var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Aksel Jakobsen, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - GEM 2021
Message from Aksel Jakobsen, State Secretary for International Development for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
published: 16 Jul 2021
Mr Hans Olav Ibrekk, Policy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture. New York, 24 September 2014. Find out more: http://www.climatesmartagriculture.org
published: 10 Oct 2014
'We have to be prepared,' Norway's foreign minister says of nuclear risks
Norway and its neighbors "have to be prepared" for rising nuclear risks, following Russia's decision to suspend its nuclear-arms treaty with the U.S., Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt tells CNBC.
published: 22 Feb 2023
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Path to a Circular Economy
Maria Varteressian, State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs delves into Norway's approach to embracing circular economy principles and transitioning from being a laggard in recycling to aiming for leadership. Despite Norway's abundant resources and potential for circular innovation, it currently operates with only 2.4% of its economy being circular. This presentation highlights the global need for a paradigm shift towards sustainable resource management and the crucial role of international cooperation, research, innovation, and government policies in achieving a circular economy. With an urgent call to action due to the approaching environmental tipping points, Maria outlines Norway's strategies for decarbonization, reducing waste, and enhancing recycling, promising u...
published: 11 Apr 2024
Bellona at COP26: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and USAID event
published: 06 Nov 2021
Børge Brende: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
CSIS hosts a Special Advisory Board Meeting.
Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
published: 14 Apr 2014
FIS2019 - Aksel Jakobsen - State secretary - Ministry of foreign affairs Norway
published: 05 Apr 2019
Bard Glad Pedersen | Remarks From the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bard Glad Pedersen's speech at the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at www.oslofreedomforum.com and follow @OsloFF for updates. The Oslo Freedom Forum is a global event series presented by the Human Rights Foundation (HRF).
Learn more about #OsloFreedomForum:
Website: https://oslofreedomforum.com
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/OsloFF
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osloff/
Join us in promoting freedom where it’s most at risk!
Donate today: https://hrf.org/?form=donate
published: 08 Jan 2015
Speech by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Speech on combatting marine debris and plastic waste as well as ensuring ocean sustainability by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
published: 12 Apr 2021
9 Evan Cambell Kittelsen Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sustainability criteria for GMO approval and WTO -- a Norwegian governmental perspective.
Evan Campbell Kittelsen, Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
published: 17 Sep 2012
Aksel Jakobsen, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - GEM 2021
Message from Aksel Jakobsen, State Secretary for International Development for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Message from Aksel Jakobsen, State Secretary for International Development for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Message from Aksel Jakobsen, State Secretary for International Development for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- published: 16 Jul 2021
- views: 60
Mr Hans Olav Ibrekk, Policy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture. New York, 24 September 2014. Find out more: http://www.climatesmartagriculture.org
Inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture. New York, 24 September 2014. Find out more: http://www.climatesmartagriculture.org
Inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture. New York, 24 September 2014. Find out more: http://www.climatesmartagriculture.org
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 158
'We have to be prepared,' Norway's foreign minister says of nuclear risks
Norway and its neighbors "have to be prepared" for rising nuclear risks, following Russia's decision to suspend its nuclear-arms treaty with the U.S., Norwegian...
Norway and its neighbors "have to be prepared" for rising nuclear risks, following Russia's decision to suspend its nuclear-arms treaty with the U.S., Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt tells CNBC.
Norway and its neighbors "have to be prepared" for rising nuclear risks, following Russia's decision to suspend its nuclear-arms treaty with the U.S., Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt tells CNBC.
- published: 22 Feb 2023
- views: 511
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Path to a Circular Economy
Maria Varteressian, State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs delves into Norway's approach to embracing circular economy principles and tran...
Maria Varteressian, State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs delves into Norway's approach to embracing circular economy principles and transitioning from being a laggard in recycling to aiming for leadership. Despite Norway's abundant resources and potential for circular innovation, it currently operates with only 2.4% of its economy being circular. This presentation highlights the global need for a paradigm shift towards sustainable resource management and the crucial role of international cooperation, research, innovation, and government policies in achieving a circular economy. With an urgent call to action due to the approaching environmental tipping points, Maria outlines Norway's strategies for decarbonization, reducing waste, and enhancing recycling, promising upcoming news from the Norwegian government. Discover how Norway is striving to overcome challenges and contribute to a sustainable, circular future, illustrating the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration and domestic follow-through on international environmental commitments.
Maria Varteressian, State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs delves into Norway's approach to embracing circular economy principles and transitioning from being a laggard in recycling to aiming for leadership. Despite Norway's abundant resources and potential for circular innovation, it currently operates with only 2.4% of its economy being circular. This presentation highlights the global need for a paradigm shift towards sustainable resource management and the crucial role of international cooperation, research, innovation, and government policies in achieving a circular economy. With an urgent call to action due to the approaching environmental tipping points, Maria outlines Norway's strategies for decarbonization, reducing waste, and enhancing recycling, promising upcoming news from the Norwegian government. Discover how Norway is striving to overcome challenges and contribute to a sustainable, circular future, illustrating the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration and domestic follow-through on international environmental commitments.
- published: 11 Apr 2024
- views: 76
Børge Brende: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
CSIS hosts a Special Advisory Board Meeting.
Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
CSIS hosts a Special Advisory Board Meeting.
Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
CSIS hosts a Special Advisory Board Meeting.
Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 1458
Bard Glad Pedersen | Remarks From the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bard Glad Pedersen's speech at the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at www.oslofreedomforum.com and follow @OsloFF for updates. The Oslo Freedo...
Bard Glad Pedersen's speech at the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at www.oslofreedomforum.com and follow @OsloFF for updates. The Oslo Freedom Forum is a global event series presented by the Human Rights Foundation (HRF).
Learn more about #OsloFreedomForum:
Website: https://oslofreedomforum.com
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/OsloFF
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osloff/
Join us in promoting freedom where it’s most at risk!
Donate today: https://hrf.org/?form=donate
Bard Glad Pedersen's speech at the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at www.oslofreedomforum.com and follow @OsloFF for updates. The Oslo Freedom Forum is a global event series presented by the Human Rights Foundation (HRF).
Learn more about #OsloFreedomForum:
Website: https://oslofreedomforum.com
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/OsloFF
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osloff/
Join us in promoting freedom where it’s most at risk!
Donate today: https://hrf.org/?form=donate
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 123
Speech by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Speech on combatting marine debris and plastic waste as well as ensuring ocean sustainability by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Af...
Speech on combatting marine debris and plastic waste as well as ensuring ocean sustainability by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
Speech on combatting marine debris and plastic waste as well as ensuring ocean sustainability by Mr. Jens Frølich Holte, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
- published: 12 Apr 2021
- views: 106
9 Evan Cambell Kittelsen Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sustainability criteria for GMO approval and WTO -- a Norwegian governmental perspective.
Evan Campbell Kittelsen, Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of...
Sustainability criteria for GMO approval and WTO -- a Norwegian governmental perspective.
Evan Campbell Kittelsen, Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sustainability criteria for GMO approval and WTO -- a Norwegian governmental perspective.
Evan Campbell Kittelsen, Director Trade Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 109
Bonus: The World of Trump 2.0 | Foreign Affairs Interview
Earlier this week, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, ushering in a new era of uncertainty at home and abroad.
In a special bonus episode, Foreign Affairs Editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan spoke with Daniel Drezner and Kori Schake on Wednesday, November 6, about what the world might expect from a second Trump term—on everything from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to China and alliances, to trade and immigration.
Daniel Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University. Kori Schake, director of defense and foreign policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, has served in senior jobs in the Defense Department, the State Department, and on the National Security Council. They reflect on the lessons of Trump’s first term and whether,...
published: 08 Nov 2024
Robert Pape: The Return of Political Violence | Foreign Affairs Interview
If there’s a thread that connects unsettling trends across domestic and international affairs today, it’s the return of forms of violence that we once thought were more or less obsolete. That’s true of the return of political violence in the United States. It’s also true of the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
Robert Pape is a political scientist at the University of Chicago and the founding director of the Chicago Project on Security & Threats. He has made a career of studying these types of violence—whether carried out by American extremists, by suicide bombers, or by Russian or Israeli fighter jets. In a series of pieces in Foreign Affairs, he explains why all of these phenomena are likely to endure—including, in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, with what he calls an era of...
published: 07 Nov 2024
Beverly Gage: What Trump and the American Right See in Foreign Autocrats | Foreign Affairs Interview
When Donald Trump praises foreign dictators—from Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un to Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin—the typical reaction is shock and dismay. But in fact, Beverly Gage points out in a recent essay (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/autocratic-allure-beverly-gage) in Foreign Affairs, such admiration is not uncommon in American politics. And Trump’s embrace of overseas autocrats is just one of the unsettling features of American civic life today that has a more prominent place in U.S. history than most observers would like to think.
Gage, a historian at Yale, has written extensively about contemporary U.S. politics, ideology, and social movements, and is the author of G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century. She spoke with Foreign Affairs senior editor...
published: 24 Oct 2024
Stephen Kotkin: Russia’s Murky Future | Foreign Affairs Interview
When Russia botched its invasion of Ukraine and the West quickly came together in support of Kyiv, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power appeared shakier than ever. Last summer, an attempted coup even seemed to threaten his rule. But today, Putin looks confident. With battlefield progress in Ukraine and political turmoil ahead of the U.S. election in November, there’s reason to think things are turning in his favor.
The historian Stephen Kotkin joins us to discuss what this means for Russia’s future—and how the United States can be ready for whatever that future holds. Kotkin is the Kleinheinz Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is the author of the forthcoming book Stalin: Totalitarian Superpower, 1941–1990s, the last in his three-volume biograph...
published: 02 May 2024
Lawrence Wong on US and Singapore elections and foreign relations | Full press conference
Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong held a press conference on Nov 8, addressing questions from the media about foreign relations and Singapore's next Budget, as well as the next general election. He was asked about implications of the outcome of the US presidential election, as well as the impact of Mr Lee Hsien Yang's allegations on Singapore's ties with the UK. Read more: https://cna.asia/40xM1aF
Subscribe to our channel here: https://cna.asia/youtubesub
00:00 Opening remarks
05:09 Q&A on how a more contested world affects Singapore
07:33 Q&A on EBRC, timing of next GE, Budget 2025
09:18 Q&A on how US election results could affect China and Singapore
12:57 Q&A on whether Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s claims could affect Singapore-UK relations
15:10 Q&A on India-Singapore relations
16:38 Q&A...
published: 08 Nov 2024
What Are the Real Rules of International Relations?
There are a handful of ideas about how international politics work—about war and peace, order and disorder, interdependence and insecurity—that have consumed scholars for hundreds of years. At Foreign Affairs, we wanted to take a fresh look at these old chestnuts of international relations theory and explain what we know about them now, and how they influence policy.
Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses the theoretical arguments that underpin today’s geopolitical debates with:
Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Professor and Munk Chair in Global India at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto and a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Stephen G. Brooks, Professor of Government at Dartmouth College and a Guest Profes...
published: 24 Oct 2024
What Is Foreign Policy?
Foreign policy is how a country uses different strategies to guide its relationships with other countries and international organizations.
This means that foreign policy is made up of different global issues, relationships with other countries, and even domestic politics. The foreign policy of the U.S. government may change between different presidential administrations. However, the guiding principles of U.S. foreign policy remain constant: promotion of security, democracy, prosperity, and development in the United States and around the world.
In this video, learn more about how security, democracy, prosperity, and development inform U.S. foreign policy decisions.
Want to use this video in your classroom? Find supplementary resources like vocabulary lists, worksheets, and more here:...
published: 27 Mar 2023
Ben Rhodes: Biden, Trump, and Washington’s Wishful Thinking | Foreign Affairs Interview
The stakes of a second Trump term are very clear to Ben Rhodes, who served for eight years as one of Barack Obama’s closest advisers on national security. “Trump’s blend of strongman nationalism and isolationism could create a permission structure for aggression,” Rhodes writes in a new piece (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/biden-foreign-policy-world-rhodes) for Foreign Affairs.
Today, Rhodes is a co-host of the podcast Pod Save the World and the author of After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made (https://www.amazon.com/After-Fall-Being-American-World/dp/1984856057) . From 2009 to 2017, he served as U.S. deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and speechwriting in the Obama administration.
Rhodes is as clear-eyed about the achievements ...
published: 27 Jun 2024
What Donald Trump's win means for Ukraine, Middle East, Russia and UK | BBC News
Donald Trump’s return to the White House is set to reshape US foreign policy, promising potentially radical shifts on multiple fronts as war and uncertainty grip parts of the world.
During his campaign, Trump made broad policy pledges, often lacking specific details, based on principles of non-interventionism and trade protectionism - or as he puts it “America First”.
His victory signals one of the most significant potential disruptions in many years in Washington’s approach to foreign affairs in the midst of parallel crises.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#US #Election #BBCNews
published: 06 Nov 2024
Kori Schake: What Republican Foreign Policy Gets Wrong | Foreign Affairs Interview
As the U.S. presidential election swings into high gear, speculation about a second-term Trump foreign policy is also becoming more intense. Would he push radical changes to policy on China, or Ukraine, or the war in Gaza? Can his campaign promises be taken at face value? Would he be reined in—by staff, Congress, or his own aversion to risk?
Kori Schake has been one of Trump’s fiercest critics among Republican foreign policy hands. Schake is a senior fellow and director of foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of Safe Passage: The Transition From British to American Hegemony (https://www.amazon.com/Safe-Passage-Transition-American-Hegemony/dp/0674975073#:~:text=Over%20this%20period%2C%20Safe%20Passage,and%20different%20from%20other%20nati...
published: 15 Aug 2024
Bonus: The World of Trump 2.0 | Foreign Affairs Interview
Earlier this week, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, ushering in a new era of uncertainty at home and abroad.
In a special...
Earlier this week, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, ushering in a new era of uncertainty at home and abroad.
In a special bonus episode, Foreign Affairs Editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan spoke with Daniel Drezner and Kori Schake on Wednesday, November 6, about what the world might expect from a second Trump term—on everything from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to China and alliances, to trade and immigration.
Daniel Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University. Kori Schake, director of defense and foreign policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, has served in senior jobs in the Defense Department, the State Department, and on the National Security Council. They reflect on the lessons of Trump’s first term and whether, this time, he will take his “America first” agenda even further.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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Earlier this week, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, ushering in a new era of uncertainty at home and abroad.
In a special bonus episode, Foreign Affairs Editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan spoke with Daniel Drezner and Kori Schake on Wednesday, November 6, about what the world might expect from a second Trump term—on everything from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to China and alliances, to trade and immigration.
Daniel Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University. Kori Schake, director of defense and foreign policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, has served in senior jobs in the Defense Department, the State Department, and on the National Security Council. They reflect on the lessons of Trump’s first term and whether, this time, he will take his “America first” agenda even further.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
Subscribe to the rest of our free newsletters here:
- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 18361
Robert Pape: The Return of Political Violence | Foreign Affairs Interview
If there’s a thread that connects unsettling trends across domestic and international affairs today, it’s the return of forms of violence that we once thought w...
If there’s a thread that connects unsettling trends across domestic and international affairs today, it’s the return of forms of violence that we once thought were more or less obsolete. That’s true of the return of political violence in the United States. It’s also true of the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
Robert Pape is a political scientist at the University of Chicago and the founding director of the Chicago Project on Security & Threats. He has made a career of studying these types of violence—whether carried out by American extremists, by suicide bombers, or by Russian or Israeli fighter jets. In a series of pieces in Foreign Affairs, he explains why all of these phenomena are likely to endure—including, in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, with what he calls an era of violent populism here at home.
He spoke with Foreign Affairs editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan on October 30 about the resurgence of these forms of violence—and the consequences for the United States and the world.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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If there’s a thread that connects unsettling trends across domestic and international affairs today, it’s the return of forms of violence that we once thought were more or less obsolete. That’s true of the return of political violence in the United States. It’s also true of the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
Robert Pape is a political scientist at the University of Chicago and the founding director of the Chicago Project on Security & Threats. He has made a career of studying these types of violence—whether carried out by American extremists, by suicide bombers, or by Russian or Israeli fighter jets. In a series of pieces in Foreign Affairs, he explains why all of these phenomena are likely to endure—including, in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, with what he calls an era of violent populism here at home.
He spoke with Foreign Affairs editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan on October 30 about the resurgence of these forms of violence—and the consequences for the United States and the world.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
Subscribe to the rest of our free newsletters here:
- published: 07 Nov 2024
- views: 2475
Beverly Gage: What Trump and the American Right See in Foreign Autocrats | Foreign Affairs Interview
When Donald Trump praises foreign dictators—from Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un to Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin—the typical reaction is shock and dismay. But in ...
When Donald Trump praises foreign dictators—from Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un to Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin—the typical reaction is shock and dismay. But in fact, Beverly Gage points out in a recent essay (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/autocratic-allure-beverly-gage) in Foreign Affairs, such admiration is not uncommon in American politics. And Trump’s embrace of overseas autocrats is just one of the unsettling features of American civic life today that has a more prominent place in U.S. history than most observers would like to think.
Gage, a historian at Yale, has written extensively about contemporary U.S. politics, ideology, and social movements, and is the author of G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century. She spoke with Foreign Affairs senior editor Kanishk Tharoor on October 17 about the historical parallels that help us understand today’s fraught politics—as well as what set this moment apart.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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When Donald Trump praises foreign dictators—from Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un to Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin—the typical reaction is shock and dismay. But in fact, Beverly Gage points out in a recent essay (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/autocratic-allure-beverly-gage) in Foreign Affairs, such admiration is not uncommon in American politics. And Trump’s embrace of overseas autocrats is just one of the unsettling features of American civic life today that has a more prominent place in U.S. history than most observers would like to think.
Gage, a historian at Yale, has written extensively about contemporary U.S. politics, ideology, and social movements, and is the author of G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century. She spoke with Foreign Affairs senior editor Kanishk Tharoor on October 17 about the historical parallels that help us understand today’s fraught politics—as well as what set this moment apart.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
Subscribe to the rest of our free newsletters here:
- published: 24 Oct 2024
- views: 9767
Stephen Kotkin: Russia’s Murky Future | Foreign Affairs Interview
When Russia botched its invasion of Ukraine and the West quickly came together in support of Kyiv, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power appeared sha...
When Russia botched its invasion of Ukraine and the West quickly came together in support of Kyiv, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power appeared shakier than ever. Last summer, an attempted coup even seemed to threaten his rule. But today, Putin looks confident. With battlefield progress in Ukraine and political turmoil ahead of the U.S. election in November, there’s reason to think things are turning in his favor.
The historian Stephen Kotkin joins us to discuss what this means for Russia’s future—and how the United States can be ready for whatever that future holds. Kotkin is the Kleinheinz Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is the author of the forthcoming book Stalin: Totalitarian Superpower, 1941–1990s, the last in his three-volume biography of the Soviet leader.
“The Five Futures of Russia” by Stephen Kotkin
“The Talks That Could Have Ended the War in Ukraine” by Samuel Charap and Sergey Radchenko
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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When Russia botched its invasion of Ukraine and the West quickly came together in support of Kyiv, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power appeared shakier than ever. Last summer, an attempted coup even seemed to threaten his rule. But today, Putin looks confident. With battlefield progress in Ukraine and political turmoil ahead of the U.S. election in November, there’s reason to think things are turning in his favor.
The historian Stephen Kotkin joins us to discuss what this means for Russia’s future—and how the United States can be ready for whatever that future holds. Kotkin is the Kleinheinz Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is the author of the forthcoming book Stalin: Totalitarian Superpower, 1941–1990s, the last in his three-volume biography of the Soviet leader.
“The Five Futures of Russia” by Stephen Kotkin
“The Talks That Could Have Ended the War in Ukraine” by Samuel Charap and Sergey Radchenko
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
Subscribe to the rest of our free newsletters here:
- published: 02 May 2024
- views: 329655
Lawrence Wong on US and Singapore elections and foreign relations | Full press conference
Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong held a press conference on Nov 8, addressing questions from the media about foreign relations and Singapore's next Budget...
Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong held a press conference on Nov 8, addressing questions from the media about foreign relations and Singapore's next Budget, as well as the next general election. He was asked about implications of the outcome of the US presidential election, as well as the impact of Mr Lee Hsien Yang's allegations on Singapore's ties with the UK. Read more: https://cna.asia/40xM1aF
Subscribe to our channel here: https://cna.asia/youtubesub
00:00 Opening remarks
05:09 Q&A on how a more contested world affects Singapore
07:33 Q&A on EBRC, timing of next GE, Budget 2025
09:18 Q&A on how US election results could affect China and Singapore
12:57 Q&A on whether Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s claims could affect Singapore-UK relations
15:10 Q&A on India-Singapore relations
16:38 Q&A on how new Trump administration could affect multilateralism
17:58 Q&A on how US election can be used as learning lessons for Singaporeans
19:40 Q&A on implications of high tariffs from the US
26:17 Q&A on SG60
28:34 Q&A on how ready PM Wong’s team is for general election
29:20 Q&A on plans to address residents’ concerns
32:12 Q&A on election preparation
34:01 Q&A on preventing racial and social tensions spilling over from the US
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Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong held a press conference on Nov 8, addressing questions from the media about foreign relations and Singapore's next Budget, as well as the next general election. He was asked about implications of the outcome of the US presidential election, as well as the impact of Mr Lee Hsien Yang's allegations on Singapore's ties with the UK. Read more: https://cna.asia/40xM1aF
Subscribe to our channel here: https://cna.asia/youtubesub
00:00 Opening remarks
05:09 Q&A on how a more contested world affects Singapore
07:33 Q&A on EBRC, timing of next GE, Budget 2025
09:18 Q&A on how US election results could affect China and Singapore
12:57 Q&A on whether Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s claims could affect Singapore-UK relations
15:10 Q&A on India-Singapore relations
16:38 Q&A on how new Trump administration could affect multilateralism
17:58 Q&A on how US election can be used as learning lessons for Singaporeans
19:40 Q&A on implications of high tariffs from the US
26:17 Q&A on SG60
28:34 Q&A on how ready PM Wong’s team is for general election
29:20 Q&A on plans to address residents’ concerns
32:12 Q&A on election preparation
34:01 Q&A on preventing racial and social tensions spilling over from the US
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- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 85291
What Are the Real Rules of International Relations?
There are a handful of ideas about how international politics work—about war and peace, order and disorder, interdependence and insecurity—that have consumed sc...
There are a handful of ideas about how international politics work—about war and peace, order and disorder, interdependence and insecurity—that have consumed scholars for hundreds of years. At Foreign Affairs, we wanted to take a fresh look at these old chestnuts of international relations theory and explain what we know about them now, and how they influence policy.
Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses the theoretical arguments that underpin today’s geopolitical debates with:
Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Professor and Munk Chair in Global India at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto and a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Stephen G. Brooks, Professor of Government at Dartmouth College and a Guest Professor at Stockholm University.
Tanisha M. Fazal, Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota.
This discussion was recorded on October 23, 2024.
Additional Resources
"The Most Dangerous Game" by Manjari Chatterjee Miller
"The Trade Truce?" by Stephen G. Brooks
"The Power of Principles" by Tanisha M. Fazal
"The Credibility Trap" by Keren Yarhi-Milo
"Fear Factor" by Charles L. Glaser
"Why They Don’t Fight" by Michael Doyle
There are a handful of ideas about how international politics work—about war and peace, order and disorder, interdependence and insecurity—that have consumed scholars for hundreds of years. At Foreign Affairs, we wanted to take a fresh look at these old chestnuts of international relations theory and explain what we know about them now, and how they influence policy.
Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses the theoretical arguments that underpin today’s geopolitical debates with:
Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Professor and Munk Chair in Global India at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto and a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Stephen G. Brooks, Professor of Government at Dartmouth College and a Guest Professor at Stockholm University.
Tanisha M. Fazal, Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota.
This discussion was recorded on October 23, 2024.
Additional Resources
"The Most Dangerous Game" by Manjari Chatterjee Miller
"The Trade Truce?" by Stephen G. Brooks
"The Power of Principles" by Tanisha M. Fazal
"The Credibility Trap" by Keren Yarhi-Milo
"Fear Factor" by Charles L. Glaser
"Why They Don’t Fight" by Michael Doyle
- published: 24 Oct 2024
- views: 5279
What Is Foreign Policy?
Foreign policy is how a country uses different strategies to guide its relationships with other countries and international organizations.
This means that for...
Foreign policy is how a country uses different strategies to guide its relationships with other countries and international organizations.
This means that foreign policy is made up of different global issues, relationships with other countries, and even domestic politics. The foreign policy of the U.S. government may change between different presidential administrations. However, the guiding principles of U.S. foreign policy remain constant: promotion of security, democracy, prosperity, and development in the United States and around the world.
In this video, learn more about how security, democracy, prosperity, and development inform U.S. foreign policy decisions.
Want to use this video in your classroom? Find supplementary resources like vocabulary lists, worksheets, and more here: https://diplomacy.state.gov/teacher-resources/what-is-foreign-policy-video/
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Foreign policy is how a country uses different strategies to guide its relationships with other countries and international organizations.
This means that foreign policy is made up of different global issues, relationships with other countries, and even domestic politics. The foreign policy of the U.S. government may change between different presidential administrations. However, the guiding principles of U.S. foreign policy remain constant: promotion of security, democracy, prosperity, and development in the United States and around the world.
In this video, learn more about how security, democracy, prosperity, and development inform U.S. foreign policy decisions.
Want to use this video in your classroom? Find supplementary resources like vocabulary lists, worksheets, and more here: https://diplomacy.state.gov/teacher-resources/what-is-foreign-policy-video/
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- published: 27 Mar 2023
- views: 72686
Ben Rhodes: Biden, Trump, and Washington’s Wishful Thinking | Foreign Affairs Interview
The stakes of a second Trump term are very clear to Ben Rhodes, who served for eight years as one of Barack Obama’s closest advisers on national security. “Trum...
The stakes of a second Trump term are very clear to Ben Rhodes, who served for eight years as one of Barack Obama’s closest advisers on national security. “Trump’s blend of strongman nationalism and isolationism could create a permission structure for aggression,” Rhodes writes in a new piece (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/biden-foreign-policy-world-rhodes) for Foreign Affairs.
Today, Rhodes is a co-host of the podcast Pod Save the World and the author of After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made (https://www.amazon.com/After-Fall-Being-American-World/dp/1984856057) . From 2009 to 2017, he served as U.S. deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and speechwriting in the Obama administration.
Rhodes is as clear-eyed about the achievements and failures of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy. If Biden does win a second term, Rhodes argues, he should set out a new strategy—one that takes the world as it is, not as Washington wishes it would be.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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The stakes of a second Trump term are very clear to Ben Rhodes, who served for eight years as one of Barack Obama’s closest advisers on national security. “Trump’s blend of strongman nationalism and isolationism could create a permission structure for aggression,” Rhodes writes in a new piece (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/biden-foreign-policy-world-rhodes) for Foreign Affairs.
Today, Rhodes is a co-host of the podcast Pod Save the World and the author of After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made (https://www.amazon.com/After-Fall-Being-American-World/dp/1984856057) . From 2009 to 2017, he served as U.S. deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and speechwriting in the Obama administration.
Rhodes is as clear-eyed about the achievements and failures of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy. If Biden does win a second term, Rhodes argues, he should set out a new strategy—one that takes the world as it is, not as Washington wishes it would be.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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- published: 27 Jun 2024
- views: 18415
What Donald Trump's win means for Ukraine, Middle East, Russia and UK | BBC News
Donald Trump’s return to the White House is set to reshape US foreign policy, promising potentially radical shifts on multiple fronts as war and uncertainty gri...
Donald Trump’s return to the White House is set to reshape US foreign policy, promising potentially radical shifts on multiple fronts as war and uncertainty grip parts of the world.
During his campaign, Trump made broad policy pledges, often lacking specific details, based on principles of non-interventionism and trade protectionism - or as he puts it “America First”.
His victory signals one of the most significant potential disruptions in many years in Washington’s approach to foreign affairs in the midst of parallel crises.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#US #Election #BBCNews
Donald Trump’s return to the White House is set to reshape US foreign policy, promising potentially radical shifts on multiple fronts as war and uncertainty grip parts of the world.
During his campaign, Trump made broad policy pledges, often lacking specific details, based on principles of non-interventionism and trade protectionism - or as he puts it “America First”.
His victory signals one of the most significant potential disruptions in many years in Washington’s approach to foreign affairs in the midst of parallel crises.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#US #Election #BBCNews
- published: 06 Nov 2024
- views: 519491
Kori Schake: What Republican Foreign Policy Gets Wrong | Foreign Affairs Interview
As the U.S. presidential election swings into high gear, speculation about a second-term Trump foreign policy is also becoming more intense. Would he push radic...
As the U.S. presidential election swings into high gear, speculation about a second-term Trump foreign policy is also becoming more intense. Would he push radical changes to policy on China, or Ukraine, or the war in Gaza? Can his campaign promises be taken at face value? Would he be reined in—by staff, Congress, or his own aversion to risk?
Kori Schake has been one of Trump’s fiercest critics among Republican foreign policy hands. Schake is a senior fellow and director of foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of Safe Passage: The Transition From British to American Hegemony (https://www.amazon.com/Safe-Passage-Transition-American-Hegemony/dp/0674975073#:~:text=Over%20this%20period%2C%20Safe%20Passage,and%20different%20from%20other%20nations.).
She served on the National Security Council and in the U.S. State Department under President George W. Bush. Yet even while warning of the consequences of a second Trump term, she shares the view that U.S. foreign policy needs to change—to align with what she calls a new conservative internationalism that would invest in American strength without neglecting the rest of the world.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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As the U.S. presidential election swings into high gear, speculation about a second-term Trump foreign policy is also becoming more intense. Would he push radical changes to policy on China, or Ukraine, or the war in Gaza? Can his campaign promises be taken at face value? Would he be reined in—by staff, Congress, or his own aversion to risk?
Kori Schake has been one of Trump’s fiercest critics among Republican foreign policy hands. Schake is a senior fellow and director of foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of Safe Passage: The Transition From British to American Hegemony (https://www.amazon.com/Safe-Passage-Transition-American-Hegemony/dp/0674975073#:~:text=Over%20this%20period%2C%20Safe%20Passage,and%20different%20from%20other%20nations.).
She served on the National Security Council and in the U.S. State Department under President George W. Bush. Yet even while warning of the consequences of a second Trump term, she shares the view that U.S. foreign policy needs to change—to align with what she calls a new conservative internationalism that would invest in American strength without neglecting the rest of the world.
You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at https://www.foreignaffairs.com/podcasts/foreign-affairs-interview.
Never miss an episode. Sign up for the Foreign Affairs Interview newsletter, delivered every other Thursday:
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- published: 15 Aug 2024
- views: 7455
Bootsie And Snudge S01E03
I believe this to be the third episode but I may be wrong. Enjoy.
published: 27 Jan 2017
How Each Bootsie and Snudge Cast Member Died
In this retrospective video, we delve into the beloved British sitcom "Bootsie and Snudge." Originally airing from 1960 to 1963, this comedy series captured the hearts of the audience with its dynamic characters and comedic situations, set in the fictional Imperial Club in London.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Alfie Bass
02:10 - Bill Fraser
03:48 - Clive Dunn
05:25 - Robert Dorning
06:36 - Geoffrey Palmer
08:46 - Outro
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We'll start by giving you a glimpse into the show's background and its unique charm. Then, we'll introduce you to the major cast members who brought thes...
published: 06 Jul 2023
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
published: 29 Oct 2023
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
published: 03 Mar 2024
Opening and closing to Bootsie And Snudge (1950s)
r.i.p Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser
get well guys
published: 04 Dec 2021
I'm a big fan of Diane Langton so when this went missing from youtube I uploaded my copy of this Rag Trade Untransmitted Pilot from 1975
Diane Langton (born 31 May 1947 ) is an English actress and singer, most notable for playing Nana McQueen in Hollyoaks from 2007 to 2009, and then again from 2012.
She has appeared in numerous TV shows. In Only Fools and Horses in the 1980s she played June Snell, a former girlfriend of Del Boy. She also appeared in The Rag Trade as Kathy Roberts, EastEnders as Cindy Beale's mother Bev Williams, in Heartbeat as Ruby Rowan, Nick Berry's character's mother, and as a prostitute in an episode of Joking Apart.
Her other notable TV appearances have included Alas Smith and Jones, Bergerac, Minder, Carry On Laughing and The Bill. She also had her own TV special c...
published: 10 Jan 2020
Billy Bunter Of Greyfriars School [1956] 1/4
S03E01 1956-09-09 Backing Up Bunter, from VHS 2000
published: 09 Oct 2014
Minder 80s TV 1988 SE7 EP2 - It's a Sorry Lorry Morrie
Minder 80s tv programme starring George Cole & Dennis Waterman.
Terry goes into panic mode when he finds himself facing the prospect of another stint in prison after the police stake-out a stolen van full of electrical items that he has collected for Arthur. Meanwhile, Arthur has his own preoccupations, especially as his used-car business remains dead.
published: 09 Jan 2022
The Controversial Episodes of Dad’s Army That Will Never Air Again
Dad's Army" remains a true sitcom classic that continues to entertain audiences today, more than 50 years after it first aired. Its clever writing, talented cast, and unique blend of humor and history have cemented its place in television history.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - The Lost Episodes
02:52 - Controversy
04:35 - How the Sitcom Was Created
06:17 - The Show Was Initially Not Well-Received
06:57 - The Show Had Two Sequels
07:53 - Just One Original Cast Member Is Still Living
08:33 - Outro
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As we continue to look back on the show with fondness, we remember the impa...
published: 29 Mar 2023
The Clitheroe Kid 5.
For entertainment purposes only. Please note I do not own nor claim to own any copyrights attached to this media. Commercial gain is neither sought nor received.
published: 22 Sep 2018
Bootsie And Snudge S01E03
I believe this to be the third episode but I may be wrong. Enjoy.
I believe this to be the third episode but I may be wrong. Enjoy.
I believe this to be the third episode but I may be wrong. Enjoy.
- published: 27 Jan 2017
- views: 128181
How Each Bootsie and Snudge Cast Member Died
In this retrospective video, we delve into the beloved British sitcom "Bootsie and Snudge." Originally airing from 1960 to 1963, this comedy series captured the...
In this retrospective video, we delve into the beloved British sitcom "Bootsie and Snudge." Originally airing from 1960 to 1963, this comedy series captured the hearts of the audience with its dynamic characters and comedic situations, set in the fictional Imperial Club in London.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Alfie Bass
02:10 - Bill Fraser
03:48 - Clive Dunn
05:25 - Robert Dorning
06:36 - Geoffrey Palmer
08:46 - Outro
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We'll start by giving you a glimpse into the show's background and its unique charm. Then, we'll introduce you to the major cast members who brought these unforgettable characters to life: Alfie Bass, who portrayed the easy-going and naive Bootsie Bisley; Bill Fraser, who played the pompous and often confused Claude Snudge; Clive Dunn, the lovable bartender; and Robert Dorning, who perfectly depicted the stiff club secretary. These actors lent their talents to create a show that's remembered even decades after its original run.
Our journey won't stop at just introducing these characters. We'll take you through the lives of these talented actors, recounting their experiences on and off the set of "Bootsie and Snudge." We'll explore their individual paths in the entertainment industry, significant roles outside the show, and how they influenced the British sitcom genre.
The latter part of the video will be a heartfelt tribute to these extraordinary actors. We'll explore the circumstances of their passing, the legacy they left behind, and how they continue to live on through their memorable performances. In doing so, we hope to remember them not just as characters on a screen, but as gifted actors who significantly contributed to the golden age of British television.
Join Facts Verse UK as we pay homage to the actors of "Bootsie and Snudge" and remember their invaluable contributions to the world of entertainment.
How Each Bootsie and Snudge Cast Member Died
In this retrospective video, we delve into the beloved British sitcom "Bootsie and Snudge." Originally airing from 1960 to 1963, this comedy series captured the hearts of the audience with its dynamic characters and comedic situations, set in the fictional Imperial Club in London.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Alfie Bass
02:10 - Bill Fraser
03:48 - Clive Dunn
05:25 - Robert Dorning
06:36 - Geoffrey Palmer
08:46 - Outro
Like this content? Subscribe here:
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We'll start by giving you a glimpse into the show's background and its unique charm. Then, we'll introduce you to the major cast members who brought these unforgettable characters to life: Alfie Bass, who portrayed the easy-going and naive Bootsie Bisley; Bill Fraser, who played the pompous and often confused Claude Snudge; Clive Dunn, the lovable bartender; and Robert Dorning, who perfectly depicted the stiff club secretary. These actors lent their talents to create a show that's remembered even decades after its original run.
Our journey won't stop at just introducing these characters. We'll take you through the lives of these talented actors, recounting their experiences on and off the set of "Bootsie and Snudge." We'll explore their individual paths in the entertainment industry, significant roles outside the show, and how they influenced the British sitcom genre.
The latter part of the video will be a heartfelt tribute to these extraordinary actors. We'll explore the circumstances of their passing, the legacy they left behind, and how they continue to live on through their memorable performances. In doing so, we hope to remember them not just as characters on a screen, but as gifted actors who significantly contributed to the golden age of British television.
Join Facts Verse UK as we pay homage to the actors of "Bootsie and Snudge" and remember their invaluable contributions to the world of entertainment.
How Each Bootsie and Snudge Cast Member Died
- published: 06 Jul 2023
- views: 11295
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three se...
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2023, All cast died tragically After 63 Years!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
- published: 29 Oct 2023
- views: 3381
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three ser...
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
Bootsie And Snudge (1960) Cast THEN AND NOW 2024 Sadly, The Entire Cast Died Tragically!!
Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV for three series from 1960 to 1963, with a fourth in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.
- published: 03 Mar 2024
- views: 2311
I'm a big fan of Diane Langton so when this went missing from youtube I uploaded my copy of this Rag Trade Untransmitted Pilot from 1975
Diane Langton (born 31...
I'm a big fan of Diane Langton so when this went missing from youtube I uploaded my copy of this Rag Trade Untransmitted Pilot from 1975
Diane Langton (born 31 May 1947 ) is an English actress and singer, most notable for playing Nana McQueen in Hollyoaks from 2007 to 2009, and then again from 2012.
She has appeared in numerous TV shows. In Only Fools and Horses in the 1980s she played June Snell, a former girlfriend of Del Boy. She also appeared in The Rag Trade as Kathy Roberts, EastEnders as Cindy Beale's mother Bev Williams, in Heartbeat as Ruby Rowan, Nick Berry's character's mother, and as a prostitute in an episode of Joking Apart.
Her other notable TV appearances have included Alas Smith and Jones, Bergerac, Minder, Carry On Laughing and The Bill. She also had her own TV special called Let There Be Langton.
She played Private Alice Easy in the 1976 film Carry On England and has worked on radio as well.
The Rag Trade is a British television sitcom broadcast by the BBC between 1961 and 1963 and by LWT between 1977 and 1978.
The scripts were by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, who later wrote Wild, Wild Women, Meet the Wife and On the Buses. Wild, Wild Women was a period variation of The Rag Trade.
The action centred on a fictional small clothing workshop (the title is a reference to the textile industry), Fenner's Fashions in London. Although run by Harold Fenner (Peter Jones) and the foreman and pattern cutter Reg Turner (Reg Varney), the female workers are led by militant shop steward Paddy Fleming (Miriam Karlin), ever ready to strike, with the catchphrase "Everybody out!" Other cast members included Sheila Hancock (as Carole Taylor), Esma Cannon (as Lily Swann), Wanda Ventham (as Shirley) in series 2 and Barbara Windsor (as Gloria, during series 1, who later returned as Judy in series 3) replacing Sheila Hancock.
In 1975, THIS colour pilot was made, with only Peter Jones reprising his role, this colour pilot featured a young Tony Robinson (replacing Reg Varney), Gaye Brown (briefly replacing Karlin), Jumoke Debayo, Diane Langton, Annabel Leventon, Jamila Massey, Mollie Maureen (replacing Esma Cannon) and Trixie Scales.
The theme tune for this colour pilot was performed by Alex Welsh and his Band, however, this was never transmitted, as the BBC rejected the colour revival of the series.
Two years later, the series was later revived by ITV company LWT, with Jones and Karlin reprising their roles. The 1977–78 version ran for two series, most of the scripts being based on the BBC episodes from the 1960s, and featured Anna Karen (reprising her role as Olive from On the Buses) and future EastEnders star Gillian Taylforth as factory workers.
MTRudeBoy claims no rights to sound or vision
I'm a big fan of Diane Langton so when this went missing from youtube I uploaded my copy of this Rag Trade Untransmitted Pilot from 1975
Diane Langton (born 31 May 1947 ) is an English actress and singer, most notable for playing Nana McQueen in Hollyoaks from 2007 to 2009, and then again from 2012.
She has appeared in numerous TV shows. In Only Fools and Horses in the 1980s she played June Snell, a former girlfriend of Del Boy. She also appeared in The Rag Trade as Kathy Roberts, EastEnders as Cindy Beale's mother Bev Williams, in Heartbeat as Ruby Rowan, Nick Berry's character's mother, and as a prostitute in an episode of Joking Apart.
Her other notable TV appearances have included Alas Smith and Jones, Bergerac, Minder, Carry On Laughing and The Bill. She also had her own TV special called Let There Be Langton.
She played Private Alice Easy in the 1976 film Carry On England and has worked on radio as well.
The Rag Trade is a British television sitcom broadcast by the BBC between 1961 and 1963 and by LWT between 1977 and 1978.
The scripts were by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, who later wrote Wild, Wild Women, Meet the Wife and On the Buses. Wild, Wild Women was a period variation of The Rag Trade.
The action centred on a fictional small clothing workshop (the title is a reference to the textile industry), Fenner's Fashions in London. Although run by Harold Fenner (Peter Jones) and the foreman and pattern cutter Reg Turner (Reg Varney), the female workers are led by militant shop steward Paddy Fleming (Miriam Karlin), ever ready to strike, with the catchphrase "Everybody out!" Other cast members included Sheila Hancock (as Carole Taylor), Esma Cannon (as Lily Swann), Wanda Ventham (as Shirley) in series 2 and Barbara Windsor (as Gloria, during series 1, who later returned as Judy in series 3) replacing Sheila Hancock.
In 1975, THIS colour pilot was made, with only Peter Jones reprising his role, this colour pilot featured a young Tony Robinson (replacing Reg Varney), Gaye Brown (briefly replacing Karlin), Jumoke Debayo, Diane Langton, Annabel Leventon, Jamila Massey, Mollie Maureen (replacing Esma Cannon) and Trixie Scales.
The theme tune for this colour pilot was performed by Alex Welsh and his Band, however, this was never transmitted, as the BBC rejected the colour revival of the series.
Two years later, the series was later revived by ITV company LWT, with Jones and Karlin reprising their roles. The 1977–78 version ran for two series, most of the scripts being based on the BBC episodes from the 1960s, and featured Anna Karen (reprising her role as Olive from On the Buses) and future EastEnders star Gillian Taylforth as factory workers.
MTRudeBoy claims no rights to sound or vision
- published: 10 Jan 2020
- views: 76067
Minder 80s TV 1988 SE7 EP2 - It's a Sorry Lorry Morrie
Minder 80s tv programme starring George Cole & Dennis Waterman.
Terry goes into panic mode when he finds himself facing the prospect of another stint in prison ...
Minder 80s tv programme starring George Cole & Dennis Waterman.
Terry goes into panic mode when he finds himself facing the prospect of another stint in prison after the police stake-out a stolen van full of electrical items that he has collected for Arthur. Meanwhile, Arthur has his own preoccupations, especially as his used-car business remains dead.
Minder 80s tv programme starring George Cole & Dennis Waterman.
Terry goes into panic mode when he finds himself facing the prospect of another stint in prison after the police stake-out a stolen van full of electrical items that he has collected for Arthur. Meanwhile, Arthur has his own preoccupations, especially as his used-car business remains dead.
- published: 09 Jan 2022
- views: 141328
The Controversial Episodes of Dad’s Army That Will Never Air Again
Dad's Army" remains a true sitcom classic that continues to entertain audiences today, more than 50 years after it first aired. Its clever writing, talented cas...
Dad's Army" remains a true sitcom classic that continues to entertain audiences today, more than 50 years after it first aired. Its clever writing, talented cast, and unique blend of humor and history have cemented its place in television history.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - The Lost Episodes
02:52 - Controversy
04:35 - How the Sitcom Was Created
06:17 - The Show Was Initially Not Well-Received
06:57 - The Show Had Two Sequels
07:53 - Just One Original Cast Member Is Still Living
08:33 - Outro
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As we continue to look back on the show with fondness, we remember the impact it had on British culture and the world at large. Its legacy continues to inspire new generations of writers and actors, and its influence can still be seen in many modern comedies. Like some true classics, Dad's Army had a shaky start. Set during World War II, it followed the exploits of a group of volunteer soldiers tasked with defending the fictional town of Walmington-on-Sea from a potential German invasion.
Despite its shaky start, the show became a massive success and a cultural phenomenon in Britain. Nevertheless, the show became immensely popular, capturing the imagination of the British public.
However, it also had its fair share of controversy among the new generation.
The popular British sitcom, which first aired in 1968, caused controversy in 2021 when it was shown on the BBC. A warning was issued to viewers stating that the show contained "discriminatory language," which led to backlash from fans of the show. Many took to social media to express their outrage at the warning, with some questioning what lines were deemed discriminatory. The controversy prompted a BBC spokesperson to clarify that the warning was due to a specific remark that was made during the show.
While its controversy may or may not be remembered in the history of the show's reruns, the story of its lost episodes will not be forgotten. Although it is unfortunate that these episodes were lost; the fact that they were recreated is a testament to this classic comedy series' enduring popularity and cultural significance.
The Controversial Episodes of Dad’s Army That Will Never Air Again
Dad's Army" remains a true sitcom classic that continues to entertain audiences today, more than 50 years after it first aired. Its clever writing, talented cast, and unique blend of humor and history have cemented its place in television history.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - The Lost Episodes
02:52 - Controversy
04:35 - How the Sitcom Was Created
06:17 - The Show Was Initially Not Well-Received
06:57 - The Show Had Two Sequels
07:53 - Just One Original Cast Member Is Still Living
08:33 - Outro
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As we continue to look back on the show with fondness, we remember the impact it had on British culture and the world at large. Its legacy continues to inspire new generations of writers and actors, and its influence can still be seen in many modern comedies. Like some true classics, Dad's Army had a shaky start. Set during World War II, it followed the exploits of a group of volunteer soldiers tasked with defending the fictional town of Walmington-on-Sea from a potential German invasion.
Despite its shaky start, the show became a massive success and a cultural phenomenon in Britain. Nevertheless, the show became immensely popular, capturing the imagination of the British public.
However, it also had its fair share of controversy among the new generation.
The popular British sitcom, which first aired in 1968, caused controversy in 2021 when it was shown on the BBC. A warning was issued to viewers stating that the show contained "discriminatory language," which led to backlash from fans of the show. Many took to social media to express their outrage at the warning, with some questioning what lines were deemed discriminatory. The controversy prompted a BBC spokesperson to clarify that the warning was due to a specific remark that was made during the show.
While its controversy may or may not be remembered in the history of the show's reruns, the story of its lost episodes will not be forgotten. Although it is unfortunate that these episodes were lost; the fact that they were recreated is a testament to this classic comedy series' enduring popularity and cultural significance.
The Controversial Episodes of Dad’s Army That Will Never Air Again
- published: 29 Mar 2023
- views: 321798
The Clitheroe Kid 5.
For entertainment purposes only. Please note I do not own nor claim to own any copyrights attached to this media. Commercial gain is neither sought nor received...
For entertainment purposes only. Please note I do not own nor claim to own any copyrights attached to this media. Commercial gain is neither sought nor received.
For entertainment purposes only. Please note I do not own nor claim to own any copyrights attached to this media. Commercial gain is neither sought nor received.
- published: 22 Sep 2018
- views: 20105