Lasse Pöysti (born 24 January 1927 in Sortavala) is a Finnishactor (acted both in Finnish and Swedish), director, theatre manager and writer.
Pöysti began his career as a child actor, becoming known to the Finnish public as Olli Suominen in the "Suominen family" films. The first of these films as Suomisen Perhe (1941). Pöysti was 14 years old at the time of the film. Pöysti matriculated in 1945 in the Helsinki Normal Lyceum.
From 1967 to 1974, Pöysti served as manager of the Lilla Teatern, with his current ex-wife Birgitta Ulfsson, and also acted in many roles in Swedish. During 1974–1981 he was the manager of the Tampere Workers' Theatre, and during 1981–1985 the manager of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. In his later career he has had many speaking roles in musical plays. He has had many prominent roles on television, of which among the most notable are the leading roles in the Strindberg plays Gustav III (Finnish:Kustaa III) and Erik XIV. Another renowned performance was the title role in the stage play Galileo by Bertold Brecht, which won critical acclaim. He has also read bedtime stories in children's programs.
Lasse Pöysti Sings 'Mumintrollets visa' as Tove Jansson Sketches Moomintroll
I've not been feeling too good lately, but isn't this lovely? Lasse drawing a crappy little sun with a face in the corner is very relatable xD
If you didn't know, Lasse was basically the OG Moomintroll, starring in Moomin plays as well as the TV series Mumintrollet. With them are Birgitta Ulfsson, another Moomin actor (she and Lasse were married for some time), Erna Tauro who composed a lot of music with Tove, and another man who I swear I recognise but I can't figure out who it is and it's bugging me 😩
Hanging out with a few actor friends and chatting over wine and nibbles sounds absolutely ideal 😍
Full video here:
published: 28 Apr 2020
Lasse Pöystin jäähyväisnäytäntö Helsingin Kaupunginteatterissa
Lasse Pöystin jäähyväisnäytäntö Helsingin Kaupunginteatterissa
published: 30 Oct 2012
Lasse Pöystin Iltasatu: Prinsessan kiharat vuodelta 1977.
Lasse Erik Pöysti (24. tammikuuta 1927 Sortavala – 5. huhtikuuta 2019 Helsinki) oli satusetä vailla vertaa.
published: 13 Apr 2019
Pekka ja susi
Provided to YouTube by WM Finland
Pekka ja susi · Lasse Pöysti
Pekka ja susi
℗ 1978 Discophon
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 04 Nov 2014
Lasse Pöysti - Juuret Laatokalla ja sen saarilla
Credits:Text from Wikipedia,video auto-generated by
published: 20 Nov 2016
The Legacy of Timo T.A. jakso 5: M-show - Lasse Pöysti ja Monica Aspelund
Esittelyssä legendaarinen M-show, jaksossa vieraina näyttelijä Lasse Pöysti ja laulaja Monica Aspelund.
published: 03 Nov 2022
Lasse Pöysti - Mumintrollets visa (1969)
Lasse Pöystin laulamana Mumintrollets visa (Muumipeikon laulu)
published: 22 Aug 2021
Lasse Pöysti - Civilisation (1969)
Perjantain kunniaksi uusi Muumikappale Mumintrollet sarjan lauluista: Civilisation
published: 08 Oct 2021
Mies joka kieltäytyi käyttämästä hissiä -Lilla Teatern 2008
Rakkaudella kerrottu tarina Töölössä yksin asuvasta miehestä, hänen koirastaan, hissistään ja erikoisesta suhteestaan erääseen naiseen. Ja Grace Kellyyn.
Mies joka kieltäytyi käyttämästä hissiä on Bengt Ahlforsin monologi, joka on varta vasten kirjoitettu Lasse Pöystille. Ahlfors mainitsee kolme syytä näytelmän syntymiselle: "Ensimmäinen syy oli vanhempien ihmisten yksinäisyys, toinen työhuoneeni hissi Eerikinkadulla. Kolmas syy oli Lasse Pöysti."
published: 08 Jan 2011
Vääpelin kauhu (1957) Trailer
Ohjaus / Directed by ESKO TÖYRI
Julkaistu DVD:llä.
I've not been feeling too good lately, but isn't this lovely? Lasse drawing a crappy little sun with a face in the corner is very relatable xD
If you didn't kn...
I've not been feeling too good lately, but isn't this lovely? Lasse drawing a crappy little sun with a face in the corner is very relatable xD
If you didn't know, Lasse was basically the OG Moomintroll, starring in Moomin plays as well as the TV series Mumintrollet. With them are Birgitta Ulfsson, another Moomin actor (she and Lasse were married for some time), Erna Tauro who composed a lot of music with Tove, and another man who I swear I recognise but I can't figure out who it is and it's bugging me 😩
Hanging out with a few actor friends and chatting over wine and nibbles sounds absolutely ideal 😍
Full video here:
I've not been feeling too good lately, but isn't this lovely? Lasse drawing a crappy little sun with a face in the corner is very relatable xD
If you didn't know, Lasse was basically the OG Moomintroll, starring in Moomin plays as well as the TV series Mumintrollet. With them are Birgitta Ulfsson, another Moomin actor (she and Lasse were married for some time), Erna Tauro who composed a lot of music with Tove, and another man who I swear I recognise but I can't figure out who it is and it's bugging me 😩
Hanging out with a few actor friends and chatting over wine and nibbles sounds absolutely ideal 😍
Full video here:
Rakkaudella kerrottu tarina Töölössä yksin asuvasta miehestä, hänen koirastaan, hissistään ja erikoisesta suhteestaan erääseen naiseen. Ja Grace Kellyyn.
Mies ...
Rakkaudella kerrottu tarina Töölössä yksin asuvasta miehestä, hänen koirastaan, hissistään ja erikoisesta suhteestaan erääseen naiseen. Ja Grace Kellyyn.
Mies joka kieltäytyi käyttämästä hissiä on Bengt Ahlforsin monologi, joka on varta vasten kirjoitettu Lasse Pöystille. Ahlfors mainitsee kolme syytä näytelmän syntymiselle: "Ensimmäinen syy oli vanhempien ihmisten yksinäisyys, toinen työhuoneeni hissi Eerikinkadulla. Kolmas syy oli Lasse Pöysti."
Rakkaudella kerrottu tarina Töölössä yksin asuvasta miehestä, hänen koirastaan, hissistään ja erikoisesta suhteestaan erääseen naiseen. Ja Grace Kellyyn.
Mies joka kieltäytyi käyttämästä hissiä on Bengt Ahlforsin monologi, joka on varta vasten kirjoitettu Lasse Pöystille. Ahlfors mainitsee kolme syytä näytelmän syntymiselle: "Ensimmäinen syy oli vanhempien ihmisten yksinäisyys, toinen työhuoneeni hissi Eerikinkadulla. Kolmas syy oli Lasse Pöysti."
I've not been feeling too good lately, but isn't this lovely? Lasse drawing a crappy little sun with a face in the corner is very relatable xD
If you didn't know, Lasse was basically the OG Moomintroll, starring in Moomin plays as well as the TV series Mumintrollet. With them are Birgitta Ulfsson, another Moomin actor (she and Lasse were married for some time), Erna Tauro who composed a lot of music with Tove, and another man who I swear I recognise but I can't figure out who it is and it's bugging me 😩
Hanging out with a few actor friends and chatting over wine and nibbles sounds absolutely ideal 😍
Full video here:
Rakkaudella kerrottu tarina Töölössä yksin asuvasta miehestä, hänen koirastaan, hissistään ja erikoisesta suhteestaan erääseen naiseen. Ja Grace Kellyyn.
Mies joka kieltäytyi käyttämästä hissiä on Bengt Ahlforsin monologi, joka on varta vasten kirjoitettu Lasse Pöystille. Ahlfors mainitsee kolme syytä näytelmän syntymiselle: "Ensimmäinen syy oli vanhempien ihmisten yksinäisyys, toinen työhuoneeni hissi Eerikinkadulla. Kolmas syy oli Lasse Pöysti."
Lasse Pöysti (born 24 January 1927 in Sortavala) is a Finnishactor (acted both in Finnish and Swedish), director, theatre manager and writer.
Pöysti began his career as a child actor, becoming known to the Finnish public as Olli Suominen in the "Suominen family" films. The first of these films as Suomisen Perhe (1941). Pöysti was 14 years old at the time of the film. Pöysti matriculated in 1945 in the Helsinki Normal Lyceum.
From 1967 to 1974, Pöysti served as manager of the Lilla Teatern, with his current ex-wife Birgitta Ulfsson, and also acted in many roles in Swedish. During 1974–1981 he was the manager of the Tampere Workers' Theatre, and during 1981–1985 the manager of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. In his later career he has had many speaking roles in musical plays. He has had many prominent roles on television, of which among the most notable are the leading roles in the Strindberg plays Gustav III (Finnish:Kustaa III) and Erik XIV. Another renowned performance was the title role in the stage play Galileo by Bertold Brecht, which won critical acclaim. He has also read bedtime stories in children's programs.