Monica Denise Brown, (néeArnold; born October 24, 1980), simply known as Monica, is an American singer, songwriter, producer, and actress. Born and raised in College Park, Georgia, she began performing as a child and became part of a traveling gospel choir at the age of ten. She rose to prominence after releasing her debut studio album Miss Thang in 1995. It went multiplatinum, while its first two singles "Don't Take It Personal" and "Before You Walk Out of My Life" made her the youngest recording act to ever have two consecutive chart-topping hits on the Billboard Top R&B Singles chart. In 1998, Monica's second album The Boy Is Mine earned her major international chart success. Pushed by its Grammy Award-winning number-one hit title track, a duet with singer Brandy, it spawned two further Billboard Hot 100 chart-toppers, "The First Night" and "Angel of Mine", and established her position as one of the most successful of the urban R&B female vocalists to emerge in the mid to late-1990s.
Saint Monica (AD 331 – 387), also known as Monica of Hippo, (Be.Timaniket) was an early Christiansaint and the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. She is remembered and honored in most Christian denominations, albeit on different feast days, for her outstanding Christian virtues, particularly the suffering caused by her husband's adultery, and her prayerful life dedicated to the reformation of her son, who wrote extensively of her pious acts and life with her in his Confessions. Popular Christian legends recall Saint Monica weeping every night for her son Augustine.
Because of her name and place of birth, Monica is assumed to have been born in Tagaste (present-day Souk Ahras, Algeria). She is believed to have been a Berber on the basis of her name. She was married early in life to Patricius, a Roman pagan, who held an official position in Tagaste. Patricius had a violent temper and appears to have been of dissolute habits; apparently his mother was the same way. Monica's alms, deeds and prayer habits annoyed Patricius, but it is said that he always held her in respect.
Monica is a red winegrape that is grown primarily in Sardinia and is one of the few grapes that wine regulations allow to appear on the wine label. The vine originated in Spain but is rarely grown there in recent times. The wine made from these grapes tends to be simple wines made to be consumed young.
Monica di Cagliari is a notable sweet wine made from the grape. Monica di Sardegna is a drier wine.
Monica is a novel by Saunders Lewis, written in the Welsh language and originally published in 1930. Lewis is better known for poetry and plays, and this was his first novel.
Plot summary
The central character is a woman whose life is centred on sexual relationships. Because of its treatment of topics such as prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases, it caused great controversy in Wales, all the more so because Lewis was the son of a well-known Presbyterian minister.
The film traces the story of Monica Jaitley (Divya Dutta), who is an ambitious woman who wants to rise to the top at any cost. She has had a tormented life as a child as she was sexually abused in her chiildhood. Leaving her horrid past behind, she falls in love with journalist Raj Jaitley (Rajit Kapoor). They do get married; however have an unhappy married life. She becomes a journalist herself and this creates a rift between them. The story traces her rise to the top and the compromises she ends up making and its impact on her personal life.
《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》 I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance【湖南卫视官方版】
《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》
I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
《流行經典50年》第27集 - 歌星古巨基應邀擔任嘉賓主持,還特意炮製新環節「我們的勁歌金曲」。頭炮除了獻上《愛得太遲》,還以張學友、黎明的「勁歌金曲金獎」好歌作串燒演唱。
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published: 26 Mar 2018
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published: 04 Jan 2016
《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》 I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance【湖南卫视官方版】
《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》
I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》
I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance
《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》
I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels:
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★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》
I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
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★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》
I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance
《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》
I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels:
★湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》
I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels:
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★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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《我是歌手 3》第五期单曲纯享-古巨基 《Monica》
I Am A Singer 3 EP5 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels:
★湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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《我是歌手 3》第七期单曲纯享-古巨基 《明星》
I Am A Singer 3 EP7 Song: Leo Ku Performance
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集
I AM A SINGER 3 Songs Playlist:
【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels:
★湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP:
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