oedipus Rex: Crash Course Literature 202
In which John Green teaches you about one of the least family-friendly family dramas in the history of family dramas, Oedipus Rex. Sophocles' most famous play sees its main character, who seems like he's got it all together, find out that he's killed his father, married his mother, had a bunch of incest children, and brought a plague down on his adopted hometown. He doesn't take this news well. John touches on all the classic Oedipus themes, including hamartia, fate, and the wrath of the gods, and even gets into some Freud, although Oedipus was notably not a sufferer of an Oedipus complex. In any case get ready for mystery, incest, bird entrails, and self-inflicted blindness. Very dramatic.
Consider supporting local bookstores by purchasing your books through our Bookshop affiliate link h...
published: 06 Mar 2014
Oedipus Rex 1957 | Color Movie | Douglas Campbell | Sophocles play | Drama
The most unusual motion picture ever produced.
The story of Oedipus’ gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles’ play, the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright’s day (first performed around 420 BC).
Title: Oedipus Rex (1957) also known by its Greek title: Oedipus Tyrannus or Oedipus the King
Directors: Tyrone Guthrie, Abraham Polonsky
Writers: Sophocles, E.F. Watling, William Butler Yeats
Stars: Douglas Campbell, Eleanor Stuart, Robert Goodier
Genre: Drama
Budget: CA$200,000
published: 26 Jul 2023
Classics Summarized: Oedipus Rex
NEW: The Iliad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faSrRHw6eZ8
I'm branching out!
Greek literature really is a fascinating cesspool of ridiculousness. Our boy Oedipus even got a mental condition named after him!
published: 11 Jan 2015
Oedipus Rex Story Animated
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Click here to get the Japanese mythology book displayed in the video:
Click here to get the Greek mythology audiobook for free when you sign up with audible:
Check out all books by Captivating History here:
Check out all mythology books here:
This video covers the story of Oedipus. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy written in ancient Greece by Sophocles ...
published: 12 Jan 2019
The Oedipus Complex
The Oedipus Complex derives its name from a character from Greek Tragedy. This short animation explains the complex and shows how Sigmund Freud and Edvard Westermarck had differing theories around human sexual development.
Narrated by Aidan Turner. Scripted by Nigel Warbuton.
From the BBC Radio 4 series about life's big questions - A History of Ideas.
This project is from the BBC in partnership with The Open University, the animations were created by Cognitive.
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate.
Art: Raphael Gritt...
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
* To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20...
* To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. *
So you haven't read Oedipus the King by Sophocles? Well, get your tragedy mask ready as we tell you about this masterpiece that has influenced the structure of western drama for millennia! Ranking as the top 10 hottest most amazing tragedies by our boi the late and great Aristotle!
Support our channel by watching ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/soyouhaventread-so-you-havent-read-oedipus-the-king-by-sophocles
* Interested in reading it for yourself? Check it out at your local library! *
Buy Local: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781416500339
Amazon: https://amzn.to/38dyBrw
Audible: https://amzn.to/3NxcZ8G
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♪ Intro music: "Coffee Beans" by Mike Wuerth
♪ Outro music: "So You Haven't Read Theme" by Tiffany Roman
#SoYouHaventRead #OedipustheKing #Sophocles
* To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. *
So you haven't read Oedipus the King by Sophocles? Well, get your tragedy mask ready as we tell you about this masterpiece that has influenced the structure of western drama for millennia! Ranking as the top 10 hottest most amazing tragedies by our boi the late and great Aristotle!
Support our channel by watching ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/soyouhaventread-so-you-havent-read-oedipus-the-king-by-sophocles
* Interested in reading it for yourself? Check it out at your local library! *
Buy Local: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781416500339
Amazon: https://amzn.to/38dyBrw
Audible: https://amzn.to/3NxcZ8G
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♪ Intro music: "Coffee Beans" by Mike Wuerth
♪ Outro music: "So You Haven't Read Theme" by Tiffany Roman
#SoYouHaventRead #OedipustheKing #Sophocles
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate. Oedipus tries to es...
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate. Oedipus tries to escape his tragic fate, but ends up fulfilling his sorrowful prophecy.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #mythologyexplained
00:00 - The Incredible Story of Oedipus
03:57 - Oedipus and the Sphinx
07:15 - Oedipus the King
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate. Oedipus tries to escape his tragic fate, but ends up fulfilling his sorrowful prophecy.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #mythologyexplained
00:00 - The Incredible Story of Oedipus
03:57 - Oedipus and the Sphinx
07:15 - Oedipus the King
In which John Green teaches you about one of the least family-friendly family dramas in the history of family dramas, Oedipus Rex. Sophocles' most famous play s...
In which John Green teaches you about one of the least family-friendly family dramas in the history of family dramas, Oedipus Rex. Sophocles' most famous play sees its main character, who seems like he's got it all together, find out that he's killed his father, married his mother, had a bunch of incest children, and brought a plague down on his adopted hometown. He doesn't take this news well. John touches on all the classic Oedipus themes, including hamartia, fate, and the wrath of the gods, and even gets into some Freud, although Oedipus was notably not a sufferer of an Oedipus complex. In any case get ready for mystery, incest, bird entrails, and self-inflicted blindness. Very dramatic.
Consider supporting local bookstores by purchasing your books through our Bookshop affiliate link https://bookshop.org/shop/complexly or at your local bookseller.
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In which John Green teaches you about one of the least family-friendly family dramas in the history of family dramas, Oedipus Rex. Sophocles' most famous play sees its main character, who seems like he's got it all together, find out that he's killed his father, married his mother, had a bunch of incest children, and brought a plague down on his adopted hometown. He doesn't take this news well. John touches on all the classic Oedipus themes, including hamartia, fate, and the wrath of the gods, and even gets into some Freud, although Oedipus was notably not a sufferer of an Oedipus complex. In any case get ready for mystery, incest, bird entrails, and self-inflicted blindness. Very dramatic.
Consider supporting local bookstores by purchasing your books through our Bookshop affiliate link https://bookshop.org/shop/complexly or at your local bookseller.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
The most unusual motion picture ever produced.
The story of Oedipus’ gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed b...
The most unusual motion picture ever produced.
The story of Oedipus’ gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles’ play, the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright’s day (first performed around 420 BC).
Title: Oedipus Rex (1957) also known by its Greek title: Oedipus Tyrannus or Oedipus the King
Directors: Tyrone Guthrie, Abraham Polonsky
Writers: Sophocles, E.F. Watling, William Butler Yeats
Stars: Douglas Campbell, Eleanor Stuart, Robert Goodier
Genre: Drama
Budget: CA$200,000
The most unusual motion picture ever produced.
The story of Oedipus’ gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles’ play, the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright’s day (first performed around 420 BC).
Title: Oedipus Rex (1957) also known by its Greek title: Oedipus Tyrannus or Oedipus the King
Directors: Tyrone Guthrie, Abraham Polonsky
Writers: Sophocles, E.F. Watling, William Butler Yeats
Stars: Douglas Campbell, Eleanor Stuart, Robert Goodier
Genre: Drama
Budget: CA$200,000
NEW: The Iliad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faSrRHw6eZ8
I'm branching out!
Greek literature really is a fascinating cesspool of ridiculousness. Our boy Oe...
NEW: The Iliad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faSrRHw6eZ8
I'm branching out!
Greek literature really is a fascinating cesspool of ridiculousness. Our boy Oedipus even got a mental condition named after him!
NEW: The Iliad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faSrRHw6eZ8
I'm branching out!
Greek literature really is a fascinating cesspool of ridiculousness. Our boy Oedipus even got a mental condition named after him!
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Click here to get the Japanese mythology book displayed in the video:
Click here to get the Greek mythology audiobook for free when you sign up with audible:
Check out all books by Captivating History here:
Check out all mythology books here:
This video covers the story of Oedipus. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy written in ancient Greece by Sophocles and it's a classic Greek myth. In the video, you'll discover about the riddle of the Sphinx and of course, learn a vital tale of Greek mythology.
Music: Last Dawn by Ross Bugden
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Click here to get the Japanese mythology book displayed in the video:
Click here to get the Greek mythology audiobook for free when you sign up with audible:
Check out all books by Captivating History here:
Check out all mythology books here:
This video covers the story of Oedipus. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy written in ancient Greece by Sophocles and it's a classic Greek myth. In the video, you'll discover about the riddle of the Sphinx and of course, learn a vital tale of Greek mythology.
Music: Last Dawn by Ross Bugden
The Oedipus Complex derives its name from a character from Greek Tragedy. This short animation explains the complex and shows how Sigmund Freud and Edvard Weste...
The Oedipus Complex derives its name from a character from Greek Tragedy. This short animation explains the complex and shows how Sigmund Freud and Edvard Westermarck had differing theories around human sexual development.
Narrated by Aidan Turner. Scripted by Nigel Warbuton.
From the BBC Radio 4 series about life's big questions - A History of Ideas.
This project is from the BBC in partnership with The Open University, the animations were created by Cognitive.
The Oedipus Complex derives its name from a character from Greek Tragedy. This short animation explains the complex and shows how Sigmund Freud and Edvard Westermarck had differing theories around human sexual development.
Narrated by Aidan Turner. Scripted by Nigel Warbuton.
From the BBC Radio 4 series about life's big questions - A History of Ideas.
This project is from the BBC in partnership with The Open University, the animations were created by Cognitive.
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
* To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. *
So you haven't read Oedipus the King by Sophocles? Well, get your tragedy mask ready as we tell you about this masterpiece that has influenced the structure of western drama for millennia! Ranking as the top 10 hottest most amazing tragedies by our boi the late and great Aristotle!
Support our channel by watching ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/soyouhaventread-so-you-havent-read-oedipus-the-king-by-sophocles
* Interested in reading it for yourself? Check it out at your local library! *
Buy Local: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781416500339
Amazon: https://amzn.to/38dyBrw
Audible: https://amzn.to/3NxcZ8G
* Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! *
We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con
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* Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: [email protected] *
♪ Intro music: "Coffee Beans" by Mike Wuerth
♪ Outro music: "So You Haven't Read Theme" by Tiffany Roman
#SoYouHaventRead #OedipustheKing #Sophocles
Amidst dark prophecies and hidden secrets, Oedipus unknowingly weaves his own tragedy. A journey that unveils how tragedy shapes human fate. Oedipus tries to escape his tragic fate, but ends up fulfilling his sorrowful prophecy.
Art: Raphael Gritti
Color: Rod Fernandes
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #mythologyexplained
00:00 - The Incredible Story of Oedipus
03:57 - Oedipus and the Sphinx
07:15 - Oedipus the King
In which John Green teaches you about one of the least family-friendly family dramas in the history of family dramas, Oedipus Rex. Sophocles' most famous play sees its main character, who seems like he's got it all together, find out that he's killed his father, married his mother, had a bunch of incest children, and brought a plague down on his adopted hometown. He doesn't take this news well. John touches on all the classic Oedipus themes, including hamartia, fate, and the wrath of the gods, and even gets into some Freud, although Oedipus was notably not a sufferer of an Oedipus complex. In any case get ready for mystery, incest, bird entrails, and self-inflicted blindness. Very dramatic.
Consider supporting local bookstores by purchasing your books through our Bookshop affiliate link https://bookshop.org/shop/complexly or at your local bookseller.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecrashcourse/
CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
The most unusual motion picture ever produced.
The story of Oedipus’ gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles’ play, the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright’s day (first performed around 420 BC).
Title: Oedipus Rex (1957) also known by its Greek title: Oedipus Tyrannus or Oedipus the King
Directors: Tyrone Guthrie, Abraham Polonsky
Writers: Sophocles, E.F. Watling, William Butler Yeats
Stars: Douglas Campbell, Eleanor Stuart, Robert Goodier
Genre: Drama
Budget: CA$200,000
NEW: The Iliad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faSrRHw6eZ8
I'm branching out!
Greek literature really is a fascinating cesspool of ridiculousness. Our boy Oedipus even got a mental condition named after him!
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Click here to get the Japanese mythology book displayed in the video:
Click here to get the Greek mythology audiobook for free when you sign up with audible:
Check out all books by Captivating History here:
Check out all mythology books here:
This video covers the story of Oedipus. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy written in ancient Greece by Sophocles and it's a classic Greek myth. In the video, you'll discover about the riddle of the Sphinx and of course, learn a vital tale of Greek mythology.
Music: Last Dawn by Ross Bugden
The Oedipus Complex derives its name from a character from Greek Tragedy. This short animation explains the complex and shows how Sigmund Freud and Edvard Westermarck had differing theories around human sexual development.
Narrated by Aidan Turner. Scripted by Nigel Warbuton.
From the BBC Radio 4 series about life's big questions - A History of Ideas.
This project is from the BBC in partnership with The Open University, the animations were created by Cognitive.
Oedipus (US/ˈɛdᵻpəs/ or UK/ˈiːdᵻpəs/; Ancient Greek: ΟἰδίπουςOidípous meaning "swollen foot") was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophesy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.
The story of Oedipus is the subject of Sophocles's tragedy Oedipus the King, which was followed by Oedipus at Colonus and then Antigone. Together, these plays make up Sophocles's three Theban plays. Oedipus represents two enduring themes of Greek myth and drama: the flawed nature of humanity and an individual's role in the course of destiny in a harsh universe.
In the most well-known version of the myth, Oedipus was born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta. Laius wished to thwart a prophecy, so left him to die on a mountainside. However, the baby was found by shepherds and raised by King Polybus and Queen Merope as their own. Oedipus learned from the oracle at Delphi of the prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother but, unaware of his true parentage, believed he was fated to murder Polybus and marry Merope, so left for Thebes. On his way he met an older man and quarrelled, and Oedipus killed the stranger. Continuing on to Thebes, he found that the king of the city (Laius) had been recently killed, and that the city was at the mercy of the Sphinx. Oedipus answered the monster's riddle correctly, defeating it and winning the throne of the dead king - and the hand in marriage of the king's widow, (and unbeknownst to him), his mother Jocasta.