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Just Another Love

"Just Another Love" is a song written by Paul Davis, and recorded by American country music artist Tanya Tucker. It was released in June 1986 as the second single from the album Girls Like Me.


"Just Another Love" was Tucker's seventh No. 1 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart. The song stayed in the Top 40 of the Hot Country Singles chart for 14 weeks. "Just Another Love' was Tanya Tucker's first No. 1 hit in 10 years, since "Here's Some Love" went to number one in October 1976.

Chart performance


External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics
  • Looking Up

    Looking Up may refer to:


  • Looking Up (Autopilot Off album), or the title song, 2000
  • Looking Up (Michelle Gayle album), or the title song, 2000
  • Songs

  • "Looking Up", by Eels from Tomorrow Morning
  • "Looking Up", by Elton John from Wonderful Crazy Night
  • "Looking Up", by Michael W. Smith from Michael W. Smith Project
  • "Looking Up", by Paramore from Brand New Eyes
  • Looking Up (Michelle Gayle album)

    Track listing

  • "Looking Up" - 4.33 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Girlfriend" - 4.10 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Sweetness (Radio Edit)" - 3.38 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Fly Away" - 3.41 from Sensational
  • "Your Love" - 5.10 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Talk It Over" - 4.46 from Sensational
  • "Do You Know (Radio Edit)" - 3.36 from Sensational
  • "One Day" - 3.45 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Sensational (Radio Edit)" - 3.08 from Sensational
  • "Say What's On Your Mind" - 3.34 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Freedom" - 4.06 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Get Off My Back" - 4.09 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Personality" - 3.49 from Michelle Gayle
  • "All Night Long" - 4.42 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Baby Don't Go" - 5.03 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Happy Just To Be With You (Nigel Lowis Mix)" - 3.51 from Sensational
  • Tomorrow Morning (album)

    Tomorrow Morning is the ninth studio album by Eels; the third in a trilogy of concept albums including Hombre Lobo (2009) and End Times (2010).


    The album has been released on Compact Disc, a two-CD edition with a bonus EP, and a vinyl edition with the EP and a bonus 7" single. The vinyl edition was released on August 17, 2010, and the CD versions followed on August 24.

    The band toured for the first time since their 2008 An Evening with Eels tour to support this release.

    Critical reception

    AllMusic wrote "While some of this album feels a bit rushed at times, as a whole Tomorrow Morning is a welcome contrast to the darkness of its predecessors, and a deft summertime pop record." Wilbur Kane of The Skinny noted the album's optimistic tone — especially in comparison to Hombre Lobo — as well as the melodic tone of "Spectacular Girl", which he compared to Beautiful Freak.

    More critical was Pitchfork, writing "Tomorrow Morning [...] meanders aimlessly through 14 songs that sound like 28."


    • Looking Up!

      Grade 1.5 Looking Up! Robert Sheldon B1859 This up-tempo piece delivers a happy and energetic mood! Fun parts are provided for everyone, and the percussion section has plenty to do. Perfect as a concert opener, the rhythmic drive and tuneful melody is sure to engage the audience, leaving them with toes tapping and smiles on their faces. Correlated with Measures of Success® Book 1, Opus 4.

      published: 18 Jun 2021
    • Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)

      Paramore's official audio for "Looking Up" from 'brand new eyes' - available now on Fueled By Ramen. Get it at - http://smarturl.it/paramore-bne Subscribe for more official content from Paramore: https://FueledByRamen.lnk.to/ParamoreSubscribe Site: http://paramore.net Store: http://store.paramore.net Spotify: http://paramore.net/spotify Facebook: http://facebook.com/paramore Instagram: http://instagram.com/paramore Twitter: http://twitter.com/paramore Tumblr: http://paramore.tumblr.com LYRICS Things are looking up oh finally I thought I'd never see the day when you'd smile at me We always pull through oh when we try I'm always wrong but you're never right you're never right Honestly can you believe we cross the world while it's asleep? I'll never trade it in cause I've always wanted ...

      published: 17 Jan 2015
    • Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winans

      Debut record "Shine On Us" is available everywhere now: https://fanlink.to/SHINEONUS Nashville Life Music performs their new song "Looking Up" w/ pastor CeCe Winans live in Music City. What began as a spontaneous meeting around a living room piano is now a thriving music collective in the heart of Music City. Known for its lively, fun-filled melodies and powerful, anthemic choruses, Nashville Life Music is a diverse family of singers and musicians inspiring worshipful gatherings in their local church each week. Their songs and message are a direct expression of their heartfelt mission to see the world filled with Jesus followers. Visit http://nashvillelifemusic.com to stay updated on more songs coming soon!

      published: 01 Mar 2018
    • LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyrics

      JUST LOOK UP. Our help comes from the Lord. 👉 #IDO4 #IDO4LookingUp Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/39QNcFe Follow us on our socials: http://www.facebook.com/JCTGBTGOfficial | http://instagram.com/JCTGBTGOfficial | http://ido4online.com/ --------- 'Looking Up' Nashville Life Music Words and Music by: Dwan Hill From the album: Shine On Us, Pt.1

      published: 11 Feb 2022
    • Mk.gee – Are You Looking Up

      Mk.gee performs the song Are You Looking Up on Jimmy Kimmel Live. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #Kimmel: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live Website : http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite Like Jimmy Kimmel on Facebook: http://bit.ly/KimmelFB Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on Facebook: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook Follow @JimmyKimmel on Twitter: http://bit.ly/KimmelTW Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on Twitter: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on Instagram: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy®-nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” is well known for its huge viral video successes, with over 15 billion views and more than 18 million subscribers on the show’s YouTube ch...

      published: 11 Apr 2024
    • Looking Up / CASIOPEA

      published: 17 Oct 2010
    • Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)

      Two Star & The Dream Police out now: https://mkgee.co/twostarandthedreampolice Director: Danica Arias Kleinknecht Producer: Ben Lederman Producer: Hope Gettler 1st AD: Jack Karaszewski DP: Mika Altskan 1st AC: Christian Cruz 2nd AC: Alyssa Junco Colorist: Andrew Ceen at Blacksmith Loader: Rhys Scarabosio Gaffer: Conner Schuurmans Best Boy Electric: Alex Rizzo Best Boy Grip: Dwane Harris Key Grip: Jesus Sanchez Swing / Driver: John Reeves Sound Engineer: Mike Haldeman Production Assistant: Ben Turok Production Assistant: Sam Resetarits

      published: 31 Jan 2024
    • Casiopea - Looking Up/Dr. Solo/Bass Solo *Live 1985*

      Live at Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Tokyo on April 27th, 1985

      published: 13 Apr 2011
    • Looking Up

      Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Direct (Japan) Inc. Looking Up · CASIOPEA PHOTOGRAPHS ℗ 1983 ALFA MUSIC,INC. Released on: 2002-02-14 Arranger, Composer: Issei Noro Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 22 Oct 2020
    Looking Up!

    Looking Up!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:08
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Jun 2021
    • views: 32349
    Grade 1.5 Looking Up! Robert Sheldon B1859 This up-tempo piece delivers a happy and energetic mood! Fun parts are provided for everyone, and the percussion section has plenty to do. Perfect as a concert opener, the rhythmic drive and tuneful melody is sure to engage the audience, leaving them with toes tapping and smiles on their faces. Correlated with Measures of Success® Book 1, Opus 4.
    Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)

    Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:27
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Jan 2015
    • views: 3834297
    Paramore's official audio for "Looking Up" from 'brand new eyes' - available now on Fueled By Ramen. Get it at - http://smarturl.it/paramore-bne Subscribe for more official content from Paramore: https://FueledByRamen.lnk.to/ParamoreSubscribe Site: http://paramore.net Store: http://store.paramore.net Spotify: http://paramore.net/spotify Facebook: http://facebook.com/paramore Instagram: http://instagram.com/paramore Twitter: http://twitter.com/paramore Tumblr: http://paramore.tumblr.com LYRICS Things are looking up oh finally I thought I'd never see the day when you'd smile at me We always pull through oh when we try I'm always wrong but you're never right you're never right Honestly can you believe we cross the world while it's asleep? I'll never trade it in cause I've always wanted this And it's not a dream anymore No It's not a dream anymore It's worth fighting for Could've given up so easily I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me Taking for granted most everything that I would've died for just yesterday Just yesterday Honestly can you believe we cross the world while it's asleep? I'll never trade it in cause I've always wanted this And it's not a dream anymore No It's not a dream anymore It's worth fighting for God knows the world doesn't need another band But what a waste it would've been I can't believe we almost hung it up We're just getting started! The official YouTube channel of multi-platinum rock band Paramore. The band consists of lead vocalist Hayley Williams, guitarist Taylor York, and drummer Zac Farro. Paramore released its debut album ‘All We Know Is Falling’; reaching #4 on the UK Rock Chart and #30 on Billboard's Heatseekers Chart. The band's second album, Riot! was a mainstream success and was certified Platinum in the United States due to the success of "Misery Business", "Crushcrushcrush", and "That's What You Get". Their follow-up,‘Brand New Eyes’, produced Top 40/ platinum single, "The Only Exception". The band’s self-titled fourth album, ‘Paramore’ gave the band their first #1 album on the US Billboard 200 with hits “Now”, “Still Into You”, “Daydreaming” and a GRAMMY® award for “Ain’t It Fun”. Their fifth studio album ‘After Laughter’ featured hit singles like "Hard Times", "Told You So", and "Fake Happy". #Paramore #LookingUp #BrandNewEyes #OfficialAudio #FueledByRamen
    Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winans

    Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winans

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:53
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Mar 2018
    • views: 322367
    Debut record "Shine On Us" is available everywhere now: https://fanlink.to/SHINEONUS Nashville Life Music performs their new song "Looking Up" w/ pastor CeCe Winans live in Music City. What began as a spontaneous meeting around a living room piano is now a thriving music collective in the heart of Music City. Known for its lively, fun-filled melodies and powerful, anthemic choruses, Nashville Life Music is a diverse family of singers and musicians inspiring worshipful gatherings in their local church each week. Their songs and message are a direct expression of their heartfelt mission to see the world filled with Jesus followers. Visit http://nashvillelifemusic.com to stay updated on more songs coming soon!
    LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyrics

    LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:38
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Feb 2022
    • views: 44205
    JUST LOOK UP. Our help comes from the Lord. 👉 #IDO4 #IDO4LookingUp Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/39QNcFe Follow us on our socials: http://www.facebook.com/JCTGBTGOfficial | http://instagram.com/JCTGBTGOfficial | http://ido4online.com/ --------- 'Looking Up' Nashville Life Music Words and Music by: Dwan Hill From the album: Shine On Us, Pt.1
    Mk.gee – Are You Looking Up

    Mk.gee – Are You Looking Up

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:22
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Apr 2024
    • views: 370274
    Mk.gee performs the song Are You Looking Up on Jimmy Kimmel Live. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #Kimmel: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live Website : http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite Like Jimmy Kimmel on Facebook: http://bit.ly/KimmelFB Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on Facebook: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook Follow @JimmyKimmel on Twitter: http://bit.ly/KimmelTW Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on Twitter: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on Instagram: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy®-nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” is well known for its huge viral video successes, with over 15 billion views and more than 18 million subscribers on the show’s YouTube channel. Some of Kimmel’s most popular comedy bits include “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets,” “Lie Witness News,” “Unnecessary Censorship,” “Halloween Candy YouTube Challenge,” and music videos like “I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum.”
    Looking Up / CASIOPEA

    Looking Up / CASIOPEA

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:28
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Oct 2010
    • views: 348172
    Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)

    Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:11
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2024
    • views: 1807317
    Two Star & The Dream Police out now: https://mkgee.co/twostarandthedreampolice Director: Danica Arias Kleinknecht Producer: Ben Lederman Producer: Hope Gettler 1st AD: Jack Karaszewski DP: Mika Altskan 1st AC: Christian Cruz 2nd AC: Alyssa Junco Colorist: Andrew Ceen at Blacksmith Loader: Rhys Scarabosio Gaffer: Conner Schuurmans Best Boy Electric: Alex Rizzo Best Boy Grip: Dwane Harris Key Grip: Jesus Sanchez Swing / Driver: John Reeves Sound Engineer: Mike Haldeman Production Assistant: Ben Turok Production Assistant: Sam Resetarits
    Casiopea - Looking Up/Dr. Solo/Bass Solo *Live 1985*

    Casiopea - Looking Up/Dr. Solo/Bass Solo *Live 1985*

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:30
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Apr 2011
    • views: 1622299
    Live at Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Tokyo on April 27th, 1985
    Looking Up

    Looking Up

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:28
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Oct 2020
    • views: 118255
    Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Direct (Japan) Inc. Looking Up · CASIOPEA PHOTOGRAPHS ℗ 1983 ALFA MUSIC,INC. Released on: 2002-02-14 Arranger, Composer: Issei Noro Auto-generated by YouTube.
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    • Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)
      Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)remove from playlist
    • Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winans
      Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winansremove from playlist
    • LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyrics
      LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyricsremove from playlist
    • Mk.gee – Are You Looking Up
      Mk.gee – Are You Looking Upremove from playlist
    • Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)
      Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)remove from playlist
    • Looking Up
      Looking Upremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 38:05

    Looking Up!

    Grade 1.5 Looking Up! Robert Sheldon B1859 This up-tempo piece delivers a happy and energetic mood! Fun parts are provided for everyone, and the percussion section has plenty to do. Perfect as a concert opener, the rhythmic drive and tuneful melody is sure to engage the audience, leaving them with toes tapping and smiles on their faces. Correlated with Measures of Success® Book 1, Opus 4.
    Looking Up!
    Grade 1.5 Looking Up! Robert Sheldon B1859 This up-tempo piece delivers a happy and ene...
    published: 18 Jun 2021
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    Paramore - Looking Up (Official Audio)
    Paramore's official audio for "Looking Up" from 'brand new eyes' - available now on Fueled...
    published: 17 Jan 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Looking Up (Live) feat. CeCe Winans
    Debut record "Shine On Us" is available everywhere now: https://fanlink.to/SHINEONUS Nash...
    published: 01 Mar 2018
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    LOOKING UP - I.D.O.4. (Cover) Praise and Worship with Lyrics
    JUST LOOK UP. Our help comes from the Lord. 👉 #IDO4 #IDO4LookingUp Subscribe to our YouT...
    published: 11 Feb 2022
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    Mk.gee – Are You Looking Up
    Mk.gee performs the song Are You Looking Up on Jimmy Kimmel Live. SUBSCRIBE to get the la...
    published: 11 Apr 2024
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    Looking Up / CASIOPEA
    published: 17 Oct 2010
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    Mk.gee - Are You Looking Up (Live)
    Two Star & The Dream Police out now: https://mkgee.co/twostarandthedreampolice Director: ...
    published: 31 Jan 2024
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    Casiopea - Looking Up/Dr. Solo/Bass Solo *Live 1985*
    Live at Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Tokyo on April 27th, 1985
    published: 13 Apr 2011
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    Looking Up
    Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Direct (Japan) Inc. Looking Up · CASIOPEA PHOTOGRAPHS ...
    published: 22 Oct 2020
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    Just Another Love

    "Just Another Love" is a song written by Paul Davis, and recorded by American country music artist Tanya Tucker. It was released in June 1986 as the second single from the album Girls Like Me.


    "Just Another Love" was Tucker's seventh No. 1 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart. The song stayed in the Top 40 of the Hot Country Singles chart for 14 weeks. "Just Another Love' was Tanya Tucker's first No. 1 hit in 10 years, since "Here's Some Love" went to number one in October 1976.

    Chart performance


    External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics
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