- published: 23 Jul 2017
- views: 13894
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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); var par = el.closest('.playlist_scrollarea'); par.scrollTop(el.offset().top-par.height()/2); } var updateVolumeState = function(){ if(noSoundMode){ if(noSoundMode == 'turn-on'){ clog("Sound is on, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeUnMute(); noSoundMode = false; }else{ clog("Sound is off, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeMute(); noSoundMode = 'turn-on'; } } } var playQueueUpdate = function(){ var playPosition = playQueue[playQueuePosition]; vp.playFromPlaylist(playPosition.video); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); playShouldStart = playPosition.start; playShouldStop = playPosition.stop; }; var playQueueAdvancePosition = function(){ clog("Advancing play position..."); playQueuePosition ++; while(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length && !playQueue[playQueuePosition].video){ playQueuePosition ++; } if(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length){ playQueueUpdate(); }else if(vp.getReplayCurrent()){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); vp.playVideo(); }else{ vp.pauseVideo(); playShouldStop = null; playShouldStart = null; } }; function loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, start, finish, callback){ var playlistInfo = playlists[playerId-1]; if(playlistInfo.loading >= finish) return; playlistInfo.loading = finish; $.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/query_videos2', dataType: 'json', data: { query: playlistInfo.query, orderby: playlistInfo.orderby, start: start, count: finish-start }, success: function(response){ var pl = vp.getPlaylist().slice(0); pl.push.apply(pl, response); vp.setPlaylist(pl); callback(); } }); } if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); var vids = parseDash(parts[0]); parts = []; for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } if(vids.length){ if(vids[vids.length-1]-1>=pl.length){ loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, pl.length, vids[vids.length-1], function(){ if(fsonload){ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]+'/fs'); }else{ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]); } var pls = vp.getPlaylist(); vp.playFromPlaylist(pls[pls.length-1]); vp.playVideo(); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); }); return true; } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; playShouldStart = 0; } } if(previewMode){ var vids = []; var dur = 0; var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); area = parts[0]; if(parts.length == 1 && matchPosition(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash('1-'+pl.length); dur = parsePosition(parts[0]); parts = []; }else if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition("999:59"); parts = []; } if(parts.length == 2 && matchDash(parts[0]) && matchPosition(parts[1])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition(parts[1]); parts = []; } for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': dur }) } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } } if(parts.length>1){ for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, parts[i]); if(sel){ playQueue.push({ 'video': sel, 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } }else if(area){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, area); if(sel){ vp.playFromPlaylist(sel); playShouldStart = 0; parsed = true; } } if(fsonload || replayMode){ playShouldStart = 0; } if(document.location.search.match('at=|queue=')){ var opts = document.location.search.replace(/^\?/,'').split(/&/g); for(var o in opts){ if(opts[o].match(/^at=(\d+:)?(\d+:)?\d+$/)){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(opts[o].substr(3)) } if(opts[o].match(/^queue=/)){ playQueue = parseList(opts[o].substr(6)); if(playQueue){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); } } } } if(matchPosition(parts[1])){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(parts[1]); parsed = true; } if(matchAction(parts[1])){ var action = parseAction(vp, area+'/'+parts[1]); playShouldStart = action.start; playShouldStop = action.stop; parsed = true; } if(playShouldStart !== null && !playQueue.length){ playQueue.push({ video: vp.getCurrentVideo(), start: playShouldStart, stop: playShouldStop }); } if(playShouldStart != null){ setInterval(function(){ if(playShouldStop && vp.currentPlayer && vp.currentPlayer.getCurrentTime() > playShouldStop){ playShouldStop = null; 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The first season of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, an American police procedural television series developed by Dick Wolf and René Balcer, began airing on September 30, 2001 on NBC, a national broadcast television network in the United States. Law & Order: Criminal Intent is the second spin-off of the long-running crime drama Law & Order, and follows the New York City Police Department's fictional Major Case Squad, which investigates high-profile murder cases. The first season comprises twenty-two episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 10, 2002. Four actors received star billing in the first season; Vincent D'Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Sheridan, and Courtney B. Vance.
Episodes depict Detectives Robert Goren (D'Onofrio) and Alexandra Eames (Erbe) as the squad's lead investigators. Captain James Deakins (Sheridan) is the detectives' direct supervisor and head of the Major Case Squad. Assistant District Attorney Ron Carver (Vance) often attempts to obtain confessions from the suspects, rather than taking them to trial. Law & Order: Criminal Intent focusses on the actions and motives of the criminals, and divides screen time equally between the suspects and victims, and the police's investigation. The season was filmed on location in New York City, although scenes set inside the Major Case Squad department were filmed in a studio at Chelsea Piers, Manhattan.
Jones (first name and dates unknown) was an English cricketer who played for Hadlow and Kent during the 1740s.
Jones is mentioned in reports from 1747 to 1749. The first was his appearance for Kent v All-England at the Artillery Ground on Monday, 31 August 1747.
In 1748, he took part in a major single wicket match at the Artillery Ground on Monday, 29 August. This was a "fives" game in which he played for Long Robin's Five, who lost to Tom Faulkner's Five. Jones and his colleague John Larkin were noted members of the Hadlow club which had a very good team at the time. The final mention of him is in June 1749, when he and Larkin played for All-England v Surrey at Dartford Brent, Surrey winning by 2 wickets.
As Jones had established his reputation by 1747, he must have been active for some years previously. His career probably spanned the 1740s and 1750s when very few players were mentioned by name in contemporary reports.
The Spitfire Boys were the first Liverpool punk band to release a single ("British Refugee" c/w "Mein Kampf"). The Spitfire Boys were mainly notable for including in their line-up Peter Clarke, who went on to drum for The Slits and later Siouxsie and the Banshees (as well as marrying Siouxsie of the Banshees) as Budgie, and Paul Rutherford, later better known for being a member of 1980s pop band Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Jones (aka guitarist David Littler) went on to join The Photons, which also included Steve Strange (Visage) and Vince Ely (The Psychedelic Furs).
In early 1977, David Littler saw The Heartbreakers live at Eric's Club, in Liverpool, and asked them about a band he had, but really didn't exist, and the group gave him a place to support them alongside Slaughter and the Dogs and Buzzcocks at Warrington Parr Hall, Warrington, Cheshire, in May. The band was formed shortly afterwards by Littler as guitarist, alongside his friends, bassist Peter Griffiths and lead vocalist Michael Rigby, and Steve Platt a drummer, A short time later, while preparing for the gig, the band changed their name to The Spitfire Boys as a suggestion of Wayne County. For their first gig at Warrington Parr Hall, they played covers of Ramones.
Jana may refer to:
In Roman mythology, Diana ([djana]) was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and childbirth, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was eventually equated with the Greek goddess Artemis, though she had an independent origin in Italy. Diana was worshipped in ancient Roman religion and is revered in Roman Neopaganism and Stregheria. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses — along with Minerva and Vesta — who swore never to marry.
Oak groves were especially sacred to her. According to mythology (in common with the Greek religion and their deity Artemis), Diana was born with her twin brother Apollo on the island of Delos, daughter of Jupiter and Latona. Diana made up a triad with two other Roman deities: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife; and Virbius, the woodland god.
Diana (pronounced with long 'ī' and 'ā') is an adjectival form developed from an ancient *divios, corresponding to later 'divus', 'dius', as in Dius Fidius, Dea Dia and in the neuter form dium meaning the sky. It is rooted in Indoeuropean *d(e)y(e)w, meaning bright sky or daylight, from which also derived the name of Vedic god Dyaus and the Latin deus, (god), dies, (day, daylight), and " diurnal", (daytime).
Jana () is a 2004 Tamil action film directed by Shaji Kailas. The film stars Ajith Kumar in the title role with Sneha, Raghuvaran, Karunaas and Srividya playing other key roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by Dhina, while the camera is handled by Rajeev Ravi.
Janardhanan lives in a village in Tamil Nadu, leading life incognito, taking up the cause of the villagers, making enemies around. And then comes the twist in the tale, the caption in the interval reading...'Interval...Wait just see other face'. And when the film re-opens we do get to see the other face of Jana.
Jana, a terror to the Mumbai dons, corrupt politicians and their ilk, killing, maiming and teaching a lesson to them. Both the faces of Jana merge finally, when his bete noire Bhandari, out of jail, comes to the village to have his final round with Jana.
Low or LOW may refer to:
The first season of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, an American police procedural television series developed by Dick Wolf and René Balcer, began airing on September 30, 2001 on NBC, a national broadcast television network in the United States. Law & Order: Criminal Intent is the second spin-off of the long-running crime drama Law & Order, and follows the New York City Police Department's fictional Major Case Squad, which investigates high-profile murder cases. The first season comprises twenty-two episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 10, 2002. Four actors received star billing in the first season; Vincent D'Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Sheridan, and Courtney B. Vance.
Episodes depict Detectives Robert Goren (D'Onofrio) and Alexandra Eames (Erbe) as the squad's lead investigators. Captain James Deakins (Sheridan) is the detectives' direct supervisor and head of the Major Case Squad. Assistant District Attorney Ron Carver (Vance) often attempts to obtain confessions from the suspects, rather than taking them to trial. Law & Order: Criminal Intent focusses on the actions and motives of the criminals, and divides screen time equally between the suspects and victims, and the police's investigation. The season was filmed on location in New York City, although scenes set inside the Major Case Squad department were filmed in a studio at Chelsea Piers, Manhattan.