Helicobacter pylori, previously Campylobacter pylori, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilicbacterium found usually in the stomach. It was identified in 1982 by Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who found that it was present in a person with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, conditions not previously believed to have a microbial cause. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer. However, over 80% of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic, and it may play an important role in the natural stomach ecology.
More than 50% of the world's population harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract. Infection is more prevalent in developing countries, and incidence is decreasing in Western countries. H. pylori's helical shape (from which the genus name is derived) is thought to have evolved to penetrate the mucoid lining of the stomach.
Signs and symptoms
Up to 85% of people infected with H. pylori never experience symptoms or complications.Acute infection may appear as an acute gastritis with abdominal pain (stomach ache) or nausea. Where this develops into chronic gastritis, the symptoms, if present, are often those of non-ulcer dyspepsia: stomach pains, nausea, bloating, belching, and sometimes vomiting or black stool.
What is Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria & Symptoms of H. Pylori
An educational video all about helicobacter pylori bacteria & symptoms of H. Pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer.
acid neutralizing products you can try
Gaviscon ( chewable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfN5sO
Gaviscon ( drinkable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfI5UI
and facebook @feelfitivated
What is helicobacter pylori bacteria or H. Pylori for short? Dr. Barry J. Marshall and Dr. J. Robin Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in discovering the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease back in 1982. How it all started was when Dr. Robin Warren, a pathologist from Perth observed small bacteria colonizing the lower part of the stomach in about 50% of patients who had their stomach biopsied. He a...
published: 14 Feb 2021
Helicobacter Pylori Eradication treatment in 70 seconds
Use coupon aroravideo10 for 10% off any clinical course: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk
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► Audiobook Cou...
published: 13 Dec 2018
Helicobacter Pylori: Causas, síntomas y tratamiento
La Helicobacter pylori, es una infección que afecta al estómago y que está presente en gran parte de la población general.
En este vídeo el Dr. Fermín Mearin Manrique, Director del Servicio de Aparato Digestivo de Centro Médico Teknon, te explica todo lo relacionado a las infecciones por Helicobacter pylori: desde cuáles son los síntomas que se podrían sentir, hasta qué enfermedades produce y cuál es su tratamiento.
(00:07) Cómo se descubrió la infección Helicobacter pylori
(01:18) Patologías y síntomas que produce la Helicobacter pylori
(01:43) Relación de Helicobacter pylori con el cáncer de estómago
(02:09) Qué hacer en caso de tener molestias gástricas y detectar si se tiene la infección por Helicobacter pylori
(02:36) Tratamiento para la Helicobacter pylori
ℹ️ Más información en: ...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Helicobacter pylori: Causas, síntomas y dieta de protección gástrica
Descubre qué es la bacteria helicobacter pylori, como detectarla en tu organismo y qué dieta seguir para conseguir erradicarla.
#HelicobacterPylori #BacteriaHelicobacter #DietaHelicobacterPylori
*** 📒 ❌🦠 Nuestro Ebook con pautas especializadas y TODO lo que necesitas saber sobre la alimentación si tienes la bacteria Helicobacter Pylori 👉🏽 https://libros.centrojuliafarre.es/tienda/ebook-helicobacter-pylori/
*** MAS INFORMACIÓN: https://www.centrojuliafarre.es/dietas/dieta-helicobacter-pylori/
published: 23 Sep 2020
Stanley Falkow (Stanford University) Part 2: Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Cancer
Lecture Overview
Ninety percent of the cells humans carry are microbes. Only a few of the bacteria we encounter are pathogenic and can cause disease. Pathogens possess the inherent ability to cross anatomic barriers or breach other host defenses that limit the microbes that make up our normal flora. A significant part of human evolution has gone into developing ways to thwart microbial intrusion. In turn, microbes have come up with clever ways to avoid and circumvent host defenses but human — microbe interactions is still a "Work in Progress." When we study pathogens we learn as much about ourselves as we do about them.
Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach. It causes gastritis, ulcer disease...
published: 02 Jun 2010
Helicobacter pylori pathgnesis
For more information, log on to-
This helicobactor pylori pathogenesis lecture explains the virulence factors of helicobactor pylori in causing gastric ulcer.
Download the study materials here-
An educational video all about helicobacter pylori bacteria & symptoms of H. Pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer.
acid neutralizing products yo...
An educational video all about helicobacter pylori bacteria & symptoms of H. Pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer.
acid neutralizing products you can try
Gaviscon ( chewable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfN5sO
Gaviscon ( drinkable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfI5UI
and facebook @feelfitivated
What is helicobacter pylori bacteria or H. Pylori for short? Dr. Barry J. Marshall and Dr. J. Robin Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in discovering the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease back in 1982. How it all started was when Dr. Robin Warren, a pathologist from Perth observed small bacteria colonizing the lower part of the stomach in about 50% of patients who had their stomach biopsied. He also observed that signs of inflammation were always present in the stomach walls close to where he saw the bacteria. Dr. Barry Marshall, a colleague, became interested in these findings and they together succeeded in cultivating this previously unknown bacterial species. Until then, the medical world was still entrenched in the belief that lifestyle caused gastric ulcers. Today, it has been proven already that H. Pylori causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers.
Some of the common symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease are abdominal bloatedness and nausea, burping and belching, abdominal pain, heartburn, bad breath, loss of appetite, and in severe cases even loss of weight.
Now, think about it, I’m pretty sure most of you have had one of these symptoms that I’ve just mentioned. In fact, an estimated 50% of adults in the world today have H.Pylori infection. Higher if you are in developing countries and Lower if you are in an industrialized, developed country.
50%. That’s pretty high. And when gastritis and ulcer disease are severe, they may even lead to bleeding from the walls of the stomach and intestines, resulting In you feeling fatigued and having fainting spells, anemia or low blood count, black foul-smelling tarry stools. in severe cases even hemorrhage which may be fatal. In the long run, it can even lead to gastric cancer. Of course, some other known causes of Gastritis and ulcer disease include smoking and drinking, regular use of pain medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS ) which includes aspirin and ibuprofen, stress.
It's still not known how H. Pylori spreads. Researchers suspect it may be spread via unclean food and water or through contact with an infected person’s saliva and other body fluids.
Risk factors to getting it includes overcrowding and poor sanitation or habitation conditions. Therefore good handwashing and drinking clean water are some of the ways to prevent an H.Pylori infection.
Evidence has also shown that adults age 50-60 and above tends to have a higher prevalence of H.Pylori within their gut. When the bacteria enters our body, it attaches itself to the walls of our gut and produces a toxin that causes inflammation. If it is not treated, prolonged inflammation may eventually result in ulcers and cancer formation.
So logically speaking, anyone with symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease should get themselves checked for H.Pylori.
The most accurate test will be a gastric endoscopy.
A small camera will be passed through your mouth and esophagus into the stomach and small intestine. Through this tube, a small sample of the stomach wall lining where the inflammation is seen can be collected and sent for biopsies and CLO testing.
Through the biopsy and CLO test, confirmation of H.Pylori bacteria infection can be detected.
The advantage of this test is that visual confirmation of gastritis or ulcer disease can be confirmed and gastric cancers can also be excluded.
An alternative, the non-invasive test would be a urea breath test.
This is a simple test where you are required to blow into a bag before and after swallowing of a pill to see if the carbon dioxide level rises in the second bag where you breathe into it.
An increase in carbon dioxide would indicate an H.Pylori infection. This is a good test to be done in children with whom an H.Pylori infection is suspected as young children may not be good candidates to go through an endoscopic procedure.
There are a few other tests such as blood testing for H.Pylori antibodies, Stool testing for H.pylori antigen, or an h.pylori culture to attempt to grow the bacteria from your stool sample. Now the good news is that there are effective treatments to eradicate H.Pylori infection. It involves using a combination of gastric acid reduction medications with antibiotics in what is known as triple therapy or quadruple therapy.
#helicobacterpylori #hPylorisysmptoms #gastritis #SgDrWellness #Vitacarefamily #Fitivate #CSKaesthetics #DrChenYiming #Singaporedoctor #Youtube #Singaporeclinic #Familymedicine #Healthiswealth #preventionisbetterthancure #Singaporeproduction #Singapore
An educational video all about helicobacter pylori bacteria & symptoms of H. Pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer.
acid neutralizing products you can try
Gaviscon ( chewable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfN5sO
Gaviscon ( drinkable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfI5UI
and facebook @feelfitivated
What is helicobacter pylori bacteria or H. Pylori for short? Dr. Barry J. Marshall and Dr. J. Robin Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in discovering the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease back in 1982. How it all started was when Dr. Robin Warren, a pathologist from Perth observed small bacteria colonizing the lower part of the stomach in about 50% of patients who had their stomach biopsied. He also observed that signs of inflammation were always present in the stomach walls close to where he saw the bacteria. Dr. Barry Marshall, a colleague, became interested in these findings and they together succeeded in cultivating this previously unknown bacterial species. Until then, the medical world was still entrenched in the belief that lifestyle caused gastric ulcers. Today, it has been proven already that H. Pylori causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers.
Some of the common symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease are abdominal bloatedness and nausea, burping and belching, abdominal pain, heartburn, bad breath, loss of appetite, and in severe cases even loss of weight.
Now, think about it, I’m pretty sure most of you have had one of these symptoms that I’ve just mentioned. In fact, an estimated 50% of adults in the world today have H.Pylori infection. Higher if you are in developing countries and Lower if you are in an industrialized, developed country.
50%. That’s pretty high. And when gastritis and ulcer disease are severe, they may even lead to bleeding from the walls of the stomach and intestines, resulting In you feeling fatigued and having fainting spells, anemia or low blood count, black foul-smelling tarry stools. in severe cases even hemorrhage which may be fatal. In the long run, it can even lead to gastric cancer. Of course, some other known causes of Gastritis and ulcer disease include smoking and drinking, regular use of pain medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS ) which includes aspirin and ibuprofen, stress.
It's still not known how H. Pylori spreads. Researchers suspect it may be spread via unclean food and water or through contact with an infected person’s saliva and other body fluids.
Risk factors to getting it includes overcrowding and poor sanitation or habitation conditions. Therefore good handwashing and drinking clean water are some of the ways to prevent an H.Pylori infection.
Evidence has also shown that adults age 50-60 and above tends to have a higher prevalence of H.Pylori within their gut. When the bacteria enters our body, it attaches itself to the walls of our gut and produces a toxin that causes inflammation. If it is not treated, prolonged inflammation may eventually result in ulcers and cancer formation.
So logically speaking, anyone with symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease should get themselves checked for H.Pylori.
The most accurate test will be a gastric endoscopy.
A small camera will be passed through your mouth and esophagus into the stomach and small intestine. Through this tube, a small sample of the stomach wall lining where the inflammation is seen can be collected and sent for biopsies and CLO testing.
Through the biopsy and CLO test, confirmation of H.Pylori bacteria infection can be detected.
The advantage of this test is that visual confirmation of gastritis or ulcer disease can be confirmed and gastric cancers can also be excluded.
An alternative, the non-invasive test would be a urea breath test.
This is a simple test where you are required to blow into a bag before and after swallowing of a pill to see if the carbon dioxide level rises in the second bag where you breathe into it.
An increase in carbon dioxide would indicate an H.Pylori infection. This is a good test to be done in children with whom an H.Pylori infection is suspected as young children may not be good candidates to go through an endoscopic procedure.
There are a few other tests such as blood testing for H.Pylori antibodies, Stool testing for H.pylori antigen, or an h.pylori culture to attempt to grow the bacteria from your stool sample. Now the good news is that there are effective treatments to eradicate H.Pylori infection. It involves using a combination of gastric acid reduction medications with antibiotics in what is known as triple therapy or quadruple therapy.
#helicobacterpylori #hPylorisysmptoms #gastritis #SgDrWellness #Vitacarefamily #Fitivate #CSKaesthetics #DrChenYiming #Singaporedoctor #Youtube #Singaporeclinic #Familymedicine #Healthiswealth #preventionisbetterthancure #Singaporeproduction #Singapore
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Get inspired. Reach your potential. We have a burning passion to help you fly through your medical exams and maximise your career. Dr Aman Arora has taught over 50,000 doctors globally through a combination of face-to-face, online, audio and social teaching, helping them pass exams such as MRCGP AKT, RCA, MSRA and PLAB. Find out more about Dr Aman and who he has worked with: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/meet-aman/
#hpylori #helicobacterpylori #helicobacterpyloriquestion
*All videos are for educational purposes only and are not to be used for medical advice.
*No medical or professional advice can be given on this channel - appropriate qualified medical/legal/professional advice should be sought for clinical, healthcare or professional queries
*Guidance is aimed to be relevant and up-to-date at the time of release
Use coupon aroravideo10 for 10% off any clinical course: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk
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► LinkedIn: (Dr Aman Arora) https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-aman-arora-66812145/
► TikTok: (@dramanarora) https://www.tiktok.com/@dramanarora
Get inspired. Reach your potential. We have a burning passion to help you fly through your medical exams and maximise your career. Dr Aman Arora has taught over 50,000 doctors globally through a combination of face-to-face, online, audio and social teaching, helping them pass exams such as MRCGP AKT, RCA, MSRA and PLAB. Find out more about Dr Aman and who he has worked with: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/meet-aman/
#hpylori #helicobacterpylori #helicobacterpyloriquestion
*All videos are for educational purposes only and are not to be used for medical advice.
*No medical or professional advice can be given on this channel - appropriate qualified medical/legal/professional advice should be sought for clinical, healthcare or professional queries
*Guidance is aimed to be relevant and up-to-date at the time of release
La Helicobacter pylori, es una infección que afecta al estómago y que está presente en gran parte de la población general.
En este vídeo el Dr. Fermín Mearin ...
La Helicobacter pylori, es una infección que afecta al estómago y que está presente en gran parte de la población general.
En este vídeo el Dr. Fermín Mearin Manrique, Director del Servicio de Aparato Digestivo de Centro Médico Teknon, te explica todo lo relacionado a las infecciones por Helicobacter pylori: desde cuáles son los síntomas que se podrían sentir, hasta qué enfermedades produce y cuál es su tratamiento.
(00:07) Cómo se descubrió la infección Helicobacter pylori
(01:18) Patologías y síntomas que produce la Helicobacter pylori
(01:43) Relación de Helicobacter pylori con el cáncer de estómago
(02:09) Qué hacer en caso de tener molestias gástricas y detectar si se tiene la infección por Helicobacter pylori
(02:36) Tratamiento para la Helicobacter pylori
ℹ️ Más información en: http://bit.ly/3BqCBAw
La Helicobacter pylori, es una infección que afecta al estómago y que está presente en gran parte de la población general.
En este vídeo el Dr. Fermín Mearin Manrique, Director del Servicio de Aparato Digestivo de Centro Médico Teknon, te explica todo lo relacionado a las infecciones por Helicobacter pylori: desde cuáles son los síntomas que se podrían sentir, hasta qué enfermedades produce y cuál es su tratamiento.
(00:07) Cómo se descubrió la infección Helicobacter pylori
(01:18) Patologías y síntomas que produce la Helicobacter pylori
(01:43) Relación de Helicobacter pylori con el cáncer de estómago
(02:09) Qué hacer en caso de tener molestias gástricas y detectar si se tiene la infección por Helicobacter pylori
(02:36) Tratamiento para la Helicobacter pylori
ℹ️ Más información en: http://bit.ly/3BqCBAw
Descubre qué es la bacteria helicobacter pylori, como detectarla en tu organismo y qué dieta seguir para conseguir erradicarla.
#HelicobacterPylori #BacteriaH...
Descubre qué es la bacteria helicobacter pylori, como detectarla en tu organismo y qué dieta seguir para conseguir erradicarla.
#HelicobacterPylori #BacteriaHelicobacter #DietaHelicobacterPylori
*** 📒 ❌🦠 Nuestro Ebook con pautas especializadas y TODO lo que necesitas saber sobre la alimentación si tienes la bacteria Helicobacter Pylori 👉🏽 https://libros.centrojuliafarre.es/tienda/ebook-helicobacter-pylori/
*** MAS INFORMACIÓN: https://www.centrojuliafarre.es/dietas/dieta-helicobacter-pylori/
SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL: https://goo.gl/8swbvV
00:16 : ¿Qué es el helicobacter pylori?
01:03 : Síntomas más habituales si tienes la bacteria
01:12 : ¿Cómo saber si tienes helicobacter pylori?
01:48 : ¿Cómo se transmite?
02:12 : ¿Qué tratamiento seguir?
02:35 . ¿Qué dieta seguir? Dieta de protección gástrica
Descubre qué es la bacteria helicobacter pylori, como detectarla en tu organismo y qué dieta seguir para conseguir erradicarla.
#HelicobacterPylori #BacteriaHelicobacter #DietaHelicobacterPylori
*** 📒 ❌🦠 Nuestro Ebook con pautas especializadas y TODO lo que necesitas saber sobre la alimentación si tienes la bacteria Helicobacter Pylori 👉🏽 https://libros.centrojuliafarre.es/tienda/ebook-helicobacter-pylori/
*** MAS INFORMACIÓN: https://www.centrojuliafarre.es/dietas/dieta-helicobacter-pylori/
SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL: https://goo.gl/8swbvV
00:16 : ¿Qué es el helicobacter pylori?
01:03 : Síntomas más habituales si tienes la bacteria
01:12 : ¿Cómo saber si tienes helicobacter pylori?
01:48 : ¿Cómo se transmite?
02:12 : ¿Qué tratamiento seguir?
02:35 . ¿Qué dieta seguir? Dieta de protección gástrica
Lecture Overview
Ninety percent of the cells humans carry are microbes....
Lecture Overview
Ninety percent of the cells humans carry are microbes. Only a few of the bacteria we encounter are pathogenic and can cause disease. Pathogens possess the inherent ability to cross anatomic barriers or breach other host defenses that limit the microbes that make up our normal flora. A significant part of human evolution has gone into developing ways to thwart microbial intrusion. In turn, microbes have come up with clever ways to avoid and circumvent host defenses but human — microbe interactions is still a "Work in Progress." When we study pathogens we learn as much about ourselves as we do about them.
Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach. It causes gastritis, ulcer disease and even gastric cancer. Some H. pylori can inject a protein, CagA, into gastric epithelial cells. CagA interacts with the tight junctions that bind cells together and with signaling molecules affecting motility and proliferation. CagA is associated with ulcer disease and cancer but we don't understand how it works to favor malignancy. Not long ago in history most humans carried H. pylori ; the incidence of carriage and gastric cancer is dropping but there is evidence that this microbe also had a protective effect on human health.
Lecture Overview
Ninety percent of the cells humans carry are microbes. Only a few of the bacteria we encounter are pathogenic and can cause disease. Pathogens possess the inherent ability to cross anatomic barriers or breach other host defenses that limit the microbes that make up our normal flora. A significant part of human evolution has gone into developing ways to thwart microbial intrusion. In turn, microbes have come up with clever ways to avoid and circumvent host defenses but human — microbe interactions is still a "Work in Progress." When we study pathogens we learn as much about ourselves as we do about them.
Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach. It causes gastritis, ulcer disease and even gastric cancer. Some H. pylori can inject a protein, CagA, into gastric epithelial cells. CagA interacts with the tight junctions that bind cells together and with signaling molecules affecting motility and proliferation. CagA is associated with ulcer disease and cancer but we don't understand how it works to favor malignancy. Not long ago in history most humans carried H. pylori ; the incidence of carriage and gastric cancer is dropping but there is evidence that this microbe also had a protective effect on human health.
For more information, log on to-
This helicobactor pylori pathogenesis lecture explains the virulence factors of helicobactor p...
For more information, log on to-
This helicobactor pylori pathogenesis lecture explains the virulence factors of helicobactor pylori in causing gastric ulcer.
Download the study materials here-
For more information, log on to-
This helicobactor pylori pathogenesis lecture explains the virulence factors of helicobactor pylori in causing gastric ulcer.
Download the study materials here-
An educational video all about helicobacter pylori bacteria & symptoms of H. Pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer.
acid neutralizing products you can try
Gaviscon ( chewable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfN5sO
Gaviscon ( drinkable ) - https://amzn.to/3hfI5UI
and facebook @feelfitivated
What is helicobacter pylori bacteria or H. Pylori for short? Dr. Barry J. Marshall and Dr. J. Robin Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in discovering the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease back in 1982. How it all started was when Dr. Robin Warren, a pathologist from Perth observed small bacteria colonizing the lower part of the stomach in about 50% of patients who had their stomach biopsied. He also observed that signs of inflammation were always present in the stomach walls close to where he saw the bacteria. Dr. Barry Marshall, a colleague, became interested in these findings and they together succeeded in cultivating this previously unknown bacterial species. Until then, the medical world was still entrenched in the belief that lifestyle caused gastric ulcers. Today, it has been proven already that H. Pylori causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers.
Some of the common symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease are abdominal bloatedness and nausea, burping and belching, abdominal pain, heartburn, bad breath, loss of appetite, and in severe cases even loss of weight.
Now, think about it, I’m pretty sure most of you have had one of these symptoms that I’ve just mentioned. In fact, an estimated 50% of adults in the world today have H.Pylori infection. Higher if you are in developing countries and Lower if you are in an industrialized, developed country.
50%. That’s pretty high. And when gastritis and ulcer disease are severe, they may even lead to bleeding from the walls of the stomach and intestines, resulting In you feeling fatigued and having fainting spells, anemia or low blood count, black foul-smelling tarry stools. in severe cases even hemorrhage which may be fatal. In the long run, it can even lead to gastric cancer. Of course, some other known causes of Gastritis and ulcer disease include smoking and drinking, regular use of pain medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS ) which includes aspirin and ibuprofen, stress.
It's still not known how H. Pylori spreads. Researchers suspect it may be spread via unclean food and water or through contact with an infected person’s saliva and other body fluids.
Risk factors to getting it includes overcrowding and poor sanitation or habitation conditions. Therefore good handwashing and drinking clean water are some of the ways to prevent an H.Pylori infection.
Evidence has also shown that adults age 50-60 and above tends to have a higher prevalence of H.Pylori within their gut. When the bacteria enters our body, it attaches itself to the walls of our gut and produces a toxin that causes inflammation. If it is not treated, prolonged inflammation may eventually result in ulcers and cancer formation.
So logically speaking, anyone with symptoms of gastritis and ulcer disease should get themselves checked for H.Pylori.
The most accurate test will be a gastric endoscopy.
A small camera will be passed through your mouth and esophagus into the stomach and small intestine. Through this tube, a small sample of the stomach wall lining where the inflammation is seen can be collected and sent for biopsies and CLO testing.
Through the biopsy and CLO test, confirmation of H.Pylori bacteria infection can be detected.
The advantage of this test is that visual confirmation of gastritis or ulcer disease can be confirmed and gastric cancers can also be excluded.
An alternative, the non-invasive test would be a urea breath test.
This is a simple test where you are required to blow into a bag before and after swallowing of a pill to see if the carbon dioxide level rises in the second bag where you breathe into it.
An increase in carbon dioxide would indicate an H.Pylori infection. This is a good test to be done in children with whom an H.Pylori infection is suspected as young children may not be good candidates to go through an endoscopic procedure.
There are a few other tests such as blood testing for H.Pylori antibodies, Stool testing for H.pylori antigen, or an h.pylori culture to attempt to grow the bacteria from your stool sample. Now the good news is that there are effective treatments to eradicate H.Pylori infection. It involves using a combination of gastric acid reduction medications with antibiotics in what is known as triple therapy or quadruple therapy.
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La Helicobacter pylori, es una infección que afecta al estómago y que está presente en gran parte de la población general.
En este vídeo el Dr. Fermín Mearin Manrique, Director del Servicio de Aparato Digestivo de Centro Médico Teknon, te explica todo lo relacionado a las infecciones por Helicobacter pylori: desde cuáles son los síntomas que se podrían sentir, hasta qué enfermedades produce y cuál es su tratamiento.
(00:07) Cómo se descubrió la infección Helicobacter pylori
(01:18) Patologías y síntomas que produce la Helicobacter pylori
(01:43) Relación de Helicobacter pylori con el cáncer de estómago
(02:09) Qué hacer en caso de tener molestias gástricas y detectar si se tiene la infección por Helicobacter pylori
(02:36) Tratamiento para la Helicobacter pylori
ℹ️ Más información en: http://bit.ly/3BqCBAw
Descubre qué es la bacteria helicobacter pylori, como detectarla en tu organismo y qué dieta seguir para conseguir erradicarla.
#HelicobacterPylori #BacteriaHelicobacter #DietaHelicobacterPylori
*** 📒 ❌🦠 Nuestro Ebook con pautas especializadas y TODO lo que necesitas saber sobre la alimentación si tienes la bacteria Helicobacter Pylori 👉🏽 https://libros.centrojuliafarre.es/tienda/ebook-helicobacter-pylori/
*** MAS INFORMACIÓN: https://www.centrojuliafarre.es/dietas/dieta-helicobacter-pylori/
SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL: https://goo.gl/8swbvV
00:16 : ¿Qué es el helicobacter pylori?
01:03 : Síntomas más habituales si tienes la bacteria
01:12 : ¿Cómo saber si tienes helicobacter pylori?
01:48 : ¿Cómo se transmite?
02:12 : ¿Qué tratamiento seguir?
02:35 . ¿Qué dieta seguir? Dieta de protección gástrica
Lecture Overview
Ninety percent of the cells humans carry are microbes. Only a few of the bacteria we encounter are pathogenic and can cause disease. Pathogens possess the inherent ability to cross anatomic barriers or breach other host defenses that limit the microbes that make up our normal flora. A significant part of human evolution has gone into developing ways to thwart microbial intrusion. In turn, microbes have come up with clever ways to avoid and circumvent host defenses but human — microbe interactions is still a "Work in Progress." When we study pathogens we learn as much about ourselves as we do about them.
Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach. It causes gastritis, ulcer disease and even gastric cancer. Some H. pylori can inject a protein, CagA, into gastric epithelial cells. CagA interacts with the tight junctions that bind cells together and with signaling molecules affecting motility and proliferation. CagA is associated with ulcer disease and cancer but we don't understand how it works to favor malignancy. Not long ago in history most humans carried H. pylori ; the incidence of carriage and gastric cancer is dropping but there is evidence that this microbe also had a protective effect on human health.
For more information, log on to-
This helicobactor pylori pathogenesis lecture explains the virulence factors of helicobactor pylori in causing gastric ulcer.
Download the study materials here-
Helicobacter pylori, previously Campylobacter pylori, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilicbacterium found usually in the stomach. It was identified in 1982 by Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who found that it was present in a person with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, conditions not previously believed to have a microbial cause. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer. However, over 80% of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic, and it may play an important role in the natural stomach ecology.
More than 50% of the world's population harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract. Infection is more prevalent in developing countries, and incidence is decreasing in Western countries. H. pylori's helical shape (from which the genus name is derived) is thought to have evolved to penetrate the mucoid lining of the stomach.
Signs and symptoms
Up to 85% of people infected with H. pylori never experience symptoms or complications.Acute infection may appear as an acute gastritis with abdominal pain (stomach ache) or nausea. Where this develops into chronic gastritis, the symptoms, if present, are often those of non-ulcer dyspepsia: stomach pains, nausea, bloating, belching, and sometimes vomiting or black stool.
It's Sunday morning and you struggle with the sheets You hear the alarm kick the snooze go back to sleep If you could only get up you would see what you were missin' He is always there if you just take the time to listen to His Mission His will He'll tell you what to do Now that it's been done it's up to you to see it thorough And then do it daily 'cause that's where it's at It'll help you keep your life on track It's on all day everyday kinda thing So many times we think we got it tough We go to church two times a year and you think that's enough To get by with our lives and look good in others' eyes Eventually with God we see there is no compromise We realize how weak we really are Without Him in your life then you won't make it very far 24-7 is the point I'm tryin to make A daily walk with Him is exactly what it takes