Eduard Hanslick: The Voice of Music|Philosopher Biography
Eduard Hanslick, a prominent figure in the world of music, was a man of strong ……
#EduardHanslick #biography #philosophy #VIS #VISPHILOSOPHER
published: 16 Sep 2023
Eduard Hanslick 👩🏫📜 Everything Philosophers 🧠👨🏿🏫
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In this video series we're covering everything about philosphers and their contributions.
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Eduard Hanslick (11 September 1825 – 6 August 1904) was a German Bohemian music ...
published: 04 Aug 2020
What is Hanslick talking about? | Philosophy
Hanslick is discussing the different ways in which music is believed to be connected to emotional states. One view is that music is meant to evoke emotions, while another is that emotions are the subject matter of musical compositions. This second view is often used to make up for the fact that music lacks conceptual meaning on its own.
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#philosophy 8918
published: 06 Jan 2024
☝ Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick - Music critic
Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick:
✶ Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto gives us for the first time the hideous notion that there can be music that stinks to the ear.
✶ On the one hand it is said that the aim and object of music is to excite emotions, i.e., pleasurable emotions; on the other hand, the emotions are said to be the subject matter which musical works are intended to illustrate. Both propositions are alike in this, that one is as false as the other.
✶ Music has no subject beyond the combinations of notes we hear, for music speaks not only by means of sounds, it speaks nothing but sound.
✶ The Prelude to Tristan and Isolde reminds me of the old Italian painting of a martyr whose intestines are slowly unwound from his body on a reel.
✶ That the sweetly intoxicating three-four rhyt...
published: 02 May 2019
LA BIBLIOTECA IDEAL, 475: Eduard Hanslick (1825-1904)
published: 22 May 2022
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Barbora de Nunes-Cambraia (Mezzosopran) und Radka Dědičová (Klavier). Aufgeführt im Campus Akademie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien. Veranstalter: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Für die zugehörige Projekt-Website, siehe https://hanslick.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/.
Konzept und Organisation: Alexander Wilfing (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage) und Anja Bunzel (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Aufnahme: Bernhard Graf (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW) und Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Bearbeitung: Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Liedtexte: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/fileadmin/Institute/ACDH/img/events/Song_Texts.pdf
published: 31 May 2024
Motivazione quotidiana. Eduard Hanslick
**ATTENZIONE** Se la campanella delle notifiche non è attiva, annullate l'iscrizione al canale e re-iscrivetevi subito per ricevere le notifiche sui prossimi video! Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente
L'integratore per una mente robusta.
Ogni giorno una dose di motivazione contro il logorìo della vita moderna.
Ogni giorno scopriamo insieme le parole, la storia e la fibra mentale di un motivatore. Un integratore naturale per combattere il nichilismo della vita moderna.
Il motivatore di oggi è Eduard Hanslick.
Se questo video ti è piaciuto, iscriviti al canale YouTube di Area51 Publishing e visita il nostro sito: https://www.area51editore.com
Scopri i contenuti esclusivi della sezione Audio, con le nostre promozioni:
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published: 20 Nov 2020
Štefan Haško: Eduard Hanslick a jeho estetické myslenie (prednáška – Dejiny estetiky, IEUK FF PU.)
Plná verzia mojej prednášky "K estetickému mysleniu Eduarda Hanslicka" (2018)
(Prvá zo série prednášok k vybraným mysliteľom dejín estetiky, ktorú som realizoval v októbri tohto roku, v rámci výučby a na pôde IEUK, FF PU v Prešove.)
(Záznam je zostrihom s "kozmetickými" úpravami, t. j.: odstránenie drobných (obsahových) fragmentov záznamu, redukcia šumu, a odstránenie zdvojených informácií či páuz súvisiacich s diktovaním.
Fragment je prednáškou a zároveň komentovaním či analýzou diela Eduarda Hanslicka "O hudobnom krásne" (z r. 1854).
Stručne o Hanslickovi: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Hanslick
vizuál/foto/postprodukcia, nahrávka: Š. Haško ©
prednášky v pláne/príprave:
estetické myslenie: I. Kanta, A. Schopenhauera, L. Wittgensteina.
published: 07 Nov 2018
Edouard Hanslick, Du beau dans la musique.
Merci de bien vouloir vous abonner à ma chaîne et de partager mes vidéos.
Écrire vos questions à [email protected]
published: 28 Oct 2019
Scathing Review of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto
We all know and love Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto but can you believe that one of Vienna's most prominent critics Eduard Hanslick wrote, "Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto brings to us for the first time the horrid idea that there may be music that stinks to the ear."
Tchaikovsky was so hurt that he memorized this review and quoted it for the rest of his life! That is a grudge!
published: 18 Feb 2024
Eduard Hanslick: The Voice of Music|Philosopher Biography
Eduard Hanslick, a prominent figure in the world of music, was a man of strong ……
#EduardHanslick #biography #philosophy #VIS #VISPHILOSOPHER
Eduard Hanslick, a prominent figure in the world of music, was a man of strong ……
#EduardHanslick #biography #philosophy #VIS #VISPHILOSOPHER
Eduard Hanslick, a prominent figure in the world of music, was a man of strong ……
#EduardHanslick #biography #philosophy #VIS #VISPHILOSOPHER
- published: 16 Sep 2023
- views: 280
Eduard Hanslick 👩🏫📜 Everything Philosophers 🧠👨🏿🏫
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Eduard Hanslick (11 September 1825 – 6 August 1904) was a German Bohemian music critic.
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In this video series we're covering everything about philosphers and their contributions.
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Eduard Hanslick (11 September 1825 – 6 August 1904) was a German Bohemian music critic.
Link to Amazon.com
The links above takes you directly to Amazon.com and in return they help fund what we do here and to further education for all those excited enough to want to learn. We thank you for clicking through our links.
It means a lot to my family!
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This video series couldn't do what it does without the help of Wikipedia and its community along with so many other people to thank and we look forward to refining our product.
- published: 04 Aug 2020
- views: 1020
What is Hanslick talking about? | Philosophy
Hanslick is discussing the different ways in which music is believed to be connected to emotional states. One view is that music is meant to evoke emotions, whi...
Hanslick is discussing the different ways in which music is believed to be connected to emotional states. One view is that music is meant to evoke emotions, while another is that emotions are the subject matter of musical compositions. This second view is often used to make up for the fact that music lacks conceptual meaning on its own.
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#philosophy 8918
Hanslick is discussing the different ways in which music is believed to be connected to emotional states. One view is that music is meant to evoke emotions, while another is that emotions are the subject matter of musical compositions. This second view is often used to make up for the fact that music lacks conceptual meaning on its own.
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#philosophy 8918
- published: 06 Jan 2024
- views: 39
☝ Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick - Music critic
Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick:
✶ Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto gives us for the first time the hideous notion that there can be music that stinks to the ear...
Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick:
✶ Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto gives us for the first time the hideous notion that there can be music that stinks to the ear.
✶ On the one hand it is said that the aim and object of music is to excite emotions, i.e., pleasurable emotions; on the other hand, the emotions are said to be the subject matter which musical works are intended to illustrate. Both propositions are alike in this, that one is as false as the other.
✶ Music has no subject beyond the combinations of notes we hear, for music speaks not only by means of sounds, it speaks nothing but sound.
✶ The Prelude to Tristan and Isolde reminds me of the old Italian painting of a martyr whose intestines are slowly unwound from his body on a reel.
✶ That the sweetly intoxicating three-four rhythm which took hold of hand & foot, necessarily eclipsed great & serious music & made the audience unfit for any intellectual effort goes without saying.
✶ You cannot imagine the wild enthusiasm that these two men created in Vienna. Newspapers went into raptures over each new waltz, and innumerable articles appeared about Lanner and Strauss.
✶ So long as we refuse to include lottery tickets among the symphonies, or medical bulletins among the overtures, we must refrain from treating the emotions as an aesthetic monopoly of music in general or a certain piece of music in particular.
✶ The course hitherto pursued in musical aesthetics has nearly always been hampered by the false assumption that the object was not so much to inquire into what is beautiful in music as to describe the feelings which music awakens.
✶ Grant that the true organ with which the beautiful is apprehended is the imagination, and it follows that all arts are likely to affect the feelings indirectly.
✶ An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination.
✶ The beautiful is and remains beautiful though it arouse no emotion whatever, and though there be no one to look at it. In other words, although the beautiful exists for the gratification of an observer, it is independent of him. In this sense music, too, has no aim (object), and the mere fact that this particular art is so closely bound up with our feelings by no means justifies the assumption that its aesthetic principles depend on this union.
🖎 Author: Eduard Hanslick
♛ Career: Music critic
📅 Life: September 11, 1825 - August 6, 1904
🏷 #quotes_Eduard_Hanslick, #quotes__Feet, #quotes_Beautiful
Top 11 Quotes of Eduard Hanslick:
✶ Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto gives us for the first time the hideous notion that there can be music that stinks to the ear.
✶ On the one hand it is said that the aim and object of music is to excite emotions, i.e., pleasurable emotions; on the other hand, the emotions are said to be the subject matter which musical works are intended to illustrate. Both propositions are alike in this, that one is as false as the other.
✶ Music has no subject beyond the combinations of notes we hear, for music speaks not only by means of sounds, it speaks nothing but sound.
✶ The Prelude to Tristan and Isolde reminds me of the old Italian painting of a martyr whose intestines are slowly unwound from his body on a reel.
✶ That the sweetly intoxicating three-four rhythm which took hold of hand & foot, necessarily eclipsed great & serious music & made the audience unfit for any intellectual effort goes without saying.
✶ You cannot imagine the wild enthusiasm that these two men created in Vienna. Newspapers went into raptures over each new waltz, and innumerable articles appeared about Lanner and Strauss.
✶ So long as we refuse to include lottery tickets among the symphonies, or medical bulletins among the overtures, we must refrain from treating the emotions as an aesthetic monopoly of music in general or a certain piece of music in particular.
✶ The course hitherto pursued in musical aesthetics has nearly always been hampered by the false assumption that the object was not so much to inquire into what is beautiful in music as to describe the feelings which music awakens.
✶ Grant that the true organ with which the beautiful is apprehended is the imagination, and it follows that all arts are likely to affect the feelings indirectly.
✶ An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination.
✶ The beautiful is and remains beautiful though it arouse no emotion whatever, and though there be no one to look at it. In other words, although the beautiful exists for the gratification of an observer, it is independent of him. In this sense music, too, has no aim (object), and the mere fact that this particular art is so closely bound up with our feelings by no means justifies the assumption that its aesthetic principles depend on this union.
🖎 Author: Eduard Hanslick
♛ Career: Music critic
📅 Life: September 11, 1825 - August 6, 1904
🏷 #quotes_Eduard_Hanslick, #quotes__Feet, #quotes_Beautiful
- published: 02 May 2019
- views: 717
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Barbora de Nunes-Cambraia (Mezzosopran) und Radka Dědičová (Klavier). Aufgeführt im Campus Akademie der Ös...
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Barbora de Nunes-Cambraia (Mezzosopran) und Radka Dědičová (Klavier). Aufgeführt im Campus Akademie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien. Veranstalter: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Für die zugehörige Projekt-Website, siehe https://hanslick.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/.
Konzept und Organisation: Alexander Wilfing (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage) und Anja Bunzel (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Aufnahme: Bernhard Graf (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW) und Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Bearbeitung: Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Liedtexte: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/fileadmin/Institute/ACDH/img/events/Song_Texts.pdf
00:00 Anfangsapplaus
00:36 Frühlingsglaube (op. 9, no. 1)
04:13 Mir ist, als müsst' ich Dir was sagen (op. 9, no. 2)
06:19 Nächtliche Wanderung (op. 9, no. 3)
07:55 Liebchen, sag, wo find ich Dich (op. 8, no. 1)
09:58 Wem ich was sagen möcht (op. 8, no. 2)
10:58 Wenn's in den Wipfeln grau und grün (op. 8, no. 3)
13:46 Mädchen, was senkest Du sinnend Dein Haupt (op. 8, no. 4)
15:15 Das Bächlein murmelnd weiter drängt (op. 8, no. 5)
17:08 Milostná píseň pod Vyšehradem
21:46 Český houslista
23:30 Die schönen Augen der Frühlingsnacht
26:16 Nachteinsamkeit
31:37 Trost im Scheiden
32:58 Mit einer Epheuranke
34:03 Serenade des Paul Clifford
36:58 O See im Abendstrahl
39:13 Botschaft
42:21 Warum das Finden und das Scheiden?
43:19 Wiegenlied
45:50 Minnelied
48:25 Tröstung
51:09 Liebliche Maid!
54:25 Milostná píseň pod Wyšehradem. Whlg.
Eduard Hanslick: Klavierlieder. Konzertdokumentation
Barbora de Nunes-Cambraia (Mezzosopran) und Radka Dědičová (Klavier). Aufgeführt im Campus Akademie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien. Veranstalter: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Für die zugehörige Projekt-Website, siehe https://hanslick.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/.
Konzept und Organisation: Alexander Wilfing (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage) und Anja Bunzel (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Aufnahme: Bernhard Graf (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW) und Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Bearbeitung: Johannes Spitzbart (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Liedtexte: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/fileadmin/Institute/ACDH/img/events/Song_Texts.pdf
00:00 Anfangsapplaus
00:36 Frühlingsglaube (op. 9, no. 1)
04:13 Mir ist, als müsst' ich Dir was sagen (op. 9, no. 2)
06:19 Nächtliche Wanderung (op. 9, no. 3)
07:55 Liebchen, sag, wo find ich Dich (op. 8, no. 1)
09:58 Wem ich was sagen möcht (op. 8, no. 2)
10:58 Wenn's in den Wipfeln grau und grün (op. 8, no. 3)
13:46 Mädchen, was senkest Du sinnend Dein Haupt (op. 8, no. 4)
15:15 Das Bächlein murmelnd weiter drängt (op. 8, no. 5)
17:08 Milostná píseň pod Vyšehradem
21:46 Český houslista
23:30 Die schönen Augen der Frühlingsnacht
26:16 Nachteinsamkeit
31:37 Trost im Scheiden
32:58 Mit einer Epheuranke
34:03 Serenade des Paul Clifford
36:58 O See im Abendstrahl
39:13 Botschaft
42:21 Warum das Finden und das Scheiden?
43:19 Wiegenlied
45:50 Minnelied
48:25 Tröstung
51:09 Liebliche Maid!
54:25 Milostná píseň pod Wyšehradem. Whlg.
- published: 31 May 2024
- views: 214
Motivazione quotidiana. Eduard Hanslick
**ATTENZIONE** Se la campanella delle notifiche non è attiva, annullate l'iscrizione al canale e re-iscrivetevi subito per ricevere le notifiche sui prossimi vi...
**ATTENZIONE** Se la campanella delle notifiche non è attiva, annullate l'iscrizione al canale e re-iscrivetevi subito per ricevere le notifiche sui prossimi video! Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente
L'integratore per una mente robusta.
Ogni giorno una dose di motivazione contro il logorìo della vita moderna.
Ogni giorno scopriamo insieme le parole, la storia e la fibra mentale di un motivatore. Un integratore naturale per combattere il nichilismo della vita moderna.
Il motivatore di oggi è Eduard Hanslick.
Se questo video ti è piaciuto, iscriviti al canale YouTube di Area51 Publishing e visita il nostro sito: https://www.area51editore.com
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**ATTENZIONE** Se la campanella delle notifiche non è attiva, annullate l'iscrizione al canale e re-iscrivetevi subito per ricevere le notifiche sui prossimi video! Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente
L'integratore per una mente robusta.
Ogni giorno una dose di motivazione contro il logorìo della vita moderna.
Ogni giorno scopriamo insieme le parole, la storia e la fibra mentale di un motivatore. Un integratore naturale per combattere il nichilismo della vita moderna.
Il motivatore di oggi è Eduard Hanslick.
Se questo video ti è piaciuto, iscriviti al canale YouTube di Area51 Publishing e visita il nostro sito: https://www.area51editore.com
Scopri i contenuti esclusivi della sezione Audio, con le nostre promozioni:
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- published: 20 Nov 2020
- views: 717
Štefan Haško: Eduard Hanslick a jeho estetické myslenie (prednáška – Dejiny estetiky, IEUK FF PU.)
Plná verzia mojej prednášky "K estetickému mysleniu Eduarda Hanslicka" (2018)
(Prvá zo série prednášok k vybraným mysliteľom dejín estetiky, ktorú som realizova...
Plná verzia mojej prednášky "K estetickému mysleniu Eduarda Hanslicka" (2018)
(Prvá zo série prednášok k vybraným mysliteľom dejín estetiky, ktorú som realizoval v októbri tohto roku, v rámci výučby a na pôde IEUK, FF PU v Prešove.)
(Záznam je zostrihom s "kozmetickými" úpravami, t. j.: odstránenie drobných (obsahových) fragmentov záznamu, redukcia šumu, a odstránenie zdvojených informácií či páuz súvisiacich s diktovaním.
Fragment je prednáškou a zároveň komentovaním či analýzou diela Eduarda Hanslicka "O hudobnom krásne" (z r. 1854).
Stručne o Hanslickovi: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Hanslick
vizuál/foto/postprodukcia, nahrávka: Š. Haško ©
prednášky v pláne/príprave:
estetické myslenie: I. Kanta, A. Schopenhauera, L. Wittgensteina.
Plná verzia mojej prednášky "K estetickému mysleniu Eduarda Hanslicka" (2018)
(Prvá zo série prednášok k vybraným mysliteľom dejín estetiky, ktorú som realizoval v októbri tohto roku, v rámci výučby a na pôde IEUK, FF PU v Prešove.)
(Záznam je zostrihom s "kozmetickými" úpravami, t. j.: odstránenie drobných (obsahových) fragmentov záznamu, redukcia šumu, a odstránenie zdvojených informácií či páuz súvisiacich s diktovaním.
Fragment je prednáškou a zároveň komentovaním či analýzou diela Eduarda Hanslicka "O hudobnom krásne" (z r. 1854).
Stručne o Hanslickovi: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Hanslick
vizuál/foto/postprodukcia, nahrávka: Š. Haško ©
prednášky v pláne/príprave:
estetické myslenie: I. Kanta, A. Schopenhauera, L. Wittgensteina.
- published: 07 Nov 2018
- views: 598
Scathing Review of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto
We all know and love Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto but can you believe that one of Vienna's most prominent critics Eduard Hanslick wrote, "Tchaikovsky's Violin ...
We all know and love Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto but can you believe that one of Vienna's most prominent critics Eduard Hanslick wrote, "Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto brings to us for the first time the horrid idea that there may be music that stinks to the ear."
Tchaikovsky was so hurt that he memorized this review and quoted it for the rest of his life! That is a grudge!
We all know and love Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto but can you believe that one of Vienna's most prominent critics Eduard Hanslick wrote, "Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto brings to us for the first time the horrid idea that there may be music that stinks to the ear."
Tchaikovsky was so hurt that he memorized this review and quoted it for the rest of his life! That is a grudge!
- published: 18 Feb 2024
- views: 2650