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Hoop skirt

A hoop skirt or hoopskirt is a women's undergarment worn in various periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable shape. Its Tudor name was a 'farthingale'.

It originated as a modest-sized mechanism for holding long skirts away from one's legs, to stay cooler in hot climates and to keep from tripping on the skirt during various activities. Small hoops might be worn by farmers and while working in the garden. Hoops were then adopted as a fashion item, and the size and scale of the hoops grew in grandeur.

Hoop skirts typically consist of a fabric petticoat sewn with channels designed to act as casings for stiffening materials, variously rope, osiers, whalebone, steel, or, from the mid-20th century, nylon.

Hoop skirts are called by various names in different periods:

  • Farthingale (Spanish verdugado) (16th century)
  • Panniers or "side hoops" (18th century)
  • Crinoline or crinolette (mid-19th century)
  • Lightweight hoop skirts, usually with nylon hoops, are worn today under very full-skirted wedding gowns. They can sometimes be seen in the gothic fashion scene. Reproduction hoop skirts are an essential part of living history costuming, including American Civil War reenactment.


    • Cinderella Skirt Layers | animated cinderella dress! #shorts #alexandralouise

      published: 05 Dec 2022
    • Making a Hoop Skirt w/ Secret Handles! — How to Make Cinderella's Crinoline

      The first 1000 people to click this link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/bellamaesdesigns11201 ***Since the crinoline doesn't have an easy place to grab it and lift it up, the handles give a place to do this! It's time to make part two of the understructure of Ella's Ballgown! Learn how to make a replica of Cinderella's Crinoline. ***Purchase the PATTERN/DIAGRAM — https://bella-maes.com/product/cinderella-crinoline-pattern-pdf/ 💙 Become a Patron and join the journey to keep these videos and projects going! https://www.patreon.com/bellamaesdesigns Making Cinderella's Corset: https://youtu.be/C6Dcf198U_8 Playlist of Making the Whole Dress: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1Ls8edMerst81eHsU0qFK4tolYd87ff === Tools & Supplies === Boning Casin...

      published: 13 Nov 2020
    • Cancan skirt🥰😍 #meesho #cancan #hoopskirt #lehenga #reviewerpj #skirt #underskirt

      Cancan skirt🥰😍 #meesho #cancan #hoopskirt #lehenga #reviewerpj #skirt Cancan/hoop underskirt from Meesho code: s-67482106 Link to buy: https://www.meesho.com/s/p/146diy?utm_source=s_cc Do subscribe,Like,comment and share #reviewerpj My Instagram : priyankajenaofficial #shorts

      published: 26 Oct 2023
    • CAN-CAN SKIRT FROM @Meesho 😍😍 Trending READYMADE Skirt #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending #viral

      published: 24 Jan 2023
    • Crinoline Hoop Skirt Slip Shape - 6 hoops which make your wedding dress more cute and in good shape

      100% Polyester MICROFIBER FABRIC 6 FIBERGLASS RINGS Crinoline Hoop Skirt Slip Shape - 6 hoops which make your wedding dress more cute and in good shape. more praise. Crinoline Petticoat Sizing - This plus size hoop skirt with adjustable waist is 66-120 cm, suitable for any size. The maximum circle diameter of the bottom of the hoop skirt is approximately 147 cm. The length of the hoop skirt to the floor is approximately 41 inches (105 cm), the petticoat hoop skirt is cute, and 6 hoops can be adjustable for length, walk and turn easily. 6 Ring Adjustable Skirt Petticoat - The petticoat skirt has an adjustable waist Half SLIPS FIT OCCASION - Crinoline hoop skirts are perfect for wedding dress WARM TIPS: Dry clean your hoop petticoat, no bleaching, no wringing, because it may destroy the or...

      published: 30 Aug 2023
    • www magicskirts de Crinoline Reifrock hoopskirt 8 m ballgown Katie

      Wunderschönes Ballkleid - in Bewegung- mit Reifrockumfang 8 m . Fotos der Ballkleider : www.magicskirt.de

      published: 13 Nov 2009
    • How to make a Crinoline / Hoop Skirt (Tutorial)

      Are you making a long skirt that needs some extra support to get a specific silhouette? Want to learn how to make a simple crinoline, otherwise known as a hoop skirt? Then here's a tutorial just for you! This is perfect for an advanced beginner - intermediate sewer. Fabric has been supplied by the lovely gang at spotlight. If you are looking for a tutorial for a short crinoline/ hoop skirt, please check out: https://youtu.be/3d9riDsUHFw What you'll need: - Elastic -Twill Tape - Flat steel boning - Boning casing/ bias tape - Fabric - Tailor's chalk - Marker - Wire cutters - Scissors - Needle & Thread - Pins - Sewing Machine - Tape measure - Tape Is this video not in your preferred language? Then please help with a translation if you can! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCI...

      published: 02 Jan 2019
    • Trying on a hoop skirt & gown from Amazon | CORRIE V

      BEAUTELICATE Full A-line 6 Hoop Floor-Length Bridal Dress Gown Slip Petticoat P08 in white - https://amzn.to/2mCZoFt Okaybrial Women's Sweet 16 Quinceanera Dresses Blush Pink Off Shoulder Lace Long Prom Ball Gowns Plus Size in Navy Blue - https://amzn.to/2lcEb4Q Thanks for joining me for today's video. Make sure you subscribe to my channel more videos. This channel is created by crowdfunding! Consider supporting me on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/corriev FOLLOW ME: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/corriev Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/corrie_ve Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/corrieside Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/corrie_ve Add me on Nintendo Switch: https://nin.codes/corrie WRITE TO ME: Corrie V PO Box 57236 Eastgate Sherwood Park, AB CANADA T8A 5L7 REFERRAL/AFFILIATE ...

      published: 24 Sep 2019
    • Penelope Puff Boned Hoop Skirt & Over skirts

      Need a cheeky take on victorian fashion that gives you a multi versatile boned hoop skirt to add different layers to? Check out our new design - the Penelope Puff Boned Hoop skirt with two of the overlayer skirts we offer made to order.

      published: 18 Nov 2016
    • This hoop underskirt is a must buy! #fashion #cancan #underskirt #amazonfinds #underskirt #styling

      This hoop underskirt is a must buy! #fashion #cancan #underskirt #amazonfinds #underskirt #styling

      published: 24 Jul 2024
    developed with YouTube
    Cinderella Skirt Layers | animated cinderella dress! #shorts #alexandralouise

    Cinderella Skirt Layers | animated cinderella dress! #shorts #alexandralouise

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:18
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2022
    • views: 44283258
    Making a Hoop Skirt w/ Secret Handles! — How to Make Cinderella's Crinoline

    Making a Hoop Skirt w/ Secret Handles! — How to Make Cinderella's Crinoline

    • Order:
    • Duration: 19:52
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2020
    • views: 449503
    The first 1000 people to click this link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/bellamaesdesigns11201 ***Since the crinoline doesn't have an easy place to grab it and lift it up, the handles give a place to do this! It's time to make part two of the understructure of Ella's Ballgown! Learn how to make a replica of Cinderella's Crinoline. ***Purchase the PATTERN/DIAGRAM — https://bella-maes.com/product/cinderella-crinoline-pattern-pdf/ 💙 Become a Patron and join the journey to keep these videos and projects going! https://www.patreon.com/bellamaesdesigns Making Cinderella's Corset: https://youtu.be/C6Dcf198U_8 Playlist of Making the Whole Dress: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1Ls8edMerst81eHsU0qFK4tolYd87ff === Tools & Supplies === Boning Casing https://corsetmaking.com/bone-casing-34-white-by-the-yard.html Boning: https://corsetmaking.com/steel-hoop-boning-white-plastic-covered.html Thimble: https://amzn.to/45RciQX Magnet Pin Collector: https://amzn.to/3rdRELS ================= 💙 Make future projects possible by buying MERCH! NOTEPADS {Learn Create Inspire} — https://bella-maes.com/product/notepad-lci/ Other pretty things! — https://bella-maes.com/product-category/learn-create-inspire-swag/ ❤️Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bellamaesdesigns 🌿 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bellamaesdesigns/ 🌿 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bellamaesdesigns 🌿 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bellamaesdesigns 🌿 Website: https://bella-maes.com/ Thanks for watching! ♡ Bella Mae 💌 Shipping Address: 11036 High Sky Inn Rd Hindsville, AR 72738 ✉️ Business Inquiries: bellamae.ask@gmail.com (I do NOT accept custom dress orders.) ================= * I am an affiliate for Amazon and other linked products. If you choose to purchase from these links, I will make a small earning.* ================= Music Credits: “Morning Solitude” by Howard Harper-Barnes "Pas De Basque" by Million Eyes "Nothing Like the Summer" by Brightarm Orchestra "All the Pretty Memories" by Leimoti "I Happen to Know This" by The Morning Report "It Can Be Done" by Airae "I'm Sorry" by Gavin Luke "Kingdom of Baghk" by Vusal Zeinalov "Memories of the Green Valley" by Tradition via EpidemicSound "Suite from the Past" by Cercles Nouvelles
    Cancan skirt🥰😍 #meesho #cancan #hoopskirt #lehenga #reviewerpj #skirt #underskirt

    Cancan skirt🥰😍 #meesho #cancan #hoopskirt #lehenga #reviewerpj #skirt #underskirt

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:18
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2023
    • views: 37635
    Cancan skirt🥰😍 #meesho #cancan #hoopskirt #lehenga #reviewerpj #skirt Cancan/hoop underskirt from Meesho code: s-67482106 Link to buy: https://www.meesho.com/s/p/146diy?utm_source=s_cc Do subscribe,Like,comment and share #reviewerpj My Instagram : priyankajenaofficial #shorts
    CAN-CAN SKIRT FROM @Meesho 😍😍 Trending READYMADE Skirt #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending #viral

    CAN-CAN SKIRT FROM @Meesho 😍😍 Trending READYMADE Skirt #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending #viral

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:16
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Jan 2023
    • views: 239991
    Crinoline Hoop Skirt Slip Shape - 6 hoops which make your wedding dress more cute and in good shape

    Crinoline Hoop Skirt Slip Shape - 6 hoops which make your wedding dress more cute and in good shape

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:44
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Aug 2023
    • views: 3772
    100% Polyester MICROFIBER FABRIC 6 FIBERGLASS RINGS Crinoline Hoop Skirt Slip Shape - 6 hoops which make your wedding dress more cute and in good shape. more praise. Crinoline Petticoat Sizing - This plus size hoop skirt with adjustable waist is 66-120 cm, suitable for any size. The maximum circle diameter of the bottom of the hoop skirt is approximately 147 cm. The length of the hoop skirt to the floor is approximately 41 inches (105 cm), the petticoat hoop skirt is cute, and 6 hoops can be adjustable for length, walk and turn easily. 6 Ring Adjustable Skirt Petticoat - The petticoat skirt has an adjustable waist Half SLIPS FIT OCCASION - Crinoline hoop skirts are perfect for wedding dress WARM TIPS: Dry clean your hoop petticoat, no bleaching, no wringing, because it may destroy the original shape of the petticoat skirt. MADE IN BRAZIL BY PARTYLIGHT ATELIER DAS NOIVAS
    www magicskirts de Crinoline Reifrock hoopskirt 8 m ballgown Katie

    www magicskirts de Crinoline Reifrock hoopskirt 8 m ballgown Katie

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:58
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2009
    • views: 263420
    Wunderschönes Ballkleid - in Bewegung- mit Reifrockumfang 8 m . Fotos der Ballkleider : www.magicskirt.de
    How to make a Crinoline / Hoop Skirt (Tutorial)

    How to make a Crinoline / Hoop Skirt (Tutorial)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:38
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Jan 2019
    • views: 349189
    Are you making a long skirt that needs some extra support to get a specific silhouette? Want to learn how to make a simple crinoline, otherwise known as a hoop skirt? Then here's a tutorial just for you! This is perfect for an advanced beginner - intermediate sewer. Fabric has been supplied by the lovely gang at spotlight. If you are looking for a tutorial for a short crinoline/ hoop skirt, please check out: https://youtu.be/3d9riDsUHFw What you'll need: - Elastic -Twill Tape - Flat steel boning - Boning casing/ bias tape - Fabric - Tailor's chalk - Marker - Wire cutters - Scissors - Needle & Thread - Pins - Sewing Machine - Tape measure - Tape Is this video not in your preferred language? Then please help with a translation if you can! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCI9N4A_1RCzdytqtF-e_nrg&tab=2  Website: https://www.kirileecosplay.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kirileecosplay Social media: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kirileecosplay/ Instagram: @kirileecosplay #cosplay #diyhoopskirt #kirileecosplay
    Trying on a hoop skirt & gown from Amazon | CORRIE V

    Trying on a hoop skirt & gown from Amazon | CORRIE V

    • Order:
    • Duration: 20:04
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Sep 2019
    • views: 121688
    BEAUTELICATE Full A-line 6 Hoop Floor-Length Bridal Dress Gown Slip Petticoat P08 in white - https://amzn.to/2mCZoFt Okaybrial Women's Sweet 16 Quinceanera Dresses Blush Pink Off Shoulder Lace Long Prom Ball Gowns Plus Size in Navy Blue - https://amzn.to/2lcEb4Q Thanks for joining me for today's video. Make sure you subscribe to my channel more videos. This channel is created by crowdfunding! Consider supporting me on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/corriev FOLLOW ME: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/corriev Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/corrie_ve Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/corrieside Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/corrie_ve Add me on Nintendo Switch: https://nin.codes/corrie WRITE TO ME: Corrie V PO Box 57236 Eastgate Sherwood Park, AB CANADA T8A 5L7 REFERRAL/AFFILIATE CODES: // AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/shop/corrieside Shop through my Amazon link to earn me some extra cash! // AMAZON PRIME: https://goo.gl/2r3Tgq I get a small kickback when you sign up! //BOXYCHARM: https://goo.gl/AxnDqV I can redeem points for beauty products! // IHERB: https://goo.gl/DMFc63 You save 5%, I save 5%! // EBATES: http://goo.gl/Yo0qZv You save money on online shopping, I get $5! ABOUT MY CHANNEL: Do you love watching BeauTubers who you can trust to give honest, unbiased reviews? Consider supporting creators, so they don't need to rely on PR, sponsorships or brand advertising to create their content! My name is Corrie V, and I post beauty related YouTube videos every Friday at youtube.com/corriev. My favourite type of video to produce is 12-hour wear tests. Contributions to my Patreon will be used to help me purchase products featured in review videos, time spent researching, editing and recording, as well as equipment maintenance. Support content that is for consumers and funded by consumers; not content financed by brands with restrictions to make the brands happy! 🤟 Consider supporting me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/corriev FTC- This video is NOT sponsored. Some links are affiliate links, including links to Magik.ly and Amazon. Thanks for supporting my channel!
    Penelope Puff Boned Hoop Skirt & Over skirts

    Penelope Puff Boned Hoop Skirt & Over skirts

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    • Uploaded Date: 18 Nov 2016
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    Need a cheeky take on victorian fashion that gives you a multi versatile boned hoop skirt to add different layers to? Check out our new design - the Penelope Puff Boned Hoop skirt with two of the overlayer skirts we offer made to order.
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    This hoop underskirt is a must buy! #fashion #cancan #underskirt #amazonfinds #underskirt #styling

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    • Duration: 0:23
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Jul 2024
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    Hoop skirt

    A hoop skirt or hoopskirt is a women's undergarment worn in various periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable shape. Its Tudor name was a 'farthingale'.

    It originated as a modest-sized mechanism for holding long skirts away from one's legs, to stay cooler in hot climates and to keep from tripping on the skirt during various activities. Small hoops might be worn by farmers and while working in the garden. Hoops were then adopted as a fashion item, and the size and scale of the hoops grew in grandeur.

    Hoop skirts typically consist of a fabric petticoat sewn with channels designed to act as casings for stiffening materials, variously rope, osiers, whalebone, steel, or, from the mid-20th century, nylon.

    Hoop skirts are called by various names in different periods:

  • Farthingale (Spanish verdugado) (16th century)
  • Panniers or "side hoops" (18th century)
  • Crinoline or crinolette (mid-19th century)
  • Lightweight hoop skirts, usually with nylon hoops, are worn today under very full-skirted wedding gowns. They can sometimes be seen in the gothic fashion scene. Reproduction hoop skirts are an essential part of living history costuming, including American Civil War reenactment.

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