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Stars on 54

Stars on 54 were a supergroup put together to record the song "If You Could Read My Mind" for the soundtrack of the 1998 film, 54, which starred Mike Myers as Steve Rubell, owner of the Studio 54 nightclub. The track was a house music version of the Gordon Lightfoot song, and reached No. 1 in Spain, No. 52 in the United States, No. 3 in Australia and Canada, No. 6 in New Zealand and No. 23 in the UK Singles Chart.

The group's name was a play on the Dutch hitmaking group Stars on 45 from the 1980s.


  • AmberDutch-German techno music singer
  • Ultra NatéAfrican American house music singer
  • Jocelyn EnriquezFilipino-American dance singer
  • Discography



    Kiss Me

    Kiss Me may refer to the following


  • Kiss Me, leading Japanese cosmetics brand of Isehan Cosmetics launched in 1935
  • Film

  • With Every Heartbeat (film), 2011 Swedish drama film (also released under the title Kiss Me)
  • Music


  • Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (1987 album), studio album by The Cure
  • Songs

  • "Kiss Me" (Sixpence None the Richer song)
  • "Kiss Me" (Tin Tin song)
  • "Kiss Me" (Olly Murs song)
  • Mambo No. Sex, a 1999 album by E-Rotic (released in Japan as Kiss Me, or the title song, see below)
  • "Kiss Me", a song by E-Rotic from the album Mambo No. Sex
  • "Kiss Me", a song written by Noel Coward from the operetta Bitter Sweet, sung by Ivy St Helier in the 1929 play and Veda Ann Borg as Manon in 1940 film, recorded by Victor Silvester and his Silver Strings from Waltzing in the Ballroom (No. 5) EP 1961
  • "Kiss Me", a song by Lisa Kirk, written by bandleader Bob Trendler and Redd Evans 1949, covered by Claire Hogan 1959, Billie Laine 1961
  • "Kiss Me", a song by Clive Culbertson, Culbertson 1982
  • "Kiss Me", a song by The Del Vikings, R. Lee 1961
  • Kiss Me (Olly Murs song)

    "Kiss Me" is a song recorded by English singer Olly Murs for Never Been Better: Special Edition (2015), the reissue of his fourth studio album, Never Been Better (2014). It was written by Murs, Zacharie Raymond, Yannick Rastogi, Steve Robson, Gary Derussy, Lindy Robbins and singer Taio Cruz, whilst the production was done by Raymond, Rastogi, Banx & Ranx and Robson. It was digitally released on 9 October 2015, followed by a release of two remixes, an acoustic and a karaoke version of the song in a span of a month.

    Production and release

    "Kiss Me" was written by Olly Murs, Zacharie Raymond, Yannick Rastogi, Steve Robson, Gary Derussy, Lindy Robbins and singer Taio Cruz, whilst the production was handled by Raymond, Rastogi, Banx & Ranx and Robson. It was digitally released on 9 October 2015 as the first single from Never Been Better: Special Edition (2015), the reissue of his fourth studio album, Never Been Better (2014). A karaoke and an acoustic versions of the single were released via the iTunes Store on 30 October and 6 November respectively. Two remixes of "Kiss Me" were also launched; The Alias Club Mix was made available for download on 23 October, whilst the Aevion Tropical Mix was released on 13 November.

    Kiss Me (Sixpence None the Richer song)

    "Kiss Me" is a song recorded by American pop rock band Sixpence None the Richer from their 1997 self-titled album. Released as a single in 1998, it reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song was a worldwide success; it reached number four on both the UK Singles Chart and the New Zealand Singles Chart, as well as peaking atop the Australian singles chart and the Canadian Singles Chart, making it the group's highest-charting single across the world.

    The song is also the group's best-selling single in the United States, peaking at number two for one week behind TLC's "No Scrubs". Even though it only reached second place, the song did have great longevity on the chart, spending 16 weeks in the Top Ten and 35 weeks on the chart. At the end of 1999, Billboard ranked the song as the sixth best-selling single of 1999, ahead of a number of other No. 1 hits and the second highest rank for a song that didn't make it to the top, behind Whitney Houston, Faith Evans, and Kelly Price's "Heartbreak Hotel", which ranked at No. 4. It became the main theme song for the teen film She's All That starring Rachael Leigh Cook.


    • Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

      The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to the complete Dermot Kennedy collection here: https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfID Purchase official merchandise and music here: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/storeID View 2022 tour dates here: https://www.dermotkennedy.com.tour/ For official mailing list updates, subscribe here: https://DK.lnk.to/MailingListID Subscribe to Dermot Kennedy’s YouTube channel here: https://DK.lnk.to/YouTubeSubscribeID Watch more https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfYouTubeID Follow Dermot Kennedy: https://www.instagram.com/dermotkennedy/ https://www.facebook.com/dermotkennedymusic https://twitter.com/DermotKennedy https://www.tiktok.com/@dermotkennedy Directed by AB/CD/CD Produced by La\Pac Executive producer – Jérôme DENIS, Anna ROUDAUT Producer ...

      published: 02 Sep 2022
    • " Kiss Me " - " There She Goes " Version (Official)

      Check out our new video for "Rosemary Hill": https://youtu.be/X91b_Ffi5tA

      published: 16 Apr 2012
    • Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me [Studio Version]

      Ed Sheeran - Kiss me

      published: 22 Oct 2011
    • Sixpence None The Richer- Kiss Me with lyrics

      Music & lyrics, I've always loved this song. Enjoy :)♥

      published: 06 Mar 2010
    • Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me (Official Video)

      Music video by Sixpence None the Richer performing Kiss Me. (C) 1999 Columbia Records

      published: 24 Nov 2014
    • Kiss Me

      Provided to YouTube by Curb Records Kiss Me · Sixpence None The Richer Kiss Me - Songs of Love & Romance ℗ Squint Entertainment Released on: 2011-01-25 Artist: Sixpence None The Richer Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 02 Mar 2018
    • Kiss Me (lyrics) - Sixpence None The Richer

      My Channel is not monetized but you can support me thru Gcash: (09564319572) Thanks :) 🎧 Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (lyrics) 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sixpence-non... 👉 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leighbirdna... 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/sixpencemusic?lan... 👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0lJlK... 📷Wallpaper: https://www.pexels.com/ 👇Don't forget to subscribe my channel 👇 http://www.youtube.com/c/LyricTV _________________________________________ ❗ IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES/PICTURES SHOWN IN THE VIDEO BELONGS TO THE RESPECTED OWNERS AND NOT ME. I AM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY PICTURES SHOWED IN THE VIDEO ❗ ❗❗ DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, a...

      published: 16 Aug 2020
    • Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

      published: 31 Jan 2018
    • SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME [Official Video]

      SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME https://lnk.site/kiss-ve ► Cataleya App mit exklusiven Inhalten und Postings Apple iOS: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/cataley... Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ► Cataleya Merchandising Store https://www.cataleyaeditionshop.com ► Produced by TOPIC42, B-Case & 27th https://www.instagram.com/topic https://www.instagram.com/bcase_official https://www.instagram.com/27th ► Samra folgen: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samra Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@samra_official ► Mix & Mastering by Sascha „Busy“ Buehren https://www.instagram.com/saschabusy ► Video by Lux Movie www.instagram.com/lux_movie Kanal abonnieren: https://umgt.de/SamraYT​​​​​ Kontakt: info@cataleyaedition.com https://www.cataleyaedition.com #SAMRA #TOPIC42 #KISSME

      published: 25 Aug 2022
    • Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video)

      The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to Kiss Me: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/kissme Watch the official video for Kiss Me: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/kissmevideo Follow Dermot Kennedy: https://www.instagram.com/dermotkennedy/ https://www.facebook.com/dermotkennedymusic https://twitter.com/DermotKennedy https://www.tiktok.com/@dermotkennedy View 2022 tour dates here: https://www.dermotkennedy.com/tour/ #DermotKennedy #KissMe #Sonder Music video by Dermot Kennedy performing Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video). © 2022 Riggins Recording Limited http://vevo.ly/VnLybk

      published: 18 Nov 2022
    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:56
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Sep 2022
    • views: 55037561
    The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to the complete Dermot Kennedy collection here: https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfID Purchase official merchandise and music here: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/storeID View 2022 tour dates here: https://www.dermotkennedy.com.tour/ For official mailing list updates, subscribe here: https://DK.lnk.to/MailingListID Subscribe to Dermot Kennedy’s YouTube channel here: https://DK.lnk.to/YouTubeSubscribeID Watch more https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfYouTubeID Follow Dermot Kennedy: https://www.instagram.com/dermotkennedy/ https://www.facebook.com/dermotkennedymusic https://twitter.com/DermotKennedy https://www.tiktok.com/@dermotkennedy Directed by AB/CD/CD Produced by La\Pac Executive producer – Jérôme DENIS, Anna ROUDAUT Producer – Lola IDOUNDA Line Producer – Alex CHAMBERLAIN Commissioner – Katie DOLAN Director of photography – Denis GUTH Post-production - DIGITAL DISTRICT Executive production Mexico – HABITANT With the new album, Sonder, Dermot Kennedy admits he’s never related to a word more. Sonder, “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own,” encapsulates universal themes of love, loss & hope, with the platinum-selling artist evolving into an even more expressive and powerful storyteller Lyrics: If we could take a photo Eternalize this moment For the days when I don't believe When our love gets stolen 'Cause there's no exception And I know time will take you far from me Let this night invade my lungs You're all I wanna breathe Right beside the lake, I burn for you You burn for me So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight Hold me the way that you would For the final time Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah All the deepest secrets All the darkest moments Oh, I promise they'll be safe with me We've all been broken There's no exception But you carry it so gracefully Let this night invade my lungs You're all I want to breathe Right beside the lake, I burn for you You burn for me So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight Hold me the way that you would For the final time, yeah Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah So I let this night in my lungs You're all that I wanna breathe Right beside you, down at the lake I burn for you, burn for me, mm So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight And hold me the way that you would For the final time, yeah Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah If we died tonight, yeah Oh, oh If we died tonight, yeah #DermotKennedy #KissMe #MusicVideo http://vevo.ly/qcEqVN
    " Kiss Me " - " There She Goes " Version (Official)

    " Kiss Me " - " There She Goes " Version (Official)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:17
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Apr 2012
    • views: 125907636
    Check out our new video for "Rosemary Hill": https://youtu.be/X91b_Ffi5tA
    Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me [Studio Version]

    Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me [Studio Version]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:39
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Oct 2011
    • views: 17935060
    Ed Sheeran - Kiss me
    Sixpence None The Richer- Kiss Me with lyrics

    Sixpence None The Richer- Kiss Me with lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:23
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Mar 2010
    • views: 27164395
    Music & lyrics, I've always loved this song. Enjoy :)♥
    Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me (Official Video)

    Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:22
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Nov 2014
    • views: 11496977
    Music video by Sixpence None the Richer performing Kiss Me. (C) 1999 Columbia Records
    Kiss Me

    Kiss Me

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:30
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Mar 2018
    • views: 9990433
    Provided to YouTube by Curb Records Kiss Me · Sixpence None The Richer Kiss Me - Songs of Love & Romance ℗ Squint Entertainment Released on: 2011-01-25 Artist: Sixpence None The Richer Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Kiss Me (lyrics) - Sixpence None The Richer

    Kiss Me (lyrics) - Sixpence None The Richer

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:17
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Aug 2020
    • views: 4113826
    My Channel is not monetized but you can support me thru Gcash: (09564319572) Thanks :) 🎧 Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (lyrics) 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sixpence-non... 👉 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leighbirdna... 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/sixpencemusic?lan... 👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0lJlK... 📷Wallpaper: https://www.pexels.com/ 👇Don't forget to subscribe my channel 👇 http://www.youtube.com/c/LyricTV _________________________________________ ❗ IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES/PICTURES SHOWN IN THE VIDEO BELONGS TO THE RESPECTED OWNERS AND NOT ME. I AM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY PICTURES SHOWED IN THE VIDEO ❗ ❗❗ DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. _________________________________________ 🎤🎼LYRICS here 👇 "Kiss Me" Sixpence None The Richer Kiss me out of the bearded barley Nightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance Silvermoon's sparkling So kiss me Kiss me down by the broken tree house Swing me, upon its hanging tire Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat We'll take the trail marked on your father's map Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance Silvermoon's sparkling So kiss me Kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance Silvermoon's sparkling So kiss me So kiss me So kiss me So kiss me #lyricTV #sixpence #kissme _________________________________________ Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer lyrics Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer Kiss Me lyrics Sixpence None The Richer Kiss Me lyrics Sixpence None The Richer Kiss Me Kiss Me lyrics Sixpence None The Richer
    Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

    Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:16
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2018
    • views: 14559700
    SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME [Official Video]

    SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME [Official Video]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:47
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Aug 2022
    • views: 1937007
    SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME https://lnk.site/kiss-ve ► Cataleya App mit exklusiven Inhalten und Postings Apple iOS: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/cataley... Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ► Cataleya Merchandising Store https://www.cataleyaeditionshop.com ► Produced by TOPIC42, B-Case & 27th https://www.instagram.com/topic https://www.instagram.com/bcase_official https://www.instagram.com/27th ► Samra folgen: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samra Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@samra_official ► Mix & Mastering by Sascha „Busy“ Buehren https://www.instagram.com/saschabusy ► Video by Lux Movie www.instagram.com/lux_movie Kanal abonnieren: https://umgt.de/SamraYT​​​​​ Kontakt: info@cataleyaedition.com https://www.cataleyaedition.com #SAMRA #TOPIC42 #KISSME
    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video)

    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:47
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Nov 2022
    • views: 1099140
    The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to Kiss Me: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/kissme Watch the official video for Kiss Me: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/kissmevideo Follow Dermot Kennedy: https://www.instagram.com/dermotkennedy/ https://www.facebook.com/dermotkennedymusic https://twitter.com/DermotKennedy https://www.tiktok.com/@dermotkennedy View 2022 tour dates here: https://www.dermotkennedy.com/tour/ #DermotKennedy #KissMe #Sonder Music video by Dermot Kennedy performing Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video). © 2022 Riggins Recording Limited http://vevo.ly/VnLybk
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    • SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME [Official Video]
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    • Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video)
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 35:14

    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)

    The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to the complete Dermot Kennedy collection here: https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfID Purchase official merchandise and music here: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/storeID View 2022 tour dates here: https://www.dermotkennedy.com.tour/ For official mailing list updates, subscribe here: https://DK.lnk.to/MailingListID Subscribe to Dermot Kennedy’s YouTube channel here: https://DK.lnk.to/YouTubeSubscribeID Watch more https://DK.lnk.to/BestOfYouTubeID Follow Dermot Kennedy: https://www.instagram.com/dermotkennedy/ https://www.facebook.com/dermotkennedymusic https://twitter.com/DermotKennedy https://www.tiktok.com/@dermotkennedy Directed by AB/CD/CD Produced by La\Pac Executive producer – Jérôme DENIS, Anna ROUDAUT Producer – Lola IDOUNDA Line Producer – Alex CHAMBERLAIN Commissioner – Katie DOLAN Director of photography – Denis GUTH Post-production - DIGITAL DISTRICT Executive production Mexico – HABITANT With the new album, Sonder, Dermot Kennedy admits he’s never related to a word more. Sonder, “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own,” encapsulates universal themes of love, loss & hope, with the platinum-selling artist evolving into an even more expressive and powerful storyteller Lyrics: If we could take a photo Eternalize this moment For the days when I don't believe When our love gets stolen 'Cause there's no exception And I know time will take you far from me Let this night invade my lungs You're all I wanna breathe Right beside the lake, I burn for you You burn for me So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight Hold me the way that you would For the final time Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah All the deepest secrets All the darkest moments Oh, I promise they'll be safe with me We've all been broken There's no exception But you carry it so gracefully Let this night invade my lungs You're all I want to breathe Right beside the lake, I burn for you You burn for me So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight Hold me the way that you would For the final time, yeah Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah So I let this night in my lungs You're all that I wanna breathe Right beside you, down at the lake I burn for you, burn for me, mm So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight And hold me the way that you would For the final time, yeah Whatever may come, somewhere deep inside There's always this version of you and I So just kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight, if we died tonight, yeah If we died tonight, yeah Oh, oh If we died tonight, yeah #DermotKennedy #KissMe #MusicVideo http://vevo.ly/qcEqVN
    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)
    The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to the comple...
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    Check out our new video for "Rosemary Hill": https://youtu.be/X91b_Ffi5tA
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    Kiss Me (lyrics) - Sixpence None The Richer
    My Channel is not monetized but you can support me thru Gcash: (09564319572) Thanks :) 🎧 ...
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    Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Official Music Video)
    published: 31 Jan 2018
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    SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME [Official Video]
    SAMRA & TOPIC42 - KISS ME https://lnk.site/kiss-ve ► Cataleya App mit exklusiven Inhalten...
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    Dermot Kennedy - Kiss Me (Sonder Lyric Video)
    The new album Sonder is out now: https://dermotkennedy.lnk.to/sonder Listen to Kiss Me: h...
    published: 18 Nov 2022
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    Stars on 54

    Stars on 54 were a supergroup put together to record the song "If You Could Read My Mind" for the soundtrack of the 1998 film, 54, which starred Mike Myers as Steve Rubell, owner of the Studio 54 nightclub. The track was a house music version of the Gordon Lightfoot song, and reached No. 1 in Spain, No. 52 in the United States, No. 3 in Australia and Canada, No. 6 in New Zealand and No. 23 in the UK Singles Chart.

    The group's name was a play on the Dutch hitmaking group Stars on 45 from the 1980s.


  • AmberDutch-German techno music singer
  • Ultra NatéAfrican American house music singer
  • Jocelyn EnriquezFilipino-American dance singer
  • Discography



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