What are gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains)? | 123-reg Support
The aim of this video is to explain what gTLDs are, why you need as many as possible, the various phases of their release and the manner in which they can be purchased with 123-reg.
The acronym gTLD stands for generic Top Level Domain. To understand what one is, you need to know what a Top Level Domain is. Stemming from the early 2000s, the top level domain nomenclature comprises extensions such as .com, .org, .net or .au.
The existing TLDs are classified by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) into several categories, among which the most known are:
• Generic (gTLD): .com; .net; .org;
• Country-Code (ccTLD): .au; .uk; .us;
• Sponsored (sTLDS): .tel; .mobi; .jobs;
• Infrastructure (iTLDs): .arpa;
• Reserved: .test; .example; .invalid;
Returning to gTLDs, the...
published: 09 Apr 2014
What is the meaning of a Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD)? [Audio Explainer]
Listen to our audio explanation for Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). Read more on: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary/generic-top-level-domain-gtld
Find other term explanations around domains and digital assets in our glossary: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary
Copyright clearance:
PLXJ7XPGA88ESSVW : Dreamsicle
published: 24 Oct 2022
What is a Top-Level Domain?
Looking to create a website with WordPress? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
Buying a domain name is an important decision. It means you are taking the step to establish yourself online and create a professional website. However, it can be overwhelming too.
Besides finding an available domain name, you must also choose between dozens of TLDs (top-level domains). Watch the video to understand what a top-level domain is.
Things explained in the video
-What is a top-level domain
Understanding Top-level domains
1)Importance of a TLD
Before you purchase a domain name, it is crucial to consider the ...
published: 11 Mar 2021
Which Top Level Domain(TLD) is right for me?
Looking to create a WordPress website? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: https://bit.ly/3MvKlXL
If you are remotely involved in anything to do with a website or website management, you must be aware of Top Level Domain (TLD). It’s the last segment of text in a domain name. IT professionals, marketers, and business owners use TLD to identify a website’s purpose. For instance, a ‘.com’ TLD is mostly used by commercial websites, selling goods and services.
Watch this video to know more about what TLD is and how to choose the right TLD for your business.
Things explained in the video
published: 21 Jul 2021
The New Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD) Program: Next Round
The ICANN New Generic Top-Level Domains Program enables businesses, communities, governments and other organizations to apply for new top-level domains tailored to their organization, community, culture, language, and customer interests. Through the introduction of new gTLDs, including domain names in a variety of scripts, the program aims to encourage innovation, competition, and consumer choice. The next round of new gTLDs will offer even more choice of domain names in longer lengths and different scripts - an important part of the expansion of the DNS that will allow speakers of non-Latin-based languages to access the Internet using their own keyboards and writing systems.
Learn more: https://newgtldprogram.icann.org
published: 23 Jan 2025
Generic Top-Level Domains
In June, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced a program that would radically change the domain-name system as we know it. Bob Liodice, CEO and president of the ANA, discusses ICANN's revised program to expand generic top-level domain names and why it would cause irreparable harm to brands.
published: 09 Nov 2011
Generic TLD vs. Country Code TLD: Which is the Better Option?
When making a website, it's essential to consider your top-level domain (TLD). A TLD helps businesses communicate information about their product, boost audience trust and engagement, and improve brand recall. This video will cover the basics of TLD, compare its two types, and evaluate the best option for brands.
published: 24 May 2023
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published: 16 Aug 2021
Generic top-level domain Meaning
Video shows what generic top-level domain means. Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization.. generic top-level domain synonyms: gTLD. Generic top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say generic top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
published: 26 Apr 2015
🖥️ gTLD | Generic Top-level Domain | Domain Names | Original 7 gTLDs | Components of a URL
Generic Top-level Domain,
Domain Names,
Original 7 gTLDs,
Components of an URL,
Computer Knowledge,
Top level domain in an URL,
Components of Uniform Resource locator,
Top Level domain,
Domain names,
🖥️ Computer knowledge Playlist: General Knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75PmD6FPqdAiV05g2aJfYH1GMVfHvbzp
published: 04 Jul 2022
The Weirdest Top-Level Domain Extensions
• Sponsored: Protect your financial identity online with Privacy .com by using unique virtual cards, and get $5 off your first purchase at ⇨ http://privacy.com/thiojoe
List of All Domain Extensions: https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db
▼ Time Stamps: ▼
0:00 Intro
1:50 - Top Level Domain Categories
4:05 - Weird TLDs
6:56 - How do new TLDs get made?
8:06 - TLD Categories Explained
8:16 - Internationalized Country Code TLDs
9:27 - Test Domains
9:52 - Infrastructure TLDs
11:01 - Special Use TLDs
13:57 - Generic Restricted TLDs
14:46 - Sponsored TLDs
15:36 - Geographic TLDs
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published: 11 Dec 2021
What Is A TLD, Top Level Domain and Domain Extension? What is it used for on computer?
What is a TLD (Top Level Domain) and domain extension. What is a domain extension used for on a computer? In this video I will help you understand the concept of TLD (Top-Level Domain) as well as domain extension.
Also, I will share some insights on which domain extenstion to use and why and well as some other comments related to domain extension and Top-Level Domains (TLD).
✅ SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDdYko_8xb9Ct-cPgvUEKbA?sub_confirmation=1
Understanding these basic concept will make it easer when getting yourself into the world of domaining and affiliate marketing.
published: 19 May 2021
Top-level domain Meaning
Video shows what top-level domain means. The last component of a domain name, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .net, .org, .mil or any of the newer generic top-level domains, or any of the ccTLDs. Abbreviated TLD.. Top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
published: 20 Apr 2015
Generic Top Level Domains Suck
Some of the Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) offer cheap / free web sites, which are abused by scammers. In this video I take a look at which sites in the worst domains 25K corporate users have visited in a week.
All it proves to me is it’s worth carrying out TLD Blocking
Resources used:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_top-level_domain
Domain Tools Report: https://www.domaintools.com/content/The-DomainTools-Report-2017.pdf
Cisco Umbrella: https://www.opendns.com/
NoTrack: https://github.com/quidsup/notrack
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published: 15 Aug 2017
What are gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains)? | 123-reg Support
The aim of this video is to explain what gTLDs are, why you need as many as possible, the various phases of their release and the manner in which they can be pu...
The aim of this video is to explain what gTLDs are, why you need as many as possible, the various phases of their release and the manner in which they can be purchased with 123-reg.
The acronym gTLD stands for generic Top Level Domain. To understand what one is, you need to know what a Top Level Domain is. Stemming from the early 2000s, the top level domain nomenclature comprises extensions such as .com, .org, .net or .au.
The existing TLDs are classified by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) into several categories, among which the most known are:
• Generic (gTLD): .com; .net; .org;
• Country-Code (ccTLD): .au; .uk; .us;
• Sponsored (sTLDS): .tel; .mobi; .jobs;
• Infrastructure (iTLDs): .arpa;
• Reserved: .test; .example; .invalid;
Returning to gTLDs, they represent the most common type of Top Level Domains and 23 such extensions have been introduced into use since 2004. However, for a period of time, no new ones have been created. This, nevertheless, is about to change starting with 2014, as a new series of gTLDs will be released, triggering the opportunity for 1500 new extensions to be used on the Internet in the following years.
The necessity of introducing more gTLDs is owed to the continuous expansion of the information flow and businesses in the online environment. To keep up with the new requirements, new extensions need to be delivered. Their introduction implies a set of benefits, among which we mention:
- The simplification of domain names used for new or existing businesses and individuals (e.g. www.myexample-businesslondon.com can become www.examplebusiness.london);
- Increase of visibility through relevant extensions (such as .builder, .plumbing) prior to the actual accessing of your related site;
- Immediate identification of the locality of your business through extensions such as .london, helping visitors to gain related insight.
To obtain a gTLD, the principle of fist come -- first served is applied. The release of such domains depends on the type of the customer. There are four major phases of release with slight degrees of variations depending on the registry of each gTLD. These are:
• The Sunrise phase -- trademark owners and established businesses are enabled to safeguard their identity before the domain extensions become available to the general public;
• The landrush and early access stages -- refer to the period when higher value, shorter and memorable denominations for domains are put on sale at premium prices;
• The stage of general availability -- the point where the new gTLDs are taken by the first customer to request one at an advantageous price.
All of the above are preceded by a pre-order period, but it is important that the four phases to follow the mentioned order.
To set a pre-order for the upcoming gTLDs, simply access http://gtld.123-reg.co.uk/ and search for your preferred extension.
If further help and assistance is required, don't hesitate to go to http://www.123-reg.co.uk/support.
The aim of this video is to explain what gTLDs are, why you need as many as possible, the various phases of their release and the manner in which they can be purchased with 123-reg.
The acronym gTLD stands for generic Top Level Domain. To understand what one is, you need to know what a Top Level Domain is. Stemming from the early 2000s, the top level domain nomenclature comprises extensions such as .com, .org, .net or .au.
The existing TLDs are classified by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) into several categories, among which the most known are:
• Generic (gTLD): .com; .net; .org;
• Country-Code (ccTLD): .au; .uk; .us;
• Sponsored (sTLDS): .tel; .mobi; .jobs;
• Infrastructure (iTLDs): .arpa;
• Reserved: .test; .example; .invalid;
Returning to gTLDs, they represent the most common type of Top Level Domains and 23 such extensions have been introduced into use since 2004. However, for a period of time, no new ones have been created. This, nevertheless, is about to change starting with 2014, as a new series of gTLDs will be released, triggering the opportunity for 1500 new extensions to be used on the Internet in the following years.
The necessity of introducing more gTLDs is owed to the continuous expansion of the information flow and businesses in the online environment. To keep up with the new requirements, new extensions need to be delivered. Their introduction implies a set of benefits, among which we mention:
- The simplification of domain names used for new or existing businesses and individuals (e.g. www.myexample-businesslondon.com can become www.examplebusiness.london);
- Increase of visibility through relevant extensions (such as .builder, .plumbing) prior to the actual accessing of your related site;
- Immediate identification of the locality of your business through extensions such as .london, helping visitors to gain related insight.
To obtain a gTLD, the principle of fist come -- first served is applied. The release of such domains depends on the type of the customer. There are four major phases of release with slight degrees of variations depending on the registry of each gTLD. These are:
• The Sunrise phase -- trademark owners and established businesses are enabled to safeguard their identity before the domain extensions become available to the general public;
• The landrush and early access stages -- refer to the period when higher value, shorter and memorable denominations for domains are put on sale at premium prices;
• The stage of general availability -- the point where the new gTLDs are taken by the first customer to request one at an advantageous price.
All of the above are preceded by a pre-order period, but it is important that the four phases to follow the mentioned order.
To set a pre-order for the upcoming gTLDs, simply access http://gtld.123-reg.co.uk/ and search for your preferred extension.
If further help and assistance is required, don't hesitate to go to http://www.123-reg.co.uk/support.
- published: 09 Apr 2014
- views: 10724
What is the meaning of a Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD)? [Audio Explainer]
Listen to our audio explanation for Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). Read more on: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary/generic-top-level-domain-gtld
Find other...
Listen to our audio explanation for Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). Read more on: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary/generic-top-level-domain-gtld
Find other term explanations around domains and digital assets in our glossary: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary
Copyright clearance:
PLXJ7XPGA88ESSVW : Dreamsicle
Listen to our audio explanation for Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). Read more on: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary/generic-top-level-domain-gtld
Find other term explanations around domains and digital assets in our glossary: https://www.swissbroker.io/glossary
Copyright clearance:
PLXJ7XPGA88ESSVW : Dreamsicle
- published: 24 Oct 2022
- views: 321
What is a Top-Level Domain?
Looking to create a website with WordPress? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
Looking to create a website with WordPress? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
Buying a domain name is an important decision. It means you are taking the step to establish yourself online and create a professional website. However, it can be overwhelming too.
Besides finding an available domain name, you must also choose between dozens of TLDs (top-level domains). Watch the video to understand what a top-level domain is.
Things explained in the video
-What is a top-level domain
Understanding Top-level domains
1)Importance of a TLD
Before you purchase a domain name, it is crucial to consider the TLD you’d need. Once you have attached a domain name to your website, it can be difficult to change.
What’s more, your website’s TLD is important to help visitors remember your URL. For example, it is easier to remember .com TLD than .rocks due to its popularity. Your TLD shapes the expectations of your website. Like, .org is still associated with nonprofits.
Undoubtedly, picking the right TLD is as crucial as choosing the rest of your domain name. You would want a suitable and popular TLD for your business type to establish trust with your audience.
2)Picking the right TLD for your business
-Keep it short and simple
Some newer TLDs are quite long, which can make it difficult to spell or remember them. Therefore, try finding as short TLD as you can. For example. .com, .net or .org.
-Purpose of the website
Your website's category and purpose should reflect in your TLD so people will get a clear idea about your offering just by looking at the website address.
-Purchasing multiple TLDs
Many businesses buy multiple TLDs to prevent others from stealing their potential traffic. Usually, this is more of a backup plan for some businesses.
-Consider the price
The lesser-known TLDs tend to be quite lower in cost than the other options available. So, if budget is a concern for you, this may be the way to go. However, if you can, choose widely known TLDs.
3) Popular TLD options
.com (commercial)
.org (organization)
.gov (government)
.tech (technology)
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:34 What is a Top-Level Domain
Additional Resources and Tutorials
Read a couple of our related blogs to understand domain names in detail
You can also watch our video on ‘How to Pick a Domain Name’
About us
At Bluehost, we empower people to fully harness the web. We are committed to supporting small businesses, whether you are just starting out or a professional.
Recommended by the world's largest content management system, WordPress, we turn ideas into businesses with an intuitive dashboard and tools that make it easy for users to build, grow and scale their online presence!
Visit our website to buy a unique domain name and the right hosting plan - http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
You can connect with us on:
Website: https://www.bluehost.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bluehost/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluehost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluehost
Do not forget to hit the subscribe button to never miss such valuable videos from us. https://www.youtube.com/@bluehost
#topleveldomains #whatisatopleveldomain #bluehost
Looking to create a website with WordPress? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
Buying a domain name is an important decision. It means you are taking the step to establish yourself online and create a professional website. However, it can be overwhelming too.
Besides finding an available domain name, you must also choose between dozens of TLDs (top-level domains). Watch the video to understand what a top-level domain is.
Things explained in the video
-What is a top-level domain
Understanding Top-level domains
1)Importance of a TLD
Before you purchase a domain name, it is crucial to consider the TLD you’d need. Once you have attached a domain name to your website, it can be difficult to change.
What’s more, your website’s TLD is important to help visitors remember your URL. For example, it is easier to remember .com TLD than .rocks due to its popularity. Your TLD shapes the expectations of your website. Like, .org is still associated with nonprofits.
Undoubtedly, picking the right TLD is as crucial as choosing the rest of your domain name. You would want a suitable and popular TLD for your business type to establish trust with your audience.
2)Picking the right TLD for your business
-Keep it short and simple
Some newer TLDs are quite long, which can make it difficult to spell or remember them. Therefore, try finding as short TLD as you can. For example. .com, .net or .org.
-Purpose of the website
Your website's category and purpose should reflect in your TLD so people will get a clear idea about your offering just by looking at the website address.
-Purchasing multiple TLDs
Many businesses buy multiple TLDs to prevent others from stealing their potential traffic. Usually, this is more of a backup plan for some businesses.
-Consider the price
The lesser-known TLDs tend to be quite lower in cost than the other options available. So, if budget is a concern for you, this may be the way to go. However, if you can, choose widely known TLDs.
3) Popular TLD options
.com (commercial)
.org (organization)
.gov (government)
.tech (technology)
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:34 What is a Top-Level Domain
Additional Resources and Tutorials
Read a couple of our related blogs to understand domain names in detail
You can also watch our video on ‘How to Pick a Domain Name’
About us
At Bluehost, we empower people to fully harness the web. We are committed to supporting small businesses, whether you are just starting out or a professional.
Recommended by the world's largest content management system, WordPress, we turn ideas into businesses with an intuitive dashboard and tools that make it easy for users to build, grow and scale their online presence!
Visit our website to buy a unique domain name and the right hosting plan - http://ow.ly/tIVT50OAx0f
You can connect with us on:
Website: https://www.bluehost.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bluehost/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluehost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluehost
Do not forget to hit the subscribe button to never miss such valuable videos from us. https://www.youtube.com/@bluehost
#topleveldomains #whatisatopleveldomain #bluehost
- published: 11 Mar 2021
- views: 10510
Which Top Level Domain(TLD) is right for me?
Looking to create a WordPress website? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: https://bit.ly/3MvKlXL
Looking to create a WordPress website? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: https://bit.ly/3MvKlXL
If you are remotely involved in anything to do with a website or website management, you must be aware of Top Level Domain (TLD). It’s the last segment of text in a domain name. IT professionals, marketers, and business owners use TLD to identify a website’s purpose. For instance, a ‘.com’ TLD is mostly used by commercial websites, selling goods and services.
Watch this video to know more about what TLD is and how to choose the right TLD for your business.
Things explained in the video
-What is TLD?
-How to choose a TLD?
Here are the different types of TLD you can choose from:
There are several types of TLDs, and we have listed some of the popular ones for you.
1) Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs): These are the most common type of TLDs and are typically used for general purposes. Examples of gTLDs include ‘.com’ (for commercial businesses), ‘.org’ (for non-profit organizations), and ‘.net’ (for network-related websites.
2) Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs): These are two-letter TLDs that represent a specific country. They are commonly used for websites specific to a particular country. Examples of ccTLDs include ‘.us’ (The United States), ‘.au’ (Australia), and ‘.in’ (India).
3) Sponsored Top-Level Domains (sTLDs): These are TLDs that are intended for a specific purpose or industry. Examples of sTLDs include ‘.edu’ (for educational institutions) and ‘.gov’ (for government agencies.
4) New Generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLDs): These are TLDs that were introduced in recent years to offer more specific and targeted options for domain names. Examples of new gTLDs include ‘.blog’, .’shop’, and ‘.app’.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:33 What is TLD
00:01:01 How to choose an alternative TLD
Additional Resources and Tutorials
You can check out our detailed blogs on top-level domains here-
About us
At Bluehost, we empower people to fully harness the web. We are committed to supporting small businesses, whether you are just starting out or a professional.
Recommended by the world's largest content management system, WordPress, we turn ideas into businesses with an intuitive dashboard and tools that make it easy for users to build, grow and scale their online presence!
You can even connect with us on:
Website: https://www.bluehost.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bluehost/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluehost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluehost
Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to watch more videos like this - https://www.youtube.com/@bluehost
#tld #topleveldomain #generictlds #whatistld #bluehost
Looking to create a WordPress website? Bluehost has the perfect solution for you. See our WordPress optimized hosting plans here: https://bit.ly/3MvKlXL
If you are remotely involved in anything to do with a website or website management, you must be aware of Top Level Domain (TLD). It’s the last segment of text in a domain name. IT professionals, marketers, and business owners use TLD to identify a website’s purpose. For instance, a ‘.com’ TLD is mostly used by commercial websites, selling goods and services.
Watch this video to know more about what TLD is and how to choose the right TLD for your business.
Things explained in the video
-What is TLD?
-How to choose a TLD?
Here are the different types of TLD you can choose from:
There are several types of TLDs, and we have listed some of the popular ones for you.
1) Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs): These are the most common type of TLDs and are typically used for general purposes. Examples of gTLDs include ‘.com’ (for commercial businesses), ‘.org’ (for non-profit organizations), and ‘.net’ (for network-related websites.
2) Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs): These are two-letter TLDs that represent a specific country. They are commonly used for websites specific to a particular country. Examples of ccTLDs include ‘.us’ (The United States), ‘.au’ (Australia), and ‘.in’ (India).
3) Sponsored Top-Level Domains (sTLDs): These are TLDs that are intended for a specific purpose or industry. Examples of sTLDs include ‘.edu’ (for educational institutions) and ‘.gov’ (for government agencies.
4) New Generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLDs): These are TLDs that were introduced in recent years to offer more specific and targeted options for domain names. Examples of new gTLDs include ‘.blog’, .’shop’, and ‘.app’.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:33 What is TLD
00:01:01 How to choose an alternative TLD
Additional Resources and Tutorials
You can check out our detailed blogs on top-level domains here-
About us
At Bluehost, we empower people to fully harness the web. We are committed to supporting small businesses, whether you are just starting out or a professional.
Recommended by the world's largest content management system, WordPress, we turn ideas into businesses with an intuitive dashboard and tools that make it easy for users to build, grow and scale their online presence!
You can even connect with us on:
Website: https://www.bluehost.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bluehost/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluehost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluehost
Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to watch more videos like this - https://www.youtube.com/@bluehost
#tld #topleveldomain #generictlds #whatistld #bluehost
- published: 21 Jul 2021
- views: 3888
The New Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD) Program: Next Round
The ICANN New Generic Top-Level Domains Program enables businesses, communities, governments and other organizations to apply for new top-level domains tailored...
The ICANN New Generic Top-Level Domains Program enables businesses, communities, governments and other organizations to apply for new top-level domains tailored to their organization, community, culture, language, and customer interests. Through the introduction of new gTLDs, including domain names in a variety of scripts, the program aims to encourage innovation, competition, and consumer choice. The next round of new gTLDs will offer even more choice of domain names in longer lengths and different scripts - an important part of the expansion of the DNS that will allow speakers of non-Latin-based languages to access the Internet using their own keyboards and writing systems.
Learn more: https://newgtldprogram.icann.org
The ICANN New Generic Top-Level Domains Program enables businesses, communities, governments and other organizations to apply for new top-level domains tailored to their organization, community, culture, language, and customer interests. Through the introduction of new gTLDs, including domain names in a variety of scripts, the program aims to encourage innovation, competition, and consumer choice. The next round of new gTLDs will offer even more choice of domain names in longer lengths and different scripts - an important part of the expansion of the DNS that will allow speakers of non-Latin-based languages to access the Internet using their own keyboards and writing systems.
Learn more: https://newgtldprogram.icann.org
- published: 23 Jan 2025
- views: 257
Generic Top-Level Domains
In June, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced a program that would radically change the domain-name system as we know it. B...
In June, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced a program that would radically change the domain-name system as we know it. Bob Liodice, CEO and president of the ANA, discusses ICANN's revised program to expand generic top-level domain names and why it would cause irreparable harm to brands.
In June, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced a program that would radically change the domain-name system as we know it. Bob Liodice, CEO and president of the ANA, discusses ICANN's revised program to expand generic top-level domain names and why it would cause irreparable harm to brands.
- published: 09 Nov 2011
- views: 375
Generic TLD vs. Country Code TLD: Which is the Better Option?
When making a website, it's essential to consider your top-level domain (TLD). A TLD helps businesses communicate information about their product, boost audienc...
When making a website, it's essential to consider your top-level domain (TLD). A TLD helps businesses communicate information about their product, boost audience trust and engagement, and improve brand recall. This video will cover the basics of TLD, compare its two types, and evaluate the best option for brands.
When making a website, it's essential to consider your top-level domain (TLD). A TLD helps businesses communicate information about their product, boost audience trust and engagement, and improve brand recall. This video will cover the basics of TLD, compare its two types, and evaluate the best option for brands.
- published: 24 May 2023
- views: 112
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- published: 16 Aug 2021
- views: 146
Generic top-level domain Meaning
Video shows what generic top-level domain means. Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization.. generic top-level domain syno...
Video shows what generic top-level domain means. Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization.. generic top-level domain synonyms: gTLD. Generic top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say generic top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Video shows what generic top-level domain means. Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization.. generic top-level domain synonyms: gTLD. Generic top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say generic top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
- published: 26 Apr 2015
- views: 431
🖥️ gTLD | Generic Top-level Domain | Domain Names | Original 7 gTLDs | Components of a URL
Generic Top-level Domain,
Domain Names,
Original 7 gTLDs,
Components of an URL,
Computer Knowledge,
Top level domain in an URL,
Components of Uniform Reso...
Generic Top-level Domain,
Domain Names,
Original 7 gTLDs,
Components of an URL,
Computer Knowledge,
Top level domain in an URL,
Components of Uniform Resource locator,
Top Level domain,
Domain names,
🖥️ Computer knowledge Playlist: General Knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75PmD6FPqdAiV05g2aJfYH1GMVfHvbzp
Generic Top-level Domain,
Domain Names,
Original 7 gTLDs,
Components of an URL,
Computer Knowledge,
Top level domain in an URL,
Components of Uniform Resource locator,
Top Level domain,
Domain names,
🖥️ Computer knowledge Playlist: General Knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75PmD6FPqdAiV05g2aJfYH1GMVfHvbzp
- published: 04 Jul 2022
- views: 1294
The Weirdest Top-Level Domain Extensions
• Sponsored: Protect your financial identity online with Privacy .com by using unique virtual cards, and get $5 off your first purchase at ⇨ http://privacy.com/...
• Sponsored: Protect your financial identity online with Privacy .com by using unique virtual cards, and get $5 off your first purchase at ⇨ http://privacy.com/thiojoe
List of All Domain Extensions: https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db
▼ Time Stamps: ▼
0:00 Intro
1:50 - Top Level Domain Categories
4:05 - Weird TLDs
6:56 - How do new TLDs get made?
8:06 - TLD Categories Explained
8:16 - Internationalized Country Code TLDs
9:27 - Test Domains
9:52 - Infrastructure TLDs
11:01 - Special Use TLDs
13:57 - Generic Restricted TLDs
14:46 - Sponsored TLDs
15:36 - Geographic TLDs
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List of All Domain Extensions: https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db
▼ Time Stamps: ▼
0:00 Intro
1:50 - Top Level Domain Categories
4:05 - Weird TLDs
6:56 - How do new TLDs get made?
8:06 - TLD Categories Explained
8:16 - Internationalized Country Code TLDs
9:27 - Test Domains
9:52 - Infrastructure TLDs
11:01 - Special Use TLDs
13:57 - Generic Restricted TLDs
14:46 - Sponsored TLDs
15:36 - Geographic TLDs
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- published: 11 Dec 2021
- views: 210300
What Is A TLD, Top Level Domain and Domain Extension? What is it used for on computer?
What is a TLD (Top Level Domain) and domain extension. What is a domain extension used for on a computer? In this video I will help you understand the concept o...
What is a TLD (Top Level Domain) and domain extension. What is a domain extension used for on a computer? In this video I will help you understand the concept of TLD (Top-Level Domain) as well as domain extension.
Also, I will share some insights on which domain extenstion to use and why and well as some other comments related to domain extension and Top-Level Domains (TLD).
✅ SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDdYko_8xb9Ct-cPgvUEKbA?sub_confirmation=1
Understanding these basic concept will make it easer when getting yourself into the world of domaining and affiliate marketing.
What is a TLD (Top Level Domain) and domain extension. What is a domain extension used for on a computer? In this video I will help you understand the concept of TLD (Top-Level Domain) as well as domain extension.
Also, I will share some insights on which domain extenstion to use and why and well as some other comments related to domain extension and Top-Level Domains (TLD).
✅ SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDdYko_8xb9Ct-cPgvUEKbA?sub_confirmation=1
Understanding these basic concept will make it easer when getting yourself into the world of domaining and affiliate marketing.
- published: 19 May 2021
- views: 274
Top-level domain Meaning
Video shows what top-level domain means. The last component of a domain name, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .net, .org, .mil or any of the newer generic top-level d...
Video shows what top-level domain means. The last component of a domain name, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .net, .org, .mil or any of the newer generic top-level domains, or any of the ccTLDs. Abbreviated TLD.. Top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Video shows what top-level domain means. The last component of a domain name, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .net, .org, .mil or any of the newer generic top-level domains, or any of the ccTLDs. Abbreviated TLD.. Top-level domain Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say top-level domain. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 1028
Generic Top Level Domains Suck
Some of the Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) offer cheap / free web sites, which are abused by scammers. In this video I take a look at which sites in the wors...
Some of the Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) offer cheap / free web sites, which are abused by scammers. In this video I take a look at which sites in the worst domains 25K corporate users have visited in a week.
All it proves to me is it’s worth carrying out TLD Blocking
Resources used:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_top-level_domain
Domain Tools Report: https://www.domaintools.com/content/The-DomainTools-Report-2017.pdf
Cisco Umbrella: https://www.opendns.com/
NoTrack: https://github.com/quidsup/notrack
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/quidsup
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/quidsup
Minds: https://minds.com/quidsup
Some of the Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) offer cheap / free web sites, which are abused by scammers. In this video I take a look at which sites in the worst domains 25K corporate users have visited in a week.
All it proves to me is it’s worth carrying out TLD Blocking
Resources used:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_top-level_domain
Domain Tools Report: https://www.domaintools.com/content/The-DomainTools-Report-2017.pdf
Cisco Umbrella: https://www.opendns.com/
NoTrack: https://github.com/quidsup/notrack
Like my channel? Please help support it:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/quidsup
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/quidsup
Follow me on Social Media
Google+ https://google.com/+quidsup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quidsup
Minds: https://minds.com/quidsup
- published: 15 Aug 2017
- views: 3647
Leinster v Munster w/ Tracy, Ireland v Finland preview, Pat McCarry | Off The Ball Breakfast
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
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published: 07 Oct 2024
FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา | EP.39 | 8 ต.ค. 67 | SPOT
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published: 08 Oct 2024
Sing - Shake It Off Scene | Fandango Family
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
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Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elepha...
published: 07 Sep 2018
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
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published: 23 Sep 2010
IVE 아이브 'Off The Record' MV
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published: 06 Oct 2023
OFF | Episode 1
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
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published: 27 Jul 2020
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published: 07 Oct 2024
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OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
published: 28 Apr 2022
OFF - Tackling Morality in Video Games
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
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04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
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published: 01 Apr 2023
YUTA ユウタ 'Off The Mask' MV
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
published: 03 Oct 2024
Leinster v Munster w/ Tracy, Ireland v Finland preview, Pat McCarry | Off The Ball Breakfast
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith ...
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
- Search for Off The Ball app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de..
- Search for Off The Ball app in the app store if you're on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/otb-spo..
SUBSCRIBE to the Off The Ball channels:
- YOUTUBE | / offtheball. .
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. - INSTAGRAM | / offtheball.
. - FACEBOOK | / offtheball.
- WEBSITE | https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
. - We are live on the Off The Ball app 24/7 - or if you don't have the app listen on desktop: https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
PODCAST the show too - we'll timestamp it for you as well - iTunes: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - Spotify: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - We are wherever you get your podcast
GET IN TOUCH WITH OFF THE BALL - WhatsApp: get in touch on 0879180180 - Snapchat: add us and message the show @offtheball1 - Twitter: follow and tweet us @offtheball and @offtheballam
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
- Search for Off The Ball app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de..
- Search for Off The Ball app in the app store if you're on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/otb-spo..
SUBSCRIBE to the Off The Ball channels:
- YOUTUBE | / offtheball. .
- TWITTER | / offtheball.
. - INSTAGRAM | / offtheball.
. - FACEBOOK | / offtheball.
- WEBSITE | https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
. - We are live on the Off The Ball app 24/7 - or if you don't have the app listen on desktop: https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
PODCAST the show too - we'll timestamp it for you as well - iTunes: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - Spotify: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - We are wherever you get your podcast
GET IN TOUCH WITH OFF THE BALL - WhatsApp: get in touch on 0879180180 - Snapchat: add us and message the show @offtheball1 - Twitter: follow and tweet us @offtheball and @offtheballam
- published: 07 Oct 2024
- views: 1395
FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา | EP.39 | 8 ต.ค. 67 | SPOT
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
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ติดต่อโฆษณาและงานต่างๆ ได้ที่
[email protected]
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
กดติดตามช่อง YouTube
👉🏼 https://bit.ly/Workpont
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ติดต่อโฆษณาและงานต่างๆ ได้ที่
[email protected]
- published: 08 Oct 2024
- views: 6575
Sing - Shake It Off Scene | Fandango Family
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/...
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sing-2016/MMVC7329478CF15438580FE570B00CDE2CB9?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.
TM & © Universal (2016)
Cast: Nick Kroll, Reese Witherspoon
Watch More:
► Animated Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2mjpE3Z
► Trailers: http://bit.ly/2miQBF7
► Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D3wfuL
► Mom's Movie Minute: http://bit.ly/2FsiLWI
► Movies on FandangoNOW: http://bit.ly/2DletzH
Join the Fandango Family:
► Subscribe to FAMILY: http://bit.ly/2FqcDOW
► Watch Movieclips ORIGINALS: http://bit.ly/2mq4AtC
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2Etzp6Y
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FANDANGO FAMILY helps you find family-friendly trailers, clips and featurettes that are perfect for all ages to enjoy.
Want more?
Check out our one-stop movie resource for moms and dads. Discover new movies for your kids, read parent-approved movie reviews, enjoy movie themed crafts + a whole lot more! https://www.fandango.com/movies/family?cmp=FF_YouTube_Hub
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sing-2016/MMVC7329478CF15438580FE570B00CDE2CB9?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.
TM & © Universal (2016)
Cast: Nick Kroll, Reese Witherspoon
Watch More:
► Animated Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2mjpE3Z
► Trailers: http://bit.ly/2miQBF7
► Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D3wfuL
► Mom's Movie Minute: http://bit.ly/2FsiLWI
► Movies on FandangoNOW: http://bit.ly/2DletzH
Join the Fandango Family:
► Subscribe to FAMILY: http://bit.ly/2FqcDOW
► Watch Movieclips ORIGINALS: http://bit.ly/2mq4AtC
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2Etzp6Y
► Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2mg1siS
► Follow us on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2miBQSC
FANDANGO FAMILY helps you find family-friendly trailers, clips and featurettes that are perfect for all ages to enjoy.
Want more?
Check out our one-stop movie resource for moms and dads. Discover new movies for your kids, read parent-approved movie reviews, enjoy movie themed crafts + a whole lot more! https://www.fandango.com/movies/family?cmp=FF_YouTube_Hub
- published: 07 Sep 2018
- views: 445058362
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 234672
IVE 아이브 'Off The Record' MV
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE: https://shop.ive-starship.com/
IVE Twitter
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship
: https://twitter.com/IVE_twt
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP
IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship
IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship
IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship
IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@IVE.official
IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE: https://shop.ive-starship.com/
IVE Twitter
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship
: https://twitter.com/IVE_twt
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP
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IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship
IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@IVE.official
IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship
- published: 06 Oct 2023
- views: 51575761
OFF | Episode 1
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go,...
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
OFF by Mortis Ghost - mortisghost.tumblr.com
OFF - https://off.fandom.com/wiki/Downloads
Voice actors
• The Batter - Sɨssel G† https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZR9HoeimgoZS4mzWzUUiQ
• The Judge - Austin Wicker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUwtkf7UU2yhDEW0tSoWCg?view_as=subscriber
[French and English subs avabilable]
• Watch me on DeviantART! http://tanblaque.deviantart.com/
• Follow me on Tumblr! http://cuuu-tan.tumblr.com
• Buy me a Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
OFF by Mortis Ghost - mortisghost.tumblr.com
OFF - https://off.fandom.com/wiki/Downloads
Voice actors
• The Batter - Sɨssel G† https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZR9HoeimgoZS4mzWzUUiQ
• The Judge - Austin Wicker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUwtkf7UU2yhDEW0tSoWCg?view_as=subscriber
[French and English subs avabilable]
• Watch me on DeviantART! http://tanblaque.deviantart.com/
• Follow me on Tumblr! http://cuuu-tan.tumblr.com
• Buy me a Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
- published: 27 Jul 2020
- views: 534925
LDC വയനാട് , എറണാകുളം CUT OFF & ANALYSIS | LDC | Kerala PSC #psc #ldc #ldc2024
▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2...
▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2024 #hottopics #hottopic #govtjobs #ldcexam2024
മാറുന്ന PSC ചോദ്യപ്പേപ്പർ രീതികൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് എന്റ്രിയും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!
റീവാമ്പ് ചെയ്ത കോഴ്സുകളുമായി നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അധ്യാപകരായ
പ്രദീപ് മുഖത്തല
രജ്ഞിത് ആർ കെ
സുജേഷ് പുറക്കാട്
വിശാഖ് പാവുമ്പ
അനിൽ കുമാർ
അന്വർഷാഹ് പാലോഡ്
എന്നിവർ ചേർന്ന് നയിക്കുന്നു.
എൻട്രി ആപ്പ് സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം നേടൂ 7 ദിവസത്തെ ഫ്രീ ട്രയൽ: https://bit.ly/entri-youtube
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്: https://wa.me/+917306186841
Join our telegram group: http://t.me/entri_app
➡ Spoken English പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/FreeSpokenEnglish
➡ Banking കോഴ്സുകൾ പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/Banking-Malayalam
Kerala PSC Related videos:
Anwarshah Palod statement pattern Indian politics: https://bit.ly/3co2ggb
Sreenidhi new pattern Malayalam : https://bit.ly/3kMtNg1
Pratheep Mukhathala special: https://entri.me/tracks/2/video-packs/4429/16893/59657/?title=Pradeep+Mukhathala+Special
Statement type question pack: http://entri.app/tracks/2/test-packs/4676/?title=LDC+Statement+Questions+Exams&platform=61
About Entri
Entri app is an online and test preparation platform for preparing competitive exams like PSC, SSC, UGC, HSA- KTET, KAS, Banking Exams, RRB
Why Entri
Entri app is the only test preparation platform for various local languages such as Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Course offered by Entri
10th level Preliminary exam
10th level Mains exam
+2 level preliminary exam
+2 level mains exam
Degree level preliminary exam
Village field assistant
Bevco Assistant Grade 2
Civil police officer
Civil excise officer
Last grade servant
Lower-division clerk
Assistant salesman in Kerala state civil supplies co-op ltd
Office attendant
Divisional accountant
Kerala Administrative service
High Court Assistant
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entri.me
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entri_app
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entri.app
▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2024 #hottopics #hottopic #govtjobs #ldcexam2024
മാറുന്ന PSC ചോദ്യപ്പേപ്പർ രീതികൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് എന്റ്രിയും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!
റീവാമ്പ് ചെയ്ത കോഴ്സുകളുമായി നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അധ്യാപകരായ
പ്രദീപ് മുഖത്തല
രജ്ഞിത് ആർ കെ
സുജേഷ് പുറക്കാട്
വിശാഖ് പാവുമ്പ
അനിൽ കുമാർ
അന്വർഷാഹ് പാലോഡ്
എന്നിവർ ചേർന്ന് നയിക്കുന്നു.
എൻട്രി ആപ്പ് സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം നേടൂ 7 ദിവസത്തെ ഫ്രീ ട്രയൽ: https://bit.ly/entri-youtube
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്: https://wa.me/+917306186841
Join our telegram group: http://t.me/entri_app
➡ Spoken English പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/FreeSpokenEnglish
➡ Banking കോഴ്സുകൾ പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/Banking-Malayalam
Kerala PSC Related videos:
Anwarshah Palod statement pattern Indian politics: https://bit.ly/3co2ggb
Sreenidhi new pattern Malayalam : https://bit.ly/3kMtNg1
Pratheep Mukhathala special: https://entri.me/tracks/2/video-packs/4429/16893/59657/?title=Pradeep+Mukhathala+Special
Statement type question pack: http://entri.app/tracks/2/test-packs/4676/?title=LDC+Statement+Questions+Exams&platform=61
About Entri
Entri app is an online and test preparation platform for preparing competitive exams like PSC, SSC, UGC, HSA- KTET, KAS, Banking Exams, RRB
Why Entri
Entri app is the only test preparation platform for various local languages such as Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Course offered by Entri
10th level Preliminary exam
10th level Mains exam
+2 level preliminary exam
+2 level mains exam
Degree level preliminary exam
Village field assistant
Bevco Assistant Grade 2
Civil police officer
Civil excise officer
Last grade servant
Lower-division clerk
Assistant salesman in Kerala state civil supplies co-op ltd
Office attendant
Divisional accountant
Kerala Administrative service
High Court Assistant
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entri.me
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entri_app
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entri.app
- published: 07 Oct 2024
- views: 14208
OFF | 4:00 AM
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
• Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
• Patreon - https://patreon.com/tanblaque
• Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/tanblaque
⭐ For commissions, send me a message on Tumblr.
OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
• Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
• Patreon - https://patreon.com/tanblaque
• Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/tanblaque
⭐ For commissions, send me a message on Tumblr.
OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
- published: 28 Apr 2022
- views: 3165503
OFF - Tackling Morality in Video Games
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introductio...
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Overview + Zone 0
04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
#OFF #indiehorror #indiegame #indiegames #horror #horrorgaming #rpgmaker #rpgmaker2003
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Overview + Zone 0
04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
#OFF #indiehorror #indiegame #indiegames #horror #horrorgaming #rpgmaker #rpgmaker2003
- published: 01 Apr 2023
- views: 744683
YUTA ユウタ 'Off The Mask' MV
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
- published: 03 Oct 2024
- views: 1796376
Leinster v Munster w/ Tracy, Ireland v Finland preview, Pat McCarry | Off The Ball Breakfast
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
- Search for Off The Ball app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de..
- Search for Off The Ball app in the app store if you're on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/otb-spo..
SUBSCRIBE to the Off The Ball channels:
- YOUTUBE | / offtheball. .
- TWITTER | / offtheball.
. - INSTAGRAM | / offtheball.
. - FACEBOOK | / offtheball.
- WEBSITE | https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
. - We are live on the Off The Ball app 24/7 - or if you don't ha...
published: 07 Oct 2024
FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา | EP.39 | 8 ต.ค. 67 | SPOT
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
กดติดตามช่อง YouTube
👉🏼 https://bit.ly/Workpont
👉🏼 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workpoint
👉🏼 Website: https://www.workpointtv.com
👉🏼 TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS9GDwTY
👉🏼 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workpoint_Ent
👉🏼 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workpoint
ติดต่อโฆษณาและงานต่างๆ ได้ที่
อีเมล. [email protected]
published: 08 Oct 2024
Sing - Shake It Off Scene | Fandango Family
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sing-2016/MMVC7329478CF15438580FE570B00CDE2CB9?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elepha...
published: 07 Sep 2018
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
published: 23 Sep 2010
IVE 아이브 'Off The Record' MV
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE: https://shop.ive-starship.com/
IVE Twitter
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship
: https://twitter.com/IVE_twt
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP
IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship
IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship
IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship
IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@IVE.official
IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship
published: 06 Oct 2023
OFF | Episode 1
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
OFF by Mortis Ghost - mortisghost.tumblr.com
OFF - https://off.fandom.com/wiki/Downloads
Voice actors
• The Batter - Sɨssel G† https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZR9HoeimgoZS4mzWzUUiQ
• The Judge - Austin Wicker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUwtkf7UU2yhDEW0tSoWCg?view_as=sub...
published: 27 Jul 2020
LDC വയനാട് , എറണാകുളം CUT OFF & ANALYSIS | LDC | Kerala PSC #psc #ldc #ldc2024
▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2024 #hottopics #hottopic #govtjobs #ldcexam2024
മാറുന്ന PSC ചോദ്യപ്പേപ്പർ രീതികൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് എന്റ്രിയും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!
റീവാമ്പ് ചെയ്ത കോഴ്സുകളുമായി നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അധ്യാപകരായ
പ്രദീപ് മുഖത്തല
രജ്ഞിത് ആർ കെ
സുജേഷ് പുറക്കാട്
വിശാഖ് പാവുമ്പ
അനിൽ കുമാർ
അന്വർഷാഹ് പാലോഡ്
എന്നിവർ ചേർന്ന് നയിക്കുന്നു.
എൻട്രി ആപ്പ് സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം നേടൂ 7 ദിവസത്തെ ഫ്രീ ട്രയൽ: https://bit.ly/entri-youtube
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്: https://wa.me/+917306186841
Join our telegram group: http://t.me/entri_app
➡ Spoken English പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്...
published: 07 Oct 2024
OFF | 4:00 AM
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
• Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
• Patreon - https://patreon.com/tanblaque
• Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/tanblaque
⭐ For commissions, send me a message on Tumblr.
OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
published: 28 Apr 2022
OFF - Tackling Morality in Video Games
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Overview + Zone 0
04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
#OFF #indiehorror #indiegame #indiegames #horr...
published: 01 Apr 2023
YUTA ユウタ 'Off The Mask' MV
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
published: 03 Oct 2024
Leinster v Munster w/ Tracy, Ireland v Finland preview, Pat McCarry | Off The Ball Breakfast
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith ...
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
- Search for Off The Ball app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de..
- Search for Off The Ball app in the app store if you're on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/otb-spo..
SUBSCRIBE to the Off The Ball channels:
- YOUTUBE | / offtheball. .
- TWITTER | / offtheball.
. - INSTAGRAM | / offtheball.
. - FACEBOOK | / offtheball.
- WEBSITE | https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
. - We are live on the Off The Ball app 24/7 - or if you don't have the app listen on desktop: https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
PODCAST the show too - we'll timestamp it for you as well - iTunes: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - Spotify: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - We are wherever you get your podcast
GET IN TOUCH WITH OFF THE BALL - WhatsApp: get in touch on 0879180180 - Snapchat: add us and message the show @offtheball1 - Twitter: follow and tweet us @offtheball and @offtheballam
Dé Máirt shona gach duine! As always, a quality lineup beckons on Off The Ball Breakfast, here’s what we’ve got:
7:30: TOTS w/ Ger, Colm & Arthur
8:00: Keith Treacy on Ireland v Finland
8:20: James Tracy on Leinster v Munster
8:45: News w/ Cathal Mullaney
9:00: Pat McCarry on his play 'Soldier Field
- Search for Off The Ball app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de..
- Search for Off The Ball app in the app store if you're on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/otb-spo..
SUBSCRIBE to the Off The Ball channels:
- YOUTUBE | / offtheball. .
- TWITTER | / offtheball.
. - INSTAGRAM | / offtheball.
. - FACEBOOK | / offtheball.
- WEBSITE | https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
. - We are live on the Off The Ball app 24/7 - or if you don't have the app listen on desktop: https://www.otbsports.com/radio..
PODCAST the show too - we'll timestamp it for you as well - iTunes: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - Spotify: search for Off The Ball Breakfast in your app! - We are wherever you get your podcast
GET IN TOUCH WITH OFF THE BALL - WhatsApp: get in touch on 0879180180 - Snapchat: add us and message the show @offtheball1 - Twitter: follow and tweet us @offtheball and @offtheballam
- published: 07 Oct 2024
- views: 1395
FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา | EP.39 | 8 ต.ค. 67 | SPOT
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
กดติดตามช่อง YouTube
👉🏼 https://bit.ly/Workpont
👉🏼 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workpoint
👉🏼 Website: https://www.workpointtv.com
👉🏼 TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS9GDwTY
👉🏼 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workpoint_Ent
👉🏼 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workpoint
ติดต่อโฆษณาและงานต่างๆ ได้ที่
[email protected]
รายการ FACE OFF แฝดคนละฝา
ทุกวัน อังคาร เวลา 20.05 น.
ทาง ช่องเวิร์คพอยท์ หมายเลข 23
#Workpoint #Workpoint23 #เวิร์คพอยท์
กดติดตามช่อง YouTube
👉🏼 https://bit.ly/Workpont
👉🏼 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workpoint
👉🏼 Website: https://www.workpointtv.com
👉🏼 TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS9GDwTY
👉🏼 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workpoint_Ent
👉🏼 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workpoint
ติดต่อโฆษณาและงานต่างๆ ได้ที่
[email protected]
- published: 08 Oct 2024
- views: 6575
Sing - Shake It Off Scene | Fandango Family
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/...
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sing-2016/MMVC7329478CF15438580FE570B00CDE2CB9?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.
TM & © Universal (2016)
Cast: Nick Kroll, Reese Witherspoon
Watch More:
► Animated Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2mjpE3Z
► Trailers: http://bit.ly/2miQBF7
► Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D3wfuL
► Mom's Movie Minute: http://bit.ly/2FsiLWI
► Movies on FandangoNOW: http://bit.ly/2DletzH
Join the Fandango Family:
► Subscribe to FAMILY: http://bit.ly/2FqcDOW
► Watch Movieclips ORIGINALS: http://bit.ly/2mq4AtC
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2Etzp6Y
► Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2mg1siS
► Follow us on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2miBQSC
FANDANGO FAMILY helps you find family-friendly trailers, clips and featurettes that are perfect for all ages to enjoy.
Want more?
Check out our one-stop movie resource for moms and dads. Discover new movies for your kids, read parent-approved movie reviews, enjoy movie themed crafts + a whole lot more! https://www.fandango.com/movies/family?cmp=FF_YouTube_Hub
Sing - Official Clip - Shake It Off: Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) and Gunter (Nick Kroll) sing "Shake It Off".
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sing-2016/MMVC7329478CF15438580FE570B00CDE2CB9?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Sing scenes & clips:
Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.
TM & © Universal (2016)
Cast: Nick Kroll, Reese Witherspoon
Watch More:
► Animated Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2mjpE3Z
► Trailers: http://bit.ly/2miQBF7
► Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D3wfuL
► Mom's Movie Minute: http://bit.ly/2FsiLWI
► Movies on FandangoNOW: http://bit.ly/2DletzH
Join the Fandango Family:
► Subscribe to FAMILY: http://bit.ly/2FqcDOW
► Watch Movieclips ORIGINALS: http://bit.ly/2mq4AtC
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2Etzp6Y
► Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2mg1siS
► Follow us on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2miBQSC
FANDANGO FAMILY helps you find family-friendly trailers, clips and featurettes that are perfect for all ages to enjoy.
Want more?
Check out our one-stop movie resource for moms and dads. Discover new movies for your kids, read parent-approved movie reviews, enjoy movie themed crafts + a whole lot more! https://www.fandango.com/movies/family?cmp=FF_YouTube_Hub
- published: 07 Sep 2018
- views: 445058362
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
OFF! - Upside Down (Official Video)
From the 1st EP. Recorded live at 6th St. Warehouse.
- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 234672
IVE 아이브 'Off The Record' MV
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE: https://shop.ive-starship.com/
IVE Twitter
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship
: https://twitter.com/IVE_twt
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP
IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship
IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship
IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship
IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@IVE.official
IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship
Listen & Download from: https://ive.lnk.to/IVESWITCH
STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic): https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF
STARSHIP SQUARE (Global): https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0
IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE: https://shop.ive-starship.com/
IVE Twitter
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship
: https://twitter.com/IVE_twt
: https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP
IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship
IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship
IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship
IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@IVE.official
IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship
- published: 06 Oct 2023
- views: 51575761
OFF | Episode 1
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go,...
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
OFF by Mortis Ghost - mortisghost.tumblr.com
OFF - https://off.fandom.com/wiki/Downloads
Voice actors
• The Batter - Sɨssel G† https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZR9HoeimgoZS4mzWzUUiQ
• The Judge - Austin Wicker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUwtkf7UU2yhDEW0tSoWCg?view_as=subscriber
[French and English subs avabilable]
• Watch me on DeviantART! http://tanblaque.deviantart.com/
• Follow me on Tumblr! http://cuuu-tan.tumblr.com
• Buy me a Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/8ymGnWpC3Mo
After all that exertion!
I've never been so happy to finally release the first episode after 3 years of stop and go, it was just now or never. This has been a fun personal project and I know there are a lot of rooms for improvement. Many thanks to the wonderful VAs who took part and your support.
I really hope I can continue to episode 2, featuring Zone 1, more characters and crazy...animation. Lots of that. Hopefully, life would allow this.
Thank you and stay cool.
OFF by Mortis Ghost - mortisghost.tumblr.com
OFF - https://off.fandom.com/wiki/Downloads
Voice actors
• The Batter - Sɨssel G† https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZR9HoeimgoZS4mzWzUUiQ
• The Judge - Austin Wicker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUwtkf7UU2yhDEW0tSoWCg?view_as=subscriber
[French and English subs avabilable]
• Watch me on DeviantART! http://tanblaque.deviantart.com/
• Follow me on Tumblr! http://cuuu-tan.tumblr.com
• Buy me a Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
- published: 27 Jul 2020
- views: 534925
LDC വയനാട് , എറണാകുളം CUT OFF & ANALYSIS | LDC | Kerala PSC #psc #ldc #ldc2024
▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2...
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🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2024 #hottopics #hottopic #govtjobs #ldcexam2024
മാറുന്ന PSC ചോദ്യപ്പേപ്പർ രീതികൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് എന്റ്രിയും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!
റീവാമ്പ് ചെയ്ത കോഴ്സുകളുമായി നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അധ്യാപകരായ
പ്രദീപ് മുഖത്തല
രജ്ഞിത് ആർ കെ
സുജേഷ് പുറക്കാട്
വിശാഖ് പാവുമ്പ
അനിൽ കുമാർ
അന്വർഷാഹ് പാലോഡ്
എന്നിവർ ചേർന്ന് നയിക്കുന്നു.
എൻട്രി ആപ്പ് സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം നേടൂ 7 ദിവസത്തെ ഫ്രീ ട്രയൽ: https://bit.ly/entri-youtube
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്: https://wa.me/+917306186841
Join our telegram group: http://t.me/entri_app
➡ Spoken English പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/FreeSpokenEnglish
➡ Banking കോഴ്സുകൾ പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/Banking-Malayalam
Kerala PSC Related videos:
Anwarshah Palod statement pattern Indian politics: https://bit.ly/3co2ggb
Sreenidhi new pattern Malayalam : https://bit.ly/3kMtNg1
Pratheep Mukhathala special: https://entri.me/tracks/2/video-packs/4429/16893/59657/?title=Pradeep+Mukhathala+Special
Statement type question pack: http://entri.app/tracks/2/test-packs/4676/?title=LDC+Statement+Questions+Exams&platform=61
About Entri
Entri app is an online and test preparation platform for preparing competitive exams like PSC, SSC, UGC, HSA- KTET, KAS, Banking Exams, RRB
Why Entri
Entri app is the only test preparation platform for various local languages such as Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Course offered by Entri
10th level Preliminary exam
10th level Mains exam
+2 level preliminary exam
+2 level mains exam
Degree level preliminary exam
Village field assistant
Bevco Assistant Grade 2
Civil police officer
Civil excise officer
Last grade servant
Lower-division clerk
Assistant salesman in Kerala state civil supplies co-op ltd
Office attendant
Divisional accountant
Kerala Administrative service
High Court Assistant
Follow us on:
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▶️▶️👉👉 https://forms.gle/szFYjuHgZTxtkdxA7
🔥എൻട്രിയുടെ കോഴ്സുകളെ പറ്റി കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ👆
#keralapsc #psc #entri #ldc #ldc2024 #hottopics #hottopic #govtjobs #ldcexam2024
മാറുന്ന PSC ചോദ്യപ്പേപ്പർ രീതികൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് എന്റ്രിയും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!
റീവാമ്പ് ചെയ്ത കോഴ്സുകളുമായി നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അധ്യാപകരായ
പ്രദീപ് മുഖത്തല
രജ്ഞിത് ആർ കെ
സുജേഷ് പുറക്കാട്
വിശാഖ് പാവുമ്പ
അനിൽ കുമാർ
അന്വർഷാഹ് പാലോഡ്
എന്നിവർ ചേർന്ന് നയിക്കുന്നു.
എൻട്രി ആപ്പ് സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം നേടൂ 7 ദിവസത്തെ ഫ്രീ ട്രയൽ: https://bit.ly/entri-youtube
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്: https://wa.me/+917306186841
Join our telegram group: http://t.me/entri_app
➡ Spoken English പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/FreeSpokenEnglish
➡ Banking കോഴ്സുകൾ പഠിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ ഈ ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ: http://bit.ly/Banking-Malayalam
Kerala PSC Related videos:
Anwarshah Palod statement pattern Indian politics: https://bit.ly/3co2ggb
Sreenidhi new pattern Malayalam : https://bit.ly/3kMtNg1
Pratheep Mukhathala special: https://entri.me/tracks/2/video-packs/4429/16893/59657/?title=Pradeep+Mukhathala+Special
Statement type question pack: http://entri.app/tracks/2/test-packs/4676/?title=LDC+Statement+Questions+Exams&platform=61
About Entri
Entri app is an online and test preparation platform for preparing competitive exams like PSC, SSC, UGC, HSA- KTET, KAS, Banking Exams, RRB
Why Entri
Entri app is the only test preparation platform for various local languages such as Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Course offered by Entri
10th level Preliminary exam
10th level Mains exam
+2 level preliminary exam
+2 level mains exam
Degree level preliminary exam
Village field assistant
Bevco Assistant Grade 2
Civil police officer
Civil excise officer
Last grade servant
Lower-division clerk
Assistant salesman in Kerala state civil supplies co-op ltd
Office attendant
Divisional accountant
Kerala Administrative service
High Court Assistant
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entri.me
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entri_app
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entri.app
- published: 07 Oct 2024
- views: 14208
OFF | 4:00 AM
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
• Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
• Patreon - https://patreon.com/tanblaque
• Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/tanblaque
⭐ For commissions, send me a message on Tumblr.
OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
Follow me on other social media!
• Tumblr - http://tanblaque.tumblr.com
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/TanBlaque
• Instagram - https://instagram.com/tanblaque
• Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/I2I8GS81
• Patreon - https://patreon.com/tanblaque
• Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/tanblaque
⭐ For commissions, send me a message on Tumblr.
OFF - Mortis Ghost
Music: 4:00 AM - Taeko Onuki
- published: 28 Apr 2022
- views: 3165503
OFF - Tackling Morality in Video Games
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introductio...
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Overview + Zone 0
04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
#OFF #indiehorror #indiegame #indiegames #horror #horrorgaming #rpgmaker #rpgmaker2003
This is my first ever video based on a recommendation. Let's see how OFF stacks up!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BenAgain
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Overview + Zone 0
04:20 - Zone 1
09:06 - Zone 2
11:50 - Zone 3
15:04 - The Room
19:45 - Endings
22:57 - Closing Thoughts
00.00 | 3-31 - Persona 3 FES
01.13 | Deceptive Proof - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
04.20 | Serenity - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
07.10 | Straight Chaser - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
09.06 | Binary Game - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
11.51 | Hitting the Pavement - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
15.05 | Extreme Extrication - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
19.23 | Limits of Doubt - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
22.49 | Slow Steps - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
#OFF #indiehorror #indiegame #indiegames #horror #horrorgaming #rpgmaker #rpgmaker2003
- published: 01 Apr 2023
- views: 744683
YUTA ユウタ 'Off The Mask' MV
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
YUTA's 1st mini album "Depth" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth_OffTheMask
💿Physical Album Release ➫ 2024.11.13
Pre-order: https://YUTA.lnk.to/Depth
02 Off The Mask
03 Save You
06 Goodbye
07 Butterfly (Depth Ver.)
YUTA Official
#YUTA #ユウタ #OffTheMask
#유타 #YUTA_OffTheMask
#Depth #YUTA_Depth
#NCT #NCT127
- published: 03 Oct 2024
- views: 1796376