Hearts of Iron 3: Black ICE 8.6 - 32 (Germany) Heereswaffenamt
Episode 32 - Heereswaffenamt.
Let's Play Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour with the Black ICE 8.61 . I will be giving historical & game play commentary during this series. This will generally be a historically plausible playing of the game. I would like to hear feedback from the viewers.
Will this be the last Greatest playthrough of Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour is with Black ICE 8.81? Please remember to like this video & subscribe to this channel!
published: 19 Jul 2017
Kummersdorf - Heereswaffenamt - Montagehalle - Lost Places
Die Versuchsstelle für Kraftfahrt, nach damaligem Sprachgebrauch kurz Verskraft, war bis 1945 eine Dienststelle des Heereswaffenamtes, Abteilung WaPrüf 6 (Kraftfahrzeuge und Kampfwagen)
Die Verskraft erprobte u.a. sämtliche Prototypen deutscher Panzer (bis hin zum Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus) sowie Beute-Panzer des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Kräder, NSU Kettenkrad, LKWs, Zugkraftwagen, Halbkettenfahrzeuge, Raupenschlepper Ost, VW Kübel- und VW Schwimmwagen, u.v.m. Neben Verwaltung, Unterkünften, Werkstätten, Prüfständen und Fahrzeughallen gab es zwecks Erproben unter extremen Bedingungen Staubkammern sowie eine Halle für Klima-Simulation.
published: 08 Oct 2015
Panzer Chef | Panzer II Ausf. (F) “Flamingo”
A couple of months before the beginning of the Second World War, the HWA (“Heereswaffenamt”, Eng: Army Ordnance Department) requested the construction of a flamethrower tank to support the infantry fight against heavily fortified positions. The first vehicles (named Flammpanzer II or “Flamingo”) were ready after the Fall of France and participated, along with other newly made Flamingos, in Operation Barbarossa. In combat, these tanks performed rather poorly due to their thin armor. Ultimately, all of them were pulled out of service and converted into Marder II tank destroyers.
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tankartfund
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Article: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/panzer-ii-ausf-f-flami...
published: 08 Jan 2022
Maschinengewehr 42 die Knochensäge
Das MG 42 (eigentlich: Universal-Maschinengewehr Modell 42) ist ein Maschinengewehr im Kaliber 7,92 × 57 mm, das von der deutschen Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt wurde.
Die Waffe wurde 1942 eingeführt, nachdem das Heereswaffenamt einen Nachfolger für das MG 34 suchte, dessen Produktion aufwendig und kostenintensiv war. Die für eine Massenfertigung im Blechprägeverfahren ausgelegte Neuentwicklung MG 42 wurde so konstruiert, dass sie problemlos von den mit der Vorgängerwaffe vertrauten Mannschaften eingesetzt werden konnte. Das MG 34/41 – eine verbesserte und vereinfachte Version des MG 34 – gelangte dagegen nicht zur Serienfertigung.
published: 01 May 2023
Miniature Landwasserschlepper
Shop Link: https://miniaturetanks.com/products/landwasserschlepper
Ordered by the Heereswaffenamt in 1935 for use by German Army engineers, the Landwasserschlepper (or LWS) was intended as a lightweight river tug with some capacity to operate on land.
Compatible with 1:87/18mm/HO scale and 1:100/15mm/TT scale as well as 1:144/12mm/N scale for miniature wargames, railroads, and or dioramas.
Price is calculated based on manufacture time, material cost, electricity used, post-processing labor, and fees.
Made in USA 🇺🇸 Free Shipping on USA Orders Over $50!
Suitable for wargames like: Ambush Blitz!, Angriff!, Arc of Fire, Art of Tactic, Axis & Allies Miniatures, Blitzkrieg Commander, Battlefront WWII, Battlegroup, BlitzkriegCommander, Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Crossfire, Easy Eight's ...
published: 16 Oct 2022
An Interesting Possibility: The FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz?
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons
Here's an interesting thought - what if they made the FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz? Well, they actually did, in very small numbers. The rifle's designer, Louis Stange, actually thought it was a really good idea, and the Heereswaffenamt office converted a handful of first model FG42s for testing, although it never went farther than that. The Army was very much in favor fo the 8x33mm cartridge in the MP43/44 for a variety of reasons, but the Luftwaffe was determined to issue its own unique rifle in the full 8x57mm cartridge.
After the war, there was one further addendum to this idea - Waffenfabrik Bern in Switzerland mad...
published: 09 Mar 2021
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 68
In this episode:
• The small company called “Porsche” and what they were doing during WWII;
• Maus — scary and totally useless!
• Hotline: the developers answer questions that you’ve left in the comments!
But first, let’s start with:
The story of Ferdinand Porsche!
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published: 02 Nov 2017
Versuchsstelle des Heereswaffenamtes - Teil 6
Begehung des Objekts - Teststand Ost
Bau 1930er Jahre
2 Prüfstände der Heeresversuchsstelle für Raketentriebwerke
Tests für Brennversuche ( Raketentriebwerke )
published: 14 May 2021
MG.42 (Maschinengewehr 42, broń znana również jako Piła Hitlera lub Szybka Szpryca) to niemiecki uniwersalny karabin maszynowy skonstruowany jako następca uniwersalnego karabinu maszynowego MG.34. W 1937r Anton Peter, pracownik HWA (Heereswaffenamt, Urząd Uzbrojenia Wojsk Lądowych) i zwolennik produkcji broni metodą tłoczenia, rozesłał zapytanie na nowy karabin do firm Rheinmetall, Grossfuss oraz Stubgen. Nowa broń miała być zasilana nabojem 7,92x57mm z taśmy ciągłej Gurt 33 lub segmentowej Gurt 34 (taśmy stosowane do zasilania MG.34), posiadać elementy wykonane poprzez tłoczenie oraz być bardziej niezawodna od poprzednika. Firmy Rheinmetall i Stubgen przedstawiły modele broni działającej na zasadzie odprowadzania gazów prochowych, natomiast firma Grossfuss przedstawiła model karabinu dzia...
published: 21 Jan 2018
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus Part 2 With @ConeOfArc | The Definition of Inefficient
Even before a finished design was ready or approved, Hitler, in November 1942, ordered that 5 Mäuschen were to be built and a timetable set by Wa Prüf 4 to achieve this. Turret and hull drawings were to be ready and approved by March 1943 and then 5 vehicles built within just 6-7 months- an ambitious and unrealistic schedule, as this also called for trials by 5th May 1943. The Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordnance Department) arranged for Colonel Haenel to help ensure timetables for the Maus were adhered to by going from firm to firm to press them to meet production requirements and, if necessary, assess severe penalties for missing deadlines.
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tankartfund
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/tankart...
published: 07 Sep 2020
Hearts of Iron 3: Black ICE 8.6 - 32 (Germany) Heereswaffenamt
Episode 32 - Heereswaffenamt.
Let's Play Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour with the Black ICE 8.61 . I will be giving historical & game play commentary duri...
Episode 32 - Heereswaffenamt.
Let's Play Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour with the Black ICE 8.61 . I will be giving historical & game play commentary during this series. This will generally be a historically plausible playing of the game. I would like to hear feedback from the viewers.
Will this be the last Greatest playthrough of Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour is with Black ICE 8.81? Please remember to like this video & subscribe to this channel!
Episode 32 - Heereswaffenamt.
Let's Play Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour with the Black ICE 8.61 . I will be giving historical & game play commentary during this series. This will generally be a historically plausible playing of the game. I would like to hear feedback from the viewers.
Will this be the last Greatest playthrough of Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour is with Black ICE 8.81? Please remember to like this video & subscribe to this channel!
- published: 19 Jul 2017
- views: 546
Kummersdorf - Heereswaffenamt - Montagehalle - Lost Places
Die Versuchsstelle für Kraftfahrt, nach damaligem Sprachgebrauch kurz Verskraft, war bis 1945 eine Dienststelle des Heereswaffenamtes, Abteilung WaPrüf 6 (Kraft...
Die Versuchsstelle für Kraftfahrt, nach damaligem Sprachgebrauch kurz Verskraft, war bis 1945 eine Dienststelle des Heereswaffenamtes, Abteilung WaPrüf 6 (Kraftfahrzeuge und Kampfwagen)
Die Verskraft erprobte u.a. sämtliche Prototypen deutscher Panzer (bis hin zum Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus) sowie Beute-Panzer des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Kräder, NSU Kettenkrad, LKWs, Zugkraftwagen, Halbkettenfahrzeuge, Raupenschlepper Ost, VW Kübel- und VW Schwimmwagen, u.v.m. Neben Verwaltung, Unterkünften, Werkstätten, Prüfständen und Fahrzeughallen gab es zwecks Erproben unter extremen Bedingungen Staubkammern sowie eine Halle für Klima-Simulation.
Die Versuchsstelle für Kraftfahrt, nach damaligem Sprachgebrauch kurz Verskraft, war bis 1945 eine Dienststelle des Heereswaffenamtes, Abteilung WaPrüf 6 (Kraftfahrzeuge und Kampfwagen)
Die Verskraft erprobte u.a. sämtliche Prototypen deutscher Panzer (bis hin zum Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus) sowie Beute-Panzer des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Kräder, NSU Kettenkrad, LKWs, Zugkraftwagen, Halbkettenfahrzeuge, Raupenschlepper Ost, VW Kübel- und VW Schwimmwagen, u.v.m. Neben Verwaltung, Unterkünften, Werkstätten, Prüfständen und Fahrzeughallen gab es zwecks Erproben unter extremen Bedingungen Staubkammern sowie eine Halle für Klima-Simulation.
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 810
Panzer Chef | Panzer II Ausf. (F) “Flamingo”
A couple of months before the beginning of the Second World War, the HWA (“Heereswaffenamt”, Eng: Army Ordnance Department) requested the construction of a flam...
A couple of months before the beginning of the Second World War, the HWA (“Heereswaffenamt”, Eng: Army Ordnance Department) requested the construction of a flamethrower tank to support the infantry fight against heavily fortified positions. The first vehicles (named Flammpanzer II or “Flamingo”) were ready after the Fall of France and participated, along with other newly made Flamingos, in Operation Barbarossa. In combat, these tanks performed rather poorly due to their thin armor. Ultimately, all of them were pulled out of service and converted into Marder II tank destroyers.
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tankartfund
Paypal: paypal.me/tankencyclopedia
Article: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/panzer-ii-ausf-f-flamingo-sd-kfz-122/
Thomas L. Jentz and Hilary Louis Doyle, Panzer Tracts No. 2-3 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. D,E, and F development and production from 1937 to 1942
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle and Peter Sarson, New Vanguard 15 Flammpanzers, German flamethrowers 1941-1945
Michael Sawodny, Waffen Arsenal Deutsche Panzer Raritäten 1939-1945 Band 77
Article on the OT-26 http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/weapons_OT-26.
Article on the Sōkō Sagyō Ki https://military.wikia.org/wiki/S%C5%8Dk%C5%8D_Sagy%C5%8D_Ki
Article on Panzer Abteilung 100https://www.forum-der-wehrmacht.de/index.php?thread/42122-panzer-abteilung-100/
Article on Panzer Abteilung 101 http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/PanzerAbt/PanzerAbt101-R.htm
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[email protected]
An article by Smaragd123
Script written by Turn
Narrated by Sosoniaru
Edited by Feld
A couple of months before the beginning of the Second World War, the HWA (“Heereswaffenamt”, Eng: Army Ordnance Department) requested the construction of a flamethrower tank to support the infantry fight against heavily fortified positions. The first vehicles (named Flammpanzer II or “Flamingo”) were ready after the Fall of France and participated, along with other newly made Flamingos, in Operation Barbarossa. In combat, these tanks performed rather poorly due to their thin armor. Ultimately, all of them were pulled out of service and converted into Marder II tank destroyers.
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tankartfund
Paypal: paypal.me/tankencyclopedia
Article: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/panzer-ii-ausf-f-flamingo-sd-kfz-122/
Thomas L. Jentz and Hilary Louis Doyle, Panzer Tracts No. 2-3 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. D,E, and F development and production from 1937 to 1942
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle and Peter Sarson, New Vanguard 15 Flammpanzers, German flamethrowers 1941-1945
Michael Sawodny, Waffen Arsenal Deutsche Panzer Raritäten 1939-1945 Band 77
Article on the OT-26 http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/weapons_OT-26.
Article on the Sōkō Sagyō Ki https://military.wikia.org/wiki/S%C5%8Dk%C5%8D_Sagy%C5%8D_Ki
Article on Panzer Abteilung 100https://www.forum-der-wehrmacht.de/index.php?thread/42122-panzer-abteilung-100/
Article on Panzer Abteilung 101 http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/PanzerAbt/PanzerAbt101-R.htm
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankEncyclopedia/
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[email protected]
An article by Smaragd123
Script written by Turn
Narrated by Sosoniaru
Edited by Feld
- published: 08 Jan 2022
- views: 11358
Maschinengewehr 42 die Knochensäge
Das MG 42 (eigentlich: Universal-Maschinengewehr Modell 42) ist ein Maschinengewehr im Kaliber 7,92 × 57 mm, das von der deutschen We...
Das MG 42 (eigentlich: Universal-Maschinengewehr Modell 42) ist ein Maschinengewehr im Kaliber 7,92 × 57 mm, das von der deutschen Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt wurde.
Die Waffe wurde 1942 eingeführt, nachdem das Heereswaffenamt einen Nachfolger für das MG 34 suchte, dessen Produktion aufwendig und kostenintensiv war. Die für eine Massenfertigung im Blechprägeverfahren ausgelegte Neuentwicklung MG 42 wurde so konstruiert, dass sie problemlos von den mit der Vorgängerwaffe vertrauten Mannschaften eingesetzt werden konnte. Das MG 34/41 – eine verbesserte und vereinfachte Version des MG 34 – gelangte dagegen nicht zur Serienfertigung.
Das MG 42 (eigentlich: Universal-Maschinengewehr Modell 42) ist ein Maschinengewehr im Kaliber 7,92 × 57 mm, das von der deutschen Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt wurde.
Die Waffe wurde 1942 eingeführt, nachdem das Heereswaffenamt einen Nachfolger für das MG 34 suchte, dessen Produktion aufwendig und kostenintensiv war. Die für eine Massenfertigung im Blechprägeverfahren ausgelegte Neuentwicklung MG 42 wurde so konstruiert, dass sie problemlos von den mit der Vorgängerwaffe vertrauten Mannschaften eingesetzt werden konnte. Das MG 34/41 – eine verbesserte und vereinfachte Version des MG 34 – gelangte dagegen nicht zur Serienfertigung.
- published: 01 May 2023
- views: 1072
Miniature Landwasserschlepper
Shop Link: https://miniaturetanks.com/products/landwasserschlepper
Ordered by the Heereswaffenamt in 1935 for use by German Army engineers, the Landwasserschle...
Shop Link: https://miniaturetanks.com/products/landwasserschlepper
Ordered by the Heereswaffenamt in 1935 for use by German Army engineers, the Landwasserschlepper (or LWS) was intended as a lightweight river tug with some capacity to operate on land.
Compatible with 1:87/18mm/HO scale and 1:100/15mm/TT scale as well as 1:144/12mm/N scale for miniature wargames, railroads, and or dioramas.
Price is calculated based on manufacture time, material cost, electricity used, post-processing labor, and fees.
Made in USA 🇺🇸 Free Shipping on USA Orders Over $50!
Suitable for wargames like: Ambush Blitz!, Angriff!, Arc of Fire, Art of Tactic, Axis & Allies Miniatures, Blitzkrieg Commander, Battlefront WWII, Battlegroup, BlitzkriegCommander, Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Crossfire, Easy Eight's Battleground WWII, The Face of Battle, Final Combat, Flames of War, G.I. Commander, Great Battles of World War II, IABSM or I Ain't Been Shot Mum!, Lacquered Coffins, Mein Panzer, Nuts!, Ostfront, Panzer Marsch!, PBI or Poor Bloody Infantry, and Spitting Fire.
Shop Link: https://miniaturetanks.com/products/landwasserschlepper
Ordered by the Heereswaffenamt in 1935 for use by German Army engineers, the Landwasserschlepper (or LWS) was intended as a lightweight river tug with some capacity to operate on land.
Compatible with 1:87/18mm/HO scale and 1:100/15mm/TT scale as well as 1:144/12mm/N scale for miniature wargames, railroads, and or dioramas.
Price is calculated based on manufacture time, material cost, electricity used, post-processing labor, and fees.
Made in USA 🇺🇸 Free Shipping on USA Orders Over $50!
Suitable for wargames like: Ambush Blitz!, Angriff!, Arc of Fire, Art of Tactic, Axis & Allies Miniatures, Blitzkrieg Commander, Battlefront WWII, Battlegroup, BlitzkriegCommander, Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Crossfire, Easy Eight's Battleground WWII, The Face of Battle, Final Combat, Flames of War, G.I. Commander, Great Battles of World War II, IABSM or I Ain't Been Shot Mum!, Lacquered Coffins, Mein Panzer, Nuts!, Ostfront, Panzer Marsch!, PBI or Poor Bloody Infantry, and Spitting Fire.
- published: 16 Oct 2022
- views: 903
An Interesting Possibility: The FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz?
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collection...
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons
Here's an interesting thought - what if they made the FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz? Well, they actually did, in very small numbers. The rifle's designer, Louis Stange, actually thought it was a really good idea, and the Heereswaffenamt office converted a handful of first model FG42s for testing, although it never went farther than that. The Army was very much in favor fo the 8x33mm cartridge in the MP43/44 for a variety of reasons, but the Luftwaffe was determined to issue its own unique rifle in the full 8x57mm cartridge.
After the war, there was one further addendum to this idea - Waffenfabrik Bern in Switzerland made a couple experimental patterns of what was essentially the FG42 in 7.5mm Kurz (7.5x38mm). These were tested as part of Switzerland's move to a self-loading rifle, but ultimately lost out to SIG's design in the full 7.5x55mm.
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle 36270
Tucson, AZ 85740
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons
Here's an interesting thought - what if they made the FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz? Well, they actually did, in very small numbers. The rifle's designer, Louis Stange, actually thought it was a really good idea, and the Heereswaffenamt office converted a handful of first model FG42s for testing, although it never went farther than that. The Army was very much in favor fo the 8x33mm cartridge in the MP43/44 for a variety of reasons, but the Luftwaffe was determined to issue its own unique rifle in the full 8x57mm cartridge.
After the war, there was one further addendum to this idea - Waffenfabrik Bern in Switzerland made a couple experimental patterns of what was essentially the FG42 in 7.5mm Kurz (7.5x38mm). These were tested as part of Switzerland's move to a self-loading rifle, but ultimately lost out to SIG's design in the full 7.5x55mm.
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle 36270
Tucson, AZ 85740
- published: 09 Mar 2021
- views: 131334
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 68
In this episode:
• The small company called “Porsche” and what they were doing during WWII;
• Maus — scary and totally useless!
• Hotline: the developers answe...
In this episode:
• The small company called “Porsche” and what they were doing during WWII;
• Maus — scary and totally useless!
• Hotline: the developers answer questions that you’ve left in the comments!
But first, let’s start with:
The story of Ferdinand Porsche!
Download: http://warthunder.ru/download
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/warthunder
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WarThunder
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In this episode:
• The small company called “Porsche” and what they were doing during WWII;
• Maus — scary and totally useless!
• Hotline: the developers answer questions that you’ve left in the comments!
But first, let’s start with:
The story of Ferdinand Porsche!
Download: http://warthunder.ru/download
Site: http://warthunder.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/warthunder
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WarThunder
Forum: http://forum.warthunder.com/
G+ https://plus.google.com/+Warthunder/posts
- published: 02 Nov 2017
- views: 69230
Versuchsstelle des Heereswaffenamtes - Teil 6
Begehung des Objekts - Teststand Ost
Bau 1930er Jahre
2 Prüfstände der Heeresversuchsstelle für Raketentriebwerke
Tests für Brennversuche ( Raketentriebwerke )...
Begehung des Objekts - Teststand Ost
Bau 1930er Jahre
2 Prüfstände der Heeresversuchsstelle für Raketentriebwerke
Tests für Brennversuche ( Raketentriebwerke )
Begehung des Objekts - Teststand Ost
Bau 1930er Jahre
2 Prüfstände der Heeresversuchsstelle für Raketentriebwerke
Tests für Brennversuche ( Raketentriebwerke )
- published: 14 May 2021
- views: 631
MG.42 (Maschinengewehr 42, broń znana również jako Piła Hitlera lub Szybka Szpryca) to niemiecki uniwersalny karabin maszynowy skonstruowany jako następca uniwe...
MG.42 (Maschinengewehr 42, broń znana również jako Piła Hitlera lub Szybka Szpryca) to niemiecki uniwersalny karabin maszynowy skonstruowany jako następca uniwersalnego karabinu maszynowego MG.34. W 1937r Anton Peter, pracownik HWA (Heereswaffenamt, Urząd Uzbrojenia Wojsk Lądowych) i zwolennik produkcji broni metodą tłoczenia, rozesłał zapytanie na nowy karabin do firm Rheinmetall, Grossfuss oraz Stubgen. Nowa broń miała być zasilana nabojem 7,92x57mm z taśmy ciągłej Gurt 33 lub segmentowej Gurt 34 (taśmy stosowane do zasilania MG.34), posiadać elementy wykonane poprzez tłoczenie oraz być bardziej niezawodna od poprzednika. Firmy Rheinmetall i Stubgen przedstawiły modele broni działającej na zasadzie odprowadzania gazów prochowych, natomiast firma Grossfuss przedstawiła model karabinu działającego na zasadzie krótkiego odrzutu lufy z zamkiem ryglowanym rolkami.
MG.42 (Maschinengewehr 42, broń znana również jako Piła Hitlera lub Szybka Szpryca) to niemiecki uniwersalny karabin maszynowy skonstruowany jako następca uniwersalnego karabinu maszynowego MG.34. W 1937r Anton Peter, pracownik HWA (Heereswaffenamt, Urząd Uzbrojenia Wojsk Lądowych) i zwolennik produkcji broni metodą tłoczenia, rozesłał zapytanie na nowy karabin do firm Rheinmetall, Grossfuss oraz Stubgen. Nowa broń miała być zasilana nabojem 7,92x57mm z taśmy ciągłej Gurt 33 lub segmentowej Gurt 34 (taśmy stosowane do zasilania MG.34), posiadać elementy wykonane poprzez tłoczenie oraz być bardziej niezawodna od poprzednika. Firmy Rheinmetall i Stubgen przedstawiły modele broni działającej na zasadzie odprowadzania gazów prochowych, natomiast firma Grossfuss przedstawiła model karabinu działającego na zasadzie krótkiego odrzutu lufy z zamkiem ryglowanym rolkami.
- published: 21 Jan 2018
- views: 877
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus Part 2 With @ConeOfArc | The Definition of Inefficient
Even before a finished design was ready or approved, Hitler, in November 1942, ordered that 5 Mäuschen were to be built and a timetable set by Wa Prüf 4 to achi...
Even before a finished design was ready or approved, Hitler, in November 1942, ordered that 5 Mäuschen were to be built and a timetable set by Wa Prüf 4 to achieve this. Turret and hull drawings were to be ready and approved by March 1943 and then 5 vehicles built within just 6-7 months- an ambitious and unrealistic schedule, as this also called for trials by 5th May 1943. The Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordnance Department) arranged for Colonel Haenel to help ensure timetables for the Maus were adhered to by going from firm to firm to press them to meet production requirements and, if necessary, assess severe penalties for missing deadlines.
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tankartfund
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Article: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/nazi_germany/panzer_maus.php
Porsche, F. Bericht Uber die Werksorprobung des Typ 205/1 in Böblingen von 11.1 - 3.2.1944
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee. (1945). BIOS report 1343: German Steel Armour Piercing Projectiles and Theory of Penetration. Technical Information and Documents Unit, London.
British Report on ‘Experimental Super Heavy Tank ‘Mouse’ (Pz.Kpfw. Maus)’ - May 1945
CIOS Final Evaluation Report 153. (28th June 1945). Interrogation of Herr Stiele von Heydekampf.
Datenblatter für Heeres Waffen Fahrzeuge Gerät W127. (1976).
Frohlich, M. (2016). Panzerkampfwagen Maus’. Motor Buch Verlag
Jentz, T., Doyle, H. (2008). Panzer Tracts No.6-3 Schwere Panzerkampfwagen Maus and E 100.
Koebe, H. (8th April 2019). Luckenwalde Local History - Koebe factory founded 140 years ago. Maz Online.de at https://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Teltow-Flaeming/Luckenwalde/Koebe-Fabrik-von-Hermann-Koebe-in-Luckenwalde-vor-140-Jahren-gegruendet
Ludvigsen, K. (2018). Professor Porsche’s Wars. Pen and Sword Publications
Ogorkiewicz, R. (1991). Technology of Tanks. Janes Information Group, Surrey, England
Sawodny, M., Bracher, K. (1978). Panzerkampfwagen Maus und andere deutsche Panzerprojekte. Odzun-Pallas-Verlag, Friedberg, West Germany
Spielberger, W. (1998). Spezialpanzerfahrzeuge des Deutschen Heeres. Motor Book Verlag
Spielberger, W., Milson, J. (1973). Elefant and Maus. AFV Weapons Profile No.61.
US Army. (1953). Technical Manual TM9-1985-3 German Explosive Ordnance (Projectiles and Projectile Fuzes)
US Army. (1950). Project 47: German Tank Losses. Historical Division European Command. US Army.
US Army. (1946). Intelligence Bulletin March 1946. The German Mouse.
US Navy. (September 1945). Technical Report 485-45 - German Powder Composition and Internal Ballistics for Guns. US Naval Technical Mission in Europe Report.
War Office. (25th October 1944). 12.8cm A.Tk. Gun Pak.44 on Pz.Jag. Tiger (Pz.Kpfw. Tiger B Chassis) Sd.Kfz.186 JAGDTIGER. Appendix D War Office Technical Intelligence Summary, No.149 1944.
War Office. (25th April 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 174 Appendix C
War Office. (4th June 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 178 Appendix E
War Office. (27th June 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 180 Appendix D
War Office. (26th July 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 182 Appendix F and G
War Office. (11th October 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 186 Appendix A
War Office. (20th December 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 188 Appendix
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An article by Andrew Hills
Narrated by @ConeOfArc
Edited by Séraphin Panlion
Sound edited by Gabe The Tanker
Even before a finished design was ready or approved, Hitler, in November 1942, ordered that 5 Mäuschen were to be built and a timetable set by Wa Prüf 4 to achieve this. Turret and hull drawings were to be ready and approved by March 1943 and then 5 vehicles built within just 6-7 months- an ambitious and unrealistic schedule, as this also called for trials by 5th May 1943. The Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordnance Department) arranged for Colonel Haenel to help ensure timetables for the Maus were adhered to by going from firm to firm to press them to meet production requirements and, if necessary, assess severe penalties for missing deadlines.
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Article: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/nazi_germany/panzer_maus.php
Porsche, F. Bericht Uber die Werksorprobung des Typ 205/1 in Böblingen von 11.1 - 3.2.1944
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee. (1945). BIOS report 1343: German Steel Armour Piercing Projectiles and Theory of Penetration. Technical Information and Documents Unit, London.
British Report on ‘Experimental Super Heavy Tank ‘Mouse’ (Pz.Kpfw. Maus)’ - May 1945
CIOS Final Evaluation Report 153. (28th June 1945). Interrogation of Herr Stiele von Heydekampf.
Datenblatter für Heeres Waffen Fahrzeuge Gerät W127. (1976).
Frohlich, M. (2016). Panzerkampfwagen Maus’. Motor Buch Verlag
Jentz, T., Doyle, H. (2008). Panzer Tracts No.6-3 Schwere Panzerkampfwagen Maus and E 100.
Koebe, H. (8th April 2019). Luckenwalde Local History - Koebe factory founded 140 years ago. Maz Online.de at https://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Teltow-Flaeming/Luckenwalde/Koebe-Fabrik-von-Hermann-Koebe-in-Luckenwalde-vor-140-Jahren-gegruendet
Ludvigsen, K. (2018). Professor Porsche’s Wars. Pen and Sword Publications
Ogorkiewicz, R. (1991). Technology of Tanks. Janes Information Group, Surrey, England
Sawodny, M., Bracher, K. (1978). Panzerkampfwagen Maus und andere deutsche Panzerprojekte. Odzun-Pallas-Verlag, Friedberg, West Germany
Spielberger, W. (1998). Spezialpanzerfahrzeuge des Deutschen Heeres. Motor Book Verlag
Spielberger, W., Milson, J. (1973). Elefant and Maus. AFV Weapons Profile No.61.
US Army. (1953). Technical Manual TM9-1985-3 German Explosive Ordnance (Projectiles and Projectile Fuzes)
US Army. (1950). Project 47: German Tank Losses. Historical Division European Command. US Army.
US Army. (1946). Intelligence Bulletin March 1946. The German Mouse.
US Navy. (September 1945). Technical Report 485-45 - German Powder Composition and Internal Ballistics for Guns. US Naval Technical Mission in Europe Report.
War Office. (25th October 1944). 12.8cm A.Tk. Gun Pak.44 on Pz.Jag. Tiger (Pz.Kpfw. Tiger B Chassis) Sd.Kfz.186 JAGDTIGER. Appendix D War Office Technical Intelligence Summary, No.149 1944.
War Office. (25th April 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 174 Appendix C
War Office. (4th June 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 178 Appendix E
War Office. (27th June 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 180 Appendix D
War Office. (26th July 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 182 Appendix F and G
War Office. (11th October 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 186 Appendix A
War Office. (20th December 1945). Technical Intelligence Summary Report 188 Appendix
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An article by Andrew Hills
Narrated by @ConeOfArc
Edited by Séraphin Panlion
Sound edited by Gabe The Tanker
- published: 07 Sep 2020
- views: 7177