A programming language uses an evaluation strategy to determine when to evaluate the argument(s) of a function call (for function, also read: operation, method, or relation) and what kind of value to pass to the function. For example, call-by-value/pass-by-reference specifies that a function application evaluates the argument before it proceeds to the evaluation of the function's body and that it passes two capabilities to the function, namely, the ability to look up the current value of the argument and to modify it via an assignment statement. The notion of reduction strategy in lambda calculus is similar but distinct.
In practical terms, many modern programming languages have converged on a call-by-value, pass-by-reference strategy for function calls (C#, Java). Some older languages, especially unsafe languages such as C++, combine several notions of parameter passing. Historically, call-by-value and call-by-name date back to ALGOL 60, a language designed in the late 1950s. Call-by-reference is used by PL/I and some Fortran systems. Purely functional languages like Haskell, as well as non-purely functional languages like R, use by-need.
A strict function in the denotational semantics of programming languages is a functionf where . The entity , called bottom, denotes an expression which does not return a normal value, either because it loops endlessly or because it aborts due to an error such as division by zero. A function which is not strict is called non-strict. A strict programming language is one in which user-defined functions are always strict.
Intuitively, non-strict functions correspond to control structures. Operationally, a strict function is one which always evaluates its argument; a non-strict function is one which may not evaluate some of its arguments. Functions having more than one parameter may be strict or non-strict in each parameter independently, as well as jointly strict in several parameters simultaneously.
As an example, the if-then-else expression of many programming languages may be thought of as a function of three parameters. This function is strict in its first parameter, since the function must know whether its first argument evaluates to true or to false before it can return; but it is non-strict in its second parameter, because (for example) if(false,,1) = 1, as well as non-strict in its third parameter, because (for example) if(true,2,) = 2. However, it is jointly strict in its second and third parameters, since if(true,,) = and if(false,,) = .
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional programming for separating two concerns: how you generate a value from whether/when you actually generate it. We look at the two different kinds of laziness and the benefits it gives you.
►► Audio, Video, and Transcript available: https://lispcast.com/what-is-lazy-evaluation/
►► Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thoughts-on-functional-programming-podcast-by-eric/id1364166414
What is lazy evaluation? By the end of this episode, you'll know the two kinds of laziness and how they can help you optimize your code. My name is Eric Normand and I help people thrive with functional programming.
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional languages. It doesn't have to be just for functional languages,...
published: 25 Apr 2019
Strict & Lazy Evaluation
published: 03 Nov 2020
Evaluation Strategies for Programming Languages
Final Project for Principles of Programming Languages (CSCI 3155) at CU Boulder.
Joshua Anderson
Izaak Weiss
Alex Curtiss
published: 11 Dec 2016
[OOPSLA] Checking Equivalence in a Non-strict Language
Program equivalence checking is the task of confirming that two programs have the same behavior on corresponding inputs. We develop a calculus based on symbolic execution and coinduction to check the equivalence of programs in a non-strict functional language. Additionally, we show that our calculus can be used to derive counterexamples for pairs of inequivalent programs, including counterexamples that arise from non-termination. We describe a fully automated approach for finding both equivalence proofs and counterexamples. Our implementation, Nebula, proves equivalences of programs written in Haskell. We demonstrate Nebula's practical effectiveness at both proving equivalence and producing counterexamples automatically by applying Nebula to existing benchmark properties.
published: 13 Apr 2023
Lazy vs Strict Evaluation in Haskell
In this video we dive into how all of haskell is lazily evaluated by default, what that means, and why this concept is so powerful in program development which use Monoids.
published: 11 Nov 2022
Working Hard to Keep Things Lazy by Raichoo
When coming to Haskell from another programming language there are a lot of things that appear to be quite odd at first glance. One of these things is the non-strict evaluation strategy. Dreaded by some and loved by others, this might be one of the most controversial features of this programming language. In this talk, Raichoo will shed some light on the why and how of laziness and how GHC achieves it, as well as some interesting optimization techniques that the compiler performs to reduce some of the overhead that is introduced by it.
About Raichoo:
Raichoo has been fascinated by programming for nearly 25 years now and currently obsessed with functional programming, category theory, and type theory. He’s working in the industry using Haskell as one of his main programming languages to ...
published: 26 Oct 2016
How and Why to use "Use Strict" in JavaScript | What is "use strict" in JavaScript
Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the "use strict" directive—what it is, how to use it, and why it’s essential for writing clean, secure, and error-free code.
✅ What You'll Learn:
What is "use strict" in JavaScript and how it works.
Step-by-step guide to enabling "use strict" globally or locally.
Real-world examples demonstrating common errors "use strict" prevents.
The advantages of using "use strict" for better coding practices.
💡 Key Examples in This Video:
1️⃣ Preventing undeclared variables.
2️⃣ Avoiding duplicate function parameters.
3️⃣ Making eval safer and more predictable.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding "use strict" is a game-changer for writing optimized JavaScript code.
Read BLOG about...
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional programming for separating two concerns: how you generate a value from whether/when you actually generate it...
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional programming for separating two concerns: how you generate a value from whether/when you actually generate it. We look at the two different kinds of laziness and the benefits it gives you.
►► Audio, Video, and Transcript available: https://lispcast.com/what-is-lazy-evaluation/
►► Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thoughts-on-functional-programming-podcast-by-eric/id1364166414
What is lazy evaluation? By the end of this episode, you'll know the two kinds of laziness and how they can help you optimize your code. My name is Eric Normand and I help people thrive with functional programming.
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional languages. It doesn't have to be just for functional languages, but often it is used because functional languages have a nice referential transparency property. That means that you can do the lazy evaluation optimization and it doesn't affect anything. It doesn't have any side effects, basically.
If you don't have side effects, it's much easier to do lazy evaluation. It's not only for that. There is a "Referential Transparency" episode and also a "Side Effects" episode. Go watch those. Listen to those if you are unfamiliar with those terms.
What is lazy evaluation, first of all? Basically, it's don't evaluate what you never need to. If you never need a value, why are you running the expression?
Why are you running that code that generates the value if you're never going to need it? Then once you do evaluate it and you need it two times, don't evaluate it a second time. Just save the answer and use it again.
Another way to put it is if you have some code, you either run it zero times, like you don't run it, or you run it one time if you do need it. It's an optimization. You don't run stuff you don't need, and then when you do run it, you only run it once.
It's also called call-by-need because you only call it if you need it. That's another term that you might hear somewhere. It's sometimes called delayed evaluation because you're not running it where it is in the program, like where the line of code is. It's not like you're executing them straight through.
If it's lazy, you only are going to execute that when you need it. When your program proves that it needs that value, that's when it's gets run, so it's delayed. The evaluation doesn't happen here, it happens sometime later when you actually need it.
The opposite of it is strict or eager evaluation. Strict meaning it's just very strict rule. Like just evaluate one thing at a time right down in order. Eager, this is the opposite of lazy. Evaluate everything, whether we need it are not. It's eager.
You could do a double negative, I guess, that lazy evaluation is non-strict evaluation. It's a type of non-strict evaluation. Anyway, those are all the terms.
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional programming for separating two concerns: how you generate a value from whether/when you actually generate it. We look at the two different kinds of laziness and the benefits it gives you.
►► Audio, Video, and Transcript available: https://lispcast.com/what-is-lazy-evaluation/
►► Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thoughts-on-functional-programming-podcast-by-eric/id1364166414
What is lazy evaluation? By the end of this episode, you'll know the two kinds of laziness and how they can help you optimize your code. My name is Eric Normand and I help people thrive with functional programming.
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional languages. It doesn't have to be just for functional languages, but often it is used because functional languages have a nice referential transparency property. That means that you can do the lazy evaluation optimization and it doesn't affect anything. It doesn't have any side effects, basically.
If you don't have side effects, it's much easier to do lazy evaluation. It's not only for that. There is a "Referential Transparency" episode and also a "Side Effects" episode. Go watch those. Listen to those if you are unfamiliar with those terms.
What is lazy evaluation, first of all? Basically, it's don't evaluate what you never need to. If you never need a value, why are you running the expression?
Why are you running that code that generates the value if you're never going to need it? Then once you do evaluate it and you need it two times, don't evaluate it a second time. Just save the answer and use it again.
Another way to put it is if you have some code, you either run it zero times, like you don't run it, or you run it one time if you do need it. It's an optimization. You don't run stuff you don't need, and then when you do run it, you only run it once.
It's also called call-by-need because you only call it if you need it. That's another term that you might hear somewhere. It's sometimes called delayed evaluation because you're not running it where it is in the program, like where the line of code is. It's not like you're executing them straight through.
If it's lazy, you only are going to execute that when you need it. When your program proves that it needs that value, that's when it's gets run, so it's delayed. The evaluation doesn't happen here, it happens sometime later when you actually need it.
The opposite of it is strict or eager evaluation. Strict meaning it's just very strict rule. Like just evaluate one thing at a time right down in order. Eager, this is the opposite of lazy. Evaluate everything, whether we need it are not. It's eager.
You could do a double negative, I guess, that lazy evaluation is non-strict evaluation. It's a type of non-strict evaluation. Anyway, those are all the terms.
Program equivalence checking is the task of confirming that two programs have the same behavior on corresponding inputs. We develop a calculus based on symbolic...
Program equivalence checking is the task of confirming that two programs have the same behavior on corresponding inputs. We develop a calculus based on symbolic execution and coinduction to check the equivalence of programs in a non-strict functional language. Additionally, we show that our calculus can be used to derive counterexamples for pairs of inequivalent programs, including counterexamples that arise from non-termination. We describe a fully automated approach for finding both equivalence proofs and counterexamples. Our implementation, Nebula, proves equivalences of programs written in Haskell. We demonstrate Nebula's practical effectiveness at both proving equivalence and producing counterexamples automatically by applying Nebula to existing benchmark properties.
Program equivalence checking is the task of confirming that two programs have the same behavior on corresponding inputs. We develop a calculus based on symbolic execution and coinduction to check the equivalence of programs in a non-strict functional language. Additionally, we show that our calculus can be used to derive counterexamples for pairs of inequivalent programs, including counterexamples that arise from non-termination. We describe a fully automated approach for finding both equivalence proofs and counterexamples. Our implementation, Nebula, proves equivalences of programs written in Haskell. We demonstrate Nebula's practical effectiveness at both proving equivalence and producing counterexamples automatically by applying Nebula to existing benchmark properties.
In this video we dive into how all of haskell is lazily evaluated by default, what that means, and why this concept is so powerful in program development which ...
In this video we dive into how all of haskell is lazily evaluated by default, what that means, and why this concept is so powerful in program development which use Monoids.
In this video we dive into how all of haskell is lazily evaluated by default, what that means, and why this concept is so powerful in program development which use Monoids.
When coming to Haskell from another programming language there are a lot of things that appear to be quite odd at first glance. One of these things is the non-s...
When coming to Haskell from another programming language there are a lot of things that appear to be quite odd at first glance. One of these things is the non-strict evaluation strategy. Dreaded by some and loved by others, this might be one of the most controversial features of this programming language. In this talk, Raichoo will shed some light on the why and how of laziness and how GHC achieves it, as well as some interesting optimization techniques that the compiler performs to reduce some of the overhead that is introduced by it.
About Raichoo:
Raichoo has been fascinated by programming for nearly 25 years now and currently obsessed with functional programming, category theory, and type theory. He’s working in the industry using Haskell as one of his main programming languages to write everything from web-applications to parsers and compilers as well giving workshops about functional programming.
About Lambda World:
The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon.
Join in on the conversation at http://www.twitter.com/lambda_world and http://www.twitter.com/47deg using #LambdaWorld.
Stay tuned to http://www.lambda.world and http://www.47deg.com for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
When coming to Haskell from another programming language there are a lot of things that appear to be quite odd at first glance. One of these things is the non-strict evaluation strategy. Dreaded by some and loved by others, this might be one of the most controversial features of this programming language. In this talk, Raichoo will shed some light on the why and how of laziness and how GHC achieves it, as well as some interesting optimization techniques that the compiler performs to reduce some of the overhead that is introduced by it.
About Raichoo:
Raichoo has been fascinated by programming for nearly 25 years now and currently obsessed with functional programming, category theory, and type theory. He’s working in the industry using Haskell as one of his main programming languages to write everything from web-applications to parsers and compilers as well giving workshops about functional programming.
About Lambda World:
The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon.
Join in on the conversation at http://www.twitter.com/lambda_world and http://www.twitter.com/47deg using #LambdaWorld.
Stay tuned to http://www.lambda.world and http://www.47deg.com for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the "use strict" directive—what it is, how to use it, and why it’s essenti...
Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the "use strict" directive—what it is, how to use it, and why it’s essential for writing clean, secure, and error-free code.
✅ What You'll Learn:
What is "use strict" in JavaScript and how it works.
Step-by-step guide to enabling "use strict" globally or locally.
Real-world examples demonstrating common errors "use strict" prevents.
The advantages of using "use strict" for better coding practices.
💡 Key Examples in This Video:
1️⃣ Preventing undeclared variables.
2️⃣ Avoiding duplicate function parameters.
3️⃣ Making eval safer and more predictable.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding "use strict" is a game-changer for writing optimized JavaScript code.
Read BLOG about it: https://codewithdrzeeshanbhatti.com/use-strict-in-javascript/
Learn Coding with Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti on Learn with W3Schools channel
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Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the "use strict" directive—what it is, how to use it, and why it’s essential for writing clean, secure, and error-free code.
✅ What You'll Learn:
What is "use strict" in JavaScript and how it works.
Step-by-step guide to enabling "use strict" globally or locally.
Real-world examples demonstrating common errors "use strict" prevents.
The advantages of using "use strict" for better coding practices.
💡 Key Examples in This Video:
1️⃣ Preventing undeclared variables.
2️⃣ Avoiding duplicate function parameters.
3️⃣ Making eval safer and more predictable.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding "use strict" is a game-changer for writing optimized JavaScript code.
Read BLOG about it: https://codewithdrzeeshanbhatti.com/use-strict-in-javascript/
Learn Coding with Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti on Learn with W3Schools channel
🌟 🚀 Watch Full More Course 🌟
👉C# in 10 Days - Full Course Playlist
👉Java Full Course in 5 Hours using W3Schools | W3Schools Java Tutorial
👉 CSS Full Course in 5 Hour | ULTIMATE CSS Course For Absolute Beginners https://youtu.be/Hy_lhmeHF8I
👉 JavaScript in 1 Hour using W3Schools Website | W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial https://youtu.be/fkMAAWMQHS4
👉 HTML Coding 101 - HTML in 1 Hour https://youtu.be/xefjOFGbh0I
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Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional programming for separating two concerns: how you generate a value from whether/when you actually generate it. We look at the two different kinds of laziness and the benefits it gives you.
►► Audio, Video, and Transcript available: https://lispcast.com/what-is-lazy-evaluation/
►► Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thoughts-on-functional-programming-podcast-by-eric/id1364166414
What is lazy evaluation? By the end of this episode, you'll know the two kinds of laziness and how they can help you optimize your code. My name is Eric Normand and I help people thrive with functional programming.
Lazy evaluation is a common technique in functional languages. It doesn't have to be just for functional languages, but often it is used because functional languages have a nice referential transparency property. That means that you can do the lazy evaluation optimization and it doesn't affect anything. It doesn't have any side effects, basically.
If you don't have side effects, it's much easier to do lazy evaluation. It's not only for that. There is a "Referential Transparency" episode and also a "Side Effects" episode. Go watch those. Listen to those if you are unfamiliar with those terms.
What is lazy evaluation, first of all? Basically, it's don't evaluate what you never need to. If you never need a value, why are you running the expression?
Why are you running that code that generates the value if you're never going to need it? Then once you do evaluate it and you need it two times, don't evaluate it a second time. Just save the answer and use it again.
Another way to put it is if you have some code, you either run it zero times, like you don't run it, or you run it one time if you do need it. It's an optimization. You don't run stuff you don't need, and then when you do run it, you only run it once.
It's also called call-by-need because you only call it if you need it. That's another term that you might hear somewhere. It's sometimes called delayed evaluation because you're not running it where it is in the program, like where the line of code is. It's not like you're executing them straight through.
If it's lazy, you only are going to execute that when you need it. When your program proves that it needs that value, that's when it's gets run, so it's delayed. The evaluation doesn't happen here, it happens sometime later when you actually need it.
The opposite of it is strict or eager evaluation. Strict meaning it's just very strict rule. Like just evaluate one thing at a time right down in order. Eager, this is the opposite of lazy. Evaluate everything, whether we need it are not. It's eager.
You could do a double negative, I guess, that lazy evaluation is non-strict evaluation. It's a type of non-strict evaluation. Anyway, those are all the terms.
Program equivalence checking is the task of confirming that two programs have the same behavior on corresponding inputs. We develop a calculus based on symbolic execution and coinduction to check the equivalence of programs in a non-strict functional language. Additionally, we show that our calculus can be used to derive counterexamples for pairs of inequivalent programs, including counterexamples that arise from non-termination. We describe a fully automated approach for finding both equivalence proofs and counterexamples. Our implementation, Nebula, proves equivalences of programs written in Haskell. We demonstrate Nebula's practical effectiveness at both proving equivalence and producing counterexamples automatically by applying Nebula to existing benchmark properties.
In this video we dive into how all of haskell is lazily evaluated by default, what that means, and why this concept is so powerful in program development which use Monoids.
When coming to Haskell from another programming language there are a lot of things that appear to be quite odd at first glance. One of these things is the non-strict evaluation strategy. Dreaded by some and loved by others, this might be one of the most controversial features of this programming language. In this talk, Raichoo will shed some light on the why and how of laziness and how GHC achieves it, as well as some interesting optimization techniques that the compiler performs to reduce some of the overhead that is introduced by it.
About Raichoo:
Raichoo has been fascinated by programming for nearly 25 years now and currently obsessed with functional programming, category theory, and type theory. He’s working in the industry using Haskell as one of his main programming languages to write everything from web-applications to parsers and compilers as well giving workshops about functional programming.
About Lambda World:
The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon.
Join in on the conversation at http://www.twitter.com/lambda_world and http://www.twitter.com/47deg using #LambdaWorld.
Stay tuned to http://www.lambda.world and http://www.47deg.com for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the "use strict" directive—what it is, how to use it, and why it’s essential for writing clean, secure, and error-free code.
✅ What You'll Learn:
What is "use strict" in JavaScript and how it works.
Step-by-step guide to enabling "use strict" globally or locally.
Real-world examples demonstrating common errors "use strict" prevents.
The advantages of using "use strict" for better coding practices.
💡 Key Examples in This Video:
1️⃣ Preventing undeclared variables.
2️⃣ Avoiding duplicate function parameters.
3️⃣ Making eval safer and more predictable.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding "use strict" is a game-changer for writing optimized JavaScript code.
Read BLOG about it: https://codewithdrzeeshanbhatti.com/use-strict-in-javascript/
Learn Coding with Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti on Learn with W3Schools channel
🌟 🚀 Watch Full More Course 🌟
👉C# in 10 Days - Full Course Playlist
👉Java Full Course in 5 Hours using W3Schools | W3Schools Java Tutorial
👉 CSS Full Course in 5 Hour | ULTIMATE CSS Course For Absolute Beginners https://youtu.be/Hy_lhmeHF8I
👉 JavaScript in 1 Hour using W3Schools Website | W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial https://youtu.be/fkMAAWMQHS4
👉 HTML Coding 101 - HTML in 1 Hour https://youtu.be/xefjOFGbh0I
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Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@LearnwithW3Schools
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@learnwithw3schools
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A programming language uses an evaluation strategy to determine when to evaluate the argument(s) of a function call (for function, also read: operation, method, or relation) and what kind of value to pass to the function. For example, call-by-value/pass-by-reference specifies that a function application evaluates the argument before it proceeds to the evaluation of the function's body and that it passes two capabilities to the function, namely, the ability to look up the current value of the argument and to modify it via an assignment statement. The notion of reduction strategy in lambda calculus is similar but distinct.
In practical terms, many modern programming languages have converged on a call-by-value, pass-by-reference strategy for function calls (C#, Java). Some older languages, especially unsafe languages such as C++, combine several notions of parameter passing. Historically, call-by-value and call-by-name date back to ALGOL 60, a language designed in the late 1950s. Call-by-reference is used by PL/I and some Fortran systems. Purely functional languages like Haskell, as well as non-purely functional languages like R, use by-need.
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