Gold Typhoon Group is an independent, China-based entertainment company. Gold Label was founded in 2003 in Hong Kong, launched with the support of EMI, and acquired EMI Music Taiwan / EMI Music China (Typhoon Records) in 2008, reforming to Gold Typhoon. On 1 January 2011, it became a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Global Management Asia (PGMA) under the leadership of Chairman Louis Pong.
Gold Typhoon represents many Chinese and international artists, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Taipei and Hong Kong. In 2004, former Go East Entertainment CEO Paco Wong decided to not work with the parent company of Go East, Universal Group Hong Kong, but to instead work for EMI Hong Kong as they promised to launch a new label. Paco Wong was to have total control of the new label which became Gold Label Entertainment.
In 2004, former Go East Entertainment CEO Paco Wong decided to not work with the parent company of Go East, Universal Group Hong Kong, but to instead work for EMI Hong Kong as they promised to launch a new label. Paco Wong was to have total control of the new label which became Gold Label Entertainment.
Check Out LordMegaGamer
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My IGN is Destroyer9020s and here's the link to join me
#roblox #militarytycoon #militarytycoonupdates #robloxmilitarytycoon #militarytycoonroblox
published: 11 Feb 2024
Gold Typhoon
published: 14 Feb 2021
Typhoon gold coins hit the city, swirling of wealth beyond imaginationㅣ도시에 몰아친 금화 태풍, 상상 초월 부의 소용돌이
💰 A golden coin that slammed into the middle of the city, marveling at the unimaginable amount of wealth and wealth covering the streets and people. Don't miss this overwhelming wealth spectacle!
💰 도심 한가운데로 몰아친 금화 태풍이 모든 것을 상상할 수 없는 양의 부와 재물이 거리와 사람들을 덮으며, 경이로움을 자아내는 장면을 만나보세요. 이 압도적인 부의 스펙터클을 놓치지 마세요!
#부자 #money #황금 #gold #大運 #Деньги #財運 #成功 #행운 #富人 #lucky #大当たり #jackpot #rich #お金持ち #Процветание #Jewels #札束 #अमीर #幸せな生活
published: 19 Nov 2024
金牌大風 Gold Typhoon - 音樂品牌介紹短片 Music Label Introduction Film
Golden typhoon Vs Normal typhoon (Roblox Military Tycoon)
Made with @Raptorwaskidnapped
published: 28 Jan 2024
The moment I sweep gold away like a typhoon and go to you#अमीर #पैसा #सफलता #भाग्य #चमत्कार #समृद्धि
✨ 하루 5초로 시작되는 놀라운 변화! ✨
당신과 당신의 가정에 건강과 풍요로움이 가득하기를 진심으로 기원합니다. 🙏💖
마음속 깊이 담긴 소망과 긍정적인 에너지가 당신의 삶에 기적처럼 스며들 것입니다. 🌟
이 영상은 당신의 삶에 작은 희망의 씨앗이 되어, 풍요와 행복의 열매를 맺도록 돕기 위해 준비되었습니다.
스스로에게 이렇게 말해보세요.
"내 삶에 기적과 축복이 찾아오고 있다."
그리고 그 믿음을 이 순간부터 실천해보세요. 🌿✨
💬 당신의 삶에 긍정적인 에너지가 스며들기를 기원합니다.
이 작은 행동이 기적을 일으키고, 당신의 미래를 바꿀 힘이 되기를 바랍니다.
지금 시작해 보세요. 믿음이 당신의 삶을 변화시킬 것입니다. 🙌💫
🌍 함께 나누는 축복의 언어:
English: This video was created to be a small seed of hope in your life, helping you grow a harvest of prosperity and happiness. 🌱🌟💖
हिंदी: यह वीडियो आपके जीवन में एक छोटी सी आशा का बीज बनने के लिए बनाया गया है, जो समृद्धि और खुशी के फल प्रदान करेगा। 🌱✨😊
Español: Este video fue creado para ser una pequeña semilla de esperanza en tu vida, ayudándote a cosechar prosperidad y felicidad. 🌱🌟🍀
日本語: この動画は、あな...
published: 29 Jan 2025
Military Tycoon Another Rare Submarine but not as rare as Gold Typhoon #shortsvideo #militarytycoon
published: 02 Dec 2024
Nice Win 11 Kill Solo Game. #fortnite #zerobuild #gaminggrampas #azeron
High(ish) kill game where I won my fights on the island, but I could not find the gold typhoon blade. Laughing at myself when I reviewed the video and saw where the blade was hiding. It was hanging on the side of the island, but I just didn't see it. Kind of funny.
I am uploading twice today. This will probably kill my videos reach/views, but it's my last upload of chapter 1, and I wanted to put these out there before sending all my unused chapter 1 vids to the trash. I'll be back to posting 2 or 3 a week after this.
As always, I am talking through my thought process and letting viewers know what I'm doing and why.
Like every game, I use the Azeron Cyborg 2. These things are great!
Thanks for clicking on my video and giving this Old guy a chance.
To anyone still reading this far...
Check Out LordMegaGamer
My Discord Server
Follow me on Twitch
Check Out LordMegaGamer
My Discord Server
Follow me on Twitch
My IGN is Destroyer9020s and here's the link to join me
#roblox #militarytycoon #militarytycoonupdates #robloxmilitarytycoon #militarytycoonroblox
Check Out LordMegaGamer
My Discord Server
Follow me on Twitch
My IGN is Destroyer9020s and here's the link to join me
#roblox #militarytycoon #militarytycoonupdates #robloxmilitarytycoon #militarytycoonroblox
💰 A golden coin that slammed into the middle of the city, marveling at the unimaginable amount of wealth and wealth covering the streets and people. Don't miss ...
💰 A golden coin that slammed into the middle of the city, marveling at the unimaginable amount of wealth and wealth covering the streets and people. Don't miss this overwhelming wealth spectacle!
💰 도심 한가운데로 몰아친 금화 태풍이 모든 것을 상상할 수 없는 양의 부와 재물이 거리와 사람들을 덮으며, 경이로움을 자아내는 장면을 만나보세요. 이 압도적인 부의 스펙터클을 놓치지 마세요!
#부자 #money #황금 #gold #大運 #Деньги #財運 #成功 #행운 #富人 #lucky #大当たり #jackpot #rich #お金持ち #Процветание #Jewels #札束 #अमीर #幸せな生活
💰 A golden coin that slammed into the middle of the city, marveling at the unimaginable amount of wealth and wealth covering the streets and people. Don't miss this overwhelming wealth spectacle!
💰 도심 한가운데로 몰아친 금화 태풍이 모든 것을 상상할 수 없는 양의 부와 재물이 거리와 사람들을 덮으며, 경이로움을 자아내는 장면을 만나보세요. 이 압도적인 부의 스펙터클을 놓치지 마세요!
#부자 #money #황금 #gold #大運 #Деньги #財運 #成功 #행운 #富人 #lucky #大当たり #jackpot #rich #お金持ち #Процветание #Jewels #札束 #अमीर #幸せな生活
✨ 하루 5초로 시작되는 놀라운 변화! ✨
당신과 당신의 가정에 건강과 풍요로움이 가득하기를 진심으로 기원합니다. 🙏💖
마음속 깊이 담긴 소망과 긍정적인 에너지가 당신의 삶에 기적처럼 스며들 것입니다. 🌟
이 영상은 당신의 삶에 작은 희망의 씨앗이 되어, 풍요와 행복의 열매를 ...
✨ 하루 5초로 시작되는 놀라운 변화! ✨
당신과 당신의 가정에 건강과 풍요로움이 가득하기를 진심으로 기원합니다. 🙏💖
마음속 깊이 담긴 소망과 긍정적인 에너지가 당신의 삶에 기적처럼 스며들 것입니다. 🌟
이 영상은 당신의 삶에 작은 희망의 씨앗이 되어, 풍요와 행복의 열매를 맺도록 돕기 위해 준비되었습니다.
스스로에게 이렇게 말해보세요.
"내 삶에 기적과 축복이 찾아오고 있다."
그리고 그 믿음을 이 순간부터 실천해보세요. 🌿✨
💬 당신의 삶에 긍정적인 에너지가 스며들기를 기원합니다.
이 작은 행동이 기적을 일으키고, 당신의 미래를 바꿀 힘이 되기를 바랍니다.
지금 시작해 보세요. 믿음이 당신의 삶을 변화시킬 것입니다. 🙌💫
🌍 함께 나누는 축복의 언어:
English: This video was created to be a small seed of hope in your life, helping you grow a harvest of prosperity and happiness. 🌱🌟💖
हिंदी: यह वीडियो आपके जीवन में एक छोटी सी आशा का बीज बनने के लिए बनाया गया है, जो समृद्धि और खुशी के फल प्रदान करेगा। 🌱✨😊
Español: Este video fue creado para ser una pequeña semilla de esperanza en tu vida, ayudándote a cosechar prosperidad y felicidad. 🌱🌟🍀
日本語: この動画は、あなたの人生に小さな希望の種をまき、豊かさと幸せの実を結ぶお手伝いをするために作られました。 🌱✨💖
简体中文: 这个视频旨在成为您生活中的一颗希望的种子,帮助您结出繁荣与幸福的果实。 🌱💫🌟
🔖 해시태그:
#부자 #돈 #성공 #행운 #기적 #번영 #풍요 #행복 #대박 #재테크 #돈복 #부유 #성공비결 #부자되기 #돈벼락 #희망 #부의축적 #돈모으기 #황금 #행운영상 #부자습관 #대운 #성공의길 #부자마인드 #축복 #기적의순간
#rich #money #success #luck #miracle #prosperity #abundance #happiness #jackpot #finance #wealthluck #wealthy #successsecrets #getrich #moneyrain #hope #wealthbuilding #savemoney #gold #luckvideo #richhabits #fortune #pathofsuccess #richmindset #blessings #miraclemoment
#अमीर #पैसा #सफलता #भाग्य #चमत्कार #समृद्धि #प्रचुरता #खुशी #जैकपॉट #वित्त #धनभाग्य #धनी #सफलताकेराज #अमीरबनें #पैसाकीबारिश #आशा #धनसंग्रह #पैसाबचाएं #सोना #भाग्यवीडियो #अमीरआदतें #भाग्य #सफलताकीराह #अमीरसोच #आशीर्वाद #चमत्कारिकपल
#rico #dinero #éxito #suerte #milagro #prosperidad #abundancia #felicidad #jackpot #finanzas #suerteenriqueza #rico #secretosdeléxito #hacersepobre #lluevedinero #esperanza #creaciónderiqueza #ahorrardinero #oro #videodelasuerte #hábitosderiqueza #fortuna #caminoalexito #mentalidaderica #bendiciones #momentodemilagro
#お金持ち #お金 #成功 #運 #奇跡 #繁栄 #豊かさ #幸せ #大当たり #財テク #金運 #裕福 #成功の秘密 #金持ちになる #お金の雨 #希望 #富の構築 #お金を貯める #黄金 #幸運の動画 #金持ちの習慣 #幸運 #成功の道 #富裕層思考 #祝福 #奇跡の瞬間
#富人 #金钱 #成功 #运气 #奇迹 #繁荣 #富足 #幸福 #大奖 #理财 #财运 #富裕 #成功秘诀 #致富 #钱雨 #希望 #财富积累 #省钱 #黄金 #幸运视频 #富人习惯 #好运 #成功之路 #富人思维 #祝福 #奇迹时刻
✨ 하루 5초로 시작되는 놀라운 변화! ✨
당신과 당신의 가정에 건강과 풍요로움이 가득하기를 진심으로 기원합니다. 🙏💖
마음속 깊이 담긴 소망과 긍정적인 에너지가 당신의 삶에 기적처럼 스며들 것입니다. 🌟
이 영상은 당신의 삶에 작은 희망의 씨앗이 되어, 풍요와 행복의 열매를 맺도록 돕기 위해 준비되었습니다.
스스로에게 이렇게 말해보세요.
"내 삶에 기적과 축복이 찾아오고 있다."
그리고 그 믿음을 이 순간부터 실천해보세요. 🌿✨
💬 당신의 삶에 긍정적인 에너지가 스며들기를 기원합니다.
이 작은 행동이 기적을 일으키고, 당신의 미래를 바꿀 힘이 되기를 바랍니다.
지금 시작해 보세요. 믿음이 당신의 삶을 변화시킬 것입니다. 🙌💫
🌍 함께 나누는 축복의 언어:
English: This video was created to be a small seed of hope in your life, helping you grow a harvest of prosperity and happiness. 🌱🌟💖
हिंदी: यह वीडियो आपके जीवन में एक छोटी सी आशा का बीज बनने के लिए बनाया गया है, जो समृद्धि और खुशी के फल प्रदान करेगा। 🌱✨😊
Español: Este video fue creado para ser una pequeña semilla de esperanza en tu vida, ayudándote a cosechar prosperidad y felicidad. 🌱🌟🍀
日本語: この動画は、あなたの人生に小さな希望の種をまき、豊かさと幸せの実を結ぶお手伝いをするために作られました。 🌱✨💖
简体中文: 这个视频旨在成为您生活中的一颗希望的种子,帮助您结出繁荣与幸福的果实。 🌱💫🌟
🔖 해시태그:
#부자 #돈 #성공 #행운 #기적 #번영 #풍요 #행복 #대박 #재테크 #돈복 #부유 #성공비결 #부자되기 #돈벼락 #희망 #부의축적 #돈모으기 #황금 #행운영상 #부자습관 #대운 #성공의길 #부자마인드 #축복 #기적의순간
#rich #money #success #luck #miracle #prosperity #abundance #happiness #jackpot #finance #wealthluck #wealthy #successsecrets #getrich #moneyrain #hope #wealthbuilding #savemoney #gold #luckvideo #richhabits #fortune #pathofsuccess #richmindset #blessings #miraclemoment
#अमीर #पैसा #सफलता #भाग्य #चमत्कार #समृद्धि #प्रचुरता #खुशी #जैकपॉट #वित्त #धनभाग्य #धनी #सफलताकेराज #अमीरबनें #पैसाकीबारिश #आशा #धनसंग्रह #पैसाबचाएं #सोना #भाग्यवीडियो #अमीरआदतें #भाग्य #सफलताकीराह #अमीरसोच #आशीर्वाद #चमत्कारिकपल
#rico #dinero #éxito #suerte #milagro #prosperidad #abundancia #felicidad #jackpot #finanzas #suerteenriqueza #rico #secretosdeléxito #hacersepobre #lluevedinero #esperanza #creaciónderiqueza #ahorrardinero #oro #videodelasuerte #hábitosderiqueza #fortuna #caminoalexito #mentalidaderica #bendiciones #momentodemilagro
#お金持ち #お金 #成功 #運 #奇跡 #繁栄 #豊かさ #幸せ #大当たり #財テク #金運 #裕福 #成功の秘密 #金持ちになる #お金の雨 #希望 #富の構築 #お金を貯める #黄金 #幸運の動画 #金持ちの習慣 #幸運 #成功の道 #富裕層思考 #祝福 #奇跡の瞬間
#富人 #金钱 #成功 #运气 #奇迹 #繁荣 #富足 #幸福 #大奖 #理财 #财运 #富裕 #成功秘诀 #致富 #钱雨 #希望 #财富积累 #省钱 #黄金 #幸运视频 #富人习惯 #好运 #成功之路 #富人思维 #祝福 #奇迹时刻
High(ish) kill game where I won my fights on the island, but I could not find the gold typhoon blade. Laughing at myself when I reviewed the video and saw wher...
High(ish) kill game where I won my fights on the island, but I could not find the gold typhoon blade. Laughing at myself when I reviewed the video and saw where the blade was hiding. It was hanging on the side of the island, but I just didn't see it. Kind of funny.
I am uploading twice today. This will probably kill my videos reach/views, but it's my last upload of chapter 1, and I wanted to put these out there before sending all my unused chapter 1 vids to the trash. I'll be back to posting 2 or 3 a week after this.
As always, I am talking through my thought process and letting viewers know what I'm doing and why.
Like every game, I use the Azeron Cyborg 2. These things are great!
Thanks for clicking on my video and giving this Old guy a chance.
To anyone still reading this far, I hope you are having a fantastic day!
*** My Gear ***
Monitor 1
LG 27GR95QE 2k 240hz OLED
Monitor 2
Zowie XL2456 1080 240hz TN
INTEL 14700k @ 5.6GHz
32gb DDR5Ram @ 7200MHz
2x1TB NVMESSD @ 7000 R/W Speed
GPU Gigabyte RTX 4080
Mobo Gigabyte UD Z790
CPU Cooler Lian-li GA2 Trinity Performance 360 (yes I had to get factory replacement already as the first one failed)
Case Lian Li LanCool 3
Mouse EndGameGear XM2 8k
Azeron Cyborg 2 Keypad
Razer Kraken Headset
Razer Keyboard
Skypad Glass 3.0 Mousepad
Oculus Rift S
Meta Quest 3
Sim Racing Gear
Fanatec CSL DD Base
Fanatec Forza Wheel
CSL Pedals w/ Clutch and Load Cell Brake
Fanatec ClubSport Shifter V1.5
Fanatec ClubSport EBrake V1.5
1979 Martin D28 Acoustic (this thing is amazing)
Custom shop Washburn electric
Warwick Fortress One Bass
Cirrus 6 String Bass
Amp Ashdown Evo 500 ABM + Ashdown 4x10 Cabinet
El Degas Mandolin (belonged to my Mother)
Unknown brand Lap Steel Guitar ( belonged to my Grandfather)
High(ish) kill game where I won my fights on the island, but I could not find the gold typhoon blade. Laughing at myself when I reviewed the video and saw where the blade was hiding. It was hanging on the side of the island, but I just didn't see it. Kind of funny.
I am uploading twice today. This will probably kill my videos reach/views, but it's my last upload of chapter 1, and I wanted to put these out there before sending all my unused chapter 1 vids to the trash. I'll be back to posting 2 or 3 a week after this.
As always, I am talking through my thought process and letting viewers know what I'm doing and why.
Like every game, I use the Azeron Cyborg 2. These things are great!
Thanks for clicking on my video and giving this Old guy a chance.
To anyone still reading this far, I hope you are having a fantastic day!
*** My Gear ***
Monitor 1
LG 27GR95QE 2k 240hz OLED
Monitor 2
Zowie XL2456 1080 240hz TN
INTEL 14700k @ 5.6GHz
32gb DDR5Ram @ 7200MHz
2x1TB NVMESSD @ 7000 R/W Speed
GPU Gigabyte RTX 4080
Mobo Gigabyte UD Z790
CPU Cooler Lian-li GA2 Trinity Performance 360 (yes I had to get factory replacement already as the first one failed)
Case Lian Li LanCool 3
Mouse EndGameGear XM2 8k
Azeron Cyborg 2 Keypad
Razer Kraken Headset
Razer Keyboard
Skypad Glass 3.0 Mousepad
Oculus Rift S
Meta Quest 3
Sim Racing Gear
Fanatec CSL DD Base
Fanatec Forza Wheel
CSL Pedals w/ Clutch and Load Cell Brake
Fanatec ClubSport Shifter V1.5
Fanatec ClubSport EBrake V1.5
1979 Martin D28 Acoustic (this thing is amazing)
Custom shop Washburn electric
Warwick Fortress One Bass
Cirrus 6 String Bass
Amp Ashdown Evo 500 ABM + Ashdown 4x10 Cabinet
El Degas Mandolin (belonged to my Mother)
Unknown brand Lap Steel Guitar ( belonged to my Grandfather)
Check Out LordMegaGamer
My Discord Server
Follow me on Twitch
My IGN is Destroyer9020s and here's the link to join me
#roblox #militarytycoon #militarytycoonupdates #robloxmilitarytycoon #militarytycoonroblox
💰 A golden coin that slammed into the middle of the city, marveling at the unimaginable amount of wealth and wealth covering the streets and people. Don't miss this overwhelming wealth spectacle!
💰 도심 한가운데로 몰아친 금화 태풍이 모든 것을 상상할 수 없는 양의 부와 재물이 거리와 사람들을 덮으며, 경이로움을 자아내는 장면을 만나보세요. 이 압도적인 부의 스펙터클을 놓치지 마세요!
#부자 #money #황금 #gold #大運 #Деньги #財運 #成功 #행운 #富人 #lucky #大当たり #jackpot #rich #お金持ち #Процветание #Jewels #札束 #अमीर #幸せな生活
✨ 하루 5초로 시작되는 놀라운 변화! ✨
당신과 당신의 가정에 건강과 풍요로움이 가득하기를 진심으로 기원합니다. 🙏💖
마음속 깊이 담긴 소망과 긍정적인 에너지가 당신의 삶에 기적처럼 스며들 것입니다. 🌟
이 영상은 당신의 삶에 작은 희망의 씨앗이 되어, 풍요와 행복의 열매를 맺도록 돕기 위해 준비되었습니다.
스스로에게 이렇게 말해보세요.
"내 삶에 기적과 축복이 찾아오고 있다."
그리고 그 믿음을 이 순간부터 실천해보세요. 🌿✨
💬 당신의 삶에 긍정적인 에너지가 스며들기를 기원합니다.
이 작은 행동이 기적을 일으키고, 당신의 미래를 바꿀 힘이 되기를 바랍니다.
지금 시작해 보세요. 믿음이 당신의 삶을 변화시킬 것입니다. 🙌💫
🌍 함께 나누는 축복의 언어:
English: This video was created to be a small seed of hope in your life, helping you grow a harvest of prosperity and happiness. 🌱🌟💖
हिंदी: यह वीडियो आपके जीवन में एक छोटी सी आशा का बीज बनने के लिए बनाया गया है, जो समृद्धि और खुशी के फल प्रदान करेगा। 🌱✨😊
Español: Este video fue creado para ser una pequeña semilla de esperanza en tu vida, ayudándote a cosechar prosperidad y felicidad. 🌱🌟🍀
日本語: この動画は、あなたの人生に小さな希望の種をまき、豊かさと幸せの実を結ぶお手伝いをするために作られました。 🌱✨💖
简体中文: 这个视频旨在成为您生活中的一颗希望的种子,帮助您结出繁荣与幸福的果实。 🌱💫🌟
🔖 해시태그:
#부자 #돈 #성공 #행운 #기적 #번영 #풍요 #행복 #대박 #재테크 #돈복 #부유 #성공비결 #부자되기 #돈벼락 #희망 #부의축적 #돈모으기 #황금 #행운영상 #부자습관 #대운 #성공의길 #부자마인드 #축복 #기적의순간
#rich #money #success #luck #miracle #prosperity #abundance #happiness #jackpot #finance #wealthluck #wealthy #successsecrets #getrich #moneyrain #hope #wealthbuilding #savemoney #gold #luckvideo #richhabits #fortune #pathofsuccess #richmindset #blessings #miraclemoment
#अमीर #पैसा #सफलता #भाग्य #चमत्कार #समृद्धि #प्रचुरता #खुशी #जैकपॉट #वित्त #धनभाग्य #धनी #सफलताकेराज #अमीरबनें #पैसाकीबारिश #आशा #धनसंग्रह #पैसाबचाएं #सोना #भाग्यवीडियो #अमीरआदतें #भाग्य #सफलताकीराह #अमीरसोच #आशीर्वाद #चमत्कारिकपल
#rico #dinero #éxito #suerte #milagro #prosperidad #abundancia #felicidad #jackpot #finanzas #suerteenriqueza #rico #secretosdeléxito #hacersepobre #lluevedinero #esperanza #creaciónderiqueza #ahorrardinero #oro #videodelasuerte #hábitosderiqueza #fortuna #caminoalexito #mentalidaderica #bendiciones #momentodemilagro
#お金持ち #お金 #成功 #運 #奇跡 #繁栄 #豊かさ #幸せ #大当たり #財テク #金運 #裕福 #成功の秘密 #金持ちになる #お金の雨 #希望 #富の構築 #お金を貯める #黄金 #幸運の動画 #金持ちの習慣 #幸運 #成功の道 #富裕層思考 #祝福 #奇跡の瞬間
#富人 #金钱 #成功 #运气 #奇迹 #繁荣 #富足 #幸福 #大奖 #理财 #财运 #富裕 #成功秘诀 #致富 #钱雨 #希望 #财富积累 #省钱 #黄金 #幸运视频 #富人习惯 #好运 #成功之路 #富人思维 #祝福 #奇迹时刻
High(ish) kill game where I won my fights on the island, but I could not find the gold typhoon blade. Laughing at myself when I reviewed the video and saw where the blade was hiding. It was hanging on the side of the island, but I just didn't see it. Kind of funny.
I am uploading twice today. This will probably kill my videos reach/views, but it's my last upload of chapter 1, and I wanted to put these out there before sending all my unused chapter 1 vids to the trash. I'll be back to posting 2 or 3 a week after this.
As always, I am talking through my thought process and letting viewers know what I'm doing and why.
Like every game, I use the Azeron Cyborg 2. These things are great!
Thanks for clicking on my video and giving this Old guy a chance.
To anyone still reading this far, I hope you are having a fantastic day!
*** My Gear ***
Monitor 1
LG 27GR95QE 2k 240hz OLED
Monitor 2
Zowie XL2456 1080 240hz TN
INTEL 14700k @ 5.6GHz
32gb DDR5Ram @ 7200MHz
2x1TB NVMESSD @ 7000 R/W Speed
GPU Gigabyte RTX 4080
Mobo Gigabyte UD Z790
CPU Cooler Lian-li GA2 Trinity Performance 360 (yes I had to get factory replacement already as the first one failed)
Case Lian Li LanCool 3
Mouse EndGameGear XM2 8k
Azeron Cyborg 2 Keypad
Razer Kraken Headset
Razer Keyboard
Skypad Glass 3.0 Mousepad
Oculus Rift S
Meta Quest 3
Sim Racing Gear
Fanatec CSL DD Base
Fanatec Forza Wheel
CSL Pedals w/ Clutch and Load Cell Brake
Fanatec ClubSport Shifter V1.5
Fanatec ClubSport EBrake V1.5
1979 Martin D28 Acoustic (this thing is amazing)
Custom shop Washburn electric
Warwick Fortress One Bass
Cirrus 6 String Bass
Amp Ashdown Evo 500 ABM + Ashdown 4x10 Cabinet
El Degas Mandolin (belonged to my Mother)
Unknown brand Lap Steel Guitar ( belonged to my Grandfather)
Gold Typhoon Group is an independent, China-based entertainment company. Gold Label was founded in 2003 in Hong Kong, launched with the support of EMI, and acquired EMI Music Taiwan / EMI Music China (Typhoon Records) in 2008, reforming to Gold Typhoon. On 1 January 2011, it became a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Global Management Asia (PGMA) under the leadership of Chairman Louis Pong.
Gold Typhoon represents many Chinese and international artists, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Taipei and Hong Kong. In 2004, former Go East Entertainment CEO Paco Wong decided to not work with the parent company of Go East, Universal Group Hong Kong, but to instead work for EMI Hong Kong as they promised to launch a new label. Paco Wong was to have total control of the new label which became Gold Label Entertainment.
In 2004, former Go East Entertainment CEO Paco Wong decided to not work with the parent company of Go East, Universal Group Hong Kong, but to instead work for EMI Hong Kong as they promised to launch a new label. Paco Wong was to have total control of the new label which became Gold Label Entertainment.
While many other show attendees including musician Raye and actor SimoneAshley dutifully donned a bouclé skirt suit — one of the label’s signature styles — there was no ignoring Tyla’s Barbie-coded version.
That jumps to almost USD 1.5 billion using the spot gold & copper prices, confirming Cabaçal as a high-margin Au-Cu-Ag mine ...I believe it is just the beginning of what we can do in this highly prospective gold-copper-silver VMS belt.".
Liam Gallagher has labelled the mother of his love child a 'gold digger' after she reportedly filed for an increase in child support payments ahead of the Oasis reunion tour.
The second came out and it went gold, but the label started to ask stuff like, “Why do you not just make a song that sounds like that other artist’s No 1?” Around that time, I started to do a lot of ...
...Songs chart, and earning a Gold certification from the RIAA ... In addition to earning a Gold certification, it became a landmark title for Victory, as the label’s highest-selling debut album at the time.
Legendary jazz-funk pioneer Roy Ayers has died, aged 84. Ayers death was confirmed via an announcement from his team through Ayers’ Facebook account ... Over the following decades, he started two record labels Uno Melodic and GoldMinkRecords ... .
She is dressed in a custom-made deep blue, knee length dress with a matching cape and headband with gold embellishments from London-based label Safiyaa.
We have a gold reserve. Bitcoin is digital gold, which is better than analog gold ... He labeled references to his remarks as a mischaracterization and reiterated his view that the government should not subsidize digital assets.
... of dazzling jewellery by the New York-based label Marli – including sculptural white-gold and diamond rings and earrings, and the 'Moonlight' necklace, featuring diamonds set in 18 white gold.
Towards Zero (BBC1). RATING. FIVE STARS. Agatha Christie did it first ... ... Kay is labelled an ‘adventuress’ and a ‘gold-digger’, while one underling who fails to show due deference to Lady T is slashed down to size with a withering, ‘Are you being modern?’.
Mark Bessette didn’t make a great first impression with 90 Day Fiance viewers ...Right off the bat, 90 Day Fiance viewers labeled Mina a “gold digger.”. Now, they’re taking aim at her fiance, Mark ... Mina was less than impressed with Mark’s town ... ....
RippleCEO Comments As Trump Includes XRP In Strategic Reserve... He explained that there is a gold reserve, and since Bitcoin is labelled as digital gold, it also makes sense to create a reserve around the flagship crypto ... ....
Despite the recent decline, there may be hope for a recovery, as BTC price performance mirrors that of the world’s largest asset by market cap, gold ... Bitcoin, also labeled as digital gold, is mimicking gold’s price rally ... Gold.
One such supplement, Glyco Max Fix Gold, has emerged as a noteworthy option for those seeking to maintain healthy glycogen levels and enhance overall wellness ... What is Glyco Max Fix Gold? ... Are there side effects to Glyco Max Fix Gold?.