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Kim Bub-min

Kim Bub-Min (Korean: 김법민; born 22 May 1991) is a South Korean archer. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, he competed for his country, alongside partners Im Dong-Hyun and Oh Jin-Hyek in the Men's team event, finishing in third place.

See also

  • Korean archery
  • Archery
  • List of South Korean archers
  • References


    Kim may refer to:


  • Kim (given name)
  • Kim (surname), including:
  • Kim (Korean name)
  • Kim Dynasty (disambiguation), several dynasties
  • Kim, Vietnamese form of Jin (surname)
  • Places

  • Kim, Colorado, United States
  • Camp Kim, Seoul, South Korea, a military facility
  • Kimberley Airport, IATA code KIM
  • Kim, a town near Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Media

  • Kim (novel), by Rudyard Kipling
  • Kim (1950 film), a 1950 American adventure film based on the novel
  • Kim (1984 film), a 1984 British film based on the novel
  • "Kim" (M*A*S*H), a 1973 episode of the American television show M*A*S*H
  • "Kim" (song), by Eminem
  • Other uses

  • Kenya Independence Movement, a defunct political party in Kenya
  • Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao, Filipino terrorist organization
  • Kim (food)
  • This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Kim

    Kim (footballer)

    Carlos Henrique Dias, nicknamed Kim (born June 22, 1980 in Juiz de Fora) is a Brazilian professional football (soccer) player, who currently plays at Joinville in the striker position.

    He previously played for Atlético Mineiro in his home country of Brazil, Al-Ahli in Saudi Arabia and AS Nancy in France.

    Playing career

    Atlético Mineiro

    Kim started his professional career at Atlético Mineiro at the age of just 20. He played professionally for the club for three years in the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A before moving to Saudi Arabia in 2003. Overall he played in 55 league matches for the Belo Horizonte club, netting 10 goals. In his first season he helped the club win their 38th Campeonato Mineiro title.

    AS Nancy

    Kim arrived in Nancy in 2005 after a short spell in Saudi Arabia with Al-Ahli. Kim arrived at AS Nancy just after they won promotion to Ligue 1 after finishing first in Ligue 2. In his first season at the club he helped them reach the final of the Coupe de la Ligue against OGC Nice. Kim started the game at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis and went on to score the game's winning goal in the 65th minute. He was taken off in the 90th minute to rapturous applause. This propelled the team into the UEFA Cup in 2007 with the club reaching the Round of 16 before being knocked out by Shakhtar Donetsk. Overall Kim's time in France was less successful only netting 11 time in 74 Ligue 1 appearances.

    Kim (M*A*S*H)

    Kim was the 30th episode of the M*A*S*H television series, and sixth episode of season two. The episode aired on October 20, 1973.


    Among the wounded arriving at the hospital one day is a five-year-old boy, Kim. The hospital staff believe him to be an orphan, and conspire to keep him at the camp for longer than necessary (rather than sending him on to the care of an orphanage) so they can care for him themselves. Trapper is especially taken with the child, and makes plans to adopt him.

    One afternoon, while Frank and Margaret are supposed to be watching Kim, the boy wanders off into a minefield. A helicopter-assisted rescue is successful, and once on safe ground, Trapper hugs the boy, to the delight of gathering 4077th personnel. Meanwhile, a truck pulls up, driven by Sister Teresa, who runs the local orphanage. Her passenger - a young Korean woman - sees Kim and rushes to him. Sister Teresa explains that the woman came to her, looking for her missing son. As the three drive away, Kim waves goodbye to Trapper.


    • Kim

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Kim · Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP ℗ 2000 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records Released on: 2000-05-23 Producer: F.B.T. Studio Personnel, Mixer: Dr. Dre Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer: Richard "Segal" Huredia Composer Lyricist: Marshall Mathers Composer Lyricist: Jeff Bass Composer Lyricist: Mark Bass Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 31 Jul 2018

      Qalampirni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzatib boring: Instagram: https://instagram.com/qalampir.uz​​​​​ Telegram: https://telegram.me/qalampir​​​​​​​​​​​​ Facebook: https://fb.com/qalampir.uz​​​​​​​​​​​​ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@qalampiruz_ra​smiy​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/qalampiruz #qalampiruz #qalampir

      published: 25 Nov 2024
    • Kim Helps Putin Plan WW3? N. Korea Expands Plant Making Kn-23 Missile Used By Russia | Report

      North Korea has reportedly begun expanding a production facility that makes missiles used by Russia against Ukraine in the war. Satellite pictures accessed by Reuters show new construction at the February 11 plant, part of the Ryongsong Machine Complex in Hamhung, which is North Korea's second-largest city. The development comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine after the Oreshnik ballistic missile strike and fears of World War III. Watch for more details. #northkorea #missile #production #facility #february11plant #ryongsongmachinecomplex #hamhung #Pyongyang #kimjongun #russiaukrainewar #hwasong #kn23 #vladimirputin #worldwar3 #Kremlin #Moscow #kyiv #Volodymyrzelensky #nuclearweapons #expansion #allies Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The W...

      published: 25 Nov 2024
    • Kim Phút Kim Giờ - Hoàng Hải x Mai Tiến Dũng x LyLy | Our Song Việt Nam [Performance]

      Kim Phút Kim Giờ - Hoàng Hải x Mai Tiến Dũng x LyLy | Our Song Việt Nam [Performance] Link Full: https://youtu.be/1PbUucFccGg Xem TRỌN BỘ Our Song Việt Nam - Bài Hát Của Chúng Ta: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZs0BkTqKYtAn61FZgtT3XwP #OurSongVietNam #OurSong #BaiHatCuaChungTa #ĐôngTâyPromotion #HoàngHải #MaiTiếnDũng #LyLy #KimPhútKimGiờ #DongTayShows Mở thẻ VPBank liền tay, nhận ngay vạn deal cùng siêu hoàn tiền đến 15% mọi chi tiêu 👉Mở thẻ ngay: https://tb.vpbank.com.vn/DVOursongYT ✨Bài Hát Của Chúng Ta - Our Song Việt Nam là chương trình âm nhạc THỜI THƯỢNG đem đến cho khán giả ĐA THẾ HỆ trải nghiệm tận hưởng khát khao dẫn đầu xu hướng “QUAY VỀ TƯƠNG LAI". ⏰Đón xem OUR SONG VIỆT NAM - BÀI HÁT CỦA CHÚNG TA vào lúc: 📺 21H15 Chủ Nhật hàng tuần trên kênh truyền ...

      published: 25 Nov 2024

      SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OUR YOUTUBE PAGES: •Challenge channel: https://youtube.com/@RKEMPIREEX2?si=eM-efyQdATMdptEP (https://youtube.com/@RKEMPIREEX2?si=eM-efyQdATMdptEP) •Vlog channel : https://youtube.com/@RKFOOTAGE?si=b_ahcBcHuIpbyf1- (https://youtube.com/@RKFOOTAGE?si=b_ahcBcHuIpbyf1-) RKEMPIREE Tiktok🎶: @RKEMPIREE__ https://www.tiktok.com/@rkempiiree?_t=8gWWwMjtnAY&_r=1 Instagram📸: @RKEMPIREE https://instagram.com/rkempiree?utm_source=qr   COME CONNECT WITH US 💕 ! •Ramiere Social Media ~ 📸Instagram : @riiofficiial https://instagram.com/riiofficiial?utm_source=qr   👻 Snapchat: lil_onemiere 🎵 TikTok: @riiofficiiall https://www.tiktok.com/@riiofficiiall?_t=8gWWrBqzbYZ&_r=1 •Kim’s Social Media ~ 📸 Instagram: @KSOSOLID https://www.instagram.com/ksosolid?igsh=MW9yeGllejZoYnMwOA== (https://...

      published: 23 Nov 2024
    • The Secret Home Tour of Kim Lim, Billionaire Heiress

      Billionaire heiress, beauty mogul and business woman Kim Lim shows us around her house. We are very amazed by her $10,000,000 worth of bag collections. It was too much that she forget some of the bag's existence. Follow me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thejianhaotan/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thejianhaotan

      published: 27 May 2024
    • Eminem "Kim" (Music Video) 2021

      Inspired by Eminem's song kim. Eminem never dropped a video to this song so we were inspired to make what we felt as though could paint the picture he would have wanted. Directed by Peter Parkkerr @PeterParkkerr Starring International @Internationalsworld #Eminem #kim #killshot * I DO NOT OWN THIS AUDIO, NO COPYRIGHT INTENTED THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINEMENT PURPOSES ONLY

      published: 10 Sep 2018
    • KIM, Marion Jola - Magnet (Official Music Video)

      KIM and Marion Jola’s official music video for single ‘Magnet’ Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/KIMMarionJolaMagnet #KIMOfficial #MarionJola #KIMMarionMagnet Audio: Composer: Yovie Widianto & Arsy Widianto Producer: Yovie Widianto & Adrian Kitut Piano: Yovie Widianto Elec Piano & Keys: Adrian Kitut Drum: Jessi Mates Add Drum: Ari Renaldi Trumpets: Wisnu Mawlana Guitar: Dennis Talakua Vocal Director: Barsena Bestandhi Rec Engineer: Ogilugas & Barock Digital Editor: Heri Alesis Recorded at GS 03 UK Studio Mixed & Mastered by Ari Renaldi at ARU Studio Music video: Creative: Finna Amalia Director: Bobby Adrian V & Jessy Sylviani Producer: Jessy Sylviani DP: Bobby Adrian V Focus Puller/Asst. Cam: Alver Firmaz Assistant Director: Gisela Levy Line Producer: Gabriella Imelda Wiseso Gaff...

      published: 26 Sep 2024
    • Kim Kardashian bought the new Tesla robot 😳

      published: 19 Nov 2024
    • KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance]

      KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance] #anhtrai #anhtraisayhi #kimphutkimgio #hurrykng #hieuthuhai #negav #isaac #phapkieu #DatVietVAC #VieChannel #VieON #30NamCoMotDatViet ▶ Tìm nghe các bản audio của Tập 10 Anh Trai “Say Hi” trên: https://WMVN.lnk.to/ATSH-EP10 ▶ Follow playlist Anh Trai “Say Hi” để được cập nhật sớm nhất khi audio được phát hành: https://WMVN.lnk.to/ATSH Đăng ký hội viên ngay nào👇: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkna2OcuN1E6u5I8GVtdkOw/join ★ Mọi nhu cầu quảng cáo và tài trợ xin liên hệ: Công Ty Cổ Phần Vie Channel ► Hotline: 0907.950.371 (Mr. Đức Khoa) ► Email: khoa.nguyen@viechannel.vn hoặc sales@viechannel.vn 📣 Đừng quên subscribe để xem thật nhiều phim mới nhé! 🎈 Subscribe ngay: http://bit.ly/VieCha...

      published: 25 Aug 2024


    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:18
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2018
    • views: 15616998
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Kim · Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP ℗ 2000 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records Released on: 2000-05-23 Producer: F.B.T. Studio Personnel, Mixer: Dr. Dre Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer: Richard "Segal" Huredia Composer Lyricist: Marshall Mathers Composer Lyricist: Jeff Bass Composer Lyricist: Mark Bass Auto-generated by YouTube.


    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:50
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Nov 2024
    • views: 177990
    Qalampirni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzatib boring: Instagram: https://instagram.com/qalampir.uz​​​​​ Telegram: https://telegram.me/qalampir​​​​​​​​​​​​ Facebook: https://fb.com/qalampir.uz​​​​​​​​​​​​ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@qalampiruz_ra​smiy​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/qalampiruz #qalampiruz #qalampir
    Kim Helps Putin Plan WW3? N. Korea Expands Plant Making Kn-23 Missile Used By Russia | Report

    Kim Helps Putin Plan WW3? N. Korea Expands Plant Making Kn-23 Missile Used By Russia | Report

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:34
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Nov 2024
    • views: 20644
    North Korea has reportedly begun expanding a production facility that makes missiles used by Russia against Ukraine in the war. Satellite pictures accessed by Reuters show new construction at the February 11 plant, part of the Ryongsong Machine Complex in Hamhung, which is North Korea's second-largest city. The development comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine after the Oreshnik ballistic missile strike and fears of World War III. Watch for more details. #northkorea #missile #production #facility #february11plant #ryongsongmachinecomplex #hamhung #Pyongyang #kimjongun #russiaukrainewar #hwasong #kn23 #vladimirputin #worldwar3 #Kremlin #Moscow #kyiv #Volodymyrzelensky #nuclearweapons #expansion #allies Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The World. Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis. We Track India's Global Rise, Her Increasing Engagement With The World, The Changing Geopolitical Landscape Amid Conflicts And Wars And The Emerging World Order. INTERNATIONAL NEWS | GLOBAL CONFLICTS | MIDDLE EAST WAR | CHANGING WORLD ORDER #TOILive | #TOIVideos Subscribe to the Times Of India YT channel and press the bell icon to get notified when we go live. Visit our website https://www.timesofindia.com/ Follow us on X/ @timesofindia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimesofIndia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timesofindia/ Download the app: http://toi.in/3SLUCa80 Follow the TOI WhatsApp channel: https://bit.ly/3RYl0J9 For daily news & updates and exclusive stories, follow the Times of India
    Kim Phút Kim Giờ - Hoàng Hải x Mai Tiến Dũng x LyLy | Our Song Việt Nam [Performance]

    Kim Phút Kim Giờ - Hoàng Hải x Mai Tiến Dũng x LyLy | Our Song Việt Nam [Performance]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:22
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Nov 2024
    • views: 18623
    Kim Phút Kim Giờ - Hoàng Hải x Mai Tiến Dũng x LyLy | Our Song Việt Nam [Performance] Link Full: https://youtu.be/1PbUucFccGg Xem TRỌN BỘ Our Song Việt Nam - Bài Hát Của Chúng Ta: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZs0BkTqKYtAn61FZgtT3XwP #OurSongVietNam #OurSong #BaiHatCuaChungTa #ĐôngTâyPromotion #HoàngHải #MaiTiếnDũng #LyLy #KimPhútKimGiờ #DongTayShows Mở thẻ VPBank liền tay, nhận ngay vạn deal cùng siêu hoàn tiền đến 15% mọi chi tiêu 👉Mở thẻ ngay: https://tb.vpbank.com.vn/DVOursongYT ✨Bài Hát Của Chúng Ta - Our Song Việt Nam là chương trình âm nhạc THỜI THƯỢNG đem đến cho khán giả ĐA THẾ HỆ trải nghiệm tận hưởng khát khao dẫn đầu xu hướng “QUAY VỀ TƯƠNG LAI". ⏰Đón xem OUR SONG VIỆT NAM - BÀI HÁT CỦA CHÚNG TA vào lúc: 📺 21H15 Chủ Nhật hàng tuần trên kênh truyền hình VTV3, siêu ứng dụng giải trí VieON ▶️ 21H45 trên kênh @dongtaypromotionofficial 📣 Subscribe kênh ĐÔNG TÂY PROMOTION OFFICIAL để không bỏ lỡ các chương trình SIÊU HẤP DẪN: https://bit.ly/SubDTP 📣 Subscribe kênh DONG TAY ENTERTAINMENT để xem các VIDEO HOT từ các show đỉnh nhất: https://bit.ly/SubDTE 📣 Subscribe kênh DONG TAY SHOWS để bắt trọn những KHOẢNH KHẮC nổi bật nhất trong các show hấp dẫn: http://bit.ly/SubDTS ⏩ Bí mật HẬU TRƯỜNG https://bit.ly/HAUTRUONGDTP ⏩ SHOW HAY mỗi ngày https://bit.ly/showhotDTP Tải app VieON tại: https://click.vieon.vn/wSBG/ytapp 👉 CÁC SHOW HOT KHÁC: Our Song Việt Nam: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZs0BkTqKYtAn61FZgtT3XwP 2 Ngày 1 Đêm Việt Nam: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZsq7Q3VQPzQgYT7cvfAKrcc 7 Nụ Cười Xuân: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZs1nSp5Kj_FrLixOmgUqoig Nhanh Như Chớp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_TpcUT2LZuqASIzsS38QmT8CDA7zdSs 👉 Theo dõi các kênh chính thức của Dong Tay Promotion - thuộc sở hữu của DatVietVAC tại: ► Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DongTayPromotion ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dongtaypromotion ► Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dongtaypromotion


    • Order:
    • Duration: 15:47
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Nov 2024
    • views: 80077
    SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OUR YOUTUBE PAGES: •Challenge channel: https://youtube.com/@RKEMPIREEX2?si=eM-efyQdATMdptEP (https://youtube.com/@RKEMPIREEX2?si=eM-efyQdATMdptEP) •Vlog channel : https://youtube.com/@RKFOOTAGE?si=b_ahcBcHuIpbyf1- (https://youtube.com/@RKFOOTAGE?si=b_ahcBcHuIpbyf1-) RKEMPIREE Tiktok🎶: @RKEMPIREE__ https://www.tiktok.com/@rkempiiree?_t=8gWWwMjtnAY&_r=1 Instagram📸: @RKEMPIREE https://instagram.com/rkempiree?utm_source=qr   COME CONNECT WITH US 💕 ! •Ramiere Social Media ~ 📸Instagram : @riiofficiial https://instagram.com/riiofficiial?utm_source=qr   👻 Snapchat: lil_onemiere 🎵 TikTok: @riiofficiiall https://www.tiktok.com/@riiofficiiall?_t=8gWWrBqzbYZ&_r=1 •Kim’s Social Media ~ 📸 Instagram: @KSOSOLID https://www.instagram.com/ksosolid?igsh=MW9yeGllejZoYnMwOA== (https://www.instagram.com/ksosolid?igsh=MW9yeGllejZoYnMwOA==) 👻 Snapchat: IKMZ04 🎵TikTok: @KSOSOLID https://www.tiktok.com/@ksosoliid?_t=8gWWzCAtrRa&_r=1 WASSPOPPIN #RKGANG ❤️ We thank you all for all the love & support and hope you all enjoyed this video! Stay down through the journey with us. WE shared our story with you all to know that we aren’t no where we’re we want to be but we’ve gained so much love from you all and with the grace of god the progress we’ve already gained. We just want you all to know that if you have a dream go and chase it! Do not give up on your dreams. It may take years but you will get there ❤️ there’s so much in store for y’all!! We appreciate EVERY single one of you ! We are truly believers on going through the worst situations to making it out to the best situations. Don’t give up and if you feel like you are , talk to us! Talk to somebody and get it off your chest. Nobody deserves to be alone. Without a further or do, be prepared to see more content each week/day.. We will make a updated one as we continue to reach our goals and dreams and we promise to be consistent and give you all the best that we can because y’all already know what time it is ⏰❤️ ! LOVE YALL #RKGANG OUT. This is our second page our main channel is @Rkempiree on YouTube! -WE DO NOT OWN COPYRIGHT TO ANY OF THE Background audio / MUSIC‼️ -BACKGROUND Sound Displayed in Video: ⬇️ **ANY STUNTS OR ACTS SHOULD NOT BE PERFORMED AT HOME ** ( Entertainment purposes only ) *I do not take any ownership of music displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes only. - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might overwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*
    The Secret Home Tour of Kim Lim, Billionaire Heiress

    The Secret Home Tour of Kim Lim, Billionaire Heiress

    • Order:
    • Duration: 31:12
    • Uploaded Date: 27 May 2024
    • views: 912282
    Billionaire heiress, beauty mogul and business woman Kim Lim shows us around her house. We are very amazed by her $10,000,000 worth of bag collections. It was too much that she forget some of the bag's existence. Follow me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thejianhaotan/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thejianhaotan
    Eminem "Kim" (Music Video) 2021

    Eminem "Kim" (Music Video) 2021

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:16
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Sep 2018
    • views: 3940933
    Inspired by Eminem's song kim. Eminem never dropped a video to this song so we were inspired to make what we felt as though could paint the picture he would have wanted. Directed by Peter Parkkerr @PeterParkkerr Starring International @Internationalsworld #Eminem #kim #killshot * I DO NOT OWN THIS AUDIO, NO COPYRIGHT INTENTED THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINEMENT PURPOSES ONLY
    KIM, Marion Jola - Magnet (Official Music Video)

    KIM, Marion Jola - Magnet (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:10
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Sep 2024
    • views: 90447
    KIM and Marion Jola’s official music video for single ‘Magnet’ Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/KIMMarionJolaMagnet #KIMOfficial #MarionJola #KIMMarionMagnet Audio: Composer: Yovie Widianto & Arsy Widianto Producer: Yovie Widianto & Adrian Kitut Piano: Yovie Widianto Elec Piano & Keys: Adrian Kitut Drum: Jessi Mates Add Drum: Ari Renaldi Trumpets: Wisnu Mawlana Guitar: Dennis Talakua Vocal Director: Barsena Bestandhi Rec Engineer: Ogilugas & Barock Digital Editor: Heri Alesis Recorded at GS 03 UK Studio Mixed & Mastered by Ari Renaldi at ARU Studio Music video: Creative: Finna Amalia Director: Bobby Adrian V & Jessy Sylviani Producer: Jessy Sylviani DP: Bobby Adrian V Focus Puller/Asst. Cam: Alver Firmaz Assistant Director: Gisela Levy Line Producer: Gabriella Imelda Wiseso Gaffer: Winggus Taslim Grip & Electrician: Anggi & Ribowo Mulyo Set Dresser: Hannah Bernadette & Ezra Cecio PU: Mas Gun Editor: Bobby Adrian V BTS Photo: Nicoletta Joan BTS Video: Wilson Jonathan Stylist: Elco Frebliaman Asst. Stylist: Rani Novani MUA Marion Jola: Herdanaprill Hair Do Marion Jola: Elyas Haruna Make Up & Hair Director KIM & Additional Players: Dea Karhitawinata Key Make Up & Hair Stylist KIM & Additional Players: Sarahallya Ivy Judawisastra Make Up & Hair Team KIM & Additional Players: Meizha Karhitawinata Supporting Talent: Dennis Talakua Thanks to: Bung! Kopitiam Citra Gran Cibubur KIM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k_i_m_official_ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@k_i_m_music YouTube: https://youtube.com/@K_I_M_Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_i_m_official Marion Jola: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lalamarionmj/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@marionjola YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@marionjolaofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/marionjolamj Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarionIdol9/ Lyrics: awalnya aku tak memikirkan namun bayangmu tak juga hilang senyuman hangat itu mencuri relung hatiku meski kusadar ini takkan bisa hanya aku dan kamu yang boleh tahu apa yang terjadi di hati hanya aku dan kamu yang bisa tahu semuanya sebatas aman tak harap lebih ingin bertahan untuk setia (‘tuk setia) mengapa kau datang dan menggoda (datang menggoda) bukankah kita sama telah terikat janji yang lain tapi kau bagai magnet untuk aku oh hanya aku dan kamu yang boleh tahu apa yang terjadi di hati hanya aku dan kamu yang bisa tahu semuanya sebatas aman tak harap lebih jelas nantinya kita pasti kan terluka saat kau kembali padanya sakitnya tersisa di sini sadari waktu untuk pergi oh hanya aku dan kamu yang boleh tahu apa yang terjadi di hati (apa yang terjadi di hati) hanya aku dan kamu yang bisa tahu semuanya sebatas aman tak harap lebih it’s just between you and me you a thief you stole ma heart but everythin’ keep us apart we ain’t neva eva be! wished we could break em’ limit but I ain’t hopin’ no more I’m out hanya aku dan kamu yang bisa tahu semuanya sebatas aman tak harap lebih Official Music Video by KIM & Marion Jola performing Magnet © 2024 Universal Music Indonesia
    Kim Kardashian bought the new Tesla robot 😳

    Kim Kardashian bought the new Tesla robot 😳

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:25
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Nov 2024
    • views: 6252447
    KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance]

    KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:34
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Aug 2024
    • views: 18674383
    KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance] #anhtrai #anhtraisayhi #kimphutkimgio #hurrykng #hieuthuhai #negav #isaac #phapkieu #DatVietVAC #VieChannel #VieON #30NamCoMotDatViet ▶ Tìm nghe các bản audio của Tập 10 Anh Trai “Say Hi” trên: https://WMVN.lnk.to/ATSH-EP10 ▶ Follow playlist Anh Trai “Say Hi” để được cập nhật sớm nhất khi audio được phát hành: https://WMVN.lnk.to/ATSH Đăng ký hội viên ngay nào👇: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkna2OcuN1E6u5I8GVtdkOw/join ★ Mọi nhu cầu quảng cáo và tài trợ xin liên hệ: Công Ty Cổ Phần Vie Channel ► Hotline: 0907.950.371 (Mr. Đức Khoa) ► Email: khoa.nguyen@viechannel.vn hoặc sales@viechannel.vn 📣 Đừng quên subscribe để xem thật nhiều phim mới nhé! 🎈 Subscribe ngay: http://bit.ly/VieChannelHTV2 Tải app VieON tại: https://click.vieon.vn/wSBG/ytapp Xem các chương trình hấp dẫn khác của Vie Channel: ►Rap Việt Full: https://bit.ly/RAPVIETSS3 ►Người Ấy Là Ai Full: https://bit.ly/NALASS5 ►Hoa Vương Full: https://bit.ly/HoaVươngFull ►The Masked Singer Vietnam Full: https://bit.ly/TMSVNSS2 Hoặc xem thêm trên hệ thống Vie Channel: ►Website: http://viechannel.vn/ ►Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/VieChannelHTV2/ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viechannelhtv2/
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:25:28


    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Kim · Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP ℗ 2000 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records Released on: 2000-05-23 Producer: F.B.T. Studio Personnel, Mixer: Dr. Dre Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer: Richard "Segal" Huredia Composer Lyricist: Marshall Mathers Composer Lyricist: Jeff Bass Composer Lyricist: Mark Bass Auto-generated by YouTube.
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    KIM PHÚT KIM GIỜ - Negav, Pháp Kiều, ISAAC, HIEUTHUHAI, HURRYKNG | Anh Trai Say Hi [Performance]
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    Kim Bub-min

    Kim Bub-Min (Korean: 김법민; born 22 May 1991) is a South Korean archer. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, he competed for his country, alongside partners Im Dong-Hyun and Oh Jin-Hyek in the Men's team event, finishing in third place.

    See also

  • Korean archery
  • Archery
  • List of South Korean archers
  • References

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