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Hulk Hogan

Terry Gene Bollea (born August 11, 1953), better known by his ring name Hulk Hogan, is an American professional wrestler, actor, television personality, entrepreneur and rock bassist.

Bollea enjoyed mainstream popularity in the 1980s and 1990s as the all-American character Hulk Hogan in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), and as "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, the villainous nWo leader, in World Championship Wrestling (WCW). A regular pay-per-view headliner in both organizations, Hogan closed the respective premier annual events of the WWF and WCW, WrestleMania and Starrcade, on multiple occasions. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005. He was signed with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) from 2009 until 2013, where he was the on-screen General Manager and occasional wrestler.IGN described Hogan as "the most recognized wrestling star worldwide and the most popular wrestler of the '80s".

Hogan is a 12-time world champion; a six-time WWF/E (World Heavyweight) Champion and six-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He was the first wrestler to win consecutive Royal Rumbles, in 1990 and 1991.


  • Hulk Hogan rips shirt at podium on final night of RNC

    Hulk Hogan stole the show at the final night of the RNC — taking off his shirt while screaming, "they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Enough was enough." #hulkhogan #rnc #trump ––– Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/59aJ1G ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. Download the ABC News app for the latest headlines and alerts: https://abcnews.go.com/devices Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0PZCe-kwQ&ab_channel=ABCNews Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOa26lW-uI8ixlVw1NWu_l4Eh8iZW_qN&feature=shared Read ABC N...

    published: 19 Jul 2024
  • Watch: Hulk Hogan full speech at 2024 RNC | LiveNOW from FOX

    Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan took the stage at Day 4 of the Republican National Convention on Thursday. Hogan called former President Trump a "real American hero." Trump has been seen wearing a bandage on his right ear following an assassination attempt during a weekend rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, made his first speech to the RNC as a vice presidential candidate on Wednesday night. This comes ahead of a speech by Trump on Thursday when he's slated to accept the GOP presidential nomination. Subscribe to LiveNOW from FOX! https://www.youtube.com/livenowfox?sub_confirmation=1 Where to watch LiveNOW from FOX: https://www.livenowfox.com/ Follow us @LiveNOWFOX on Twitter: https://twitter.com/livenowfox Raw and unfiltered. Watc...

    published: 19 Jul 2024
  • Still in shock The Rock, Stone Cold AND Hulk Hogan shared a ring together on this day in 2014!

    Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3ZTjVE7 in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE for more exciting action! - Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Watch WWE on Shahid: http://www.wwe.com/yt-shahid Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out these other channels! --------------------------------------------- UpUpDownDown: https://www.y...

    published: 06 Apr 2023
  • WATCH: Hulk Hogan speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4

    Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan spoke Thursday on the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, an evening focused on making “America great once again” and featuring Trump’s first speech as party nominee. Throughout the week, Republican elected officials, party leaders, celebrities and voters have taken the stage to speak in support of Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. They also adopted a party platform. Trump’s Thursday night address will be his first formal public remarks since an assassination attempt against him last weekend at a rally in Pennsylvania. Follow PolitiFact’s live fact-checking here: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-night-4-of-the-republican-national-convention Watch PBS News for daily, breaking a...

    published: 19 Jul 2024
  • Trump gushes over Hulk Hogan's fiery RNC speech

    Former president Donald Trump praised Hulk Hogan for his speech at the Republican National Convention. ––– Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/59aJ1G Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0PZCe-kwQ&ab_channel=ABCNews Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOa26lW-uI8ixlVw1NWu_l4Eh8iZW_qN&feature=shared Read ABC News reports online: http://abcnews.go.com ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. ABC News is the home to the #1 evening newscast “World News Tonight” with David Muir, “Good Morning America,” “20/20,” “Nightline,” “This Week” with Ge...

    published: 19 Jul 2024
  • FULL MATCH — The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: WrestleMania X8

    It's Icon vs. Icon as the Toronto Skydome explodes with The Rock taking on "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan for the first time-ever. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3ZTjVE7 in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE for more exciting action! - Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Watch WWE on Shahid: http://www.wwe.com/yt-shahid Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com ----------------------------...

    published: 01 Mar 2024
  • Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealth

    Hulk Hogan takes us through the contents of his fully stocked fridge, shares what his current diet looks like and reveals how his outlook on fitness has changed since his wrestling career. Plus, the WWE legend gives us a look into his 40lb weight loss journey and current workout routine to stay fit in his 60s. Watch more Men's Health Gym and Fridge videos HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvWKOUBL7A&list=PLoA8R7df04hQXeGWljZXvLXokEs7sPtoF&index=1 SUBSCRIBE to Men's Health: https://www.youtube.com/user/MensHealthMag MEN'S HEALTH SHOWS: Gym & Fridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvWKOUBL7A&list=PLoA8R7df04hQXeGWljZXvLXokEs7sPtoF Train Like a Celebrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36uYxxuEx-Q&list=PLoA8R7df04hQ8qbEAGtMMLx-By3aDBHlt Eat Like a Celebrity: https://www.youtube....

    published: 11 Jul 2023
  • ‘HIGHLY INSULTED’: Hulk Hogan responds to Biden’s ‘garbage’ label

    WWE legend Hulk Hogan reacts to President Biden calling Trump supporters 'garbage' on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.' #foxnews #fox #jessewattersprimetime Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.com Watch Fox News Channel Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/ FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or co...

    published: 01 Nov 2024
  • Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces: Saturday Night's

    Hulkamania and Macho Madness come together when Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces on Saturday Night's Main Event. Subscribe Now - http://www.youtube.com/user/wwe?sub_confirmation=1

    published: 09 May 2012
  • Full speech: Hulk Hogan rips his shirt off at 2024 RNC | USA TODAY

    Hulk Hogan gave a wrestling promo saying, "all the Trumpites will be running wild for four years," and ripping off his shirt to reveal a Trump-Vance campaign tank top. Read more: Whatcha' gonna do Republicans? Watch Hulk Hogan address RNC https://tinyurl.com/58x84fzx #HulkHogan #RNC #PresidentialElection

    published: 22 Jul 2024
Hulk Hogan rips shirt at podium on final night of RNC

Hulk Hogan rips shirt at podium on final night of RNC

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:38
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2024
  • views: 2271018
Hulk Hogan stole the show at the final night of the RNC — taking off his shirt while screaming, "they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Enough was enough." #hulkhogan #rnc #trump ––– Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/59aJ1G ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. Download the ABC News app for the latest headlines and alerts: https://abcnews.go.com/devices Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0PZCe-kwQ&ab_channel=ABCNews Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOa26lW-uI8ixlVw1NWu_l4Eh8iZW_qN&feature=shared Read ABC News reports online: http://abcnews.go.com ABC News is the home to the #1 evening newscast “World News Tonight” with David Muir, “Good Morning America,” “20/20,” “Nightline,” “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, “ABC News Live Prime” with Linsey Davis, plus the daily news podcast “Start Here.” Connect with ABC News on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abcnews TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@abcnews X: https://twitter.com/ABC Threads: https://www.threads.net/@abcnews LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/abcnews
Watch: Hulk Hogan full speech at 2024 RNC | LiveNOW from FOX

Watch: Hulk Hogan full speech at 2024 RNC | LiveNOW from FOX

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:24
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2024
  • views: 815208
Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan took the stage at Day 4 of the Republican National Convention on Thursday. Hogan called former President Trump a "real American hero." Trump has been seen wearing a bandage on his right ear following an assassination attempt during a weekend rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, made his first speech to the RNC as a vice presidential candidate on Wednesday night. This comes ahead of a speech by Trump on Thursday when he's slated to accept the GOP presidential nomination. Subscribe to LiveNOW from FOX! https://www.youtube.com/livenowfox?sub_confirmation=1 Where to watch LiveNOW from FOX: https://www.livenowfox.com/ Follow us @LiveNOWFOX on Twitter: https://twitter.com/livenowfox Raw and unfiltered. Watch a non-stop stream of breaking news, live events and stories across the nation. Limited commentary. No opinion. Experience LiveNOW from FOX.
Still in shock The Rock, Stone Cold AND Hulk Hogan shared a ring together on this day in 2014!

Still in shock The Rock, Stone Cold AND Hulk Hogan shared a ring together on this day in 2014!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:22
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Apr 2023
  • views: 5328846
Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3ZTjVE7 in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE for more exciting action! - Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Watch WWE on Shahid: http://www.wwe.com/yt-shahid Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out these other channels! --------------------------------------------- UpUpDownDown: https://www.youtube.com/upupdowndown Celtic Warrior Workouts: https://www.youtube.com/@CelticWarriorWorkouts WWE Music: https://www.youtube.com/wwemusic ------------------------------------ WWE on Social Media ------------------------------------ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wwe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwe/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wwe Giphy: https://giphy.com/wwe ------------------------------------
WATCH: Hulk Hogan speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4

WATCH: Hulk Hogan speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:57
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2024
  • views: 226763
Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan spoke Thursday on the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, an evening focused on making “America great once again” and featuring Trump’s first speech as party nominee. Throughout the week, Republican elected officials, party leaders, celebrities and voters have taken the stage to speak in support of Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. They also adopted a party platform. Trump’s Thursday night address will be his first formal public remarks since an assassination attempt against him last weekend at a rally in Pennsylvania. Follow PolitiFact’s live fact-checking here: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-night-4-of-the-republican-national-convention Watch PBS News for daily, breaking and live news, plus special coverage. We are home to PBS News Hour, ranked the most credible and objective TV news show. Newsletters: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/subscribe PBS News podcasts: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/podcasts Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG Find more from PBS News at https://www.pbs.org/newshour Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6 Follow us: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pbsnews X (formerly know as Twitter): http://www.twitter.com/newshour Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/newshour Facebook: http://www.pbs.org/newshour
Trump gushes over Hulk Hogan's fiery RNC speech

Trump gushes over Hulk Hogan's fiery RNC speech

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2024
  • views: 85649
Former president Donald Trump praised Hulk Hogan for his speech at the Republican National Convention. ––– Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/59aJ1G Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0PZCe-kwQ&ab_channel=ABCNews Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOa26lW-uI8ixlVw1NWu_l4Eh8iZW_qN&feature=shared Read ABC News reports online: http://abcnews.go.com ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. ABC News is the home to the #1 evening newscast “World News Tonight” with David Muir, “Good Morning America,” “20/20,” “Nightline,” “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, “ABC News Live Prime” with Linsey Davis, plus the daily news podcast “Start Here.” —–– Connect with ABC News on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abcnews TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@abcnews X: https://twitter.com/ABC Threads: https://www.threads.net/@abcnews LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/abcnews
FULL MATCH — The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: WrestleMania X8

FULL MATCH — The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: WrestleMania X8

  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:29
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Mar 2024
  • views: 3065427
It's Icon vs. Icon as the Toronto Skydome explodes with The Rock taking on "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan for the first time-ever. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3ZTjVE7 in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE for more exciting action! - Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Watch WWE on Shahid: http://www.wwe.com/yt-shahid Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out these other channels! --------------------------------------------- UpUpDownDown: https://www.youtube.com/upupdowndown Celtic Warrior Workouts: https://www.youtube.com/@CelticWarriorWorkouts WWE Music: https://www.youtube.com/wwemusic ------------------------------------ WWE on Social Media ------------------------------------ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wwe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwe/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wwe Giphy: https://giphy.com/wwe ------------------------------------
Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealth

Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealth

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:35
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Jul 2023
  • views: 6716076
Hulk Hogan takes us through the contents of his fully stocked fridge, shares what his current diet looks like and reveals how his outlook on fitness has changed since his wrestling career. Plus, the WWE legend gives us a look into his 40lb weight loss journey and current workout routine to stay fit in his 60s. Watch more Men's Health Gym and Fridge videos HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvWKOUBL7A&list=PLoA8R7df04hQXeGWljZXvLXokEs7sPtoF&index=1 SUBSCRIBE to Men's Health: https://www.youtube.com/user/MensHealthMag MEN'S HEALTH SHOWS: Gym & Fridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvWKOUBL7A&list=PLoA8R7df04hQXeGWljZXvLXokEs7sPtoF Train Like a Celebrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36uYxxuEx-Q&list=PLoA8R7df04hQ8qbEAGtMMLx-By3aDBHlt Eat Like a Celebrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAUzx2gPiS4&list=PLoA8R7df04hRCJuZgCGlvRdqEV2JO4s1_ Men'$ Wealth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bu-n9aGN4U&list=PLoA8R7df04hS-SZbitS74CznlvONXTUfF Don't Read The Comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXiJ-VeN5T8&list=PLoA8R7df04hTvGKtrlEYYNBUHEyqMUdqF Men's Health Official Site: https://www.menshealth.com/ Men's Health on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MensHealth/ Men's Health on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MensHealthMag Men's Health on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menshealthmag/ Men's Health on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/menshealthmag/ #HulkHogan #GymandFridge #MensHealth
‘HIGHLY INSULTED’: Hulk Hogan responds to Biden’s ‘garbage’ label

‘HIGHLY INSULTED’: Hulk Hogan responds to Biden’s ‘garbage’ label

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Nov 2024
  • views: 170437
WWE legend Hulk Hogan reacts to President Biden calling Trump supporters 'garbage' on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.' #foxnews #fox #jessewattersprimetime Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.com Watch Fox News Channel Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/ FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre. Watch full episodes of your favorite shows The Five: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/the-five Special Report with Bret Baier: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/special-report Jesse Watters Primetime: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/jesse-watters-primetime Hannity: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/hannity The Ingraham Angle: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/ingraham-angle Gutfeld!: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/gutfeld Fox News @ Night: https://www.foxnews.com/video/shows/fox-news-night Follow Fox News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/ Follow Fox News on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoxNews/ Follow Fox News on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxnews/
Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces: Saturday Night's

Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces: Saturday Night's

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  • Duration: 2:02
  • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2012
  • views: 3019782
Hulkamania and Macho Madness come together when Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces on Saturday Night's Main Event. Subscribe Now - http://www.youtube.com/user/wwe?sub_confirmation=1
Full speech: Hulk Hogan rips his shirt off at 2024 RNC | USA TODAY

Full speech: Hulk Hogan rips his shirt off at 2024 RNC | USA TODAY

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:22
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Jul 2024
  • views: 66139
Hulk Hogan gave a wrestling promo saying, "all the Trumpites will be running wild for four years," and ripping off his shirt to reveal a Trump-Vance campaign tank top. Read more: Whatcha' gonna do Republicans? Watch Hulk Hogan address RNC https://tinyurl.com/58x84fzx #HulkHogan #RNC #PresidentialElection
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  • Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealth
    Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealthremove from playlist
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:02:45

Hulk Hogan rips shirt at podium on final night of RNC

Hulk Hogan stole the show at the final night of the RNC — taking off his shirt while screaming, "they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Enough was enough." #hulkhogan #rnc #trump ––– Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/59aJ1G ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. Download the ABC News app for the latest headlines and alerts: https://abcnews.go.com/devices Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0PZCe-kwQ&ab_channel=ABCNews Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOa26lW-uI8ixlVw1NWu_l4Eh8iZW_qN&feature=shared Read ABC News reports online: http://abcnews.go.com ABC News is the home to the #1 evening newscast “World News Tonight” with David Muir, “Good Morning America,” “20/20,” “Nightline,” “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, “ABC News Live Prime” with Linsey Davis, plus the daily news podcast “Start Here.” Connect with ABC News on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abcnews TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@abcnews X: https://twitter.com/ABC Threads: https://www.threads.net/@abcnews LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/abcnews
Hulk Hogan rips shirt at podium on final night of RNC
Hulk Hogan stole the show at the final night of the RNC — taking off his shirt while screa...
published: 19 Jul 2024
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Watch: Hulk Hogan full speech at 2024 RNC | LiveNOW from FOX
Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan took the stage at Day 4 of the Republican...
published: 19 Jul 2024
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Still in shock The Rock, Stone Cold AND Hulk Hogan shared a ring together on this day in 2014!
Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3ZTjVE7 in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/...
published: 06 Apr 2023
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WATCH: Hulk Hogan speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4
Professional entertainer and wrestler Hulk Hogan spoke Thursday on the final night of the ...
published: 19 Jul 2024
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Trump gushes over Hulk Hogan's fiery RNC speech
Former president Donald Trump praised Hulk Hogan for his speech at the Republican National...
published: 19 Jul 2024
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FULL MATCH — The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: WrestleMania X8
It's Icon vs. Icon as the Toronto Skydome explodes with The Rock taking on "Hollywood" Hul...
published: 01 Mar 2024
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Almost 40 years in the ring has been very tough on his body. #hulkhogan #hulkamania #menshealth
Hulk Hogan takes us through the contents of his fully stocked fridge, shares what his curr...
published: 11 Jul 2023
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‘HIGHLY INSULTED’: Hulk Hogan responds to Biden’s ‘garbage’ label
WWE legend Hulk Hogan reacts to President Biden calling Trump supporters 'garbage' on 'Jes...
published: 01 Nov 2024
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Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces: Saturday Night's
Hulkamania and Macho Madness come together when Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage join forces on S...
published: 09 May 2012
Play in Full Screen
Full speech: Hulk Hogan rips his shirt off at 2024 RNC | USA TODAY
Hulk Hogan gave a wrestling promo saying, "all the Trumpites will be running wild for four...
published: 22 Jul 2024
Play in Full Screen

Hulk Hogan

Terry Gene Bollea (born August 11, 1953), better known by his ring name Hulk Hogan, is an American professional wrestler, actor, television personality, entrepreneur and rock bassist.

Bollea enjoyed mainstream popularity in the 1980s and 1990s as the all-American character Hulk Hogan in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), and as "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, the villainous nWo leader, in World Championship Wrestling (WCW). A regular pay-per-view headliner in both organizations, Hogan closed the respective premier annual events of the WWF and WCW, WrestleMania and Starrcade, on multiple occasions. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005. He was signed with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) from 2009 until 2013, where he was the on-screen General Manager and occasional wrestler.IGN described Hogan as "the most recognized wrestling star worldwide and the most popular wrestler of the '80s".

Hogan is a 12-time world champion; a six-time WWF/E (World Heavyweight) Champion and six-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He was the first wrestler to win consecutive Royal Rumbles, in 1990 and 1991.

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