My Family is a British sitcom created and initially co-written by Fred Barron, which was produced by DLT Entertainment and Rude Boy Productions, and broadcast by BBC One for eleven series between 2000 and 2011, with Christmas specials broadcast from 2002 onwards. My Family was voted 24th in the BBC's "Britain's Best Sitcom" in 2004 and was the most watched sitcom in the United Kingdom in 2008. As of 2011, it is one of only twelve British sitcoms to pass the 100 episode mark.
Set in Chiswick in west London, it stars Robert Lindsay as Ben Harper, Zoë Wanamaker as his wife Susan, and Kris Marshall, Daniela Denby-Ashe, and Gabriel Thomson as their children Nick, Janey and Michael. Since the show’s debut, several characters have left and others have been introduced. The character of Janey left in 2002, then returned in 2004 and remained until the end. Kris Marshall's character, Nick, left in 2005 and returned for occasional brief guest appearances, though he was frequently mentioned by other characters. The character of Abi, as played by Siobhan Hayes, was introduced in 2002 and left in 2008. The characters of Roger and Alfie were introduced in 2003 and 2005, played by Keiron Self and Rhodri Meilir.
The second series of the BBC family sitcom My Family originally aired between 31 August and 30 November 2001. The second series was commissioned after good ratings from the first series. The opening episode, "All Roads Lead To Ramon", re-introduces the five main characters from the first series, with the addition of Brian, played by Kevin Bishop, who appeared in nearly every episode in the series. All thirteen episodes in series two are thirty minutes in length. The series was produced by Rude Boy Productions, a company that produces comedies created by Fred Barron. The series was filmed at Pinewood Studios in London, in front of a live audience.
Episode Information
Upon the success of appearing in a prime-time Friday evening slot, the second series was given the same slot for the majority of episodes. The series continued to be a hit with viewers, with the first episode of the series gaining 8.95 million viewers, the second highest rating for the week. The second series averaged 10.38 million viewers for each episode.
The tenth series of the BBC family sitcom My Family originally aired between 9 July 2010, and 27 August 2010, with a Christmas special that went to air on 24 December 2010. The series was commissioned following consistent ratings from the previous series. The opening episode, "Wheelie Ben", re-introduces the six main characters, with the addition of regular appearances from Kenzo Harper, played by Tayler Marshall. however, the character of Roger Bailey only made an appearance in the series finale. All episodes from the tenth series are thirty minutes in length, with the exception of the Christmas Special. The series was once again produced by Rude Boy Productions, a company that produces comedies created by Fred Barron. Unlike previous series of the show, which were filmed on a yearly basis, both Series 10 and 11 were filmed back-to-back. For the first time in the show's history, two episodes of the series remained unaired for some time. At the time of release, the DVD of the series contained two episodes that had yet to be broadcast on television. On 17 June 2011, one of these two episodes were aired, and the other is scheduled to air on 22 July 2011. The series averaged 4.55 million per episode, however managed to get over 6.00 million viewers for the Christmas Special.
My Family's Got Guts Aggro Bowl 2: (Final Part) McLean Dream Team vs. Green Machine on the Crag
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where McLean Dream Team takes on Green Machine on the Aggro Crag. The Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, and Webb Dynamite had the leaad after the first 3 events but they were eliminated beacuse they fell behind the other teams on the last event. Aired: October 10th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
published: 15 Mar 2010
My Family's Got GUTS Aggro Bowl 1: Cyclone Jones vs. Howlin Howells vs. Gahres G-Dogs Part 1
The Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where the 3 winning teams of the Prelims & the Semi Finals compete for the 3rd and final piece of the Crag. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
published: 22 Nov 2009
My Family's Got GUTS Season 1 Prelims: Sherry Storm vs. Chastain Charge Part 1
My Family's Got Guts episode 1 where the Sherry Storm takes on Chastain Charge first part, first aired September 15th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
published: 22 Oct 2009
My Family's Got GUTS Aggro Bowl 1: (Final Part) Cyclone Jones vs. Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where Cyclone Jones takes on the Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag. Since the Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, the Gahres G-Dogs were eliminated for comming in 3rd place after all 4 events. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
published: 23 Nov 2009
My Family's Got GUTS Opening
music and the logo. made by my friend
published: 29 Oct 2008
Behind the Scenes at My Family's Got GUTS - Nickelodeon
Behind the Scenes footage! To thank YOU for getting us to over 800 subscribers, we're taking you back to 2008! I had the honor of being the Teams Coordinator on "My Family's Got GUTS," the reboot of the iconic Nickelodeon sports game show "Nickelodeon GUTS." This was the final Nickelodeon production to tape at Universal Studios Florida.
First up, the official My Family's Got GUTS Training video that every team received before coming on the show. Then, we take you Behind the Scenes at Stage 23 (Extreme Arena) and Stage 24 (Aggro Crag) at Universal Studios Florida! Although Nickelodeon Studios had already been closed over 3 years, remnants of the old studios were still there (our rehearsal stage was Stage 19 inside Nickelodeon Studios!) You'll see that, original Nick Studios offices A...
published: 26 Jan 2021
My Family's Got GUTS Season 2 Prelims: Ballentine Bruisers vs. Burns Body Slam Part 1
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the Ballentine Bruisers take on the Burns Body Slam. Original Airdate: September 28th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
published: 05 Feb 2010
My Family's Got Guts - Intro (Widescreen 720p)
Intro to the Nickelodeon game show My Family's Got Guts in widescreen HD! No challenge to the ownership of the intellectual property is implied. Send me a message if you have season 2 in widescreen.
published: 16 Nov 2011
My Family's Got Guts Season 2 Prelims: A-Game Andersons vs. Smith Party of Six Part 1
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the A-Game Andersons take on the Smith Party of Six. Original Airdate: September 30th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
published: 05 Feb 2010
My Family's Got GUTS Season 1 Prelims: Rojo Grande vs. Eichen Splat Part 1
My Family's Got Guts episode 3 where the Rojo Grande takes on Eichen Splat first part, first aired September 17th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where McLean Dream Team takes on Green Machine on the Aggro Crag. The Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams...
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where McLean Dream Team takes on Green Machine on the Aggro Crag. The Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, and Webb Dynamite had the leaad after the first 3 events but they were eliminated beacuse they fell behind the other teams on the last event. Aired: October 10th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where McLean Dream Team takes on Green Machine on the Aggro Crag. The Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, and Webb Dynamite had the leaad after the first 3 events but they were eliminated beacuse they fell behind the other teams on the last event. Aired: October 10th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where the 3 winning teams of the Prelims & the Semi Finals compete for the 3rd and final piece of the Crag. Aired: Sep...
The Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where the 3 winning teams of the Prelims & the Semi Finals compete for the 3rd and final piece of the Crag. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where the 3 winning teams of the Prelims & the Semi Finals compete for the 3rd and final piece of the Crag. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 1 where the Sherry Storm takes on Chastain Charge first part, first aired September 15th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All ...
My Family's Got Guts episode 1 where the Sherry Storm takes on Chastain Charge first part, first aired September 15th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 1 where the Sherry Storm takes on Chastain Charge first part, first aired September 15th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where Cyclone Jones takes on the Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag. Since the Aggro Crag is only for ...
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where Cyclone Jones takes on the Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag. Since the Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, the Gahres G-Dogs were eliminated for comming in 3rd place after all 4 events. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where Cyclone Jones takes on the Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag. Since the Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, the Gahres G-Dogs were eliminated for comming in 3rd place after all 4 events. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
Behind the Scenes footage! To thank YOU for getting us to over 800 subscribers, we're taking you back to 2008! I had the honor of being the Teams Coordinator ...
Behind the Scenes footage! To thank YOU for getting us to over 800 subscribers, we're taking you back to 2008! I had the honor of being the Teams Coordinator on "My Family's Got GUTS," the reboot of the iconic Nickelodeon sports game show "Nickelodeon GUTS." This was the final Nickelodeon production to tape at Universal Studios Florida.
First up, the official My Family's Got GUTS Training video that every team received before coming on the show. Then, we take you Behind the Scenes at Stage 23 (Extreme Arena) and Stage 24 (Aggro Crag) at Universal Studios Florida! Although Nickelodeon Studios had already been closed over 3 years, remnants of the old studios were still there (our rehearsal stage was Stage 19 inside Nickelodeon Studios!) You'll see that, original Nick Studios offices AND MORE in this video.
This is content that I hold very close to my heart from a very special time in my life. I never thought I would release it, but now is the time!
Please follow Adam on Instagram @adamwurtzel and subscribe for more great content!
Behind the Scenes footage! To thank YOU for getting us to over 800 subscribers, we're taking you back to 2008! I had the honor of being the Teams Coordinator on "My Family's Got GUTS," the reboot of the iconic Nickelodeon sports game show "Nickelodeon GUTS." This was the final Nickelodeon production to tape at Universal Studios Florida.
First up, the official My Family's Got GUTS Training video that every team received before coming on the show. Then, we take you Behind the Scenes at Stage 23 (Extreme Arena) and Stage 24 (Aggro Crag) at Universal Studios Florida! Although Nickelodeon Studios had already been closed over 3 years, remnants of the old studios were still there (our rehearsal stage was Stage 19 inside Nickelodeon Studios!) You'll see that, original Nick Studios offices AND MORE in this video.
This is content that I hold very close to my heart from a very special time in my life. I never thought I would release it, but now is the time!
Please follow Adam on Instagram @adamwurtzel and subscribe for more great content!
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the Ballentine Bruisers take on the Burns Body Slam. Original Airdate: September 28th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I D...
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the Ballentine Bruisers take on the Burns Body Slam. Original Airdate: September 28th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the Ballentine Bruisers take on the Burns Body Slam. Original Airdate: September 28th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
Intro to the Nickelodeon game show My Family's Got Guts in widescreen HD! No challenge to the ownership of the intellectual property is implied. Send me a mes...
Intro to the Nickelodeon game show My Family's Got Guts in widescreen HD! No challenge to the ownership of the intellectual property is implied. Send me a message if you have season 2 in widescreen.
Intro to the Nickelodeon game show My Family's Got Guts in widescreen HD! No challenge to the ownership of the intellectual property is implied. Send me a message if you have season 2 in widescreen.
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the A-Game Andersons take on the Smith Party of Six. Original Airdate: September 30th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I D...
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the A-Game Andersons take on the Smith Party of Six. Original Airdate: September 30th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the A-Game Andersons take on the Smith Party of Six. Original Airdate: September 30th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 3 where the Rojo Grande takes on Eichen Splat first part, first aired September 17th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Righ...
My Family's Got Guts episode 3 where the Rojo Grande takes on Eichen Splat first part, first aired September 17th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 3 where the Rojo Grande takes on Eichen Splat first part, first aired September 17th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where McLean Dream Team takes on Green Machine on the Aggro Crag. The Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, and Webb Dynamite had the leaad after the first 3 events but they were eliminated beacuse they fell behind the other teams on the last event. Aired: October 10th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where the 3 winning teams of the Prelims & the Semi Finals compete for the 3rd and final piece of the Crag. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 1 where the Sherry Storm takes on Chastain Charge first part, first aired September 15th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
The final part of the Season finale of My Family's Got Guts where Cyclone Jones takes on the Howlin Howells on the Aggro Crag. Since the Aggro Crag is only for 2 teams, the Gahres G-Dogs were eliminated for comming in 3rd place after all 4 events. Aired: September 27th, 2008 on Nickelodeon. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
Behind the Scenes footage! To thank YOU for getting us to over 800 subscribers, we're taking you back to 2008! I had the honor of being the Teams Coordinator on "My Family's Got GUTS," the reboot of the iconic Nickelodeon sports game show "Nickelodeon GUTS." This was the final Nickelodeon production to tape at Universal Studios Florida.
First up, the official My Family's Got GUTS Training video that every team received before coming on the show. Then, we take you Behind the Scenes at Stage 23 (Extreme Arena) and Stage 24 (Aggro Crag) at Universal Studios Florida! Although Nickelodeon Studios had already been closed over 3 years, remnants of the old studios were still there (our rehearsal stage was Stage 19 inside Nickelodeon Studios!) You'll see that, original Nick Studios offices AND MORE in this video.
This is content that I hold very close to my heart from a very special time in my life. I never thought I would release it, but now is the time!
Please follow Adam on Instagram @adamwurtzel and subscribe for more great content!
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the Ballentine Bruisers take on the Burns Body Slam. Original Airdate: September 28th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
Intro to the Nickelodeon game show My Family's Got Guts in widescreen HD! No challenge to the ownership of the intellectual property is implied. Send me a message if you have season 2 in widescreen.
Season 2 of My Family's Got Guts where the A-Game Andersons take on the Smith Party of Six. Original Airdate: September 30th, 2009 on Nickelodeon Australia. I DO NOT OWN THIS! All Rights Reserved.
My Family's Got Guts episode 3 where the Rojo Grande takes on Eichen Splat first part, first aired September 17th, 2008. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS, All Rights Reserved.
My Family is a British sitcom created and initially co-written by Fred Barron, which was produced by DLT Entertainment and Rude Boy Productions, and broadcast by BBC One for eleven series between 2000 and 2011, with Christmas specials broadcast from 2002 onwards. My Family was voted 24th in the BBC's "Britain's Best Sitcom" in 2004 and was the most watched sitcom in the United Kingdom in 2008. As of 2011, it is one of only twelve British sitcoms to pass the 100 episode mark.
Set in Chiswick in west London, it stars Robert Lindsay as Ben Harper, Zoë Wanamaker as his wife Susan, and Kris Marshall, Daniela Denby-Ashe, and Gabriel Thomson as their children Nick, Janey and Michael. Since the show’s debut, several characters have left and others have been introduced. The character of Janey left in 2002, then returned in 2004 and remained until the end. Kris Marshall's character, Nick, left in 2005 and returned for occasional brief guest appearances, though he was frequently mentioned by other characters. The character of Abi, as played by Siobhan Hayes, was introduced in 2002 and left in 2008. The characters of Roger and Alfie were introduced in 2003 and 2005, played by Keiron Self and Rhodri Meilir.
Have you met my family Wouldn't take long to know them well Though they number from one to a million In this house we all dwell Say hello to Jo, she's a goddess And to Paul, he is a saint And Adam, he's from the forest And to Jane, all day she paints You ask me how I feel now Well I will tell you no lie Jessie, you bring the sunshine And you can see it in her eyes Johnny tends the garden And little David sows the seeds Our manna is from heaven He gives us all we need He is Peter He's a piper, yeah And they will never grow old So I bid you welcome Welcome brothers, yeah Welcome to the fold You ask me how I feel now Well I will tell you no lie Jessie, you bring the sunshine And you can see it in her eyes Johnny tends the garden And little David sows the seeds Our manna is from heaven