Object-Oriented Programming, Simplified
4 pillars of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
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published: 30 Mar 2018
What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?
Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is a programming language model used for software design -- some love it, some hate it. Watch to learn what object-oriented programming is and how it works.
🔎 Read more:
What is OOP ➡️ https://searchapparchitecture.techtarget.com/definition/object-oriented-programming-OOP/?
What is OOP method ➡️ https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/method
🔔Subscribe to Eye on Tech: https://www.youtube.com/@EyeonTech?sub_confirmation=1
Follow Eye on Tech:
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/EyeonTech_TT
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/eyeontech/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok...
published: 12 Feb 2020
Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Crash Course
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming all in one video.
✏️ Course created by Steven from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
🎥 Introduction to Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOjov-2OZ0E
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (07:37) Encapsulation
⌨️ (12:45) Abstraction
⌨️ (17:49) Inheritance
⌨️ (22:47) Polymorphism
⭐️ Sources ⭐️
🔗 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-for-beginners-what-is-encapsulation/#:~:text=Encapsulation%20is%20one%20of%20the,an%20object%20from%20the%20outside
🔗 https://press.rebus.community/programmingfundamentals/chapter/encapsulation/
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-inheritance/
🔗 https:/...
published: 30 Sep 2020
Fundamental Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
This video reviews the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), namely:
Abstraction, which means to simplify reality and focus only on the data and processes that are relevant to the application being built; Encapsulation meaning that data and the programs that manipulate those data are bound together and their complexity is hidden. Encapsulation is often achieved by means of class libraries (dynamic link libraries, or DLLs); Inheritance which allows a class to derive its methods and properties from another class. Inheritance might be used to define an extensive hierarchy of super classes and subclasses; Polymorphism meaning different subclasses of the same superclass, which therefore share the same interface, can implement those interfaces in their own ways. Polymorphi...
published: 01 Nov 2020
Object Oriented Programming with Python - Full Course for Beginners
Object Oriented Programming is an important concept in software development. In this complete tutorial, you will learn all about OOP and how to implement it using Python.
💻 Code: https://github.com/jimdevops19/PythonOOP
🔗 Tutorial referenced for a deeper explanation about __repr__: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIaPZXaePhw
✏️ Course developed by Jim from JimShapedCoding. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8d7rcShA7MGuDyYH1aWGg
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Getting Started with Classes
⌨️ (0:12:11) Constructor, __init__
⌨️ (0:50:35) Class vs Static Methods
⌨️ (1:13:22) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:30:14) Getters and Setters
⌨️ (1:51:00) OOP Principles
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick...
published: 13 Oct 2021
8. Object Oriented Programming
MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, Fall 2016
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-0001F16
Instructor: Dr. Ana Bell
In this lecture, Dr. Bell introduces Object Oriented Programming and discusses its representation in Python.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
published: 15 Feb 2017
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - For Beginners
In this beginner object oriented programming tutorial I will be covering everything you need to know about classes, objects and OOP in python. This tutorial is designed for beginner python programmers and will give you a strong foundation in object oriented principles.
💻 Enroll in The Fundamentals of Programming w/ Python
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tech_with_tim
🌎 Website https://techwithtim.net
📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechWithTimm
⭐ Discord: https://discord.gg/pr2k55t
📝 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-ruscica-82631b179/
📂 GitHub: https://github.com/techwithtim
🔊 Podcast: https://anchor.fm/tech-with-tim
💵 One-Time Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=m_JfrPK7D...
published: 29 Mar 2020
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in C++ Course
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used when writing code with C++. In this crash course, you will learn what OOP is and how to implement it using C++.
This course was developed by Saldina Nurak (CodeBeauty). Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodeBeauty
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:54) Introduction to OOP
⌨️ (0:03:17) Classes and objects
⌨️ (0:10:40) Access modifiers
⌨️ (0:17:26) Constructors
⌨️ (0:29:39) Encapsulation
⌨️ (0:39:50) Abstraction
⌨️ (0:52:23) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:15:43) Polymorphism
⌨️ (1:28:26) Outro
⌨️ (1:29:01) Bloopers
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
published: 02 Feb 2021
Object Oriented Programming - The Four Pillars of OOP
#keeponcoding #tech #programming
Patreon: https://patreon.com/keeponcoding
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_on_coding/
Discord: https://discord.gg/ypFyyWq
My Gear: https://amazon.com/shop/keeponcoding
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting so I can continue to provide you with free content!
published: 27 Feb 2020
Python Object Oriented Programming in 10 minutes 🐍
python object oriented programming OOP tutorial example explained
#python #objects #OOP
from car import Car
car_1 = Car("Chevy","Corvette",2021,"blue")
car_2 = Car("Ford","Mustang",2022,"red")
class Car:
def __init__(self,make,model,year,color):
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.color = color
def drive(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is driving")
def stop(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is stopped")
music credits 🎼 :
published: 28 Dec 2020
Object-Oriented Programming, Simplified
4 pillars of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
❤️ Join this channel to get access to perks:
4 pillars of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
❤️ Join this channel to get access to perks:
✋ Stay connected
- Complete courses: https://codewithmosh.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/moshhamedani
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/programmingwithmosh/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codewithmosh.official/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/codewithmosh/
4 pillars of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
❤️ Join this channel to get access to perks:
✋ Stay connected
- Complete courses: https://codewithmosh.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/moshhamedani
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/programmingwithmosh/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codewithmosh.official/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/codewithmosh/
- published: 30 Mar 2018
- views: 4154790
What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?
Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is a programming language model used for software design -- some love it, some hate it. Watch to learn what objec...
Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is a programming language model used for software design -- some love it, some hate it. Watch to learn what object-oriented programming is and how it works.
🔎 Read more:
What is OOP ➡️ https://searchapparchitecture.techtarget.com/definition/object-oriented-programming-OOP/?
What is OOP method ➡️ https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/method
🔔Subscribe to Eye on Tech: https://www.youtube.com/@EyeonTech?sub_confirmation=1
Follow Eye on Tech:
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eyeontech
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#ObjectOrientedProgramming #OOP #EyeOnTech
Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is a programming language model used for software design -- some love it, some hate it. Watch to learn what object-oriented programming is and how it works.
🔎 Read more:
What is OOP ➡️ https://searchapparchitecture.techtarget.com/definition/object-oriented-programming-OOP/?
What is OOP method ➡️ https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/method
🔔Subscribe to Eye on Tech: https://www.youtube.com/@EyeonTech?sub_confirmation=1
Follow Eye on Tech:
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/EyeonTech_TT
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/eyeontech/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eyeontech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eyeontech_tt/
#ObjectOrientedProgramming #OOP #EyeOnTech
- published: 12 Feb 2020
- views: 121131
Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Crash Course
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming all in one video.
✏️ Course created by Steven from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www....
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming all in one video.
✏️ Course created by Steven from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
🎥 Introduction to Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOjov-2OZ0E
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (07:37) Encapsulation
⌨️ (12:45) Abstraction
⌨️ (17:49) Inheritance
⌨️ (22:47) Polymorphism
⭐️ Sources ⭐️
🔗 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-for-beginners-what-is-encapsulation/#:~:text=Encapsulation%20is%20one%20of%20the,an%20object%20from%20the%20outside
🔗 https://press.rebus.community/programmingfundamentals/chapter/encapsulation/
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-inheritance/
🔗 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming all in one video.
✏️ Course created by Steven from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
🎥 Introduction to Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOjov-2OZ0E
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (07:37) Encapsulation
⌨️ (12:45) Abstraction
⌨️ (17:49) Inheritance
⌨️ (22:47) Polymorphism
⭐️ Sources ⭐️
🔗 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-for-beginners-what-is-encapsulation/#:~:text=Encapsulation%20is%20one%20of%20the,an%20object%20from%20the%20outside
🔗 https://press.rebus.community/programmingfundamentals/chapter/encapsulation/
🔗 https://stackify.com/oop-concept-inheritance/
🔗 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
- published: 30 Sep 2020
- views: 973839
Fundamental Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
This video reviews the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), namely:
Abstraction, which means to simplify reality and focus only on the da...
This video reviews the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), namely:
Abstraction, which means to simplify reality and focus only on the data and processes that are relevant to the application being built; Encapsulation meaning that data and the programs that manipulate those data are bound together and their complexity is hidden. Encapsulation is often achieved by means of class libraries (dynamic link libraries, or DLLs); Inheritance which allows a class to derive its methods and properties from another class. Inheritance might be used to define an extensive hierarchy of super classes and subclasses; Polymorphism meaning different subclasses of the same superclass, which therefore share the same interface, can implement those interfaces in their own ways. Polymorphism is implemented when classes override the code of the methods they inherit. The video also reviews the relationship between objects, otherwise known as entities, and classes, which are the code used to create objects.
00:00 What is an object?
01:02 Abstraction
01:38 Objects from a class
03:43 Encapsulation
05:28 Inheritance
07:11 Polymorphism
08:18 Summary of OOP concepts
This video reviews the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), namely:
Abstraction, which means to simplify reality and focus only on the data and processes that are relevant to the application being built; Encapsulation meaning that data and the programs that manipulate those data are bound together and their complexity is hidden. Encapsulation is often achieved by means of class libraries (dynamic link libraries, or DLLs); Inheritance which allows a class to derive its methods and properties from another class. Inheritance might be used to define an extensive hierarchy of super classes and subclasses; Polymorphism meaning different subclasses of the same superclass, which therefore share the same interface, can implement those interfaces in their own ways. Polymorphism is implemented when classes override the code of the methods they inherit. The video also reviews the relationship between objects, otherwise known as entities, and classes, which are the code used to create objects.
00:00 What is an object?
01:02 Abstraction
01:38 Objects from a class
03:43 Encapsulation
05:28 Inheritance
07:11 Polymorphism
08:18 Summary of OOP concepts
- published: 01 Nov 2020
- views: 958329
Object Oriented Programming with Python - Full Course for Beginners
Object Oriented Programming is an important concept in software development. In this complete tutorial, you will learn all about OOP and how to implement it usi...
Object Oriented Programming is an important concept in software development. In this complete tutorial, you will learn all about OOP and how to implement it using Python.
💻 Code: https://github.com/jimdevops19/PythonOOP
🔗 Tutorial referenced for a deeper explanation about __repr__: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIaPZXaePhw
✏️ Course developed by Jim from JimShapedCoding. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8d7rcShA7MGuDyYH1aWGg
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Getting Started with Classes
⌨️ (0:12:11) Constructor, __init__
⌨️ (0:50:35) Class vs Static Methods
⌨️ (1:13:22) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:30:14) Getters and Setters
⌨️ (1:51:00) OOP Principles
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick Raker
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster
👾 AppWrite
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
Object Oriented Programming is an important concept in software development. In this complete tutorial, you will learn all about OOP and how to implement it using Python.
💻 Code: https://github.com/jimdevops19/PythonOOP
🔗 Tutorial referenced for a deeper explanation about __repr__: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIaPZXaePhw
✏️ Course developed by Jim from JimShapedCoding. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8d7rcShA7MGuDyYH1aWGg
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Getting Started with Classes
⌨️ (0:12:11) Constructor, __init__
⌨️ (0:50:35) Class vs Static Methods
⌨️ (1:13:22) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:30:14) Getters and Setters
⌨️ (1:51:00) OOP Principles
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick Raker
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster
👾 AppWrite
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
- published: 13 Oct 2021
- views: 1964108
8. Object Oriented Programming
MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, Fall 2016
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-0001F16
Instructor: Dr. Ana Bell...
MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, Fall 2016
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-0001F16
Instructor: Dr. Ana Bell
In this lecture, Dr. Bell introduces Object Oriented Programming and discusses its representation in Python.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, Fall 2016
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-0001F16
Instructor: Dr. Ana Bell
In this lecture, Dr. Bell introduces Object Oriented Programming and discusses its representation in Python.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
- published: 15 Feb 2017
- views: 616716
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - For Beginners
In this beginner object oriented programming tutorial I will be covering everything you need to know about classes, objects and OOP in python. This tutorial is ...
In this beginner object oriented programming tutorial I will be covering everything you need to know about classes, objects and OOP in python. This tutorial is designed for beginner python programmers and will give you a strong foundation in object oriented principles.
💻 Enroll in The Fundamentals of Programming w/ Python
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tech_with_tim
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🔊 Podcast: https://anchor.fm/tech-with-tim
💵 One-Time Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=m_JfrPK7DsK4PLk0CxNnv4VPutjqSldorAmgQIQnMozUwwQw93vdul-yhU06IwAuig15uG&country.x=CA&locale.x=
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/techwithtim
⚡ Please leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content! ⚡
⭐ Tags ⭐
- Tech With Tim
- Python Tutorials
- Object Oriented Programming Python
- Python OOP
- Python Objects and Classes
- Classes Python
- Objects and Classes Python
⭐ Hashtags ⭐
#python #OOP
In this beginner object oriented programming tutorial I will be covering everything you need to know about classes, objects and OOP in python. This tutorial is designed for beginner python programmers and will give you a strong foundation in object oriented principles.
💻 Enroll in The Fundamentals of Programming w/ Python
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tech_with_tim
🌎 Website https://techwithtim.net
📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechWithTimm
⭐ Discord: https://discord.gg/pr2k55t
📝 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-ruscica-82631b179/
📂 GitHub: https://github.com/techwithtim
🔊 Podcast: https://anchor.fm/tech-with-tim
💵 One-Time Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=m_JfrPK7DsK4PLk0CxNnv4VPutjqSldorAmgQIQnMozUwwQw93vdul-yhU06IwAuig15uG&country.x=CA&locale.x=
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/techwithtim
⚡ Please leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content! ⚡
⭐ Tags ⭐
- Tech With Tim
- Python Tutorials
- Object Oriented Programming Python
- Python OOP
- Python Objects and Classes
- Classes Python
- Objects and Classes Python
⭐ Hashtags ⭐
#python #OOP
- published: 29 Mar 2020
- views: 3476981
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in C++ Course
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used when writing code with C++. In this crash course, you will learn what OOP is and how to implement it using C+...
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used when writing code with C++. In this crash course, you will learn what OOP is and how to implement it using C++.
This course was developed by Saldina Nurak (CodeBeauty). Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodeBeauty
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:54) Introduction to OOP
⌨️ (0:03:17) Classes and objects
⌨️ (0:10:40) Access modifiers
⌨️ (0:17:26) Constructors
⌨️ (0:29:39) Encapsulation
⌨️ (0:39:50) Abstraction
⌨️ (0:52:23) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:15:43) Polymorphism
⌨️ (1:28:26) Outro
⌨️ (1:29:01) Bloopers
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used when writing code with C++. In this crash course, you will learn what OOP is and how to implement it using C++.
This course was developed by Saldina Nurak (CodeBeauty). Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodeBeauty
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:54) Introduction to OOP
⌨️ (0:03:17) Classes and objects
⌨️ (0:10:40) Access modifiers
⌨️ (0:17:26) Constructors
⌨️ (0:29:39) Encapsulation
⌨️ (0:39:50) Abstraction
⌨️ (0:52:23) Inheritance
⌨️ (1:15:43) Polymorphism
⌨️ (1:28:26) Outro
⌨️ (1:29:01) Bloopers
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
- published: 02 Feb 2021
- views: 2669433
Object Oriented Programming - The Four Pillars of OOP
#keeponcoding #tech #programming
Patreon: https://patreon.com/keeponcoding
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_on_coding/
Discord: https://discord.gg/ypF...
#keeponcoding #tech #programming
Patreon: https://patreon.com/keeponcoding
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_on_coding/
Discord: https://discord.gg/ypFyyWq
My Gear: https://amazon.com/shop/keeponcoding
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting so I can continue to provide you with free content!
#keeponcoding #tech #programming
Patreon: https://patreon.com/keeponcoding
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_on_coding/
Discord: https://discord.gg/ypFyyWq
My Gear: https://amazon.com/shop/keeponcoding
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting so I can continue to provide you with free content!
- published: 27 Feb 2020
- views: 355833
Python Object Oriented Programming in 10 minutes 🐍
python object oriented programming OOP tutorial example explained
#python #objects #OOP
python object oriented programming OOP tutorial example explained
#python #objects #OOP
from car import Car
car_1 = Car("Chevy","Corvette",2021,"blue")
car_2 = Car("Ford","Mustang",2022,"red")
class Car:
def __init__(self,make,model,year,color):
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.color = color
def drive(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is driving")
def stop(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is stopped")
music credits 🎼 :
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi https://soundcloud.com/kubbi
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2JnDfCE
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/tDexBj46oNI
python object oriented programming OOP tutorial example explained
#python #objects #OOP
from car import Car
car_1 = Car("Chevy","Corvette",2021,"blue")
car_2 = Car("Ford","Mustang",2022,"red")
class Car:
def __init__(self,make,model,year,color):
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.color = color
def drive(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is driving")
def stop(self):
print("This "+self.model+" is stopped")
music credits 🎼 :
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi https://soundcloud.com/kubbi
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2JnDfCE
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/tDexBj46oNI
- published: 28 Dec 2020
- views: 430091
The STEM Degree SCAM: Why I Quit Coding.
Ex-Google TechLead exposes the STEM degree scam, the end of the coding era.
Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training. https://techinterviewpro.com/
💻 Get access to 100+ programming interview problems explained: https://coderpro.com/
📷 Learn how to build your own successful business on YouTube: http://youtubebackstage.com/
💻 I’ll send you FREE daily coding interview questions to practice your skills: http://dailyinterviewpro.com/
🛒 My computer and camera gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/techlead/list/UVRWWQKBFRR
💵 Merch! The ultra-thin TechLead wallet: https://amzn.to/42UyYOb
⌨️ My favorite keyboards: http://iqunix.store/techlead
Follow me on social media:
Disclaimer: This description may contain affiliate l...
published: 29 Dec 2023
Stop Studying Programming
Hi all, this is a video I wish I had for myself. It's more about getting into the builders mindset.
Huge shout out to Victor Bigfield and his graphcs
massobeats - bloom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1Udpcu9tg
published: 23 Jul 2023
How To Learn Programming for BEGINNERS! (2022/2023)
This simple tutorial will teach you how you can learn computer programming and teach yourself code. Learning code is not that hard, and it's easier than it looks. Instead of taking coding classes, why not teach yourself? Using this method you will learn html, css, javascript, visual design & more. Many people have landed themselves jobs involving web development and web design just with using this site. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
Learn Computer Programming (For FREE):
Wondering what mic I used for this video? Click here: https://amzn.to/2D8EULN
CroatCode's other videos:
How To Make Reaction Videos ➜ https://youtu.be/LixBIx4mMxI
How To Make your Voice Sound Better on Audacity ➜ https://youtu.be/r0TFAcdpURA
Want more videos? - Subscribe ➜...
published: 04 Nov 2018
Every programming tutorial
thx for the explanation
published: 27 Sep 2019
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science - Full Course
In this course, you will learn basics of computer programming and computer science. The concepts you learn apply to any and all programming languages and will be a good base onto which you can build your skills.
This video is meant for those who are interested in computer science and programming but have no idea where to start and have little to no background information on coding.
✏️Course created by Steven and Sean from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:05) Introduction
⌨️ (01:37) What is Programming?
⌨️ (06:19) How do we write Code?
⌨️ (11:44) How do we get Information from Computers?
⌨️ (14:46) What can Computers Do?
⌨️ (20:43) What are Variables?
⌨️ (25:02) How do we Manipulate Vari...
published: 21 Apr 2020
How I Learned to Code in 4 Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)
I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job in 4 months. This video is about how I became a self-taught software developer and how I learned how to code without a computer science degree or coding bootcamp.
Connect With Me:
⭐️ Main Site: https://www.timkim.me/
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimKimMe
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timkim.me/
Courses To Help Supplement Learning:
📚 Learning How To Learn: https://bit.ly/TK_LHTL_ZTM
🛠️ Build JS Projects Step-by-Step: https://bit.ly/TK_JS_ZTM
🟣 React: https://bit.ly/TK_React_ZTM
🅱️ Node: https://bit.ly/TK_Node_ZTM
🧐 Coding Interview Prep (DSA): https://bit.ly/TK_DSA_ZTM
Learn How To Code Playlist:
published: 13 Jun 2023
An Introduction to Coding In Rust for Pythonistas
In this video, I'll explore coding with Rust for the first time, diving into its cool features and drawing comparisons with Python.
👷 Join the FREE Code Diagnosis Workshop to help you review code more effectively using my 3-Factor Diagnosis Framework: https://www.arjancodes.com/diagnosis
😺 Git repository: https://git.arjan.codes/2023/rust
💻 ArjanCodes Blog: https://www.arjancodes.com/blog
✍🏻 Take a quiz on this topic: https://www.learntail.com/quiz/kmxktf
Try Learntail for FREE ➡️ https://www.learntail.com/
🎓 Courses:
The Software Designer Mindset: https://www.arjancodes.com/mindset
The Software Architect Mindset: Pre-register now! https://www.arjancodes.com/architect
Next Level Python: Become a Python Expert: https://www.arjancodes.com/next-level-python
The 30-Day Design Challenge: ...
published: 29 Dec 2023
99% Of Python Programmers Never Learned THIS Feature
99% of Python programmers don't know this. #Python #Short
published: 29 Sep 2022
chevy engine computer programming
published: 29 Dec 2023
Programming vs Coding - What's the difference?
Freelance Coding is the way in 2024! Learn How: https://www.freemote.com/strategy
#coding #programming #javascript ❗Free Programming Cheat Sheets (JavaScript, Python, React, CSS)
❗Learn How to Earn a Side Income with Freelance Coding
published: 25 Feb 2021
The STEM Degree SCAM: Why I Quit Coding.
Ex-Google TechLead exposes the STEM degree scam, the end of the coding era.
Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training. https://techintervie...
Ex-Google TechLead exposes the STEM degree scam, the end of the coding era.
Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training. https://techinterviewpro.com/
💻 Get access to 100+ programming interview problems explained: https://coderpro.com/
📷 Learn how to build your own successful business on YouTube: http://youtubebackstage.com/
💻 I’ll send you FREE daily coding interview questions to practice your skills: http://dailyinterviewpro.com/
🛒 My computer and camera gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/techlead/list/UVRWWQKBFRR
💵 Merch! The ultra-thin TechLead wallet: https://amzn.to/42UyYOb
⌨️ My favorite keyboards: http://iqunix.store/techlead
Follow me on social media:
Disclaimer: This description may contain affiliate links.
Ex-Google TechLead exposes the STEM degree scam, the end of the coding era.
Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training. https://techinterviewpro.com/
💻 Get access to 100+ programming interview problems explained: https://coderpro.com/
📷 Learn how to build your own successful business on YouTube: http://youtubebackstage.com/
💻 I’ll send you FREE daily coding interview questions to practice your skills: http://dailyinterviewpro.com/
🛒 My computer and camera gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/techlead/list/UVRWWQKBFRR
💵 Merch! The ultra-thin TechLead wallet: https://amzn.to/42UyYOb
⌨️ My favorite keyboards: http://iqunix.store/techlead
Follow me on social media:
Disclaimer: This description may contain affiliate links.
- published: 29 Dec 2023
- views: 34397
Stop Studying Programming
Hi all, this is a video I wish I had for myself. It's more about getting into the builders mindset.
Huge shout out to Victor Bigfield and his graphcs
Hi all, this is a video I wish I had for myself. It's more about getting into the builders mindset.
Huge shout out to Victor Bigfield and his graphcs
massobeats - bloom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1Udpcu9tg
Hi all, this is a video I wish I had for myself. It's more about getting into the builders mindset.
Huge shout out to Victor Bigfield and his graphcs
massobeats - bloom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1Udpcu9tg
- published: 23 Jul 2023
- views: 964834
How To Learn Programming for BEGINNERS! (2022/2023)
This simple tutorial will teach you how you can learn computer programming and teach yourself code. Learning code is not that hard, and it's easier than it look...
This simple tutorial will teach you how you can learn computer programming and teach yourself code. Learning code is not that hard, and it's easier than it looks. Instead of taking coding classes, why not teach yourself? Using this method you will learn html, css, javascript, visual design & more. Many people have landed themselves jobs involving web development and web design just with using this site. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
Learn Computer Programming (For FREE):
Wondering what mic I used for this video? Click here: https://amzn.to/2D8EULN
CroatCode's other videos:
How To Make Reaction Videos ➜ https://youtu.be/LixBIx4mMxI
How To Make your Voice Sound Better on Audacity ➜ https://youtu.be/r0TFAcdpURA
Want more videos? - Subscribe ➜ https://bit.ly/2PXf2W2
Tweet me ► https://twitter.com/croatcode
Was this tutorial on learning computer programming helpful? Leave a like and share this video with a friend 🙏
Thanks for watching! :)
CroatCode ✌
This simple tutorial will teach you how you can learn computer programming and teach yourself code. Learning code is not that hard, and it's easier than it looks. Instead of taking coding classes, why not teach yourself? Using this method you will learn html, css, javascript, visual design & more. Many people have landed themselves jobs involving web development and web design just with using this site. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
Learn Computer Programming (For FREE):
Wondering what mic I used for this video? Click here: https://amzn.to/2D8EULN
CroatCode's other videos:
How To Make Reaction Videos ➜ https://youtu.be/LixBIx4mMxI
How To Make your Voice Sound Better on Audacity ➜ https://youtu.be/r0TFAcdpURA
Want more videos? - Subscribe ➜ https://bit.ly/2PXf2W2
Tweet me ► https://twitter.com/croatcode
Was this tutorial on learning computer programming helpful? Leave a like and share this video with a friend 🙏
Thanks for watching! :)
CroatCode ✌
- published: 04 Nov 2018
- views: 6872445
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science - Full Course
In this course, you will learn basics of computer programming and computer science. The concepts you learn apply to any and all programming languages and will b...
In this course, you will learn basics of computer programming and computer science. The concepts you learn apply to any and all programming languages and will be a good base onto which you can build your skills.
This video is meant for those who are interested in computer science and programming but have no idea where to start and have little to no background information on coding.
✏️Course created by Steven and Sean from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:05) Introduction
⌨️ (01:37) What is Programming?
⌨️ (06:19) How do we write Code?
⌨️ (11:44) How do we get Information from Computers?
⌨️ (14:46) What can Computers Do?
⌨️ (20:43) What are Variables?
⌨️ (25:02) How do we Manipulate Variables?
⌨️ (31:54) What are Conditional Statements?
⌨️ (37:54) What are Array’s?
⌨️ (44:26) What are Loops?
⌨️ (49:37) What are Errors?
⌨️ (55:22) How do we Debug Code?
⌨️ (1:00:25) What are Functions?
⌨️ (1:09:52) How can we Import Functions?
⌨️ (1:13:45) How do we make our own Functions?
⌨️ (1:21:56) What are ArrayLists and Dictionaries?
⌨️ (1:27:38) How can we use Data Structures?
⌨️ (1:36:27) What is Recursion?
⌨️ (1:43:42) What is Pseudocode?
⌨️ (1:50:40) Choosing the Right Language?
⌨️ (1:55:34) Applications of Programming
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
In this course, you will learn basics of computer programming and computer science. The concepts you learn apply to any and all programming languages and will be a good base onto which you can build your skills.
This video is meant for those who are interested in computer science and programming but have no idea where to start and have little to no background information on coding.
✏️Course created by Steven and Sean from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWDlvMYYEbW42B8JyxFBcA
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:05) Introduction
⌨️ (01:37) What is Programming?
⌨️ (06:19) How do we write Code?
⌨️ (11:44) How do we get Information from Computers?
⌨️ (14:46) What can Computers Do?
⌨️ (20:43) What are Variables?
⌨️ (25:02) How do we Manipulate Variables?
⌨️ (31:54) What are Conditional Statements?
⌨️ (37:54) What are Array’s?
⌨️ (44:26) What are Loops?
⌨️ (49:37) What are Errors?
⌨️ (55:22) How do we Debug Code?
⌨️ (1:00:25) What are Functions?
⌨️ (1:09:52) How can we Import Functions?
⌨️ (1:13:45) How do we make our own Functions?
⌨️ (1:21:56) What are ArrayLists and Dictionaries?
⌨️ (1:27:38) How can we use Data Structures?
⌨️ (1:36:27) What is Recursion?
⌨️ (1:43:42) What is Pseudocode?
⌨️ (1:50:40) Choosing the Right Language?
⌨️ (1:55:34) Applications of Programming
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
- published: 21 Apr 2020
- views: 8842117
How I Learned to Code in 4 Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)
I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job in 4 months. This video is about how I became a self-taught s...
I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job in 4 months. This video is about how I became a self-taught software developer and how I learned how to code without a computer science degree or coding bootcamp.
Connect With Me:
⭐️ Main Site: https://www.timkim.me/
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimKimMe
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timkim.me/
Courses To Help Supplement Learning:
📚 Learning How To Learn: https://bit.ly/TK_LHTL_ZTM
🛠️ Build JS Projects Step-by-Step: https://bit.ly/TK_JS_ZTM
🟣 React: https://bit.ly/TK_React_ZTM
🅱️ Node: https://bit.ly/TK_Node_ZTM
🧐 Coding Interview Prep (DSA): https://bit.ly/TK_DSA_ZTM
Learn How To Code Playlist:
Mentioned Resources:
⭐️ https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn
🏕️ https://www.freecodecamp.org/
🔎 https://watchandcode.com/
Find Remote Jobs:
💻 https://remoteok.com/
💻 https://weworkremotely.com/
Tools I Used For Learning How To Code:
· Laptop Stand - https://amzn.to/3PgoMvU
· Pomodoro Timer - https://amzn.to/3NqoxgC
· Bose Headphones - https://amzn.to/3CseP7f
· Vertical Mouse - https://amzn.to/3JaWtLA
· Apple Keyboard - https://amzn.to/43SSRFX
· Laptop Backpack - https://amzn.to/3qFCu1p
Behind The Scenes:
🎬 https://www.timkim.me/ep-3-the-coding-video/
Music For Creators:
🎵 https://share.epidemicsound.com/2xtucq
Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links so I can feed mi familia while I make these videos for you guys. 🙏🙏🙏
I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job in 4 months. This video is about how I became a self-taught software developer and how I learned how to code without a computer science degree or coding bootcamp.
Connect With Me:
⭐️ Main Site: https://www.timkim.me/
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimKimMe
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timkim.me/
Courses To Help Supplement Learning:
📚 Learning How To Learn: https://bit.ly/TK_LHTL_ZTM
🛠️ Build JS Projects Step-by-Step: https://bit.ly/TK_JS_ZTM
🟣 React: https://bit.ly/TK_React_ZTM
🅱️ Node: https://bit.ly/TK_Node_ZTM
🧐 Coding Interview Prep (DSA): https://bit.ly/TK_DSA_ZTM
Learn How To Code Playlist:
Mentioned Resources:
⭐️ https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn
🏕️ https://www.freecodecamp.org/
🔎 https://watchandcode.com/
Find Remote Jobs:
💻 https://remoteok.com/
💻 https://weworkremotely.com/
Tools I Used For Learning How To Code:
· Laptop Stand - https://amzn.to/3PgoMvU
· Pomodoro Timer - https://amzn.to/3NqoxgC
· Bose Headphones - https://amzn.to/3CseP7f
· Vertical Mouse - https://amzn.to/3JaWtLA
· Apple Keyboard - https://amzn.to/43SSRFX
· Laptop Backpack - https://amzn.to/3qFCu1p
Behind The Scenes:
🎬 https://www.timkim.me/ep-3-the-coding-video/
Music For Creators:
🎵 https://share.epidemicsound.com/2xtucq
Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links so I can feed mi familia while I make these videos for you guys. 🙏🙏🙏
- published: 13 Jun 2023
- views: 6389610
An Introduction to Coding In Rust for Pythonistas
In this video, I'll explore coding with Rust for the first time, diving into its cool features and drawing comparisons with Python.
👷 Join the FREE Code Diagno...
In this video, I'll explore coding with Rust for the first time, diving into its cool features and drawing comparisons with Python.
👷 Join the FREE Code Diagnosis Workshop to help you review code more effectively using my 3-Factor Diagnosis Framework: https://www.arjancodes.com/diagnosis
😺 Git repository: https://git.arjan.codes/2023/rust
💻 ArjanCodes Blog: https://www.arjancodes.com/blog
✍🏻 Take a quiz on this topic: https://www.learntail.com/quiz/kmxktf
Try Learntail for FREE ➡️ https://www.learntail.com/
🎓 Courses:
The Software Designer Mindset: https://www.arjancodes.com/mindset
The Software Architect Mindset: Pre-register now! https://www.arjancodes.com/architect
Next Level Python: Become a Python Expert: https://www.arjancodes.com/next-level-python
The 30-Day Design Challenge: https://www.arjancodes.com/30ddc
🛒 GEAR & RECOMMENDED BOOKS: https://kit.co/arjancodes.
👍 If you enjoyed this content, give this video a like. If you want to watch more of my upcoming videos, consider subscribing to my channel!
Social channels:
💬 Discord: https://discord.arjan.codes
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/arjancodes
🌍LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arjancodes
🕵Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arjancodes
📱Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arjancodes
♪ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@arjancodes
👀 Code reviewers:
- Yoriz
- Ryan Laursen
- Dale Hagglund
🎥 Video edited by Mark Bacskai: https://www.instagram.com/bacskaimark
✍🏻 Code Examples & Scripting: Alyce Osbourne
🔖 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
1:12 Hello world
3:32 Macros
4:27 Overview of key differences
8:25 Python classes vs Rust struct
15:59 Differences between an ABC and a trait
18:29 Macros in Rust
19:26 Final thoughts
#arjancodes #softwaredesign #python
DISCLAIMER - The links in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service through one of those links, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you. Thanks for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
In this video, I'll explore coding with Rust for the first time, diving into its cool features and drawing comparisons with Python.
👷 Join the FREE Code Diagnosis Workshop to help you review code more effectively using my 3-Factor Diagnosis Framework: https://www.arjancodes.com/diagnosis
😺 Git repository: https://git.arjan.codes/2023/rust
💻 ArjanCodes Blog: https://www.arjancodes.com/blog
✍🏻 Take a quiz on this topic: https://www.learntail.com/quiz/kmxktf
Try Learntail for FREE ➡️ https://www.learntail.com/
🎓 Courses:
The Software Designer Mindset: https://www.arjancodes.com/mindset
The Software Architect Mindset: Pre-register now! https://www.arjancodes.com/architect
Next Level Python: Become a Python Expert: https://www.arjancodes.com/next-level-python
The 30-Day Design Challenge: https://www.arjancodes.com/30ddc
🛒 GEAR & RECOMMENDED BOOKS: https://kit.co/arjancodes.
👍 If you enjoyed this content, give this video a like. If you want to watch more of my upcoming videos, consider subscribing to my channel!
Social channels:
💬 Discord: https://discord.arjan.codes
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/arjancodes
🌍LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arjancodes
🕵Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arjancodes
📱Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arjancodes
♪ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@arjancodes
👀 Code reviewers:
- Yoriz
- Ryan Laursen
- Dale Hagglund
🎥 Video edited by Mark Bacskai: https://www.instagram.com/bacskaimark
✍🏻 Code Examples & Scripting: Alyce Osbourne
🔖 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
1:12 Hello world
3:32 Macros
4:27 Overview of key differences
8:25 Python classes vs Rust struct
15:59 Differences between an ABC and a trait
18:29 Macros in Rust
19:26 Final thoughts
#arjancodes #softwaredesign #python
DISCLAIMER - The links in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service through one of those links, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you. Thanks for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
- published: 29 Dec 2023
- views: 24143
Programming vs Coding - What's the difference?
Freelance Coding is the way in 2024! Learn How: https://www.freemote.com/strategy
#coding #programming #javascript ❗Free Progr...
Freelance Coding is the way in 2024! Learn How: https://www.freemote.com/strategy
#coding #programming #javascript ❗Free Programming Cheat Sheets (JavaScript, Python, React, CSS)
❗Learn How to Earn a Side Income with Freelance Coding
Freelance Coding is the way in 2024! Learn How: https://www.freemote.com/strategy
#coding #programming #javascript ❗Free Programming Cheat Sheets (JavaScript, Python, React, CSS)
❗Learn How to Earn a Side Income with Freelance Coding
- published: 25 Feb 2021
- views: 2088993