The Oort Cloud: The Solar System's Shell
What lies at the edge of the Solar System? Far beyond the orbit of Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, deep into interstellar space, we find a vast, thick shell of icy space debris. We have never seen it directly, but we know it exists- because it is the source of the most distant comets that we see entering the Solar System. So why is it there? Today we'll find out, in a new episode of #OOTW
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Do you use these videos to sleep or for night time watching? Check ou...
published: 16 Oct 2020
The Oort Cloud: Crash Course Astronomy #22
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short-period comets, and the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system out to great distances is the source of long-period comets. These bodies all probably formed closer to the Sun and got flung out to the solar system’s suburbs by gravitational interactions with the outer planets.
Check out the Crash Course Astronomy solar system poster here: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
published: 26 Jun 2015
What Is The Oort Cloud?
Looking at where we are now. With our back to the sun, and the Planets, Asteroids and comets behind us, we face Deep Space. There’s nothing between us and the stars that are very far away. Or is there? The Empty space beyond Neptune is not empty. What if we tell you that the Solar system is in the centre of a Giant ice-cloud! This cloud might be filled with billions and trillions of comets and other objects. What is the Oort Cloud?
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Before talking about this cloud, let’s...
published: 17 Jun 2020
The Oort Cloud: Believe it or Not
Learn about the Oort Cloud with host Reid Reimers on this episode of SciShow Space!
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published: 17 Jun 2014
The Oort Cloud
Hello viewers! Do you know of something beyong the Kuiper Belt? Also known as the Öpik–Oort cloud, the Oort cloud is a hypothetical cloud of small, icy planetesimals and is named after the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort. This cloud is thought to surround the solar system out to a distance of more than 3 light years. You will be shocked to know that by way of comparison, the Kuiper belt that exists beyond the orbit of Neptune is about one thousand times closer to the Sun than the inner wall of the Oort cloud is to the Sun. in this video are 10 more interesting facts about the Oort cloud you may not have known.
#OortCloud #solarsystem #explified
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References and citations:
published: 26 Apr 2021
Where does the solar system end? The Oort Cloud.
The solar system we call home has our sun, eight planets, all their moons, the asteroid belt, and lots of comets. Outside Neptune's orbit is the Kuiper Belt. An almost empty ring around the sun that has icy bodies, almost all smaller than Pluto, making slow orbits around the sun. But what’s beyond the Kuiper belt? Beyond the fringes of the Kuiper belt is the Oort Cloud.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Name one thing that exists in our solar system.
2. What is the Kuiper Belt?
3. True or False: The objects existing inside the Kuiper Belt are called Kuiper Belt Objects.
4. Some ______ come from the Kuiper Belt.
Answer Key:
1. Any of the following: Planets, asteroids, moons, Sun, comets
2. A ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune’s orbit.
3. True
4. Comets
Find out more at https://spacepla...
published: 12 Jan 2016
What If You Travel Beyond the Oort Cloud? | Unveiled
Humanity dreams of one day visiting distant star systems and alien planets. But to do so, we'll have to break through the mysterious Oort cloud. So, what awaits us in the darkest confines of our solar system? In this video, Unveiled takes a tour across space to explore the final divide between our star system and the interstellar medium... Hundreds of thousands of astronomical units away from the sun, here's where space starts to get really weird!
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Did Another Universe Exist Before Us? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvltsEvvBds
What's Hiding In the Kuiper Belt? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V75-oH8zx8
Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more fro...
published: 24 Nov 2019
What's The Matter With Oort Cloud? Does It Exist or Not?
Our solar system is, or could be, shielded by an enormous spherical shell called the Oort Cloud, home to countless objects like ice, rock, and maybe other dwarf planets. A lot of people talk about the Oort Cloud as if it's factual. It probably is, and a lot of theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists are certain it exists, but it's not that we have any direct evidence.
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published: 12 May 2022
Outward Bound: Colonizing the Oort Cloud
Could the cold outer reaches of the solar system ever be called home?
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Far beyond even Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is a vast and mostly empty region of space that we theorize may contain trillions of comets and other icy bodies. Frozen and barren though they would be, we will consider how they might one day become thriving and comfortable habitats for us.
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published: 14 Dec 2017
The Oort Cloud: The Solar System's Shell
What lies at the edge of the Solar System? Far beyond the orbit of Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, deep into interstellar space, we find a vast, thick shell of icy...
What lies at the edge of the Solar System? Far beyond the orbit of Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, deep into interstellar space, we find a vast, thick shell of icy space debris. We have never seen it directly, but we know it exists- because it is the source of the most distant comets that we see entering the Solar System. So why is it there? Today we'll find out, in a new episode of #OOTW
You can now support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sea_media
Patrons get ad-free access to my videos, and also get early access sneak peaks!
Alternatively, you can become a channel member through YouTube: https://youtube.com/seaMedia/join
All support is hugely appreciated and helps me in my full-time job of creating these videos!
Do you use these videos to sleep or for night time watching? Check out the new sleeping space playlist, a collection of my most chilled out and ambient videos.
All music in this video was downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library.
- The Six Realms | I Think I Can Help You
- Those Things Are More Fun With Other People | pATCHES
- Tides | Windows of Ken
- An Excuse To Do Less | pATCHES
- The Three Elements | I Think I Can Help You
- Clouded | Public Memory
- Ammil | The Tides
- Dusk | DivKid
- Growing Space | Astron
- Interplanetary Alignment | NoMBe
The scenes in this video were captured using SpaceEngine Pro, a virtual universe simulator:
Get SpaceEngine on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/
Some scenes were captured using Universe Sandbox
Oort Cloud Simulation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1557659633
Universe Sandbox: http://universesandbox.com/
Other Videos:
- Voyager-1 Launch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LoWEncvTLQ&t
- Oort Cloud Shell Image (Creative Commons): https://www.rocketstem.org/2020/01/11/ice-and-stone-special-topic-03/
- Timelapse of Comet Lovejoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D2tdjiE9PQ
- NASA Planetary Disc Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNOb3xrjOhE
- Estuary Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrYQFdukGMg
- How Big is the Milky Way Graphic | NASA (Creative Commons): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX3PIkbTQwQ
- Observatory Footage from ESA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwDJIT8Ucpo
- Oort Cloud In Depth [NASA]: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/oort-cloud/in-depth/
- Oort Cloud Contents and Structure: https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0512256
- Oort Cloud Facts: https://space-facts.com/oort-cloud/
- Kuiper Belt: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/kuiper-belt/overview/
- Sedna: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/90377_Sedna
- Siding Spring: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2013_A1_(Siding_Spring)
- Hale Bopp: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Hale%E2%80%93Bopp
- Lovejoy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2011_W3_(Lovejoy)
- TAU Spacecraft: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAU_(spacecraft)
- Whipple Mission: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015DPS....4731207A/abstract
- Extrasolar Oort Clouds: https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2012/08/interstellar-comets
0:00 Introduction
2:01 The Oort Cloud
5:18 The Scale of the Cloud
6:47 Formation of the Oort Cloud
9:33 The Source of All Comets
13:17 The Hills Cloud
14:40 Sedna
16:12 The Outer Oort Cloud
17:13 Siding Spring, Hale Bopp, Lovejoy
19:20 Future Missions to the Oort Cloud
21:46 Extra-solar Oort Clouds
What lies at the edge of the Solar System? Far beyond the orbit of Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, deep into interstellar space, we find a vast, thick shell of icy space debris. We have never seen it directly, but we know it exists- because it is the source of the most distant comets that we see entering the Solar System. So why is it there? Today we'll find out, in a new episode of #OOTW
You can now support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sea_media
Patrons get ad-free access to my videos, and also get early access sneak peaks!
Alternatively, you can become a channel member through YouTube: https://youtube.com/seaMedia/join
All support is hugely appreciated and helps me in my full-time job of creating these videos!
Do you use these videos to sleep or for night time watching? Check out the new sleeping space playlist, a collection of my most chilled out and ambient videos.
All music in this video was downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library.
- The Six Realms | I Think I Can Help You
- Those Things Are More Fun With Other People | pATCHES
- Tides | Windows of Ken
- An Excuse To Do Less | pATCHES
- The Three Elements | I Think I Can Help You
- Clouded | Public Memory
- Ammil | The Tides
- Dusk | DivKid
- Growing Space | Astron
- Interplanetary Alignment | NoMBe
The scenes in this video were captured using SpaceEngine Pro, a virtual universe simulator:
Get SpaceEngine on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/
Some scenes were captured using Universe Sandbox
Oort Cloud Simulation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1557659633
Universe Sandbox: http://universesandbox.com/
Other Videos:
- Voyager-1 Launch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LoWEncvTLQ&t
- Oort Cloud Shell Image (Creative Commons): https://www.rocketstem.org/2020/01/11/ice-and-stone-special-topic-03/
- Timelapse of Comet Lovejoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D2tdjiE9PQ
- NASA Planetary Disc Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNOb3xrjOhE
- Estuary Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrYQFdukGMg
- How Big is the Milky Way Graphic | NASA (Creative Commons): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX3PIkbTQwQ
- Observatory Footage from ESA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwDJIT8Ucpo
- Oort Cloud In Depth [NASA]: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/oort-cloud/in-depth/
- Oort Cloud Contents and Structure: https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0512256
- Oort Cloud Facts: https://space-facts.com/oort-cloud/
- Kuiper Belt: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/kuiper-belt/overview/
- Sedna: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/90377_Sedna
- Siding Spring: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2013_A1_(Siding_Spring)
- Hale Bopp: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Hale%E2%80%93Bopp
- Lovejoy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2011_W3_(Lovejoy)
- TAU Spacecraft: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAU_(spacecraft)
- Whipple Mission: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015DPS....4731207A/abstract
- Extrasolar Oort Clouds: https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2012/08/interstellar-comets
0:00 Introduction
2:01 The Oort Cloud
5:18 The Scale of the Cloud
6:47 Formation of the Oort Cloud
9:33 The Source of All Comets
13:17 The Hills Cloud
14:40 Sedna
16:12 The Outer Oort Cloud
17:13 Siding Spring, Hale Bopp, Lovejoy
19:20 Future Missions to the Oort Cloud
21:46 Extra-solar Oort Clouds
- published: 16 Oct 2020
- views: 2344336
The Oort Cloud: Crash Course Astronomy #22
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy...
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short-period comets, and the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system out to great distances is the source of long-period comets. These bodies all probably formed closer to the Sun and got flung out to the solar system’s suburbs by gravitational interactions with the outer planets.
Check out the Crash Course Astronomy solar system poster here: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Introduction: Where Do Comets Come From? 00:00
Kuiper Belt, Scattered Disk, and Oort Cloud 2:52
Long-Period Comets come from the Oort Cloud 4:03
Short-Period Comets come from the Scattered Disk 4:27
Pluto, Plutinos, and other Kuiper Belt Objects 4:47
Oort Cloud Objects 8:25
Review 10:38
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
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HD Long Exposure Star Timelapse https://vimeo.com/34172172 [credit: Jeffrey Beach, Beachfront B-Roll]
Fine Structure in the Comet’s Jets http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2015/01/16/fine-structure-in-the-comets-jets/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoplanetary_disk#mediaviewer/File:Artist%E2%80%99s_Impression_of_a_Baby_Star_Still_Surrounded_by_a_Protoplanetary_Disc.jpg [credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA]
Artist's impression of a protoplanetary disk. [credit: ESO/L. Calçada - ESO]
Creating Gas Giants http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11541 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a Sungrazing Comet? http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11307 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Pluto/Neptune Orbit http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/files/images/browse/plutoneptune.gif [credit: NASA]
1992 QB1 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/1992_QB14.jpg [credit: ESO]
Eris http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060918.html [credit: W. M. Keck Observatory]
Moons of Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(moon)#/media/File:Moons_of_Pluto.png [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Showalter (SETI institute)]
New Horizons Approach http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/common/content/animations/New-Horizons-Voyage-to-Pluto/ApproachingPluto1280.mp4 [credit: JHUAPL]
Moon http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003800/a003894/phase04_full.jpg [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio]
Pluto http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?Category=Planets&IM_ID=20073 [credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]
Sedna’s Orbit http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sedna-PIA05569-crop.jpg [credit: NASA]
Artist’s Conception of Kuiper Belt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:14-281-KuiperBeltObject-ArtistsConcept-20141015.jpg [credit: NASA, Wikimedia Commons]
Kuiper Belt World (video) http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/video/41 [credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry]
Pluto Discovery Plates http://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/cdm/singleitem/collection/loaselect/id/25/rec/1 [credit: Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory]
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short-period comets, and the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system out to great distances is the source of long-period comets. These bodies all probably formed closer to the Sun and got flung out to the solar system’s suburbs by gravitational interactions with the outer planets.
Check out the Crash Course Astronomy solar system poster here: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Introduction: Where Do Comets Come From? 00:00
Kuiper Belt, Scattered Disk, and Oort Cloud 2:52
Long-Period Comets come from the Oort Cloud 4:03
Short-Period Comets come from the Scattered Disk 4:27
Pluto, Plutinos, and other Kuiper Belt Objects 4:47
Oort Cloud Objects 8:25
Review 10:38
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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HD Long Exposure Star Timelapse https://vimeo.com/34172172 [credit: Jeffrey Beach, Beachfront B-Roll]
Fine Structure in the Comet’s Jets http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2015/01/16/fine-structure-in-the-comets-jets/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoplanetary_disk#mediaviewer/File:Artist%E2%80%99s_Impression_of_a_Baby_Star_Still_Surrounded_by_a_Protoplanetary_Disc.jpg [credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA]
Artist's impression of a protoplanetary disk. [credit: ESO/L. Calçada - ESO]
Creating Gas Giants http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11541 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a Sungrazing Comet? http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11307 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Pluto/Neptune Orbit http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/files/images/browse/plutoneptune.gif [credit: NASA]
1992 QB1 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/1992_QB14.jpg [credit: ESO]
Eris http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060918.html [credit: W. M. Keck Observatory]
Moons of Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(moon)#/media/File:Moons_of_Pluto.png [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Showalter (SETI institute)]
New Horizons Approach http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/common/content/animations/New-Horizons-Voyage-to-Pluto/ApproachingPluto1280.mp4 [credit: JHUAPL]
Moon http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003800/a003894/phase04_full.jpg [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio]
Pluto http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?Category=Planets&IM_ID=20073 [credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]
Sedna’s Orbit http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sedna-PIA05569-crop.jpg [credit: NASA]
Artist’s Conception of Kuiper Belt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:14-281-KuiperBeltObject-ArtistsConcept-20141015.jpg [credit: NASA, Wikimedia Commons]
Kuiper Belt World (video) http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/video/41 [credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry]
Pluto Discovery Plates http://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/cdm/singleitem/collection/loaselect/id/25/rec/1 [credit: Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory]
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 1941781
What Is The Oort Cloud?
Looking at where we are now. With our back to the sun, and the Planets, Asteroids and comets behind us, we face Deep Space. There’s nothing between us and the s...
Looking at where we are now. With our back to the sun, and the Planets, Asteroids and comets behind us, we face Deep Space. There’s nothing between us and the stars that are very far away. Or is there? The Empty space beyond Neptune is not empty. What if we tell you that the Solar system is in the centre of a Giant ice-cloud! This cloud might be filled with billions and trillions of comets and other objects. What is the Oort Cloud?
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Before talking about this cloud, let’s talk about what are comets? Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rocks and dust, orbiting the sun. They are typically the size of a town.These comets while orbiting the sun, get close to it and in the process are heated. Upon heating, they emit dust and gases into a giant glowing head. The dust and gases form a tail that stretches away from these for millions of miles. There are two main classes of comets : Short-period comets (also called elliptical comets) and long period comets. Short period comets are generally accepted to have emerged from either the Kuiper belt or the Scattered Disc which are two linked flat discs of icy debris beyond Neptune’s orbit at 30 au and jointly extending out beyond 100 au from the Sun. Short period comets have an orbital period of less than 200 years and orbit the Sun in the same plane as the planets. Long period comets have tilted and wildly elliptical orbits and appear from every direction in the sky. Their orbits last for thousands of years. The orbits of comets within the Kuiper belt are relatively stable, and so very few comets are thought to originate there.
But there is a problem here. Comets loose material and burn up when they fly by the sun and melt in the spectacular process which creates those gorgeous tails. After an interval of time comets disappear, and yet new comets keep coming. It's been nearly 4.5 Billion years to our solar systems birth and yet these comets are still appearing from nowhere. So where are they coming from? And what makes them come toward us? This was a very puzzling question back in the mid- 20th century. It was first theorised and solved by Dutch Astronomer, Jan Oort in 1950. He was also the first person to find the evidence for dark matter. He also found the distance of our Solar System from the Centre of our Milky Way. To understand what he proposed, lets go a bit back in time, about 4.5 Billion years back. Lets Observe our solar system, coalescing out of a flat disk of material around the sun, the inner planets were warmer, smaller and rocky while the outer planets were in a region that was freezing and grew huge. As this part of the solar system was chillier, water came in the form of ice mixed with dust and other stuffs. These pieces would then collide and stick together, and in the process they grew bigger. So, after the planets formed, the region in which they were formed still contained lots of these leftover chunks of ice and stuff called Planetesimals. Planetesimals formed the same material as the planets did. But those outer Jovian planets, they had a lot of gravity and any piece of chunk that got too close to them, were either assimilated in them or got thrown into highly eccentric orbits. They were either thrown towards the sun or flung out into Deep Space. Trillions upon trillions of such ice balls got tossed around by the planets. These small chunks with a very little gravity pulled on the heavy planets and the planets did the same. Though, the gravitational pull of these small chunks of ice was not much, but after trillions of these encounters, it accounted. So, the overall effect of all these encounters was that the Saturn, Uranus and Neptune moved outwards and Jupiter moved Inwards. As Neptune was moving outwards, it had a lot of encounters with these ice chunks and flung them into wild elliptical and tilted orbits. This shuffling and moving of the outer planets is what caused the Late Heavy Bombardment in our solar system.Today, there are three distinct populations of these objects. One is a region called the Kuiper belt, named after the Dutch Astronomer Gerard Kuiper. Comets in this belt have a stable orbit aligned with the planets.
Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
0:35 Comets
5:32 Oort Clouds Objects
8:01 Possible Planets
#InsaneCuriosity #clouds #oortcloud
Looking at where we are now. With our back to the sun, and the Planets, Asteroids and comets behind us, we face Deep Space. There’s nothing between us and the stars that are very far away. Or is there? The Empty space beyond Neptune is not empty. What if we tell you that the Solar system is in the centre of a Giant ice-cloud! This cloud might be filled with billions and trillions of comets and other objects. What is the Oort Cloud?
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Before talking about this cloud, let’s talk about what are comets? Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rocks and dust, orbiting the sun. They are typically the size of a town.These comets while orbiting the sun, get close to it and in the process are heated. Upon heating, they emit dust and gases into a giant glowing head. The dust and gases form a tail that stretches away from these for millions of miles. There are two main classes of comets : Short-period comets (also called elliptical comets) and long period comets. Short period comets are generally accepted to have emerged from either the Kuiper belt or the Scattered Disc which are two linked flat discs of icy debris beyond Neptune’s orbit at 30 au and jointly extending out beyond 100 au from the Sun. Short period comets have an orbital period of less than 200 years and orbit the Sun in the same plane as the planets. Long period comets have tilted and wildly elliptical orbits and appear from every direction in the sky. Their orbits last for thousands of years. The orbits of comets within the Kuiper belt are relatively stable, and so very few comets are thought to originate there.
But there is a problem here. Comets loose material and burn up when they fly by the sun and melt in the spectacular process which creates those gorgeous tails. After an interval of time comets disappear, and yet new comets keep coming. It's been nearly 4.5 Billion years to our solar systems birth and yet these comets are still appearing from nowhere. So where are they coming from? And what makes them come toward us? This was a very puzzling question back in the mid- 20th century. It was first theorised and solved by Dutch Astronomer, Jan Oort in 1950. He was also the first person to find the evidence for dark matter. He also found the distance of our Solar System from the Centre of our Milky Way. To understand what he proposed, lets go a bit back in time, about 4.5 Billion years back. Lets Observe our solar system, coalescing out of a flat disk of material around the sun, the inner planets were warmer, smaller and rocky while the outer planets were in a region that was freezing and grew huge. As this part of the solar system was chillier, water came in the form of ice mixed with dust and other stuffs. These pieces would then collide and stick together, and in the process they grew bigger. So, after the planets formed, the region in which they were formed still contained lots of these leftover chunks of ice and stuff called Planetesimals. Planetesimals formed the same material as the planets did. But those outer Jovian planets, they had a lot of gravity and any piece of chunk that got too close to them, were either assimilated in them or got thrown into highly eccentric orbits. They were either thrown towards the sun or flung out into Deep Space. Trillions upon trillions of such ice balls got tossed around by the planets. These small chunks with a very little gravity pulled on the heavy planets and the planets did the same. Though, the gravitational pull of these small chunks of ice was not much, but after trillions of these encounters, it accounted. So, the overall effect of all these encounters was that the Saturn, Uranus and Neptune moved outwards and Jupiter moved Inwards. As Neptune was moving outwards, it had a lot of encounters with these ice chunks and flung them into wild elliptical and tilted orbits. This shuffling and moving of the outer planets is what caused the Late Heavy Bombardment in our solar system.Today, there are three distinct populations of these objects. One is a region called the Kuiper belt, named after the Dutch Astronomer Gerard Kuiper. Comets in this belt have a stable orbit aligned with the planets.
Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
0:35 Comets
5:32 Oort Clouds Objects
8:01 Possible Planets
#InsaneCuriosity #clouds #oortcloud
- published: 17 Jun 2020
- views: 129352
The Oort Cloud: Believe it or Not
Learn about the Oort Cloud with host Reid Reimers on this episode of SciShow Space!
Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to pu...
Learn about the Oort Cloud with host Reid Reimers on this episode of SciShow Space!
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Learn about the Oort Cloud with host Reid Reimers on this episode of SciShow Space!
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- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 1030708
The Oort Cloud
Hello viewers! Do you know of something beyong the Kuiper Belt? Also known as the Öpik–Oort cloud, the Oort cloud is a hypothetical cloud of small, icy planetes...
Hello viewers! Do you know of something beyong the Kuiper Belt? Also known as the Öpik–Oort cloud, the Oort cloud is a hypothetical cloud of small, icy planetesimals and is named after the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort. This cloud is thought to surround the solar system out to a distance of more than 3 light years. You will be shocked to know that by way of comparison, the Kuiper belt that exists beyond the orbit of Neptune is about one thousand times closer to the Sun than the inner wall of the Oort cloud is to the Sun. in this video are 10 more interesting facts about the Oort cloud you may not have known.
#OortCloud #solarsystem #explified
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References and citations:
Hello viewers! Do you know of something beyong the Kuiper Belt? Also known as the Öpik–Oort cloud, the Oort cloud is a hypothetical cloud of small, icy planetesimals and is named after the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort. This cloud is thought to surround the solar system out to a distance of more than 3 light years. You will be shocked to know that by way of comparison, the Kuiper belt that exists beyond the orbit of Neptune is about one thousand times closer to the Sun than the inner wall of the Oort cloud is to the Sun. in this video are 10 more interesting facts about the Oort cloud you may not have known.
#OortCloud #solarsystem #explified
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- published: 26 Apr 2021
- views: 13502
Where does the solar system end? The Oort Cloud.
The solar system we call home has our sun, eight planets, all their moons, the asteroid belt, and lots of comets. Outside Neptune's orbit is the Kuiper Belt. An...
The solar system we call home has our sun, eight planets, all their moons, the asteroid belt, and lots of comets. Outside Neptune's orbit is the Kuiper Belt. An almost empty ring around the sun that has icy bodies, almost all smaller than Pluto, making slow orbits around the sun. But what’s beyond the Kuiper belt? Beyond the fringes of the Kuiper belt is the Oort Cloud.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Name one thing that exists in our solar system.
2. What is the Kuiper Belt?
3. True or False: The objects existing inside the Kuiper Belt are called Kuiper Belt Objects.
4. Some ______ come from the Kuiper Belt.
Answer Key:
1. Any of the following: Planets, asteroids, moons, Sun, comets
2. A ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune’s orbit.
3. True
4. Comets
Find out more at https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/.
The solar system we call home has our sun, eight planets, all their moons, the asteroid belt, and lots of comets. Outside Neptune's orbit is the Kuiper Belt. An almost empty ring around the sun that has icy bodies, almost all smaller than Pluto, making slow orbits around the sun. But what’s beyond the Kuiper belt? Beyond the fringes of the Kuiper belt is the Oort Cloud.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Name one thing that exists in our solar system.
2. What is the Kuiper Belt?
3. True or False: The objects existing inside the Kuiper Belt are called Kuiper Belt Objects.
4. Some ______ come from the Kuiper Belt.
Answer Key:
1. Any of the following: Planets, asteroids, moons, Sun, comets
2. A ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune’s orbit.
3. True
4. Comets
Find out more at https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/.
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 201026
What If You Travel Beyond the Oort Cloud? | Unveiled
Humanity dreams of one day visiting distant star systems and alien planets. But to do so, we'll have to break through the mysterious Oort cloud. So, what awaits...
Humanity dreams of one day visiting distant star systems and alien planets. But to do so, we'll have to break through the mysterious Oort cloud. So, what awaits us in the darkest confines of our solar system? In this video, Unveiled takes a tour across space to explore the final divide between our star system and the interstellar medium... Hundreds of thousands of astronomical units away from the sun, here's where space starts to get really weird!
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Did Another Universe Exist Before Us? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvltsEvvBds
What's Hiding In the Kuiper Belt? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V75-oH8zx8
Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled ► https://goo.gl/GmtyPv
#SolarSystem #OortCloud #NASA #Voyager #Interstellar #Space #Amazing #Documentary
Humanity dreams of one day visiting distant star systems and alien planets. But to do so, we'll have to break through the mysterious Oort cloud. So, what awaits us in the darkest confines of our solar system? In this video, Unveiled takes a tour across space to explore the final divide between our star system and the interstellar medium... Hundreds of thousands of astronomical units away from the sun, here's where space starts to get really weird!
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Did Another Universe Exist Before Us? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvltsEvvBds
What's Hiding In the Kuiper Belt? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V75-oH8zx8
Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled ► https://goo.gl/GmtyPv
#SolarSystem #OortCloud #NASA #Voyager #Interstellar #Space #Amazing #Documentary
- published: 24 Nov 2019
- views: 68520
What's The Matter With Oort Cloud? Does It Exist or Not?
Our solar system is, or could be, shielded by an enormous spherical shell called the Oort Cloud, home to countless objects like ice, rock, and maybe other dwarf...
Our solar system is, or could be, shielded by an enormous spherical shell called the Oort Cloud, home to countless objects like ice, rock, and maybe other dwarf planets. A lot of people talk about the Oort Cloud as if it's factual. It probably is, and a lot of theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists are certain it exists, but it's not that we have any direct evidence.
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Produced & Edited by:
Ardit Bicaj
Written by:
Ardit Bicaj
Narrated by:
Russell Archey
Space Engine
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Stock footage websites:
ES_669X - Lennon Hutton
A big thank you to our lovely channel members:
Joseph Pacchetti
Damon Reid
Expressive Pets
Cosmoknowledge brings news from space.
We love you, explorers!
Our solar system is, or could be, shielded by an enormous spherical shell called the Oort Cloud, home to countless objects like ice, rock, and maybe other dwarf planets. A lot of people talk about the Oort Cloud as if it's factual. It probably is, and a lot of theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists are certain it exists, but it's not that we have any direct evidence.
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Produced & Edited by:
Ardit Bicaj
Written by:
Ardit Bicaj
Narrated by:
Russell Archey
Space Engine
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Stock footage websites:
ES_669X - Lennon Hutton
A big thank you to our lovely channel members:
Joseph Pacchetti
Damon Reid
Expressive Pets
Cosmoknowledge brings news from space.
We love you, explorers!
- published: 12 May 2022
- views: 21510
Outward Bound: Colonizing the Oort Cloud
Could the cold outer reaches of the solar system ever be called home?
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Far beyond even Pluto and...
Could the cold outer reaches of the solar system ever be called home?
Visit our sponsor, Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/IsaacArthur/
Far beyond even Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is a vast and mostly empty region of space that we theorize may contain trillions of comets and other icy bodies. Frozen and barren though they would be, we will consider how they might one day become thriving and comfortable habitats for us.
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Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/isaac-arthur-148927746/mega-earths
Cover Art by Jakub Grygier: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jakub_grygier
Graphics Team:
Edward Nardella
Jarred Eagley
Justin Dixon
Katie Byrne
Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: www.maficstudios.com
Misho Yordanov
Pierre Demet
Sergio Botero: https://www.artstation.com/sboterod?fref=gc
Stefan Blandin
Script Editing:
Andy Popescu
Connor Hogan
Edward Nardella
Eustratius Graham
Gregory Leal
Jefferson Eagley
Keith Blockus
Luca de Rosa
Mark Warburton
Michael Gusevsky
Mitch Armstrong
Naomi Kern
Philip Baldock
Sigmund Kopperud
Tiffany Penner
Markus Junnikkala, "Hail the Victorious Dead"
Koalips, "Kvazar"
Lombus, "Hydrogen Sonata"
Aerium, "Waters of Atlantis"
Chris Zabriskie, "CGI Snake"
Could the cold outer reaches of the solar system ever be called home?
Visit our sponsor, Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/IsaacArthur/
Far beyond even Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is a vast and mostly empty region of space that we theorize may contain trillions of comets and other icy bodies. Frozen and barren though they would be, we will consider how they might one day become thriving and comfortable habitats for us.
Visit our Website: http://www.isaacarthur.net
Join the Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1583992725237264/
Support the Channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IsaacArthur
Visit the sub-reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IsaacArthur/
Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/isaac-arthur-148927746/mega-earths
Cover Art by Jakub Grygier: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jakub_grygier
Graphics Team:
Edward Nardella
Jarred Eagley
Justin Dixon
Katie Byrne
Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: www.maficstudios.com
Misho Yordanov
Pierre Demet
Sergio Botero: https://www.artstation.com/sboterod?fref=gc
Stefan Blandin
Script Editing:
Andy Popescu
Connor Hogan
Edward Nardella
Eustratius Graham
Gregory Leal
Jefferson Eagley
Keith Blockus
Luca de Rosa
Mark Warburton
Michael Gusevsky
Mitch Armstrong
Naomi Kern
Philip Baldock
Sigmund Kopperud
Tiffany Penner
Markus Junnikkala, "Hail the Victorious Dead"
Koalips, "Kvazar"
Lombus, "Hydrogen Sonata"
Aerium, "Waters of Atlantis"
Chris Zabriskie, "CGI Snake"
- published: 14 Dec 2017
- views: 451406