Life with Boys is a Canadian teen sitcom that started broadcasting in Canada on YTV in September 2011. The show ended in August 2013. The show follows Tess Foster (Torri Webster) as she copes with living in a home with just boys: her father, Jack, and three brothers, Gabe, Spencer and Sam. With the help of her best friend, Allie (Madison Pettis), she pulls through.Life with Boys is created by Michael Poryes, who also co-created Hannah Montana and That's So Raven.
It was announced that Life with Boys was renewed a second season. Shooting started on September 4, 2012, in Toronto. On February 6, 2013, the series premiered on American network TeenNick. The show was not given a third season.
Each half-hour episode follows 15-year-old Tess Foster as she navigates her way through the turmoil of teen life while living at home with her single, overprotective dad and three brothers. Although Tess admires the four important men in her life, they do have four totally different perspectives. Despite the shortcomings of being the only girl in a male household, the boys can sometimes offer solid advice. Whether it's building up the courage to talk to a boy, dealing with an obnoxious one, or coping with the repercussions of being the only girl on the boys' wrestling team, Life with Boys sheds a comedic light on many of life's difficult moments.
Life With Boys - EP 202 Being Superduperficial with Boys
published: 21 Feb 2022
Life With Boys S2 Ep2. Naughty and Nice
Tess Gets Her Brothers to stop fighting for Christmas
published: 06 Oct 2020
Life with boys fan made intro
Life with boys fan made intro.
published: 22 Apr 2017
Life With Boys Season 2 Ep1 Do You wanna dance?
Halloween at Westfield High!!
published: 06 Oct 2020
Life with Boys Hitting the Breaks with Boys Part 2
published: 05 Jan 2016
Life with Boys S01E01 - Big Kiss Off with Boys Part 1
published: 06 May 2016
Life with boys: Allie farts 💨💩
Allie brooks farted on this program 💨
published: 17 May 2021
Life With Boys Promo
Torri Webster and Madison Pettis Stars in Nickelodeon's Newest Series "Life With Boys". The Show has already premiered in Canada,U.K, Ireland! It will be premiering in the U.S. this year!
published: 06 Jul 2012
Intro: 00:00
Erasmus Beer Pong: 00:46
Erasmus Ladies Night: 04:13
The Mountain Detox: 07:15
Moving out to Limassol: 09:45
Showing off the apartment: 10:14
Girls arrived: 13:11
Out with the girls: 14:35
Thunderstorm: 15:26
More girls in da house: 15:58
In the mountains... again: 16:52
Chinatown thing: 18:20
In the apartment: 19:25
Nastya's modelling day: 20:56
Stoiximan wants more money: 21:13
Fighting Veliko: 21:43
Announcement: 22:07
Thank you guys, for the incredible views and likes! Your support and enthusiasm mean everything to us and inspire us to keep creating and sharing.
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Torri Webster and Madison Pettis Stars in Nickelodeon's Newest Series "Life With Boys". The Show has already premiered in Canada,U.K, Ireland! It will be premie...
Torri Webster and Madison Pettis Stars in Nickelodeon's Newest Series "Life With Boys". The Show has already premiered in Canada,U.K, Ireland! It will be premiering in the U.S. this year!
Torri Webster and Madison Pettis Stars in Nickelodeon's Newest Series "Life With Boys". The Show has already premiered in Canada,U.K, Ireland! It will be premiering in the U.S. this year!
Intro: 00:00
Erasmus Beer Pong: 00:46
Erasmus Ladies Night: 04:13
The Mountain Detox: 07:15
Moving out ...
Intro: 00:00
Erasmus Beer Pong: 00:46
Erasmus Ladies Night: 04:13
The Mountain Detox: 07:15
Moving out to Limassol: 09:45
Showing off the apartment: 10:14
Girls arrived: 13:11
Out with the girls: 14:35
Thunderstorm: 15:26
More girls in da house: 15:58
In the mountains... again: 16:52
Chinatown thing: 18:20
In the apartment: 19:25
Nastya's modelling day: 20:56
Stoiximan wants more money: 21:13
Fighting Veliko: 21:43
Announcement: 22:07
Thank you guys, for the incredible views and likes! Your support and enthusiasm mean everything to us and inspire us to keep creating and sharing.
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Kick for Live Streaming:
Intro: 00:00
Erasmus Beer Pong: 00:46
Erasmus Ladies Night: 04:13
The Mountain Detox: 07:15
Moving out to Limassol: 09:45
Showing off the apartment: 10:14
Girls arrived: 13:11
Out with the girls: 14:35
Thunderstorm: 15:26
More girls in da house: 15:58
In the mountains... again: 16:52
Chinatown thing: 18:20
In the apartment: 19:25
Nastya's modelling day: 20:56
Stoiximan wants more money: 21:13
Fighting Veliko: 21:43
Announcement: 22:07
Thank you guys, for the incredible views and likes! Your support and enthusiasm mean everything to us and inspire us to keep creating and sharing.
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Kick for Live Streaming:
Torri Webster and Madison Pettis Stars in Nickelodeon's Newest Series "Life With Boys". The Show has already premiered in Canada,U.K, Ireland! It will be premiering in the U.S. this year!
Intro: 00:00
Erasmus Beer Pong: 00:46
Erasmus Ladies Night: 04:13
The Mountain Detox: 07:15
Moving out to Limassol: 09:45
Showing off the apartment: 10:14
Girls arrived: 13:11
Out with the girls: 14:35
Thunderstorm: 15:26
More girls in da house: 15:58
In the mountains... again: 16:52
Chinatown thing: 18:20
In the apartment: 19:25
Nastya's modelling day: 20:56
Stoiximan wants more money: 21:13
Fighting Veliko: 21:43
Announcement: 22:07
Thank you guys, for the incredible views and likes! Your support and enthusiasm mean everything to us and inspire us to keep creating and sharing.
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Kick for Live Streaming:
Life with Boys is a Canadian teen sitcom that started broadcasting in Canada on YTV in September 2011. The show ended in August 2013. The show follows Tess Foster (Torri Webster) as she copes with living in a home with just boys: her father, Jack, and three brothers, Gabe, Spencer and Sam. With the help of her best friend, Allie (Madison Pettis), she pulls through.Life with Boys is created by Michael Poryes, who also co-created Hannah Montana and That's So Raven.
It was announced that Life with Boys was renewed a second season. Shooting started on September 4, 2012, in Toronto. On February 6, 2013, the series premiered on American network TeenNick. The show was not given a third season.
Each half-hour episode follows 15-year-old Tess Foster as she navigates her way through the turmoil of teen life while living at home with her single, overprotective dad and three brothers. Although Tess admires the four important men in her life, they do have four totally different perspectives. Despite the shortcomings of being the only girl in a male household, the boys can sometimes offer solid advice. Whether it's building up the courage to talk to a boy, dealing with an obnoxious one, or coping with the repercussions of being the only girl on the boys' wrestling team, Life with Boys sheds a comedic light on many of life's difficult moments.
S-U-B, R-O-C (??) rock it to the highest degree [Kurious] Fresh out the box, in comes the loot PSYCH cause it don't, I flaunt the tactic, climactic styles No I won't go out the back like the vermin I'm burnin, all sucker MC's whose hittin switches like Erick Sermon Easier-rider provider of the old school shit The tool gets hot when it's shot Droppin shit on the mic, like faggots do in their drawers when they see my sihlouette, surprise, the crops is yours Blue light soars, speed to the heavens Seperate from your body in this piece of shit we live in You're back to the essence we will always miss your presence See you later in bliss, for now I leave ya with this.. [horn break] [Kurious] Anticipation of the groove makes me go RRRRAHH Kurious the brainiest spontaneous, NAH On the real Sub, tell me yo yo, why they be buggin? They shoulders should be sore from the nuts that they be huggin Never payin tolls, cause I don't own a car (worrrrd up) Tell a bitch if she wanna bone a star to ride my dick to the moon like a rocket Already got a girl, bitch you need to stop it My dog, I lock this up I know you're laughin only wish that I could reach ya If I get my shit correct, I'm guaranteed to meet ya But you're back to the essence we will always miss your presence See you later in bliss, for now I leave ya with this.. [horn break] [Kurious] You tell me, "Whattup Hobbes?" I say that's what Jordan got You think I'm a superstar? Nah, can't afford a lot of shit cause my pockets is fucked Welfare style, why smile? Here stops the bucks Aww shit, make way for the prolific charismatic Hispanic, Puerto Rican Cuban plus a functional addict Rehabilitation is needed Got soul cruise control at 55, never speeding The ticket, you stick it, crevice, is anal Try to match up parallel, and yo the pain will make you cringe, but the joint is dedicated to my man up top, none other than Subroc Takin time machine trips, go back and correct shit Roughed up a beat, I freestyle on some next shit You're back to the essence we will always miss your presence See you later in bliss, for now I leave ya with this..