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A comb is a toothed device used for styling, cleaning and managing hair and scalp. Combs are among the oldest tools found by archaeologists, having been discovered in very refined forms from settlements dating back to 5,000 years ago in Persia.


Combs consist of a shaft and teeth that are placed at a perpendicular angle to the shaft. Combs can be made out of a number of materials, most commonly plastic, metal or wood. Combs made from ivory and tortoiseshell were once common but concerns for the animals that produce them have reduced their usage. When made from wood, combs are largely made of boxwood, cherry wood or other fine-grained wood. Good quality wooden combs are usually handmade and polished.

Combs can vary in shape according to function. Hairdressing combs may have a thin, tapered handle for parting hair and close teeth. Common hair combs usually have wider teeth half way and finer teeth for the rest of the comb.

A hairbrush, which is larger than a comb, is also commonly used for shaping, styling and cleaning hair.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Comb


Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. Most common interest in hair is focused on hair growth, hair types and hair care, but hair is also an important biomaterial primarily composed of protein, notably keratin. Attitudes towards hair, such as hairstyles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, gender, or religion.


The word "hair" usually refers to two distinct structures:

  • the part beneath the skin, called the hair follicle, or, when pulled from the skin, the bulb. This organ is located in the dermis and maintains stem cells, which not only re-grow the hair after it falls out, but also are recruited to regrow skin after a wound.
  • This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Hair


    Hairé is a rural commune in the Cercle of Douentza of the Mopti Region of Mali. The commune contains around 32 villages and in the 2009 census had a population of 29,741. The main village (chef-lieu) is Boni.


    Hair (disambiguation)

    Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles in the skin.

    Hair may also refer to:


  • Darrell Hair (born 1952), cricket umpire
  • Biology

  • Fur
  • Trichomes, slender outgrowths of plants
  • Hair, the bristle-like setae of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other organisms
  • Art, entertainment and media


  • "Hair" (Lady Gaga song), a song by Lady Gaga from Born This Way
  • "Hair", a song by Ashley Tisdale from Guilty Pleasure
  • "Hair", a song by The Early November from The Mother, the Mechanic, and the Path
  • Musical

  • Hair (musical), a rock musical with a book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot
  • Hair (film), a 1979 film adaptation
  • "Hair" (Hair song), title song from the musical and film
  • Television

  • Hair (TV series), a BBC Three television series
  • "Hair", an episode of the British sitcom Men Behaving Badly
  • Other uses

  • Hair's breadth, or in equivalent terms (such as a cat's hair), a traditionally and colloquially used unit of distance
  • Podcasts:

    • 4 Easy Hair Comb Hairstyles

      4 Easy hair comb hairstyles Cream shell comb pin https://minimalh.com/collections/clips/products/copy-of-french-bun-u-pin-2 1.Half hair up 2. French twist hair up 3. Ponytail 4. Side swept hair Thank you for watching:)

      published: 28 Mar 2022
    • You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type

      Hi Beautiful! Today we go over my favorite hair brushes of all time and what they're best used for. Shop XMONDO Hair: https://www.xmondohair.com/ Hydromania Conditioning Mist: https://xmondohair.com/collections/shop-all/products/hydromania Forcefield Heat Shield: https://xmondohair.com/products/forcefield?_pos=1&_sid=2db3b6903&_ss=r Tail comb: https://amzn.to/35GgODw Comb: https://amzn.to/35GnIsx Teasing comb: https://amzn.to/2LbWQax Detangling Brush: https://amzn.to/2LbNGL0 Ceramic Round Brush: https://amzn.to/2zjkLSC Boar round brush (harder bristles): https://amzn.to/3fAp8cT Boar round brush (softer bristles): https://amzn.to/2ytEmzH Paddle Brush: https://amzn.to/3bjXTjq Mason Pearson flat brush: https://amzn.to/2A9eYj4 Denman Brush: https://amzn.to/2SH6GoU Small rounded flat brush: h...

      published: 07 May 2020
    • Stop Using the WRONG Brushes for Your Hair Type

      -- MY RECOMMENDED PRODUCT LIST -- ★ https://blowoutprofessor.tiny.us/2p853etf ★ -- If You're New Here… Watch These Videos First :) -- ★ Haircare Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Hair ► https://youtu.be/jmpY5IEHekY ★ The Secret to Fixing Oily & Dry Hair ► https://youtu.be/gXiZAQwZQjc ★ The Secret To FAST Hair Growth ► https://youtu.be/XE9Y4RqD9qA ★ Healthiest Hair Of Your Life - ONLY 3 Products ► https://youtu.be/4iX9xVy9MxE

      published: 07 May 2023
    • Types of hair comb and hair brushes with names and uses||THE TRENDY GIRL

      #types_of_hair_brushes_with_names_and_uses hey fam! Welcome back to my channel!! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe! If you liked this video please do LIKE , SHARE, SUBSCRIBE to my CHANNEL and give the video a thumbs up👍 ★ Disclaimer- This images used in this video were taken from some of the public domain and credits goes to that respective owners. Video is for educational purpose only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 , allowance is made for " fair use " for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing . Non - profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ____________________________...

      published: 23 Jul 2021
    • Pick the BEST Comb For You Hair | Episode 2 | Men's Inspiration

      Hello amazing YouTube people! In this episode you will learn the difference between some Styling tools and how to use them to get the sharpest result. #menshair #shopwithyoutube #menshaircuts Get your By Vilain Products here!  https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain/ PRODUCTS USED By Vilain SKELETON BRUSH WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-skeleton-brush/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-skeleton-brush/ By Vilain XL COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-xl-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-xl-comb/ By Vilain GIANT COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-giant-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-giant-comb/ By Vilain COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarsh...

      published: 15 Feb 2019
    • Types of combs with their names | Shanthi Lifestyle

      SUBSCRIBE for more videos : http://youtube.com/shanthilifestyle?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shanthilifestyle/

      published: 30 Oct 2021
    • Lice Vaccuum Comb I How to Remove Lice from Hair I Electric V-comb

      How to Use a V-Comb. The video explains How to remove lice from hair easily. This is an Electric Vacuum Lice Comb which sucks out lice from hair like a Vacuum does. #LiceComb #V-Comb #ElectricVacuumLiceComb

      published: 04 Feb 2022
    • How to Wear Hair Combs

      Hair combs are a great way to add that extra finishing touch to a vintage hair style. This video demos a few different ways you can wear them. Expect more videos with hair combs in the future! Grip Tuth hair combs and the Belle Blossoms flowered hair combs can be found here: http://belleblossoms.com/

      published: 05 Jun 2013
    • DENMAN BRUSH VS TANGLE TEEZER (does your hair brush matter?)

      DENMAN VS TANGLE TEEZER - brush styling battle! I’ve used both of these brushes in the past and gotten amazing results with both because it’s not about the brush, but how you use it – and your hair type. Denman Brush Link👉🏻 https://amzn.to/41YLNag Tangle Teezer Link👉🏻 https://amzn.to/44oudyg For long/fine/fragile hair: Opt to use a more gentle brush like the tangle teezer when brushing your curls/styling this way to define them because it will be more gentle as well as be multi-purpose. The Denman brush is a great styling brush, and what’s cool if you can customize your results when using this by removing rows for less tension, which is beneficial for finer hair types and looser curl textures, or by using a different styling technique vs my Ribbon Curls Technique. As a professional, it’...

      published: 02 May 2023
    • nit and lice comb👌|ஈறும் பேனும் நீக்க👍|meesho❣|shorts

      published: 06 Oct 2022
    developed with YouTube
    4 Easy Hair Comb Hairstyles

    4 Easy Hair Comb Hairstyles

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:07
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2022
    • views: 141444
    4 Easy hair comb hairstyles Cream shell comb pin https://minimalh.com/collections/clips/products/copy-of-french-bun-u-pin-2 1.Half hair up 2. French twist hair up 3. Ponytail 4. Side swept hair Thank you for watching:)
    You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type

    You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type

    • Order:
    • Duration: 19:35
    • Uploaded Date: 07 May 2020
    • views: 5888511
    Hi Beautiful! Today we go over my favorite hair brushes of all time and what they're best used for. Shop XMONDO Hair: https://www.xmondohair.com/ Hydromania Conditioning Mist: https://xmondohair.com/collections/shop-all/products/hydromania Forcefield Heat Shield: https://xmondohair.com/products/forcefield?_pos=1&_sid=2db3b6903&_ss=r Tail comb: https://amzn.to/35GgODw Comb: https://amzn.to/35GnIsx Teasing comb: https://amzn.to/2LbWQax Detangling Brush: https://amzn.to/2LbNGL0 Ceramic Round Brush: https://amzn.to/2zjkLSC Boar round brush (harder bristles): https://amzn.to/3fAp8cT Boar round brush (softer bristles): https://amzn.to/2ytEmzH Paddle Brush: https://amzn.to/3bjXTjq Mason Pearson flat brush: https://amzn.to/2A9eYj4 Denman Brush: https://amzn.to/2SH6GoU Small rounded flat brush: https://amzn.to/2LbYlWd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradmondonyc/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradmondonyc TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bradmondonyc?utm_source=tt_10 XMONDO Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xmondohair/ Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.
    Stop Using the WRONG Brushes for Your Hair Type

    Stop Using the WRONG Brushes for Your Hair Type

    • Order:
    • Duration: 14:52
    • Uploaded Date: 07 May 2023
    • views: 1361425
    -- MY RECOMMENDED PRODUCT LIST -- ★ https://blowoutprofessor.tiny.us/2p853etf ★ -- If You're New Here… Watch These Videos First :) -- ★ Haircare Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Hair ► https://youtu.be/jmpY5IEHekY ★ The Secret to Fixing Oily & Dry Hair ► https://youtu.be/gXiZAQwZQjc ★ The Secret To FAST Hair Growth ► https://youtu.be/XE9Y4RqD9qA ★ Healthiest Hair Of Your Life - ONLY 3 Products ► https://youtu.be/4iX9xVy9MxE
    Types of hair comb and hair brushes with names and uses||THE TRENDY GIRL

    Types of hair comb and hair brushes with names and uses||THE TRENDY GIRL

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:24
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jul 2021
    • views: 41537
    #types_of_hair_brushes_with_names_and_uses hey fam! Welcome back to my channel!! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe! If you liked this video please do LIKE , SHARE, SUBSCRIBE to my CHANNEL and give the video a thumbs up👍 ★ Disclaimer- This images used in this video were taken from some of the public domain and credits goes to that respective owners. Video is for educational purpose only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 , allowance is made for " fair use " for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing . Non - profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ________________________________________ 🌼Find me here for any query/contact/ collaboration🌼 Email:- divyalal50@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ previous videos . . . eid outfit ideas with name:- https://youtu.be/6QSp5VCSpbM summer teenager outfit ideas with name:- https://youtu.be/t-9EtKpomQc types of facial with name:-https://youtu.be/pxXh8OHusro my 1st QnA video:-https://youtu.be/EWAzCzyC0iY oxidised jwellery with name :-https://youtu.be/P4KzSLs2r8w school essential with name :- https://youtu.be/u-i3sp6zi0Y school /college farewell dress with name:- https://youtu.be/TWOU5NRZMmY outfit ideas for chubby girls:-https://youtu.be/bJG_PrbKBH0 single dupatta drapping style with name:-https://youtu.be/X4trEURYVPQ outfit ideas for teenagers with name:-https://youtu.be/6yTDq9_L4g4 flight essentials with name:-https://youtu.be/6yTDq9_L4g4 period essential kit with name:-https://youtu.be/H3QxJ6atthQ wedding essential with name:-https://youtu.be/J0Bm4gNF1t0 trendy rings with name:-https://youtu.be/miGTREJfnY0 valentine day outfit ideas with name:-https://youtu.be/R2_ctKOidsI bridal lehenga with name:-https://youtu.be/tWwU0resTm0 trendy wedding outifit with name:-https://youtu.be/Gg5crzTMOrs types of trendy crop top with name:-https://youtu.be/ZScxA4BHW7k suitable jewellery according to dress with name:- https://youtu.be/M-nHXnCPf_Q spectacles according to face shape with name:-https://youtu.be/Sta5XMncBlM bodycon with name:-https://youtu.be/K0pSLGmPZ58 trendy colour with name:- https://youtu.be/hXBaNVTjTEU bts inspired outfit ideas with name:-https://youtu.be/RQZb0pPJYNY lehenga blouse with name:-https://youtu.be/kJGHJyPu8Zk travelling essential kit with name:-https://youtu.be/lDSRp1cQ_LE pinafore dress with name:-https://youtu.be/QEhvK4yyKUc hair extension with name :-https://youtu.be/gzecsIWpZ-o air pod with name:-https://youtu.be/Xf4dT6RdfTc wideleg jeans with name:-https://youtu.be/OSV6-VO-d3w tracksuit with name:-https://youtu.be/K5tZeVlCsq4 salwar siut with name:-https://youtu.be/nxE7_fiIcVY phone holder or phone cover with name:-https://youtu.be/7PKik4sdXuw full sleeves t-shirts with name:-https://youtu.be/rzVZ6aU_Q6w winter birthday outfite ideas:-https://youtu.be/SqojKcSR4S0 winter cap/hat with name:-https://youtu.be/BDM7Q14Ih_4
    Pick the BEST Comb For You Hair | Episode 2 | Men's Inspiration

    Pick the BEST Comb For You Hair | Episode 2 | Men's Inspiration

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    • Duration: 4:34
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Feb 2019
    • views: 247052
    Hello amazing YouTube people! In this episode you will learn the difference between some Styling tools and how to use them to get the sharpest result. #menshair #shopwithyoutube #menshaircuts Get your By Vilain Products here!  https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain/ PRODUCTS USED By Vilain SKELETON BRUSH WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-skeleton-brush/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-skeleton-brush/ By Vilain XL COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-xl-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-xl-comb/ By Vilain GIANT COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-giant-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-giant-comb/ By Vilain COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-comb/ By Vilain CUTTING COMB WORLD: https://www.slikhaarshop.com/by-vilain-cutting-comb/ EUROPE: https://www.slikhaarshop.eu/by-vilain-cutting-comb/ SOCIAL MEDIA - Talk with us in the Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/SlikhaarCommunity/ - Slikhaar TV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slikhaartv/ - Slikhaarshop.com in Instagram @slikhaarshop - Our amazing Blog: http://www.slikhaarshop.com/news - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SlikhaarTVGroup - Snapchat: SlikhaarTV - Stay tuned Newsletter:  https://bit.ly/SlikhaarTVNewsletter - Emil @emilvilain ------------------------ Please let us know what other videos you'd like us to make. ------------------- Fancy selling BY VILAIN? Send your inquiries here: English/Spanish: leo@byvilain.com MUSIC Landscape lover by Vendredi https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/kya1x-_zfeE Emil & Rasmus Vilain Albrechtsen SLIKHAAR TV TEAM Send all requests to: info@slikhaarshop.com Slikhaar TV is a hairstyling channel for men founded by the twin brothers Emil & Rasmus. We give you new hairstyle inspiration every week: Tutorials, how-to videos, celebrity and footballer hairstyles, and professional tips to optimize your hair and overall style.
    Types of combs with their names | Shanthi Lifestyle

    Types of combs with their names | Shanthi Lifestyle

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    • Duration: 0:56
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Oct 2021
    • views: 23334
    SUBSCRIBE for more videos : http://youtube.com/shanthilifestyle?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shanthilifestyle/
    Lice Vaccuum Comb I How to Remove Lice from Hair I Electric V-comb

    Lice Vaccuum Comb I How to Remove Lice from Hair I Electric V-comb

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    • Duration: 0:27
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Feb 2022
    • views: 390831
    How to Use a V-Comb. The video explains How to remove lice from hair easily. This is an Electric Vacuum Lice Comb which sucks out lice from hair like a Vacuum does. #LiceComb #V-Comb #ElectricVacuumLiceComb
    How to Wear Hair Combs

    How to Wear Hair Combs

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    • Duration: 4:18
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Jun 2013
    • views: 78208
    Hair combs are a great way to add that extra finishing touch to a vintage hair style. This video demos a few different ways you can wear them. Expect more videos with hair combs in the future! Grip Tuth hair combs and the Belle Blossoms flowered hair combs can be found here: http://belleblossoms.com/
    DENMAN BRUSH VS TANGLE TEEZER (does your hair brush matter?)

    DENMAN BRUSH VS TANGLE TEEZER (does your hair brush matter?)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:39
    • Uploaded Date: 02 May 2023
    • views: 522803
    DENMAN VS TANGLE TEEZER - brush styling battle! I’ve used both of these brushes in the past and gotten amazing results with both because it’s not about the brush, but how you use it – and your hair type. Denman Brush Link👉🏻 https://amzn.to/41YLNag Tangle Teezer Link👉🏻 https://amzn.to/44oudyg For long/fine/fragile hair: Opt to use a more gentle brush like the tangle teezer when brushing your curls/styling this way to define them because it will be more gentle as well as be multi-purpose. The Denman brush is a great styling brush, and what’s cool if you can customize your results when using this by removing rows for less tension, which is beneficial for finer hair types and looser curl textures, or by using a different styling technique vs my Ribbon Curls Technique. As a professional, it’s a must-have tool but it’s not all-purpose so I don’t recommend it for detangling or if your hair is damaged and breaks easily. Always test your elasticity & porosity and use the right products to nourish & protect your hair. Do you have both of these tools? One or the other? What has been your experience? Individual results will vary but the following rules prevail: 👉🏻Make sure the hair is evenly saturated with water. The hair does not have to be soaking wet to style, but you want to make sure water is evenly distributed from root to tip. 👉🏻It’s all about how you section your hair. The cleaner your parts, the more defined the curls will look — plus it’s easier to get in close to the root without grabbing hair you shouldn’t be. 📏 SECTION SIZE MEASUREMENTS 📏 Wavy Hair: The section should be about 1.5-2.5 inches thick Curly Hair: The section should be about .5-1.5 inches thick Coily Hair: The section should be about .5- 1/4 inch thich —————————————————————— 👛Shop more for more of our Fav Products on our Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/manesbymell 💰Rakuten How We Get Money back when we Shop Online - in order to get Cash Back you have to shop through Rakuten website - https://www.rakuten.com/r/INFOMA127?eeid=28187 —————————————————————— 📧 BUSINESS INQUIRIES business@manesbymell.com FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL 👇🏻 Instagram: @manesbymell https://www.instagram.com/manesbymell/?hl=en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ManesByMell/ 👯‍♀️Amanda’s Instagram @amanda__guido https://www.instagram.com/amanda__guido/?hl=en #curlyhairstyles #weddinghairstyles #ManesByMell _ DISCLAIMER: This video was not sponsored. The description may contain affiliate links. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!
    nit and lice comb👌|ஈறும் பேனும் நீக்க👍|meesho❣|shorts

    nit and lice comb👌|ஈறும் பேனும் நீக்க👍|meesho❣|shorts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:17
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Oct 2022
    • views: 282235
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    4 Easy Hair Comb Hairstyles

    4 Easy hair comb hairstyles Cream shell comb pin https://minimalh.com/collections/clips/products/copy-of-french-bun-u-pin-2 1.Half hair up 2. French twist hair up 3. Ponytail 4. Side swept hair Thank you for watching:)
    4 Easy Hair Comb Hairstyles
    4 Easy hair comb hairstyles Cream shell comb pin https://minimalh.com/collections/clips/p...
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    You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type
    Hi Beautiful! Today we go over my favorite hair brushes of all time and what they're best ...
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    Stop Using the WRONG Brushes for Your Hair Type
    -- MY RECOMMENDED PRODUCT LIST -- ★ https://blowoutprofessor.tiny.us/2p853etf ★ -- If You...
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    Types of hair comb and hair brushes with names and uses||THE TRENDY GIRL
    #types_of_hair_brushes_with_names_and_uses hey fam! Welcome back to my channel!! I hope ...
    published: 23 Jul 2021
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    Pick the BEST Comb For You Hair | Episode 2 | Men's Inspiration
    Hello amazing YouTube people! In this episode you will learn the difference between some S...
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    Types of combs with their names | Shanthi Lifestyle
    SUBSCRIBE for more videos : http://youtube.com/shanthilifestyle?sub_confirmation=1 Instagr...
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    Lice Vaccuum Comb I How to Remove Lice from Hair I Electric V-comb
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    Hair combs are a great way to add that extra finishing touch to a vintage hair style. This...
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    nit and lice comb👌|ஈறும் பேனும் நீக்க👍|meesho❣|shorts
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    A comb is a toothed device used for styling, cleaning and managing hair and scalp. Combs are among the oldest tools found by archaeologists, having been discovered in very refined forms from settlements dating back to 5,000 years ago in Persia.


    Combs consist of a shaft and teeth that are placed at a perpendicular angle to the shaft. Combs can be made out of a number of materials, most commonly plastic, metal or wood. Combs made from ivory and tortoiseshell were once common but concerns for the animals that produce them have reduced their usage. When made from wood, combs are largely made of boxwood, cherry wood or other fine-grained wood. Good quality wooden combs are usually handmade and polished.

    Combs can vary in shape according to function. Hairdressing combs may have a thin, tapered handle for parting hair and close teeth. Common hair combs usually have wider teeth half way and finer teeth for the rest of the comb.

    A hairbrush, which is larger than a comb, is also commonly used for shaping, styling and cleaning hair.

    This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Comb
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    Latest News for: hair comb


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    NewstalkZB 31 Jan 2025
    They live on hair and suck blood from the scalp.&nbsp; They lay eggs on the hair – looking like little grains of sand stuck to hair ...   You then have to comb out the eggs stuck to the hair, so they don’t hatch.

    Revive dry hair with the best nourishing hair masks

    Boston Herald 31 Jan 2025
    What do hair masks do? ... This intensive conditioner is designed to nourish and moisturize hair and repair damage ... Now apply the mask to your hair, making sure to comb it into the strands with your fingers so you don’t miss any sections.

    Decoding scalp health: How it impacts hair growth and loss

    The Times of India 31 Jan 2025
    Your scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. If your scalp is not in good shape, your hair will not grow well. Think of your scalp as the soil in which your hair grows ... The same goes for your hair ... This can lead to hair thinning or even hair loss.

    Onion oil for hair regrowth: How to apply Onion Oil on receding hairline to regrow hair

    The Times of India 31 Jan 2025
    Hair loss, particularly at the hairline, can be frustrating and distressing ... hair fall ... You can use a comb to part your hair down the center or create smaller sections around the receding hairline area.

    17 Splurgy Gifts for Girlfriends That Are Actually Worth It

    New York Magazine 31 Jan 2025
    To source these, I dug through the Strategist archives to surface products our staff and contributors swear by and combed through my horde of bookmarks ... I like these pony-hair ones, which are a little high-maintenance but worth the effort.

    Inside Justin Bieber's toxic circle: His father was absent, his mother naive. At 14, he ...

    The Daily Mail 30 Jan 2025
    Combs denies the claims ... Combs allegedly used 'physical, emotional, and verbal abuse,' to force women to comply, threatened them with firearms, or 'hit, kicked, threw objects at, and dragged victims, at times, by their hair'.

    How to grow frizz-free baby hair naturally

    The Times of India 29 Jan 2025
    ... your hair down.Start brushing your hair with a wide comb brushBrush your hair with a wide-tooth comb as pulling your hair with small-tooth combs, especially during styling can break your baby hairs.

    Have curly hair? Alia Bhatt, Nita Ambani's hairstylist has the perfect haircare routine for you

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    Amit Thakur shared 4 things that people with curly hair should NEVER do ... So, using your fingers, a wide-toothed comb or a wet brush to detangle your hair can be much more gentler,” the celebrity hairstylist suggested.

    Curly hair tips: How I grew to love my curls

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    If you asked me what I wanted for Christmas before I was twelve, I would have told you straight hair ... Every day before school, my mom would comb out my curls and throw my puffy hair into a low ponytail.

    Authorities looking for suspect who exposed himself to two girls

    The Lake Orion Review 29 Jan 2025
    Jan ... The suspect was described as a 45 to 55-year-old Hispanic male with black combed-over hair, no facial hair and no distinctive features ... .

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    Pinkvilla 29 Jan 2025
    By. Published on Jan 29, 2025 &nbsp;.  04.41 PM IST .  656 ... From floral bun to wavy open hair. follow us. share ... 1. Floral Bun ... With her dark locks parted in the middle and combed neatly, she pulled her hair back and tied it into a bun ... .

    The Mom and Model Squeezing in Wash Day Between Nap Times

    New York Magazine 29 Jan 2025
    “I had a lot of hair,” says MacKay. On special occasions, she let her wear her hair out ... I don’t like doing my hair ... I take out the braids and go over my hair with the Dyson Supersonic and the comb attachment and the Innersense heat protectant.

    Claudia Myers column: Hair today, but not tomorrow

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    Huffington Post 28 Jan 2025
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