What is a Multinational Company?
Video made possible thanks to AI voice generator Eleven Labs, https://elevenlabs.io/?from=josephalexandernordqvistcantoral8044
Join this channel to get access to perks:
A multinational company is a business with branches, offices, or production facilities in more than one country.
Read more: https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/multinational-company/
published: 04 Mar 2019
Multinational Corporations
For-profit enterprises with operations in more than one state. MNCs are common but their role and impact in global politics is controversial.
published: 27 Feb 2012
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি | multinational company in Bangladesh | Eagle Eyes
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি, যারা গত কয়েক দশক ধরে দেশের বাজারে ভালোভাবে ব্যাবসা করে যাচ্ছে। বাংলাদেশের বাজারে যেসব কোম্পানি সবচেয়ে বেশী পরিচিত সেগুলো বিশ্ব বাজারেও বেশ পরিচিত।
আপনার পছন্দের ভিডিওর জন্য কমেন্টস করুন, ভিডিওটি ভালো লাগলে শেয়ার করুন, SUBSCRIBE https://goo.gl/kPqWeS করতে ভুলবেন্না।
টয়োটা কেন বিশ্ব সেরা https://youtu.be/GXAzdW_u9m0
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দামী দশটি কার https://youtu.be/C3q3f2u17nE
ভারতীয় সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2NFP4tG
টাটা কতো বড় এবং কি ভাবে? http://bit.ly/2Pv2GF3
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2XzySK2
স্যামসাং কত বড়? এবং কি ভাবেঃ http://bit.ly/2VDHz5U
সামরিক অস্ত্র উৎপাদন কারী ১০ টি কোম্পানি https://youtu.be/SUbf5BjpAUA
দশটি কোম্পানি গোপনে বিশ্ব ও অর্থনীতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে:https://youtu.be/j8vkRbPmzC0
published: 18 Jul 2019
Business Organizations: Multinational Corporations
This video looks at multinational corporations. It analyzes their effect on the world and the advantages and disadvantages to operating a multinational corporation.
published: 20 Jun 2018
How To Get Job In MNC Companies ? Multi National Companies - Pharmacy
We Offer one on one private counselling session over a call for a individual those are facing problem In their career in pharmacy and those who are willing to make their bright career.You can Whatsapp on (+91-8862042265) to book a paid private call with "Vishal Wable" ( https://wa.me/message/3XQ2TW4AKQSGG1) #Pharmacy
Is video me maine MNC companies ke baare me baat ki hai.MNC companies me aapko job kaise milega aur MNC copies me aapki salary kitni hogo in sab cheezo ke baare me maine is video me baat ki hai.
Support me -
via paytm/google pay - 8862042265
via paypal - https://www.paypal.me/vishalwable
Watch my another videos -
1) HOW TO BECOME DRUG INSPECTOR - https://youtu.be/exIqaEifQUE
2) ALL ABOUT CHEGG.COM - https://youtu.be/9YzfxewQ_rI
3) ALL ABOUT GPAT EXAM - https://youtu.b...
published: 07 Mar 2019
MNC | What is MNC | Multinational Company kya hoti hai
Village to MNC main Aaj hum batayenge ki MNC kya hoti hai.
Today we will tell you WHAT IS MNC. Multinational company kya hoti hai.
Village to MNC मे आप बिलकुल ही शुरुआत से इंग्लिश सीख सकते हैं. अगर आपको A B C D भी नहीं आती तो शर्माएं ना क्योंकि ये आपके लिए ही है. किसी भी कारण वश अगर आप बचपन से अभी तक इंग्लिश नहीं सीखा पाए हैं तो अब सीख लें. आपको बिलकुल हाथ पकड़ कर इंग्लिश सिखाया जाएगा. आप खुद भी सीखें और उनको भी बताएँ जिनको इसकी जरूरत है. यह इंग्लिश आपको जॉब पाने के हिसाब से सिखाई जा रही है. ताकि आप जॉब इंटरव्यू दे सकें और जॉब को ठीक से कर सकें.
हमारी शुभकामनाए आपके साथ हैं साथ मैं हम भी आपके साथ हैं. हाथ पकड़ कर एक दोस्त बन कर आपको सिखाना है. बस आपको:
“हाथ नहीं छोड़ना साथ नहीं छोड़ना” !!!
In "Village to MNC" we will teach you English from Scratch. If you don't know A B C D even, please do...
published: 29 Jun 2020
Multinational Company में Interview के लिए ऐसे अंदर जाने को मिलता ? How to Get Entry in all Company|
Hi Friends .......
Maine is video me btaya h ki agr aap interview ke liye ja rahe ho kisi bhi multinational company me to kaise andar entry karvaye gate se guard se kaise deal kare taki aapko interview dene ko mil jaye ,,i hope aapko video acha lage ,,please like share and subscribe ,,thanks,,,
"Visit to my website & blog for Latest New Jobs Daily "
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Ye 7 jobs milengi bahut ...
published: 12 Jan 2020
Multinationals | A-Level & IB Business
Multinationals - and their benefits and drawbacks to a host country - are considered in this video.
#alevelbusiness #aqabusiness #edexcelbusiness
published: 10 May 2019
What is a Multinational Company?
Video made possible thanks to AI voice generator Eleven Labs, https://elevenlabs.io/?from=josephalexandernordqvistcantoral8044
Join this channel to get access ...
Video made possible thanks to AI voice generator Eleven Labs, https://elevenlabs.io/?from=josephalexandernordqvistcantoral8044
Join this channel to get access to perks:
A multinational company is a business with branches, offices, or production facilities in more than one country.
Read more: https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/multinational-company/
Video made possible thanks to AI voice generator Eleven Labs, https://elevenlabs.io/?from=josephalexandernordqvistcantoral8044
Join this channel to get access to perks:
A multinational company is a business with branches, offices, or production facilities in more than one country.
Read more: https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/multinational-company/
- published: 04 Mar 2019
- views: 54684
Multinational Corporations
For-profit enterprises with operations in more than one state. MNCs are common but their role and impact in global politics is controversial.
For-profit enterprises with operations in more than one state. MNCs are common but their role and impact in global politics is controversial.
For-profit enterprises with operations in more than one state. MNCs are common but their role and impact in global politics is controversial.
- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 352400
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি | multinational company in Bangladesh | Eagle Eyes
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি, যারা গত কয়েক দশক ধরে দেশের বাজারে ভালোভাবে ব্যাবসা করে যাচ্ছে। বাংলাদেশের বাজারে যেসব কোম্পানি সবচেয়ে বেশী পরিচি...
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি, যারা গত কয়েক দশক ধরে দেশের বাজারে ভালোভাবে ব্যাবসা করে যাচ্ছে। বাংলাদেশের বাজারে যেসব কোম্পানি সবচেয়ে বেশী পরিচিত সেগুলো বিশ্ব বাজারেও বেশ পরিচিত।
আপনার পছন্দের ভিডিওর জন্য কমেন্টস করুন, ভিডিওটি ভালো লাগলে শেয়ার করুন, SUBSCRIBE https://goo.gl/kPqWeS করতে ভুলবেন্না।
টয়োটা কেন বিশ্ব সেরা https://youtu.be/GXAzdW_u9m0
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দামী দশটি কার https://youtu.be/C3q3f2u17nE
ভারতীয় সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2NFP4tG
টাটা কতো বড় এবং কি ভাবে? http://bit.ly/2Pv2GF3
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2XzySK2
স্যামসাং কত বড়? এবং কি ভাবেঃ http://bit.ly/2VDHz5U
সামরিক অস্ত্র উৎপাদন কারী ১০ টি কোম্পানি https://youtu.be/SUbf5BjpAUA
দশটি কোম্পানি গোপনে বিশ্ব ও অর্থনীতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে:https://youtu.be/j8vkRbPmzC0
টয়োটা কেন বিশ্ব সেরা https://youtu.be/GXAzdW_u9m0
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দামী দশটি কার https://youtu.be/C3q3f2u17nE
S U B S C R I B E : https://goo.gl/kPqWeS
F A C E B O O K : https://goo.gl/cqDwC9
T W I T T E R : https://goo.gl/YjNcVi
G O O G LE + : https://goo.gl/hXrM1S
I N S T A G R A M : https://goo.gl/Rx69DQ
I N Q U I R I E S :
[email protected]
This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here falls under the Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976. the announcement is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, News Reporting, Entertainment, Traveling, Sports, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.non-profit educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Thanks For Watching
দেখার জন্য ধন্যবাদ.
#best_compani #Bangladeshi_compani #BusinessinBangladesh
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি মাল্টিন্যাশনাল কোম্পানি, যারা গত কয়েক দশক ধরে দেশের বাজারে ভালোভাবে ব্যাবসা করে যাচ্ছে। বাংলাদেশের বাজারে যেসব কোম্পানি সবচেয়ে বেশী পরিচিত সেগুলো বিশ্ব বাজারেও বেশ পরিচিত।
আপনার পছন্দের ভিডিওর জন্য কমেন্টস করুন, ভিডিওটি ভালো লাগলে শেয়ার করুন, SUBSCRIBE https://goo.gl/kPqWeS করতে ভুলবেন্না।
টয়োটা কেন বিশ্ব সেরা https://youtu.be/GXAzdW_u9m0
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দামী দশটি কার https://youtu.be/C3q3f2u17nE
ভারতীয় সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2NFP4tG
টাটা কতো বড় এবং কি ভাবে? http://bit.ly/2Pv2GF3
বাংলাদেশের সেরা পাঁচটি কোম্পানি http://bit.ly/2XzySK2
স্যামসাং কত বড়? এবং কি ভাবেঃ http://bit.ly/2VDHz5U
সামরিক অস্ত্র উৎপাদন কারী ১০ টি কোম্পানি https://youtu.be/SUbf5BjpAUA
দশটি কোম্পানি গোপনে বিশ্ব ও অর্থনীতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে:https://youtu.be/j8vkRbPmzC0
টয়োটা কেন বিশ্ব সেরা https://youtu.be/GXAzdW_u9m0
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দামী দশটি কার https://youtu.be/C3q3f2u17nE
S U B S C R I B E : https://goo.gl/kPqWeS
F A C E B O O K : https://goo.gl/cqDwC9
T W I T T E R : https://goo.gl/YjNcVi
G O O G LE + : https://goo.gl/hXrM1S
I N S T A G R A M : https://goo.gl/Rx69DQ
I N Q U I R I E S :
[email protected]
This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here falls under the Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976. the announcement is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, News Reporting, Entertainment, Traveling, Sports, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.non-profit educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Thanks For Watching
দেখার জন্য ধন্যবাদ.
#best_compani #Bangladeshi_compani #BusinessinBangladesh
- published: 18 Jul 2019
- views: 113779
Business Organizations: Multinational Corporations
This video looks at multinational corporations. It analyzes their effect on the world and the advantages and disadvantages to operating a multinational corporat...
This video looks at multinational corporations. It analyzes their effect on the world and the advantages and disadvantages to operating a multinational corporation.
This video looks at multinational corporations. It analyzes their effect on the world and the advantages and disadvantages to operating a multinational corporation.
- published: 20 Jun 2018
- views: 37858
How To Get Job In MNC Companies ? Multi National Companies - Pharmacy
We Offer one on one private counselling session over a call for a individual those are facing problem In their career in pharmacy and those who are willing to m...
We Offer one on one private counselling session over a call for a individual those are facing problem In their career in pharmacy and those who are willing to make their bright career.You can Whatsapp on (+91-8862042265) to book a paid private call with "Vishal Wable" ( https://wa.me/message/3XQ2TW4AKQSGG1) #Pharmacy
Is video me maine MNC companies ke baare me baat ki hai.MNC companies me aapko job kaise milega aur MNC copies me aapki salary kitni hogo in sab cheezo ke baare me maine is video me baat ki hai.
Support me -
via paytm/google pay - 8862042265
via paypal - https://www.paypal.me/vishalwable
Watch my another videos -
1) HOW TO BECOME DRUG INSPECTOR - https://youtu.be/exIqaEifQUE
2) ALL ABOUT CHEGG.COM - https://youtu.be/9YzfxewQ_rI
3) ALL ABOUT GPAT EXAM - https://youtu.be/SUp8nTyhOLU
4) B.PHARMACY OR PHARM.D WHICH IS BETTER ? - https://youtu.be/mDM8mDstfn8
5) ALL ABOUT NIPER EXAM - https://youtu.be/qRvr3PxzWtc
6) PHARMACY CAREER IN INDIA - https://youtu.be/X77A6irYdjE
7) CAREER SCOPE AFTER B.PHARM - https://youtu.be/ixgHD40C6Xo
8) HOW TO BECOME PILOT IN INDIA - https://youtu.be/_wYSosODtS0
10) STUDY ABROAD FOR FREE - https://youtu.be/jJVxXF4Jx8c
Connect me on -
FACEBOOK - https://m.facebook.com/vishwable1/
Instagram - vishal wable live
Hope you like this video.
Thanks for watching 🙂
Keep watching and keep supporting vishal wable live :-)
We Offer one on one private counselling session over a call for a individual those are facing problem In their career in pharmacy and those who are willing to make their bright career.You can Whatsapp on (+91-8862042265) to book a paid private call with "Vishal Wable" ( https://wa.me/message/3XQ2TW4AKQSGG1) #Pharmacy
Is video me maine MNC companies ke baare me baat ki hai.MNC companies me aapko job kaise milega aur MNC copies me aapki salary kitni hogo in sab cheezo ke baare me maine is video me baat ki hai.
Support me -
via paytm/google pay - 8862042265
via paypal - https://www.paypal.me/vishalwable
Watch my another videos -
1) HOW TO BECOME DRUG INSPECTOR - https://youtu.be/exIqaEifQUE
2) ALL ABOUT CHEGG.COM - https://youtu.be/9YzfxewQ_rI
3) ALL ABOUT GPAT EXAM - https://youtu.be/SUp8nTyhOLU
4) B.PHARMACY OR PHARM.D WHICH IS BETTER ? - https://youtu.be/mDM8mDstfn8
5) ALL ABOUT NIPER EXAM - https://youtu.be/qRvr3PxzWtc
6) PHARMACY CAREER IN INDIA - https://youtu.be/X77A6irYdjE
7) CAREER SCOPE AFTER B.PHARM - https://youtu.be/ixgHD40C6Xo
8) HOW TO BECOME PILOT IN INDIA - https://youtu.be/_wYSosODtS0
10) STUDY ABROAD FOR FREE - https://youtu.be/jJVxXF4Jx8c
Connect me on -
FACEBOOK - https://m.facebook.com/vishwable1/
Instagram - vishal wable live
Hope you like this video.
Thanks for watching 🙂
Keep watching and keep supporting vishal wable live :-)
- published: 07 Mar 2019
- views: 110256
MNC | What is MNC | Multinational Company kya hoti hai
Village to MNC main Aaj hum batayenge ki MNC kya hoti hai.
Today we will tell you WHAT IS MNC. Multinational company kya hoti hai.
Village to MNC मे आप बिलकुल ...
Village to MNC main Aaj hum batayenge ki MNC kya hoti hai.
Today we will tell you WHAT IS MNC. Multinational company kya hoti hai.
Village to MNC मे आप बिलकुल ही शुरुआत से इंग्लिश सीख सकते हैं. अगर आपको A B C D भी नहीं आती तो शर्माएं ना क्योंकि ये आपके लिए ही है. किसी भी कारण वश अगर आप बचपन से अभी तक इंग्लिश नहीं सीखा पाए हैं तो अब सीख लें. आपको बिलकुल हाथ पकड़ कर इंग्लिश सिखाया जाएगा. आप खुद भी सीखें और उनको भी बताएँ जिनको इसकी जरूरत है. यह इंग्लिश आपको जॉब पाने के हिसाब से सिखाई जा रही है. ताकि आप जॉब इंटरव्यू दे सकें और जॉब को ठीक से कर सकें.
हमारी शुभकामनाए आपके साथ हैं साथ मैं हम भी आपके साथ हैं. हाथ पकड़ कर एक दोस्त बन कर आपको सिखाना है. बस आपको:
“हाथ नहीं छोड़ना साथ नहीं छोड़ना” !!!
In "Village to MNC" we will teach you English from Scratch. If you don't know A B C D even, please don't feel shy. We know due to thousands of reasons we could not learn English at that time but now you can learn. We are teaching English to you so that you can find a job, you can give interviews, get the job and can do your job effectively.
We will teach English not like a teacher but like a best friend by coming at your level and by holding your hand. You don't need anything because I am there.
You only need to hold my hand and never leave it: In Hindi we say:
“Haath nahi Chhorna Saath nahi Choorna”
All the best!!!
About My Channel:
“Village to MNC ” is the Journey of a poor village girl Alia,
who is trying to make her capable enough so that she can get a good job, become independent, fulfil her dreams, can settle and survive in any city and in any country.
Please watch the entire real-life transformation case study in Playlist – SAFAR ALIA KA
Playlist Link:
This is a real-life transformation of a village girl, Alia, who is a simple and ordinary village girl. She completed her schooling from government school and currently doing graduation from a simple and basic college. As her entire education happened in Hindi Medium only and she did not know english well, hence she did not have any confidence that she can do a good job or any business and can have a career of her own choice.
Mission: To make a VILLAGE GIRL capable enough so that she can get a job in a MULTINATIONAL Company.
Before :
She used to think that girl’s life is to just complete some study, do house chores, get married, become dependent on her husband, give birth to children and then give whole life to the children. This all made her to live a life which society has forced to live but not her own way to live life.
There was no space or option for her own choice, happiness, dreams, career, doing a job or business and become independent and live the life with her own way.
Now she is full of confidence, can dream big, has unlimited possibilities of doing jobs or business without having a very good English and good education.
She has fulfilled many of her dreams – “Fly in the Sky, go over the clouds, Bath in the Sea, Touch and Feel the Multinational Company” and now she is on a track to live life in her own way with full of happiness.
I researched on her and found this is not the problem with Alia only, but every village student has the low confidence to get a job in a good company or start a business. They can just think about government jobs and teacher jobs in their localities. They cannot dream even to work in a Multinational Company.
I started working on this mission and found that if we can boost their confidence and feed below three thinks in their life, we can really change their world and make them happy and independent. This will really help them to dream big and achieve big in life.
Three things which can change their life are:
1. Basic Intelligence
2. Basic English
3. Basic Computer Knowledge & Hands-on
We need to tell them that world is full of unlimited possibilities and they can also dream big & achieve it.
The most important thing is:
Hold their hands, support them, boost their confidence and bring them to a basic platform from where they can start their career journey to fulfill their dreams.
Here in this real-life transformation I worked on Alia’s basic intelligence, improved her thought process, asked her to dream big. I hold her hands and provided the basic platform from where she started her new journey and independent life with full of confidence and smile.
I have transformed lives of two girls only, please join me to transform the lives of all those girls who want to be independent and liver life of their own choice.
Please subscribe, click on bell icon and share to the people who really need this support or can contribute in this support.
Village to MNC main Aaj hum batayenge ki MNC kya hoti hai.
Today we will tell you WHAT IS MNC. Multinational company kya hoti hai.
Village to MNC मे आप बिलकुल ही शुरुआत से इंग्लिश सीख सकते हैं. अगर आपको A B C D भी नहीं आती तो शर्माएं ना क्योंकि ये आपके लिए ही है. किसी भी कारण वश अगर आप बचपन से अभी तक इंग्लिश नहीं सीखा पाए हैं तो अब सीख लें. आपको बिलकुल हाथ पकड़ कर इंग्लिश सिखाया जाएगा. आप खुद भी सीखें और उनको भी बताएँ जिनको इसकी जरूरत है. यह इंग्लिश आपको जॉब पाने के हिसाब से सिखाई जा रही है. ताकि आप जॉब इंटरव्यू दे सकें और जॉब को ठीक से कर सकें.
हमारी शुभकामनाए आपके साथ हैं साथ मैं हम भी आपके साथ हैं. हाथ पकड़ कर एक दोस्त बन कर आपको सिखाना है. बस आपको:
“हाथ नहीं छोड़ना साथ नहीं छोड़ना” !!!
In "Village to MNC" we will teach you English from Scratch. If you don't know A B C D even, please don't feel shy. We know due to thousands of reasons we could not learn English at that time but now you can learn. We are teaching English to you so that you can find a job, you can give interviews, get the job and can do your job effectively.
We will teach English not like a teacher but like a best friend by coming at your level and by holding your hand. You don't need anything because I am there.
You only need to hold my hand and never leave it: In Hindi we say:
“Haath nahi Chhorna Saath nahi Choorna”
All the best!!!
About My Channel:
“Village to MNC ” is the Journey of a poor village girl Alia,
who is trying to make her capable enough so that she can get a good job, become independent, fulfil her dreams, can settle and survive in any city and in any country.
Please watch the entire real-life transformation case study in Playlist – SAFAR ALIA KA
Playlist Link:
This is a real-life transformation of a village girl, Alia, who is a simple and ordinary village girl. She completed her schooling from government school and currently doing graduation from a simple and basic college. As her entire education happened in Hindi Medium only and she did not know english well, hence she did not have any confidence that she can do a good job or any business and can have a career of her own choice.
Mission: To make a VILLAGE GIRL capable enough so that she can get a job in a MULTINATIONAL Company.
Before :
She used to think that girl’s life is to just complete some study, do house chores, get married, become dependent on her husband, give birth to children and then give whole life to the children. This all made her to live a life which society has forced to live but not her own way to live life.
There was no space or option for her own choice, happiness, dreams, career, doing a job or business and become independent and live the life with her own way.
Now she is full of confidence, can dream big, has unlimited possibilities of doing jobs or business without having a very good English and good education.
She has fulfilled many of her dreams – “Fly in the Sky, go over the clouds, Bath in the Sea, Touch and Feel the Multinational Company” and now she is on a track to live life in her own way with full of happiness.
I researched on her and found this is not the problem with Alia only, but every village student has the low confidence to get a job in a good company or start a business. They can just think about government jobs and teacher jobs in their localities. They cannot dream even to work in a Multinational Company.
I started working on this mission and found that if we can boost their confidence and feed below three thinks in their life, we can really change their world and make them happy and independent. This will really help them to dream big and achieve big in life.
Three things which can change their life are:
1. Basic Intelligence
2. Basic English
3. Basic Computer Knowledge & Hands-on
We need to tell them that world is full of unlimited possibilities and they can also dream big & achieve it.
The most important thing is:
Hold their hands, support them, boost their confidence and bring them to a basic platform from where they can start their career journey to fulfill their dreams.
Here in this real-life transformation I worked on Alia’s basic intelligence, improved her thought process, asked her to dream big. I hold her hands and provided the basic platform from where she started her new journey and independent life with full of confidence and smile.
I have transformed lives of two girls only, please join me to transform the lives of all those girls who want to be independent and liver life of their own choice.
Please subscribe, click on bell icon and share to the people who really need this support or can contribute in this support.
- published: 29 Jun 2020
- views: 23558
Multinational Company में Interview के लिए ऐसे अंदर जाने को मिलता ? How to Get Entry in all Company|
Hi Friends .......
Maine is video me btaya h ki agr aap interview ke liye ja rahe ho kisi bhi multinational company me to kaise andar entry karvaye gate se gua...
Hi Friends .......
Maine is video me btaya h ki agr aap interview ke liye ja rahe ho kisi bhi multinational company me to kaise andar entry karvaye gate se guard se kaise deal kare taki aapko interview dene ko mil jaye ,,i hope aapko video acha lage ,,please like share and subscribe ,,thanks,,,
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My Setup for video recording....
Camera (Samsung galaxy A50)-https://amzn.to/32rYGdn
Mic (Boya M1)-https://amzn.to/2pV7R96
Stand- https://amzn.to/2pXOPPj
Lights- https://amzn.to/2p6a55c
Gimble- https://amzn.to/34HLClN
My second mobile with 32 MP front Camera-https://amzn.to/34EAtCa
Best memory card-https://amzn.to/2WXW71C
Make me Friend on Instagram follow me in touch forever & you will get on spot answer.
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AWS vs AZURE in hindi
CCNA vs MCSE in hindi
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Video is for educational purpose only. copy right disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purpose such as criticism, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copy right statute that might otherwise be infringing Non-Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use I am not broken the rule of community guideline of YouTube because this is only for educational and knowledge purpose & never tell to people go in wrong by my video it’s just a my opinion purpose only. And also which are telling to people only for knowledge, idea and study purpose don’t want to heart anyone and not want to provide wrong way of knowledge or study.
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Note ? | NOTE | - All the images, picture , Screenshot & music shown in the video belongs to the respected owners and not me . i am not the owner of any picture and other content which is not belongs to me or my self shown in the video.
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Hi Friends .......
Maine is video me btaya h ki agr aap interview ke liye ja rahe ho kisi bhi multinational company me to kaise andar entry karvaye gate se guard se kaise deal kare taki aapko interview dene ko mil jaye ,,i hope aapko video acha lage ,,please like share and subscribe ,,thanks,,,
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Check Out Other Video You Should Must Watch. ?
HCL ese karti h background verification video link
TCS ese karti h background verification
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Ese karti h Company background verification (All Company)
My Setup for video recording....
Camera (Samsung galaxy A50)-https://amzn.to/32rYGdn
Mic (Boya M1)-https://amzn.to/2pV7R96
Stand- https://amzn.to/2pXOPPj
Lights- https://amzn.to/2p6a55c
Gimble- https://amzn.to/34HLClN
My second mobile with 32 MP front Camera-https://amzn.to/34EAtCa
Best memory card-https://amzn.to/2WXW71C
Make me Friend on Instagram follow me in touch forever & you will get on spot answer.
Top 6 background verification company
Top 8 highest paying job of IT
AWS vs AZURE in hindi
CCNA vs MCSE in hindi
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Video is for educational purpose only. copy right disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purpose such as criticism, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copy right statute that might otherwise be infringing Non-Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use I am not broken the rule of community guideline of YouTube because this is only for educational and knowledge purpose & never tell to people go in wrong by my video it’s just a my opinion purpose only. And also which are telling to people only for knowledge, idea and study purpose don’t want to heart anyone and not want to provide wrong way of knowledge or study.
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Note ? | NOTE | - All the images, picture , Screenshot & music shown in the video belongs to the respected owners and not me . i am not the owner of any picture and other content which is not belongs to me or my self shown in the video.
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Multinationals | A-Level & IB Business
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Multinationals - and their benefits and drawbacks to a host country - are considered in this video.
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