【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】80年代最具影响力的歌曲
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】80年代最具影响力的歌曲
published: 31 May 2022
Sammi Cheng Greateat Hits Medley 鄭秀文我最喜愛歌曲精選 Medley
If you like it, please press the like button and subscribe to my channel for more music upload.
- Support my channel 支持我的頻道: https://www.patreon.com/mymusicmylife
01 00:00 Chotto 等等 02 01:58 叮噹
03 03:19 十誡 04 04:19 衝動點唱
05 05:15 熱愛島 06 06:44 思念
07 08:20 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 08 09:46 苦戀
09 11:08 失憶 10 12:23 小心女人
11 13:28 捨不得你 12 15:25 放不低
13 16:30 顏色….氣味 14 18:13 火熱動感 La La La
15 19:23 X派對 16 20:18 愛的輓歌
17 22:31 不拖不欠 18 24:06 默契
19 25:07 值得 ...
published: 24 Aug 2019
Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文 - Greatest Song Collection 经典歌曲 Vol. 1
Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文 - Greatest Song Collection 经典歌曲 Vol. 1
published: 09 May 2019
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
published: 21 Aug 2022
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
published: 08 Jun 2022
鄭秀文 - 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 Sammi Cheng - Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo (1994) English Translation
鄭秀文 - 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉
Sammi Cheng - Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo
English Translation
published: 04 Mar 2018
鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng -《請放心》Official Audio|濃情 全碟聽 07/12
作曲:Sam Lorber
編曲:Tim Heintz
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
難道我需要 朋友多於愛人
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #請放心
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
published: 21 Oct 2019
鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng -《不拖不欠》Official MV (電影《百份百感覺》主題曲)
在臨別時候通話 並沒紀錄 而我們的過去 沒聲息的結束
但唯獨遠處那面掛鐘 可以給我紀念 這秒的痛
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
#鄭秀文 #不拖不欠 #百份百感覺
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
published: 22 Oct 2019
鄭秀文 Sammi cheng -《默契》Official MV (電影《百份百感覺2》主題曲)
就是離別過 就是懷念過
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #默契
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
published: 18 Nov 2015
Sammi Cheng Greateat Hits Medley 鄭秀文我最喜愛歌曲精選 Medley
If you like it, please press the like button and subscribe to my channel for more music upload.
- Support my channel 支持我的頻道: https...
If you like it, please press the like button and subscribe to my channel for more music upload.
- Support my channel 支持我的頻道: https://www.patreon.com/mymusicmylife
01 00:00 Chotto 等等 02 01:58 叮噹
03 03:19 十誡 04 04:19 衝動點唱
05 05:15 熱愛島 06 06:44 思念
07 08:20 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 08 09:46 苦戀
09 11:08 失憶 10 12:23 小心女人
11 13:28 捨不得你 12 15:25 放不低
13 16:30 顏色….氣味 14 18:13 火熱動感 La La La
15 19:23 X派對 16 20:18 愛的輓歌
17 22:31 不拖不欠 18 24:06 默契
19 25:07 值得 20 26:39 問我
21 27:51 談情說愛 22 29:13 非男非女
23 30:30 女人本色 24 31:23 一夜成名
25 33:24 我們的主題曲 26 34:33 親密關係
27 36:02 插曲 28 37:23 最後一次
29 39:01 為何又是這樣錯 30 41:12 寵物
31 42:59 愛你是我一生中理想 32 44:07 出界
33 45:44 唉聲嘆氣 34 47:02 獨家試唱
35 48:17 煞科 36 49:39 Arigatou
37 51:48 如果我們不再見 38 感情線上
39 你愛我愛不起 40 跳傘
41 玻璃鞋 42 交換溫柔
43 如何掉眼淚 44 終身美麗
45 醫生與我
Sammi Cheng Full Song Playlist 鄭秀文完整版歌曲播放清單 - https://bit.ly/3hWcQg5
Sammi Cheng MV & Live performance video 鄭秀文MV, 現場表演視頻 - https://bit.ly/31bJHaF
Check Out this channel to relax your mind or stress relief 檢出此頻道可放鬆心情或緩解壓力
- Relax Mind Music http://bit.ly/3mInrME
If you like it, please press the like button and subscribe to my channel for more music upload.
- Support my channel 支持我的頻道: https://www.patreon.com/mymusicmylife
01 00:00 Chotto 等等 02 01:58 叮噹
03 03:19 十誡 04 04:19 衝動點唱
05 05:15 熱愛島 06 06:44 思念
07 08:20 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 08 09:46 苦戀
09 11:08 失憶 10 12:23 小心女人
11 13:28 捨不得你 12 15:25 放不低
13 16:30 顏色….氣味 14 18:13 火熱動感 La La La
15 19:23 X派對 16 20:18 愛的輓歌
17 22:31 不拖不欠 18 24:06 默契
19 25:07 值得 20 26:39 問我
21 27:51 談情說愛 22 29:13 非男非女
23 30:30 女人本色 24 31:23 一夜成名
25 33:24 我們的主題曲 26 34:33 親密關係
27 36:02 插曲 28 37:23 最後一次
29 39:01 為何又是這樣錯 30 41:12 寵物
31 42:59 愛你是我一生中理想 32 44:07 出界
33 45:44 唉聲嘆氣 34 47:02 獨家試唱
35 48:17 煞科 36 49:39 Arigatou
37 51:48 如果我們不再見 38 感情線上
39 你愛我愛不起 40 跳傘
41 玻璃鞋 42 交換溫柔
43 如何掉眼淚 44 終身美麗
45 醫生與我
Sammi Cheng Full Song Playlist 鄭秀文完整版歌曲播放清單 - https://bit.ly/3hWcQg5
Sammi Cheng MV & Live performance video 鄭秀文MV, 現場表演視頻 - https://bit.ly/31bJHaF
Check Out this channel to relax your mind or stress relief 檢出此頻道可放鬆心情或緩解壓力
- Relax Mind Music http://bit.ly/3mInrME
- published: 24 Aug 2019
- views: 123183
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀...
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
【Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文】经典粤语歌曲精选 ❤ 郑秀文 劲歌金曲 - Best songs of Sammi Cheng
- published: 21 Aug 2022
- views: 937
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs ...
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
【郑秀文 Sammi Cheng】 郑秀文金曲精选《默契/终身美丽/禁果花/医生与我/感情线上》💕 老歌值得細細回味品嚐 Best Songs Of Sammi Chang
- published: 08 Jun 2022
- views: 175
鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng -《請放心》Official Audio|濃情 全碟聽 07/12
作曲:Sam Lorber
編曲:Tim Heintz
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
作曲:Sam Lorber
編曲:Tim Heintz
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
難道我需要 朋友多於愛人
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #請放心
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
作曲:Sam Lorber
編曲:Tim Heintz
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
難道我需要 朋友多於愛人
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
別來尋開心 即使多醉心
只靠我一人 也難做愛人
未完全死心 都不必塌地
不傷身 請放心
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #請放心
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
- published: 21 Oct 2019
- views: 2083
鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng -《不拖不欠》Official MV (電影《百份百感覺》主題曲)
在臨別時候通話 並沒紀錄 而我們的過去 沒聲息的結束
但唯獨遠處那面掛鐘 可以給我紀念 這秒的痛
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在...
在臨別時候通話 並沒紀錄 而我們的過去 沒聲息的結束
但唯獨遠處那面掛鐘 可以給我紀念 這秒的痛
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
#鄭秀文 #不拖不欠 #百份百感覺
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
在臨別時候通話 並沒紀錄 而我們的過去 沒聲息的結束
但唯獨遠處那面掛鐘 可以給我紀念 這秒的痛
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
並無任何幸福事 活現眼前 連愛情的證據 亦得不到半點
沒留念 也欠缺舊信件 竟看不見怎麼可再相見
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
一個冷漠一個決絕 不多不少不相伯仲 你我再也不拖不欠
但我又為何發現 在腦內剩餘紀念 已剛剛足夠跟我糾纏
一句說話一個決定 清清楚楚乾乾脆脆 你我永遠不拖不欠
但慶幸尚能發現 在印象尚留紀念 每一刻都記得 你甜蜜過的臉
#鄭秀文 #不拖不欠 #百份百感覺
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
- published: 22 Oct 2019
- views: 3013967
鄭秀文 Sammi cheng -《默契》Official MV (電影《百份百感覺2》主題曲)
就是離別過 就是懷念過
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生...
就是離別過 就是懷念過
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #默契
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
就是離別過 就是懷念過
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
就是常做錯 就是求自我
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
由始至終 只有你一位
難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計
和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你
#鄭秀文 #SammiCheng #默契
訂閱「天碟」YouTube 頻道收聽經典金曲 及
讚好「天碟」Facebook 留意最新資訊: https://www.facebook.com/TimelessMusicHK/
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 3414861
Dangrangto - Love is (Official MV)
Dangrangto - Love is | Official MV
Prod. by Smiley Panda
Composer: Dangrangto
Mix & Master: Smiley Panda
Project Director : Long Hop Nguyen
Producer: Thảo Nguyên
Written and directed by Khanh Nguyen
Starring : Dangrangto, Spicy.noodle_
Cinematographer : Dung Bui
Editor & Colorist : Khanh Nguyen
Graphics Designer : Khanh Nguyen
Costume Sponsor : Mando
Rental House : 2M Studio
Support: Thuy Vu
Cảm ơn những người đã luôn chờ đợi mình từ rất lâu, các bạn là nguồn động lực to lớn để mình ra mắt bài hát này 💝 Chúc mọi người thật nhiều sức khỏe và đặc biệt là những sĩ tử 2005 phải thi cử thật tốt nhé!!! Yêu mọi người rất nhiều 💞
💗 "Tình Yêu Là" trên các nền tảng: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is
Spotify: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/spotify
Apple music: https://dangrangto.dao...
published: 27 Jun 2023
Love is...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love is... · Toosii
Love is…
℗ South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; ℗ 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on: 2022-07-15
Producer: Bossman You Went Crazy On This One
Producer: Prod. Sammy
Producer: ProdByDawson
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Cyrus "NOIS" Taghipour
Associated Performer, Vocalist, Studio Personnel, Engineer: Toosii
A& R: Chris Turner
A& R Admin: Liz Isik
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Ian Sefchick
Composer Lyricist: Nau'Jour Grainger
Composer Lyricist: Dawson Odegard
Composer Lyricist: Faris Alawneh
Composer Lyricist: Samuel Dua
Composer Lyricist: Julia Michaels
Composer Lyricist: Billy Walsh
Composer Lyricist: Stefan Adam Johnson
Composer Lyricist: Jordan Kendall Johnson
Composer Lyricist: John Henry Ryan
published: 14 Jul 2022
Brian McKnight & Vanessa Williams - Love Is
Taken from the Beverly Hills 90120 Soundtrack
published: 28 Jul 2013
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003)
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003) · Culture Club
Waking Up With The House On Fire
℗ 2003 Virgin Records Limited
Released on: 2003-01-01
Associated Performer, Vocals: Boy George
Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Michael Emile Craig
Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion, Drum Programming, Studio Personnel, Mixer: Jon Moss
Associated Performer, Piano, Keyboards, Guitar, Electric Sitar: Roy Hay
Associated Performer, Keyboards, Background Vocalist, Additional Keyboards: Phil Pickett
Associated Performer, Saxophones: Steve Grainger
Associated Performer, Trombone: Kenneth McGregor
Associated Performer, Trumpet: Ron Williams
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Helen Terry
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Imogen Ex...
published: 09 Feb 2017
Toosii - Love is...
Watch the official video for ""Love is...""by Toosii.
Stream // Download Toosii's ""Love is..."" here: https://toosii.lnk.to/LoveIs
Follow Toosii Everywhere:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Toosii2x
Twitter: https://twitter.com/toosii2x
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toosii/
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJDUjWwW/
Stream Toosii Everywhere:
Spotify: https://toosii.lnk.to/SpotifyID
Apple Music: https://toosii.lnk.to/AppleID
Soundcloud: https://toosii.lnk.to/SoundcloudID
Subscribe to Toosii's YouTube here: https://toosii.lnk.to/YTSubscriptionID
Music video by Toosii performing Love is.... South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; © 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
published: 15 Jul 2022
Love is Blind: The Reunion | Season 7 Official Trailer | Netflix
Don't miss the bombshell reunion episode of Love is Blind: Season 7 when it premieres on Netflix Wednesday, October 30th. With surprise guests, jaw-dropping confrontations and all the answers you've been waiting for, you won't want to miss Love is Blind: The Reunion. Watch together at 9pm ET/6pm PT only on Netflix.
Relive the love stories, unpack the drama and find out what happened after the altar when Taylor, Garrett, Hannah, Nick, Marissa, Ramses, Monica, Stephen, Tim, Alex, Brittany and Leo all return to the pods for a reunion unlike any other and catch up with participants from past seasons including Jessica from Season 1, Nancy from Season 3, Bliss, Zack and Marshall from Season 4 and AD from Season 6.
Hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey this is a can't miss event! Love is Blind: The...
published: 28 Oct 2024
SLANDER - Love is Gone (Lyrics) ft. Dylan Matthew (Acoustic) "I'm sorry don't leave me"
SLANDER ft. Dylan Matthew - Love is Gone (Acoustic)
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
✖ Stream / Download:
✖ Follow SLANDER :
Snapchat: slanderofficial
✖ Follow Dylan Matthew
✖ Follow Gud Vibrations:
🎤 Lyrics:
Don't go tonight
Stay here one more time
Remind me what it's like, oh
published: 06 Feb 2021
'Love Is Blind' Taylor & Garrett Get Candid On Marriage, Defend Nick & More Following Reunion
Taylor and Garrett are proving that love is truly blind! Following the reunion for Season 7 of Netflix’s “Love Is Blind,” the married couple chatted separately about the experience on this week’s episode of “Housewives Nightcap.” Taylor and Garrett get candid about married life, defend Nick from the reunion bombshell and so much more. The full season of “Love Is Blind” is streaming now on Netflix.
0:00 - Introduction: Reflecting on Reunion
2:15 - Taylor and Garrett on Married Life
7:45 - Defending Nick: A Candid Conversation
12:30 - Lessons from Love Is Blind
15:00 - Closing Thoughts and Insights
» SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiKGMZZmZXK-RpbKJGXgH3Q?sub_confirmation=1
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published: 31 Oct 2024
Love Is
Provided to YouTube by Legacy Recordings
Love Is · Bill Withers
'Bout Love
℗ 1978 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Released on: 1978-01-01
Composer, Lyricist: P. Smith
Keyboards, Producer: Paul Smith
Bass: Keni Burke
Drums: Russ Kunkel
Percussion, Consultant: Ralph MacDonald
Arranger, Consultant: Wade Marcus
Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Bob Merritt
Assistant Engineer: Phil Jamtaas
Consultant: Bill Eaton
Consultant: Gerry Griffith
Engineer: Ed Rakowicz
Assistant Engineer: Ollie Cotton
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 21 Feb 2015
Dangrangto - Love is (Official MV)
Dangrangto - Love is | Official MV
Prod. by Smiley Panda
Composer: Dangrangto
Mix & Master: Smiley Panda
Project Director : Long Hop Nguyen
Producer: Thảo Ng...
Dangrangto - Love is | Official MV
Prod. by Smiley Panda
Composer: Dangrangto
Mix & Master: Smiley Panda
Project Director : Long Hop Nguyen
Producer: Thảo Nguyên
Written and directed by Khanh Nguyen
Starring : Dangrangto, Spicy.noodle_
Cinematographer : Dung Bui
Editor & Colorist : Khanh Nguyen
Graphics Designer : Khanh Nguyen
Costume Sponsor : Mando
Rental House : 2M Studio
Support: Thuy Vu
Cảm ơn những người đã luôn chờ đợi mình từ rất lâu, các bạn là nguồn động lực to lớn để mình ra mắt bài hát này 💝 Chúc mọi người thật nhiều sức khỏe và đặc biệt là những sĩ tử 2005 phải thi cử thật tốt nhé!!! Yêu mọi người rất nhiều 💞
💗 "Tình Yêu Là" trên các nền tảng: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is
Spotify: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/spotify
Apple music: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/applemusic
Zingmp3: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/zingmp3
NCT: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/nct
"Baby anh chẳng muốn phải mắc những sai lầm.."
#loveis #dangrangto #drt #workaholics #daomusicentertainment
Thông tin liên hệ:
[email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlydrt88/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dang.rangto/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@khongphaidangdau
© Copyright by Dangrangto ☞ Do not Reup
© Bản quyền thuộc về Dangrangto và các bên liên quan ☞ Nghiêm cấm re-up dưới mọi hình thức
Dangrangto - Love is | Official MV
Prod. by Smiley Panda
Composer: Dangrangto
Mix & Master: Smiley Panda
Project Director : Long Hop Nguyen
Producer: Thảo Nguyên
Written and directed by Khanh Nguyen
Starring : Dangrangto, Spicy.noodle_
Cinematographer : Dung Bui
Editor & Colorist : Khanh Nguyen
Graphics Designer : Khanh Nguyen
Costume Sponsor : Mando
Rental House : 2M Studio
Support: Thuy Vu
Cảm ơn những người đã luôn chờ đợi mình từ rất lâu, các bạn là nguồn động lực to lớn để mình ra mắt bài hát này 💝 Chúc mọi người thật nhiều sức khỏe và đặc biệt là những sĩ tử 2005 phải thi cử thật tốt nhé!!! Yêu mọi người rất nhiều 💞
💗 "Tình Yêu Là" trên các nền tảng: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is
Spotify: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/spotify
Apple music: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/applemusic
Zingmp3: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/zingmp3
NCT: https://dangrangto.daomusic.to/Love-Is/nct
"Baby anh chẳng muốn phải mắc những sai lầm.."
#loveis #dangrangto #drt #workaholics #daomusicentertainment
Thông tin liên hệ:
[email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlydrt88/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dang.rangto/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@khongphaidangdau
© Copyright by Dangrangto ☞ Do not Reup
© Bản quyền thuộc về Dangrangto và các bên liên quan ☞ Nghiêm cấm re-up dưới mọi hình thức
- published: 27 Jun 2023
- views: 11591771
Love is...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love is... · Toosii
Love is…
℗ South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; ℗ 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love is... · Toosii
Love is…
℗ South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; ℗ 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on: 2022-07-15
Producer: Bossman You Went Crazy On This One
Producer: Prod. Sammy
Producer: ProdByDawson
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Cyrus "NOIS" Taghipour
Associated Performer, Vocalist, Studio Personnel, Engineer: Toosii
A& R: Chris Turner
A& R Admin: Liz Isik
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Ian Sefchick
Composer Lyricist: Nau'Jour Grainger
Composer Lyricist: Dawson Odegard
Composer Lyricist: Faris Alawneh
Composer Lyricist: Samuel Dua
Composer Lyricist: Julia Michaels
Composer Lyricist: Billy Walsh
Composer Lyricist: Stefan Adam Johnson
Composer Lyricist: Jordan Kendall Johnson
Composer Lyricist: John Henry Ryan
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love is... · Toosii
Love is…
℗ South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; ℗ 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on: 2022-07-15
Producer: Bossman You Went Crazy On This One
Producer: Prod. Sammy
Producer: ProdByDawson
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Cyrus "NOIS" Taghipour
Associated Performer, Vocalist, Studio Personnel, Engineer: Toosii
A& R: Chris Turner
A& R Admin: Liz Isik
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Ian Sefchick
Composer Lyricist: Nau'Jour Grainger
Composer Lyricist: Dawson Odegard
Composer Lyricist: Faris Alawneh
Composer Lyricist: Samuel Dua
Composer Lyricist: Julia Michaels
Composer Lyricist: Billy Walsh
Composer Lyricist: Stefan Adam Johnson
Composer Lyricist: Jordan Kendall Johnson
Composer Lyricist: John Henry Ryan
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 14 Jul 2022
- views: 1905038
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003)
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003) · Culture Club
Waking Up With The House On Fire
℗ 2003 Virgin Records Limited
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003) · Culture Club
Waking Up With The House On Fire
℗ 2003 Virgin Records Limited
Released on: 2003-01-01
Associated Performer, Vocals: Boy George
Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Michael Emile Craig
Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion, Drum Programming, Studio Personnel, Mixer: Jon Moss
Associated Performer, Piano, Keyboards, Guitar, Electric Sitar: Roy Hay
Associated Performer, Keyboards, Background Vocalist, Additional Keyboards: Phil Pickett
Associated Performer, Saxophones: Steve Grainger
Associated Performer, Trombone: Kenneth McGregor
Associated Performer, Trumpet: Ron Williams
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Helen Terry
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Imogen Exton
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Derek Green
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Alice Kemp
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Andriana Loizou
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Alanda Marchant
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Nancy Peppers
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Christopher Rainbow
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Louis Rodgers
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Martin Sunley
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Tiara Thomas
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Clare Torry
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Denise Spooner
Studio Personnel, Engineer, Mixer, Producer: Steve Levine
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Colin Campsie
Associated Performer, Saxophone, Flute, Harmonica: Nick Payne
Associated Performer, Trumpet: Terry Bailey
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Gordon Milne
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Peter Lees
Composer Lyricist: George O'Dowd
Composer Lyricist: Roy Ernest Hay
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Love Is Love (Remastered 2003) · Culture Club
Waking Up With The House On Fire
℗ 2003 Virgin Records Limited
Released on: 2003-01-01
Associated Performer, Vocals: Boy George
Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Michael Emile Craig
Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion, Drum Programming, Studio Personnel, Mixer: Jon Moss
Associated Performer, Piano, Keyboards, Guitar, Electric Sitar: Roy Hay
Associated Performer, Keyboards, Background Vocalist, Additional Keyboards: Phil Pickett
Associated Performer, Saxophones: Steve Grainger
Associated Performer, Trombone: Kenneth McGregor
Associated Performer, Trumpet: Ron Williams
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Helen Terry
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Imogen Exton
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Derek Green
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Alice Kemp
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Andriana Loizou
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Alanda Marchant
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Nancy Peppers
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Christopher Rainbow
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Louis Rodgers
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Martin Sunley
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Tiara Thomas
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Clare Torry
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Denise Spooner
Studio Personnel, Engineer, Mixer, Producer: Steve Levine
Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Colin Campsie
Associated Performer, Saxophone, Flute, Harmonica: Nick Payne
Associated Performer, Trumpet: Terry Bailey
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Gordon Milne
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Peter Lees
Composer Lyricist: George O'Dowd
Composer Lyricist: Roy Ernest Hay
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 09 Feb 2017
- views: 1524275
Toosii - Love is...
Watch the official video for ""Love is...""by Toosii.
Stream // Download Toosii's ""Love is..."" here: https://toosii.lnk.to/LoveIs
Follow Toosii Everywhere:
Watch the official video for ""Love is...""by Toosii.
Stream // Download Toosii's ""Love is..."" here: https://toosii.lnk.to/LoveIs
Follow Toosii Everywhere:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Toosii2x
Twitter: https://twitter.com/toosii2x
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toosii/
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJDUjWwW/
Stream Toosii Everywhere:
Spotify: https://toosii.lnk.to/SpotifyID
Apple Music: https://toosii.lnk.to/AppleID
Soundcloud: https://toosii.lnk.to/SoundcloudID
Subscribe to Toosii's YouTube here: https://toosii.lnk.to/YTSubscriptionID
Music video by Toosii performing Love is.... South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; © 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Watch the official video for ""Love is...""by Toosii.
Stream // Download Toosii's ""Love is..."" here: https://toosii.lnk.to/LoveIs
Follow Toosii Everywhere:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Toosii2x
Twitter: https://twitter.com/toosii2x
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toosii/
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJDUjWwW/
Stream Toosii Everywhere:
Spotify: https://toosii.lnk.to/SpotifyID
Apple Music: https://toosii.lnk.to/AppleID
Soundcloud: https://toosii.lnk.to/SoundcloudID
Subscribe to Toosii's YouTube here: https://toosii.lnk.to/YTSubscriptionID
Music video by Toosii performing Love is.... South Coast Music Group/Capitol Records; © 2022 UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 15 Jul 2022
- views: 47982115
Love is Blind: The Reunion | Season 7 Official Trailer | Netflix
Don't miss the bombshell reunion episode of Love is Blind: Season 7 when it premieres on Netflix Wednesday, October 30th. With surprise guests, jaw-dropping con...
Don't miss the bombshell reunion episode of Love is Blind: Season 7 when it premieres on Netflix Wednesday, October 30th. With surprise guests, jaw-dropping confrontations and all the answers you've been waiting for, you won't want to miss Love is Blind: The Reunion. Watch together at 9pm ET/6pm PT only on Netflix.
Relive the love stories, unpack the drama and find out what happened after the altar when Taylor, Garrett, Hannah, Nick, Marissa, Ramses, Monica, Stephen, Tim, Alex, Brittany and Leo all return to the pods for a reunion unlike any other and catch up with participants from past seasons including Jessica from Season 1, Nancy from Season 3, Bliss, Zack and Marshall from Season 4 and AD from Season 6.
Hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey this is a can't miss event! Love is Blind: The Reunion premieres on Wednesday, March 13th at 9pm ET/6pm PT only on Netflix.
Watch on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81696431
About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services, with 283 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.
Love is Blind: The Reunion | Season 7 Official Trailer | Netflix
A new group of singles enters the pods, ready to abandon superficial judgments and face possible heartbreak to find true love and lasting commitments.
Don't miss the bombshell reunion episode of Love is Blind: Season 7 when it premieres on Netflix Wednesday, October 30th. With surprise guests, jaw-dropping confrontations and all the answers you've been waiting for, you won't want to miss Love is Blind: The Reunion. Watch together at 9pm ET/6pm PT only on Netflix.
Relive the love stories, unpack the drama and find out what happened after the altar when Taylor, Garrett, Hannah, Nick, Marissa, Ramses, Monica, Stephen, Tim, Alex, Brittany and Leo all return to the pods for a reunion unlike any other and catch up with participants from past seasons including Jessica from Season 1, Nancy from Season 3, Bliss, Zack and Marshall from Season 4 and AD from Season 6.
Hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey this is a can't miss event! Love is Blind: The Reunion premieres on Wednesday, March 13th at 9pm ET/6pm PT only on Netflix.
Watch on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81696431
About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services, with 283 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.
Love is Blind: The Reunion | Season 7 Official Trailer | Netflix
A new group of singles enters the pods, ready to abandon superficial judgments and face possible heartbreak to find true love and lasting commitments.
- published: 28 Oct 2024
- views: 259642
SLANDER - Love is Gone (Lyrics) ft. Dylan Matthew (Acoustic) "I'm sorry don't leave me"
SLANDER ft. Dylan Matthew - Love is Gone (Acoustic)
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
✖ Stream / Download:
SLANDER ft. Dylan Matthew - Love is Gone (Acoustic)
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
✖ Stream / Download:
✖ Follow SLANDER :
Snapchat: slanderofficial
✖ Follow Dylan Matthew
✖ Follow Gud Vibrations:
🎤 Lyrics:
Don't go tonight
Stay here one more time
Remind me what it's like, oh
And let's fall in love one more time
I need you now by my side
It tears me up when you turn me down
I'm begging please, just stick around
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone
Don't tell me that your love is gone, that your love is gone
Don't tell me that your love is gone, that your love is gone
That your love is gone
I know this isn't easy (Easy)
That your love is gone
#LoveIsGone #SLANDER #DylanMatthew #lyrics #tiktok
SLANDER - Love is Gone (Lyrics) ft. Dylan Matthew (Acoustic)
The Vibe Guide Lyrics Playlist
Duncan Laurence - Arcade (Lyrics) TikTok Version
Duncan Laurence - Arcade ft. FLETCHER
Giveon - Heartbreak Anniversary (Lyrics)
Sasha Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghost (Lyrics)
SLANDER ft. Dylan Matthew - Love is Gone (Acoustic)
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
✖ Stream / Download:
✖ Follow SLANDER :
Snapchat: slanderofficial
✖ Follow Dylan Matthew
✖ Follow Gud Vibrations:
🎤 Lyrics:
Don't go tonight
Stay here one more time
Remind me what it's like, oh
And let's fall in love one more time
I need you now by my side
It tears me up when you turn me down
I'm begging please, just stick around
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone
Don't tell me that your love is gone, that your love is gone
Don't tell me that your love is gone, that your love is gone
That your love is gone
I know this isn't easy (Easy)
That your love is gone
#LoveIsGone #SLANDER #DylanMatthew #lyrics #tiktok
SLANDER - Love is Gone (Lyrics) ft. Dylan Matthew (Acoustic)
The Vibe Guide Lyrics Playlist
Duncan Laurence - Arcade (Lyrics) TikTok Version
Duncan Laurence - Arcade ft. FLETCHER
Giveon - Heartbreak Anniversary (Lyrics)
Sasha Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghost (Lyrics)
- published: 06 Feb 2021
- views: 84223544
'Love Is Blind' Taylor & Garrett Get Candid On Marriage, Defend Nick & More Following Reunion
Taylor and Garrett are proving that love is truly blind! Following the reunion for Season 7 of Netflix’s “Love Is Blind,” the married couple chatted separately ...
Taylor and Garrett are proving that love is truly blind! Following the reunion for Season 7 of Netflix’s “Love Is Blind,” the married couple chatted separately about the experience on this week’s episode of “Housewives Nightcap.” Taylor and Garrett get candid about married life, defend Nick from the reunion bombshell and so much more. The full season of “Love Is Blind” is streaming now on Netflix.
0:00 - Introduction: Reflecting on Reunion
2:15 - Taylor and Garrett on Married Life
7:45 - Defending Nick: A Candid Conversation
12:30 - Lessons from Love Is Blind
15:00 - Closing Thoughts and Insights
» SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiKGMZZmZXK-RpbKJGXgH3Q?sub_confirmation=1
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"Access Hollywood" is an entertainment news show featuring Mario Lopez, Kit Hoover, Scott Evans, and correspondent Zuri Hall. From exclusive celebrity interviews to breaking news and reality TV drama, we have all the celebrity news you need to know.
Taylor and Garrett are proving that love is truly blind! Following the reunion for Season 7 of Netflix’s “Love Is Blind,” the married couple chatted separately about the experience on this week’s episode of “Housewives Nightcap.” Taylor and Garrett get candid about married life, defend Nick from the reunion bombshell and so much more. The full season of “Love Is Blind” is streaming now on Netflix.
0:00 - Introduction: Reflecting on Reunion
2:15 - Taylor and Garrett on Married Life
7:45 - Defending Nick: A Candid Conversation
12:30 - Lessons from Love Is Blind
15:00 - Closing Thoughts and Insights
» SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiKGMZZmZXK-RpbKJGXgH3Q?sub_confirmation=1
» Visit Our Website: http://accessonline.com
Get More Access :
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/accesshollywood/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/accesshollywood
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accesshollywood/
"Access Hollywood" is an entertainment news show featuring Mario Lopez, Kit Hoover, Scott Evans, and correspondent Zuri Hall. From exclusive celebrity interviews to breaking news and reality TV drama, we have all the celebrity news you need to know.
- published: 31 Oct 2024
- views: 18316
Love Is
Provided to YouTube by Legacy Recordings
Love Is · Bill Withers
'Bout Love
℗ 1978 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Released on: 1978...
Provided to YouTube by Legacy Recordings
Love Is · Bill Withers
'Bout Love
℗ 1978 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Released on: 1978-01-01
Composer, Lyricist: P. Smith
Keyboards, Producer: Paul Smith
Bass: Keni Burke
Drums: Russ Kunkel
Percussion, Consultant: Ralph MacDonald
Arranger, Consultant: Wade Marcus
Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Bob Merritt
Assistant Engineer: Phil Jamtaas
Consultant: Bill Eaton
Consultant: Gerry Griffith
Engineer: Ed Rakowicz
Assistant Engineer: Ollie Cotton
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Legacy Recordings
Love Is · Bill Withers
'Bout Love
℗ 1978 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Released on: 1978-01-01
Composer, Lyricist: P. Smith
Keyboards, Producer: Paul Smith
Bass: Keni Burke
Drums: Russ Kunkel
Percussion, Consultant: Ralph MacDonald
Arranger, Consultant: Wade Marcus
Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Bob Merritt
Assistant Engineer: Phil Jamtaas
Consultant: Bill Eaton
Consultant: Gerry Griffith
Engineer: Ed Rakowicz
Assistant Engineer: Ollie Cotton
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 21 Feb 2015
- views: 244964