An example of a Möbius strip can be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. However, the Möbius strip is not a surface of only one exact size and shape, such as the half-twisted paper strip depicted in the illustration. Rather, mathematicians refer to the closed Möbius band as any surface that is homeomorphic to this strip. Its boundary is a simple closed curve, i.e., homeomorphic to a circle. This allows for a very wide variety of geometric versions of the Möbius band as surfaces each having a definite size and shape. For example, any rectangle can be glued to itself (by identifying one edge with the opposite edge after a reversal of orientation) to make a Möbius band. Some of these can be smoothly modeled in Euclidean space, and others cannot.
Wite-Out dates to 1966, when George Kloosterhouse, an insurance-company clerk, sought to address a problem he observed in correction fluid available at the time: a tendency to smudge ink on photostatic copies when it was applied. Kloosterhouse enlisted the help of his associate Edwin Johanknecht, a basement waterproofer who experimented with chemicals, and together they developed their own correction fluid, introduced as "Wite-Out WO-1 Erasing Liquid".
In 1971, they incorporated as Wite-Out Products, Inc. The trademark "Wite-Out" was registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on February 5, 1974. (The application listed the date of "first use in commerce" as January 27, 1966.)
Early forms of Wite-Out sold through 1981 were water-based and hence water-soluble. While this allowed simple cleaning, it also had the problem of long drying times. The formula also did not work well on non-photostatic media such as typewritten copy.
Aftermath is the soundtrack for Mark Jackson's film War Story, performed by Amy Lee and featuring Dave Eggar. It was released on August 25, 2014.
Lee announced the film score project on her Twitter account in December 2013. In a January 2014 interview with MTV News, she said the new material would "surprise" her fans, explaining that "It's not what you'd expect;... There's a lot of blending of sounds, a lot of ominous tones. I play a lot of keyboard, and a lot of Taurus pedal. There's a lot of low drones."
Critical reception
George Garner of Kerrang! praised Lee's efforts for edging away from the heaviness of Evanescence. He described the album as containing all minimalist pianos and eerie strings, and that it was the best representation of Lee's voice and talent to date.
Track listing
Credits and personnel
Credits are taken from War Story's film credits and the album's liner notes.
Cutting a Möbius strip in half (and more) | Animated Topology |
About the video:
Exploring the properties and other unexpected shapes that we get by cutting up some Mobius strips.
This video is a lot more text heavy compared to most of my previous ones, however it's quite difficult to explain something in more depth without using a lot of words.
Thanks for watching:)
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Any further questions or ideas:
Email - [email protected]
Twitter -
More in depth info:
Tadashi Tokieda lecture:
published: 11 Sep 2017
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Möbius Strip
What is a Möbius strip? If you’ve never heard of it, that’s alright. Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice are here to explain what exactly is going on with a Möbius strip.
Neil gets crafty to show us how a Möbius strip only has one side. What would a Möbius strip look like in higher dimensions? You’ll learn about a Klein bottle. All that, plus, Neil tells us about tesseracts and why he’ll stick to calling them 4D cubes.
Support us on Patreon:
About the prints that flank Neil in this video:
"Black Swan” & "White Swan" limited edition serigraph prints by Coast Salish artist Jane Kwatleematt Marston. For more information about this artist and her work, visit Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
published: 22 Dec 2020
Paradox of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle - A 4D Visualization
Embark on a mind-bending journey into the 4th dimension as we explore the fascinating geometry of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle. This video will take you on a whirlwind tour of time travel, geometric paradoxes, 4D visualization, and sentient primitive shapes.
00:00 - A Hexagon Illusion
00:50 - Defining Topology, Manifold, and Boundary
02:11 - An Open 2D Manifold
02:25 - Riddle #1
02:39 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in half
04:05 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in thirds
04:34 - The Grandfather Paradox
05:13 - Grandfather Paradox Solution Using a Möbius Strip
07:11 - A Closed 2D Manifold
07:46 - Riddle #2
08:03 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle with an Ant
09:12 - Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
09:24 - Linus - Two Dimensions for a 1D Creature
10:26 - Squirrel - Three Dimensions for a ...
published: 31 Mar 2022
Mobius Strip Video
Have your students try making a Mobius Strip to explore! Even you might be surprised at what happens if you try the second cut!
published: 05 Apr 2016
Why cutting a Möbius strip is so weird
An explanation for why cutting a Möbius strip down the middle keeps it connected.
Resources to learn more and other interesting notes:
The boundary of a Möbius strip is a circle. If you make 3 half-twists, you still get a Möbius strip, but the boundary is knotted into what's called a "trefoil knot." We call a surface that bounds a knot a Seifert surface.
More about Seifert surfaces:
published: 27 Feb 2023
Superconducting Quantum Levitation on a 3π Möbius Strip
From the Low Temperature Physics Lab:
Quantum levitation on a 3π Möbius strip track! Watch the superconductor levitate above the track and suspend below the track, without having to go across the edge.
Our track is not an "ordinary" Möbius strip with just one twist, but rather a Möbius strip with three twists -- 540 degrees, or 3π radians, thus, a 3π Möbius strip track.
You can also check out the video we made that documents the building of the track, if you want to make your own:
If you have more questions about the physics or how we made the track, see our other videos:
0:00 What is a Mobius Strip?
0:56 The 3-pi Mobius Strip
1:35 Cooling the ...
About the video:
Exploring the properties and other unexpected shapes that we get by cutting ...
About the video:
Exploring the properties and other unexpected shapes that we get by cutting up some Mobius strips.
This video is a lot more text heavy compared to most of my previous ones, however it's quite difficult to explain something in more depth without using a lot of words.
Thanks for watching:)
Support my animations on:
Any further questions or ideas:
Email - [email protected]
Twitter -
More in depth info:
Tadashi Tokieda lecture:
Programs used:
- Cinema 4D
Tom Day - Foreword:
Sound Cloud:
About the video:
Exploring the properties and other unexpected shapes that we get by cutting up some Mobius strips.
This video is a lot more text heavy compared to most of my previous ones, however it's quite difficult to explain something in more depth without using a lot of words.
Thanks for watching:)
Support my animations on:
Any further questions or ideas:
Email - [email protected]
Twitter -
More in depth info:
Tadashi Tokieda lecture:
Programs used:
- Cinema 4D
Tom Day - Foreword:
Sound Cloud:
What is a Möbius strip? If you’ve never heard of it, that’s alright. Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice are here to explain what exactly is going ...
What is a Möbius strip? If you’ve never heard of it, that’s alright. Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice are here to explain what exactly is going on with a Möbius strip.
Neil gets crafty to show us how a Möbius strip only has one side. What would a Möbius strip look like in higher dimensions? You’ll learn about a Klein bottle. All that, plus, Neil tells us about tesseracts and why he’ll stick to calling them 4D cubes.
Support us on Patreon:
About the prints that flank Neil in this video:
"Black Swan” & "White Swan" limited edition serigraph prints by Coast Salish artist Jane Kwatleematt Marston. For more information about this artist and her work, visit Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
About StarTalk:
Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!
#StarTalk #NeildeGrasseTyson
What is a Möbius strip? If you’ve never heard of it, that’s alright. Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice are here to explain what exactly is going on with a Möbius strip.
Neil gets crafty to show us how a Möbius strip only has one side. What would a Möbius strip look like in higher dimensions? You’ll learn about a Klein bottle. All that, plus, Neil tells us about tesseracts and why he’ll stick to calling them 4D cubes.
Support us on Patreon:
About the prints that flank Neil in this video:
"Black Swan” & "White Swan" limited edition serigraph prints by Coast Salish artist Jane Kwatleematt Marston. For more information about this artist and her work, visit Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
About StarTalk:
Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!
#StarTalk #NeildeGrasseTyson
Embark on a mind-bending journey into the 4th dimension as we explore the fascinating geometry of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle. This video will take you on...
Embark on a mind-bending journey into the 4th dimension as we explore the fascinating geometry of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle. This video will take you on a whirlwind tour of time travel, geometric paradoxes, 4D visualization, and sentient primitive shapes.
00:00 - A Hexagon Illusion
00:50 - Defining Topology, Manifold, and Boundary
02:11 - An Open 2D Manifold
02:25 - Riddle #1
02:39 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in half
04:05 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in thirds
04:34 - The Grandfather Paradox
05:13 - Grandfather Paradox Solution Using a Möbius Strip
07:11 - A Closed 2D Manifold
07:46 - Riddle #2
08:03 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle with an Ant
09:12 - Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
09:24 - Linus - Two Dimensions for a 1D Creature
10:26 - Squirrel - Three Dimensions for a 2D Creature
11:19 - Time Evolution of a Flattened Möbius Strip's Boundary
12:07 - Klein Bottle
12:36 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle in 4 Dimensions
Embark on a mind-bending journey into the 4th dimension as we explore the fascinating geometry of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle. This video will take you on a whirlwind tour of time travel, geometric paradoxes, 4D visualization, and sentient primitive shapes.
00:00 - A Hexagon Illusion
00:50 - Defining Topology, Manifold, and Boundary
02:11 - An Open 2D Manifold
02:25 - Riddle #1
02:39 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in half
04:05 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in thirds
04:34 - The Grandfather Paradox
05:13 - Grandfather Paradox Solution Using a Möbius Strip
07:11 - A Closed 2D Manifold
07:46 - Riddle #2
08:03 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle with an Ant
09:12 - Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
09:24 - Linus - Two Dimensions for a 1D Creature
10:26 - Squirrel - Three Dimensions for a 2D Creature
11:19 - Time Evolution of a Flattened Möbius Strip's Boundary
12:07 - Klein Bottle
12:36 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle in 4 Dimensions
An explanation for why cutting a Möbius strip down the middle keeps it connected.
Resources to learn more and other interesting notes:
An explanation for why cutting a Möbius strip down the middle keeps it connected.
Resources to learn more and other interesting notes:
The boundary of a Möbius strip is a circle. If you make 3 half-twists, you still get a Möbius strip, but the boundary is knotted into what's called a "trefoil knot." We call a surface that bounds a knot a Seifert surface.
More about Seifert surfaces:
An explanation for why cutting a Möbius strip down the middle keeps it connected.
Resources to learn more and other interesting notes:
The boundary of a Möbius strip is a circle. If you make 3 half-twists, you still get a Möbius strip, but the boundary is knotted into what's called a "trefoil knot." We call a surface that bounds a knot a Seifert surface.
More about Seifert surfaces:
From the Low Temperature Physics Lab:
Quantum levitation on a 3π Möbius strip track! Watch the superconductor levitate above the track and suspend below the tr...
From the Low Temperature Physics Lab:
Quantum levitation on a 3π Möbius strip track! Watch the superconductor levitate above the track and suspend below the track, without having to go across the edge.
Our track is not an "ordinary" Möbius strip with just one twist, but rather a Möbius strip with three twists -- 540 degrees, or 3π radians, thus, a 3π Möbius strip track.
You can also check out the video we made that documents the building of the track, if you want to make your own:
If you have more questions about the physics or how we made the track, see our other videos:
0:00 What is a Mobius Strip?
0:56 The 3-pi Mobius Strip
1:35 Cooling the superconductor
2:01 Around the Mobius Strip!
2:37 Credits
From the Low Temperature Physics Lab:
Quantum levitation on a 3π Möbius strip track! Watch the superconductor levitate above the track and suspend below the track, without having to go across the edge.
Our track is not an "ordinary" Möbius strip with just one twist, but rather a Möbius strip with three twists -- 540 degrees, or 3π radians, thus, a 3π Möbius strip track.
You can also check out the video we made that documents the building of the track, if you want to make your own:
If you have more questions about the physics or how we made the track, see our other videos:
0:00 What is a Mobius Strip?
0:56 The 3-pi Mobius Strip
1:35 Cooling the superconductor
2:01 Around the Mobius Strip!
2:37 Credits
About the video:
Exploring the properties and other unexpected shapes that we get by cutting up some Mobius strips.
This video is a lot more text heavy compared to most of my previous ones, however it's quite difficult to explain something in more depth without using a lot of words.
Thanks for watching:)
Support my animations on:
Any further questions or ideas:
Email - [email protected]
Twitter -
More in depth info:
Tadashi Tokieda lecture:
Programs used:
- Cinema 4D
Tom Day - Foreword:
Sound Cloud:
What is a Möbius strip? If you’ve never heard of it, that’s alright. Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice are here to explain what exactly is going on with a Möbius strip.
Neil gets crafty to show us how a Möbius strip only has one side. What would a Möbius strip look like in higher dimensions? You’ll learn about a Klein bottle. All that, plus, Neil tells us about tesseracts and why he’ll stick to calling them 4D cubes.
Support us on Patreon:
About the prints that flank Neil in this video:
"Black Swan” & "White Swan" limited edition serigraph prints by Coast Salish artist Jane Kwatleematt Marston. For more information about this artist and her work, visit Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
About StarTalk:
Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!
#StarTalk #NeildeGrasseTyson
Embark on a mind-bending journey into the 4th dimension as we explore the fascinating geometry of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle. This video will take you on a whirlwind tour of time travel, geometric paradoxes, 4D visualization, and sentient primitive shapes.
00:00 - A Hexagon Illusion
00:50 - Defining Topology, Manifold, and Boundary
02:11 - An Open 2D Manifold
02:25 - Riddle #1
02:39 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in half
04:05 - Cutting the Möbius Strip in thirds
04:34 - The Grandfather Paradox
05:13 - Grandfather Paradox Solution Using a Möbius Strip
07:11 - A Closed 2D Manifold
07:46 - Riddle #2
08:03 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle with an Ant
09:12 - Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
09:24 - Linus - Two Dimensions for a 1D Creature
10:26 - Squirrel - Three Dimensions for a 2D Creature
11:19 - Time Evolution of a Flattened Möbius Strip's Boundary
12:07 - Klein Bottle
12:36 - Visualizing the Klein Bottle in 4 Dimensions
An explanation for why cutting a Möbius strip down the middle keeps it connected.
Resources to learn more and other interesting notes:
The boundary of a Möbius strip is a circle. If you make 3 half-twists, you still get a Möbius strip, but the boundary is knotted into what's called a "trefoil knot." We call a surface that bounds a knot a Seifert surface.
More about Seifert surfaces:
From the Low Temperature Physics Lab:
Quantum levitation on a 3π Möbius strip track! Watch the superconductor levitate above the track and suspend below the track, without having to go across the edge.
Our track is not an "ordinary" Möbius strip with just one twist, but rather a Möbius strip with three twists -- 540 degrees, or 3π radians, thus, a 3π Möbius strip track.
You can also check out the video we made that documents the building of the track, if you want to make your own:
If you have more questions about the physics or how we made the track, see our other videos:
0:00 What is a Mobius Strip?
0:56 The 3-pi Mobius Strip
1:35 Cooling the superconductor
2:01 Around the Mobius Strip!
2:37 Credits
An example of a Möbius strip can be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. However, the Möbius strip is not a surface of only one exact size and shape, such as the half-twisted paper strip depicted in the illustration. Rather, mathematicians refer to the closed Möbius band as any surface that is homeomorphic to this strip. Its boundary is a simple closed curve, i.e., homeomorphic to a circle. This allows for a very wide variety of geometric versions of the Möbius band as surfaces each having a definite size and shape. For example, any rectangle can be glued to itself (by identifying one edge with the opposite edge after a reversal of orientation) to make a Möbius band. Some of these can be smoothly modeled in Euclidean space, and others cannot.
Oh great spirit Of resistance Help us through this Time of turbulent Wind coniditions Keep our vision pure Protect is from this cold hard surface ANd this violent squall So we can all find our way Back to where we started our family Please keep our aggressors at bay And our allies near Make clear skies before the gray in the name of tradition The generations before us Have had their own distrust In the face of fear They felt cold Just like we do So what? So what do we do?