Pascal Obispo – Lucie | Rebecca | The Voice France 2018 | Blind Audition
Pour son audition à l'aveugle, Rebecca a choisi le morceau de Pascal Obispo "Lucie". Un choix payant puisqu’elle fera se retourner Pascal Obispo, Mika, Zazie et Florent Pagny. Elle choisira finalement comme coach Pascal!
🎤 Toutes les prestations de la Saison 7 : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_VoixNouvelleSaison
🎤 Découvrez les covers exclusives des talents : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_100inedits
🎤 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne :http://bit.ly/1OdKCbY
The Voice : La Plus Belle Voix est une émission de télévision française de télé-crochet musical diffusée sur TF1 tous les samedis à 21h. Des chanteurs expérimentés ou novices tentent de séduire le public et les 4 coachs, Florent Pagny, Mika, Zazie et Pascal Obispo lors d’auditions à l’aveugle, de battle et de primes. Présentée par Nikos Aliagas et Karine Fer...
published: 23 Jan 2019
1. Lucie Vondráčková (15. 11. 2022, Švandovo divadlo) - 7 pádů HD
Hosté: 1. Lucie Vondráčková, 2. Petros Michopulos, 3. Jan Plodková, 4. Michal Malátný
Natočeno: 15. 11. 2022
Odvysíláno: 22. 11. 2022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honzadedek7padu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7PADU
Vstupenky: https://www.ticketstream.cz/search?term=7
published: 23 Nov 2022
Lucie - Chci zas v tobe spat
Kamera: J. Matiášek
Režie: A. Rezek
published: 08 Jun 2013
Lucie - Sen
Kamera: D. Miškovský
Režie: D. Sís
Music video by Lucie performing Sen. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
published: 30 Jul 2013
Přátelé, po delší odmlce vás vítáme v novém studiu a částečně i v novém formátu, který bude více připomínat to, co jsme si před 4 roky vysnili. Vždycky jsme chtěli, aby ty naše rozhovory více připomínaly "pokec u ohně", než konfrontační rozhovory v přesvíceném studiu. Není totiž žádným tajemstvím, že v uvolněné atmosféře se lidé často příjemně rozmluví a my se tak víc dozvíme. Proto všechny ty změny a natáčecí pauza…
Prvním hostem na pokec u ohně nemohl být nikdo jiný, než známý český investor a Dežo Chorvat - Radovan Vávra. Namísto tlachání o ekonomice, aktuální politické situaci a investování, jsme si ale povídali o životě. Jaký pro Radka byly poslední 2 roky, kdy se stal celebritou; proč se zamiloval do jachtingu v severním Chorvatsku; jak u něj probíhala krize středního věku a v nepos...
published: 23 Nov 2022
David Koller & Janáčkova filharmonie Ostrava - koncert 2022
31.5.2022 - Gong, Dolní Vítkovice
Stanislav Vavřínek – dirigent
published: 29 Sep 2022
Lucie - Šrouby do hlavy
published: 28 May 2011
Lucie - Daniela
Kamera a režie: D. Miškovský
Music video by Lucie performing Daniela. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
published: 10 Jul 2013
Pascal Obispo – Lucie | Rebecca | The Voice France 2018 | Blind Audition
Pour son audition à l'aveugle, Rebecca a choisi le morceau de Pascal Obispo "Lucie". Un choix payant puisqu’elle fera se retourner Pascal Obispo, Mika, Zazie et...
Pour son audition à l'aveugle, Rebecca a choisi le morceau de Pascal Obispo "Lucie". Un choix payant puisqu’elle fera se retourner Pascal Obispo, Mika, Zazie et Florent Pagny. Elle choisira finalement comme coach Pascal!
🎤 Toutes les prestations de la Saison 7 : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_VoixNouvelleSaison
🎤 Découvrez les covers exclusives des talents : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_100inedits
🎤 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne :http://bit.ly/1OdKCbY
The Voice : La Plus Belle Voix est une émission de télévision française de télé-crochet musical diffusée sur TF1 tous les samedis à 21h. Des chanteurs expérimentés ou novices tentent de séduire le public et les 4 coachs, Florent Pagny, Mika, Zazie et Pascal Obispo lors d’auditions à l’aveugle, de battle et de primes. Présentée par Nikos Aliagas et Karine Ferri, la saison 7 de The Voice est diffusée à partir du 27 janvier 2018.
Pour son audition à l'aveugle, Rebecca a choisi le morceau de Pascal Obispo "Lucie". Un choix payant puisqu’elle fera se retourner Pascal Obispo, Mika, Zazie et Florent Pagny. Elle choisira finalement comme coach Pascal!
🎤 Toutes les prestations de la Saison 7 : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_VoixNouvelleSaison
🎤 Découvrez les covers exclusives des talents : http://bit.ly/TheVoice_100inedits
🎤 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne :http://bit.ly/1OdKCbY
The Voice : La Plus Belle Voix est une émission de télévision française de télé-crochet musical diffusée sur TF1 tous les samedis à 21h. Des chanteurs expérimentés ou novices tentent de séduire le public et les 4 coachs, Florent Pagny, Mika, Zazie et Pascal Obispo lors d’auditions à l’aveugle, de battle et de primes. Présentée par Nikos Aliagas et Karine Ferri, la saison 7 de The Voice est diffusée à partir du 27 janvier 2018.
- published: 23 Jan 2019
- views: 9676054
1. Lucie Vondráčková (15. 11. 2022, Švandovo divadlo) - 7 pádů HD
Hosté: 1. Lucie Vondráčková, 2. Petros Michopulos, 3. Jan Plodková, 4. Michal Malátný
Natočeno: 15. 11. 2022
Odvysíláno: 22. 11. 2022
Instagram: https://www...
Hosté: 1. Lucie Vondráčková, 2. Petros Michopulos, 3. Jan Plodková, 4. Michal Malátný
Natočeno: 15. 11. 2022
Odvysíláno: 22. 11. 2022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honzadedek7padu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7PADU
Vstupenky: https://www.ticketstream.cz/search?term=7
Hosté: 1. Lucie Vondráčková, 2. Petros Michopulos, 3. Jan Plodková, 4. Michal Malátný
Natočeno: 15. 11. 2022
Odvysíláno: 22. 11. 2022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honzadedek7padu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7PADU
Vstupenky: https://www.ticketstream.cz/search?term=7
- published: 23 Nov 2022
- views: 23403
Lucie - Chci zas v tobe spat
Kamera: J. Matiášek
Režie: A. Rezek
Kamera: J. Matiášek
Režie: A. Rezek
Kamera: J. Matiášek
Režie: A. Rezek
- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 39947616
Lucie - Sen
Kamera: D. Miškovský
Režie: D. Sís
Music video by Lucie performing Sen. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
Kamera: D. Miškovský
Režie: D. Sís
Music video by Lucie performing Sen. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
Kamera: D. Miškovský
Režie: D. Sís
Music video by Lucie performing Sen. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 9039897
Přátelé, po delší odmlce vás vítáme v novém studiu a částečně i v novém formátu, který bude více připomínat to, co jsme si před 4 roky vysnili. Vždycky jsme cht...
Přátelé, po delší odmlce vás vítáme v novém studiu a částečně i v novém formátu, který bude více připomínat to, co jsme si před 4 roky vysnili. Vždycky jsme chtěli, aby ty naše rozhovory více připomínaly "pokec u ohně", než konfrontační rozhovory v přesvíceném studiu. Není totiž žádným tajemstvím, že v uvolněné atmosféře se lidé často příjemně rozmluví a my se tak víc dozvíme. Proto všechny ty změny a natáčecí pauza…
Prvním hostem na pokec u ohně nemohl být nikdo jiný, než známý český investor a Dežo Chorvat - Radovan Vávra. Namísto tlachání o ekonomice, aktuální politické situaci a investování, jsme si ale povídali o životě. Jaký pro Radka byly poslední 2 roky, kdy se stal celebritou; proč se zamiloval do jachtingu v severním Chorvatsku; jak u něj probíhala krize středního věku a v neposlední řadě nám Radek udělil několik životních mouder ohledně manželství a dlouhodobých vztahů.
Byl to naprosto geniální start nového začátku. Užijte si rozhovor... 😊
00:00 - Intro a poděkování partnerům podcastu
08:59 - Jaký byly poslední dva roky pro celebritu Radovana Vávru?
13:34 - Vzpomínky na podcast Ve Vatě a o čem by byl Radkův podcast?
26:40 - Konspirační teorie se stala pravdou. Unikl koronavirus z čínské laboratoře?
30:47 - Můj syn je Ivy League levičák. Jaká témata berou Generaci Z a mají šanci v životě uspět?
41:27 - Jak ochránit životní prostředí v kapitalismu?
48:25 - Systém vzdělávání pro Klause a Zemana nikdy nebyla priorita. Proto je to v ČR taková bída.
1:01:03 - Tlachání o Chorvatsku a jachtingu
1:06:35 - Vyplatí se vlastnit loď?
1:20:07 - Jací jsou Chorvati a neztratilo Chorvatsko na své atraktivitě?
1:47:16 - Jaká je úloha kapitána na lodi?
1:50:39 - Oblíbená místa v Chorvatsku
2:08:37 - Radkův pohled na Elona Muska a Twitter
2:27:54 - Přijdou na Netflix reklamy?
2:38:46 - Obnovení Cestovky za p*čovinama?
2:39:50 - Jak Radovan Vávra prožíval krizi středního věku?
2:48:46 - Proč je Leonardo DiCaprio nejlepší herec? Scéna z Vlk z Wall Street.
2:51:52 - Proč věnujeme pozornost věcem, které za to nestojí?
2:53:25 - Jak si Radek vybírá témata, o která se bude zajímat?
2:59:47 - Kdo by se měl stát prezidentem?
3:01:37 - Stručná historie minulého století a jaký to má dopad na současnost? Doporučení na skvělý film.
3:09:42 - Výměnu manželek bych zrušil a místo toho začal točit reality show na propagaci rodičovství.
3:21:43 - Podle čeho si vybrat manželku? Rada mladým na Tinderu.
3:35:27 - Radovan Vávra otevřeně o manželství.
3:40:17 - Jak vychovávat děti?
3:46:54 - Lituje Radovan něčeho?
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/cz/podcast/brocast/id1440652207?l=cs
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0t9JfT64MKtzFdEGdrzkAv?si=a07914407e5d4e46
Investiční aplikace XTB: https://xtb.com/cz
Video a Foto zařízení: https://www.fotoskoda.cz
Uchycení kamer: https://stedis.cz
#Brocast #RadovanVávra
Přátelé, po delší odmlce vás vítáme v novém studiu a částečně i v novém formátu, který bude více připomínat to, co jsme si před 4 roky vysnili. Vždycky jsme chtěli, aby ty naše rozhovory více připomínaly "pokec u ohně", než konfrontační rozhovory v přesvíceném studiu. Není totiž žádným tajemstvím, že v uvolněné atmosféře se lidé často příjemně rozmluví a my se tak víc dozvíme. Proto všechny ty změny a natáčecí pauza…
Prvním hostem na pokec u ohně nemohl být nikdo jiný, než známý český investor a Dežo Chorvat - Radovan Vávra. Namísto tlachání o ekonomice, aktuální politické situaci a investování, jsme si ale povídali o životě. Jaký pro Radka byly poslední 2 roky, kdy se stal celebritou; proč se zamiloval do jachtingu v severním Chorvatsku; jak u něj probíhala krize středního věku a v neposlední řadě nám Radek udělil několik životních mouder ohledně manželství a dlouhodobých vztahů.
Byl to naprosto geniální start nového začátku. Užijte si rozhovor... 😊
00:00 - Intro a poděkování partnerům podcastu
08:59 - Jaký byly poslední dva roky pro celebritu Radovana Vávru?
13:34 - Vzpomínky na podcast Ve Vatě a o čem by byl Radkův podcast?
26:40 - Konspirační teorie se stala pravdou. Unikl koronavirus z čínské laboratoře?
30:47 - Můj syn je Ivy League levičák. Jaká témata berou Generaci Z a mají šanci v životě uspět?
41:27 - Jak ochránit životní prostředí v kapitalismu?
48:25 - Systém vzdělávání pro Klause a Zemana nikdy nebyla priorita. Proto je to v ČR taková bída.
1:01:03 - Tlachání o Chorvatsku a jachtingu
1:06:35 - Vyplatí se vlastnit loď?
1:20:07 - Jací jsou Chorvati a neztratilo Chorvatsko na své atraktivitě?
1:47:16 - Jaká je úloha kapitána na lodi?
1:50:39 - Oblíbená místa v Chorvatsku
2:08:37 - Radkův pohled na Elona Muska a Twitter
2:27:54 - Přijdou na Netflix reklamy?
2:38:46 - Obnovení Cestovky za p*čovinama?
2:39:50 - Jak Radovan Vávra prožíval krizi středního věku?
2:48:46 - Proč je Leonardo DiCaprio nejlepší herec? Scéna z Vlk z Wall Street.
2:51:52 - Proč věnujeme pozornost věcem, které za to nestojí?
2:53:25 - Jak si Radek vybírá témata, o která se bude zajímat?
2:59:47 - Kdo by se měl stát prezidentem?
3:01:37 - Stručná historie minulého století a jaký to má dopad na současnost? Doporučení na skvělý film.
3:09:42 - Výměnu manželek bych zrušil a místo toho začal točit reality show na propagaci rodičovství.
3:21:43 - Podle čeho si vybrat manželku? Rada mladým na Tinderu.
3:35:27 - Radovan Vávra otevřeně o manželství.
3:40:17 - Jak vychovávat děti?
3:46:54 - Lituje Radovan něčeho?
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/cz/podcast/brocast/id1440652207?l=cs
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0t9JfT64MKtzFdEGdrzkAv?si=a07914407e5d4e46
Investiční aplikace XTB: https://xtb.com/cz
Video a Foto zařízení: https://www.fotoskoda.cz
Uchycení kamer: https://stedis.cz
#Brocast #RadovanVávra
- published: 23 Nov 2022
- views: 267597
Lucie - Daniela
Kamera a režie: D. Miškovský
Music video by Lucie performing Daniela. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
Kamera a režie: D. Miškovský
Music video by Lucie performing Daniela. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
Kamera a režie: D. Miškovský
Music video by Lucie performing Daniela. (C) 2006 Universal Music s.r.o.
- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 2576607
Lucy (2014) - Lucy's Epic Battles That Will Blow Your Mind
Dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of Lucy's mind-bending fights! Scarlett Johansson takes on epic battles that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself for jaw-dropping fight scenes in this action-packed Lucy compilation!
BINGE MORE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmV134I52CU
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Lucy.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
#BingeSociety #Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3aVlqJm
Lucy: Time is Unity (HD CLIP): https://youtu.be/DIal4k5kR3k
Minions - The Ultimate weapon: https://bit.ly/3QaF4DA
Shaolin Soccer Most Epic Scenes: https://bit.ly/3cEgzAT
Minions - The evil family: https://bit.ly/3R9TapT
Kung Fu Hustle - The Landlady and the Landlord vs the Beas...
published: 16 Nov 2023
Lucy: Phone Call
What’s happening in this movie clip?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) contacts scientist Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) to tell him about her enhanced capabilities and asks to meet with him.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
When a drug is absorbed into her bloodstream, Lucy Miller (Scarlett Johansson) acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities, including telepathy, mental time travel, and immunity to pain.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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published: 25 Apr 2020
Lucy: Self-management (HD CLIP)
What’s happening in this movie clip?
While on the plane, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) begins to disintegrate after her body fails to process a taste of champagne.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work with Mr. Jang as ...
published: 08 May 2021
Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
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Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
Lucy is set in a world that is run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts, and corrupt cops. Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan, is forced to work as a drug mule for the mob. The drug implanted in her body inadvertently leaks into her system, changing her into a superhuman, due to accessing much more than the normal 10% of her brain capacity. She can absorb knowledge instantaneously, is able to move objects with her mind, and cannot feel pain and other discomforts.
published: 02 Apr 2014
Lucy: Lucy meets Lucy (HD CLIP)
What’s happening in this movie clip?
As she reaches beyond 70% of her intellectual capacity, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) begins a spacetime journey in the past, eventually reaching the oldest ancestor of mankind, Lucy the ape.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is force...
published: 25 Apr 2021
Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 100% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]
This is a FICTION people, dont take it seriously. And dont take drugs. They wont let you do that IRL. Only in your imagination.
About the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2872732/
Credits goes to: Cross Creek Pictures, IM Global, Icon Productions.
Monetized by owner/s. Their ads
published: 16 Mar 2017
Lucy - Trailer (Official - HD)
Lucy - July 25
From La Femme Nikita and The Professional to The Fifth Element, writer/director Luc Besson has created some of the toughest, most memorable female action heroes in cinematic history. Now, Besson directs Scarlett Johansson in Lucy, an action-thriller that tracks a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
Lucy also stars Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman and is produced by Virginie Besson-Silla for EuropaCorp. Universal Pictures will distribute the movie worldwide, except for France, Benelux and China.
#Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
published: 03 Apr 2014
New Movie Trailer @ Lucy - 2
new movie trailer (@new_movietrailer)
published: 27 Jul 2018
LUCY Bande-annonce VF
A la suite de circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté, une jeune étudiante voit ses capacités intellectuelles se développer à l'infini.
Elle «colonise» son cerveau, et acquiert des pouvoirs illimités.
Retrouvez toutes les infos et exclusivités du film sur: www.facebook.com/lucylefilm
published: 07 May 2014
Badass Lucy Scenes 1080p
Badass Lucy Scenes in Lucy [1080p+Logoless]
Feedback is always welcome! And i am open for suggestions =)
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbftcffp69o4yr2/Badass_Lucy_Scenes_%2528Lucy%2529_1080p.mp4/file
- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
published: 23 Dec 2018
Lucy (2014) - Lucy's Epic Battles That Will Blow Your Mind
Dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of Lucy's mind-bending fights! Scarlett Johansson takes on epic battles that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Bra...
Dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of Lucy's mind-bending fights! Scarlett Johansson takes on epic battles that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself for jaw-dropping fight scenes in this action-packed Lucy compilation!
BINGE MORE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmV134I52CU
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Lucy.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
#BingeSociety #Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3aVlqJm
Lucy: Time is Unity (HD CLIP): https://youtu.be/DIal4k5kR3k
Minions - The Ultimate weapon: https://bit.ly/3QaF4DA
Shaolin Soccer Most Epic Scenes: https://bit.ly/3cEgzAT
Minions - The evil family: https://bit.ly/3R9TapT
Kung Fu Hustle - The Landlady and the Landlord vs the Beast: https://bit.ly/3R9Lwfi
Kong: Skull Island - Kong vs Skull Devil: https://bit.ly/3wPKfC5
The Great Wall - The First Battle against a monster horde: https://bit.ly/3Q4UZDm
Shaolin Soccer- The Evil Goalkeeper: https://bit.ly/3TOEcHZ
Featuring the BEST lines, the BEST characters, and the MOST famous actors. Here you’ll find the top entertainment content any movie lover would desire. Binge Society brings you not only iconic movie scenes but also our own original shows so… Cancel your plans, make some popcorn and sit back to get ready to binge with us!
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Dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of Lucy's mind-bending fights! Scarlett Johansson takes on epic battles that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself for jaw-dropping fight scenes in this action-packed Lucy compilation!
BINGE MORE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmV134I52CU
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Lucy.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
#BingeSociety #Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3aVlqJm
Lucy: Time is Unity (HD CLIP): https://youtu.be/DIal4k5kR3k
Minions - The Ultimate weapon: https://bit.ly/3QaF4DA
Shaolin Soccer Most Epic Scenes: https://bit.ly/3cEgzAT
Minions - The evil family: https://bit.ly/3R9TapT
Kung Fu Hustle - The Landlady and the Landlord vs the Beast: https://bit.ly/3R9Lwfi
Kong: Skull Island - Kong vs Skull Devil: https://bit.ly/3wPKfC5
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- published: 16 Nov 2023
- views: 3814900
Lucy: Phone Call
What’s happening in this movie clip?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) contacts scientist Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) to tell him about her enhanced capabilities and...
What’s happening in this movie clip?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) contacts scientist Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) to tell him about her enhanced capabilities and asks to meet with him.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
When a drug is absorbed into her bloodstream, Lucy Miller (Scarlett Johansson) acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities, including telepathy, mental time travel, and immunity to pain.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best scenes of your favorite movies!
What’s happening in this movie clip?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) contacts scientist Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) to tell him about her enhanced capabilities and asks to meet with him.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
When a drug is absorbed into her bloodstream, Lucy Miller (Scarlett Johansson) acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities, including telepathy, mental time travel, and immunity to pain.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best scenes of your favorite movies!
- published: 25 Apr 2020
- views: 4130171
Lucy: Self-management (HD CLIP)
What’s happening in this movie clip?
While on the plane, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) begins to disintegrate after her body f...
What’s happening in this movie clip?
While on the plane, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) begins to disintegrate after her body fails to process a taste of champagne.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work with Mr. Jang as a drug mule with three other men and transport the drug to Europe hidden in their abdomens. However one of her captors kicks her in the abdomen and releases the CPH4 in her body. Soon Lucy enhances her brain capacity and develops her physical and mental capabilities. She uses her abilities to kill the criminals and flees. However her power does not stop increasing and is destroying Lucy who needs to use more CPH4 to stabilize her body. She contacts Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman from Street Smart and Glory), who is an authority in brain capacity, and the scientist becomes her hope to save her. But Mr. Jang wants to retrieve his drug and is hunting Lucy down.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best of your favorite movies and TV shows! Here you will find iconic scenes, moments, and lines from all the films, characters, celebrities and actors you love. As movie fans, we give you content we know you will enjoy!
#lucy #scifi #action #sciencefiction #film #movieclip #scarlettjohansson #intelligence #journey #remember #lucbesson #intellectualcapacity #movie #disintegrate #champagne #plane
What’s happening in this movie clip?
While on the plane, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) begins to disintegrate after her body fails to process a taste of champagne.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work with Mr. Jang as a drug mule with three other men and transport the drug to Europe hidden in their abdomens. However one of her captors kicks her in the abdomen and releases the CPH4 in her body. Soon Lucy enhances her brain capacity and develops her physical and mental capabilities. She uses her abilities to kill the criminals and flees. However her power does not stop increasing and is destroying Lucy who needs to use more CPH4 to stabilize her body. She contacts Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman from Street Smart and Glory), who is an authority in brain capacity, and the scientist becomes her hope to save her. But Mr. Jang wants to retrieve his drug and is hunting Lucy down.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best of your favorite movies and TV shows! Here you will find iconic scenes, moments, and lines from all the films, characters, celebrities and actors you love. As movie fans, we give you content we know you will enjoy!
#lucy #scifi #action #sciencefiction #film #movieclip #scarlettjohansson #intelligence #journey #remember #lucbesson #intellectualcapacity #movie #disintegrate #champagne #plane
- published: 08 May 2021
- views: 1052396
Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
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Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
Lucy is set in a world that is run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts, and corrupt cops. Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan, is forced to work as a drug mule for the mob. The drug implanted in her body inadvertently leaks into her system, changing her into a superhuman, due to accessing much more than the normal 10% of her brain capacity. She can absorb knowledge instantaneously, is able to move objects with her mind, and cannot feel pain and other discomforts.
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
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Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
Lucy is set in a world that is run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts, and corrupt cops. Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan, is forced to work as a drug mule for the mob. The drug implanted in her body inadvertently leaks into her system, changing her into a superhuman, due to accessing much more than the normal 10% of her brain capacity. She can absorb knowledge instantaneously, is able to move objects with her mind, and cannot feel pain and other discomforts.
- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 45149133
Lucy: Lucy meets Lucy (HD CLIP)
What’s happening in this movie clip?
As she reaches beyond 70% of her intellectual capacity, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) begins a spacetime journey in the past, e...
What’s happening in this movie clip?
As she reaches beyond 70% of her intellectual capacity, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) begins a spacetime journey in the past, eventually reaching the oldest ancestor of mankind, Lucy the ape.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work with Mr. Jang as a drug mule with three other men and transport the drug to Europe hidden in their abdomens. However one of her captors kicks her in the abdomen and releases the CPH4 in her body. Soon Lucy enhances her brain capacity and develops her physical and mental capabilities. She uses her abilities to kill the criminals and flees. However her power does not stop increasing and is destroying Lucy who needs to use more CPH4 to stabilize her body. She contacts Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman from Street Smart and Glory), who is an authority in brain capacity, and the scientist becomes her hope to save her. But Mr. Jang wants to retrieve his drug and is hunting Lucy down.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best of your favorite movies and TV shows! Here you will find iconic scenes, moments, and lines from all the films, characters, celebrities and actors you love. As movie fans, we give you content we know you will enjoy!
#lucy #scifi #scarlettjohansson #action #sciencefiction #film #movieclip #intelligence #journey #remember #lucbesson #intellectualcapacity
What’s happening in this movie clip?
As she reaches beyond 70% of her intellectual capacity, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) begins a spacetime journey in the past, eventually reaching the oldest ancestor of mankind, Lucy the ape.
Rent or buy Lucy here: https://amzn.to/2MfACFF
What’s the movie about?
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson from Avengers and Lost in Translation) is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard (Pilou Asbæk from Game of Thrones) that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik from Oldboy), he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work with Mr. Jang as a drug mule with three other men and transport the drug to Europe hidden in their abdomens. However one of her captors kicks her in the abdomen and releases the CPH4 in her body. Soon Lucy enhances her brain capacity and develops her physical and mental capabilities. She uses her abilities to kill the criminals and flees. However her power does not stop increasing and is destroying Lucy who needs to use more CPH4 to stabilize her body. She contacts Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman from Street Smart and Glory), who is an authority in brain capacity, and the scientist becomes her hope to save her. But Mr. Jang wants to retrieve his drug and is hunting Lucy down.
Credits: © 2014 Universal Pictures
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Binge Society brings you the best of your favorite movies and TV shows! Here you will find iconic scenes, moments, and lines from all the films, characters, celebrities and actors you love. As movie fans, we give you content we know you will enjoy!
#lucy #scifi #scarlettjohansson #action #sciencefiction #film #movieclip #intelligence #journey #remember #lucbesson #intellectualcapacity
- published: 25 Apr 2021
- views: 53319051
Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 100% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]
This is a FICTION people, dont take it seriously. And dont take drugs. They wont let you do that IRL. Only in your imagination.
About the movie: http://www.im...
This is a FICTION people, dont take it seriously. And dont take drugs. They wont let you do that IRL. Only in your imagination.
About the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2872732/
Credits goes to: Cross Creek Pictures, IM Global, Icon Productions.
Monetized by owner/s. Their ads
This is a FICTION people, dont take it seriously. And dont take drugs. They wont let you do that IRL. Only in your imagination.
About the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2872732/
Credits goes to: Cross Creek Pictures, IM Global, Icon Productions.
Monetized by owner/s. Their ads
- published: 16 Mar 2017
- views: 28948922
Lucy - Trailer (Official - HD)
Lucy - July 25
From La Femme Nikita and The Professional to The Fifth Element, writer/director Luc Besson has created some of the tou...
Lucy - July 25
From La Femme Nikita and The Professional to The Fifth Element, writer/director Luc Besson has created some of the toughest, most memorable female action heroes in cinematic history. Now, Besson directs Scarlett Johansson in Lucy, an action-thriller that tracks a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
Lucy also stars Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman and is produced by Virginie Besson-Silla for EuropaCorp. Universal Pictures will distribute the movie worldwide, except for France, Benelux and China.
#Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
Lucy - July 25
From La Femme Nikita and The Professional to The Fifth Element, writer/director Luc Besson has created some of the toughest, most memorable female action heroes in cinematic history. Now, Besson directs Scarlett Johansson in Lucy, an action-thriller that tracks a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
Lucy also stars Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman and is produced by Virginie Besson-Silla for EuropaCorp. Universal Pictures will distribute the movie worldwide, except for France, Benelux and China.
#Lucy #ScarlettJohansson #MorganFreeman
- published: 03 Apr 2014
- views: 6422959
New Movie Trailer @ Lucy - 2
new movie trailer (@new_movietrailer)
new movie trailer (@new_movietrailer)
new movie trailer (@new_movietrailer)
- published: 27 Jul 2018
- views: 276348
LUCY Bande-annonce VF
A la suite de circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté, une jeune étudiante voit ses capacités intellectuelles se développer à l'infini.
Elle «colonise» son c...
A la suite de circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté, une jeune étudiante voit ses capacités intellectuelles se développer à l'infini.
Elle «colonise» son cerveau, et acquiert des pouvoirs illimités.
Retrouvez toutes les infos et exclusivités du film sur: www.facebook.com/lucylefilm
A la suite de circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté, une jeune étudiante voit ses capacités intellectuelles se développer à l'infini.
Elle «colonise» son cerveau, et acquiert des pouvoirs illimités.
Retrouvez toutes les infos et exclusivités du film sur: www.facebook.com/lucylefilm
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 3694240
Badass Lucy Scenes 1080p
Badass Lucy Scenes in Lucy [1080p+Logoless]
Feedback is always welcome! And i am open for suggestions =)
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbftcffp69o4yr2...
Badass Lucy Scenes in Lucy [1080p+Logoless]
Feedback is always welcome! And i am open for suggestions =)
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbftcffp69o4yr2/Badass_Lucy_Scenes_%2528Lucy%2529_1080p.mp4/file
- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Badass Lucy Scenes in Lucy [1080p+Logoless]
Feedback is always welcome! And i am open for suggestions =)
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbftcffp69o4yr2/Badass_Lucy_Scenes_%2528Lucy%2529_1080p.mp4/file
- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
- published: 23 Dec 2018
- views: 15738719