var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Rzeszów z drona | Rzeszów z lotu ptaka | LECE W MIASTO™ [4k]
▸ Rzeszów, miasto będące stolicą utworzonego w 1999 roku województwa podkarpackiego, leżące w południowo – wschodniej Polsce. Stanowi miasto na prawach powiatu, a według najnowszych danych statystycznych, liczy około 180 tysięcy mieszkańców. Rzeszów znajduje się na granicy Pogórza Karpackiego i Kotliny Sandomierskiej, nad liczącą 220 kilometrów długości rzeką Wisłok.
Historię osad na terenie dzisiejszego Rzeszowa potwierdzają wykopaliska archeologiczne dokumentujące odkrycia sprzed 6 tysięcy lat. Między XI a XII wiekiem, z inicjatywy prawdopodobnie Polaków, powstał gród miejski. Prawa miejskie z kolei nadane zostały 19 stycznia 1354 roku, kiedy to Kazimierz III Wielki przekazał miasto Janowi Pakosławicowi ze Stróżysk. Mimo dewastacji w XV wieku, Rzeszów został szybko odbudowany, a na mocy ...
published: 01 May 2021
► Odbierz moim kodem do 250zł zniżki na AirBNB: https://bit.ly/3eMWpBC
Rzeszów to stolica Podkarpacia ! Ale co o nim wiecie, z czym wam się kojarzy ? Postanowiłem mu się przyjrzeć z bliska i odwiedziłem to prężnie rozwijające się miasto! I wiecie co ? Ma do zaoferowania dużo więcej niż tylko dwuznacznie kojarzący się pomnik ! :D
Dowiedz się więcej o Aviation Managment:
► https://bit.ly/podroz1
► https://www.facebook.com/WSIiZwRzeszowie
► https://www.instagram.com/wsiiz_rzeszow
► https://www.YouTube.com/user.wsiiz
► https://www.twitter.com/wsiiz_rzeszow
► https://www.Linkedin.com/school/wsiiz
Obserwuj mnie:
► https://www.instagram.com/kamilintravel/
Polub mój fanpage:
► https://www.facebook.com/kamilintravel
► https://www.snapchat.com/add/kamilintravel
Mamy równie...
published: 24 Jun 2020
Why I left the United States for RZESZÓW?
Hey guys! Polskie napisy w CC :)
Today's video is about my life in Rzeszów. Why I chose to live here and why I love this city so much!
Let me know if you liked this video, and if you're from Rzeszów or Poland yourself, I'd love to hear what are YOUR why's down in the comment section.
Find me elsewhere!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/lifebyklaudia
Other YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstL4AJEEIvYjwjQQZq1E5A
Thanks! xx
- K
published: 12 Aug 2018
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Obserwuj na INSTAGRAMIE:
Zdjęcia: Barto
Montaż: Lolo
published: 25 May 2018
24 HOURS IN RZESZÓW | Where to eat & What to see
Hi there! Polish subtitles in CC :) As promised, I wanted to share more of my life in Rzeszów with you guys. A day in Rzeszów isn't enough to see all it has to offer but it's a start! Here are a few of my all-time favorite spots.
None of these places were in any way sponsored! Either way, I'd never recommend things I didn't personally like in the first place :)
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments what places you recommend for new visitors!
See ya next time!
- K.
Find me here:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
published: 03 Nov 2019
Rzeszów czyli wbrew zasadom
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Rzeszów przez lata był zapomnianym miastem na rubieżach … kiedy mieliśmy polski sierpień 1980 roku, a potem stan wojenny to Rzeszów liczył zaledwie nieco ponad 120 tys. mieszkańców …
Historycznie Rzeszów też nie był znaczącym miastem … wszyscy pamiętamy, że na wschodzie był Lublin, był także Lwów, Tarnopol, Łuc...
published: 22 May 2021
Rzeszów is one of the oldest cities in Poland and the biggest cultural, academic and industrial area in its South-Eastern part. Take a trip with Ryan Socash and discover this incredible city!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
published: 05 Dec 2019
W Rzeszowie rośnie nowa wizytówka miasta - Olszynki Park Rzeszów 2021
Miasto Rzeszów jako stolica województwa podkarpackiego może się pochwalić jednym z największych wzrostów pkb dla miast wojewódzkich na lata 2004-2018. Ciagły rozwój miedzy innymi branż przemysłowych czy informatycznych przyciąga do Rzeszowa wiele nowych mieszkańców. Dzięki czemu również rynek deweloperski nie odstaje na krok rozwojowi miasta.
Najlepszym tego przykładem jest powstający kompleks mieszkalno usługowy Olszynki Park.
Obiekt składa się z dwóch wież. Niższy z budynków osiągnie wysokość 78 metrów, zaś jego sąsiad mierzyć będzie 161 metrów.
Zespół wież zlokalizowany jest przy ulicy Szopena, wzdłuż rzeki Wisłok.
W całym kompleksie zaplanowano 292 mieszkań, od małych 40 metrowych aż po ponad 300 metrowe apartamenty na ostatnich piętrach wieżowca. Część usługowo-handlowo-biurowa stanow...
published: 19 Aug 2021
Rzeszow Şehir Turu
İyi bayramlar! Size erasmus yaptığım şehri elimden geldiğince göstermeye çalıştım. Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebasakyildiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebasakyildiz
published: 21 Aug 2018
Rzeszów z drona | Rzeszów z lotu ptaka | LECE W MIASTO™ [4k]
▸ Rzeszów, miasto będące stolicą utworzonego w 1999 roku województwa podkarpackiego, leżące w południowo – wschodniej Polsce. Stanowi miasto na prawach powiatu,...
▸ Rzeszów, miasto będące stolicą utworzonego w 1999 roku województwa podkarpackiego, leżące w południowo – wschodniej Polsce. Stanowi miasto na prawach powiatu, a według najnowszych danych statystycznych, liczy około 180 tysięcy mieszkańców. Rzeszów znajduje się na granicy Pogórza Karpackiego i Kotliny Sandomierskiej, nad liczącą 220 kilometrów długości rzeką Wisłok.
Historię osad na terenie dzisiejszego Rzeszowa potwierdzają wykopaliska archeologiczne dokumentujące odkrycia sprzed 6 tysięcy lat. Między XI a XII wiekiem, z inicjatywy prawdopodobnie Polaków, powstał gród miejski. Prawa miejskie z kolei nadane zostały 19 stycznia 1354 roku, kiedy to Kazimierz III Wielki przekazał miasto Janowi Pakosławicowi ze Stróżysk. Mimo dewastacji w XV wieku, Rzeszów został szybko odbudowany, a na mocy uzyskanych przywilejów zdobył możliwość szybkiego rozwoju. Już wtedy w mieście rozwinęło się m.in. kowalstwo, krawiectwo czy kuśnierstwo. Po bitwie pod Rzeszowem, 13 sierpnia 1769 roku, miasto przez 146 lat wchodziło w skład Imperium Habsburgów. Na powrót wolnym stało się w roku 1845. W czasie II wojny światowej, w Rzeszowie istniało getto żydowskie, które zamieszkiwało około 30% ówczesnych mieszkańców miasta. Większość ze znajdujących się w nim Żydów wywieziono do obozu lub rozstrzelano.
Obecnie Rzeszów stopniowo powiększa swój obszar i dynamicznie się rozwija.
W obrębie Rzeszowa znajduje się powstały w 2003 roku rezerwat przyrody Lisia Góra. Jest on położony nad utworzonym w 1973 roku Zbiornikiem Rzeszowskim, liczącym ok. 65 ha powierzchni. Z założenia akwen ten miał pełnić funkcję rekreacyjną oraz stanowić zbiornik retencyjny. Wskutek nanoszenia mułu na terenie obecnego zbiornika powstały liczne wysepki i płycizny, na których dziś gromadzą się przedstawiciele różnego rodzaju flory, w tym na przykład: moczarka kanadyjska, rdestnica pływająca czy szczaw lancetowaty. W Zbiorniku Rzeszowskim spotkać można również lina, amura, żaby wodne oraz kumaki nizinne.
Przemysł w Rzeszowie skupia się wokół produkcji m.in. sprzętu domowego, odzieżowego, budowlanego oraz farmaceutycznego. Doskonale rozwinięta jest również struktura przemysłu lotniczego, funkcjonująca dzięki rozbudowanemu Międzynarodowemu Portowi Lotniczemu Rzeszów – Jasionka.
Do najważniejszych atrakcji i zabytków Rzeszowa z pewnością należy zaliczyć:
▸Ratusz Miejski znajdujący się na Starym Mieście. Wybudowany został najprawdopodobniej w 1591 roku, jednak obecną neogotycką i neorenesansową formę zyskał w II połowie XIX wieku. W Ratuszu wciąż znajduje się siedziba Urzędu i Prezydenta Miasta.
▸wybudowany w latach 1902 – 1906 Zamek, powstały na miejscu zbudowanego ok. XVI wieku zamku Lubomirskich. Pierwotnie planowano jedynie renowację istniejącego zamku, jednak ze względu na jego zły stan podjęto decyzję o całkowitym wyburzeniu.
▸Aleja Pod Kasztanami stanowiąca malowniczy deptak z zabytkowymi zabudowami;
▸Letni Pałac Lubomirskich, powstały w latach 90. XVII wieku;
▸Teatr im. Wandy Siemaszkowej, zbudowany w latach 1890 – 1900 jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych zabytków Rzeszowa i ważnym elementem kulturalnym regionu. Rokrocznie organizuje festiwale: Spotkania Teatralne, Karnawałowe oraz Plenerowe.
▸założony w 1849 roku Cmentarz żydowski na Czekaju, zdewastowany podczas II wojny światowej. Do czasów współczesnych zachowały się 754 nagrobki;
▸cmentarz Pobitno, otwarty 1 stycznia 1910 roku, liczący około 7 ha powierzchni;
▸stanowiący jeden z najstarszych Stary Cmentarz, zamknięty w momencie otwarcia Cmentarza Pobitno. Został założony w 1792 roku, według szacunków, na jego terenie spoczywa około 40 tys. osób.
▸wielokrotnie przebudowywana wskutek pożarów Synagoga Staromiejska, pierwotnie powstała w roku 1610.
Ponadto wartymi zobaczenia są liczne pomniki znajdujące się na terenie miasta, jak np. Pomnik Czynu Rewolucyjnego, Pomnik Ofiar Terroru Hitlerowskiego, Powstańców Styczniowych, pomnik Jana Kochanowskiego, Juliusza Słowackiego, Tadeusza Kościuszki.
16 czerwca 2002 roku w Rzeszowie otwarta została Hala Podpromie, stanowiąca obecnie jedną z najnowocześniejszych, wielofunkcyjnych hal sportowo-widowiskowych w Polsce. Prócz licznych imprez sportowych z zakresu siatkówki (w tym meczy Ligi Światowej), koszykówki czy łucznictwa, w Hali odbywają się również Targi Budowlane oraz Wystawy Gołębi Rasowych i Psów.
▸Źródło: https://e-nocleg.pl/przewodnik-rzeszow/przewodnik.html
▸YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/lecewmiasto
▸Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lecewmiasto
▸Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lecewmiasto
▸Caleb Etheridge - Boundless Wonder
▸phantom 4 pro
Współpraca, licencje na materiały oraz zapytania biznesowe:
[email protected]
Sprawdź naszą stronę internetową
▸ www.lecewmiasto.pl
▸ www.itvp.tv
▸Copyright © Lecewmiasto | All rights reserved |
#rzeszow #dron #lecewmiasto
▸ Rzeszów, miasto będące stolicą utworzonego w 1999 roku województwa podkarpackiego, leżące w południowo – wschodniej Polsce. Stanowi miasto na prawach powiatu, a według najnowszych danych statystycznych, liczy około 180 tysięcy mieszkańców. Rzeszów znajduje się na granicy Pogórza Karpackiego i Kotliny Sandomierskiej, nad liczącą 220 kilometrów długości rzeką Wisłok.
Historię osad na terenie dzisiejszego Rzeszowa potwierdzają wykopaliska archeologiczne dokumentujące odkrycia sprzed 6 tysięcy lat. Między XI a XII wiekiem, z inicjatywy prawdopodobnie Polaków, powstał gród miejski. Prawa miejskie z kolei nadane zostały 19 stycznia 1354 roku, kiedy to Kazimierz III Wielki przekazał miasto Janowi Pakosławicowi ze Stróżysk. Mimo dewastacji w XV wieku, Rzeszów został szybko odbudowany, a na mocy uzyskanych przywilejów zdobył możliwość szybkiego rozwoju. Już wtedy w mieście rozwinęło się m.in. kowalstwo, krawiectwo czy kuśnierstwo. Po bitwie pod Rzeszowem, 13 sierpnia 1769 roku, miasto przez 146 lat wchodziło w skład Imperium Habsburgów. Na powrót wolnym stało się w roku 1845. W czasie II wojny światowej, w Rzeszowie istniało getto żydowskie, które zamieszkiwało około 30% ówczesnych mieszkańców miasta. Większość ze znajdujących się w nim Żydów wywieziono do obozu lub rozstrzelano.
Obecnie Rzeszów stopniowo powiększa swój obszar i dynamicznie się rozwija.
W obrębie Rzeszowa znajduje się powstały w 2003 roku rezerwat przyrody Lisia Góra. Jest on położony nad utworzonym w 1973 roku Zbiornikiem Rzeszowskim, liczącym ok. 65 ha powierzchni. Z założenia akwen ten miał pełnić funkcję rekreacyjną oraz stanowić zbiornik retencyjny. Wskutek nanoszenia mułu na terenie obecnego zbiornika powstały liczne wysepki i płycizny, na których dziś gromadzą się przedstawiciele różnego rodzaju flory, w tym na przykład: moczarka kanadyjska, rdestnica pływająca czy szczaw lancetowaty. W Zbiorniku Rzeszowskim spotkać można również lina, amura, żaby wodne oraz kumaki nizinne.
Przemysł w Rzeszowie skupia się wokół produkcji m.in. sprzętu domowego, odzieżowego, budowlanego oraz farmaceutycznego. Doskonale rozwinięta jest również struktura przemysłu lotniczego, funkcjonująca dzięki rozbudowanemu Międzynarodowemu Portowi Lotniczemu Rzeszów – Jasionka.
Do najważniejszych atrakcji i zabytków Rzeszowa z pewnością należy zaliczyć:
▸Ratusz Miejski znajdujący się na Starym Mieście. Wybudowany został najprawdopodobniej w 1591 roku, jednak obecną neogotycką i neorenesansową formę zyskał w II połowie XIX wieku. W Ratuszu wciąż znajduje się siedziba Urzędu i Prezydenta Miasta.
▸wybudowany w latach 1902 – 1906 Zamek, powstały na miejscu zbudowanego ok. XVI wieku zamku Lubomirskich. Pierwotnie planowano jedynie renowację istniejącego zamku, jednak ze względu na jego zły stan podjęto decyzję o całkowitym wyburzeniu.
▸Aleja Pod Kasztanami stanowiąca malowniczy deptak z zabytkowymi zabudowami;
▸Letni Pałac Lubomirskich, powstały w latach 90. XVII wieku;
▸Teatr im. Wandy Siemaszkowej, zbudowany w latach 1890 – 1900 jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych zabytków Rzeszowa i ważnym elementem kulturalnym regionu. Rokrocznie organizuje festiwale: Spotkania Teatralne, Karnawałowe oraz Plenerowe.
▸założony w 1849 roku Cmentarz żydowski na Czekaju, zdewastowany podczas II wojny światowej. Do czasów współczesnych zachowały się 754 nagrobki;
▸cmentarz Pobitno, otwarty 1 stycznia 1910 roku, liczący około 7 ha powierzchni;
▸stanowiący jeden z najstarszych Stary Cmentarz, zamknięty w momencie otwarcia Cmentarza Pobitno. Został założony w 1792 roku, według szacunków, na jego terenie spoczywa około 40 tys. osób.
▸wielokrotnie przebudowywana wskutek pożarów Synagoga Staromiejska, pierwotnie powstała w roku 1610.
Ponadto wartymi zobaczenia są liczne pomniki znajdujące się na terenie miasta, jak np. Pomnik Czynu Rewolucyjnego, Pomnik Ofiar Terroru Hitlerowskiego, Powstańców Styczniowych, pomnik Jana Kochanowskiego, Juliusza Słowackiego, Tadeusza Kościuszki.
16 czerwca 2002 roku w Rzeszowie otwarta została Hala Podpromie, stanowiąca obecnie jedną z najnowocześniejszych, wielofunkcyjnych hal sportowo-widowiskowych w Polsce. Prócz licznych imprez sportowych z zakresu siatkówki (w tym meczy Ligi Światowej), koszykówki czy łucznictwa, w Hali odbywają się również Targi Budowlane oraz Wystawy Gołębi Rasowych i Psów.
▸Źródło: https://e-nocleg.pl/przewodnik-rzeszow/przewodnik.html
▸YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/lecewmiasto
▸Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lecewmiasto
▸Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lecewmiasto
▸Caleb Etheridge - Boundless Wonder
▸phantom 4 pro
Współpraca, licencje na materiały oraz zapytania biznesowe:
[email protected]
Sprawdź naszą stronę internetową
▸ www.lecewmiasto.pl
▸ www.itvp.tv
▸Copyright © Lecewmiasto | All rights reserved |
#rzeszow #dron #lecewmiasto
- published: 01 May 2021
- views: 52604
► Odbierz moim kodem do 250zł zniżki na AirBNB: https://bit.ly/3eMWpBC
Rzeszów to stolica Podkarpacia ! Ale co o nim wiecie, z czym wam się kojarzy ? Postanowi...
► Odbierz moim kodem do 250zł zniżki na AirBNB: https://bit.ly/3eMWpBC
Rzeszów to stolica Podkarpacia ! Ale co o nim wiecie, z czym wam się kojarzy ? Postanowiłem mu się przyjrzeć z bliska i odwiedziłem to prężnie rozwijające się miasto! I wiecie co ? Ma do zaoferowania dużo więcej niż tylko dwuznacznie kojarzący się pomnik ! :D
Dowiedz się więcej o Aviation Managment:
► https://bit.ly/podroz1
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Rzeszów to stolica Podkarpacia ! Ale co o nim wiecie, z czym wam się kojarzy ? Postanowiłem mu się przyjrzeć z bliska i odwiedziłem to prężnie rozwijające się miasto! I wiecie co ? Ma do zaoferowania dużo więcej niż tylko dwuznacznie kojarzący się pomnik ! :D
Dowiedz się więcej o Aviation Managment:
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► https://bit.ly/2GYjn7S
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► https://bit.ly/2pSHhJw
► Zegarek:
► https://bit.ly/35j7JjB
- published: 24 Jun 2020
- views: 114911
Why I left the United States for RZESZÓW?
Hey guys! Polskie napisy w CC :)
Today's video is about my life in Rzeszów. Why I chose to live here and why I love this city so much!
Let me know if you liked...
Hey guys! Polskie napisy w CC :)
Today's video is about my life in Rzeszów. Why I chose to live here and why I love this city so much!
Let me know if you liked this video, and if you're from Rzeszów or Poland yourself, I'd love to hear what are YOUR why's down in the comment section.
Find me elsewhere!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/lifebyklaudia
Other YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstL4AJEEIvYjwjQQZq1E5A
Thanks! xx
- K
Hey guys! Polskie napisy w CC :)
Today's video is about my life in Rzeszów. Why I chose to live here and why I love this city so much!
Let me know if you liked this video, and if you're from Rzeszów or Poland yourself, I'd love to hear what are YOUR why's down in the comment section.
Find me elsewhere!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/lifebyklaudia
Other YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstL4AJEEIvYjwjQQZq1E5A
Thanks! xx
- K
- published: 12 Aug 2018
- views: 204093
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Obserwuj na INSTAGRAMIE:
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Obserwuj na INSTAGRAMIE:
Zdjęcia: Barto
Montaż: Lolo
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Obserwuj na INSTAGRAMIE:
Zdjęcia: Barto
Montaż: Lolo
- published: 25 May 2018
- views: 1150219
24 HOURS IN RZESZÓW | Where to eat & What to see
Hi there! Polish subtitles in CC :) As promised, I wanted to share more of my life in Rzeszów with you guys. A day in Rzeszów isn't enough to see all it has to ...
Hi there! Polish subtitles in CC :) As promised, I wanted to share more of my life in Rzeszów with you guys. A day in Rzeszów isn't enough to see all it has to offer but it's a start! Here are a few of my all-time favorite spots.
None of these places were in any way sponsored! Either way, I'd never recommend things I didn't personally like in the first place :)
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments what places you recommend for new visitors!
See ya next time!
- K.
Find me here:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
Hi there! Polish subtitles in CC :) As promised, I wanted to share more of my life in Rzeszów with you guys. A day in Rzeszów isn't enough to see all it has to offer but it's a start! Here are a few of my all-time favorite spots.
None of these places were in any way sponsored! Either way, I'd never recommend things I didn't personally like in the first place :)
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments what places you recommend for new visitors!
See ya next time!
- K.
Find me here:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/klaudiakatie
- published: 03 Nov 2019
- views: 71412
Rzeszów czyli wbrew zasadom
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Rzeszów przez lata był zapomnianym miastem na rubieżach … kiedy mieliśmy polski sierpień 1980 roku, a potem stan wojenny to Rzeszów liczył zaledwie nieco ponad 120 tys. mieszkańców …
Historycznie Rzeszów też nie był znaczącym miastem … wszyscy pamiętamy, że na wschodzie był Lublin, był także Lwów, Tarnopol, Łuck, Stanisławów … a Rzeszów? … Rzeszów to było mało znaczące miasto w województwie Lwowskim … Żydów mieszkało w Rzeszowie przed wojną ok. 1/3 – pod tym względem to było takie typowo polskie miasto …
Ale w ostatnich latach na tej ubogiej podkarpackiej ziemi wyrasta nowy lider gospodarczy … :-)
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Rzeszów przez lata był zapomnianym miastem na rubieżach … kiedy mieliśmy polski sierpień 1980 roku, a potem stan wojenny to Rzeszów liczył zaledwie nieco ponad 120 tys. mieszkańców …
Historycznie Rzeszów też nie był znaczącym miastem … wszyscy pamiętamy, że na wschodzie był Lublin, był także Lwów, Tarnopol, Łuck, Stanisławów … a Rzeszów? … Rzeszów to było mało znaczące miasto w województwie Lwowskim … Żydów mieszkało w Rzeszowie przed wojną ok. 1/3 – pod tym względem to było takie typowo polskie miasto …
Ale w ostatnich latach na tej ubogiej podkarpackiej ziemi wyrasta nowy lider gospodarczy … :-)
- published: 22 May 2021
- views: 26411
Rzeszów is one of the oldest cities in Poland and the biggest cultural, academic and industrial area in its South-Eastern part. Take a trip with Ryan Socash and...
Rzeszów is one of the oldest cities in Poland and the biggest cultural, academic and industrial area in its South-Eastern part. Take a trip with Ryan Socash and discover this incredible city!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
Rzeszów is one of the oldest cities in Poland and the biggest cultural, academic and industrial area in its South-Eastern part. Take a trip with Ryan Socash and discover this incredible city!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
- published: 05 Dec 2019
- views: 16402
W Rzeszowie rośnie nowa wizytówka miasta - Olszynki Park Rzeszów 2021
Miasto Rzeszów jako stolica województwa podkarpackiego może się pochwalić jednym z największych wzrostów pkb dla miast wojewódzkich na lata 2004-2018. Ciagły ro...
Miasto Rzeszów jako stolica województwa podkarpackiego może się pochwalić jednym z największych wzrostów pkb dla miast wojewódzkich na lata 2004-2018. Ciagły rozwój miedzy innymi branż przemysłowych czy informatycznych przyciąga do Rzeszowa wiele nowych mieszkańców. Dzięki czemu również rynek deweloperski nie odstaje na krok rozwojowi miasta.
Najlepszym tego przykładem jest powstający kompleks mieszkalno usługowy Olszynki Park.
Obiekt składa się z dwóch wież. Niższy z budynków osiągnie wysokość 78 metrów, zaś jego sąsiad mierzyć będzie 161 metrów.
Zespół wież zlokalizowany jest przy ulicy Szopena, wzdłuż rzeki Wisłok.
W całym kompleksie zaplanowano 292 mieszkań, od małych 40 metrowych aż po ponad 300 metrowe apartamenty na ostatnich piętrach wieżowca. Część usługowo-handlowo-biurowa stanowi podstawę dla budowanej nieruchomosci, gdzie mieszkańcy bedą mogli skorzystać między innymi z basenu oraz siłowni.
Elewacja budynku zostanie wykonana miedzy innymi z aluminium oraz okładziny odpornej na warunki atmosferyczne. Architektura wieżowców ma nawiązywać do dwumasztowej łodzi, co dodatkowo podkreśla położenie obiektu blisko wody.
Wieżowiec Olszynki Park będzie bez wątpienia wyróżniającym się budynkiem w panoramie miasta oraz nowa wizytówka. Czy Rzeszowianie będą z niej dumni? Przekonamy się w przyszłości.
Planowane zakończenie inwestycji jest na rok 2023.
[email protected]
instagram: polska.w.budowie
Peter Rudenko - Slow Motion (CC BY 4.0)
Wizualizacje należą do inwestora.
#Rzeszów #OlszynkiPark
Miasto Rzeszów jako stolica województwa podkarpackiego może się pochwalić jednym z największych wzrostów pkb dla miast wojewódzkich na lata 2004-2018. Ciagły rozwój miedzy innymi branż przemysłowych czy informatycznych przyciąga do Rzeszowa wiele nowych mieszkańców. Dzięki czemu również rynek deweloperski nie odstaje na krok rozwojowi miasta.
Najlepszym tego przykładem jest powstający kompleks mieszkalno usługowy Olszynki Park.
Obiekt składa się z dwóch wież. Niższy z budynków osiągnie wysokość 78 metrów, zaś jego sąsiad mierzyć będzie 161 metrów.
Zespół wież zlokalizowany jest przy ulicy Szopena, wzdłuż rzeki Wisłok.
W całym kompleksie zaplanowano 292 mieszkań, od małych 40 metrowych aż po ponad 300 metrowe apartamenty na ostatnich piętrach wieżowca. Część usługowo-handlowo-biurowa stanowi podstawę dla budowanej nieruchomosci, gdzie mieszkańcy bedą mogli skorzystać między innymi z basenu oraz siłowni.
Elewacja budynku zostanie wykonana miedzy innymi z aluminium oraz okładziny odpornej na warunki atmosferyczne. Architektura wieżowców ma nawiązywać do dwumasztowej łodzi, co dodatkowo podkreśla położenie obiektu blisko wody.
Wieżowiec Olszynki Park będzie bez wątpienia wyróżniającym się budynkiem w panoramie miasta oraz nowa wizytówka. Czy Rzeszowianie będą z niej dumni? Przekonamy się w przyszłości.
Planowane zakończenie inwestycji jest na rok 2023.
[email protected]
instagram: polska.w.budowie
Peter Rudenko - Slow Motion (CC BY 4.0)
Wizualizacje należą do inwestora.
#Rzeszów #OlszynkiPark
- published: 19 Aug 2021
- views: 2123
Rzeszow Şehir Turu
İyi bayramlar! Size erasmus yaptığım şehri elimden geldiğince göstermeye çalıştım. Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebasakyildiz/
İyi bayramlar! Size erasmus yaptığım şehri elimden geldiğince göstermeye çalıştım. Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebasakyildiz/
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İyi bayramlar! Size erasmus yaptığım şehri elimden geldiğince göstermeye çalıştım. Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebasakyildiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebasakyildiz
- published: 21 Aug 2018
- views: 10811
The ONLY 2 Lat Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
60% off all AX programs - http://athleanx.com/x/560-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great exam...
published: 01 Jun 2023
Hamid Sefat - Lat OFFICIAL VIDEO | حمید صفت - لت
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
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Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت...
published: 22 Apr 2023
How To Build A V-Tapered Back: Lat Training Dos and Don’ts
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
Watch more Technique Tuesday videos:
published: 17 Sep 2019
Grow your Lats 💥 how to train
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published: 15 Apr 2022
How to Do a Lat Pulldown + Common Mistake
Lat Pulldown Exercise: Proper Form & Common Technique Error
The target muscle is the latissimus dorsi (colored red) which pulls the humerus downward and adducts the arm toward the body (shoulder adduction).
The elbow flexors (pink) assist in elbow flexion, the posterior deltoid and the teres major assist in shoulder adduction.
The brachialis is more dominant in the pronation grip than in the supination grip, where the biceps brachii is dominant.
Thanks to @ryan_spiteri for the video.
Thanks for watching, if you have any question or you want to get more info, please visit our website www.muscleandmotion.com or simply click the link below
Learn How to Avoid Common Mistakes and Reduce Risk of Injuries!
Talk to your doctor ...
published: 04 Sep 2019
Lat Pulldown Mistakes (KILLING BACK GAINS!)
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
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Anti-Swear Odor Workout Face Masks
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published: 17 Dec 2021
How to do the CABLE LAT PULLOVER! | 2 Minute Tutorial
What's up guys and welcome back to 2 Minute Tutorials! This series will cover a broad range of training exercises to help you feel more comfortable in the gym and progress with your training. Each episode will cover one unique exercise by giving an in depth description of the muscle groups it activates, the equipment it requires, how to set it up, and most importantly, how to perform it correctly. With valuable cues, techniques, and assistance along the way, this series will deliver a quick, simple, and effective breakdown easy enough for anyone to understand. Whether you’ve been lifting for years, or if it's your first time stepping into a gym, these videos will have you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to level up your training! So join the ride and let's get to work! Today's ...
published: 09 Jun 2021
The REAL Reason Your Lats Won't Grow!
If you ever wondered what the real reason your lats won’t grow is, this is a must watch video. Here I am going to show you what you likely have been and have not been doing when it comes to your back training that is leading to you not getting the back gains that you’re looking for. With just some simple modifications to your workouts, you will be on your way to building bigger lats.
60% off all AX programs - https://athleanx.com/x/342-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
The first thing you have probably been doing when it comes to your back workouts is that you’ve only been lifting heavy weights. This usually comes in the forms of rows, lat pulldowns, and weighted pullups. There’s nothing wrong with performing these exercises with heavier weights, but you are...
published: 13 Nov 2022
RELIVE - Men's Doubles Run 1 | EBERSPÄCHER Luge World Cup - Sigulda (LAT)
Follow the Sledding action here on YouTube, heart & share our videos!
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published: 24 Feb 2024
How To: Lat Pulldown | 3 GOLDEN RULES
The slightest change in your form can take the focus of this exercise our of your LATS and place more emphasis on your biceps and upper back. But after you watch this video you will know EXACTLY what to do to not only master the exercise, but build some serious muscle with it!
Today we’re going to talk about the 3 golden rules for how to perform a lat pulldown properly. A lat pulldown is a great exercise that’s going to target almost the entire back, mainly focusing on width. However, you will also be involving other muscles in your back like your traps, rhomboids and rear delts, as well as the biceps to a degree. Keep in mind this article will only cover the OVERHAND grip version of the movement, a...
published: 25 Jan 2018
The ONLY 2 Lat Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should ...
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
60% off all AX programs - http://athleanx.com/x/560-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great example of this; it has three heads well as two separate functions. Some might tell you that all you need is a flat bench press and an incline bench press. You are only hitting two of the three heads of the chest with this selection and while you are pressing, you are not getting adduction - another function of the chest.
In the case of the lat muscle, you needs to understand the anatomy of the muscle in order to understand how best to target it with your exercise selection. The latissimus dorsi is a fan-like muscle in the upper body, specifically the back, that attaches to the upper humerus, the pelvis, and along the spine. The lat muscle being the largest in the back will require exercises that take it through its full range of motion and increasing the stretch on the lats, as well as needing an opportunity for overload since we know that this is one of the main drivers of hypertrophy.
In the case of the lats, this is simply the foundation of what your lat training should include. Not every lat workout needs to include both of these exercises, but a complete training plan for your back will at least build off them or include them at some point.
The first lat exercise up in the only two lat exercises that you need is the kneeling one-arm cable pulldown. Now, you might already being doing lat pulldowns, but this specific variation is the one that you NEED to be including in your back workouts if you want to target your lats. The trick here is to take the lats through their full range of motion and that is getting the insertion point of the lat muscle on the upper humerus and the origin point on the pelvis to be as far from each other and then as close to each other as possible.
In the starting position of this lat exercises, getting your arm overhead and in front of your torso will put the lat muscle on loaded stretch, another way to induce hypertrophy. But taking the lats through their full range of motion will require you to bring your elbow as far back and down behind your body as possible. The range of motion you experience in this lat exercise is more than you would experience on a traditional lat pulldown, where the bar will be the limiting factor in the range of motion of the lats.
The second lat exercise for building big lats is the standard barbell row. If you remember the anatomy of the lats and end up following the fibers, you will notice that they don’t only go up and down, they fan into the spine itself, meaning the upper arm will have to travel back towards the midline of your back. You want to take a narrow grip as opposed to a wide grip when holding the bar because the wider your hands are, the more perpendicular to the spine your upper arms will be.
When building big lats with the barbell row, you want your elbows to be a little bit closer to your sides as this will give you better opportunity to get your elbows back behind your body, meaning more lat activation. If you your elbows are high and way, you will shift the focus towards the muscles of the upper back.
If you have low back problems that prevent you from performing a traditional lat exercise such as the barbell row, then you have the option of performing the chest supported barbell row. This will take the stress of the lower back and allow you to focus on overloading the lats with the row.
I don’t think we should ever be limited to just two exercises for a muscle group, the lats included. But you should at least start with these two exercises to build the foundation of your lats growth.
If you are looking for a step-by-step training program that will take your workouts to the next level, be sure to head over to athleanx.com
For more videos on how to get bigger, wider lats and the best exercises to do just that, make sure you subscribe!
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
60% off all AX programs - http://athleanx.com/x/560-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great example of this; it has three heads well as two separate functions. Some might tell you that all you need is a flat bench press and an incline bench press. You are only hitting two of the three heads of the chest with this selection and while you are pressing, you are not getting adduction - another function of the chest.
In the case of the lat muscle, you needs to understand the anatomy of the muscle in order to understand how best to target it with your exercise selection. The latissimus dorsi is a fan-like muscle in the upper body, specifically the back, that attaches to the upper humerus, the pelvis, and along the spine. The lat muscle being the largest in the back will require exercises that take it through its full range of motion and increasing the stretch on the lats, as well as needing an opportunity for overload since we know that this is one of the main drivers of hypertrophy.
In the case of the lats, this is simply the foundation of what your lat training should include. Not every lat workout needs to include both of these exercises, but a complete training plan for your back will at least build off them or include them at some point.
The first lat exercise up in the only two lat exercises that you need is the kneeling one-arm cable pulldown. Now, you might already being doing lat pulldowns, but this specific variation is the one that you NEED to be including in your back workouts if you want to target your lats. The trick here is to take the lats through their full range of motion and that is getting the insertion point of the lat muscle on the upper humerus and the origin point on the pelvis to be as far from each other and then as close to each other as possible.
In the starting position of this lat exercises, getting your arm overhead and in front of your torso will put the lat muscle on loaded stretch, another way to induce hypertrophy. But taking the lats through their full range of motion will require you to bring your elbow as far back and down behind your body as possible. The range of motion you experience in this lat exercise is more than you would experience on a traditional lat pulldown, where the bar will be the limiting factor in the range of motion of the lats.
The second lat exercise for building big lats is the standard barbell row. If you remember the anatomy of the lats and end up following the fibers, you will notice that they don’t only go up and down, they fan into the spine itself, meaning the upper arm will have to travel back towards the midline of your back. You want to take a narrow grip as opposed to a wide grip when holding the bar because the wider your hands are, the more perpendicular to the spine your upper arms will be.
When building big lats with the barbell row, you want your elbows to be a little bit closer to your sides as this will give you better opportunity to get your elbows back behind your body, meaning more lat activation. If you your elbows are high and way, you will shift the focus towards the muscles of the upper back.
If you have low back problems that prevent you from performing a traditional lat exercise such as the barbell row, then you have the option of performing the chest supported barbell row. This will take the stress of the lower back and allow you to focus on overloading the lats with the row.
I don’t think we should ever be limited to just two exercises for a muscle group, the lats included. But you should at least start with these two exercises to build the foundation of your lats growth.
If you are looking for a step-by-step training program that will take your workouts to the next level, be sure to head over to athleanx.com
For more videos on how to get bigger, wider lats and the best exercises to do just that, make sure you subscribe!
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
- published: 01 Jun 2023
- views: 1178899
Hamid Sefat - Lat OFFICIAL VIDEO | حمید صفت - لت
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘁:
𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗡𝗼𝘄:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت تو محل
دست به دسته بد کردن تو پتت آبو
خوب بودی خراب شدی بیرونی
ولی از الان برو کف شهر حبس ابد، هه
این بدن ساخت جنوب شهره
میتونی تو هم بنویسی قصه ازم
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم، من برادرمو زدم
نمیخوام من مثل شما باشم
نمیخوام بذارم پامو روی گلو کسی راحت
که بدم لم یه گوشه ای راحت
بشینم جون تک تک رفیقامو بگیرم با چی
پخت شیشه و دوا و عمل
که تهش بگی همش
بشه این پولا واسه من عطش پورش پولاي بالا شهر
بکشم از زیر پای داداشم
میخوام از این زنجیره جدا شم
برم جنوب شهر
با غروب تن
نمیخوام واسه ناموسم قفس
بشم قصاص قبل قضاوت
برو بیرون بکش جلو شراره های آتش
ازش بسازم با پول برده
نکنه خروج از عقیده ی قبیله کم
بکنیم خاکت
تو میخوای بشی گرگ
بگن خوردی لاشخور همه رو تو جنگل
ولی من عاشق برده هام
با دلی نازک، بزرگ
اصلا بگو نحیفه هیکل
من میخوام رشد
نه اعدامی کانون
در انتظار بلوغ هیجده
نه بالا، نه پایین
من میخوام فقط رفیقامو بی شک
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدن
ناموسمو زدن، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدن
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم من برادرمو زدم
𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰:
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Facebook: https://Facebook.com/avangtv
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℗ © 2023 Avang Music. All Rights Reserved.
#AvangMusic #HamidSefat #Lat
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘁:
𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗡𝗼𝘄:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت تو محل
دست به دسته بد کردن تو پتت آبو
خوب بودی خراب شدی بیرونی
ولی از الان برو کف شهر حبس ابد، هه
این بدن ساخت جنوب شهره
میتونی تو هم بنویسی قصه ازم
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم، من برادرمو زدم
نمیخوام من مثل شما باشم
نمیخوام بذارم پامو روی گلو کسی راحت
که بدم لم یه گوشه ای راحت
بشینم جون تک تک رفیقامو بگیرم با چی
پخت شیشه و دوا و عمل
که تهش بگی همش
بشه این پولا واسه من عطش پورش پولاي بالا شهر
بکشم از زیر پای داداشم
میخوام از این زنجیره جدا شم
برم جنوب شهر
با غروب تن
نمیخوام واسه ناموسم قفس
بشم قصاص قبل قضاوت
برو بیرون بکش جلو شراره های آتش
ازش بسازم با پول برده
نکنه خروج از عقیده ی قبیله کم
بکنیم خاکت
تو میخوای بشی گرگ
بگن خوردی لاشخور همه رو تو جنگل
ولی من عاشق برده هام
با دلی نازک، بزرگ
اصلا بگو نحیفه هیکل
من میخوام رشد
نه اعدامی کانون
در انتظار بلوغ هیجده
نه بالا، نه پایین
من میخوام فقط رفیقامو بی شک
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدن
ناموسمو زدن، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدن
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم من برادرمو زدم
𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰:
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@avang.music
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𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗠𝗖𝗔:
℗ © 2023 Avang Music. All Rights Reserved.
#AvangMusic #HamidSefat #Lat
- published: 22 Apr 2023
- views: 424491
How To Build A V-Tapered Back: Lat Training Dos and Don’ts
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Pr...
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
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Mind-Muscle Connection study:
For a more complete look at the 2 studies below and the surrounding literature, watch my "Back Width vs Thickness" video:
If you're eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:
‣ https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/lifting-library
Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC - my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!
‣ https://www.bodyandsoulkelowna.com/
Intro Music:
‣ Ryan Little: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFK-mqdEAqE
Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3
Rashaun's YouTube:
About me: I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I've been training for 12 years drug-free. I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).
Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
Watch more Technique Tuesday videos:
Check out what my amazing sponsors have to offer:
▹ MASS (Monthly Research Review)
‣ https://bit.ly/jeffMASS
‣ Only $25/month (pre-paid yearly)
▹ PEScience Supplements
‣ https://www.PEScience.com/discount/jeff
‣ Use discount code JEFF to save $$
▹ RISE Training Gear and Sportwear
‣ http://rise.ca/jeff
‣ Use discount code JEFF to save 10%
▹ Body-Analyser Weight and Bodyfat % Scale
‣ https://vitagoods.com/jefffit
‣ Use the above link to save 60% off!
Follow me on social media:
Instagram ‣ http://instagram.com/jeffnippard
Facebook ‣ http://facebook.com/jeffnippard
Twitter ‣ http://twitter.com/jeffnippard
Podcast ‣ The Jeff Nippard Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher
Mind-Muscle Connection study:
For a more complete look at the 2 studies below and the surrounding literature, watch my "Back Width vs Thickness" video:
If you're eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:
‣ https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/lifting-library
Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC - my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!
‣ https://www.bodyandsoulkelowna.com/
Intro Music:
‣ Ryan Little: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFK-mqdEAqE
Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3
Rashaun's YouTube:
About me: I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I've been training for 12 years drug-free. I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).
Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
- published: 17 Sep 2019
- views: 3902904
Grow your Lats 💥 how to train
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#Bodybuilding #BackWorkout #Shorts
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#Bodybuilding #BackWorkout #Shorts
- published: 15 Apr 2022
- views: 4095940
How to Do a Lat Pulldown + Common Mistake
Lat Pulldown Exercise: Proper Form & Common Technique Error
The target muscle is the latissimus dorsi (colored red) which pulls the humerus downward and adduct...
Lat Pulldown Exercise: Proper Form & Common Technique Error
The target muscle is the latissimus dorsi (colored red) which pulls the humerus downward and adducts the arm toward the body (shoulder adduction).
The elbow flexors (pink) assist in elbow flexion, the posterior deltoid and the teres major assist in shoulder adduction.
The brachialis is more dominant in the pronation grip than in the supination grip, where the biceps brachii is dominant.
Thanks to @ryan_spiteri for the video.
Thanks for watching, if you have any question or you want to get more info, please visit our website www.muscleandmotion.com or simply click the link below
Learn How to Avoid Common Mistakes and Reduce Risk of Injuries!
Talk to your doctor before you start a new exercise program, particularly if you have a chronic back condition or have recently suffered a back injury!
Lat Pulldown Exercise: Proper Form & Common Technique Error
The target muscle is the latissimus dorsi (colored red) which pulls the humerus downward and adducts the arm toward the body (shoulder adduction).
The elbow flexors (pink) assist in elbow flexion, the posterior deltoid and the teres major assist in shoulder adduction.
The brachialis is more dominant in the pronation grip than in the supination grip, where the biceps brachii is dominant.
Thanks to @ryan_spiteri for the video.
Thanks for watching, if you have any question or you want to get more info, please visit our website www.muscleandmotion.com or simply click the link below
Learn How to Avoid Common Mistakes and Reduce Risk of Injuries!
Talk to your doctor before you start a new exercise program, particularly if you have a chronic back condition or have recently suffered a back injury!
- published: 04 Sep 2019
- views: 357332
Lat Pulldown Mistakes (KILLING BACK GAINS!)
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price F...
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price Free 30-Day Trial: https://amzn.to/33kpB19
► Try Audible Plus Free for 30 Days: https://amzn.to/3tfRW3A
► Heavy Duty Workout Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/fI76A
► Pullup Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/cLfBx
► Abs Wheel Roller: http://dbolc.com/iIPnZ
► Lifting Straps (My favorite): http://dbolc.com/CfFgF
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❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price Free 30-Day Trial: https://amzn.to/33kpB19
► Try Audible Plus Free for 30 Days: https://amzn.to/3tfRW3A
► Heavy Duty Workout Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/fI76A
► Pullup Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/cLfBx
► Abs Wheel Roller: http://dbolc.com/iIPnZ
► Lifting Straps (My favorite): http://dbolc.com/CfFgF
Follow me on:
Tiktok https://tiktok.com/@deltabolic
IG: https://Instagram.com/deltabolic
I’ll answer your questions or coach you 1:1 here:
Business Inquiries:
[email protected]
Anti-Swear Odor Workout Face Masks
https://etsy.me/2DoDpep ► Support me on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/deltabolic
- published: 17 Dec 2021
- views: 4641680
How to do the CABLE LAT PULLOVER! | 2 Minute Tutorial
What's up guys and welcome back to 2 Minute Tutorials! This series will cover a broad range of training exercises to help you feel more comfortable in the gym a...
What's up guys and welcome back to 2 Minute Tutorials! This series will cover a broad range of training exercises to help you feel more comfortable in the gym and progress with your training. Each episode will cover one unique exercise by giving an in depth description of the muscle groups it activates, the equipment it requires, how to set it up, and most importantly, how to perform it correctly. With valuable cues, techniques, and assistance along the way, this series will deliver a quick, simple, and effective breakdown easy enough for anyone to understand. Whether you’ve been lifting for years, or if it's your first time stepping into a gym, these videos will have you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to level up your training! So join the ride and let's get to work! Today's episode focuses on the cable lat pullover, also known as the straight arm pulldown, straight arm pushdown, or bent arm pullover.
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CC: This exercise is gonna target all parts of your lats, with equal emphasis on the upper and lower portions. Now there’s a few different ways to perform this, many of which depend heavily on how you position your body. However, the one demonstrated in this video is the one I find elicits the most lat activation of them all.
To begin, choose an appropriate attachment to hook onto the topmost section of your cable machine. A v-bar attachment results in more of a narrow grip, a rope results in more of a neutral grip, and a straight bar results in more of a wide grip. However, each one utilizes the same technique, and the difference in grip doesn’t really affect which muscles are involved, so just choose the one most comfortable for you.
Once you’ve done that, it’s time to initiate the setup. First, grab the attachment with your arms fully extended and take a few steps back placing your feet shoulder width apart. As you do this, bend your upper body forward around 45 degrees, while hinging your hips back and slightly bending your knees. Then push your shoulder blades forward and aim your eyes down, placing your nose in between your arms.
The starting position should look something like this, where your lats are completely stretched, your arms are fully extended, and your back is straight with around a 45 degree tilt in relation to your legs.
Then begin the concentric by squeezing your lats and pulling the bar down and back towards your torso. Think of scooping the bar down while lifting your chest up, and driving your elbows towards your hips like you're squeezing something in between your armpits. From the side, the bar should travel in an arc, and your arms should get progressively more bent as you get closer to the bottom. Once you reach this point, your lats should be fully contracted, your hands should be at your hips, and your upper back should be slightly arched with your lower back neutral.
From here, begin the eccentric by pushing your shoulder blades forward, and completely stretching out your lats. Again, the bar should travel in an arc, and your arms should get progressively more straight as you get closer to the top. Really focus on stretching your lats and controlling the weight as you raise the bar back into the starting position for the next rep.
To incorporate this into your routine, I recommend adding it to your back day, or any day in which you isolate the lats. Choose a light to moderate weight for 3-4 sets of anywhere from 10-20 reps.
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Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo)
About Me: I'm a college student with a passion for fitness hoping to make it my career. I started training in early 2019 and have devoted a big portion of my life to it ever since. Now, with the help of this amazing community I've been blessed to be a part of, I will try my best to give back the information I've learned for those hoping to embark on a journey of their own.
Make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed, comment what you want to see next, and subscribe for more! #Gym #ExerciseTutorial #LatPullover
What's up guys and welcome back to 2 Minute Tutorials! This series will cover a broad range of training exercises to help you feel more comfortable in the gym and progress with your training. Each episode will cover one unique exercise by giving an in depth description of the muscle groups it activates, the equipment it requires, how to set it up, and most importantly, how to perform it correctly. With valuable cues, techniques, and assistance along the way, this series will deliver a quick, simple, and effective breakdown easy enough for anyone to understand. Whether you’ve been lifting for years, or if it's your first time stepping into a gym, these videos will have you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to level up your training! So join the ride and let's get to work! Today's episode focuses on the cable lat pullover, also known as the straight arm pulldown, straight arm pushdown, or bent arm pullover.
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Go to https://tidd.ly/3k9BR9d and use code "MAXE" at checkout for 45% off!
CC: This exercise is gonna target all parts of your lats, with equal emphasis on the upper and lower portions. Now there’s a few different ways to perform this, many of which depend heavily on how you position your body. However, the one demonstrated in this video is the one I find elicits the most lat activation of them all.
To begin, choose an appropriate attachment to hook onto the topmost section of your cable machine. A v-bar attachment results in more of a narrow grip, a rope results in more of a neutral grip, and a straight bar results in more of a wide grip. However, each one utilizes the same technique, and the difference in grip doesn’t really affect which muscles are involved, so just choose the one most comfortable for you.
Once you’ve done that, it’s time to initiate the setup. First, grab the attachment with your arms fully extended and take a few steps back placing your feet shoulder width apart. As you do this, bend your upper body forward around 45 degrees, while hinging your hips back and slightly bending your knees. Then push your shoulder blades forward and aim your eyes down, placing your nose in between your arms.
The starting position should look something like this, where your lats are completely stretched, your arms are fully extended, and your back is straight with around a 45 degree tilt in relation to your legs.
Then begin the concentric by squeezing your lats and pulling the bar down and back towards your torso. Think of scooping the bar down while lifting your chest up, and driving your elbows towards your hips like you're squeezing something in between your armpits. From the side, the bar should travel in an arc, and your arms should get progressively more bent as you get closer to the bottom. Once you reach this point, your lats should be fully contracted, your hands should be at your hips, and your upper back should be slightly arched with your lower back neutral.
From here, begin the eccentric by pushing your shoulder blades forward, and completely stretching out your lats. Again, the bar should travel in an arc, and your arms should get progressively more straight as you get closer to the top. Really focus on stretching your lats and controlling the weight as you raise the bar back into the starting position for the next rep.
To incorporate this into your routine, I recommend adding it to your back day, or any day in which you isolate the lats. Choose a light to moderate weight for 3-4 sets of anywhere from 10-20 reps.
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Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo)
About Me: I'm a college student with a passion for fitness hoping to make it my career. I started training in early 2019 and have devoted a big portion of my life to it ever since. Now, with the help of this amazing community I've been blessed to be a part of, I will try my best to give back the information I've learned for those hoping to embark on a journey of their own.
Make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed, comment what you want to see next, and subscribe for more! #Gym #ExerciseTutorial #LatPullover
- published: 09 Jun 2021
- views: 785067
The REAL Reason Your Lats Won't Grow!
If you ever wondered what the real reason your lats won’t grow is, this is a must watch video. Here I am going to show you what you likely have been and have no...
If you ever wondered what the real reason your lats won’t grow is, this is a must watch video. Here I am going to show you what you likely have been and have not been doing when it comes to your back training that is leading to you not getting the back gains that you’re looking for. With just some simple modifications to your workouts, you will be on your way to building bigger lats.
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The first thing you have probably been doing when it comes to your back workouts is that you’ve only been lifting heavy weights. This usually comes in the forms of rows, lat pulldowns, and weighted pullups. There’s nothing wrong with performing these exercises with heavier weights, but you are likely relying on something that comes with the heavy weight, especially in back training, and that is momentum.
Momentum is easy to take advantage of with back training in comparison to pushing exercises such as the bench press or a seated overhead press. In those two cases, if you can’t push the weight up, it’s not going anywhere. With a row or lat pulldown, you can use some body english and momentum to move that weight when you normally might not be able to.
While this can be helpful for building top end strength in the lifts that require it and may have given you some size to go along with that strength, the size of your lats might not have reached their full potential yet. This likely also has to do with the fact that you are also cutting short the range of motion in order to be able to manipulate that weight in space.
So, knowing that we are limiting our lat development based on the use of momentum and a shortened range of motion, we can introduce ways to fix these shortcomings.
First, let’s look at decreasing the weight we are using with our back workouts. While you might think that lowering the weight is counterintuitive, it’s actually going to be more beneficial than you realize. By lowering the weight, you will be able to have better command of it in space to create a greater stretch and contraction - realizing the benefits of full range of motion. With full range of motion of the lats, you can better unlock muscle growth by tapping not into just a greater contraction, but also achieving a greater stretch.
Now, when it comes to using lighter weights with your back workouts, it becomes even more essential that you start training your lats to failure in the higher rep ranges. I’ve mentioned before that as the rep range increases to include more than 12 reps, the more important it is that you train to failure on that exercise. Doing so will actually lead to better gains and more hypertrophy in the muscles you are trying to target.
We can also modify our training to not only include lighter weights, but utilize exercises that take your lats through full range of motion. The first exercise I like to mention is the rocking lat pulldown. This unilateral version of a standard pulldown allows for a greater contraction of the lats by being able to abduct the target arm.
The kneeling one armed pulldown is another great unilateral option for targeting the lats that will require even lighter weight to be used since you don’t have the assistance of the other arm to initiate the movement like you do in the rocking pulldown.
Next, we have the one arm high cable row (of my favorite back exercises of all time). Not only does this exercise allow you to target one side at a time, but the nature of the exercise takes you through full range of motion and a hard contraction with the elbow tight against the body as well allowing you put the muscle on full stretch at the top of each rep.
Another exercise option for your next back workout is the straight arm pushdown. Another exercise that allows you to target the lats effectively through a good contraction and allowing for the lats to be put on stretch at the top end in the range of motion while sitting the hips back. A slight tweak you can make to this exercise to further enhance the stretch on the lats is to simply perform this exercise in a kneeling position.
Lastly, an alternative to the standard pulldown to grow your lats is the underhanded version. Simply changing the orientation of your hands on the bar is enough to create to accentuate the stretch that you get on the lats at the top of the rep - again, going after that range of motion!
If you are looking for a complete workout program that help you to build bigger lats if you struggle to build them now, then be sure to head to athleanx.com via the link below and use the program selector to find the training plan that matches your exact goals now.
If you’re looking for more videos on how to build a bigger back, be sure to click on the link below to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a new video when it’s published.
If you ever wondered what the real reason your lats won’t grow is, this is a must watch video. Here I am going to show you what you likely have been and have not been doing when it comes to your back training that is leading to you not getting the back gains that you’re looking for. With just some simple modifications to your workouts, you will be on your way to building bigger lats.
60% off all AX programs - https://athleanx.com/x/342-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
The first thing you have probably been doing when it comes to your back workouts is that you’ve only been lifting heavy weights. This usually comes in the forms of rows, lat pulldowns, and weighted pullups. There’s nothing wrong with performing these exercises with heavier weights, but you are likely relying on something that comes with the heavy weight, especially in back training, and that is momentum.
Momentum is easy to take advantage of with back training in comparison to pushing exercises such as the bench press or a seated overhead press. In those two cases, if you can’t push the weight up, it’s not going anywhere. With a row or lat pulldown, you can use some body english and momentum to move that weight when you normally might not be able to.
While this can be helpful for building top end strength in the lifts that require it and may have given you some size to go along with that strength, the size of your lats might not have reached their full potential yet. This likely also has to do with the fact that you are also cutting short the range of motion in order to be able to manipulate that weight in space.
So, knowing that we are limiting our lat development based on the use of momentum and a shortened range of motion, we can introduce ways to fix these shortcomings.
First, let’s look at decreasing the weight we are using with our back workouts. While you might think that lowering the weight is counterintuitive, it’s actually going to be more beneficial than you realize. By lowering the weight, you will be able to have better command of it in space to create a greater stretch and contraction - realizing the benefits of full range of motion. With full range of motion of the lats, you can better unlock muscle growth by tapping not into just a greater contraction, but also achieving a greater stretch.
Now, when it comes to using lighter weights with your back workouts, it becomes even more essential that you start training your lats to failure in the higher rep ranges. I’ve mentioned before that as the rep range increases to include more than 12 reps, the more important it is that you train to failure on that exercise. Doing so will actually lead to better gains and more hypertrophy in the muscles you are trying to target.
We can also modify our training to not only include lighter weights, but utilize exercises that take your lats through full range of motion. The first exercise I like to mention is the rocking lat pulldown. This unilateral version of a standard pulldown allows for a greater contraction of the lats by being able to abduct the target arm.
The kneeling one armed pulldown is another great unilateral option for targeting the lats that will require even lighter weight to be used since you don’t have the assistance of the other arm to initiate the movement like you do in the rocking pulldown.
Next, we have the one arm high cable row (of my favorite back exercises of all time). Not only does this exercise allow you to target one side at a time, but the nature of the exercise takes you through full range of motion and a hard contraction with the elbow tight against the body as well allowing you put the muscle on full stretch at the top of each rep.
Another exercise option for your next back workout is the straight arm pushdown. Another exercise that allows you to target the lats effectively through a good contraction and allowing for the lats to be put on stretch at the top end in the range of motion while sitting the hips back. A slight tweak you can make to this exercise to further enhance the stretch on the lats is to simply perform this exercise in a kneeling position.
Lastly, an alternative to the standard pulldown to grow your lats is the underhanded version. Simply changing the orientation of your hands on the bar is enough to create to accentuate the stretch that you get on the lats at the top of the rep - again, going after that range of motion!
If you are looking for a complete workout program that help you to build bigger lats if you struggle to build them now, then be sure to head to athleanx.com via the link below and use the program selector to find the training plan that matches your exact goals now.
If you’re looking for more videos on how to build a bigger back, be sure to click on the link below to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a new video when it’s published.
- published: 13 Nov 2022
- views: 688536
RELIVE - Men's Doubles Run 1 | EBERSPÄCHER Luge World Cup - Sigulda (LAT)
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- published: 24 Feb 2024
- views: 477
How To: Lat Pulldown | 3 GOLDEN RULES
The slightest change in your form can take the focus of this exercise our of your LATS and place more emphasis on your biceps and upper back. But after you wat...
The slightest change in your form can take the focus of this exercise our of your LATS and place more emphasis on your biceps and upper back. But after you watch this video you will know EXACTLY what to do to not only master the exercise, but build some serious muscle with it!
Today we’re going to talk about the 3 golden rules for how to perform a lat pulldown properly. A lat pulldown is a great exercise that’s going to target almost the entire back, mainly focusing on width. However, you will also be involving other muscles in your back like your traps, rhomboids and rear delts, as well as the biceps to a degree. Keep in mind this article will only cover the OVERHAND grip version of the movement, and we will cover the UNDERHAND grip version in another article.
Golden Rule #1: Proper Elbow Positioning
You want to make sure that you’re pulling the weight down properly, so that you’re not only maximizing your pulling strength, but you’re also placing your shoulders in a position where they’re not compromised so that you don’t have to worry about shoulder impingement issues. What happens with most people with this movement, is they grab the weight and sit down, and while you are supposed to keep your chest up during the movement, what tends to happen is the weight comes down and the elbows go back. That’s not what you want to do, and you’re actually not going to feel that much mat engagement doing it this way.
The correct way to perform this movement is keeping your elbows slightly in front of you and then in-line with your hips as you pull down. This is going to give you MORE pulling power, so more strength to pull more weight, and it’s also going to place your shoulders in a position to where they’re not compromised and you won’t have to worry about shoulder impingement.
Golden Rule #2: Never Pull The Weight Behind Your Neck
You always want to pull the weight down in front of your body, and not behind your neck. Pulling the weight down behind your neck is unnecessary, as it can be dangerous for your shoulder joint, as well as your cervical spine. Proper form should have you pulling down in front of you until the bar touches your chest. Improper form will see you pulling the bar down behind your head.
What’s going to end up happening is you won’t be able to lift as much weight to overload your lats as much as possible. Remember how we just talked about how you want to keep your elbows in-line with your hips to really feel that stretching and tearing in your lats? Well, if you’re pulling the bar down behind your head, your elbows will be pulling backwards, which is not optimal for back growth. So skip behind the neck pulldowns, and just do them the regular way!
Golden Rule #3: Do Not Pull The Weight With Your Biceps
You want to pull the weight using as little of your biceps as possible, while trying to keep as much of the focus as possible on your lats. If you’re a beginner, this is a concept that might seem kind of weird to you, because you don’t quite have that mind-muscle connection (MMC) developed yet. However, there are some tricks that you can apply to the movement to develop that MMC, and for those of you who have already established a MMC, this will help you make it even stronger.
The next time you do a lat pulldown, instead of gripping the bar with your thumb wrapped underneath, I want you to put it on top. It might not seem like a big deal, but what happens mentally is that once you let go with your thumb and place it on top of the bar, you start to kind of visualize your hands more as just hooks that are in place to help you pull the weight down, as opposed to gripping and pulling as hard as you can with your hands. Once you have hooked the bar, you’ll sit down in place, and then visualize pulling the weight down with your elbows. If you’re able to do that, you’ll quickly see a difference in how your back is engaged. If you don’t believe me, do a regular set squeezing the bar as hard as you can with your thumb UNDER the bar, and you’ll feel it more in your biceps. Then put those thumbs on top, focus on pulling with your elbows, and you’ll feel it more in your back.
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The slightest change in your form can take the focus of this exercise our of your LATS and place more emphasis on your biceps and upper back. But after you watch this video you will know EXACTLY what to do to not only master the exercise, but build some serious muscle with it!
Today we’re going to talk about the 3 golden rules for how to perform a lat pulldown properly. A lat pulldown is a great exercise that’s going to target almost the entire back, mainly focusing on width. However, you will also be involving other muscles in your back like your traps, rhomboids and rear delts, as well as the biceps to a degree. Keep in mind this article will only cover the OVERHAND grip version of the movement, and we will cover the UNDERHAND grip version in another article.
Golden Rule #1: Proper Elbow Positioning
You want to make sure that you’re pulling the weight down properly, so that you’re not only maximizing your pulling strength, but you’re also placing your shoulders in a position where they’re not compromised so that you don’t have to worry about shoulder impingement issues. What happens with most people with this movement, is they grab the weight and sit down, and while you are supposed to keep your chest up during the movement, what tends to happen is the weight comes down and the elbows go back. That’s not what you want to do, and you’re actually not going to feel that much mat engagement doing it this way.
The correct way to perform this movement is keeping your elbows slightly in front of you and then in-line with your hips as you pull down. This is going to give you MORE pulling power, so more strength to pull more weight, and it’s also going to place your shoulders in a position to where they’re not compromised and you won’t have to worry about shoulder impingement.
Golden Rule #2: Never Pull The Weight Behind Your Neck
You always want to pull the weight down in front of your body, and not behind your neck. Pulling the weight down behind your neck is unnecessary, as it can be dangerous for your shoulder joint, as well as your cervical spine. Proper form should have you pulling down in front of you until the bar touches your chest. Improper form will see you pulling the bar down behind your head.
What’s going to end up happening is you won’t be able to lift as much weight to overload your lats as much as possible. Remember how we just talked about how you want to keep your elbows in-line with your hips to really feel that stretching and tearing in your lats? Well, if you’re pulling the bar down behind your head, your elbows will be pulling backwards, which is not optimal for back growth. So skip behind the neck pulldowns, and just do them the regular way!
Golden Rule #3: Do Not Pull The Weight With Your Biceps
You want to pull the weight using as little of your biceps as possible, while trying to keep as much of the focus as possible on your lats. If you’re a beginner, this is a concept that might seem kind of weird to you, because you don’t quite have that mind-muscle connection (MMC) developed yet. However, there are some tricks that you can apply to the movement to develop that MMC, and for those of you who have already established a MMC, this will help you make it even stronger.
The next time you do a lat pulldown, instead of gripping the bar with your thumb wrapped underneath, I want you to put it on top. It might not seem like a big deal, but what happens mentally is that once you let go with your thumb and place it on top of the bar, you start to kind of visualize your hands more as just hooks that are in place to help you pull the weight down, as opposed to gripping and pulling as hard as you can with your hands. Once you have hooked the bar, you’ll sit down in place, and then visualize pulling the weight down with your elbows. If you’re able to do that, you’ll quickly see a difference in how your back is engaged. If you don’t believe me, do a regular set squeezing the bar as hard as you can with your thumb UNDER the bar, and you’ll feel it more in your biceps. Then put those thumbs on top, focus on pulling with your elbows, and you’ll feel it more in your back.
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- published: 25 Jan 2018
- views: 3981968
4 Amazing Lat Exercises You’re Missing Out On
Let's look at four super effective lat exercises that you probably don't know about! These exercises all focus on a deep lat stretch, something new research shows is great for muscle growth. From neutral grip pull-ups that keep the lats stretched to lat-focused cable rows with lengthened partials, this video will show you how to target your lats with some new techniques.
published: 07 Dec 2023
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
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published: 17 Jan 2024
The ONLY 2 Lat Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
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Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great exam...
published: 01 Jun 2023
Lat Lag Gayee Lyrical - Race 2 | Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline | Benny Dayal, Shalmali | Pritam | Party
"Get Ready to Groove 🎶💃! Experience the Electric Chemistry of Saif Ali Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in the Sizzling 'Lat Lag Gayee' Song from Race 2. 🔥🕺 Let the Rhythmic Beats Ignite the Dance Floor as they Set it on Fire! 🔥🔥
Stay updated with the latest videos from Tips Music, Subscribe to the below link.
Song Credits :
Singers : Benny Dayal & Shalmali Kholgade
Music Director : Pritam
Lyrics : Mayur Puri
Mixed & Mastered By Eric Pillai
Grooves and synths : Hyacinth D Souza with Aman Nath
Accordion - Milos Milivojevic with Nikhil Paul George
Additional programming and Sound Design
Dj Phukan with Sunny & Pritam
Movie Cast & Crew :
Film Cast : Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor & Ameesha Patel.
Directed by :...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Lat Pulldown Mistakes (KILLING BACK GAINS!)
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
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published: 17 Dec 2021
Grow your Lats 💥 how to train
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published: 15 Apr 2022
How To Build A V-Tapered Back: Lat Training Dos and Don’ts
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
Watch more Technique Tuesday videos:
published: 17 Sep 2019
How to do Lat Pulldowns (AVOID MISTAKES!)
Do you know how to do lat pulldowns with proper form? In this video, I am going to show you exactly how to perform a pulldown so that you can perform this effective exercise every time without making a single mistake. Remember, it's not just what movement pattern you do, but how you do them that matters the most and I want to make sure that you use correct form every time you do the lat pulldown exercise.
Step 1 of this lat pulldown guide is setting the proper height of the leg pad:
To set the proper height of the leg pad on the lat pulldown machine when performing a lat pulldown, you will want to make sure that there is contact between your thighs and the pad. Don't set it too low, however. While the pad should be in contact with your thighs, you will need to allow for your heels to rai...
published: 28 Sep 2023
🪐 To Dzieje Się TYLKO RAZ na 248 LAT‼️NIE PRZEGAP TEJ SZANSY‼️Pluton w Wodniku ♒️
Pluton powraca na stałe do Wodnika już w 2024 roku! O co chodzi? Co to dla Ciebie znaczy? Dowiesz się oglądając ten film.
🪐ZOBACZ CZYTANIA dla swojego ZNAKU SŁONECZNEGO i ASCENDENTU, żeby mieć pełniejszy obraz potencjałów energetycznych w Twoim polu✨
🪐Sprawdź swój znak słoneczny i ascendent: https://www.astromagia.pl/astro-plus/horoskop-urodzeniowy
00:00 Pluton w Wodniku‼️O co chodzi❓️
04:57 Jak Pluton w Wodniku wpływa na każdy znak zodiaku❓️
05:37 ♈️ Baran
06:07 ♉️ Byk
06:45 ♊️ Bliźnięta
07:22 ♋️ Rak
08:00 ♌️ Lew
08:47 ♍️ Panna
09:28 ♎️ Waga
10:07 ♏️ Skorpion
10:48 ♐️ Strzelec
11:42 ♑️ Koziorożec
12:33 ♒️ Wodnik
13:17 ♓️ Ryby
14:07‼️Twoje życie przez następne 18 lat
📧 Chcesz zamówić prywatne czytanie?
published: 17 Jan 2024
Hamid Sefat - Lat OFFICIAL VIDEO | حمید صفت - لت
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘁:
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Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت...
published: 22 Apr 2023
4 Amazing Lat Exercises You’re Missing Out On
Let's look at four super effective lat exercises that you probably don't know about! These exercises all focus on a deep lat stretch, something new research sho...
Let's look at four super effective lat exercises that you probably don't know about! These exercises all focus on a deep lat stretch, something new research shows is great for muscle growth. From neutral grip pull-ups that keep the lats stretched to lat-focused cable rows with lengthened partials, this video will show you how to target your lats with some new techniques.
Let's look at four super effective lat exercises that you probably don't know about! These exercises all focus on a deep lat stretch, something new research shows is great for muscle growth. From neutral grip pull-ups that keep the lats stretched to lat-focused cable rows with lengthened partials, this video will show you how to target your lats with some new techniques.
- published: 07 Dec 2023
- views: 7422779
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
WhatsApp Community.
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
WhatsApp Community.
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Past Paper Discussion⬆️
LAT Test Past Paper of General Knowledge | LAT 2024 Past Papers by The Law Channel
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- published: 17 Jan 2024
- views: 1102
The ONLY 2 Lat Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should ...
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
60% off all AX programs - http://athleanx.com/x/560-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great example of this; it has three heads well as two separate functions. Some might tell you that all you need is a flat bench press and an incline bench press. You are only hitting two of the three heads of the chest with this selection and while you are pressing, you are not getting adduction - another function of the chest.
In the case of the lat muscle, you needs to understand the anatomy of the muscle in order to understand how best to target it with your exercise selection. The latissimus dorsi is a fan-like muscle in the upper body, specifically the back, that attaches to the upper humerus, the pelvis, and along the spine. The lat muscle being the largest in the back will require exercises that take it through its full range of motion and increasing the stretch on the lats, as well as needing an opportunity for overload since we know that this is one of the main drivers of hypertrophy.
In the case of the lats, this is simply the foundation of what your lat training should include. Not every lat workout needs to include both of these exercises, but a complete training plan for your back will at least build off them or include them at some point.
The first lat exercise up in the only two lat exercises that you need is the kneeling one-arm cable pulldown. Now, you might already being doing lat pulldowns, but this specific variation is the one that you NEED to be including in your back workouts if you want to target your lats. The trick here is to take the lats through their full range of motion and that is getting the insertion point of the lat muscle on the upper humerus and the origin point on the pelvis to be as far from each other and then as close to each other as possible.
In the starting position of this lat exercises, getting your arm overhead and in front of your torso will put the lat muscle on loaded stretch, another way to induce hypertrophy. But taking the lats through their full range of motion will require you to bring your elbow as far back and down behind your body as possible. The range of motion you experience in this lat exercise is more than you would experience on a traditional lat pulldown, where the bar will be the limiting factor in the range of motion of the lats.
The second lat exercise for building big lats is the standard barbell row. If you remember the anatomy of the lats and end up following the fibers, you will notice that they don’t only go up and down, they fan into the spine itself, meaning the upper arm will have to travel back towards the midline of your back. You want to take a narrow grip as opposed to a wide grip when holding the bar because the wider your hands are, the more perpendicular to the spine your upper arms will be.
When building big lats with the barbell row, you want your elbows to be a little bit closer to your sides as this will give you better opportunity to get your elbows back behind your body, meaning more lat activation. If you your elbows are high and way, you will shift the focus towards the muscles of the upper back.
If you have low back problems that prevent you from performing a traditional lat exercise such as the barbell row, then you have the option of performing the chest supported barbell row. This will take the stress of the lower back and allow you to focus on overloading the lats with the row.
I don’t think we should ever be limited to just two exercises for a muscle group, the lats included. But you should at least start with these two exercises to build the foundation of your lats growth.
If you are looking for a step-by-step training program that will take your workouts to the next level, be sure to head over to athleanx.com
For more videos on how to get bigger, wider lats and the best exercises to do just that, make sure you subscribe!
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
What would you say if I told you that there were only two lat exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two lat exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your lat workouts. Not are these two exercises great for building big lats, but they will also make your back look thicker and wider.
60% off all AX programs - http://athleanx.com/x/560-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.
The chest is a great example of this; it has three heads well as two separate functions. Some might tell you that all you need is a flat bench press and an incline bench press. You are only hitting two of the three heads of the chest with this selection and while you are pressing, you are not getting adduction - another function of the chest.
In the case of the lat muscle, you needs to understand the anatomy of the muscle in order to understand how best to target it with your exercise selection. The latissimus dorsi is a fan-like muscle in the upper body, specifically the back, that attaches to the upper humerus, the pelvis, and along the spine. The lat muscle being the largest in the back will require exercises that take it through its full range of motion and increasing the stretch on the lats, as well as needing an opportunity for overload since we know that this is one of the main drivers of hypertrophy.
In the case of the lats, this is simply the foundation of what your lat training should include. Not every lat workout needs to include both of these exercises, but a complete training plan for your back will at least build off them or include them at some point.
The first lat exercise up in the only two lat exercises that you need is the kneeling one-arm cable pulldown. Now, you might already being doing lat pulldowns, but this specific variation is the one that you NEED to be including in your back workouts if you want to target your lats. The trick here is to take the lats through their full range of motion and that is getting the insertion point of the lat muscle on the upper humerus and the origin point on the pelvis to be as far from each other and then as close to each other as possible.
In the starting position of this lat exercises, getting your arm overhead and in front of your torso will put the lat muscle on loaded stretch, another way to induce hypertrophy. But taking the lats through their full range of motion will require you to bring your elbow as far back and down behind your body as possible. The range of motion you experience in this lat exercise is more than you would experience on a traditional lat pulldown, where the bar will be the limiting factor in the range of motion of the lats.
The second lat exercise for building big lats is the standard barbell row. If you remember the anatomy of the lats and end up following the fibers, you will notice that they don’t only go up and down, they fan into the spine itself, meaning the upper arm will have to travel back towards the midline of your back. You want to take a narrow grip as opposed to a wide grip when holding the bar because the wider your hands are, the more perpendicular to the spine your upper arms will be.
When building big lats with the barbell row, you want your elbows to be a little bit closer to your sides as this will give you better opportunity to get your elbows back behind your body, meaning more lat activation. If you your elbows are high and way, you will shift the focus towards the muscles of the upper back.
If you have low back problems that prevent you from performing a traditional lat exercise such as the barbell row, then you have the option of performing the chest supported barbell row. This will take the stress of the lower back and allow you to focus on overloading the lats with the row.
I don’t think we should ever be limited to just two exercises for a muscle group, the lats included. But you should at least start with these two exercises to build the foundation of your lats growth.
If you are looking for a step-by-step training program that will take your workouts to the next level, be sure to head over to athleanx.com
For more videos on how to get bigger, wider lats and the best exercises to do just that, make sure you subscribe!
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
- published: 01 Jun 2023
- views: 1178899
Lat Lag Gayee Lyrical - Race 2 | Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline | Benny Dayal, Shalmali | Pritam | Party
"Get Ready to Groove 🎶💃! Experience the Electric Chemistry of Saif Ali Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in the Sizzling 'Lat Lag Gayee' Song from Race 2. 🔥🕺 Let th...
"Get Ready to Groove 🎶💃! Experience the Electric Chemistry of Saif Ali Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in the Sizzling 'Lat Lag Gayee' Song from Race 2. 🔥🕺 Let the Rhythmic Beats Ignite the Dance Floor as they Set it on Fire! 🔥🔥
Stay updated with the latest videos from Tips Music, Subscribe to the below link.
Song Credits :
Singers : Benny Dayal & Shalmali Kholgade
Music Director : Pritam
Lyrics : Mayur Puri
Mixed & Mastered By Eric Pillai
Grooves and synths : Hyacinth D Souza with Aman Nath
Accordion - Milos Milivojevic with Nikhil Paul George
Additional programming and Sound Design
Dj Phukan with Sunny & Pritam
Movie Cast & Crew :
Film Cast : Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor & Ameesha Patel.
Directed by : Abbas-Mustan
Produced By : Ramesh S. Taurani
Song Lyrics :
Dil Bada Be-Imaan
Hota Nahin Aasaan
Isey Hai Samjhana
Dil Bada Be-Imaan
Tere Liye Shaitan
Meri Na Ik Maana...
Dil Jeetey Ya Main Jeetun
Dekhungi Dekhega Tu
Lo Dil Se Sharat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lat Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Utni Bagawat Ho
Lagta Hai Aisa
Haal Dil Ki Tum Zaroorat Ho...
Utni Bagawat Ho
Lagta Hai Aisa
Haal Dil Ki Tum Zaroorat Ho...
Mujhko Bhi Tu Zaroori
Doobi Nashey Mein Poori
To Kaisi Ye Talab Lag Gayee?
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
La Aa Aa Ye...
Ik Tu
Ik Main
Ik Baat Huyi Apni
Hairaan Hai Kyun
Saara Jahaan
Jo Raat Huyi Apni...
Ik Tu
Ik Main
Ik Baat Huyi Apni
Hairaan Hai Kyun
Saara Jahaan
Jo Raat Huyi Apni...
Mujh Se Tu Aake Mila
To Ye Hua Hai Sila
Ki Sau Tohmat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lat Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
#LatLagGayee #Race2 #SaifAliKhan #JacquelineFernandez #BennyDayal #lovesongs #hindisongs #bollywoodsongs #90severgreen #tipsofficial
Join Us On:
"Get Ready to Groove 🎶💃! Experience the Electric Chemistry of Saif Ali Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in the Sizzling 'Lat Lag Gayee' Song from Race 2. 🔥🕺 Let the Rhythmic Beats Ignite the Dance Floor as they Set it on Fire! 🔥🔥
Stay updated with the latest videos from Tips Music, Subscribe to the below link.
Song Credits :
Singers : Benny Dayal & Shalmali Kholgade
Music Director : Pritam
Lyrics : Mayur Puri
Mixed & Mastered By Eric Pillai
Grooves and synths : Hyacinth D Souza with Aman Nath
Accordion - Milos Milivojevic with Nikhil Paul George
Additional programming and Sound Design
Dj Phukan with Sunny & Pritam
Movie Cast & Crew :
Film Cast : Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor & Ameesha Patel.
Directed by : Abbas-Mustan
Produced By : Ramesh S. Taurani
Song Lyrics :
Dil Bada Be-Imaan
Hota Nahin Aasaan
Isey Hai Samjhana
Dil Bada Be-Imaan
Tere Liye Shaitan
Meri Na Ik Maana...
Dil Jeetey Ya Main Jeetun
Dekhungi Dekhega Tu
Lo Dil Se Sharat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lat Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Utni Bagawat Ho
Lagta Hai Aisa
Haal Dil Ki Tum Zaroorat Ho...
Utni Bagawat Ho
Lagta Hai Aisa
Haal Dil Ki Tum Zaroorat Ho...
Mujhko Bhi Tu Zaroori
Doobi Nashey Mein Poori
To Kaisi Ye Talab Lag Gayee?
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
La Aa Aa Ye...
Ik Tu
Ik Main
Ik Baat Huyi Apni
Hairaan Hai Kyun
Saara Jahaan
Jo Raat Huyi Apni...
Ik Tu
Ik Main
Ik Baat Huyi Apni
Hairaan Hai Kyun
Saara Jahaan
Jo Raat Huyi Apni...
Mujh Se Tu Aake Mila
To Ye Hua Hai Sila
Ki Sau Tohmat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
Lat Lag Gayee, Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri Lat Lag Gayee, Lat Lag Gayee
Zamana Kahey Lat Ye Galat Lag Gayee
Mujhe To Teri
#LatLagGayee #Race2 #SaifAliKhan #JacquelineFernandez #BennyDayal #lovesongs #hindisongs #bollywoodsongs #90severgreen #tipsofficial
Join Us On:
- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 322810513
Lat Pulldown Mistakes (KILLING BACK GAINS!)
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price F...
❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price Free 30-Day Trial: https://amzn.to/33kpB19
► Try Audible Plus Free for 30 Days: https://amzn.to/3tfRW3A
► Heavy Duty Workout Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/fI76A
► Pullup Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/cLfBx
► Abs Wheel Roller: http://dbolc.com/iIPnZ
► Lifting Straps (My favorite): http://dbolc.com/CfFgF
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❌ AVOID these lat pulldown mistakes if you want to maximize back gains!
Full Workout & Diet Plan: https://seriousshred.com
► Sign-Up for Amazon Price Free 30-Day Trial: https://amzn.to/33kpB19
► Try Audible Plus Free for 30 Days: https://amzn.to/3tfRW3A
► Heavy Duty Workout Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/fI76A
► Pullup Resistance Bands: http://dbolc.com/cLfBx
► Abs Wheel Roller: http://dbolc.com/iIPnZ
► Lifting Straps (My favorite): http://dbolc.com/CfFgF
Follow me on:
Tiktok https://tiktok.com/@deltabolic
IG: https://Instagram.com/deltabolic
I’ll answer your questions or coach you 1:1 here:
Business Inquiries:
[email protected]
Anti-Swear Odor Workout Face Masks
https://etsy.me/2DoDpep ► Support me on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/deltabolic
- published: 17 Dec 2021
- views: 4641680
Grow your Lats 💥 how to train
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#Bodybuilding #BackWorkout #Shorts
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#Bodybuilding #BackWorkout #Shorts
- published: 15 Apr 2022
- views: 4095940
How To Build A V-Tapered Back: Lat Training Dos and Don’ts
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Pr...
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
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Mind-Muscle Connection study:
For a more complete look at the 2 studies below and the surrounding literature, watch my "Back Width vs Thickness" video:
If you're eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:
‣ https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/lifting-library
Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC - my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!
‣ https://www.bodyandsoulkelowna.com/
Intro Music:
‣ Ryan Little: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFK-mqdEAqE
Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3
Rashaun's YouTube:
About me: I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I've been training for 12 years drug-free. I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).
Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
In this video we're looking at proper technique on the lat pulldown to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury. ▹ My Back Hypertrophy Program: https://www.jeffnippard.com/programs/back-hypertrophy-program
Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)
‣ http://www.jeffnippard.com/programs
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Mind-Muscle Connection study:
For a more complete look at the 2 studies below and the surrounding literature, watch my "Back Width vs Thickness" video:
If you're eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:
‣ https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/lifting-library
Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC - my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!
‣ https://www.bodyandsoulkelowna.com/
Intro Music:
‣ Ryan Little: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFK-mqdEAqE
Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3
Rashaun's YouTube:
About me: I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I've been training for 12 years drug-free. I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).
Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
- published: 17 Sep 2019
- views: 3902904
How to do Lat Pulldowns (AVOID MISTAKES!)
Do you know how to do lat pulldowns with proper form? In this video, I am going to show you exactly how to perform a pulldown so that you can perform this effec...
Do you know how to do lat pulldowns with proper form? In this video, I am going to show you exactly how to perform a pulldown so that you can perform this effective exercise every time without making a single mistake. Remember, it's not just what movement pattern you do, but how you do them that matters the most and I want to make sure that you use correct form every time you do the lat pulldown exercise.
Step 1 of this lat pulldown guide is setting the proper height of the leg pad:
To set the proper height of the leg pad on the lat pulldown machine when performing a lat pulldown, you will want to make sure that there is contact between your thighs and the pad. Don't set it too low, however. While the pad should be in contact with your thighs, you will need to allow for your heels to raise 1-2 inches off the ground. Doing so will allow your body to travel just enough with the bar as it ascends to the top. Setting the pad too high and removing contact with your thighs means you will lose all leverage in your pull and with heavier weights, will bring your entire body off the seat and up with the bar.
Step 2 of this lat pulldown guide is establishing the proper grip:
Starting position is gripping a straight bar with hands in an overhand grip. How wide your grip is on the bar will be dependent on your body's dimensions, but you will want to aim for having your hands just outside of shoulder width. The best way to establish this neutral grip width so that you can perform the lat pulldown with good form is to make sure that your wrists are directly over your elbows. The effects of grip width in this exercise will determine which muscle receives the most work. If you use a wider grip, you will focus the exercise onto your teres major. If you use too narrow grip, you will be shifting the focus to your forearms.
Step 3 of this lat pulldown tutorial is torso angle:
For proper lat pulldown form, you need to make sure that your torso is set to the right angle in the initial position when you pull the bar down. Leaning back from upright / vertical means that you will be shifting the focus of the exercise to the muscles in your upper back. For better lat activation, you will want to remain as upright as possible. Whichever you are targeting will dictate the proper posture of how much you lean back.
Step 4 of this lat pulldown guide is the pull target point:
The target point of the lat pulldown is extremely important for proper lat pulldown form. You need to target your upper chest muscles (pectoralis major) around the height of the collar bones. It is important to note however, that caving your chest forward and down while pulling the bar down is incorrect. Instead, you want to visualize bringing your upper chest to the bar as you pull it down.
Step 5 of this lat pulldown how-to is elbow joint positioning:
What you are targeting will dictate where you need to focus your elbows' movement. If you are focusing on building bigger lat muscles, then you will want to imagine yourself driving your elbow flexion down towards your front pockets as you are seated. If you want to shift the focus of the exercise onto the muscles of the upper back, then it would be in your best interest to drive your elbows back further behind you.
Step 6 of this lat pulldown tutorial is controlling the eccentric:
When you do the lat pulldown, you need to make sure that you are in control of the eccentric phase of the lift; the ascent of the lat pulldown bar. While you can either cheat the concentric phase lowering of the bar or perform it strict, you need to always control the eccentric raising of the bar. This will allow for for more stretch on the latissimus dorsi by taking them through their full range of motion which will lead to greater muscle growth.
Step 7 of this lat pulldown how-to is intensifying the exercise:
If you are a more advanced lifter looking for intensity techniques to make the exercise more difficult, you can incorporate partial reps and / or paused reps for building muscle. Performing partial reps after reaching failure is not bad technique, instead, it is taking the exercise to and through failure.
With this guide, you now know exactly how to do the lat pulldown with proper technique.
Perfect Form Here - http://athleanx.com/x/how-to-do-lat-p...
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
If you are looking for step-by-step programs that include how-to guides on every exercise you do, you can find them over at athleanx.com
For more exercise guides and how-to instructionals, be sure to subscribe.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Do you know how to do lat pulldowns with proper form? In this video, I am going to show you exactly how to perform a pulldown so that you can perform this effective exercise every time without making a single mistake. Remember, it's not just what movement pattern you do, but how you do them that matters the most and I want to make sure that you use correct form every time you do the lat pulldown exercise.
Step 1 of this lat pulldown guide is setting the proper height of the leg pad:
To set the proper height of the leg pad on the lat pulldown machine when performing a lat pulldown, you will want to make sure that there is contact between your thighs and the pad. Don't set it too low, however. While the pad should be in contact with your thighs, you will need to allow for your heels to raise 1-2 inches off the ground. Doing so will allow your body to travel just enough with the bar as it ascends to the top. Setting the pad too high and removing contact with your thighs means you will lose all leverage in your pull and with heavier weights, will bring your entire body off the seat and up with the bar.
Step 2 of this lat pulldown guide is establishing the proper grip:
Starting position is gripping a straight bar with hands in an overhand grip. How wide your grip is on the bar will be dependent on your body's dimensions, but you will want to aim for having your hands just outside of shoulder width. The best way to establish this neutral grip width so that you can perform the lat pulldown with good form is to make sure that your wrists are directly over your elbows. The effects of grip width in this exercise will determine which muscle receives the most work. If you use a wider grip, you will focus the exercise onto your teres major. If you use too narrow grip, you will be shifting the focus to your forearms.
Step 3 of this lat pulldown tutorial is torso angle:
For proper lat pulldown form, you need to make sure that your torso is set to the right angle in the initial position when you pull the bar down. Leaning back from upright / vertical means that you will be shifting the focus of the exercise to the muscles in your upper back. For better lat activation, you will want to remain as upright as possible. Whichever you are targeting will dictate the proper posture of how much you lean back.
Step 4 of this lat pulldown guide is the pull target point:
The target point of the lat pulldown is extremely important for proper lat pulldown form. You need to target your upper chest muscles (pectoralis major) around the height of the collar bones. It is important to note however, that caving your chest forward and down while pulling the bar down is incorrect. Instead, you want to visualize bringing your upper chest to the bar as you pull it down.
Step 5 of this lat pulldown how-to is elbow joint positioning:
What you are targeting will dictate where you need to focus your elbows' movement. If you are focusing on building bigger lat muscles, then you will want to imagine yourself driving your elbow flexion down towards your front pockets as you are seated. If you want to shift the focus of the exercise onto the muscles of the upper back, then it would be in your best interest to drive your elbows back further behind you.
Step 6 of this lat pulldown tutorial is controlling the eccentric:
When you do the lat pulldown, you need to make sure that you are in control of the eccentric phase of the lift; the ascent of the lat pulldown bar. While you can either cheat the concentric phase lowering of the bar or perform it strict, you need to always control the eccentric raising of the bar. This will allow for for more stretch on the latissimus dorsi by taking them through their full range of motion which will lead to greater muscle growth.
Step 7 of this lat pulldown how-to is intensifying the exercise:
If you are a more advanced lifter looking for intensity techniques to make the exercise more difficult, you can incorporate partial reps and / or paused reps for building muscle. Performing partial reps after reaching failure is not bad technique, instead, it is taking the exercise to and through failure.
With this guide, you now know exactly how to do the lat pulldown with proper technique.
Perfect Form Here - http://athleanx.com/x/how-to-do-lat-p...
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
If you are looking for step-by-step programs that include how-to guides on every exercise you do, you can find them over at athleanx.com
For more exercise guides and how-to instructionals, be sure to subscribe.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
- published: 28 Sep 2023
- views: 988682
🪐 To Dzieje Się TYLKO RAZ na 248 LAT‼️NIE PRZEGAP TEJ SZANSY‼️Pluton w Wodniku ♒️
Pluton powraca na stałe do Wodnika już w 2024 roku! O co chodzi? Co to dla Ciebie znaczy? Dowiesz się oglądając ten film.
Pluton powraca na stałe do Wodnika już w 2024 roku! O co chodzi? Co to dla Ciebie znaczy? Dowiesz się oglądając ten film.
🪐ZOBACZ CZYTANIA dla swojego ZNAKU SŁONECZNEGO i ASCENDENTU, żeby mieć pełniejszy obraz potencjałów energetycznych w Twoim polu✨
🪐Sprawdź swój znak słoneczny i ascendent: https://www.astromagia.pl/astro-plus/horoskop-urodzeniowy
00:00 Pluton w Wodniku‼️O co chodzi❓️
04:57 Jak Pluton w Wodniku wpływa na każdy znak zodiaku❓️
05:37 ♈️ Baran
06:07 ♉️ Byk
06:45 ♊️ Bliźnięta
07:22 ♋️ Rak
08:00 ♌️ Lew
08:47 ♍️ Panna
09:28 ♎️ Waga
10:07 ♏️ Skorpion
10:48 ♐️ Strzelec
11:42 ♑️ Koziorożec
12:33 ♒️ Wodnik
13:17 ♓️ Ryby
14:07‼️Twoje życie przez następne 18 lat
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Świetliste Porady (Light Guidance Oracle) to wiadomości od Aniołów, Archaniołów, Galaktycznej Federacji Światła, Bogiń i wszelkich Istot Świetlnych, które wspierają nas w naszej ziemskiej podróży.
Aby wygrać darmowe czytanie zostań subskrybentem mojego kanału: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPO4dKabC5SYWR_GcPT8JQ
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#astrologia #pluton #plutonwwodniku #erawodnika #nowaziemia #horoskop #2024 #kartywyroczni #znakizodiaku #kartyanielskie #przewodnicyduchowi #rozwójosobisty
Pluton powraca na stałe do Wodnika już w 2024 roku! O co chodzi? Co to dla Ciebie znaczy? Dowiesz się oglądając ten film.
🪐ZOBACZ CZYTANIA dla swojego ZNAKU SŁONECZNEGO i ASCENDENTU, żeby mieć pełniejszy obraz potencjałów energetycznych w Twoim polu✨
🪐Sprawdź swój znak słoneczny i ascendent: https://www.astromagia.pl/astro-plus/horoskop-urodzeniowy
00:00 Pluton w Wodniku‼️O co chodzi❓️
04:57 Jak Pluton w Wodniku wpływa na każdy znak zodiaku❓️
05:37 ♈️ Baran
06:07 ♉️ Byk
06:45 ♊️ Bliźnięta
07:22 ♋️ Rak
08:00 ♌️ Lew
08:47 ♍️ Panna
09:28 ♎️ Waga
10:07 ♏️ Skorpion
10:48 ♐️ Strzelec
11:42 ♑️ Koziorożec
12:33 ♒️ Wodnik
13:17 ♓️ Ryby
14:07‼️Twoje życie przez następne 18 lat
📧 Chcesz zamówić prywatne czytanie?
Zapraszam do kontaktu:
[email protected]
Świetliste Porady (Light Guidance Oracle) to wiadomości od Aniołów, Archaniołów, Galaktycznej Federacji Światła, Bogiń i wszelkich Istot Świetlnych, które wspierają nas w naszej ziemskiej podróży.
Aby wygrać darmowe czytanie zostań subskrybentem mojego kanału: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPO4dKabC5SYWR_GcPT8JQ
Oraz polub moje social media:
Instagram: light_guidance_oracle
TIK TOK: tiktok.com/@lightguidanceoracle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Light-Guidance-Oracle-103121222216411/
Chcesz zobaczyć film jeszcze raz?
#astrologia #pluton #plutonwwodniku #erawodnika #nowaziemia #horoskop #2024 #kartywyroczni #znakizodiaku #kartyanielskie #przewodnicyduchowi #rozwójosobisty
- published: 17 Jan 2024
- views: 1093
Hamid Sefat - Lat OFFICIAL VIDEO | حمید صفت - لت
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘁:
𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗡𝗼𝘄:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت تو محل
دست به دسته بد کردن تو پتت آبو
خوب بودی خراب شدی بیرونی
ولی از الان برو کف شهر حبس ابد، هه
این بدن ساخت جنوب شهره
میتونی تو هم بنویسی قصه ازم
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم، من برادرمو زدم
نمیخوام من مثل شما باشم
نمیخوام بذارم پامو روی گلو کسی راحت
که بدم لم یه گوشه ای راحت
بشینم جون تک تک رفیقامو بگیرم با چی
پخت شیشه و دوا و عمل
که تهش بگی همش
بشه این پولا واسه من عطش پورش پولاي بالا شهر
بکشم از زیر پای داداشم
میخوام از این زنجیره جدا شم
برم جنوب شهر
با غروب تن
نمیخوام واسه ناموسم قفس
بشم قصاص قبل قضاوت
برو بیرون بکش جلو شراره های آتش
ازش بسازم با پول برده
نکنه خروج از عقیده ی قبیله کم
بکنیم خاکت
تو میخوای بشی گرگ
بگن خوردی لاشخور همه رو تو جنگل
ولی من عاشق برده هام
با دلی نازک، بزرگ
اصلا بگو نحیفه هیکل
من میخوام رشد
نه اعدامی کانون
در انتظار بلوغ هیجده
نه بالا، نه پایین
من میخوام فقط رفیقامو بی شک
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدن
ناموسمو زدن، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدن
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم من برادرمو زدم
𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰:
Facebook: https://Facebook.com/avangmusic
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@avang.music
Twitter: https://Twitter.com/avangmusic
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗠𝗖𝗔:
℗ © 2023 Avang Music. All Rights Reserved.
#AvangMusic #HamidSefat #Lat
Artist: Hamid Sefat
Song: Lat
Music Producer: Siamanad
Label: Avang Music
Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi
Director: Hamid Sefat
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘁:
𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗡𝗼𝘄:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/3H4oGCV
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Lnney8
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
من کجام که همه گشنه ها بلدن؟
سیر نشن خود همون گشنه ها میدرن همو
من کجام که همه خوشگلا ببرن؟
واسه لقمه نشدن سکو صورتو میزنن با تیزی تو بلد
تو پر رو باشو غلط
میدن دست یه بچه تا ته
کنه تو کلت از عقب
فرداش فیلمت تو محل
دست به دسته بد کردن تو پتت آبو
خوب بودی خراب شدی بیرونی
ولی از الان برو کف شهر حبس ابد، هه
این بدن ساخت جنوب شهره
میتونی تو هم بنویسی قصه ازم
خودمو زدم
من خودمو زدم که اگه نمیزدم باید عالمو میزدم
خودمو زدم
ناموسمو زدم، طفل بچه ی ناز آروممو زدم
زدنم، کاش باز میزدنم
کاش میرفت این کارد تا ته توی بدنم
خودمو زدم، باورمو زدم
کردم تو بغلم، من برادرمو زدم
نمیخوام من مثل شما باشم
نمیخوام بذارم پامو روی گلو کسی راحت
که بدم لم یه گوشه ای راحت
بشینم جون تک تک رفیقامو بگیرم با چی
پخت شیشه و دوا و عمل
که تهش بگی همش
بشه این پولا واسه من عطش پورش پولاي بالا شهر
بکشم از زیر پای داداشم
میخوام از این زنجیره جدا شم
برم جنوب شهر
با غروب تن
نمیخوام واسه ناموسم قفس
بشم قصاص قبل قضاوت
برو بیرون بکش جلو شراره های آتش
ازش بسازم با پول برده
نکنه خروج از عقیده ی قبیله کم
بکنیم خاکت
تو میخوای بشی گرگ
بگن خوردی لاشخور همه رو تو جنگل
ولی من عاشق برده هام
با دلی نازک، بزرگ
اصلا بگو نحیفه هیکل
من میخوام رشد
نه اعدامی کانون
در انتظار بلوغ هیجده
نه بالا، نه پایین
من میخوام فقط رفیقامو بی شک
خودمو زدم
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#AvangMusic #HamidSefat #Lat
- published: 22 Apr 2023
- views: 424491