The original trilogy largely revolves around a soldier named Commander Shepard, whose mission is to save the galaxy from a race of powerful mechanical beings known as the Reapers and their agents, including the first game's antagonist Saren Arterius. The first game sees Shepard investigating Saren, whom Shepard slowly comes to understand is operating under the guidance of Sovereign, a Reaper left behind in the Milky Way tens of thousands of years before, when the Reapers exterminated virtually all sentient organic life in the galaxy as part of a recurrent cycle of genocide for an unknown purpose. Sovereign's purpose is to trigger the imminent return of the Reaper fleet hibernating in extra-galactic dark space, restarting the process of extermination. The second game takes place two years later, and sees Shepard battling the Collectors, an alien race abducting entire human colonies in a plan to help the Reapers return to the Milky Way. The final game of Shepard's trilogy centers on the war waging against the Reapers.
The game takes place in the year 2183, with the player controlling an elite human soldier named Commander Shepard and setting out to explore the Galaxy on a starship, the SSV Normandy. The eponymous "mass effect" is a form of mass-negating technology, allowing faster-than-light travel.
A sequel, Mass Effect 2, was released on January 26, 2010, and takes place two years after the events of the first game. Mass Effect 2 also directly uses players' completed save data from the first game to influence events and storylines within the second game, basing certain events and narrative threads on decisions and actions that the player made in the first game.
In medicine, a mass effect is the effect of a growing mass that results in secondary pathological effects by pushing on or displacing surrounding tissue.
In oncology, the mass typically refers to a tumor.
For example, cancer of the thyroid gland may cause symptoms due to compressions of certain structures of the head and neck; pressure on the laryngeal nerves may cause voice changes, narrowing of the windpipe may cause stridor, pressure on the gullet may cause dysphagia and so on. Surgical removal or debulking is sometimes used to alleviate symptoms of the mass effect even if the underlying pathology is not curable.
Ryder System, Inc., or Ryder, is an American-based provider of transportation and supply chain management products, and is especially known for its fleet of rental trucks. Ryder specializes in fleet management, supply chain management and dedicated contracted carriage. Ryder operates in North America, the United Kingdom and Asia. It has its headquarters in suburban Miami, Florida within Miami-Dade County.
Ryder was founded in Miami, Florida in 1933 by James Ryder as a concrete hauling company with one truck, a 1931 Model "A" Ford. Within a few years, the business expanded to leasing trucks to other companies. This led to Ryder changing its focus from distribution to leasing. By 1939, Ryder's truck fleet had increased to 50. Ryder bought Great Southern Trucking Company in 1952. In 1955 Ryder System, Inc. was formed to combine Great Southern and Ryder Truck Rental. Ryder System went public in 1955. By the 1960s and 1970s, Ryder had expanded into the distribution and supply chain markets.
Ryder was a purpose-made pop group led by Maynard Williams whose primary purpose was to represent the United Kingdom at the 1986 Eurovision Song Contest in Bergen, Norway. Ryder performed the song "Runner in the Night" which was placed 7th. They were criticised in the media for being a particularly weak and unsuitable entry. The song was the first UK Eurovision entry to fail to reach the top 75 since 1964, managing a peak of only #98.Runner In The Night was the only single released by the band, but Williams teamed up with the song's composers Maureen Darbyshire and Brian Wade to compose the theme song to the BBC drama series Truckers, in which he appeared. The single from the programme failed to chart.
Williams, the son of actor Bill Maynard, had previously reached the final 24 of the UK heat in 1985.
R. U. Reddy (Winthrop Roan, Jr.) is a mutant and a member of the Thunderiders. He first appeared in Captain America #269 (May 1982), and was created by J. M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck. Winthrop Roan, Jr. was the singer in a rock band known as Ruff Stuff. With Honcho and Wolf, he formed the professional motorcyclist team called Team America, which was eventually known as the Thunderiders. R.U. Reddy is a mutant who shares a mental link with the four other members of the Thunderiders. The five mutants can project their collective physical skills, strength, and knowledge into another person without diminishing their own abilities in any way.
Radion the Atomic Man first appeared in Marvel Two-in-One #9 (May 1975), and was created by Steve Gerber, Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe. Exposure to radioactive isotopes caused Dr. Henri Sorel to mutate into an inhuman being who could generate blasts of nuclear energy, and warped his personality. The Puppet Master agreed to assist Radion in exchange for his help. Radion amplified the radiation in the Puppet Master's clay, enabling him to use Thor to attack the Fantastic Four. When Wundarr the Aquarian arrived to help, he absorbed Radion's powers, causing Radion to flee. Sorel then constructed a suit of armor to contain his energies and protect himself from reaching critical mass. He renamed himself the Ravager and traveled to London. He is also known as the Atom.
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we follow Kai Leng to Sanctuary, a refugee colony on Horizon - and uncover a shocking secret! Full Playlist:
Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough of the Legendary Edition on Insanity difficulty continues as we travel to Horizon! After tracking Kai Leng to the refugee colony of Sanctuary, we investigate the place and quickly discover that it lies in ruins. What's worse: Henry Lawson, father of Miranda Lawson, has apparently used it to experiment with helpless refugees and turn them into Husks in order to learn more about Reaper indoctrination. We also find out that Miranda is trying to stop her father and help her out, ultimately succeeding in shutting the place down for good. Back on the Normandy, Tali does not tak...
published: 26 Apr 2023
The Next Mass Effect - Official Teaser Trailer
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe. A veteran team at BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect franchise, and we are excited to show you where we’ll be heading next!
published: 11 Dec 2020
Why You Should Play Mass Effect Legendary Edition in 2023
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Is it worth playing in 2023? Well, yes - And here are some of the reasons why you should play it.
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Support me by buying some official Bioware merchandise!
Can't get enough of Mass Effect? Check these videos out!
Bioware Just Dropped MASSIVE Teasers for The Next Mass Effect
What Happens in Mass Effect 3 if Your LOVE INTEREST Dies in ME2? - (RARE DIALOGUE)
published: 14 Mar 2023
The Most Mysterious and Disturbing MASS EFFECT ICEBERG THEORIES
Lore icebergs explore the concept that fictional universes have many stories to tell beyond what we see in the main narrative. The main stories and content delivered in a direct fashion only scratch the surface, but much more can be discovered when we delve below the surface.
In this video, we’re going to explore some of the most mysterious and disturbing lore that can be found in the Mass Effect universe. We’ll be covering things like the possible survival of the Thorian, the little known connection between Aria and Wrex, secret dialogue you may have missed and the infamous Tali sweat controversy.
0:00 Introduction
1:41 Legion’s Hidden D...
published: 21 Apr 2023
Michael Scott resolves conflicts in Mass Effect
Source: The Office (2005–2013)
Spanish subs by: !...Daniel...!.
You can support me by purchasing any game on using the link:
published: 10 Mar 2023
Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Welcome back to Gamers Hype. Today on the channel, we will be revealing Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. Up to this very moment, there are still tons of secrets and easter eggs yet to be discovered even to the most loyal fans of the game.
Liara’s doctorate degree, the legendary shifty cow, Legion’s robotic dance. These are just some of The Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. For more easter egg revelations, just take time to watch this video in full.
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffectHiddenSecrets
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 10 Things You May Have MISSED (Easter Eg...
published: 21 Oct 2021
Получи профессию python-разработчика с нуля в SkillFactory:
Возврат денег за курс, если не нашли работу после обучения + скидка 45% по промокоду IGM до 16.02.2023 г.
Игровая индустрия подарила нам множество прекрасных RPGфраншиз. Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls . При желании список можно продолжать практически бесконечно. Однако есть одна серия, которая выделяется на фоне остальных. Выделяется тем, что она является до мелочей проработанной космо-оперой. Речь идёт про Mass Effect. И сегодня мы поговорим про то взлёты и падения серии.
Twitch -
VK -
TikTok - https://www.tiktok....
published: 01 Feb 2023
Mass Effect lines I think about at 4am
At least it's a dry heat.
The sequel no one really asked for, but I served anyways! I'm very happy and grateful for all the love the last video got - I'd love to kiss y'all's foreheads, for real. Thank you for all the suggestions too!
credit to the people that had clips that I included, but didn't capture myself:
FluffyNinjaLlama (Youtube)
RedStarBolt (Youtube)
Gamer's Little Playground (Youtube)
rusTORK (Youtube)
Lady Insanity (Youtube)
DanaDuchy (Youtube)
JudgementalBastard (Youtube)
TeeniePikachu89 (Youtube)
Mick Saladin (Youtube)
Anthony Borg (Youtube)
Jaguar550 (Youtube)
James Huls (Youtube)
MacroMadStyle (Youtube)
Naughty Gaming (Youtube)
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe.
We still haven't gotten a release date.
MASS EFFECT 5 Trailer (2023) 4K UHD | Unreal Engine 5...
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we follow Kai Leng to Sanctuary, a refugee colony on Horizon - and uncover a shocking secret! Full Pl...
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we follow Kai Leng to Sanctuary, a refugee colony on Horizon - and uncover a shocking secret! Full Playlist:
Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough of the Legendary Edition on Insanity difficulty continues as we travel to Horizon! After tracking Kai Leng to the refugee colony of Sanctuary, we investigate the place and quickly discover that it lies in ruins. What's worse: Henry Lawson, father of Miranda Lawson, has apparently used it to experiment with helpless refugees and turn them into Husks in order to learn more about Reaper indoctrination. We also find out that Miranda is trying to stop her father and help her out, ultimately succeeding in shutting the place down for good. Back on the Normandy, Tali does not take the experience well as we find her drinking in the port observation deck. We also have an important conversation with Javik concerning his memory shard - and whether or not it's best to let old ghosts rest.
Achievements in Part 35 of the Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough:
• Well Connected
0:00 Intro
1:59 Priority: Horizon
5:16 Sanctuary Reception
9:34 Miranda
11:28 Husk Experiments
22:22 Saving Miranda
28:45 Confronting Henry Lawson
34:10 Mission Aftermath
35:53 Crew Conversations
42:22 Drunk Tali
45:36 Javik's Memory Shard
49:18 Crew Conversations
50:51 Outro
► Full Playlist of this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty:
► Subscribe for more Completionist Walkthroughs:
► Support Pete Complete on Patreon:
► Pete Complete T-Shirts & Merchandise:
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In this 100 percent completionist Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough, we will complete all Mass Effect 3 missions and assignments on Insanity difficulty, the highest difficulty setting in Mass Effect 3. On Insanity difficulty, enemies will be deadly and aggressive, have extra protection, and frequently use tech and biotic powers. Careful strategy and clever tactics will be required to succeed and whenever possible, I will try to explain our approach, making this walkthrough a Mass Effect 3 Insanity Guide.
This Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough was recorded in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. In the Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 have been bundled together and have received numerous small visual and gameplay changes. In Mass Effect 3, the most notable changes are the removal of the multiplayer mode and the integration of all available DLC into the Mass Effect 3 main story. As a result, this Insanity Walkthrough will also cover all downloadable content.
As we proceed through this Walkthrough of Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty, we will also focus on unlocking every single achievement in the game. While some of the achievements in Mass Effect 3 have been reworked for the Legendary Edition, almost all of them are still obtainable in one playthrough and thus, provide an extra challenge for this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough. With all Mass Effect 3 DLC included in the Legendary Edition, we will also attempt to unlock all available DLC achievements.
Mass Effect 3 is a science fiction action role-playing game developed by BioWare. The game was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, WiiU, and Microsoft Windows PCs. Mass Effect 3 is the successor to the first two Mass Effect games and continues to storyline of Commander Shepard in his fight against the Reapers. Compared to the first two games in the trilogy, some gameplay mechanics have once again been changed in Mass Effect 3, including another slight overhaul to the morality system and a more streamlined, action-packed combat experience. Mass Effect 3 has seen the release of several storyline and cosmetic DLC packs that will be featured in this Insanity Walkthrough.
All gameplay for this Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty was recorded on PC in 1440p.
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we follow Kai Leng to Sanctuary, a refugee colony on Horizon - and uncover a shocking secret! Full Playlist:
Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough of the Legendary Edition on Insanity difficulty continues as we travel to Horizon! After tracking Kai Leng to the refugee colony of Sanctuary, we investigate the place and quickly discover that it lies in ruins. What's worse: Henry Lawson, father of Miranda Lawson, has apparently used it to experiment with helpless refugees and turn them into Husks in order to learn more about Reaper indoctrination. We also find out that Miranda is trying to stop her father and help her out, ultimately succeeding in shutting the place down for good. Back on the Normandy, Tali does not take the experience well as we find her drinking in the port observation deck. We also have an important conversation with Javik concerning his memory shard - and whether or not it's best to let old ghosts rest.
Achievements in Part 35 of the Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough:
• Well Connected
0:00 Intro
1:59 Priority: Horizon
5:16 Sanctuary Reception
9:34 Miranda
11:28 Husk Experiments
22:22 Saving Miranda
28:45 Confronting Henry Lawson
34:10 Mission Aftermath
35:53 Crew Conversations
42:22 Drunk Tali
45:36 Javik's Memory Shard
49:18 Crew Conversations
50:51 Outro
► Full Playlist of this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty:
► Subscribe for more Completionist Walkthroughs:
► Support Pete Complete on Patreon:
► Pete Complete T-Shirts & Merchandise:
Facebook: ►
Twitter: ►
In this 100 percent completionist Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough, we will complete all Mass Effect 3 missions and assignments on Insanity difficulty, the highest difficulty setting in Mass Effect 3. On Insanity difficulty, enemies will be deadly and aggressive, have extra protection, and frequently use tech and biotic powers. Careful strategy and clever tactics will be required to succeed and whenever possible, I will try to explain our approach, making this walkthrough a Mass Effect 3 Insanity Guide.
This Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough was recorded in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. In the Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 have been bundled together and have received numerous small visual and gameplay changes. In Mass Effect 3, the most notable changes are the removal of the multiplayer mode and the integration of all available DLC into the Mass Effect 3 main story. As a result, this Insanity Walkthrough will also cover all downloadable content.
As we proceed through this Walkthrough of Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty, we will also focus on unlocking every single achievement in the game. While some of the achievements in Mass Effect 3 have been reworked for the Legendary Edition, almost all of them are still obtainable in one playthrough and thus, provide an extra challenge for this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough. With all Mass Effect 3 DLC included in the Legendary Edition, we will also attempt to unlock all available DLC achievements.
Mass Effect 3 is a science fiction action role-playing game developed by BioWare. The game was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, WiiU, and Microsoft Windows PCs. Mass Effect 3 is the successor to the first two Mass Effect games and continues to storyline of Commander Shepard in his fight against the Reapers. Compared to the first two games in the trilogy, some gameplay mechanics have once again been changed in Mass Effect 3, including another slight overhaul to the morality system and a more streamlined, action-packed combat experience. Mass Effect 3 has seen the release of several storyline and cosmetic DLC packs that will be featured in this Insanity Walkthrough.
All gameplay for this Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty was recorded on PC in 1440p.
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe. A veteran team at BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect...
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe. A veteran team at BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect franchise, and we are excited to show you where we’ll be heading next!
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe. A veteran team at BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect franchise, and we are excited to show you where we’ll be heading next!
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Is it worth playing in 2023? Well, yes - And here are some of the reasons why you should play it.
Want to support me? Become a ...
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Is it worth playing in 2023? Well, yes - And here are some of the reasons why you should play it.
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Support me by buying some official Bioware merchandise!
Can't get enough of Mass Effect? Check these videos out!
Bioware Just Dropped MASSIVE Teasers for The Next Mass Effect
What Happens in Mass Effect 3 if Your LOVE INTEREST Dies in ME2? - (RARE DIALOGUE)
This Is The Craziest Mass Effect 4 Theory Yet
#masseffect #masseffectlegendaryedition
00:00 - A Brief History of the Mass Effect games
02:11 - What is Mass Effect?
02:52 - Choices
03:30 - Characters
04:43 - Gameworld
05:30 - Improvements over the originals
07:31 - In conclusion... (is it worth it?)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Is it worth playing in 2023? Well, yes - And here are some of the reasons why you should play it.
Want to support me? Become a Member & unlock some sweet channel perks!
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🎮 Twitch (backup):
Support me by buying some official Bioware merchandise!
Can't get enough of Mass Effect? Check these videos out!
Bioware Just Dropped MASSIVE Teasers for The Next Mass Effect
What Happens in Mass Effect 3 if Your LOVE INTEREST Dies in ME2? - (RARE DIALOGUE)
This Is The Craziest Mass Effect 4 Theory Yet
#masseffect #masseffectlegendaryedition
00:00 - A Brief History of the Mass Effect games
02:11 - What is Mass Effect?
02:52 - Choices
03:30 - Characters
04:43 - Gameworld
05:30 - Improvements over the originals
07:31 - In conclusion... (is it worth it?)
Lore icebergs explore the concept that fictional universes have many stories to tell beyond what we see in the main narrative. The main stories and content del...
Lore icebergs explore the concept that fictional universes have many stories to tell beyond what we see in the main narrative. The main stories and content delivered in a direct fashion only scratch the surface, but much more can be discovered when we delve below the surface.
In this video, we’re going to explore some of the most mysterious and disturbing lore that can be found in the Mass Effect universe. We’ll be covering things like the possible survival of the Thorian, the little known connection between Aria and Wrex, secret dialogue you may have missed and the infamous Tali sweat controversy.
0:00 Introduction
1:41 Legion’s Hidden Dialogue
5:10 Origin of The Illusive Man
8:13 Mysteries of the Ardat-Yakshi
11:17 Unintended Consequences - Sparing Fist and Rana
16:13 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Zaeed
19:44 Did the Thorian Survive?
24:04 What Happened to the Jardaan?
25:28 Leviathan of Dis
28:36 Will the Leviathans Conquer the Galaxy?
30:03 Will the Protheans Return?
32:32 Wrex and Aria Were Best Friends
37:53 The Inusannon
40:37 Indoctrination Theory
43:18 Geth Deepfakes
47:01 The Tali Sweat Controversy
48:53 The Illusive Man and Joker Are Eskimo Brothers
50:52 The Mystery of Zaeed’s Character Model IRL
52:31 Reapers are the Good Guys?
55:13 MAJOR Changes to Mass Effect 3
1:00:25 Are Dragon Age and Mass Effect Connected?
1:02:35 Conclusion
Lore icebergs explore the concept that fictional universes have many stories to tell beyond what we see in the main narrative. The main stories and content delivered in a direct fashion only scratch the surface, but much more can be discovered when we delve below the surface.
In this video, we’re going to explore some of the most mysterious and disturbing lore that can be found in the Mass Effect universe. We’ll be covering things like the possible survival of the Thorian, the little known connection between Aria and Wrex, secret dialogue you may have missed and the infamous Tali sweat controversy.
0:00 Introduction
1:41 Legion’s Hidden Dialogue
5:10 Origin of The Illusive Man
8:13 Mysteries of the Ardat-Yakshi
11:17 Unintended Consequences - Sparing Fist and Rana
16:13 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Zaeed
19:44 Did the Thorian Survive?
24:04 What Happened to the Jardaan?
25:28 Leviathan of Dis
28:36 Will the Leviathans Conquer the Galaxy?
30:03 Will the Protheans Return?
32:32 Wrex and Aria Were Best Friends
37:53 The Inusannon
40:37 Indoctrination Theory
43:18 Geth Deepfakes
47:01 The Tali Sweat Controversy
48:53 The Illusive Man and Joker Are Eskimo Brothers
50:52 The Mystery of Zaeed’s Character Model IRL
52:31 Reapers are the Good Guys?
55:13 MAJOR Changes to Mass Effect 3
1:00:25 Are Dragon Age and Mass Effect Connected?
1:02:35 Conclusion
Source: The Office (2005–2013)
Spanish subs by: !...Daniel...!.
You can support me by purchasing any game on
Source: The Office (2005–2013)
Spanish subs by: !...Daniel...!.
You can support me by purchasing any game on using the link:
Source: The Office (2005–2013)
Spanish subs by: !...Daniel...!.
You can support me by purchasing any game on using the link:
Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Welcome back to Gamers Hype. Today on the channel, we will be revealing Mass Effect Legendary ...
Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Welcome back to Gamers Hype. Today on the channel, we will be revealing Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. Up to this very moment, there are still tons of secrets and easter eggs yet to be discovered even to the most loyal fans of the game.
Liara’s doctorate degree, the legendary shifty cow, Legion’s robotic dance. These are just some of The Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. For more easter egg revelations, just take time to watch this video in full.
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffectHiddenSecrets
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 10 Things You May Have MISSED (Easter Eggs & Hidden Details)
Top 5 Secrets & Easter Eggs for Mass Effect legendary Edition
6 Details You Probably Missed about Mass Effect
Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Welcome back to Gamers Hype. Today on the channel, we will be revealing Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. Up to this very moment, there are still tons of secrets and easter eggs yet to be discovered even to the most loyal fans of the game.
Liara’s doctorate degree, the legendary shifty cow, Legion’s robotic dance. These are just some of The Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. For more easter egg revelations, just take time to watch this video in full.
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffectHiddenSecrets
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 10 Things You May Have MISSED (Easter Eggs & Hidden Details)
Top 5 Secrets & Easter Eggs for Mass Effect legendary Edition
6 Details You Probably Missed about Mass Effect
Получи профессию python-разработчика с нуля в SkillFactory:
Возврат денег за курс, если не нашли работу после обучения + скидк...
Получи профессию python-разработчика с нуля в SkillFactory:
Возврат денег за курс, если не нашли работу после обучения + скидка 45% по промокоду IGM до 16.02.2023 г.
Игровая индустрия подарила нам множество прекрасных RPGфраншиз. Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls . При желании список можно продолжать практически бесконечно. Однако есть одна серия, которая выделяется на фоне остальных. Выделяется тем, что она является до мелочей проработанной космо-оперой. Речь идёт про Mass Effect. И сегодня мы поговорим про то взлёты и падения серии.
Twitch -
VK -
TikTok -
Получи профессию python-разработчика с нуля в SkillFactory:
Возврат денег за курс, если не нашли работу после обучения + скидка 45% по промокоду IGM до 16.02.2023 г.
Игровая индустрия подарила нам множество прекрасных RPGфраншиз. Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls . При желании список можно продолжать практически бесконечно. Однако есть одна серия, которая выделяется на фоне остальных. Выделяется тем, что она является до мелочей проработанной космо-оперой. Речь идёт про Mass Effect. И сегодня мы поговорим про то взлёты и падения серии.
Twitch -
VK -
TikTok -
At least it's a dry heat.
The sequel no one really asked for, but I served anyways! I'm very happy and grateful for all the love the last video got - I'd love...
At least it's a dry heat.
The sequel no one really asked for, but I served anyways! I'm very happy and grateful for all the love the last video got - I'd love to kiss y'all's foreheads, for real. Thank you for all the suggestions too!
credit to the people that had clips that I included, but didn't capture myself:
FluffyNinjaLlama (Youtube)
RedStarBolt (Youtube)
Gamer's Little Playground (Youtube)
rusTORK (Youtube)
Lady Insanity (Youtube)
DanaDuchy (Youtube)
JudgementalBastard (Youtube)
TeeniePikachu89 (Youtube)
Mick Saladin (Youtube)
Anthony Borg (Youtube)
Jaguar550 (Youtube)
James Huls (Youtube)
MacroMadStyle (Youtube)
Naughty Gaming (Youtube)
At least it's a dry heat.
The sequel no one really asked for, but I served anyways! I'm very happy and grateful for all the love the last video got - I'd love to kiss y'all's foreheads, for real. Thank you for all the suggestions too!
credit to the people that had clips that I included, but didn't capture myself:
FluffyNinjaLlama (Youtube)
RedStarBolt (Youtube)
Gamer's Little Playground (Youtube)
rusTORK (Youtube)
Lady Insanity (Youtube)
DanaDuchy (Youtube)
JudgementalBastard (Youtube)
TeeniePikachu89 (Youtube)
Mick Saladin (Youtube)
Anthony Borg (Youtube)
Jaguar550 (Youtube)
James Huls (Youtube)
MacroMadStyle (Youtube)
Naughty Gaming (Youtube)
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we follow Kai Leng to Sanctuary, a refugee colony on Horizon - and uncover a shocking secret! Full Playlist:
Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough of the Legendary Edition on Insanity difficulty continues as we travel to Horizon! After tracking Kai Leng to the refugee colony of Sanctuary, we investigate the place and quickly discover that it lies in ruins. What's worse: Henry Lawson, father of Miranda Lawson, has apparently used it to experiment with helpless refugees and turn them into Husks in order to learn more about Reaper indoctrination. We also find out that Miranda is trying to stop her father and help her out, ultimately succeeding in shutting the place down for good. Back on the Normandy, Tali does not take the experience well as we find her drinking in the port observation deck. We also have an important conversation with Javik concerning his memory shard - and whether or not it's best to let old ghosts rest.
Achievements in Part 35 of the Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough:
• Well Connected
0:00 Intro
1:59 Priority: Horizon
5:16 Sanctuary Reception
9:34 Miranda
11:28 Husk Experiments
22:22 Saving Miranda
28:45 Confronting Henry Lawson
34:10 Mission Aftermath
35:53 Crew Conversations
42:22 Drunk Tali
45:36 Javik's Memory Shard
49:18 Crew Conversations
50:51 Outro
► Full Playlist of this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty:
► Subscribe for more Completionist Walkthroughs:
► Support Pete Complete on Patreon:
► Pete Complete T-Shirts & Merchandise:
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In this 100 percent completionist Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough, we will complete all Mass Effect 3 missions and assignments on Insanity difficulty, the highest difficulty setting in Mass Effect 3. On Insanity difficulty, enemies will be deadly and aggressive, have extra protection, and frequently use tech and biotic powers. Careful strategy and clever tactics will be required to succeed and whenever possible, I will try to explain our approach, making this walkthrough a Mass Effect 3 Insanity Guide.
This Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough was recorded in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. In the Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 have been bundled together and have received numerous small visual and gameplay changes. In Mass Effect 3, the most notable changes are the removal of the multiplayer mode and the integration of all available DLC into the Mass Effect 3 main story. As a result, this Insanity Walkthrough will also cover all downloadable content.
As we proceed through this Walkthrough of Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty, we will also focus on unlocking every single achievement in the game. While some of the achievements in Mass Effect 3 have been reworked for the Legendary Edition, almost all of them are still obtainable in one playthrough and thus, provide an extra challenge for this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough. With all Mass Effect 3 DLC included in the Legendary Edition, we will also attempt to unlock all available DLC achievements.
Mass Effect 3 is a science fiction action role-playing game developed by BioWare. The game was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, WiiU, and Microsoft Windows PCs. Mass Effect 3 is the successor to the first two Mass Effect games and continues to storyline of Commander Shepard in his fight against the Reapers. Compared to the first two games in the trilogy, some gameplay mechanics have once again been changed in Mass Effect 3, including another slight overhaul to the morality system and a more streamlined, action-packed combat experience. Mass Effect 3 has seen the release of several storyline and cosmetic DLC packs that will be featured in this Insanity Walkthrough.
All gameplay for this Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty was recorded on PC in 1440p.
Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe. A veteran team at BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect franchise, and we are excited to show you where we’ll be heading next!
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Is it worth playing in 2023? Well, yes - And here are some of the reasons why you should play it.
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#masseffect #masseffectlegendaryedition
00:00 - A Brief History of the Mass Effect games
02:11 - What is Mass Effect?
02:52 - Choices
03:30 - Characters
04:43 - Gameworld
05:30 - Improvements over the originals
07:31 - In conclusion... (is it worth it?)
Lore icebergs explore the concept that fictional universes have many stories to tell beyond what we see in the main narrative. The main stories and content delivered in a direct fashion only scratch the surface, but much more can be discovered when we delve below the surface.
In this video, we’re going to explore some of the most mysterious and disturbing lore that can be found in the Mass Effect universe. We’ll be covering things like the possible survival of the Thorian, the little known connection between Aria and Wrex, secret dialogue you may have missed and the infamous Tali sweat controversy.
0:00 Introduction
1:41 Legion’s Hidden Dialogue
5:10 Origin of The Illusive Man
8:13 Mysteries of the Ardat-Yakshi
11:17 Unintended Consequences - Sparing Fist and Rana
16:13 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Zaeed
19:44 Did the Thorian Survive?
24:04 What Happened to the Jardaan?
25:28 Leviathan of Dis
28:36 Will the Leviathans Conquer the Galaxy?
30:03 Will the Protheans Return?
32:32 Wrex and Aria Were Best Friends
37:53 The Inusannon
40:37 Indoctrination Theory
43:18 Geth Deepfakes
47:01 The Tali Sweat Controversy
48:53 The Illusive Man and Joker Are Eskimo Brothers
50:52 The Mystery of Zaeed’s Character Model IRL
52:31 Reapers are the Good Guys?
55:13 MAJOR Changes to Mass Effect 3
1:00:25 Are Dragon Age and Mass Effect Connected?
1:02:35 Conclusion
Source: The Office (2005–2013)
Spanish subs by: !...Daniel...!.
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition SECRET Scenes Fans TOTALLY Missed!
Welcome back to Gamers Hype. Today on the channel, we will be revealing Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. Up to this very moment, there are still tons of secrets and easter eggs yet to be discovered even to the most loyal fans of the game.
Liara’s doctorate degree, the legendary shifty cow, Legion’s robotic dance. These are just some of The Mass Effect Legendary Edition easter eggs and moments from the games fans totally missed. For more easter egg revelations, just take time to watch this video in full.
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffectHiddenSecrets
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 10 Things You May Have MISSED (Easter Eggs & Hidden Details)
Top 5 Secrets & Easter Eggs for Mass Effect legendary Edition
6 Details You Probably Missed about Mass Effect
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Игровая индустрия подарила нам множество прекрасных RPGфраншиз. Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls . При желании список можно продолжать практически бесконечно. Однако есть одна серия, которая выделяется на фоне остальных. Выделяется тем, что она является до мелочей проработанной космо-оперой. Речь идёт про Mass Effect. И сегодня мы поговорим про то взлёты и падения серии.
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At least it's a dry heat.
The sequel no one really asked for, but I served anyways! I'm very happy and grateful for all the love the last video got - I'd love to kiss y'all's foreheads, for real. Thank you for all the suggestions too!
credit to the people that had clips that I included, but didn't capture myself:
FluffyNinjaLlama (Youtube)
RedStarBolt (Youtube)
Gamer's Little Playground (Youtube)
rusTORK (Youtube)
Lady Insanity (Youtube)
DanaDuchy (Youtube)
JudgementalBastard (Youtube)
TeeniePikachu89 (Youtube)
Mick Saladin (Youtube)
Anthony Borg (Youtube)
Jaguar550 (Youtube)
James Huls (Youtube)
MacroMadStyle (Youtube)
Naughty Gaming (Youtube)
The original trilogy largely revolves around a soldier named Commander Shepard, whose mission is to save the galaxy from a race of powerful mechanical beings known as the Reapers and their agents, including the first game's antagonist Saren Arterius. The first game sees Shepard investigating Saren, whom Shepard slowly comes to understand is operating under the guidance of Sovereign, a Reaper left behind in the Milky Way tens of thousands of years before, when the Reapers exterminated virtually all sentient organic life in the galaxy as part of a recurrent cycle of genocide for an unknown purpose. Sovereign's purpose is to trigger the imminent return of the Reaper fleet hibernating in extra-galactic dark space, restarting the process of extermination. The second game takes place two years later, and sees Shepard battling the Collectors, an alien race abducting entire human colonies in a plan to help the Reapers return to the Milky Way. The final game of Shepard's trilogy centers on the war waging against the Reapers.