"Rangers Lead The Way!" - Grenada Parachute Assault 1983
The exciting story of the 75th Rangers parachute assault on Point Salines Airport during the 1983 US invasion of Grenada.
Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felton
Visit my audio book channel 'War Stories with Mark Felton': https://youtu.be/xszsAzbHcPE
published: 07 Sep 2020
Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales Artículo 83
El Ciudadano Romyn es un proyecto universitario que encabeza el Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora, de vinculación social, para la formación cívica y política de las familias, en la cual colaboran diversas instituciones tanto públicas como privadas.
Del cual también se desprende el Libro “Mejores prácticas de transparencia: derechos humanos para todos y todas” auspiciado por el CONCYTEP:
Con más de 1,500 videos publicados y 2 proyectos en TVBUAP.
Síguenos y activa la campanita para que diariamente te llegue un vídeo nuevo. Tenemos dos proyectos publicados en TV BUAP, mantente al pendiente de nuestras redes sociales para que te enteres del inicio de transmisiones.
También puedes seguirnos a través de:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.c...
published: 23 Aug 2022
Should Monarchy Be Abolished? | LSE Event
Some of the world’s most longstanding democracies are monarchies. But what is the case for a Republic?
What can we learn from recent constitutional changes in the Caribbean? And what are the lessons from Britain’s own Republican experiment?
Dr Anna Keay
Geoffrey Robertson
Dr Cleve Scott
Dr Robin Archer
Full details/attend: https://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2023/04/202304261830/monarchy
To turn on captions, go to the bottom-right of the video player and click the icon. Please note that this feature uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, or machine generated transcription, and is not 100% accurate.
published: 27 Apr 2023
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Post Election Seminar, Opening Ceremony
Cayman Islands Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Post Election Seminar.
Opening Ceremony November 13 2013.
published: 19 Nov 2013
Process | Practice - President Kurt in Conversation with Peter Wayne Lewis
Process | Practice
President Kurt Steinberg in conversation with...
Peter Wayne Lewis
In conversation, President Steinberg discusses the current state of the arts with painter and former Mass Art professor and chairman, Peter Wayne Lewis.
"Peter Wayne Lewis was born in Kingston, Jamaica, immigrating to Sacramento, California with his parents in 1962, and becoming an American citizen in1983. He received his M.A.in Painting from San Jose State University in California and was a tenured Professor of Painting at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston for 25 years, including a stint as Chairman of the Department. He maintains an ambitious studio practice, splitting his time between the New York Metro area and Beijing, China, where he is also the Director of Oasis Gallery-Beijing...
published: 12 Oct 2020
The Difference between the UK, Great Britain & England Explained
New to the channel? Start here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqs5ohhass_STBfubAdle9dsyWrqu6G6r
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
published: 30 Jan 2011
Governance in the Non-Independent Territories of The Caribbean: Opportunity or Ossification?
published: 07 Nov 2022
Expanding access to good practices on Elimination of MTCT of HIV and Syphilis through SSC
As targets of SDG3, to end of preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 and the elimination of HIV and other communicable diseases should remain priorities on the agenda for global health development. Over 90% of new HIV infections among infants and young children occur through MTCT. Successful practices of EMTCT have managed to reduce the transmission risk from 20-45% to less than 2%. Several countries have undertaken great measures to achieve the WHO’s certificate for eliminating MTCT of HIV & Syphilis; In 2015 Cuba was the first country in the world to achieve the certificate, and in 2016 Thailand followed as the first country in Asia. Most recently Malaysia achieved it in October 2018.
The aim of this webinar was to present and discuss ways to expand the access to knowledge...
published: 31 Jan 2019
Murderer assaults police officer
Murderer Courtney Joseph, 34, of Vermont, gets aggressive with a police officer on 28 April 2022 after being sentenced to 37 years 4 month and 23 days for murder and 13 years one month and 23 days for possession of a firearm with intent to commit murder. The sentences will run concurrently.
published: 04 May 2022
Sally Gibson (Cambridge) - VMSG Annual General Meeting 2021
Sally Gibson, Chair of the VMSG Committee presents the Annual General Meeting, updating us on everything that's been going on over the past year, including changes to the Committee membership, the winners of this year's prizes and ongoing work to understand and address structural inequality in the VMSG community.
This talk was presented at the 2021 virtual meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG), a joint special interest group of the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society.
To learn more about exciting work from the UK and Irish volcanology community be sure to follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vmsg_uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vmsg_uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vmsg.uk/
Website: https://vmsg.org.uk...
published: 29 Jan 2021
"Rangers Lead The Way!" - Grenada Parachute Assault 1983
The exciting story of the 75th Rangers parachute assault on Point Salines Airport during the 1983 US invasion of Grenada.
Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known Briti...
The exciting story of the 75th Rangers parachute assault on Point Salines Airport during the 1983 US invasion of Grenada.
Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felton
Visit my audio book channel 'War Stories with Mark Felton': https://youtu.be/xszsAzbHcPE
Help support my channel:
Disclaimer: All opinions and comments expressed in the 'Comments' section do not reflect the opinions of Mark Felton Productions. All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Mark Felton Productions does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the 'Comments' section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel.
Thanks: Vitaly V. Kuzmin
The exciting story of the 75th Rangers parachute assault on Point Salines Airport during the 1983 US invasion of Grenada.
Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felton
Visit my audio book channel 'War Stories with Mark Felton': https://youtu.be/xszsAzbHcPE
Help support my channel:
Disclaimer: All opinions and comments expressed in the 'Comments' section do not reflect the opinions of Mark Felton Productions. All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Mark Felton Productions does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the 'Comments' section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel.
Thanks: Vitaly V. Kuzmin
- published: 07 Sep 2020
- views: 365448
Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales Artículo 83
El Ciudadano Romyn es un proyecto universitario que encabeza el Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora, de vinculación social, para la formación cívica y política de las fami...
El Ciudadano Romyn es un proyecto universitario que encabeza el Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora, de vinculación social, para la formación cívica y política de las familias, en la cual colaboran diversas instituciones tanto públicas como privadas.
Del cual también se desprende el Libro “Mejores prácticas de transparencia: derechos humanos para todos y todas” auspiciado por el CONCYTEP:
Con más de 1,500 videos publicados y 2 proyectos en TVBUAP.
Síguenos y activa la campanita para que diariamente te llegue un vídeo nuevo. Tenemos dos proyectos publicados en TV BUAP, mantente al pendiente de nuestras redes sociales para que te enteres del inicio de transmisiones.
También puedes seguirnos a través de:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rommyn-Ciuda...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rommynciudadano?t...
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ciudadano_rommy...
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML1MYCqB/
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrE84k...
Titular del proyecto:
Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora
Comité Científico:
Dra. Nadia Hernández Carreón
Dra. Ariadna Rivera Hernández
Dra. Miriam Fonseca López
Dr. Francisco José Rodríguez Escobedo
Dra. Olga Vázquez Guzmán
Dra. Araceli Espinoza Márquez.
Dra. Sandra Timal López
Dr. Francisco Rivera Sánchez
Cuerpos académicos:
CA 146 Desarrollo Multidisciplinario en los Sectores Público y Social
CA 295 Gestión y Desarrollo.
CA 343 Actores, instituciones y Regulación del sistema financiero.
CA 233 Estudios de Política y Procesos de Gobierno BUAP.
Grupos de Investigación:
Gestión de los negocios en entornos globales:
María Teresa Macedo Mendoza
Ricardo Paz Muñoz
Juan Antonio Molina Cabrera
Luis Pedro, Gual Landera
- Gobierno, sociedad civil, comunicación y desarrollo
Carla Irene Ríos Calleja
Auxiliares de Investigación:
-Romero Méndez Karla Ximena
-Rendon Escalona Sara Shamadi
Aguilar Rojas Yeshua
Aguilar Toledo Stephanie Soledad
Amastal Torres Maribel
Andrade Domínguez Guadalupe
Andrade Galarza Fernando
Ayala Oseguera Dulce Michell
Bedolla Morales Guillermo
Blas Fuentes C.
Benítez Guzmán Jesús Alejandro
Biviano Flores Víctor Eduardo
Bravo López Javier
Carranza Aimee
Conde Osorio Martha
Coutiño Acuña Ángel
De Regil Javier
Domínguez Cuapio Jaqueline
Espinoza Rojas Martin
Estrada Karla
Galindo Pérez María Fernanda
Belén Maldonado Olga
Martínez García Gerardo de María
Molina Morales Rubí Shantal
Montiel López Ker Alfonso
Moran Martínez María Angelica
Mote Martínez Estefani Dánae
Olea Trucios Eduardo
Pérez Berriel Montserrat
Pérez Guzmán Samantha
Robles Camilo Luis Enrique
Rojas Pelaez Rebeca
Rodríguez Sánchez Carlos Adrián
Ruiz Téllez Anahí Esmeralda
Sánchez Contreras Joel
Sánchez Hernández Grecia Aymé
Sánchez Vite Karla
Sinue Luna A.
Torres Dorantes Xóchitl
Trinidad Ávila Andrea Dalia
Valladares Flores Rebeca
Vargas Zaragoza Alejandra
Vázquez Cruz Massiel
Vega Gasca Miguel Ángel
Instituciones colaboradoras:
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Vicerrectoría de Extensión y Difusión de la Cultura BUAP
Instituto de Ciencias de Gobierno y Desarrollo Estratégico BUAP
Facultad de Comunicación BUAP
Facultad de Contaduría BUAP
Dirección de Servicio Social
Instituto Angelopolitano de Estudios Universitarios
Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla
Universitario Tolteca de México de A.C.
Escuela de Jurisprudencia y Humanidades
Instituto Estatal Electoral Puebla, Dirección de Gestión Documental.
Fundación Conserva México, Institución de asistencia privada A. C
El Ciudadano Romyn es un proyecto universitario que encabeza el Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora, de vinculación social, para la formación cívica y política de las familias, en la cual colaboran diversas instituciones tanto públicas como privadas.
Del cual también se desprende el Libro “Mejores prácticas de transparencia: derechos humanos para todos y todas” auspiciado por el CONCYTEP:
Con más de 1,500 videos publicados y 2 proyectos en TVBUAP.
Síguenos y activa la campanita para que diariamente te llegue un vídeo nuevo. Tenemos dos proyectos publicados en TV BUAP, mantente al pendiente de nuestras redes sociales para que te enteres del inicio de transmisiones.
También puedes seguirnos a través de:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rommyn-Ciuda...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rommynciudadano?t...
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ciudadano_rommy...
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML1MYCqB/
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrE84k...
Titular del proyecto:
Dr. Román Sánchez Zamora
Comité Científico:
Dra. Nadia Hernández Carreón
Dra. Ariadna Rivera Hernández
Dra. Miriam Fonseca López
Dr. Francisco José Rodríguez Escobedo
Dra. Olga Vázquez Guzmán
Dra. Araceli Espinoza Márquez.
Dra. Sandra Timal López
Dr. Francisco Rivera Sánchez
Cuerpos académicos:
CA 146 Desarrollo Multidisciplinario en los Sectores Público y Social
CA 295 Gestión y Desarrollo.
CA 343 Actores, instituciones y Regulación del sistema financiero.
CA 233 Estudios de Política y Procesos de Gobierno BUAP.
Grupos de Investigación:
Gestión de los negocios en entornos globales:
María Teresa Macedo Mendoza
Ricardo Paz Muñoz
Juan Antonio Molina Cabrera
Luis Pedro, Gual Landera
- Gobierno, sociedad civil, comunicación y desarrollo
Carla Irene Ríos Calleja
Auxiliares de Investigación:
-Romero Méndez Karla Ximena
-Rendon Escalona Sara Shamadi
Aguilar Rojas Yeshua
Aguilar Toledo Stephanie Soledad
Amastal Torres Maribel
Andrade Domínguez Guadalupe
Andrade Galarza Fernando
Ayala Oseguera Dulce Michell
Bedolla Morales Guillermo
Blas Fuentes C.
Benítez Guzmán Jesús Alejandro
Biviano Flores Víctor Eduardo
Bravo López Javier
Carranza Aimee
Conde Osorio Martha
Coutiño Acuña Ángel
De Regil Javier
Domínguez Cuapio Jaqueline
Espinoza Rojas Martin
Estrada Karla
Galindo Pérez María Fernanda
Belén Maldonado Olga
Martínez García Gerardo de María
Molina Morales Rubí Shantal
Montiel López Ker Alfonso
Moran Martínez María Angelica
Mote Martínez Estefani Dánae
Olea Trucios Eduardo
Pérez Berriel Montserrat
Pérez Guzmán Samantha
Robles Camilo Luis Enrique
Rojas Pelaez Rebeca
Rodríguez Sánchez Carlos Adrián
Ruiz Téllez Anahí Esmeralda
Sánchez Contreras Joel
Sánchez Hernández Grecia Aymé
Sánchez Vite Karla
Sinue Luna A.
Torres Dorantes Xóchitl
Trinidad Ávila Andrea Dalia
Valladares Flores Rebeca
Vargas Zaragoza Alejandra
Vázquez Cruz Massiel
Vega Gasca Miguel Ángel
Instituciones colaboradoras:
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Vicerrectoría de Extensión y Difusión de la Cultura BUAP
Instituto de Ciencias de Gobierno y Desarrollo Estratégico BUAP
Facultad de Comunicación BUAP
Facultad de Contaduría BUAP
Dirección de Servicio Social
Instituto Angelopolitano de Estudios Universitarios
Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla
Universitario Tolteca de México de A.C.
Escuela de Jurisprudencia y Humanidades
Instituto Estatal Electoral Puebla, Dirección de Gestión Documental.
Fundación Conserva México, Institución de asistencia privada A. C
- published: 23 Aug 2022
- views: 24
Should Monarchy Be Abolished? | LSE Event
Some of the world’s most longstanding democracies are monarchies. But what is the case for a Republic?
What can we learn from recent constitutional changes in t...
Some of the world’s most longstanding democracies are monarchies. But what is the case for a Republic?
What can we learn from recent constitutional changes in the Caribbean? And what are the lessons from Britain’s own Republican experiment?
Dr Anna Keay
Geoffrey Robertson
Dr Cleve Scott
Dr Robin Archer
Full details/attend: https://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2023/04/202304261830/monarchy
To turn on captions, go to the bottom-right of the video player and click the icon. Please note that this feature uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, or machine generated transcription, and is not 100% accurate.
Some of the world’s most longstanding democracies are monarchies. But what is the case for a Republic?
What can we learn from recent constitutional changes in the Caribbean? And what are the lessons from Britain’s own Republican experiment?
Dr Anna Keay
Geoffrey Robertson
Dr Cleve Scott
Dr Robin Archer
Full details/attend: https://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2023/04/202304261830/monarchy
To turn on captions, go to the bottom-right of the video player and click the icon. Please note that this feature uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, or machine generated transcription, and is not 100% accurate.
- published: 27 Apr 2023
- views: 1250
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Post Election Seminar, Opening Ceremony
Cayman Islands Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Post Election Seminar.
Opening Ceremony November 13 2013.
Cayman Islands Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Post Election Seminar.
Opening Ceremony November 13 2013.
Cayman Islands Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Post Election Seminar.
Opening Ceremony November 13 2013.
- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 94
Process | Practice - President Kurt in Conversation with Peter Wayne Lewis
Process | Practice
President Kurt Steinberg in conversation with...
Peter Wayne Lewis
In conversation, President Steinberg discusses the current state of th...
Process | Practice
President Kurt Steinberg in conversation with...
Peter Wayne Lewis
In conversation, President Steinberg discusses the current state of the arts with painter and former Mass Art professor and chairman, Peter Wayne Lewis.
"Peter Wayne Lewis was born in Kingston, Jamaica, immigrating to Sacramento, California with his parents in 1962, and becoming an American citizen in1983. He received his M.A.in Painting from San Jose State University in California and was a tenured Professor of Painting at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston for 25 years, including a stint as Chairman of the Department. He maintains an ambitious studio practice, splitting his time between the New York Metro area and Beijing, China, where he is also the Director of Oasis Gallery-Beijing."
To see student work, events, exhibitions, and more, follow any of the links below:
WEBSITE: www.montserrat.edu
GALLERIES: www.montserrat.edu/galleries/
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/MontserratCollegeofArt/
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/montcollegeart/
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/MontCollegeArt
Montserrat College of Art is a private, residential college of visual art and design supporting the creative life by educating artists and entrepreneurs for a rapidly changing world. The college offers three international programs, 12 concentrations and a required internship program. Montserrat alumni are employed by some of the country's biggest brands including Disney, Puma, Hasbro and more. Students earn the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and develop their skills for success in today's growing creative economy. The college also offers year-round classes for youth, teens and adults through its Continuing Education Division, and has four public galleries offering year-round programs, exhibitions and lectures.
Process | Practice
President Kurt Steinberg in conversation with...
Peter Wayne Lewis
In conversation, President Steinberg discusses the current state of the arts with painter and former Mass Art professor and chairman, Peter Wayne Lewis.
"Peter Wayne Lewis was born in Kingston, Jamaica, immigrating to Sacramento, California with his parents in 1962, and becoming an American citizen in1983. He received his M.A.in Painting from San Jose State University in California and was a tenured Professor of Painting at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston for 25 years, including a stint as Chairman of the Department. He maintains an ambitious studio practice, splitting his time between the New York Metro area and Beijing, China, where he is also the Director of Oasis Gallery-Beijing."
To see student work, events, exhibitions, and more, follow any of the links below:
WEBSITE: www.montserrat.edu
GALLERIES: www.montserrat.edu/galleries/
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/MontserratCollegeofArt/
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/montcollegeart/
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/MontCollegeArt
Montserrat College of Art is a private, residential college of visual art and design supporting the creative life by educating artists and entrepreneurs for a rapidly changing world. The college offers three international programs, 12 concentrations and a required internship program. Montserrat alumni are employed by some of the country's biggest brands including Disney, Puma, Hasbro and more. Students earn the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and develop their skills for success in today's growing creative economy. The college also offers year-round classes for youth, teens and adults through its Continuing Education Division, and has four public galleries offering year-round programs, exhibitions and lectures.
- published: 12 Oct 2020
- views: 60
The Difference between the UK, Great Britain & England Explained
New to the channel? Start here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqs5ohhass_STBfubAdle9dsyWrqu6G6r
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.co...
New to the channel? Start here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqs5ohhass_STBfubAdle9dsyWrqu6G6r
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
New to the channel? Start here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqs5ohhass_STBfubAdle9dsyWrqu6G6r
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
- published: 30 Jan 2011
- views: 24421974
Expanding access to good practices on Elimination of MTCT of HIV and Syphilis through SSC
As targets of SDG3, to end of preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 and the elimination of HIV and other communicable diseases should remain prior...
As targets of SDG3, to end of preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 and the elimination of HIV and other communicable diseases should remain priorities on the agenda for global health development. Over 90% of new HIV infections among infants and young children occur through MTCT. Successful practices of EMTCT have managed to reduce the transmission risk from 20-45% to less than 2%. Several countries have undertaken great measures to achieve the WHO’s certificate for eliminating MTCT of HIV & Syphilis; In 2015 Cuba was the first country in the world to achieve the certificate, and in 2016 Thailand followed as the first country in Asia. Most recently Malaysia achieved it in October 2018.
The aim of this webinar was to present and discuss ways to expand the access to knowledge and experiences of EMTCT through SSC. By means of knowledge exchange and sharing good practices, SSC can be used as a vehicle to reach the SDG targets and improve health development in countries of the Global South.
Read more about the webinar discussions and access the slide presentation: https://bit.ly/2HGG9F3
Dr. Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha - UNICEF HIV/AIDS, NYHQ
Dr. Sarawut Boonsuk - Health Promotion Regional Center, Department of Health, MoPH, Thailand
Dr. Anita Suleiman - HIV/STI/Hepatitis C Sector, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Dr. Mariame Sylla - Health and Nutrition Programme Section, UNICEF South Africa
Dr. Melanie Taylor - World Health Organization
Ms. Laurie Gulaid - UNICEF ESARO
About socialprotection.org
- Join our community of global social protection practitioners: http://socialprotection.org/
- Subscribe to our mailing list to be updated on future webinars and the latest social protection content: http://socialprotection.org/subscribe
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialprotectionorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SP_Gateway
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/socialprotection.org/
As targets of SDG3, to end of preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 and the elimination of HIV and other communicable diseases should remain priorities on the agenda for global health development. Over 90% of new HIV infections among infants and young children occur through MTCT. Successful practices of EMTCT have managed to reduce the transmission risk from 20-45% to less than 2%. Several countries have undertaken great measures to achieve the WHO’s certificate for eliminating MTCT of HIV & Syphilis; In 2015 Cuba was the first country in the world to achieve the certificate, and in 2016 Thailand followed as the first country in Asia. Most recently Malaysia achieved it in October 2018.
The aim of this webinar was to present and discuss ways to expand the access to knowledge and experiences of EMTCT through SSC. By means of knowledge exchange and sharing good practices, SSC can be used as a vehicle to reach the SDG targets and improve health development in countries of the Global South.
Read more about the webinar discussions and access the slide presentation: https://bit.ly/2HGG9F3
Dr. Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha - UNICEF HIV/AIDS, NYHQ
Dr. Sarawut Boonsuk - Health Promotion Regional Center, Department of Health, MoPH, Thailand
Dr. Anita Suleiman - HIV/STI/Hepatitis C Sector, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Dr. Mariame Sylla - Health and Nutrition Programme Section, UNICEF South Africa
Dr. Melanie Taylor - World Health Organization
Ms. Laurie Gulaid - UNICEF ESARO
About socialprotection.org
- Join our community of global social protection practitioners: http://socialprotection.org/
- Subscribe to our mailing list to be updated on future webinars and the latest social protection content: http://socialprotection.org/subscribe
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialprotectionorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SP_Gateway
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/socialprotection.org/
- published: 31 Jan 2019
- views: 326
Murderer assaults police officer
Murderer Courtney Joseph, 34, of Vermont, gets aggressive with a police officer on 28 April 2022 after being sentenced to 37 years 4 month and 23 days for murde...
Murderer Courtney Joseph, 34, of Vermont, gets aggressive with a police officer on 28 April 2022 after being sentenced to 37 years 4 month and 23 days for murder and 13 years one month and 23 days for possession of a firearm with intent to commit murder. The sentences will run concurrently.
Murderer Courtney Joseph, 34, of Vermont, gets aggressive with a police officer on 28 April 2022 after being sentenced to 37 years 4 month and 23 days for murder and 13 years one month and 23 days for possession of a firearm with intent to commit murder. The sentences will run concurrently.
- published: 04 May 2022
- views: 331650
Sally Gibson (Cambridge) - VMSG Annual General Meeting 2021
Sally Gibson, Chair of the VMSG Committee presents the Annual General Meeting, updating us on everything that's been going on over the past year, including chan...
Sally Gibson, Chair of the VMSG Committee presents the Annual General Meeting, updating us on everything that's been going on over the past year, including changes to the Committee membership, the winners of this year's prizes and ongoing work to understand and address structural inequality in the VMSG community.
This talk was presented at the 2021 virtual meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG), a joint special interest group of the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society.
To learn more about exciting work from the UK and Irish volcanology community be sure to follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vmsg_uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vmsg_uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vmsg.uk/
Website: https://vmsg.org.uk/
Sally Gibson, Chair of the VMSG Committee presents the Annual General Meeting, updating us on everything that's been going on over the past year, including changes to the Committee membership, the winners of this year's prizes and ongoing work to understand and address structural inequality in the VMSG community.
This talk was presented at the 2021 virtual meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG), a joint special interest group of the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society.
To learn more about exciting work from the UK and Irish volcanology community be sure to follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vmsg_uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vmsg_uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vmsg.uk/
Website: https://vmsg.org.uk/
- published: 29 Jan 2021
- views: 83