Doğu | 1. Sezon | 1. Bölüm
Komedyen olmak için yola çıktı, başlı başına komedi oldu.
Hayatını yoluna sokmaya ve çocukluk hayali olan komedyenliğin peşinden gitmeye çalışan Doğu’nun trajikomik hikayesini izlemeye hazır mısın? Başrollerinde Doğu Demirkol, Evliya Ayhan, Ege Kökenli, Kubilay Tunçer ve Banu Fotocan gibi isimlerin yer aldığı #Doğu, yeni sezonu öncesi ilk sezonun 1. Bölümüyle şimdi Youtube kanalımızda yayında! 💙
Doğu 1. Sezon 2. Bölüm: https://www.blutv.com/diziler/yerli/dogu/1-sezon/dogu-2-bolum-izle
Tüm Dizilerin Ücretsiz İlk Bölümleri: https://www.blutv.com/uye-olmadan-izle
#blutv #doğu
published: 08 Apr 2023
Doğu | 2. Sezon | 1. Bölüm
Katıldığı yetenek yarışmasından üç “Hayır”la dönen Doğu bundan sonra ne yapacağını bilemez bir halde boşluğa düşmüştür. Kendi evinde bile evsiz muamelesi görmekte, artık evdeki varlığı ailesinin gözüne batmaktadır. Onların baskısından kurtulmak için bir yandan iş görüşmelerine gitmekte, diğer yandan da komedyen olabilmek için zaman kazanmak adına yüksek lisans başvuruları yapmaktadır. Annesinin baskısıyla birlikte iş adamı dayısından yardım istemeye karar verir. Komedyen olma hayalleri içten içe devam etmektedir.
#doğu #doğudemirkol #blutv
published: 12 Oct 2024
The Dogu Explained but still Unexplained.
Thousands of ancient figurines, discovered throughout Japan, may be proof of Contact with Beings...not from this World. Discover the Evidence and uncover the Truth of the mysterious, DOGU.
Don't forget to Subscribe : http://www.youtube.com/c/MindApparent
Follow me On Facebook : @KoryJamesTalks
Follow me On Instagram : @Mindapparent
Please, let us know what you think of our videos. What could we do different? Are the videos too long or too short? Are the Topics engaging? Do you enjoy the videos or should we just pack it in and call it a day? Anything to help us Improve the Content and Grow the Channel. Thank You!
published: 26 Jun 2021
Doğu | 3. Sezon | Yakında Sadece GAİN'de! 🎈
GAİN Kanalına Abone Ol: https://bit.ly/3FV38GS 🎈
Doğu Demirkol’un başrolünü üstlendiği komedi dizisi “Doğu”nun üçüncü sezonu yakında sadece GAİN’de!
BKM Mutfak yapımı dizide, Doğu’nun hayatını sorgulama süreci; ekonomik zorluklar, ilişki çıkmazları ve aile içi çatışmalarla harmanlanarak muzip bir dille izleyiciye aktarılıyor.
#Doğu 3. sezonuyla yakında sadece GAİN’de! @bkmonline
GAİN içeriklerini izlemek için: https://www.gain.tv/kesfet
GAİN Nedir?
Yeni nesil dijital içerik ve medya platformu GAİN, istediğiniz zaman, istediğiniz yerden izleyebileceğiniz özgün haber, dizi, film, program, belgesel gibi içerikleri abonelik tabanlı sunan bir yayın hizmetidir. GAİN, özel içeriklere, farklı seslere, başka renklere, bağımsız hikâye formatlarına da yer vere...
published: 02 Jan 2025
Dogu - Episode 2 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 2
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
published: 19 Nov 2023
Dogu - Episode 4 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 4
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
published: 21 Nov 2023
Dogu - Episode 1 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 1
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
published: 18 Nov 2023
Dogu - Episode 5 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 5
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
published: 22 Nov 2023
Sivas'ta Gazze’ye ve Doğu Türkistan’a Destek Yürüyüşü
Sivas’ta Üniversite tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin öncülüğünde üniversite öğrencileri, İsrail’in Filistin’de başta hastanelere yönelik olmak üzere olmak üzere tüm saldırılarını kınadı.
#sivas #sondakika #filistin #yürüyüş #sivas #sağlık #kongre
Yayın Tarihi: 13-01-2025 09:31:00
Haber: https://haberoptimum.com/haber/23374573/sivasta-gazzeye-ve-dogu-turkistana-destek-yuruyusu
Sosyal Medya Bağlantılarımız:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haberoptimum58
Instagram: https://instagram.com/haberoptimum
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaberOptimum58
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SivasHaberOptimum
published: 13 Jan 2025
Dogu - Episode 8 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 8
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
published: 25 Nov 2023
Doğu | 1. Sezon | 1. Bölüm
Komedyen olmak için yola çıktı, başlı başına komedi oldu.
Hayatını yoluna sokmaya ve çocukluk hayali olan komedyenliğin peşinden gitmeye çalışan Doğu’nun trajik...
Komedyen olmak için yola çıktı, başlı başına komedi oldu.
Hayatını yoluna sokmaya ve çocukluk hayali olan komedyenliğin peşinden gitmeye çalışan Doğu’nun trajikomik hikayesini izlemeye hazır mısın? Başrollerinde Doğu Demirkol, Evliya Ayhan, Ege Kökenli, Kubilay Tunçer ve Banu Fotocan gibi isimlerin yer aldığı #Doğu, yeni sezonu öncesi ilk sezonun 1. Bölümüyle şimdi Youtube kanalımızda yayında! 💙
Doğu 1. Sezon 2. Bölüm: https://www.blutv.com/diziler/yerli/dogu/1-sezon/dogu-2-bolum-izle
Tüm Dizilerin Ücretsiz İlk Bölümleri: https://www.blutv.com/uye-olmadan-izle
#blutv #doğu
Komedyen olmak için yola çıktı, başlı başına komedi oldu.
Hayatını yoluna sokmaya ve çocukluk hayali olan komedyenliğin peşinden gitmeye çalışan Doğu’nun trajikomik hikayesini izlemeye hazır mısın? Başrollerinde Doğu Demirkol, Evliya Ayhan, Ege Kökenli, Kubilay Tunçer ve Banu Fotocan gibi isimlerin yer aldığı #Doğu, yeni sezonu öncesi ilk sezonun 1. Bölümüyle şimdi Youtube kanalımızda yayında! 💙
Doğu 1. Sezon 2. Bölüm: https://www.blutv.com/diziler/yerli/dogu/1-sezon/dogu-2-bolum-izle
Tüm Dizilerin Ücretsiz İlk Bölümleri: https://www.blutv.com/uye-olmadan-izle
#blutv #doğu
- published: 08 Apr 2023
- views: 1777448
Doğu | 2. Sezon | 1. Bölüm
Katıldığı yetenek yarışmasından üç “Hayır”la dönen Doğu bundan sonra ne yapacağını bilemez bir halde boşluğa düşmüştür. Kendi evinde bile evsiz muamelesi görmek...
Katıldığı yetenek yarışmasından üç “Hayır”la dönen Doğu bundan sonra ne yapacağını bilemez bir halde boşluğa düşmüştür. Kendi evinde bile evsiz muamelesi görmekte, artık evdeki varlığı ailesinin gözüne batmaktadır. Onların baskısından kurtulmak için bir yandan iş görüşmelerine gitmekte, diğer yandan da komedyen olabilmek için zaman kazanmak adına yüksek lisans başvuruları yapmaktadır. Annesinin baskısıyla birlikte iş adamı dayısından yardım istemeye karar verir. Komedyen olma hayalleri içten içe devam etmektedir.
#doğu #doğudemirkol #blutv
Katıldığı yetenek yarışmasından üç “Hayır”la dönen Doğu bundan sonra ne yapacağını bilemez bir halde boşluğa düşmüştür. Kendi evinde bile evsiz muamelesi görmekte, artık evdeki varlığı ailesinin gözüne batmaktadır. Onların baskısından kurtulmak için bir yandan iş görüşmelerine gitmekte, diğer yandan da komedyen olabilmek için zaman kazanmak adına yüksek lisans başvuruları yapmaktadır. Annesinin baskısıyla birlikte iş adamı dayısından yardım istemeye karar verir. Komedyen olma hayalleri içten içe devam etmektedir.
#doğu #doğudemirkol #blutv
- published: 12 Oct 2024
- views: 326509
The Dogu Explained but still Unexplained.
Thousands of ancient figurines, discovered throughout Japan, may be proof of Contact with Beings...not from this World. Discover the Evidence and uncover the Tr...
Thousands of ancient figurines, discovered throughout Japan, may be proof of Contact with Beings...not from this World. Discover the Evidence and uncover the Truth of the mysterious, DOGU.
Don't forget to Subscribe : http://www.youtube.com/c/MindApparent
Follow me On Facebook : @KoryJamesTalks
Follow me On Instagram : @Mindapparent
Please, let us know what you think of our videos. What could we do different? Are the videos too long or too short? Are the Topics engaging? Do you enjoy the videos or should we just pack it in and call it a day? Anything to help us Improve the Content and Grow the Channel. Thank You!
Thousands of ancient figurines, discovered throughout Japan, may be proof of Contact with Beings...not from this World. Discover the Evidence and uncover the Truth of the mysterious, DOGU.
Don't forget to Subscribe : http://www.youtube.com/c/MindApparent
Follow me On Facebook : @KoryJamesTalks
Follow me On Instagram : @Mindapparent
Please, let us know what you think of our videos. What could we do different? Are the videos too long or too short? Are the Topics engaging? Do you enjoy the videos or should we just pack it in and call it a day? Anything to help us Improve the Content and Grow the Channel. Thank You!
- published: 26 Jun 2021
- views: 2026
Doğu | 3. Sezon | Yakında Sadece GAİN'de! 🎈
GAİN Kanalına Abone Ol: https://bit.ly/3FV38GS 🎈
Doğu Demirkol’un başrolünü üstlendiği komedi dizisi “Doğu”nun üçüncü sezonu yakında sadece GAİN’de!
BKM Mutfa...
GAİN Kanalına Abone Ol: https://bit.ly/3FV38GS 🎈
Doğu Demirkol’un başrolünü üstlendiği komedi dizisi “Doğu”nun üçüncü sezonu yakında sadece GAİN’de!
BKM Mutfak yapımı dizide, Doğu’nun hayatını sorgulama süreci; ekonomik zorluklar, ilişki çıkmazları ve aile içi çatışmalarla harmanlanarak muzip bir dille izleyiciye aktarılıyor.
#Doğu 3. sezonuyla yakında sadece GAİN’de! @bkmonline
GAİN içeriklerini izlemek için: https://www.gain.tv/kesfet
GAİN Nedir?
Yeni nesil dijital içerik ve medya platformu GAİN, istediğiniz zaman, istediğiniz yerden izleyebileceğiniz özgün haber, dizi, film, program, belgesel gibi içerikleri abonelik tabanlı sunan bir yayın hizmetidir. GAİN, özel içeriklere, farklı seslere, başka renklere, bağımsız hikâye formatlarına da yer vererek “Şimdi ne izlesem?” sorusuna kaliteli alternatifler sunar.
GAİN’i indirmek için;
GAİN Akıllı TV uygulaması, Apple TV ve tüm Android TV destekleyen televizyonlardan, ayrıca Samsung ve LG App Gallery’den GAİN aratılarak indirilebilir.
#GAİN #Doğu #DoğuDemirkol
GAİN Kanalına Abone Ol: https://bit.ly/3FV38GS 🎈
Doğu Demirkol’un başrolünü üstlendiği komedi dizisi “Doğu”nun üçüncü sezonu yakında sadece GAİN’de!
BKM Mutfak yapımı dizide, Doğu’nun hayatını sorgulama süreci; ekonomik zorluklar, ilişki çıkmazları ve aile içi çatışmalarla harmanlanarak muzip bir dille izleyiciye aktarılıyor.
#Doğu 3. sezonuyla yakında sadece GAİN’de! @bkmonline
GAİN içeriklerini izlemek için: https://www.gain.tv/kesfet
GAİN Nedir?
Yeni nesil dijital içerik ve medya platformu GAİN, istediğiniz zaman, istediğiniz yerden izleyebileceğiniz özgün haber, dizi, film, program, belgesel gibi içerikleri abonelik tabanlı sunan bir yayın hizmetidir. GAİN, özel içeriklere, farklı seslere, başka renklere, bağımsız hikâye formatlarına da yer vererek “Şimdi ne izlesem?” sorusuna kaliteli alternatifler sunar.
GAİN’i indirmek için;
GAİN Akıllı TV uygulaması, Apple TV ve tüm Android TV destekleyen televizyonlardan, ayrıca Samsung ve LG App Gallery’den GAİN aratılarak indirilebilir.
#GAİN #Doğu #DoğuDemirkol
- published: 02 Jan 2025
- views: 70123
Dogu - Episode 2 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P...
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 2
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode2
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 2
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode2
- published: 19 Nov 2023
- views: 147686
Dogu - Episode 4 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P...
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 4
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode4
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 4
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode4
- published: 21 Nov 2023
- views: 102381
Dogu - Episode 1 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P...
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 1
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode1
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 1
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode1
- published: 18 Nov 2023
- views: 41018
Dogu - Episode 5 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P...
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 5
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode5
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 5
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode5
- published: 22 Nov 2023
- views: 80137
Sivas'ta Gazze’ye ve Doğu Türkistan’a Destek Yürüyüşü
Sivas’ta Üniversite tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin öncülüğünde üniversite öğrencileri, İsrail’in Filistin’de başta hastanelere yönelik olmak üzere olmak üzere tüm...
Sivas’ta Üniversite tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin öncülüğünde üniversite öğrencileri, İsrail’in Filistin’de başta hastanelere yönelik olmak üzere olmak üzere tüm saldırılarını kınadı.
#sivas #sondakika #filistin #yürüyüş #sivas #sağlık #kongre
Yayın Tarihi: 13-01-2025 09:31:00
Haber: https://haberoptimum.com/haber/23374573/sivasta-gazzeye-ve-dogu-turkistana-destek-yuruyusu
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haberoptimum58
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SivasHaberOptimum
Sivas’ta Üniversite tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin öncülüğünde üniversite öğrencileri, İsrail’in Filistin’de başta hastanelere yönelik olmak üzere olmak üzere tüm saldırılarını kınadı.
#sivas #sondakika #filistin #yürüyüş #sivas #sağlık #kongre
Yayın Tarihi: 13-01-2025 09:31:00
Haber: https://haberoptimum.com/haber/23374573/sivasta-gazzeye-ve-dogu-turkistana-destek-yuruyusu
Sosyal Medya Bağlantılarımız:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haberoptimum58
Instagram: https://instagram.com/haberoptimum
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaberOptimum58
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SivasHaberOptimum
- published: 13 Jan 2025
- views: 64
Dogu - Episode 8 English Subtitles 4K | Doğu #blutvenglish
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P...
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 8
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode8
To Subscribe👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEaz5lmJGgGXiSZvgqpj2Q?sub_confirmation=1
Dogu | All Episodes - Season 1👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47MWauMrGMB3UzGcszjVtYYy
For Watching BluTv English Special Clips👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47PedfjspalPt6gGMSOXt3hz
For Watching BluTv English #shorts 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlVCv5NfP47N9fvt_RciOJJvD2hkEXNl8
Dogu | Season 1 (Doğu)
Dogu Episode 8
Dogu is a young man who is not successful in anything. The dream of Dogu, which is not supported by anyone, is to be a comedian. He strives to make his dream come true.
Director: Dogu Demirkol, Emrah Aguş
Scenario: Dogu Demirkol, Murat Özsoy
Dogu Demirkol - Dogu
Ege Kökenli - Zeynep
Evliya Aykan - Özgür
Kubilay Tunçer - Orhan
#blutv #blutvseries #blutvenglish #blu #subtitles #englishsubtitlesturkishseries #new #episode #turkishdrama #englishsubtitles #turkishseries #comedy #blutvcomedy #dogu #doğu #doğudemirkol #comedian #doguepisode8
- published: 25 Nov 2023
- views: 92923
Eating Dogs in China: Dog Days of Yulin (Part 1/2)
Southern China has always had a tradition of eating dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even exis...
published: 10 Oct 2014
How To Prepare And Eat Dog Meat In Nigeria
Hi Guys!
Here is another interesting documentary on Naijaloaded TV.
Have you ever wondered how people who eat dog meat in Nigeria go about the whole catching, Killing and cooking?
You want to know the health benefits of eating dog meat and the health benefits of their parts?
WATCH MORE VIDEOS BELOW:- http://www.naijaloaded.com.ng/tv
published: 08 Mar 2019
China Meat & Fur Trade
*Dog Meat is forbidden in Taiwan.
*Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters. Disease and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the cage bars.
*Before they are skinned, animals are yanked from their cages, thrown to the ground, and bludgeoned. Many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them.
*When they begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal’s leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to al...
published: 14 Apr 2017
Dining on Dogs in Yulin: VICE Reports (Full Length)
Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even e...
published: 21 Oct 2014
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone will support and Subscribe to the channel for us.
Please register the channel, press the bell, like, share the article to support me, thank you!
Have any questions about copyright please contact:
Mail: [email protected]
© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
published: 28 Apr 2021
published: 04 Jan 2022
Dog meat industry in Korea
The Change For Animals Foundations co-founder and Humane Society International consultant Lola Webber said that many former pets end up in a slaughter house.
“Dogs [are] being sourced from pounds, pet auctions and even surrendered pets to supplement those dogs raised on farms, and any breed or “type” of dog can be slaughtered for human consumption.”
For the full story visit www.koreaobserver.com
The following breeds have been seen in slaughterhouses and in dog farms: Cocker Spaniels, Border Collies, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Greyhounds, Beagles, Shih Tzus, Shar Peis, Lhasa Apsos, and other mixed breeds.
published: 19 Jan 2015
Help save dogs in the dog meat trade!
There's really no way to properly describe the experience of being on a South Korean dog meat farm. Follow HSI’s Nicole Jaworski as she gets her first up-close glimpse of the awful conditions these innocent dogs have endured for their entire lives. This is the cruelty we’re working so desperately to stop.
If you'd like to support our efforts, you can donate here: hsi.org/enddogmeat
published: 21 May 2018
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month-Travel thirsty Vietnam
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone will support and Subscribe to the channel for us.
Please register the channel, press the bell, like, share the article to support me, thank you!
Have any questions about copyright please contact:
Mail: [email protected]
© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
published: 10 Jul 2021
Eating Dogs in China: Dog Days of Yulin (Part 1/2)
Southern China has always had a tradition of eating dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the d...
Southern China has always had a tradition of eating dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter.
VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.
Watch Part 2 now - https://youtu.be/iv8Z4u5ZqWw
Check out the VICE Reports playlist: http://bit.ly/1qzexfN
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Southern China has always had a tradition of eating dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter.
VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.
Watch Part 2 now - https://youtu.be/iv8Z4u5ZqWw
Check out the VICE Reports playlist: http://bit.ly/1qzexfN
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
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- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 16321327
How To Prepare And Eat Dog Meat In Nigeria
Hi Guys!
Here is another interesting documentary on Naijaloaded TV.
Have you ever wondered how people who eat dog meat in Nigeria go about the whole catching,...
Hi Guys!
Here is another interesting documentary on Naijaloaded TV.
Have you ever wondered how people who eat dog meat in Nigeria go about the whole catching, Killing and cooking?
You want to know the health benefits of eating dog meat and the health benefits of their parts?
WATCH MORE VIDEOS BELOW:- http://www.naijaloaded.com.ng/tv
Hi Guys!
Here is another interesting documentary on Naijaloaded TV.
Have you ever wondered how people who eat dog meat in Nigeria go about the whole catching, Killing and cooking?
You want to know the health benefits of eating dog meat and the health benefits of their parts?
WATCH MORE VIDEOS BELOW:- http://www.naijaloaded.com.ng/tv
- published: 08 Mar 2019
- views: 3011507
China Meat & Fur Trade
*Dog Meat is forbidden in Taiwan.
*Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth,...
*Dog Meat is forbidden in Taiwan.
*Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters. Disease and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the cage bars.
*Before they are skinned, animals are yanked from their cages, thrown to the ground, and bludgeoned. Many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them.
*When they begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal’s leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to allow a clean cut.
*When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals’ heads, their hairless, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals’ hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned.
*They skin dogs while they are alive, they tear them up and smash them with hammers, they cut them open with chainsaws, they also boil them in hot water and set them on fire ( while still alive).
*Dog Meat is forbidden in Taiwan.
*Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters. Disease and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the cage bars.
*Before they are skinned, animals are yanked from their cages, thrown to the ground, and bludgeoned. Many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them.
*When they begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal’s leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to allow a clean cut.
*When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals’ heads, their hairless, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals’ hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned.
*They skin dogs while they are alive, they tear them up and smash them with hammers, they cut them open with chainsaws, they also boil them in hot water and set them on fire ( while still alive).
- published: 14 Apr 2017
- views: 2744607
Dining on Dogs in Yulin: VICE Reports (Full Length)
Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but th...
Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter.
VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.
Check out the VICE Reports playlist: http://bit.ly/1qzexfN
Click to watch "Snake Island" - http://bit.ly/Snake-Island-1
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Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter.
VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.
Check out the VICE Reports playlist: http://bit.ly/1qzexfN
Click to watch "Snake Island" - http://bit.ly/Snake-Island-1
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
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Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com
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Read our Tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vice
- published: 21 Oct 2014
- views: 4347693
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street foo...
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone will support and Subscribe to the channel for us.
Please register the channel, press the bell, like, share the article to support me, thank you!
Have any questions about copyright please contact:
[email protected]
© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
This is the only dog meat shop in Vietnam that sells 20 days roasted dogs- Travel thirsty Vietnam.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone will support and Subscribe to the channel for us.
Please register the channel, press the bell, like, share the article to support me, thank you!
Have any questions about copyright please contact:
[email protected]
© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
- published: 28 Apr 2021
- views: 203729
- published: 04 Jan 2022
- views: 14672
Dog meat industry in Korea
The Change For Animals Foundations co-founder and Humane Society International consultant Lola Webber said that many former pets end up in a slaughter house.
The Change For Animals Foundations co-founder and Humane Society International consultant Lola Webber said that many former pets end up in a slaughter house.
“Dogs [are] being sourced from pounds, pet auctions and even surrendered pets to supplement those dogs raised on farms, and any breed or “type” of dog can be slaughtered for human consumption.”
For the full story visit www.koreaobserver.com
The following breeds have been seen in slaughterhouses and in dog farms: Cocker Spaniels, Border Collies, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Greyhounds, Beagles, Shih Tzus, Shar Peis, Lhasa Apsos, and other mixed breeds.
The Change For Animals Foundations co-founder and Humane Society International consultant Lola Webber said that many former pets end up in a slaughter house.
“Dogs [are] being sourced from pounds, pet auctions and even surrendered pets to supplement those dogs raised on farms, and any breed or “type” of dog can be slaughtered for human consumption.”
For the full story visit www.koreaobserver.com
The following breeds have been seen in slaughterhouses and in dog farms: Cocker Spaniels, Border Collies, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Greyhounds, Beagles, Shih Tzus, Shar Peis, Lhasa Apsos, and other mixed breeds.
- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 1991258
Help save dogs in the dog meat trade!
There's really no way to properly describe the experience of being on a South Korean dog meat farm. Follow HSI’s Nicole Jaworski as she gets her first up-close ...
There's really no way to properly describe the experience of being on a South Korean dog meat farm. Follow HSI’s Nicole Jaworski as she gets her first up-close glimpse of the awful conditions these innocent dogs have endured for their entire lives. This is the cruelty we’re working so desperately to stop.
If you'd like to support our efforts, you can donate here: hsi.org/enddogmeat
There's really no way to properly describe the experience of being on a South Korean dog meat farm. Follow HSI’s Nicole Jaworski as she gets her first up-close glimpse of the awful conditions these innocent dogs have endured for their entire lives. This is the cruelty we’re working so desperately to stop.
If you'd like to support our efforts, you can donate here: hsi.org/enddogmeat
- published: 21 May 2018
- views: 10153465
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month-Travel thirsty Vietnam
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone wil...
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
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© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
Vietnamese people eat the most dog meat at the end of the month.
Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food in Vietnam.
We hope everyone will support and Subscribe to the channel for us.
Please register the channel, press the bell, like, share the article to support me, thank you!
Have any questions about copyright please contact:
[email protected]
© Copyright by : Travel thirsty Vietnam
- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 226243