- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 883477374
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Long hair is a hairstyle where the hair is allowed to grow to considerable length. Exactly what constitutes long hair can change from culture to culture, or even within cultures. For example, a woman with chin-length hair in some cultures may be said to have short hair, while a man with the same length of hair in some of the same cultures would be said to have long hair.
Males having short, cut hair is in many cultures viewed as being under society's control, such as while in the military or prison or as punishment for a crime, while males having long hair signifies being outside of the mainstream. Long lustrous female hair is rated attractive by both men and women across cultures. The prevalence of trichophilia (hair partialism or fetishism) is 7% in the population, and very long hair is a common subject of devotion in this group.
Humans, horses, and orangutangs are among the few species that may grow their head hair very long. Humans are believed to have lost their fur 2.5–3 million years ago when transitioning from a forest habitat to the open savanna, as an effect of natural selection, since this development made it possible to run fast and hunt animals close to the equator without getting overheated. An exception was however head hair, which was kept to provide thermal insulation of the scalp from the sun, to protect against ultra-violet radiation exposure, and also to provide cooling (when sweat evaporates from soaked hair). The ability to grow straight hair, has been observed among Homo sapiens sub-groups in less sunny regions further away from the equator. Relative to kinky Afro-textured hair, straight hair allows more UV light to pass to the scalp (which is essential for the production of vitamin D, that is important for bone development).
Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. (born September 27, 1982), better known by his stage name Lil Wayne, is an American hip hop recording artist from New Orleans, Louisiana. In 1991, at the age of nine, Lil Wayne joined Cash Money Records as the youngest member of the label, and half of the duo The B.G.'z, alongside fellow New Orleans-based rapper Lil' Doogie. In 1996, Lil Wayne formed the southern hip hop group Hot Boys, with his Cash Money label-mates Juvenile, Young Turk and Lil' Doogie (who now goes by B.G.). Hot Boys debuted with Get It How U Live!, that same year. Most of the group's success came with their platinum-selling album Guerrilla Warfare (1999) and the 1999 single "Bling Bling". Along with being the flagship artist of Cash Money Records, Lil Wayne is also the chief executive officer (CEO) of his own label imprint, Young Money Entertainment, which he founded in 2005.
Lil Wayne's solo debut album Tha Block Is Hot (1999), was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). His subsequent albums, Lights Out (2000) and 500 Degreez (2002), went on to be certified gold. Wayne reached higher popularity with his fourth album Tha Carter (2004), which was led by the single "Go D.J." and his appearance on Destiny's Child's Top 10 single "Soldier", that same year. The album was followed by Tha Carter II (2005), as well as several mixtapes and collaborations throughout 2006 and 2007. Wayne gained more prominence with his sixth album Tha Carter III (2008), which became his most successful album to date, with first-week sales of over one million copies in the United States. The album won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album and includes the hit singles "Lollipop", "A Milli" and "Got Money".
Music video by Lil Wayne performing Mirror. © 2012 Cash Money Records/Young Money Ent./Universal Rec. #VEVOCertified on May 11, 2012. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified
REMASTERED IN HD! Music video by Lil Wayne performing Lollipop. (C) 2008 Cash Money Records Inc. #LilWayne #Lollipop #Remastered #VEVOCertified on April 22, 2012. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified
Listen to the single “Brand New". Out Now! Stream: https://music.empi.re/brandnewtyga #Tyga #YG #LilWayne Official Video by Tyga, YG & Lil Wayne - "Brand New" © 2023 Last Kings Music / 4Hunnid Records / EMPIRE http://vevo.ly/6grreW
Music video by Lil Wayne performing Love Me (Explicit). © 2013 Cash Money Records Inc., under exclusive license to Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc
Music video by Lil Wayne performing How To Love (Shazam Version). © 2011 Cash Money Records Inc.
Official Music Video for A Milli (Dirty Version) performed by Lil Wayne. Follow Lil Wayne: Lil Wayne on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LilTunechi Lil Wayne on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LilWayne Lil Wayne on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liltunechi Young Money on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youngmoneyent #LilWayne #AMilli
Music video by Lil Wayne performing Don't Cry.© 2019 Young Money Records, Inc.
Cordae - Saturday Mornings (feat. Lil Wayne) Stream/Download: https://cordae.lnk.to/SaturdayMornings Follow Cordae https://cordae.lnk.to/Facebook https://cordae.lnk.to/Instagram https://cordae.lnk.to/Twitter https://cordae.lnk.to/Soundcloud https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_jN... The official YouTube channel of Cordae. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more. #SaturdayMornings #Cordae #LilWayne
In this video we are reacting to Lil Wayne Ft XXXTENTACION if you like this video LIKE,COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE😈❗️ road to 20k🛣️🚗 Follow us on ig: https://www.instagram.com/tyler__.k https://www.instagram.com/tayler_.k Tayler channel: https://www.youtube.com/@tayler_.k I do not take any ownership of music displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes only. Copy right Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips balance in favor o...
Artist - Lil Wayne, Drake, Future Song - Love Me • Lil Wayne, Drake, Future Original Video -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY44zvhWhp4&ab_channel=LilWayneVEVO This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE RESPECTIVE COPYRIGHT OWNERS #LoveMe #LilWayne #Lyrics
Long hair is a hairstyle where the hair is allowed to grow to considerable length. Exactly what constitutes long hair can change from culture to culture, or even within cultures. For example, a woman with chin-length hair in some cultures may be said to have short hair, while a man with the same length of hair in some of the same cultures would be said to have long hair.
Males having short, cut hair is in many cultures viewed as being under society's control, such as while in the military or prison or as punishment for a crime, while males having long hair signifies being outside of the mainstream. Long lustrous female hair is rated attractive by both men and women across cultures. The prevalence of trichophilia (hair partialism or fetishism) is 7% in the population, and very long hair is a common subject of devotion in this group.
Humans, horses, and orangutangs are among the few species that may grow their head hair very long. Humans are believed to have lost their fur 2.5–3 million years ago when transitioning from a forest habitat to the open savanna, as an effect of natural selection, since this development made it possible to run fast and hunt animals close to the equator without getting overheated. An exception was however head hair, which was kept to provide thermal insulation of the scalp from the sun, to protect against ultra-violet radiation exposure, and also to provide cooling (when sweat evaporates from soaked hair). The ability to grow straight hair, has been observed among Homo sapiens sub-groups in less sunny regions further away from the equator. Relative to kinky Afro-textured hair, straight hair allows more UV light to pass to the scalp (which is essential for the production of vitamin D, that is important for bone development).
gutta holla at them niggas
I come thru like move bitch, get out tha way
for i pull yhis glock out and stick it dead in ya face nigga
a young wild nigga
don't crack a smile nigga
i pull it out and start bustin' in the crowd nigga
and i do it for my gangsta niggas
don'y give a fuck run in the club a nigga (shit)
and look i keep it gangsta on the regular
stay in ya place gutta ten steps ahead of ya
snitch rattin muhfuckas call 'em federals
get the fuck out my way, that's what ya better do
or that berretta leave that lead up in ya sweater dude
i leave ya stupid ass dead up in the woods dude
i'm so hood dude
got that escalade riddin' 22 shoes
who want it with tha sqad nigga we could clash crews
bitch we bad news
stsy ya distance lil nigga we will smash you
get out a pact young money's on a cash root
i'm on that inny v-twizzy blowin' past you
it's the young slim high yellow bad dude
get at me get at me
weezy baby
man i'm a g-a-n-g-ster
take it to the streets say when he scurred
t-streets let me see you make the z skiiiirt
fee-fee go and lace the weed with the syrup
weezy, don of the sqad nigga bow down
excuse yaself from the table we bout to chow down
we bust up in this bitch wit our smiles down
oh wow wow glock cock 4-4 pow pow
got a lion in the engine wit the loud growl
little kids and pets run from the roaw roaw
say round we bout to bring it back to our town
man shit bout to go down down
supa got that brown now
and little stacky got them pounds now
wodie, we got money from the floor to ceiling
homie talk slick we got money on the floor we bout to kill him
put money on my flow man i'ma win it
fee i got us papi, u could sit back and put ya feet up
i'ma make sure we all eat my nigga feed up
and u could catch me g'd up
at the stage at the club tosssin g's up
or at the table wrappin' ki's up
they tell me i could make it rappin put them ki's up
but i'm like 25 ki's up
the streets is tuff,
man i gotta get these peeps they stuff, it's a hot summer
u could still catch me and stunna in a 4 door lexus
it's only weezy baby no more extras
and u know he bout to buy me a 4 door testa' (testarosta)
just cuz he's impressed wit my solo effort
i show no care for, those who left us
fuck those fellas i'm so rebellious
i show no remorse
when u see me hold ya thought's or we gon' hold court
and i know u don't wanna hold court
i bust up in this bitch wit a k and bang out the whole court