var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k | Walk&Fly
Löf an der Mosel
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k
Lechfall Drone Footage 4k:
Schloss Neuschwanstein Drone Footage 4K:
LÜBECK Germany Drone Footage 4K:
Rüdesheim am Rhein Drone Footage 4k:
Wiesbaden's Famous Church:
#germany #drone #travel
published: 08 Dec 2022
Moselstern ****Parkhotel Krähennest in Löf / Mosel - Hotel-Rundgang
Das Hotel mit der 4500m² großen MOSEL-SPA" Wellness- & Fitnesswelt.
Die Mosel & Natur von ihrer schönsten Seite erleben, Kraft & Energie aufladen in der einzigartigen 'MOSEL-SPA' Wellness- & Fitnesswelt, die Kreativität der Küche schmecken und sich mit Wohlbehagen betten.
published: 06 Dec 2016
lofi hip hop radio 📚 beats to relax/study to
🎼 | Listen on Spotify, Apple music and more
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/music
🌎 | Lofi Girl on all social media
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/Community
🌐| Our Websites
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/website
👕 | Lofi Girl merch
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/shop
🎭 | Create your lofi avatar now
→ https://lofigirl.com/generator/
🎨 | Art by Lofi Studio (full list of artists here)
→ https://www.instagram.com/p/CuChqFXs08M/
🤗 Thank you for listening, I hope you will have a good time here
🧡All visuals and music in this video are 100% crafted by talented human artists, without the use of AI. We’re committed to delivering genuine, hand-made creations for our audience to enjoy.
published: 12 Jul 2022
Zu Besuch in Löf
In Löf beginnt mein Rundgang am Bahnhof, und da habe ich den Erzzug gesichtet.
Dann ging es durch Löf.
Vorlagen: https://onlinestreet.de/strassen/ortsschild/generator.html
Magix Reiserouten Animation
Sound: https://www.salamisound.de
Musik: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Musik: South Of The Border von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons A...
published: 21 Nov 2020
RTV esittää: Juhan juttusilla Aaro Löf
Juhan juttusilla nähdään tällä kertaa Aaro Löf, kirjailija ja henkinen valmentaja.
published: 12 Oct 2019
Simon Löf
published: 26 Jul 2017
Earth Brother Podcast #12 - Suufilaisuus, mestarin vihkimys etc. w/ Harun Löf (Finnish, Part 1)
Harun Löf on henkistä koulutusta tarjoavan kasvualustan pääopettaja. Hän on myös saanut mestarin vihkimyksen sekä Naqshbandi suufi -perinteen sheikin (suufi mestari/opettaja) nimityksen. Tässä jaksossa juttelemme Harunin mielenkiintoisesta matkasta henkisellä polulla ja tutustumme Suufilaiseen perinteeseen. Oli iso ilo tehdä tämä jakso!
Nauti videosta!
Harun Löf:
Earth Brother:
published: 14 Mar 2023
Sailing past... Löf, Germany
Abonneer - Subscribe here : https://bit.ly/2NMwb6q Nederlandse ondertiteling - English spoken. Text from https://www.wikipedia.org/
Löf is een Duitse gemeente aan de Moezel in de Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. De gemeente heeft twee kernen, namelijk Löf en Kattenes. Aan de andere kant van de Moezel ligt een uitloper van Brodenbach. Löf telt 1.491 inwoners. De parochiekerk in Löf werd gebouwd van 1737 tot 1738. De toren heeft een Romeinse vorm. Een opvallend iets aan de kerk zijn de glasramen van het tweede deel van 15e eeuw met afbeeldingen van de stichters van de plaats. In het Duitse Löf aan de rivier Moezel. Of je nou op zoek bent naar een actieve, relaxte of avontuurlijke vakantie; in Löf zit je helemaal goed. Laat je zelf betoveren door de schoonheid van de Moezelvallei en ervaar je eigen ...
published: 28 Nov 2020
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing)
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing). Suede Shoes are very special to me. I've had a lot of them but this is my first Black pair from Löf & Tung.
I had those made specifically since it's not a style that they carry in Black Suede.
#Menswear #BlackSuedeShoes #LofAndTung
➡️Enroll in my course - Look Your Best In 5 Days Or Less
Check out my Patreon if you want to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/vladimirriche
My Suit - KW MTM
My RTW Spier & Mackay Shirt - https://bit.ly/2YURTun
My Gear:
My Main Camera - https://amzn.to/2CoMKP7
My Overhead/Back-up Camera - https://amzn.to/2p19qSz
My Main Lens - https://amzn.to/2PZ8qJK
My 2nd Lens - https://amzn.to/2NuBU0s
My Vlogging Mic - https://amzn.to/2qDbznD
My Tutorial Boom Mic - https://amzn.to/2Crnvvu
My 2-Point Light Setup: ht...
published: 05 May 2019
Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School xoay quanh những câu chuyện học đường trong thế giới Gen Z, những thước phim thú vị về gia đình, tình cảm tuổi học trò, đọng lại nhiều thông điệp, ý nghĩa cho người xem. Bộ phim giúp thế hệ Gen Z có lý tưởng sống tốt đẹp như: sống bản lĩnh và kỷ luật, sống yêu thương và chia sẻ, sống khỏe mạnh và an toàn, sống biết ơn và trách nhiệm, sống khát vọng và hành động.
Lof Malto School - Phát sóng 20:00 Thứ 6 hàng tuần trên Youtube Dong Tay Promotion & Siêu ứng dụng giải trí VieON. Phát lại vào 20:00 Hàng tuần trên kênh Dong Tay Entertainment.
#LofMaltoSchool #KhảNhư #ThúyNgân
#ĐôngTâyPromotion #PhimHọcĐường #genz #Lof #LofMalto #LeadWithLof
#HauHoang #KhaNhu #ThuyNgan
📣 Subscribe k...
published: 28 Apr 2023
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k | Walk&Fly
Löf an der Mosel
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k
Lechfall Drone Footage 4k:
Schloss Neuschwanstein Drone Footage 4K:
Löf an der Mosel
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k
Lechfall Drone Footage 4k:
Schloss Neuschwanstein Drone Footage 4K:
LÜBECK Germany Drone Footage 4K:
Rüdesheim am Rhein Drone Footage 4k:
Wiesbaden's Famous Church:
#germany #drone #travel
Löf an der Mosel
Löf an der Mosel Germany Drone Footage 4k
Lechfall Drone Footage 4k:
Schloss Neuschwanstein Drone Footage 4K:
LÜBECK Germany Drone Footage 4K:
Rüdesheim am Rhein Drone Footage 4k:
Wiesbaden's Famous Church:
#germany #drone #travel
- published: 08 Dec 2022
- views: 107
Moselstern ****Parkhotel Krähennest in Löf / Mosel - Hotel-Rundgang
Das Hotel mit der 4500m² großen MOSEL-SPA" Wellness- & Fitnesswelt.
Die Mosel & Natur von ihrer schönsten Seite erleben, Kraft & Energie aufladen in der einziga...
Das Hotel mit der 4500m² großen MOSEL-SPA" Wellness- & Fitnesswelt.
Die Mosel & Natur von ihrer schönsten Seite erleben, Kraft & Energie aufladen in der einzigartigen 'MOSEL-SPA' Wellness- & Fitnesswelt, die Kreativität der Küche schmecken und sich mit Wohlbehagen betten.
Das Hotel mit der 4500m² großen MOSEL-SPA" Wellness- & Fitnesswelt.
Die Mosel & Natur von ihrer schönsten Seite erleben, Kraft & Energie aufladen in der einzigartigen 'MOSEL-SPA' Wellness- & Fitnesswelt, die Kreativität der Küche schmecken und sich mit Wohlbehagen betten.
- published: 06 Dec 2016
- views: 46241
lofi hip hop radio 📚 beats to relax/study to
🎼 | Listen on Spotify, Apple music and more
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/music
🌎 | Lofi Girl on all social media
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/Community
🎼 | Listen on Spotify, Apple music and more
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/music
🌎 | Lofi Girl on all social media
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/Community
🌐| Our Websites
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/website
👕 | Lofi Girl merch
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/shop
🎭 | Create your lofi avatar now
→ https://lofigirl.com/generator/
🎨 | Art by Lofi Studio (full list of artists here)
→ https://www.instagram.com/p/CuChqFXs08M/
🤗 Thank you for listening, I hope you will have a good time here
🧡All visuals and music in this video are 100% crafted by talented human artists, without the use of AI. We’re committed to delivering genuine, hand-made creations for our audience to enjoy.
🎼 | Listen on Spotify, Apple music and more
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/music
🌎 | Lofi Girl on all social media
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/Community
🌐| Our Websites
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/m/website
👕 | Lofi Girl merch
→ https://link.lofigirl.com/shop
🎭 | Create your lofi avatar now
→ https://lofigirl.com/generator/
🎨 | Art by Lofi Studio (full list of artists here)
→ https://www.instagram.com/p/CuChqFXs08M/
🤗 Thank you for listening, I hope you will have a good time here
🧡All visuals and music in this video are 100% crafted by talented human artists, without the use of AI. We’re committed to delivering genuine, hand-made creations for our audience to enjoy.
- published: 12 Jul 2022
- views: 520264246
Zu Besuch in Löf
In Löf beginnt mein Rundgang am Bahnhof, und da habe ich den Erzzug gesichtet.
Dann ging es durch Löf.
Vorlagen: https://onlinestreet.de/strassen/ortsschild/ge...
In Löf beginnt mein Rundgang am Bahnhof, und da habe ich den Erzzug gesichtet.
Dann ging es durch Löf.
Vorlagen: https://onlinestreet.de/strassen/ortsschild/generator.html
Magix Reiserouten Animation
Sound: https://www.salamisound.de
Musik: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Musik: South Of The Border von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert.
Künstler: http://audionautix.com/
Aufnahmedatum: 17.10.2019
In Löf beginnt mein Rundgang am Bahnhof, und da habe ich den Erzzug gesichtet.
Dann ging es durch Löf.
Vorlagen: https://onlinestreet.de/strassen/ortsschild/generator.html
Magix Reiserouten Animation
Sound: https://www.salamisound.de
Musik: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Musik: South Of The Border von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert.
Künstler: http://audionautix.com/
Aufnahmedatum: 17.10.2019
- published: 21 Nov 2020
- views: 1061
RTV esittää: Juhan juttusilla Aaro Löf
Juhan juttusilla nähdään tällä kertaa Aaro Löf, kirjailija ja henkinen valmentaja.
Juhan juttusilla nähdään tällä kertaa Aaro Löf, kirjailija ja henkinen valmentaja.
Juhan juttusilla nähdään tällä kertaa Aaro Löf, kirjailija ja henkinen valmentaja.
- published: 12 Oct 2019
- views: 4730
Earth Brother Podcast #12 - Suufilaisuus, mestarin vihkimys etc. w/ Harun Löf (Finnish, Part 1)
Harun Löf on henkistä koulutusta tarjoavan kasvualustan pääopettaja. Hän on myös saanut mestarin vihkimyksen sekä Naqshbandi suufi -perinteen sheikin (suufi mes...
Harun Löf on henkistä koulutusta tarjoavan kasvualustan pääopettaja. Hän on myös saanut mestarin vihkimyksen sekä Naqshbandi suufi -perinteen sheikin (suufi mestari/opettaja) nimityksen. Tässä jaksossa juttelemme Harunin mielenkiintoisesta matkasta henkisellä polulla ja tutustumme Suufilaiseen perinteeseen. Oli iso ilo tehdä tämä jakso!
Nauti videosta!
Harun Löf:
Earth Brother:
Harun Löf on henkistä koulutusta tarjoavan kasvualustan pääopettaja. Hän on myös saanut mestarin vihkimyksen sekä Naqshbandi suufi -perinteen sheikin (suufi mestari/opettaja) nimityksen. Tässä jaksossa juttelemme Harunin mielenkiintoisesta matkasta henkisellä polulla ja tutustumme Suufilaiseen perinteeseen. Oli iso ilo tehdä tämä jakso!
Nauti videosta!
Harun Löf:
Earth Brother:
- published: 14 Mar 2023
- views: 353
Sailing past... Löf, Germany
Abonneer - Subscribe here : https://bit.ly/2NMwb6q Nederlandse ondertiteling - English spoken. Text from https://www.wikipedia.org/
Löf is een Duitse gemeente ...
Abonneer - Subscribe here : https://bit.ly/2NMwb6q Nederlandse ondertiteling - English spoken. Text from https://www.wikipedia.org/
Löf is een Duitse gemeente aan de Moezel in de Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. De gemeente heeft twee kernen, namelijk Löf en Kattenes. Aan de andere kant van de Moezel ligt een uitloper van Brodenbach. Löf telt 1.491 inwoners. De parochiekerk in Löf werd gebouwd van 1737 tot 1738. De toren heeft een Romeinse vorm. Een opvallend iets aan de kerk zijn de glasramen van het tweede deel van 15e eeuw met afbeeldingen van de stichters van de plaats. In het Duitse Löf aan de rivier Moezel. Of je nou op zoek bent naar een actieve, relaxte of avontuurlijke vakantie; in Löf zit je helemaal goed. Laat je zelf betoveren door de schoonheid van de Moezelvallei en ervaar je eigen droomvakantie in Löf. Dit doe je leuk per boot, de pier ligt nabij Hotel Lellmann. Of ga lekker te voet; Ontelbare wandelpaden en de 'Moezelklim' maakt de regio hemel op aarde voor wandelaars. Qua cultuur heeft de regio ook genoeg te bieden zoals schilderachtige kastelen en de Romeinse opgravingen. Vanuit Löf heb je een mooi uitzicht op Kasteel Thurant een van verre zichtbaar symbool met zicht op het dorp Alken. Deels op Romeinse fundamenten gebouwd is het één van de oudste burchten aan de Mosel. Paltsgraaf Hendrik, broer van koning Otto IV bouwde de burcht ter nagedachtenis aan de vergeefse belegering van de Syrische vesting »Thuron«, toen hij in 1197 terugkwam van de kruistocht. Alken is gemakkelijk bereikbaar via een brug naar de overkant van de Moezel.
Löf is a German municipality on the Moselle in the Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. The municipality has two centers, namely Löf and Kattenes. On the other side of the Moselle is an offshoot of Brodenbach. Löf has 1,491 inhabitants. The parish church in Löf was built from 1737 to 1738. The tower has a Roman shape. A striking feature of the church are the stained glass windows from the second part of the 15th century depicting the founders of the place. In Löf, Germany, on the Moselle River. Whether you are looking for an active, relaxed or adventurous holiday; you are in the right place in Löf. Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of the Moselle valley and experience your own dream holiday in Löf. You can do this by boat, the pier is near Hotel Lellmann. Or go on foot; Countless hiking trails and the 'Moselle climb' makes the region heaven on earth for hikers. In terms of culture, the region also has plenty to offer such as picturesque castles and Roman excavations. From Löf you have a beautiful view of Castle Thurant, a symbol visible from afar, with a view of the village of Alken. Partly built on Roman foundations, it is one of the oldest castles on the Mosel. Count Palatine Henry, brother of King Otto IV, built the castle in memory of the futile siege of the Syrian fortress »Thuron«, when he returned from the Crusade in 1197. Alken is easily accessible via a bridge to the other side of the Moselle.
Abonneer - Subscribe here : https://bit.ly/2NMwb6q Nederlandse ondertiteling - English spoken. Text from https://www.wikipedia.org/
Löf is een Duitse gemeente aan de Moezel in de Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. De gemeente heeft twee kernen, namelijk Löf en Kattenes. Aan de andere kant van de Moezel ligt een uitloper van Brodenbach. Löf telt 1.491 inwoners. De parochiekerk in Löf werd gebouwd van 1737 tot 1738. De toren heeft een Romeinse vorm. Een opvallend iets aan de kerk zijn de glasramen van het tweede deel van 15e eeuw met afbeeldingen van de stichters van de plaats. In het Duitse Löf aan de rivier Moezel. Of je nou op zoek bent naar een actieve, relaxte of avontuurlijke vakantie; in Löf zit je helemaal goed. Laat je zelf betoveren door de schoonheid van de Moezelvallei en ervaar je eigen droomvakantie in Löf. Dit doe je leuk per boot, de pier ligt nabij Hotel Lellmann. Of ga lekker te voet; Ontelbare wandelpaden en de 'Moezelklim' maakt de regio hemel op aarde voor wandelaars. Qua cultuur heeft de regio ook genoeg te bieden zoals schilderachtige kastelen en de Romeinse opgravingen. Vanuit Löf heb je een mooi uitzicht op Kasteel Thurant een van verre zichtbaar symbool met zicht op het dorp Alken. Deels op Romeinse fundamenten gebouwd is het één van de oudste burchten aan de Mosel. Paltsgraaf Hendrik, broer van koning Otto IV bouwde de burcht ter nagedachtenis aan de vergeefse belegering van de Syrische vesting »Thuron«, toen hij in 1197 terugkwam van de kruistocht. Alken is gemakkelijk bereikbaar via een brug naar de overkant van de Moezel.
Löf is a German municipality on the Moselle in the Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. The municipality has two centers, namely Löf and Kattenes. On the other side of the Moselle is an offshoot of Brodenbach. Löf has 1,491 inhabitants. The parish church in Löf was built from 1737 to 1738. The tower has a Roman shape. A striking feature of the church are the stained glass windows from the second part of the 15th century depicting the founders of the place. In Löf, Germany, on the Moselle River. Whether you are looking for an active, relaxed or adventurous holiday; you are in the right place in Löf. Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of the Moselle valley and experience your own dream holiday in Löf. You can do this by boat, the pier is near Hotel Lellmann. Or go on foot; Countless hiking trails and the 'Moselle climb' makes the region heaven on earth for hikers. In terms of culture, the region also has plenty to offer such as picturesque castles and Roman excavations. From Löf you have a beautiful view of Castle Thurant, a symbol visible from afar, with a view of the village of Alken. Partly built on Roman foundations, it is one of the oldest castles on the Mosel. Count Palatine Henry, brother of King Otto IV, built the castle in memory of the futile siege of the Syrian fortress »Thuron«, when he returned from the Crusade in 1197. Alken is easily accessible via a bridge to the other side of the Moselle.
- published: 28 Nov 2020
- views: 221
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing)
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing). Suede Shoes are very special to me. I've had a lot of them but this is my first Black pair from Löf & Tung.
I had tho...
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing). Suede Shoes are very special to me. I've had a lot of them but this is my first Black pair from Löf & Tung.
I had those made specifically since it's not a style that they carry in Black Suede.
#Menswear #BlackSuedeShoes #LofAndTung
➡️Enroll in my course - Look Your Best In 5 Days Or Less
Check out my Patreon if you want to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/vladimirriche
My Suit - KW MTM
My RTW Spier & Mackay Shirt - https://bit.ly/2YURTun
My Gear:
My Main Camera - https://amzn.to/2CoMKP7
My Overhead/Back-up Camera - https://amzn.to/2p19qSz
My Main Lens - https://amzn.to/2PZ8qJK
My 2nd Lens - https://amzn.to/2NuBU0s
My Vlogging Mic - https://amzn.to/2qDbznD
My Tutorial Boom Mic - https://amzn.to/2Crnvvu
My 2-Point Light Setup: https://amzn.to/2NQGGUV
My Background https://amzn.to/36O3IEo
My Recorder: https://amzn.to/34A8fIS
Things I use every day:
My Daily Dress Watch: https://amzn.to/2K4ftNn
My Casual Watch: https://amzn.to/2qELNiT
My Undershirts: https://amzn.to/34JM0jL
My 20" Stainless Steel Shoe Horn: https://amzn.to/2PZcHNi
My Shoe Trees: https://amzn.to/2qCL2XW
My Clothes Brush: https://amzn.to/2K3R6PN
My Suit Hangers: https://amzn.to/34HliIl
My Iron: https://amzn.to/34HlIhT
Saphir Medaille D'or Renovateur - https://amzn.to/2ScaHBR
Saphir Medaille D'or Suede Renovateur - https://amzn.to/38dnBFb
Saphir Medaille D'or Wax Polish - https://amzn.to/37cOMPl
Saphir Medaille D'or Cream Polish - https://amzn.to/389pzGK
Saphir Medaille D'or Mirror Gloss - https://amzn.to/2H8e86v
Saphir Medaille D'or Sole Guard - https://amzn.to/2w4aU1u
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chace_Ryder
Instagram: http://instagram.com/chace.ryder/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chace.ryder
BLACK SUEDE Shoes (Löf & Tung Unboxing). Suede Shoes are very special to me. I've had a lot of them but this is my first Black pair from Löf & Tung.
I had those made specifically since it's not a style that they carry in Black Suede.
#Menswear #BlackSuedeShoes #LofAndTung
➡️Enroll in my course - Look Your Best In 5 Days Or Less
Check out my Patreon if you want to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/vladimirriche
My Suit - KW MTM
My RTW Spier & Mackay Shirt - https://bit.ly/2YURTun
My Gear:
My Main Camera - https://amzn.to/2CoMKP7
My Overhead/Back-up Camera - https://amzn.to/2p19qSz
My Main Lens - https://amzn.to/2PZ8qJK
My 2nd Lens - https://amzn.to/2NuBU0s
My Vlogging Mic - https://amzn.to/2qDbznD
My Tutorial Boom Mic - https://amzn.to/2Crnvvu
My 2-Point Light Setup: https://amzn.to/2NQGGUV
My Background https://amzn.to/36O3IEo
My Recorder: https://amzn.to/34A8fIS
Things I use every day:
My Daily Dress Watch: https://amzn.to/2K4ftNn
My Casual Watch: https://amzn.to/2qELNiT
My Undershirts: https://amzn.to/34JM0jL
My 20" Stainless Steel Shoe Horn: https://amzn.to/2PZcHNi
My Shoe Trees: https://amzn.to/2qCL2XW
My Clothes Brush: https://amzn.to/2K3R6PN
My Suit Hangers: https://amzn.to/34HliIl
My Iron: https://amzn.to/34HlIhT
Saphir Medaille D'or Renovateur - https://amzn.to/2ScaHBR
Saphir Medaille D'or Suede Renovateur - https://amzn.to/38dnBFb
Saphir Medaille D'or Wax Polish - https://amzn.to/37cOMPl
Saphir Medaille D'or Cream Polish - https://amzn.to/389pzGK
Saphir Medaille D'or Mirror Gloss - https://amzn.to/2H8e86v
Saphir Medaille D'or Sole Guard - https://amzn.to/2w4aU1u
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chace_Ryder
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- published: 05 May 2019
- views: 6991
Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School xoay quanh những câu chuyện học đường trong thế ...
Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School xoay quanh những câu chuyện học đường trong thế giới Gen Z, những thước phim thú vị về gia đình, tình cảm tuổi học trò, đọng lại nhiều thông điệp, ý nghĩa cho người xem. Bộ phim giúp thế hệ Gen Z có lý tưởng sống tốt đẹp như: sống bản lĩnh và kỷ luật, sống yêu thương và chia sẻ, sống khỏe mạnh và an toàn, sống biết ơn và trách nhiệm, sống khát vọng và hành động.
Lof Malto School - Phát sóng 20:00 Thứ 6 hàng tuần trên Youtube Dong Tay Promotion & Siêu ứng dụng giải trí VieON. Phát lại vào 20:00 Hàng tuần trên kênh Dong Tay Entertainment.
#LofMaltoSchool #KhảNhư #ThúyNgân
#ĐôngTâyPromotion #PhimHọcĐường #genz #Lof #LofMalto #LeadWithLof
#HauHoang #KhaNhu #ThuyNgan
📣 Subscribe kênh ĐÔNG TÂY PROMOTION OFFICIAL để không bỏ lỡ các chương trình SIÊU HẤP DẪN: https://bit.ly/SubDTP
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2 Ngày 1 Đêm Việt Nam: https://bit.ly/2Ngay1DemVN
7 Nụ Cười Xuân: https://bit.ly/7NCX_Mua6
Chọn Ai Đây: https://bit.ly/ChonAiDayMua4
Nhanh Như Chớp: https://bit.ly/NhanhNhuChop4
Lạ Lắm À Nha: https://bit.ly/LaLamANhaMua2
Lof Ba Vì - Sứ Mệnh Yêu Thương: https://bit.ly/LofBaVìFull
Lof Malto School: https://bit.ly/LofMaltoSchool
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Lof Malto School | Tập 2: Thúy Ngân "thái độ" với Trà Đặng, Hậu Hoàng mê trai không lối thoát
Lof Malto School xoay quanh những câu chuyện học đường trong thế giới Gen Z, những thước phim thú vị về gia đình, tình cảm tuổi học trò, đọng lại nhiều thông điệp, ý nghĩa cho người xem. Bộ phim giúp thế hệ Gen Z có lý tưởng sống tốt đẹp như: sống bản lĩnh và kỷ luật, sống yêu thương và chia sẻ, sống khỏe mạnh và an toàn, sống biết ơn và trách nhiệm, sống khát vọng và hành động.
Lof Malto School - Phát sóng 20:00 Thứ 6 hàng tuần trên Youtube Dong Tay Promotion & Siêu ứng dụng giải trí VieON. Phát lại vào 20:00 Hàng tuần trên kênh Dong Tay Entertainment.
#LofMaltoSchool #KhảNhư #ThúyNgân
#ĐôngTâyPromotion #PhimHọcĐường #genz #Lof #LofMalto #LeadWithLof
#HauHoang #KhaNhu #ThuyNgan
📣 Subscribe kênh ĐÔNG TÂY PROMOTION OFFICIAL để không bỏ lỡ các chương trình SIÊU HẤP DẪN: https://bit.ly/SubDTP
📣 Subscribe kênh DONG TAY ENTERTAINMENT để xem các VIDEO HOT từ các show đỉnh nhất: https://bit.ly/SubDTE
⏩ Bí mật HẬU TRƯỜNG: https://bit.ly/HAUTRUONGDTP
⏩ SHOW HAY mỗi ngày: https://bit.ly/showhotDTP
2 Ngày 1 Đêm Việt Nam: https://bit.ly/2Ngay1DemVN
7 Nụ Cười Xuân: https://bit.ly/7NCX_Mua6
Chọn Ai Đây: https://bit.ly/ChonAiDayMua4
Nhanh Như Chớp: https://bit.ly/NhanhNhuChop4
Lạ Lắm À Nha: https://bit.ly/LaLamANhaMua2
Lof Ba Vì - Sứ Mệnh Yêu Thương: https://bit.ly/LofBaVìFull
Lof Malto School: https://bit.ly/LofMaltoSchool
👉 Theo dõi các kênh chính thức của Dong Tay Promotion - thuộc sở hữu của DatVietVAC tại:
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- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 9337
January 20, 2021 January Garden Chores, Henry Danvers, Carl Linnaeus the Younger, Elizabeth...
Today we celebrate the pardoned outlaw who donated the land for the Oxford Botanic Garden. We'll also learn about Carl Jr. - Linnaeus’s son - Linnaeus filius, who surely felt some pressure growing up in his father’s shadow. We’ll hear one of my favorite letters from the garden writer Elizabeth Lawrence. We Grow That Garden Library™ with a delightful book of hope and grace for gardeners and for anyone - an excellent book for 2021. And then we’ll wrap things up with the story of the first female botanist in America. Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart To listen to the show while you're at home, just ask Alexa or Google to “Play the latest episode of The Daily Gardener Podcast.” And she will. It's just that easy. The Daily Gardener Friday Newsletter Sign up for the FR...
published: 20 Jan 2021
Carl Linnaeus: The Father of Taxonomy
Check out Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/biographics
→ Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is #sponsored by Brilliant.
TopTenz Properties
Our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Our sister channel TopTenz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-hpFPF4nOKoKPEAZM_THw/
Our Newest Channel about Interesting Places: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCHKRfxkMTqiiv4pF99qGKIw
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Radu Alexander
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to [email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Croesus: All the Money in the World
Robert Hanssen: The FBI Mole who Spied for the KGB
published: 31 Mar 2020
Carl Linnaeus’s Systema Naturae
Clever Collections highlights the most important scientific artefacts owned by The Linnean Society of London. This video series shows how these priceless artefacts are still relevant to this very day. In this episode we learn about how Carl Linnaeus organised the natural world.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Robert Brown’s Microscope - https://youtu.be/JTMsvY_5BMg
Alfred Russel Wallace and Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses - https://youtu.be/jDzsJg_hRVY
Charles Darwin’s Vasculum - https://youtu.be/9j994gw2m9w
Carl Linnaeus’s Herbarium Cabinet -https://youtu.be/JA6dMDzUE1c
Clever Collections is part of a larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole organism biol...
published: 02 Jan 2018
the Imaginarium of Carl Linnaeus
Behind the scenes of the great exhibition that portray the dreamworld of a young Carl Linneaus. Linnaeus founded the modern biological science and is the father of the "taxonomy system". He is considered to be one of the worlds first ecologists. His legacy has been brought to life through the work of the swedish photographer Richard von Hofsten.
published: 27 Dec 2013
Linnaeus: The Linnaean system of taxonomy, incl. human racial types
From the Eponymous Adjectives Word List (EAWL).
The EAWL is a table of contents of English-language academic culture. It provides a snapshot of the topics considered important by the Anglophone academic community. Thus, knowing a bit about these words will give you a frame of reference upon which to hang future information. See the full list here:
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15036.90246
music credit: Classical Music Discoveries. Stravinsky "Violin Concerto in D" by CMD Philharmonic Paris
Created and presented by Michael Henshaw
Note: The alternate spelling "Linnean" is mainly used for the Linnean Society.
script (abridged for space):
It is standard practice in modern biology to obtain and designate a type specimen to represent an entire species. This is a picture of the type for the Kimberley...
published: 19 Mar 2018
Linnean Lens: Carl Linnaeus' Student Manuscript
Linnean Lens is a new event where the Linnean Society Collections staff focus on a manuscript, book, specimen or artefact from Society’s collections.
In this first instalment, Dr Isabelle Charmantier, Head of Collections, presents one of Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus’ student manuscripts, containing lectures notes, drawings, and late-night reading notes on the natural world. She will show how much of Linnaeus’ future career took root in his early student years.
The Linnean Society works to inform, involve and inspire people of all ages about nature and its wider interactions through our collections, programmes and publications. Founded in 1788, the Society takes its name from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).
published: 25 Aug 2021
Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature |Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature | Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
The Biography of Carl Linnaeus
l Born 23 May 1707 in the southern Swedish province, of Småland.
l Studied medicine in Sweden at Lund University, transferring after a year to Uppsala
University. He finished his medical degree at the University of Harderwijk in the Netherlands in 1735, and then enrolled in the University of Leiden.
l During his studies at Uppsala, Linnaeus organized botanical and ethnographical
expeditions to the largely unexplored Lapland region and to central Sweden. Linnaeus traveled extensively, undertaking many research trips to England, France and
Germany but spent most of his time in Holland, where he was extremely productive
in publishing many important works.
l Alth...
published: 10 Jun 2022
Naming Business
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus tells funny stories about his journey of scientific exploration. In this episode we find out why Linnaeus set out to name all livings things on earth. We also learn about how these names allow us to group similar living things together so that we can understand them better.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Mythical Creatures and How to Make Them - https://youtu.be/lmQVnEMWtFc
The Raccoon called Sjupp - https://youtu.be/RSxV1AX0nt0
Experimental Banana - https://youtu.be/wJt3erb4COk
Flower Power Time – https://youtu.be/aQugHVInkM4
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus is part of the larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole org...
published: 02 Jan 2019
Carl Linnaeus by Dr Isabelle Charmantier
Dr Isabelle Charmantier of the Linnean Society of London gave the Anglo-Swedish Society a talk about less known work by Carl Linnaeus. She was supported by the Linnean Society's librarian, Dr William Beharrell.
published: 08 Feb 2021
Tessa Smith on Carl Linnaeus
Tessa is a Science graduate with Honours from Monash and Deakin Universities. She is a plant, insect and rock lover who will always walk slowly because there is something interesting to look at. She tells the story of botanist, physician, and zoologist Carl Linnaeus.
You can hear all past stories online at http://thelaborastory.com/stories/
Video by Giuseppe Geracitano http://www.eternal-websites.com/
published: 27 Oct 2015
January 20, 2021 January Garden Chores, Henry Danvers, Carl Linnaeus the Younger, Elizabeth...
Today we celebrate the pardoned outlaw who donated the land for the Oxford Botanic Garden. We'll also learn about Carl Jr. - Linnaeus’s son - Linnaeus filius, w...
Today we celebrate the pardoned outlaw who donated the land for the Oxford Botanic Garden. We'll also learn about Carl Jr. - Linnaeus’s son - Linnaeus filius, who surely felt some pressure growing up in his father’s shadow. We’ll hear one of my favorite letters from the garden writer Elizabeth Lawrence. We Grow That Garden Library™ with a delightful book of hope and grace for gardeners and for anyone - an excellent book for 2021. And then we’ll wrap things up with the story of the first female botanist in America. Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart To listen to the show while you're at home, just ask Alexa or Google to “Play the latest episode of The Daily Gardener Podcast.” And she will. It's just that easy. The Daily Gardener Friday Newsletter Sign up for the FREE Friday Newsletter featuring:
A personal update from me Garden-related items for your calendar The Grow That Garden Library™ featured books for the week Gardener gift ideas Garden-inspired recipes Exclusive updates regarding the show Plus, each week, one lucky subscriber wins a book from the Grow That Garden Library™ bookshelf. Gardener Greetings Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to
[email protected] Curated News Jobs for January | Adventures in Horticulture | Lou Nicholls Facebook Group If you'd like to check out my curated news articles and original blog posts for yourself, you're in luck. I share all of it with the Listener Community in the Free Facebook Group - The Daily Gardener Community. So, there’s no need to take notes or search for links. The next time you're on Facebook, search for Daily Gardener Community where you’d search for a friend... and request to join. I'd love to meet you in the group. Important Events January 20, 1643 Today is the anniversary of the death of Henry Danvers, the 1st Earl of Danby. In 1621, Henry founded the Oxford Botanic Garden, but planting didn’t start until the 1640s As a young man, Henry was an English soldier who was outlawed after killing a rival family’s son. The Danvers and the Longs had feuded for generations. Along with his brother and a few friends, Henry ambushed Henry Long as he was dining at a tavern. And that’s when Henry Danvers shot and killed Henry Long and became an outlaw. After the shooting, Henry and his gang fled to France, where they honorably served in the French army. Four years later, the King of France interceded on the men’s behalf and secured a pardon for them. After returning to England, Henry regained favor for his service and ultimately became a Knight of the Garter and the lifelong governor of Guernsey's isle. Henry never married, but he created a lasting legacy for himself when he donated five acres of land to the University of Oxford. Henry had the flood-prone land along the river raised and enclosed with a high wall. The massive stone gateway to the garden was designed by a peer and friend to Inigo Jones, a master mason named Nicholas Stone. The Danby gateway is inscribed: Gloriae Dei opt. max. Honori Caroli Regis. In usum Acad. et Reipub. and the frieze inscription is Henricus Comes Danby D.D. 1632 - or “In honor of King Charles, for academic use and the general welfare by the Earl of Danby 1632." January 20, 1741 Today is the birthday of the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus the Younger, the son of the great Carl Linnaeus or Carl von Linné. To distinguish him from his famous father, he was referred to as Linnaeus filius, Latin for Linnaeus, the son. For botanical purposes, he is referred to with the abbreviation L.f. for Linnaeus filius. Carl Linneaus learned of his son’s birth while he was away in Stockholm. He wrote a letter straight away to his wife Sara Lisa, saying: “How excited I was when I received the news I had been longing for… I kiss the gracious hand of God ... that we have been blessed with a son. Take care to avoid changes of temperature and draughts, for carelessness of that sort might harm you. I remain, my dearest wife, your faithful husband, Carl Linnaeus Greetings to my little Carl.” When he was just nine years old, Linnaeus filius enrolled at the University of Uppsala and taught by great botanists like Pehr Löfling, Daniel Solander, and Johan Peter Falk. Eleven years later, Linnaeus filius backfilled his father’s position as the chair of Practical Medicine at the University. Unfortunately, Linnaeus filius was resented by his peers after favoritism played a role in the promotion. At the tender age of 22, Linnaeus filius got the job without applying or defending a thesis. Twenty years later, Linnaeus filius was in the middle of a two-year-long expedition through Europe. When he reached London, Linnaeus filius became ill and died from a stroke. He was just 42 years old. Unearthed Words January 20, 1945 ... I can’t imagine anything worse than a square of dogwoods back of the house. I thought your idea was that you wanted to...
Today we celebrate the pardoned outlaw who donated the land for the Oxford Botanic Garden. We'll also learn about Carl Jr. - Linnaeus’s son - Linnaeus filius, who surely felt some pressure growing up in his father’s shadow. We’ll hear one of my favorite letters from the garden writer Elizabeth Lawrence. We Grow That Garden Library™ with a delightful book of hope and grace for gardeners and for anyone - an excellent book for 2021. And then we’ll wrap things up with the story of the first female botanist in America. Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart To listen to the show while you're at home, just ask Alexa or Google to “Play the latest episode of The Daily Gardener Podcast.” And she will. It's just that easy. The Daily Gardener Friday Newsletter Sign up for the FREE Friday Newsletter featuring:
A personal update from me Garden-related items for your calendar The Grow That Garden Library™ featured books for the week Gardener gift ideas Garden-inspired recipes Exclusive updates regarding the show Plus, each week, one lucky subscriber wins a book from the Grow That Garden Library™ bookshelf. Gardener Greetings Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to
[email protected] Curated News Jobs for January | Adventures in Horticulture | Lou Nicholls Facebook Group If you'd like to check out my curated news articles and original blog posts for yourself, you're in luck. I share all of it with the Listener Community in the Free Facebook Group - The Daily Gardener Community. So, there’s no need to take notes or search for links. The next time you're on Facebook, search for Daily Gardener Community where you’d search for a friend... and request to join. I'd love to meet you in the group. Important Events January 20, 1643 Today is the anniversary of the death of Henry Danvers, the 1st Earl of Danby. In 1621, Henry founded the Oxford Botanic Garden, but planting didn’t start until the 1640s As a young man, Henry was an English soldier who was outlawed after killing a rival family’s son. The Danvers and the Longs had feuded for generations. Along with his brother and a few friends, Henry ambushed Henry Long as he was dining at a tavern. And that’s when Henry Danvers shot and killed Henry Long and became an outlaw. After the shooting, Henry and his gang fled to France, where they honorably served in the French army. Four years later, the King of France interceded on the men’s behalf and secured a pardon for them. After returning to England, Henry regained favor for his service and ultimately became a Knight of the Garter and the lifelong governor of Guernsey's isle. Henry never married, but he created a lasting legacy for himself when he donated five acres of land to the University of Oxford. Henry had the flood-prone land along the river raised and enclosed with a high wall. The massive stone gateway to the garden was designed by a peer and friend to Inigo Jones, a master mason named Nicholas Stone. The Danby gateway is inscribed: Gloriae Dei opt. max. Honori Caroli Regis. In usum Acad. et Reipub. and the frieze inscription is Henricus Comes Danby D.D. 1632 - or “In honor of King Charles, for academic use and the general welfare by the Earl of Danby 1632." January 20, 1741 Today is the birthday of the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus the Younger, the son of the great Carl Linnaeus or Carl von Linné. To distinguish him from his famous father, he was referred to as Linnaeus filius, Latin for Linnaeus, the son. For botanical purposes, he is referred to with the abbreviation L.f. for Linnaeus filius. Carl Linneaus learned of his son’s birth while he was away in Stockholm. He wrote a letter straight away to his wife Sara Lisa, saying: “How excited I was when I received the news I had been longing for… I kiss the gracious hand of God ... that we have been blessed with a son. Take care to avoid changes of temperature and draughts, for carelessness of that sort might harm you. I remain, my dearest wife, your faithful husband, Carl Linnaeus Greetings to my little Carl.” When he was just nine years old, Linnaeus filius enrolled at the University of Uppsala and taught by great botanists like Pehr Löfling, Daniel Solander, and Johan Peter Falk. Eleven years later, Linnaeus filius backfilled his father’s position as the chair of Practical Medicine at the University. Unfortunately, Linnaeus filius was resented by his peers after favoritism played a role in the promotion. At the tender age of 22, Linnaeus filius got the job without applying or defending a thesis. Twenty years later, Linnaeus filius was in the middle of a two-year-long expedition through Europe. When he reached London, Linnaeus filius became ill and died from a stroke. He was just 42 years old. Unearthed Words January 20, 1945 ... I can’t imagine anything worse than a square of dogwoods back of the house. I thought your idea was that you wanted to...
- published: 20 Jan 2021
- views: 6
Carl Linnaeus: The Father of Taxonomy
Check out Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/biographics
→ Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
Check out Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/biographics
→ Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is #sponsored by Brilliant.
TopTenz Properties
Our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Our sister channel TopTenz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-hpFPF4nOKoKPEAZM_THw/
Our Newest Channel about Interesting Places: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCHKRfxkMTqiiv4pF99qGKIw
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Radu Alexander
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Croesus: All the Money in the World
Robert Hanssen: The FBI Mole who Spied for the KGB
Check out Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/biographics
→ Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is #sponsored by Brilliant.
TopTenz Properties
Our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Our sister channel TopTenz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-hpFPF4nOKoKPEAZM_THw/
Our Newest Channel about Interesting Places: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCHKRfxkMTqiiv4pF99qGKIw
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Radu Alexander
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Croesus: All the Money in the World
Robert Hanssen: The FBI Mole who Spied for the KGB
- published: 31 Mar 2020
- views: 107877
Carl Linnaeus’s Systema Naturae
Clever Collections highlights the most important scientific artefacts owned by The Linnean Society of London. This video series shows how these priceless artefa...
Clever Collections highlights the most important scientific artefacts owned by The Linnean Society of London. This video series shows how these priceless artefacts are still relevant to this very day. In this episode we learn about how Carl Linnaeus organised the natural world.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Robert Brown’s Microscope - https://youtu.be/JTMsvY_5BMg
Alfred Russel Wallace and Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses - https://youtu.be/jDzsJg_hRVY
Charles Darwin’s Vasculum - https://youtu.be/9j994gw2m9w
Carl Linnaeus’s Herbarium Cabinet -https://youtu.be/JA6dMDzUE1c
Clever Collections is part of a larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole organism biology. The stories, specimens and objects, shared in these 13 videos, over the next four months are entirely unique to The Linnean Society of London.
Tweet and follow us @LinneanLearning
Clever Collections highlights the most important scientific artefacts owned by The Linnean Society of London. This video series shows how these priceless artefacts are still relevant to this very day. In this episode we learn about how Carl Linnaeus organised the natural world.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Robert Brown’s Microscope - https://youtu.be/JTMsvY_5BMg
Alfred Russel Wallace and Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses - https://youtu.be/jDzsJg_hRVY
Charles Darwin’s Vasculum - https://youtu.be/9j994gw2m9w
Carl Linnaeus’s Herbarium Cabinet -https://youtu.be/JA6dMDzUE1c
Clever Collections is part of a larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole organism biology. The stories, specimens and objects, shared in these 13 videos, over the next four months are entirely unique to The Linnean Society of London.
Tweet and follow us @LinneanLearning
- published: 02 Jan 2018
- views: 93739
the Imaginarium of Carl Linnaeus
Behind the scenes of the great exhibition that portray the dreamworld of a young Carl Linneaus. Linnaeus founded the modern biological science and is the father...
Behind the scenes of the great exhibition that portray the dreamworld of a young Carl Linneaus. Linnaeus founded the modern biological science and is the father of the "taxonomy system". He is considered to be one of the worlds first ecologists. His legacy has been brought to life through the work of the swedish photographer Richard von Hofsten.
Behind the scenes of the great exhibition that portray the dreamworld of a young Carl Linneaus. Linnaeus founded the modern biological science and is the father of the "taxonomy system". He is considered to be one of the worlds first ecologists. His legacy has been brought to life through the work of the swedish photographer Richard von Hofsten.
- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 10570
Linnaeus: The Linnaean system of taxonomy, incl. human racial types
From the Eponymous Adjectives Word List (EAWL).
The EAWL is a table of contents of English-language academic culture. It provides a snapshot of the topics consi...
From the Eponymous Adjectives Word List (EAWL).
The EAWL is a table of contents of English-language academic culture. It provides a snapshot of the topics considered important by the Anglophone academic community. Thus, knowing a bit about these words will give you a frame of reference upon which to hang future information. See the full list here:
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15036.90246
music credit: Classical Music Discoveries. Stravinsky "Violin Concerto in D" by CMD Philharmonic Paris
Created and presented by Michael Henshaw
Note: The alternate spelling "Linnean" is mainly used for the Linnean Society.
script (abridged for space):
It is standard practice in modern biology to obtain and designate a type specimen to represent an entire species. This is a picture of the type for the Kimberley cave bat. (caption: Kimberley cave bat holotype, Western Australian Museum, collected 1958). And here’s one for the Rugel’s plantain (caption: Rugel’s plantain holotype, Herbarium of the Ohio State University). In the case of us, Homo sapiens, it is somewhat controversial, but it seems the specimen that is most widely accepted is Carl Linnaeus, also known as Carl von Linné, even though his remains are buried in his grave. (caption: L. is a ‘lectotype’.)
In some respects, this is an excellent choice, because it was Linnaeus who first described Homo sapiens as a member of the primates in the definitive 10th edition of Systema Naturae, his most famous work. In fact, he created the terms Homo sapiens, primate, and mammal while organizing the classification system that is still used today.
Naming Linnaeus as the type specimen is also supported by the rules of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, established around the beginning of the 1900s: the specimen should be provided by the person who named the species, and priority goes to the first namer unless there are good reasons to overrule the first type; in this case, the British botanist William Stearn proposed Linnaeus in 1959. In addition, Linnaeus has become a nearly divine figure within biological classification, or taxonomy. I mean, his nicknames include “the father of modern taxonomy” and “the Second Adam”, as it was Adam to whom God gave the responsibility of naming the animals.
A third qualification to represent the human race: he is the namesake of “The world’s oldest extant biological society,” The Linnean Society of London (notice the spelling—there is no ‘a’). This is the same society where Darwin and Wallace’s papers on evolution by natural selection were first presented, in 1858.
However, Linnaeus is also partially responsible for giving justification to several generations of scientists and policy makers who promoted white Euro-supremacy on the belief that there was a hierarchy among the different types of human beings. Thus, designating a white European as the representative of Homo sapiens is problematic. I will return to this issue later in the video.
Life of Carl Linnaeus
Linnaeus lived and died almost exactly a century before Charles Darwin, and there are remarkable parallels between the two lives. One big difference, however, was that Linnaeus was not born rich. It seems he became a living legend through his tenacity and sociability, plus, like Darwin, through luck and social connections. Time and time again, people who met young Linnaeus liked him and recognized his potential. He was invited to live and learn with scholars around his native Sweden, as well as France, Germany, Netherlands, and England. Like Darwin, he was provided the chance as a young man to travel to an unknown territory for scientific research.
When he was 24 years old, he undertook a six-month tour of Lapland in northern Scandinavia. Where Darwin got his finches in Galapagos, from Lapland Linnaeus got his twinflower, later to be named Linnaea borealis by an admiring colleague. Linnaeus would go on to name hundreds of previously unclassified plant species from the Lapland trip, and this classification of plants and animals would turn out to be the foundation of his life’s work: he is credited with giving names to around 9,000 plants and 4,000 animals, most of which are still in use. Here are two examples: Capsicum annuum and Canis lupus.
Linnaeus’ Legacy on Human Racial Classification
In a university course I took on the history of scientific racism, my teacher presented Linnaeus as the first villain for creating a science-supported human racial hierarchy of the world: people were, from best to worst: European white, American red (in reference to native Americans), Asian yellow, and African black.
I’d like to add more nuance to this characterization.
Linnaeus was not the first to assign colors to the groups of people of the world, nor was he the first white supremacist. The year before the first edition of Systema Naturae was published, for example, the ‘great’ Voltaire wrote that...
From the Eponymous Adjectives Word List (EAWL).
The EAWL is a table of contents of English-language academic culture. It provides a snapshot of the topics considered important by the Anglophone academic community. Thus, knowing a bit about these words will give you a frame of reference upon which to hang future information. See the full list here:
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15036.90246
music credit: Classical Music Discoveries. Stravinsky "Violin Concerto in D" by CMD Philharmonic Paris
Created and presented by Michael Henshaw
Note: The alternate spelling "Linnean" is mainly used for the Linnean Society.
script (abridged for space):
It is standard practice in modern biology to obtain and designate a type specimen to represent an entire species. This is a picture of the type for the Kimberley cave bat. (caption: Kimberley cave bat holotype, Western Australian Museum, collected 1958). And here’s one for the Rugel’s plantain (caption: Rugel’s plantain holotype, Herbarium of the Ohio State University). In the case of us, Homo sapiens, it is somewhat controversial, but it seems the specimen that is most widely accepted is Carl Linnaeus, also known as Carl von Linné, even though his remains are buried in his grave. (caption: L. is a ‘lectotype’.)
In some respects, this is an excellent choice, because it was Linnaeus who first described Homo sapiens as a member of the primates in the definitive 10th edition of Systema Naturae, his most famous work. In fact, he created the terms Homo sapiens, primate, and mammal while organizing the classification system that is still used today.
Naming Linnaeus as the type specimen is also supported by the rules of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, established around the beginning of the 1900s: the specimen should be provided by the person who named the species, and priority goes to the first namer unless there are good reasons to overrule the first type; in this case, the British botanist William Stearn proposed Linnaeus in 1959. In addition, Linnaeus has become a nearly divine figure within biological classification, or taxonomy. I mean, his nicknames include “the father of modern taxonomy” and “the Second Adam”, as it was Adam to whom God gave the responsibility of naming the animals.
A third qualification to represent the human race: he is the namesake of “The world’s oldest extant biological society,” The Linnean Society of London (notice the spelling—there is no ‘a’). This is the same society where Darwin and Wallace’s papers on evolution by natural selection were first presented, in 1858.
However, Linnaeus is also partially responsible for giving justification to several generations of scientists and policy makers who promoted white Euro-supremacy on the belief that there was a hierarchy among the different types of human beings. Thus, designating a white European as the representative of Homo sapiens is problematic. I will return to this issue later in the video.
Life of Carl Linnaeus
Linnaeus lived and died almost exactly a century before Charles Darwin, and there are remarkable parallels between the two lives. One big difference, however, was that Linnaeus was not born rich. It seems he became a living legend through his tenacity and sociability, plus, like Darwin, through luck and social connections. Time and time again, people who met young Linnaeus liked him and recognized his potential. He was invited to live and learn with scholars around his native Sweden, as well as France, Germany, Netherlands, and England. Like Darwin, he was provided the chance as a young man to travel to an unknown territory for scientific research.
When he was 24 years old, he undertook a six-month tour of Lapland in northern Scandinavia. Where Darwin got his finches in Galapagos, from Lapland Linnaeus got his twinflower, later to be named Linnaea borealis by an admiring colleague. Linnaeus would go on to name hundreds of previously unclassified plant species from the Lapland trip, and this classification of plants and animals would turn out to be the foundation of his life’s work: he is credited with giving names to around 9,000 plants and 4,000 animals, most of which are still in use. Here are two examples: Capsicum annuum and Canis lupus.
Linnaeus’ Legacy on Human Racial Classification
In a university course I took on the history of scientific racism, my teacher presented Linnaeus as the first villain for creating a science-supported human racial hierarchy of the world: people were, from best to worst: European white, American red (in reference to native Americans), Asian yellow, and African black.
I’d like to add more nuance to this characterization.
Linnaeus was not the first to assign colors to the groups of people of the world, nor was he the first white supremacist. The year before the first edition of Systema Naturae was published, for example, the ‘great’ Voltaire wrote that...
- published: 19 Mar 2018
- views: 3579
Linnean Lens: Carl Linnaeus' Student Manuscript
Linnean Lens is a new event where the Linnean Society Collections staff focus on a manuscript, book, specimen or artefact from Society’s collections.
In this f...
Linnean Lens is a new event where the Linnean Society Collections staff focus on a manuscript, book, specimen or artefact from Society’s collections.
In this first instalment, Dr Isabelle Charmantier, Head of Collections, presents one of Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus’ student manuscripts, containing lectures notes, drawings, and late-night reading notes on the natural world. She will show how much of Linnaeus’ future career took root in his early student years.
The Linnean Society works to inform, involve and inspire people of all ages about nature and its wider interactions through our collections, programmes and publications. Founded in 1788, the Society takes its name from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).
Follow us on social media:
Linnean Lens is a new event where the Linnean Society Collections staff focus on a manuscript, book, specimen or artefact from Society’s collections.
In this first instalment, Dr Isabelle Charmantier, Head of Collections, presents one of Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus’ student manuscripts, containing lectures notes, drawings, and late-night reading notes on the natural world. She will show how much of Linnaeus’ future career took root in his early student years.
The Linnean Society works to inform, involve and inspire people of all ages about nature and its wider interactions through our collections, programmes and publications. Founded in 1788, the Society takes its name from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).
Follow us on social media:
- published: 25 Aug 2021
- views: 606
Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature |Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature | Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
The Biography of Carl Linnaeus
l Born 23 May 1707 in the s...
Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature | Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
The Biography of Carl Linnaeus
l Born 23 May 1707 in the southern Swedish province, of Småland.
l Studied medicine in Sweden at Lund University, transferring after a year to Uppsala
University. He finished his medical degree at the University of Harderwijk in the Netherlands in 1735, and then enrolled in the University of Leiden.
l During his studies at Uppsala, Linnaeus organized botanical and ethnographical
expeditions to the largely unexplored Lapland region and to central Sweden. Linnaeus traveled extensively, undertaking many research trips to England, France and
Germany but spent most of his time in Holland, where he was extremely productive
in publishing many important works.
l Although he published over 180 works, one of his most famous is Sistema Nature
(1735-70), which began as an 11-page pamphlet but expanded into a multi-volume
work encompassing some 15,000 species. Another famous work is Species Plantarum (1753), where every known species of plant at the time was identified and
l Linnaeus returned to Sweden in 1738 where he practiced medicine in Stockholm,
specializing in the treatment of syphilis.
l Married Sara Elizabeth Moraea in 1739 and had two sons and four daughters.
l Appointed chair of medicine at Uppsala University in 1741. In 1742, he exchanged
his chairmanship to botany and made three more expeditions to various parts of
l His lectures attracted students from all over the world and he arranged to send
many of them on expeditions abroad.
l Linnaeus became chief royal physician in 1747.
l In 1761 he was ennobled by the King of Sweden and became Carl von Linné.
l He retired in 1776 and was permitted to appoint as his successor his son Carl the
Younger at the University.
l Linnaeus died on 10 January 1778 in Uppsala, after a lengthy period of deterio
#RedFrost motivation
# We make creater
#Witty Dolphin_Life Quotes
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Carl Linnaeus’s Sistema Nature | Carl Linnaeus | The Father of Taxonomy | Feeling quotes
The Biography of Carl Linnaeus
l Born 23 May 1707 in the southern Swedish province, of Småland.
l Studied medicine in Sweden at Lund University, transferring after a year to Uppsala
University. He finished his medical degree at the University of Harderwijk in the Netherlands in 1735, and then enrolled in the University of Leiden.
l During his studies at Uppsala, Linnaeus organized botanical and ethnographical
expeditions to the largely unexplored Lapland region and to central Sweden. Linnaeus traveled extensively, undertaking many research trips to England, France and
Germany but spent most of his time in Holland, where he was extremely productive
in publishing many important works.
l Although he published over 180 works, one of his most famous is Sistema Nature
(1735-70), which began as an 11-page pamphlet but expanded into a multi-volume
work encompassing some 15,000 species. Another famous work is Species Plantarum (1753), where every known species of plant at the time was identified and
l Linnaeus returned to Sweden in 1738 where he practiced medicine in Stockholm,
specializing in the treatment of syphilis.
l Married Sara Elizabeth Moraea in 1739 and had two sons and four daughters.
l Appointed chair of medicine at Uppsala University in 1741. In 1742, he exchanged
his chairmanship to botany and made three more expeditions to various parts of
l His lectures attracted students from all over the world and he arranged to send
many of them on expeditions abroad.
l Linnaeus became chief royal physician in 1747.
l In 1761 he was ennobled by the King of Sweden and became Carl von Linné.
l He retired in 1776 and was permitted to appoint as his successor his son Carl the
Younger at the University.
l Linnaeus died on 10 January 1778 in Uppsala, after a lengthy period of deterio
#RedFrost motivation
# We make creater
#Witty Dolphin_Life Quotes
My Youtube Channel Link;
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Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en
Facebook link: https://web.facebook.com/?_rdc=1&_rdr
- published: 10 Jun 2022
- views: 469
Naming Business
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus tells funny stories about his journey of scientific exploration. In this episode we find out why Linnaeus set out to name all...
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus tells funny stories about his journey of scientific exploration. In this episode we find out why Linnaeus set out to name all livings things on earth. We also learn about how these names allow us to group similar living things together so that we can understand them better.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Mythical Creatures and How to Make Them - https://youtu.be/lmQVnEMWtFc
The Raccoon called Sjupp - https://youtu.be/RSxV1AX0nt0
Experimental Banana - https://youtu.be/wJt3erb4COk
Flower Power Time – https://youtu.be/aQugHVInkM4
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus is part of the larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole organism biology. The stories, specimens and objects, shared in these 13 videos, over the next four months are entirely unique to The Linnean Society of London.
Tweet and follow us @LinneanLearning
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus tells funny stories about his journey of scientific exploration. In this episode we find out why Linnaeus set out to name all livings things on earth. We also learn about how these names allow us to group similar living things together so that we can understand them better.
To watch another video from this series click on one of the links below.
Mythical Creatures and How to Make Them - https://youtu.be/lmQVnEMWtFc
The Raccoon called Sjupp - https://youtu.be/RSxV1AX0nt0
Experimental Banana - https://youtu.be/wJt3erb4COk
Flower Power Time – https://youtu.be/aQugHVInkM4
The Curious Cases of Carl Linnaeus is part of the larger Linnean Learning Video Series. This video series explores the fascinating world of Carl Linnaeus, taxonomy and whole organism biology. The stories, specimens and objects, shared in these 13 videos, over the next four months are entirely unique to The Linnean Society of London.
Tweet and follow us @LinneanLearning
- published: 02 Jan 2019
- views: 12580
Carl Linnaeus by Dr Isabelle Charmantier
Dr Isabelle Charmantier of the Linnean Society of London gave the Anglo-Swedish Society a talk about less known work by Carl Linnaeus. She was supported by the ...
Dr Isabelle Charmantier of the Linnean Society of London gave the Anglo-Swedish Society a talk about less known work by Carl Linnaeus. She was supported by the Linnean Society's librarian, Dr William Beharrell.
Dr Isabelle Charmantier of the Linnean Society of London gave the Anglo-Swedish Society a talk about less known work by Carl Linnaeus. She was supported by the Linnean Society's librarian, Dr William Beharrell.
- published: 08 Feb 2021
- views: 1328
Tessa Smith on Carl Linnaeus
Tessa is a Science graduate with Honours from Monash and Deakin Universities. She is a plant, insect and rock lover who will always walk slowly because there is...
Tessa is a Science graduate with Honours from Monash and Deakin Universities. She is a plant, insect and rock lover who will always walk slowly because there is something interesting to look at. She tells the story of botanist, physician, and zoologist Carl Linnaeus.
You can hear all past stories online at http://thelaborastory.com/stories/
Video by Giuseppe Geracitano http://www.eternal-websites.com/
Tessa is a Science graduate with Honours from Monash and Deakin Universities. She is a plant, insect and rock lover who will always walk slowly because there is something interesting to look at. She tells the story of botanist, physician, and zoologist Carl Linnaeus.
You can hear all past stories online at http://thelaborastory.com/stories/
Video by Giuseppe Geracitano http://www.eternal-websites.com/
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 251
SCH - LIF (Clip Officiel)
Nouveau single disponible partout : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/lifAY
Extrait de « Autobahn », Nouvelle Mixtape le 18 Novembre. Disponible en précommande : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/D2CautobahnAY
Composé par Lil Ben
Réalisé par : Kevin Hilem
Produit par : Pelican Paris
Productrice : Laure Massé
Directrice de production : Jeanne Gay-Béziat
Directrice de production : JulieAe Beulaguet
Assistante de production : Marion Houée
Assistant de production : Anis Gabsi
Assistante de production : Joséphine Dernoncourt
Asssistant-réalisateur : Oscar Le Pollotec
2e assistante réalisateur : Mariane Arnould
Chef opérateur : Louis Blin
Steadicamer : Charlie Moreno
Cadreur B : Nicolas Paulmier
1er assistant caméra : Théo Turkyilmaz
2e assistant caméra : Pauline Banquy
Droniste : Vladimir Kadir
Chef él...
published: 27 Oct 2022
How To Use DR's Secret LIF To Transform Your Skin Care Routine | DR's Secret
LIF is a skin care device that works with your regime to heighten its effects while giving your skin a youthful lift. Learn how to use LIF to create fresh and luminous skin with just 5 minutes a day.
Learn more about DR's Secret LIF: https://www.drs-secret.com/LIF.html
Read skin transformation stories: https://www.drs-secret.com/reviews-products
Official Website: https://www.drs-secret.com
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drssecretofficial
Official Instagram Account: @drssecretofficial
Kickstart your skin journey with us and embrace the feeling of foundation-free!
published: 26 Jun 2023
LiF KUN - Superfarmer Family 30s - NoVO
The Superfamer Family drinks KUN and protects their dairy farm. Nutrition and energy from milk help kids grow up taller and faster.
Like LiF KUN fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/lifcambodia/
published: 01 Oct 2019
SCH - LIF (Paroles)
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Paroles Lyrics France.
Abonnez-vous ici : https://lnk.to/paroleslyricsfranceyc
published: 27 Oct 2022
Converting To A RRIF And LIF...What Is This Process?
More info on LIRAs: https://www.parallelwealth.com/lira
Learn more about our services: https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning
Check out the Investing Academy: https://bit.ly/ParallelAcademy
When you retire, you need to convert your RRSP & LIRA into a RRIF & LIF. In this video, we'll go through what that process looks like.
If you have any further questions about this video's topic or any financial planning questions in general, I encourage you to find a certified financial planner in your area or book a consultation with us to get your savings plan on track. You can learn more about our services at https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning or email [email protected]
5 ways to level up your financial plan:
Personal Finance for Canadians for Dummies: https://amzn.to/308jzic ...
published: 05 May 2022
Ini Sebab Tak Logik Lif Jatuh Merudum
So movie tu semua tipu laaa?
Boleh dapatkan lifting crane di sini https://shope.ee/7Ub103lnz0
#ybaliffakmar #sains
published: 20 Apr 2022
Lif - I love you
Testo di: Davide Liguori
produzione e arrangiamento: Doctor True
Instagram di Lif:
Instagram di Doctor True:
published: 02 Feb 2023
Lif - Cuore Rotto (Official Video)
Segui Davide Lif: https://www.instagram.com/davide_lif/?hl=en
Video by: @elementvideoprod
Video Management: Davide Lif & Antonio Marinelli
Segui Antonio Marinelli: https://www.instagram.com/antoniomarinelli06/?hl=en
Si ringraziano gli Attori
_fuori_luogo_ : https://www.instagram.com/_fuori_luogo_/?hl=en
_mirtha_jung__ : https://www.instagram.com/_mirtha_jung__/?hl=en
Video Assistent: https://www.instagram.com/veronica.loddo/?hl=en
published: 26 Sep 2020
lif - Don't be a friend prod by discent (Music Video)
lif Don't be a friend
lyric by lif mix by OK
uto izuka
(sound cloud)
Don't be a friend
Don't be a friend
君は可愛いlady 誰にも渡さない
好きだったピンモン 俺まだ貧乏
published: 06 Aug 2022
Mr. Lif - Let Go (feat. Selina Carrera) | Official Video
"A macabre and psychedelic love story shot by Jon Webb. Backed by Selina Carrera’s powerful vocals on the chorus, Lif spits dense tongue twisters like “The goal is to search deeper grow smarter and think harder/Plus avoidance of the grim reaper/you don’t need to be a martyr.” - Mass Appeal http://massappeal.com/premiere-mr-lif-ft-selina-carrera-let-go-video/
Download on iTunes: http://radi.al/OqueX
Download on Amazon: http://radi.al/DPASHa
Download on Google Play: http://radi.al/NDEdqy
Official music video for "Let Go (feat. Selina Carrera)" by Mr. Lif.
from the album "Don't Look Down" out now
Starring: Mr. Lif, Selina Carrera, Thunderwolf, Ryan Khoury
Music Production by Caliph-NOW
Director: Jon Webb
Video Producers: Zach Kashkett & Ryan Khoury
Director of Photography: Chase DuBos...
published: 17 May 2016
SCH - LIF (Clip Officiel)
Nouveau single disponible partout : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/lifAY
Extrait de « Autobahn », Nouvelle Mixtape le 18 Novembre. Disponible en précommande :...
Nouveau single disponible partout : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/lifAY
Extrait de « Autobahn », Nouvelle Mixtape le 18 Novembre. Disponible en précommande : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/D2CautobahnAY
Composé par Lil Ben
Réalisé par : Kevin Hilem
Produit par : Pelican Paris
Productrice : Laure Massé
Directrice de production : Jeanne Gay-Béziat
Directrice de production : JulieAe Beulaguet
Assistante de production : Marion Houée
Assistant de production : Anis Gabsi
Assistante de production : Joséphine Dernoncourt
Asssistant-réalisateur : Oscar Le Pollotec
2e assistante réalisateur : Mariane Arnould
Chef opérateur : Louis Blin
Steadicamer : Charlie Moreno
Cadreur B : Nicolas Paulmier
1er assistant caméra : Théo Turkyilmaz
2e assistant caméra : Pauline Banquy
Droniste : Vladimir Kadir
Chef électricien : Eldison Boz
Electricien : Marion Lescieux
Electricien : Philippe Boutet
Electricien : Clency Ducloux
Chef machiniste : Grégoire Mazureck
Machiniste : Philibert Grau
Black Arm : Pierre Pascalie et Valentin Deluy
Styliste : Axelle Gomilla
Maquilleuse : Manon Cana
Cheffe déco : Lola Carriére
Chef deco : Julien Rahmani
Covering voitures : Kamel Faci
Régisseur général : Thomas Stephani
Régisseur adjoint : Alexis Landais
Régisseur adjoint : Aymeric Carneiro
Figuration :
Agent de sécurité : Lou Anderson
Conducteur camion : Bachir Akkar
Montage : Paume – Alexis Benot
Sound Design : Paume
Etalonnage : Inès Henry-Manceau – Keepgrading
Merci à l’Autodrome de Linas-Monthléry
Nouveau single disponible partout : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/lifAY
Extrait de « Autobahn », Nouvelle Mixtape le 18 Novembre. Disponible en précommande : https://s-c-h.lnk.to/D2CautobahnAY
Composé par Lil Ben
Réalisé par : Kevin Hilem
Produit par : Pelican Paris
Productrice : Laure Massé
Directrice de production : Jeanne Gay-Béziat
Directrice de production : JulieAe Beulaguet
Assistante de production : Marion Houée
Assistant de production : Anis Gabsi
Assistante de production : Joséphine Dernoncourt
Asssistant-réalisateur : Oscar Le Pollotec
2e assistante réalisateur : Mariane Arnould
Chef opérateur : Louis Blin
Steadicamer : Charlie Moreno
Cadreur B : Nicolas Paulmier
1er assistant caméra : Théo Turkyilmaz
2e assistant caméra : Pauline Banquy
Droniste : Vladimir Kadir
Chef électricien : Eldison Boz
Electricien : Marion Lescieux
Electricien : Philippe Boutet
Electricien : Clency Ducloux
Chef machiniste : Grégoire Mazureck
Machiniste : Philibert Grau
Black Arm : Pierre Pascalie et Valentin Deluy
Styliste : Axelle Gomilla
Maquilleuse : Manon Cana
Cheffe déco : Lola Carriére
Chef deco : Julien Rahmani
Covering voitures : Kamel Faci
Régisseur général : Thomas Stephani
Régisseur adjoint : Alexis Landais
Régisseur adjoint : Aymeric Carneiro
Figuration :
Agent de sécurité : Lou Anderson
Conducteur camion : Bachir Akkar
Montage : Paume – Alexis Benot
Sound Design : Paume
Etalonnage : Inès Henry-Manceau – Keepgrading
Merci à l’Autodrome de Linas-Monthléry
- published: 27 Oct 2022
- views: 19050371
How To Use DR's Secret LIF To Transform Your Skin Care Routine | DR's Secret
LIF is a skin care device that works with your regime to heighten its effects while giving your skin a youthful lift. Learn how to use LIF to create fresh and ...
LIF is a skin care device that works with your regime to heighten its effects while giving your skin a youthful lift. Learn how to use LIF to create fresh and luminous skin with just 5 minutes a day.
Learn more about DR's Secret LIF: https://www.drs-secret.com/LIF.html
Read skin transformation stories: https://www.drs-secret.com/reviews-products
Official Website: https://www.drs-secret.com
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drssecretofficial
Official Instagram Account: @drssecretofficial
Kickstart your skin journey with us and embrace the feeling of foundation-free!
LIF is a skin care device that works with your regime to heighten its effects while giving your skin a youthful lift. Learn how to use LIF to create fresh and luminous skin with just 5 minutes a day.
Learn more about DR's Secret LIF: https://www.drs-secret.com/LIF.html
Read skin transformation stories: https://www.drs-secret.com/reviews-products
Official Website: https://www.drs-secret.com
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drssecretofficial
Official Instagram Account: @drssecretofficial
Kickstart your skin journey with us and embrace the feeling of foundation-free!
- published: 26 Jun 2023
- views: 5207
LiF KUN - Superfarmer Family 30s - NoVO
The Superfamer Family drinks KUN and protects their dairy farm. Nutrition and energy from milk help kids grow up taller and faster.
Like LiF KUN fanpage: https:...
The Superfamer Family drinks KUN and protects their dairy farm. Nutrition and energy from milk help kids grow up taller and faster.
Like LiF KUN fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/lifcambodia/
The Superfamer Family drinks KUN and protects their dairy farm. Nutrition and energy from milk help kids grow up taller and faster.
Like LiF KUN fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/lifcambodia/
- published: 01 Oct 2019
- views: 400527
SCH - LIF (Paroles)
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Paroles Lyrics France.
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne Paroles Lyrics France.
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne Paroles Lyrics France.
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- published: 27 Oct 2022
- views: 118334
Converting To A RRIF And LIF...What Is This Process?
More info on LIRAs: https://www.parallelwealth.com/lira
Learn more about our services: https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning
Check out the Investing Academy...
More info on LIRAs: https://www.parallelwealth.com/lira
Learn more about our services: https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning
Check out the Investing Academy: https://bit.ly/ParallelAcademy
When you retire, you need to convert your RRSP & LIRA into a RRIF & LIF. In this video, we'll go through what that process looks like.
If you have any further questions about this video's topic or any financial planning questions in general, I encourage you to find a certified financial planner in your area or book a consultation with us to get your savings plan on track. You can learn more about our services at https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning or email
[email protected]
5 ways to level up your financial plan:
Personal Finance for Canadians for Dummies: https://amzn.to/308jzic
Free Credit Report with Borrowell: https://bit.ly/borrowellPWFG
Retirement Income for Life: Getting More without Saving More (Second Edition): https://amzn.to/3v5j2to
20% off an online Will at www.willful.co use promo code: ‘PWFG20’
Join the Investing Academy: https://bit.ly/InvestingAcademyPWFG
0:00 - Introduction
0:35 - Investing Academy / FFS Planning
1:02 - What Is A LIRA?
1:36 - Converting To A LIF
2:45 - Different Provincial Rules
4:01 - Converting To RRIF
5:10 - The Converting Process
7:20 - Minimum RRIF/LIF Payment
This presentation is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell our products or services nor is it intended as investment and/or financial advice on any subject matter. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its contents. Certain of the statements made may contain forward-looking statements, which involve known and unknown risk, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Returns are not guaranteed and past performance may not be repeated.
DISCLAIMER: The videos and opinions on this channel are for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice. Adam Bornn is not registered to provide investment advice and as such does not provide recommendations - those looking for investment advice should seek out a registered professional. Adam is not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers and his content should not be used as a basis for investment trades.
More info on LIRAs: https://www.parallelwealth.com/lira
Learn more about our services: https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning
Check out the Investing Academy: https://bit.ly/ParallelAcademy
When you retire, you need to convert your RRSP & LIRA into a RRIF & LIF. In this video, we'll go through what that process looks like.
If you have any further questions about this video's topic or any financial planning questions in general, I encourage you to find a certified financial planner in your area or book a consultation with us to get your savings plan on track. You can learn more about our services at https://www.parallelwealth.com/planning or email
[email protected]
5 ways to level up your financial plan:
Personal Finance for Canadians for Dummies: https://amzn.to/308jzic
Free Credit Report with Borrowell: https://bit.ly/borrowellPWFG
Retirement Income for Life: Getting More without Saving More (Second Edition): https://amzn.to/3v5j2to
20% off an online Will at www.willful.co use promo code: ‘PWFG20’
Join the Investing Academy: https://bit.ly/InvestingAcademyPWFG
0:00 - Introduction
0:35 - Investing Academy / FFS Planning
1:02 - What Is A LIRA?
1:36 - Converting To A LIF
2:45 - Different Provincial Rules
4:01 - Converting To RRIF
5:10 - The Converting Process
7:20 - Minimum RRIF/LIF Payment
This presentation is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell our products or services nor is it intended as investment and/or financial advice on any subject matter. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its contents. Certain of the statements made may contain forward-looking statements, which involve known and unknown risk, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Returns are not guaranteed and past performance may not be repeated.
DISCLAIMER: The videos and opinions on this channel are for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice. Adam Bornn is not registered to provide investment advice and as such does not provide recommendations - those looking for investment advice should seek out a registered professional. Adam is not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers and his content should not be used as a basis for investment trades.
- published: 05 May 2022
- views: 19494
Ini Sebab Tak Logik Lif Jatuh Merudum
So movie tu semua tipu laaa?
Boleh dapatkan lifting crane di sini https://shope.ee/7Ub103lnz0
#ybaliffakmar #sains
So movie tu semua tipu laaa?
Boleh dapatkan lifting crane di sini https://shope.ee/7Ub103lnz0
#ybaliffakmar #sains
So movie tu semua tipu laaa?
Boleh dapatkan lifting crane di sini https://shope.ee/7Ub103lnz0
#ybaliffakmar #sains
- published: 20 Apr 2022
- views: 93161
Lif - I love you
Testo di: Davide Liguori
produzione e arrangiamento: Doctor True
Instagram di Lif:
Instagram di Doctor True:
Testo di: Davide Liguori
produzione e arrangiamento: Doctor True
Instagram di Lif:
Instagram di Doctor True:
Testo di: Davide Liguori
produzione e arrangiamento: Doctor True
Instagram di Lif:
Instagram di Doctor True:
- published: 02 Feb 2023
- views: 64240
Lif - Cuore Rotto (Official Video)
Segui Davide Lif: https://www.instagram.com/davide_lif/?hl=en
Video by: @elementvideoprod
Video Management: Davide Lif & Antonio Marinelli
Segui Antonio Mari...
Segui Davide Lif: https://www.instagram.com/davide_lif/?hl=en
Video by: @elementvideoprod
Video Management: Davide Lif & Antonio Marinelli
Segui Antonio Marinelli: https://www.instagram.com/antoniomarinelli06/?hl=en
Si ringraziano gli Attori
_fuori_luogo_ : https://www.instagram.com/_fuori_luogo_/?hl=en
_mirtha_jung__ : https://www.instagram.com/_mirtha_jung__/?hl=en
Video Assistent: https://www.instagram.com/veronica.loddo/?hl=en
Segui Davide Lif: https://www.instagram.com/davide_lif/?hl=en
Video by: @elementvideoprod
Video Management: Davide Lif & Antonio Marinelli
Segui Antonio Marinelli: https://www.instagram.com/antoniomarinelli06/?hl=en
Si ringraziano gli Attori
_fuori_luogo_ : https://www.instagram.com/_fuori_luogo_/?hl=en
_mirtha_jung__ : https://www.instagram.com/_mirtha_jung__/?hl=en
Video Assistent: https://www.instagram.com/veronica.loddo/?hl=en
- published: 26 Sep 2020
- views: 934927
lif - Don't be a friend prod by discent (Music Video)
lif Don't be a friend
lyric by lif mix by OK
lif Don't be a friend
lyric by lif mix by OK
uto izuka
(sound cloud)
Don't be a friend
Don't be a friend
君は可愛いlady 誰にも渡さない
好きだったピンモン 俺まだ貧乏
Do you love me?
updown going nowすぐなるtension
貯まるcard falling love
飲み干すbourbon 街へflight
夢ならランボ で君の元に向かうよ
君が好きだった曲俺の曲 俺の曲全て君のため
lif Don't be a friend
lyric by lif mix by OK
uto izuka
(sound cloud)
Don't be a friend
Don't be a friend
君は可愛いlady 誰にも渡さない
好きだったピンモン 俺まだ貧乏
Do you love me?
updown going nowすぐなるtension
貯まるcard falling love
飲み干すbourbon 街へflight
夢ならランボ で君の元に向かうよ
君が好きだった曲俺の曲 俺の曲全て君のため
- published: 06 Aug 2022
- views: 1765
Mr. Lif - Let Go (feat. Selina Carrera) | Official Video
"A macabre and psychedelic love story shot by Jon Webb. Backed by Selina Carrera’s powerful vocals on the chorus, Lif spits dense tongue twisters like “The goal...
"A macabre and psychedelic love story shot by Jon Webb. Backed by Selina Carrera’s powerful vocals on the chorus, Lif spits dense tongue twisters like “The goal is to search deeper grow smarter and think harder/Plus avoidance of the grim reaper/you don’t need to be a martyr.” - Mass Appeal http://massappeal.com/premiere-mr-lif-ft-selina-carrera-let-go-video/
Download on iTunes: http://radi.al/OqueX
Download on Amazon: http://radi.al/DPASHa
Download on Google Play: http://radi.al/NDEdqy
Official music video for "Let Go (feat. Selina Carrera)" by Mr. Lif.
from the album "Don't Look Down" out now
Starring: Mr. Lif, Selina Carrera, Thunderwolf, Ryan Khoury
Music Production by Caliph-NOW
Director: Jon Webb
Video Producers: Zach Kashkett & Ryan Khoury
Director of Photography: Chase DuBose
Editor: Zach Kashkett
Costume Designer: Whitney Oppenheimer
Production Designer: Sam Ogden
Art Dept. Assistant: Macy Mckenny
Makeup Artist: Emily Boros
2nd Unit Director: Cory Ring
Camera Team: Anton Einarsson, Wes Swartz, John Fisher
Online Artist: Maury Rosenfeld
Nuke Artist: Ian Hickey
Colorist: Carolyn Woods
Verse One
A rigid mind can hit you like a fist
The goal is moving fluid like a fish
If you can calm your mind
You're no longer blind
Tell me who could lead you wrong with this
I'm rhyming over loops, it's old school
I levitate a style, it's Goku
I fold dimensions
I failed to mention
I came to tap into your soul too
Now tell me what you've buried deep within
Beyond the marrow
well beyond the skin
Is pain lurkin'?
Your brain hurtin'?
I'm sad to see your hopes are getting dim
Now please back away from bright lights
Enjoy the solitude of late nights
Inhale the groove
And make a move
I promise you'll ascend to great heights
Chorus by Selina Carerra
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Verse Two
I've heard that poetry can heal you
To open up your heart, reveal truth
You feeling free?
A deity
Who floats amongst the clouds can feel you
Is this the definition of a blessed
Spirit who was sent to manifest?
With eloquence
For elephants
Who tell the human beings "take a rest"
Now sit down
Get down
Spliff now
Drink down
Is this a prison?
The life we're livin'?
Can't disobey the rhythm much longer
Now where you gonna be when panic hits?
Can you grow your food and can you fish?
I sit back
With a jet pack
That I'm wearing just in case the planet splits
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Verse Three
The goal is to search deeper
And grow smarter
And think harder
Plus avoidance of the grim reaper
You don't need ta
Be a martyr
I could start ta
Flip another style
Let my spirit out
Like a little child
With a bigger smile
Than you think about
Got it figured out
Look, I'm living now
Not forgetting how I got here through
many details, that I'll spare you
But I faced fear
Hope diminishing
Bills imprisoning
Winter shivering
But envisioning a better me for therapy
Pleasantly, eventually was helping me
Set myself free
Let myself be
Let my light shine
Here's the remedy
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Let Go feat Selina Carrera - Produced By Caliph-NOW - T. McConnell for May the Day Break Music (ASCAP) / written by J. Haynes for Virtua Stab Publishing (SESAC) & Selina Carrera (BMI) / Mixed & Mastered By: Mike Cip @ Split2nd Entertainment
CD: http://www.undergroundhiphop.com/mr-lif-dont-look-down/MMGLIF016CD/
Vinyl: http://www.undergroundhiphop.com/mr-lif-dont-look-down/MMGLIF016LP/
"A macabre and psychedelic love story shot by Jon Webb. Backed by Selina Carrera’s powerful vocals on the chorus, Lif spits dense tongue twisters like “The goal is to search deeper grow smarter and think harder/Plus avoidance of the grim reaper/you don’t need to be a martyr.” - Mass Appeal http://massappeal.com/premiere-mr-lif-ft-selina-carrera-let-go-video/
Download on iTunes: http://radi.al/OqueX
Download on Amazon: http://radi.al/DPASHa
Download on Google Play: http://radi.al/NDEdqy
Official music video for "Let Go (feat. Selina Carrera)" by Mr. Lif.
from the album "Don't Look Down" out now
Starring: Mr. Lif, Selina Carrera, Thunderwolf, Ryan Khoury
Music Production by Caliph-NOW
Director: Jon Webb
Video Producers: Zach Kashkett & Ryan Khoury
Director of Photography: Chase DuBose
Editor: Zach Kashkett
Costume Designer: Whitney Oppenheimer
Production Designer: Sam Ogden
Art Dept. Assistant: Macy Mckenny
Makeup Artist: Emily Boros
2nd Unit Director: Cory Ring
Camera Team: Anton Einarsson, Wes Swartz, John Fisher
Online Artist: Maury Rosenfeld
Nuke Artist: Ian Hickey
Colorist: Carolyn Woods
Verse One
A rigid mind can hit you like a fist
The goal is moving fluid like a fish
If you can calm your mind
You're no longer blind
Tell me who could lead you wrong with this
I'm rhyming over loops, it's old school
I levitate a style, it's Goku
I fold dimensions
I failed to mention
I came to tap into your soul too
Now tell me what you've buried deep within
Beyond the marrow
well beyond the skin
Is pain lurkin'?
Your brain hurtin'?
I'm sad to see your hopes are getting dim
Now please back away from bright lights
Enjoy the solitude of late nights
Inhale the groove
And make a move
I promise you'll ascend to great heights
Chorus by Selina Carerra
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Verse Two
I've heard that poetry can heal you
To open up your heart, reveal truth
You feeling free?
A deity
Who floats amongst the clouds can feel you
Is this the definition of a blessed
Spirit who was sent to manifest?
With eloquence
For elephants
Who tell the human beings "take a rest"
Now sit down
Get down
Spliff now
Drink down
Is this a prison?
The life we're livin'?
Can't disobey the rhythm much longer
Now where you gonna be when panic hits?
Can you grow your food and can you fish?
I sit back
With a jet pack
That I'm wearing just in case the planet splits
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Verse Three
The goal is to search deeper
And grow smarter
And think harder
Plus avoidance of the grim reaper
You don't need ta
Be a martyr
I could start ta
Flip another style
Let my spirit out
Like a little child
With a bigger smile
Than you think about
Got it figured out
Look, I'm living now
Not forgetting how I got here through
many details, that I'll spare you
But I faced fear
Hope diminishing
Bills imprisoning
Winter shivering
But envisioning a better me for therapy
Pleasantly, eventually was helping me
Set myself free
Let myself be
Let my light shine
Here's the remedy
Dim down those lights right now
It's time for us to wind down
Pour me a glass of merlot
Baby, let's just let go
Let's just let go
Let Go feat Selina Carrera - Produced By Caliph-NOW - T. McConnell for May the Day Break Music (ASCAP) / written by J. Haynes for Virtua Stab Publishing (SESAC) & Selina Carrera (BMI) / Mixed & Mastered By: Mike Cip @ Split2nd Entertainment
CD: http://www.undergroundhiphop.com/mr-lif-dont-look-down/MMGLIF016CD/
Vinyl: http://www.undergroundhiphop.com/mr-lif-dont-look-down/MMGLIF016LP/
- published: 17 May 2016
- views: 72556