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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); var par = el.closest('.playlist_scrollarea'); par.scrollTop(el.offset().top-par.height()/2); } var updateVolumeState = function(){ if(noSoundMode){ if(noSoundMode == 'turn-on'){ clog("Sound is on, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeUnMute(); noSoundMode = false; }else{ clog("Sound is off, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeMute(); noSoundMode = 'turn-on'; } } } var playQueueUpdate = function(){ var playPosition = playQueue[playQueuePosition]; vp.playFromPlaylist(playPosition.video); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); playShouldStart = playPosition.start; playShouldStop = playPosition.stop; }; var playQueueAdvancePosition = function(){ clog("Advancing play position..."); playQueuePosition ++; while(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length && !playQueue[playQueuePosition].video){ playQueuePosition ++; } if(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length){ playQueueUpdate(); }else if(vp.getReplayCurrent()){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); vp.playVideo(); }else{ vp.pauseVideo(); playShouldStop = null; playShouldStart = null; } }; function loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, start, finish, callback){ var playlistInfo = playlists[playerId-1]; if(playlistInfo.loading >= finish) return; playlistInfo.loading = finish; $.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/query_videos2', dataType: 'json', data: { query: playlistInfo.query, orderby: playlistInfo.orderby, start: start, count: finish-start }, success: function(response){ var pl = vp.getPlaylist().slice(0); pl.push.apply(pl, response); vp.setPlaylist(pl); callback(); } }); } if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); var vids = parseDash(parts[0]); parts = []; for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } if(vids.length){ if(vids[vids.length-1]-1>=pl.length){ loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, pl.length, vids[vids.length-1], function(){ if(fsonload){ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]+'/fs'); }else{ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]); } var pls = vp.getPlaylist(); vp.playFromPlaylist(pls[pls.length-1]); vp.playVideo(); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); }); return true; } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; playShouldStart = 0; } } if(previewMode){ var vids = []; var dur = 0; var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); area = parts[0]; if(parts.length == 1 && matchPosition(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash('1-'+pl.length); dur = parsePosition(parts[0]); parts = []; }else if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition("999:59"); parts = []; } if(parts.length == 2 && matchDash(parts[0]) && matchPosition(parts[1])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition(parts[1]); parts = []; } for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': dur }) } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } } if(parts.length>1){ for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, parts[i]); if(sel){ playQueue.push({ 'video': sel, 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } }else if(area){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, area); if(sel){ vp.playFromPlaylist(sel); playShouldStart = 0; parsed = true; } } if(fsonload || replayMode){ playShouldStart = 0; } if(document.location.search.match('at=|queue=')){ var opts = document.location.search.replace(/^\?/,'').split(/&/g); for(var o in opts){ if(opts[o].match(/^at=(\d+:)?(\d+:)?\d+$/)){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(opts[o].substr(3)) } if(opts[o].match(/^queue=/)){ playQueue = parseList(opts[o].substr(6)); if(playQueue){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); } } } } if(matchPosition(parts[1])){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(parts[1]); parsed = true; } if(matchAction(parts[1])){ var action = parseAction(vp, area+'/'+parts[1]); playShouldStart = action.start; playShouldStop = action.stop; parsed = true; } if(playShouldStart !== null && !playQueue.length){ playQueue.push({ video: vp.getCurrentVideo(), start: playShouldStart, stop: playShouldStop }); } if(playShouldStart != null){ setInterval(function(){ if(playShouldStop && vp.currentPlayer && vp.currentPlayer.getCurrentTime() > playShouldStop){ playShouldStop = null; if(vp.getCurrentVideo() == playQueue[playQueuePosition].video){ playQueueAdvancePosition(); }else{ playShouldStart = null; } } }, 500); vp.playerContainer.bind('videoplayer.player.statechange', function(e, state){ if(state == 'ended'){ // advance to the next video playQueueAdvancePosition(); } }); vp.playerContainer.bind('videoplayer.player.readychange', function(e, state){ if(state){ updateVolumeState(); if(playShouldStart !== null){ vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); playShouldStart = null; }else{ playShouldStop = null; // someone started other video, stop playing from playQueue } } if(fsonload) { triggerFullscreen(playerId); fsonload = false; } }); } } else if(tab.match(/^wiki\d+$/)){ if(firstTimeActivate){ load_wiki($('#'+tab), function(){ if(area){ var areaNode = $('#'+area); if(areaNode.length>0){ $('html, body').scrollTop(areaNode.offset().top + 10); return true; } } }); } } return parsed; }) window.activateTab = ensure(function(tab, area){ window.activeArea = null; if(tab == 'import_videos'){ if(area){ import_videos(area); 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Drop kick

A drop kick is a type of kick in various codes of football. It involves a player dropping the ball and then kicking it when it bounces off the ground.

Drop kicks are most importantly used as a method of restarting play and scoring points in rugby union and rugby league. Association football goalkeepers also often return the ball to play with drop kicks. The kick was once in wide use in both Australian rules football and gridiron football, but is today rarely seen in either sport.


Drop kick technique

The drop kick technique in rugby codes is usually to hold the ball with one end pointing downwards in two hands above the kicking leg. The ball is dropped onto the ground in front of the kicking foot, which makes contact at the moment or fractionally after the ball touches the ground, called the half-volley. The kicking foot usually makes contact with the ball slightly on the instep.

In a rugby union kick-off, or drop out, the kicker usually aims to kick the ball high but not a great distance, and so usually strikes the ball after it has started to bounce off the ground, so the contact is made close to the bottom of the ball.

Hits (Phil Collins album)

Hits (stylized as ...Hits), released in 1998 and again in 2008, following the success of "In the Air Tonight" on the Cadbury ad campaign, is the only greatest hits collection of Phil Collins studio recordings. The collection included fourteen Top 40 hits, including seven American number 1 songs, spanning from the albums Face Value (1981) through Dance into the Light (1996). One new Collins recording, a cover of Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors", also appeared on the collection and was a popular song on adult contemporary stations. ...Hits was also the first Phil Collins album to include four songs originally recorded for motion pictures (all of them U.S. number 1 hits) as well as his popular duet with Philip Bailey, "Easy Lover" (a UK number 1 hit).

In 1998, the album reached number 1 in the United Kingdom and number 18 in the United States. On 4 August 2008, it became the number 1 album on the New Zealand RIANZ album chart. In July 2012, the album re-entered the U.S. charts, reaching number 6 on the Billboard 200 when the album price was deeply discounted very briefly by Amazon.com. It has sold 3,429,000 in the US as of July 2012.

Hits (Dru Hill album)

Hits is a greatest hits album by American R&B group Dru Hill. It was released on October 17, 2005 by Def Soul Classics. It features hits like "Tell Me" "In My Bed", "How Deep Is Your Love" and " Never Make a Promise" The compilation also features Sisqó's hits "Thong Song" and "Incomplete".

Track listing

  • "Tell Me" from Dru Hill
  • "In My Bed" (Radio Edit) from Dru Hill
  • "Never Make a Promise" (Radio Edit) from Dru Hill
  • "Big Bad Mamma" (Radio Edit) (Foxy Brown featuring Dru Hill) from How to Be a Player and Ill Na Na
  • "5 Steps" (UK Radio Edit) from Dru Hill
  • "We're Not Making Love No More" from "Soul Food (soundtrack)"
  • "How Deep Is Your Love" (Single Version) (featuring Redman) from Enter the Dru
  • "These Are the Times" from Enter the Dru
  • "The Love We Had (Stays on My Mind)" from Enter the Dru
  • "Beauty" from Enter the Dru
  • "You Are Everything" (Radio Edit) from Enter the Dru
  • "I Should Be..." (Radio Edit) from Dru World Order
  • "No Doubt" (Radio Edit) from Dru World Order
  • List of Alien characters

    This article lists characters and actors in the Alien series of science fiction films. The series spans four films: Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992), and Alien: Resurrection (1997). The only recurring actress in all four films is Sigourney Weaver, who portrays the series' central character Ellen Ripley.

    The film series was subsequently crossed-over with the Predator films with the releases of Alien vs. Predator (2004) and its sequel Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007). Together the two Alien vs. Predator films serve as prequels to the Alien series. The only actor from the Alien films to appear in one of the prequels was Lance Henriksen, who had played the android Bishop in Aliens and a man claiming to be the android's creator in Alien 3. Henriksen returned for Alien vs. Predator, in which he played Charles Bishop Weyland.

    Characters overview

    Table shows the actors who portrayed the characters in the franchise.


    Ash (Ian Holm) is the Nostromo's inscrutable science officer. He administers medical treatment, conducts biological research and is responsible for investigating any alien life forms the crew may encounter. It is at Ash's insistence that the crew investigates the mysterious signal emanating from LV-426. Ripley becomes suspicious of him when he breaks quarantine protocol by allowing Kane, Dallas, and Lambert to re-enter the Nostromo while the Alien facehugger is attached to Kane. Captain Dallas later informs Ripley that Ash had abruptly replaced the ship's previous science officer, whom Dallas had done five previous missions with, just as the Nostromo left Thedus for its return journey to Earth. Over Ripley's objections, Dallas entrusts Ash with all science-related decisions.

    Kane (comics)

    Kane is a comic book series created, written and drawn by Paul Grist. Grist also self-published it through his company, Dancing Elephant Press. It concerns a police detective who works in the 39th precinct of the fictional American city of New Eden, which seems to be located on the west coast. Despite being a UK citizen, Grist appears to have modeled New Eden and its police force in the style of American Cop shows such as Hill Street Blues and NYPD Blue. Another clear influence is the work of Frank Miller, particularly his Sin City comics. Cerebus was another formative influence, particularly because it proved to Grist that self-published comics were a viable proposition; the first issue of Cerebus that Grist read was #39, hence the designation of Kane's precinct.

    Kane has a difficult relationship with his co-workers due to a violent encounter with his former partner, which unfolds gradually and in flashback during the series. Police corruption is a recurring theme however, Kane is also densely intertextual and brims with references to popular culture, particularly characters from British television, comics and films.

    Kane (wrestler)

    Glenn Thomas Jacobs (born April 26, 1967) is an American professional wrestler and actor. He works for WWE, and is best known by his ring name Kane. Jacobs began his professional wrestling career on the independent circuit in 1992. He wrestled in promotions such as Smoky Mountain Wrestling (SMW) and the United States Wrestling Association (USWA) before joining the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) in 1995. Jacobs played various characters until 1997, when he was repackaged as Kane, the monstrous and/or demonic younger brother of The Undertaker, with whom Jacobs would alternatively feud or team as The Brothers of Destruction.

    Following his debut, Kane remained a pivotal component of the company's Attitude Era of the late 1990s and early 2000s, defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship in his first pay-per-view (PPV) main event at King of the Ring 1998. He has continued to compete in world championship PPV matches through the mid 2010s.

    Kane has won 18 total championships during his WWF/E career, including being a three-time world champion (having held the WWF Championship, ECW Championship, and World Heavyweight Championship once each) and a 12-time world tag team champion, having held the WWF/E (World) Tag Team Championship, WCW Tag Team Championship, and WWE Tag Team Championships with various partners. He is also a two-time WWE Intercontinental Champion and a 2010 Money in the Bank winner. Two-time WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair has called Kane "the best in the world".

    Drop (unit)

    The drop is a unit of measure of volume, the amount dispensed as one drop from a dropper or drip chamber. It is often used in giving quantities of liquid drugs to patients, and occasionally in cooking.

    The volume of a drop is not well-defined: it depends on the device and technique used to produce the drop, on the strength of the gravitational field, and on the density and the surface tension of the liquid.

    There are several exact definitions of a "drop":

  • in medicine, IV drips deliver 10, 15, 20, or 60 drops per mL. Micro-drip sets deliver 60 drops per mL and 10, 15,or 20 drops per mL for a macro-drip set.
  • an informal (and incorrect) synonym for minim, the smallest unit of fluid measure in the Apothecaries' systems of the United States customary units, Imperial units, and pre-1824 English units equal to 1/60 of a fluid dram or 1/480 of a fluid ounce
  • prior to the adoption of the minim in the early 19th century, the smallest unit of fluid measure in the Apothecaries' systems of the United States customary units and pre-1824 English units, inexact, but presumed to be equal to 1/60 of a fluid dram or 1/480 of a fluid ounce
  • Podcasts:

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