A noun (from Latinnōmen, literally meaning "name") is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.Linguistically, a noun is a member of a large, openpart of speech whose members can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.
Lexical categories (parts of speech) are defined in terms of the ways in which their members combine with other kinds of expressions. The syntactic rules for nouns differ from language to language. In English, nouns are those words which can occur with articles and attributive adjectives and can function as the head of a noun phrase.
Word classes (parts of speech) were described by Sanskrit grammarians from at least the 5th century BC. In Yāska's Nirukta, the noun (nāma) is one of the four main categories of words defined.
The Ancient Greek equivalent was ónoma (ὄνομα), referred to by Plato in the Cratylus dialog, and later listed as one of the eight parts of speech in The Art of Grammar, attributed to Dionysius Thrax (2nd century BC). The term used in Latin grammar was nōmen. All of these terms for "noun" were also words meaning "name". The English word noun is derived from the Latin term, through the Anglo-Normannoun.
The Empire of Mali - The Twang of a Bow - Extra History - Part 1
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its stead had expanded borders that included vast lands of gold...
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
* Show off your fandom with *MERCH* from our store! http://extracredits.store/
*Interested in sponsoring an episode?* Email us: [email protected]
TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ECTweet I FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https://bit.ly/ECBlueSky I TWITCH: ht...
published: 14 Apr 2018
Rise and Fall of the Mali Empire
The Empire of Mali was one of the greatest in West Africa.
The Empire is believed to have been founded in 1235 Common Era by the legendary King Sundiata and lasted until the early 1600s CE. Unarguably, the Empire’s most famous ruler was Mansa Musa and it was recorded of him that when he traveled to Mecca on a pilgrimage he gave out so much gold that resulted in an inflation that lasted a decade.
published: 02 Mar 2020
Mali Empire: How it all Started
Prior to the arrival of the Arab and European invaders, the political systems in Africa were largely modeled around what is referred to as the “chieftaincy political system” and political entities were mostly organized in the form of clans and empires.
The present State of Mali, in West Africa, was once part of the three illustrious West African empires: Mali Empire, Ghana Empire and Songhai Empire. All these empires at several instances administered the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, and other precious commodities at the time. All these empires were characterized by strong leadership.
The history of the present State of Mali and that of the former Mali Empire are intertwined. Mali as an empire was one of the greatest in the world at some period of time. But how come such...
published: 29 Mar 2021
Mali Empire
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa . The Manding languages were spoken in the empire. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws and customs. Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th-century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th-century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th-century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. The other major source of information is Mandinka oral tradition, as recorded by storytellers known as griots.
The empire began a small Mandinka kingdom at the upper reaches of th...
published: 21 Apr 2021
The Empire of Mali - An Empire of Trade and Faith - Extra History - Part 2
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: Seeking a meeting with the emperor of the Mali Empire, a man named Ibn Battutah journeyed across the perilous Sahara sands to discover Mali's gold... instead, he found out how Mali blended its Islamic and African cultures.
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
* Show off your fandom with *MERCH* from our store! http://extracredits.store/
*Interested in sponsoring an episode?* Email us: [email protected]
TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ECTweet I FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https...
published: 21 Apr 2018
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws, and customs.
But what more do we know about this powerful empire? Let discover in this episode as Dr. Bunmi Oyinsan sheds light.
We are always delighted to hear your thoughts and will respond to them. Please share with friends and don't forget to like.
#maliempire #historyofmaliempire #africanhistory
published: 19 Apr 2021
Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa: Crash Course World History #16
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only covers the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he also discusses the Ghanian Empire and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Introduction: African History 00:00
King Mansa Musa of Mali 1:22
Mali, the Berbers, and the Islamization of West Africa 3:23
An Open Letter to Ibn Battula 5:29
The End of the Malian Empire 6:17
The Swahili Civilizations ...
published: 10 May 2012
7. The Songhai Empire - Africa's Age of Gold
Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was once the most powerful force in Africa.
Find out how this civilization grew up on the fringes of the Sahara Desert, among some of the most extreme conditions that nature can throw at us. Discover how it grew and flourished, passing through a process known as the imperial cycle, and learn about what ultimately caused its sudden and dramatic collapse.
** Fall of Civilizations the book is now available to pre-order: linktr.ee/fallofcivilizations **
SOURCES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29534736
Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:
Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Bryan Tshiobi
Pip Willett
Music by Kevin MacLeo...
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its s...
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its stead had expanded borders that included vast lands of gold...
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
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INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https://bit.ly/ECBlueSky I TWITCH: https://bit.ly/ECtwitch
GAMING: https://www.youtube.com/@extracredits
*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its stead had expanded borders that included vast lands of gold...
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
* Show off your fandom with *MERCH* from our store! http://extracredits.store/
*Interested in sponsoring an episode?* Email us: [email protected]
TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ECTweet I FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https://bit.ly/ECBlueSky I TWITCH: https://bit.ly/ECtwitch
GAMING: https://www.youtube.com/@extracredits
*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
The Empire of Mali was one of the greatest in West Africa.
The Empire is believed to have been founded in 1235 Common Era by the legendary King Sundiata and ...
The Empire of Mali was one of the greatest in West Africa.
The Empire is believed to have been founded in 1235 Common Era by the legendary King Sundiata and lasted until the early 1600s CE. Unarguably, the Empire’s most famous ruler was Mansa Musa and it was recorded of him that when he traveled to Mecca on a pilgrimage he gave out so much gold that resulted in an inflation that lasted a decade.
The Empire of Mali was one of the greatest in West Africa.
The Empire is believed to have been founded in 1235 Common Era by the legendary King Sundiata and lasted until the early 1600s CE. Unarguably, the Empire’s most famous ruler was Mansa Musa and it was recorded of him that when he traveled to Mecca on a pilgrimage he gave out so much gold that resulted in an inflation that lasted a decade.
Prior to the arrival of the Arab and European invaders, the political systems in Africa were largely modeled around what is referred to as the “chieftaincy poli...
Prior to the arrival of the Arab and European invaders, the political systems in Africa were largely modeled around what is referred to as the “chieftaincy political system” and political entities were mostly organized in the form of clans and empires.
The present State of Mali, in West Africa, was once part of the three illustrious West African empires: Mali Empire, Ghana Empire and Songhai Empire. All these empires at several instances administered the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, and other precious commodities at the time. All these empires were characterized by strong leadership.
The history of the present State of Mali and that of the former Mali Empire are intertwined. Mali as an empire was one of the greatest in the world at some period of time. But how come such a great empire with huge world influence ended up at the stage where it is right now. Well, this video will give us a very insightful history of Mali, chronologically.
An empire that was created by a mandingo prince called Sunjata Keita and became known all over the world through the leadership of #Mansa #Musa Keita. #Mali later fell under the control of the French but eventually liberated by a Pan-Africanist called Modibo Keita during the struggle for independence. Like many anti-colonial rule, Keita was overthrown by General Trawalleh through help from the outside. Since then Mali has experienced series of coups and most recently is the overthrown of President Ebrima Keita.
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Visit our Website: https://eyegambia.org
Prior to the arrival of the Arab and European invaders, the political systems in Africa were largely modeled around what is referred to as the “chieftaincy political system” and political entities were mostly organized in the form of clans and empires.
The present State of Mali, in West Africa, was once part of the three illustrious West African empires: Mali Empire, Ghana Empire and Songhai Empire. All these empires at several instances administered the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, and other precious commodities at the time. All these empires were characterized by strong leadership.
The history of the present State of Mali and that of the former Mali Empire are intertwined. Mali as an empire was one of the greatest in the world at some period of time. But how come such a great empire with huge world influence ended up at the stage where it is right now. Well, this video will give us a very insightful history of Mali, chronologically.
An empire that was created by a mandingo prince called Sunjata Keita and became known all over the world through the leadership of #Mansa #Musa Keita. #Mali later fell under the control of the French but eventually liberated by a Pan-Africanist called Modibo Keita during the struggle for independence. Like many anti-colonial rule, Keita was overthrown by General Trawalleh through help from the outside. Since then Mali has experienced series of coups and most recently is the overthrown of President Ebrima Keita.
You can follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eyegambia/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eyegambia/
Visit our Website: https://eyegambia.org
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, ...
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa . The Manding languages were spoken in the empire. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws and customs. Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th-century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th-century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th-century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. The other major source of information is Mandinka oral tradition, as recorded by storytellers known as griots.
The empire began a small Mandinka kingdom at the upper reaches of the Niger River, centered around the town of Niani . During the 11th and 12th centuries, it began to develop as an empire following the decline of the Ghana Empire, or Wagadu, to the north. During this period, trade routes shifted southward to the savanna, stimulating the growth of states such as Bonoman. The early history of the Mali Empire is unclear, as there are conflicting and imprecise accounts by both Arab chroniclers and oral traditionalists. Sundiata Keita is the first ruler for which there is accurate written information . Sundiata Keita was a warrior-prince of the Keita dynasty who was called upon to free the Mali people from the rule of the king of the Sosso Empire, Soumaoro Kanté. The conquest of Sosso in c. 1235 gave the Mali Empire access to the trans-Saharan trade routes.
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa . The Manding languages were spoken in the empire. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws and customs. Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th-century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th-century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th-century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. The other major source of information is Mandinka oral tradition, as recorded by storytellers known as griots.
The empire began a small Mandinka kingdom at the upper reaches of the Niger River, centered around the town of Niani . During the 11th and 12th centuries, it began to develop as an empire following the decline of the Ghana Empire, or Wagadu, to the north. During this period, trade routes shifted southward to the savanna, stimulating the growth of states such as Bonoman. The early history of the Mali Empire is unclear, as there are conflicting and imprecise accounts by both Arab chroniclers and oral traditionalists. Sundiata Keita is the first ruler for which there is accurate written information . Sundiata Keita was a warrior-prince of the Keita dynasty who was called upon to free the Mali people from the rule of the king of the Sosso Empire, Soumaoro Kanté. The conquest of Sosso in c. 1235 gave the Mali Empire access to the trans-Saharan trade routes.
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: Seeking a meeting with the emperor of the Mali Empire, a man named Ibn Battutah journeyed across the perilous Sahara sands to d...
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: Seeking a meeting with the emperor of the Mali Empire, a man named Ibn Battutah journeyed across the perilous Sahara sands to discover Mali's gold... instead, he found out how Mali blended its Islamic and African cultures.
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
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TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ECTweet I FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https://bit.ly/ECBlueSky I TWITCH: https://bit.ly/ECtwitch
GAMING: https://www.youtube.com/@extracredits
*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: Seeking a meeting with the emperor of the Mali Empire, a man named Ibn Battutah journeyed across the perilous Sahara sands to discover Mali's gold... instead, he found out how Mali blended its Islamic and African cultures.
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
* Show off your fandom with *MERCH* from our store! http://extracredits.store/
*Interested in sponsoring an episode?* Email us: [email protected]
TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ECTweet I FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram I TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
BLUESKY: https://bit.ly/ECBlueSky I TWITCH: https://bit.ly/ECtwitch
GAMING: https://www.youtube.com/@extracredits
*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The emp...
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws, and customs.
But what more do we know about this powerful empire? Let discover in this episode as Dr. Bunmi Oyinsan sheds light.
We are always delighted to hear your thoughts and will respond to them. Please share with friends and don't forget to like.
#maliempire #historyofmaliempire #africanhistory
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws, and customs.
But what more do we know about this powerful empire? Let discover in this episode as Dr. Bunmi Oyinsan sheds light.
We are always delighted to hear your thoughts and will respond to them. Please share with friends and don't forget to like.
#maliempire #historyofmaliempire #africanhistory
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits ...
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only covers the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he also discusses the Ghanian Empire and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Introduction: African History 00:00
King Mansa Musa of Mali 1:22
Mali, the Berbers, and the Islamization of West Africa 3:23
An Open Letter to Ibn Battula 5:29
The End of the Malian Empire 6:17
The Swahili Civilizations of Eastern Africa 6:55
Credits 9:56
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only covers the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he also discusses the Ghanian Empire and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Introduction: African History 00:00
King Mansa Musa of Mali 1:22
Mali, the Berbers, and the Islamization of West Africa 3:23
An Open Letter to Ibn Battula 5:29
The End of the Malian Empire 6:17
The Swahili Civilizations of Eastern Africa 6:55
Credits 9:56
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecrashcourse/
CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was onc...
Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was once the most powerful force in Africa.
Find out how this civilization grew up on the fringes of the Sahara Desert, among some of the most extreme conditions that nature can throw at us. Discover how it grew and flourished, passing through a process known as the imperial cycle, and learn about what ultimately caused its sudden and dramatic collapse.
** Fall of Civilizations the book is now available to pre-order: linktr.ee/fallofcivilizations **
SOURCES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29534736
Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:
Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Bryan Tshiobi
Pip Willett
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: incompetech.com/
Title theme: Home At Last by John Bartmann. https://johnbartmann.com/
Special thanks to the Trust for African Rock Art (TARA) and Emma Silvester at Royal African Safaris for footage of the Dabous Giraffe: www.africanrockart.org
Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was once the most powerful force in Africa.
Find out how this civilization grew up on the fringes of the Sahara Desert, among some of the most extreme conditions that nature can throw at us. Discover how it grew and flourished, passing through a process known as the imperial cycle, and learn about what ultimately caused its sudden and dramatic collapse.
** Fall of Civilizations the book is now available to pre-order: linktr.ee/fallofcivilizations **
SOURCES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29534736
Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:
Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Bryan Tshiobi
Pip Willett
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: incompetech.com/
Title theme: Home At Last by John Bartmann. https://johnbartmann.com/
Special thanks to the Trust for African Rock Art (TARA) and Emma Silvester at Royal African Safaris for footage of the Dabous Giraffe: www.africanrockart.org
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its stead had expanded borders that included vast lands of gold...
* Watch Extra History ad-free & get 1-week early access on *NEBULA* https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory
* Suggest & Vote on our next episodes, get exclusive content & 24-hour early access on *PATREON* https://bit.ly/EHPatreon
* Show off your fandom with *MERCH* from our store! http://extracredits.store/
*Interested in sponsoring an episode?* Email us: [email protected]
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*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
The Empire of Mali was one of the greatest in West Africa.
The Empire is believed to have been founded in 1235 Common Era by the legendary King Sundiata and lasted until the early 1600s CE. Unarguably, the Empire’s most famous ruler was Mansa Musa and it was recorded of him that when he traveled to Mecca on a pilgrimage he gave out so much gold that resulted in an inflation that lasted a decade.
Prior to the arrival of the Arab and European invaders, the political systems in Africa were largely modeled around what is referred to as the “chieftaincy political system” and political entities were mostly organized in the form of clans and empires.
The present State of Mali, in West Africa, was once part of the three illustrious West African empires: Mali Empire, Ghana Empire and Songhai Empire. All these empires at several instances administered the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, and other precious commodities at the time. All these empires were characterized by strong leadership.
The history of the present State of Mali and that of the former Mali Empire are intertwined. Mali as an empire was one of the greatest in the world at some period of time. But how come such a great empire with huge world influence ended up at the stage where it is right now. Well, this video will give us a very insightful history of Mali, chronologically.
An empire that was created by a mandingo prince called Sunjata Keita and became known all over the world through the leadership of #Mansa #Musa Keita. #Mali later fell under the control of the French but eventually liberated by a Pan-Africanist called Modibo Keita during the struggle for independence. Like many anti-colonial rule, Keita was overthrown by General Trawalleh through help from the outside. Since then Mali has experienced series of coups and most recently is the overthrown of President Ebrima Keita.
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The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa . The Manding languages were spoken in the empire. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws and customs. Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th-century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th-century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th-century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. The other major source of information is Mandinka oral tradition, as recorded by storytellers known as griots.
The empire began a small Mandinka kingdom at the upper reaches of the Niger River, centered around the town of Niani . During the 11th and 12th centuries, it began to develop as an empire following the decline of the Ghana Empire, or Wagadu, to the north. During this period, trade routes shifted southward to the savanna, stimulating the growth of states such as Bonoman. The early history of the Mali Empire is unclear, as there are conflicting and imprecise accounts by both Arab chroniclers and oral traditionalists. Sundiata Keita is the first ruler for which there is accurate written information . Sundiata Keita was a warrior-prince of the Keita dynasty who was called upon to free the Mali people from the rule of the king of the Sosso Empire, Soumaoro Kanté. The conquest of Sosso in c. 1235 gave the Mali Empire access to the trans-Saharan trade routes.
📜 History of the Empire of Mali: Seeking a meeting with the emperor of the Mali Empire, a man named Ibn Battutah journeyed across the perilous Sahara sands to discover Mali's gold... instead, he found out how Mali blended its Islamic and African cultures.
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*Miss an episode in our Empire of Mali Series?*
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/UkayShPilkw
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/YPytwp5ll9g
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/4-Un2xx6Pzo
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/lkTF0TGBDNc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/Mi79VdOCXGc
Series Wrap-up & Lies Episode - https://youtu.be/-DWZUvDleSQ
♪ "Wealth Beyond Dreams" by Sean and Dean Kiner - https://youtu.be/zAeKkS-e3WE - Available on Patreon!
Thanks for the high-quality conversations & for following our community guidelines here: https://bit.ly/ECFansRNice
Artist: Lilienne ChanI Writer: Jac Kjellberg, Robert Rath & James Portnow I Voice: Daniel Floyd I Editor: Carrie Floyd I ♪ Extra History Theme by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7
#ExtraHistory #AfricanHistory #History
WHAT WAS ANCIENT EMPIRE OF MALI? (PART 1) | Mali Empire | Sankofa Pan African Series
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from c. 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa. At its peak, Mali was the largest empire in West Africa, profoundly and widely influencing the culture of the region through the spread of its language, laws, and customs.
But what more do we know about this powerful empire? Let discover in this episode as Dr. Bunmi Oyinsan sheds light.
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#maliempire #historyofmaliempire #africanhistory
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only covers the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he also discusses the Ghanian Empire and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Introduction: African History 00:00
King Mansa Musa of Mali 1:22
Mali, the Berbers, and the Islamization of West Africa 3:23
An Open Letter to Ibn Battula 5:29
The End of the Malian Empire 6:17
The Swahili Civilizations of Eastern Africa 6:55
Credits 9:56
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Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was once the most powerful force in Africa.
Find out how this civilization grew up on the fringes of the Sahara Desert, among some of the most extreme conditions that nature can throw at us. Discover how it grew and flourished, passing through a process known as the imperial cycle, and learn about what ultimately caused its sudden and dramatic collapse.
** Fall of Civilizations the book is now available to pre-order: linktr.ee/fallofcivilizations **
SOURCES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29534736
Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:
Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Bryan Tshiobi
Pip Willett
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: incompetech.com/
Title theme: Home At Last by John Bartmann. https://johnbartmann.com/
Special thanks to the Trust for African Rock Art (TARA) and Emma Silvester at Royal African Safaris for footage of the Dabous Giraffe: www.africanrockart.org
A noun (from Latinnōmen, literally meaning "name") is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.Linguistically, a noun is a member of a large, openpart of speech whose members can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.
Lexical categories (parts of speech) are defined in terms of the ways in which their members combine with other kinds of expressions. The syntactic rules for nouns differ from language to language. In English, nouns are those words which can occur with articles and attributive adjectives and can function as the head of a noun phrase.
Word classes (parts of speech) were described by Sanskrit grammarians from at least the 5th century BC. In Yāska's Nirukta, the noun (nāma) is one of the four main categories of words defined.
The Ancient Greek equivalent was ónoma (ὄνομα), referred to by Plato in the Cratylus dialog, and later listed as one of the eight parts of speech in The Art of Grammar, attributed to Dionysius Thrax (2nd century BC). The term used in Latin grammar was nōmen. All of these terms for "noun" were also words meaning "name". The English word noun is derived from the Latin term, through the Anglo-Normannoun.