Gerhard Schröder: Putin's puppet – or potential mediator? | DW News
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said in a German media interview published on Wednesday that he was in Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin last week.
Schröder told the magazine Stern and broadcasters RTL/ntv that he believed the recent deal brokered by the UN and Turkey to allow Ukrainian grain exports to leave the Black Sea could become the first step towards talks on a ceasefire — even though neither of the warring factions has indicated this.
The day after the deal was signed, Russian missiles struck the port of Odesa, and last week Ukrainian agribusiness tycoon Oleksiy Vadatursky was killed in a strike on his home near Mykolaiv.
"The good news is that the Kremlin wants a negotiated solution," Schröder said in the interview. The Kremlin also later confirmed Sch...
published: 04 Aug 2022
Unterwegs mit Gerhard Schröder | Doku | NDR Story
Gerhard Schröder polarisiert auch mit 80 noch. Die Doku ist ein Porträt des Altpolitikers und ein Schlagabtausch zugleich.
Gerhard Schröder ist am 7. April 2024 80 Jahre alt geworden. Zu diesem Anlass hat Reporter Lucas Stratmann ("Kevin Kühnert und die SPD") nach aufwendigen Vorgesprächen die Möglichkeit bekommen, den Kanzler a.D. exklusiv für ein paar Monate mit einem Kamerateam zu begleiten.
Ukraine-Krieg und Putin: Der Alt-Kanzler Schröder im Gespräch
Kaum eine Figur der jüngeren deutschen Zeitgeschichte polarisiert so wie der ehemalige Bundeskanzler. Dabei wurde zuletzt viel über ihn gesprochen, wenig mit ihm. Das ändert sich mit diesem Film. Hat der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine seine Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin geändert? Und welche Rolle ...
published: 21 May 2024
Wie Schröder heute zur Freundschaft mit Putin steht | Die Gerhard Schröder Story
Schröders Alltag und wie er auf Kritik reagiert. Die ganze Doku gibt's hier 👉 https://1.ard.de/Ausser_Dienst-Die_Gerhard_Schroeder_Story?yt=mtendcard
🎥 Außer Dienst? Die Gerhard Schröder Story / Doku / 60 Minuten
Gerhard Schröder hat schon immer polarisiert. Auch zum 80. Geburtstag des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers arbeitet sich Deutschland an ihm ab. An seiner Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin hält der Sozialdemokrat fest - trotz des Kriegs Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Und auch seinen Posten bei der Nord Stream 2 AG will Schröder nicht aufgeben. Sein gesamtes politisches Vermächtnis steht daher in Frage. In der Dokumentation konfrontiert Reporter Lucas Stratmann Altkanzler Schröder mit der Kritik und begleitet ihn von Hannover bis nach China.
👍 💬 Wenn dir dieses Video gefallen hat, lass un...
published: 04 Apr 2024
Gerhard Schröder: Der 'Genosse der Bosse'
Wenn wir an seine Kanzlerschaft zurückdenken, dann kommen uns Schlagworte wie „NATO-Einsatz", „Afghanistan" und auch „Agenda 2010" in den Sinn. Gerhard Schröders Entscheidungen führten zu vielen Debatten inner- und außerhalb des Bundestages – man kann wohl sagen: Er ist mit seinem Kurs angeeckt. Dabei hat sich Schröder immer selbst als Macher und Anpacken gesehen und dargestellt, als einen Mann „des Volkes". Besonders spannend ist, dass seine Kanzlerschaft noch gar nicht so lange her ist. Mirko erzählt in diesem Video von dem Kanzler Gerhard Schröder, den wichtigsten Eckpunkten seiner politischen Karriere – und, wer der Mensch hinter dem Politiker ist.
Wir gehören auch zu #funk.
Schau da unbedingt rein:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/funkofficialfunk
Web-App: https://go.funk.net
published: 13 Feb 2020
Gerhard Schröder: die Friedensverhandlungen in Istanbul und die Notwendigkeit weiter zu verhandeln
Gerhard Schröder berichtet über das Zustandekommen der Istanbuler Friedensverhandlungen zwischen der Ukraine und der Russischen Föderation und die komplizierte Interessenlage innerhalb der Westeuropäer mit Großbritannien und den USA.
"Ich gehöre keineswegs zu denjenigen, die der Meinung sind, dass der von Russland begonnene Krieg mit der Ukraine irgendwo zu rechtfertigen ist.
Ich weiß um die Konflikte, die es vor dem Krieg gegeben hat und an denen viele nicht unschuldig sind.
Gleichzeitig muss man vielleicht auch darüber nachdenken, ob denn Waffenlieferungen alleine und die militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine zum anderen, ob das wirklich die Alternative ist.
Was ich mir wünschen würde, ist doch, dass man die Unterstützung der Ukraine, die ich nachvollziehen kann, ob das in jeder einz...
published: 01 Oct 2024
Gregor Gysi im Gespräch mit Gerhard Schröder - Trailer
Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder äußert sich zu seinen Tätigkeiten bei der Verlagsgruppe Ringier, und für die russischen Energieunternehmen Rosneft und Gasprom. Das ganze Gespräch von GREGOR GYSI mit GERHARD SCHRÖDER gibt es am Freitag, 17.05., 20:15 Uhr hier!
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellu...
published: 16 May 2024
ZEIT-Matinee mit Gerhard Schröder vom 09.03.2014
Gerhard Schröder (Bundeskanzler a. D.) spricht am 09.03.2014 in Hamburg mit Josef Joffe (ZEIT-Herausgeber) und Jochen Bittner (Zeit-Redakteur) über aktuelle politische Geschehnisse wie die Krim-Krise, den Abhörskandal und die große Koalition.
Außerdem steht er Rede und Antwort auf Fragen zu Entscheidungen, die er zu seiner eigenen Amtszeit fällte.
Moderation: Josef Joffe & Jochen Bittner
published: 12 Mar 2014
Gregor Gysi im Gespräch mit Gerhard Schröder
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellung dieser Videos für uns als live-Veranstalter bedeuten.
PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Verwendungszweck: Solibeitrag
Video Details:
0:00 Intro, Aufwachsenin Armut und ohne Vater im Lipper Land
published: 17 May 2024
Elefantenrunde: 10 Jahre legendärer Schröder-Auftritt
10 Jahre ist es her, dass der damalige Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) am Wahlabend 2005 seinen legendären Auftritt in der "Elefantenrunde" hatte
published: 18 Sep 2015
Lutz van der Horst beim 75. Geburtstag von Gerhard Schröder | heute-show vom 26.04.2019
Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder feiert seinen 75. Geburtstag in Hannover und mit dabei ist Lutz van der Horst.
Zur ganzen heute-show in der Mediathek: https://ly.zdf.de/Ao5/
published: 26 Apr 2019
Gerhard Schröder: Putin's puppet – or potential mediator? | DW News
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said in a German media interview published on Wednesday that he was in Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin ...
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said in a German media interview published on Wednesday that he was in Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin last week.
Schröder told the magazine Stern and broadcasters RTL/ntv that he believed the recent deal brokered by the UN and Turkey to allow Ukrainian grain exports to leave the Black Sea could become the first step towards talks on a ceasefire — even though neither of the warring factions has indicated this.
The day after the deal was signed, Russian missiles struck the port of Odesa, and last week Ukrainian agribusiness tycoon Oleksiy Vadatursky was killed in a strike on his home near Mykolaiv.
"The good news is that the Kremlin wants a negotiated solution," Schröder said in the interview. The Kremlin also later confirmed Schröder's visit.
Schröder, a Social Democrat and German chancellor from 1998 to 2005, has regained modern notoriety via his contentious positions on the boards of Russian state-owned energy companies. He chairs the board of the Nord Stream pipeline company.
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#schröder #putin #ukrainewar
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said in a German media interview published on Wednesday that he was in Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin last week.
Schröder told the magazine Stern and broadcasters RTL/ntv that he believed the recent deal brokered by the UN and Turkey to allow Ukrainian grain exports to leave the Black Sea could become the first step towards talks on a ceasefire — even though neither of the warring factions has indicated this.
The day after the deal was signed, Russian missiles struck the port of Odesa, and last week Ukrainian agribusiness tycoon Oleksiy Vadatursky was killed in a strike on his home near Mykolaiv.
"The good news is that the Kremlin wants a negotiated solution," Schröder said in the interview. The Kremlin also later confirmed Schröder's visit.
Schröder, a Social Democrat and German chancellor from 1998 to 2005, has regained modern notoriety via his contentious positions on the boards of Russian state-owned energy companies. He chairs the board of the Nord Stream pipeline company.
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#schröder #putin #ukrainewar
- published: 04 Aug 2022
- views: 97247
Unterwegs mit Gerhard Schröder | Doku | NDR Story
Gerhard Schröder polarisiert auch mit 80 noch. Die Doku ist ein Porträt des Altpolitikers und ein Schlagabtausch zugleich.
Gerhard Sch...
Gerhard Schröder polarisiert auch mit 80 noch. Die Doku ist ein Porträt des Altpolitikers und ein Schlagabtausch zugleich.
Gerhard Schröder ist am 7. April 2024 80 Jahre alt geworden. Zu diesem Anlass hat Reporter Lucas Stratmann ("Kevin Kühnert und die SPD") nach aufwendigen Vorgesprächen die Möglichkeit bekommen, den Kanzler a.D. exklusiv für ein paar Monate mit einem Kamerateam zu begleiten.
Ukraine-Krieg und Putin: Der Alt-Kanzler Schröder im Gespräch
Kaum eine Figur der jüngeren deutschen Zeitgeschichte polarisiert so wie der ehemalige Bundeskanzler. Dabei wurde zuletzt viel über ihn gesprochen, wenig mit ihm. Das ändert sich mit diesem Film. Hat der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine seine Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin geändert? Und welche Rolle hat Schröder im März 2022 bei den Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine gespielt? Privataufnahmen aus der Zeit geben exklusive Einblicke in die Treffen in Istanbul und Moskau.
Die Doku ist Porträt eines Altpolitikers und Schlagabtausch zugleich. Der Film ist der Versuch einer Annäherung an einen früheren deutschen Staatsmann, der sich mit Deutschland entfremdet hat. Nun wird er 80. Ist alles gesagt? Oder gibt es neue Erkenntnisse?
BILD-CREDIT: Porträt Schröder: picture-alliance dpa / Kay Nietfeld | Look und Montage: NDR/Thorben Korpel
Eine 60-minütige Fassung der Doku in UHD gibt es in der ARD Mediathek:
Porträt von Gerhard Schröder bei NDR.de
Gerhard Schröder polarisiert auch mit 80 noch. Die Doku ist ein Porträt des Altpolitikers und ein Schlagabtausch zugleich.
Gerhard Schröder ist am 7. April 2024 80 Jahre alt geworden. Zu diesem Anlass hat Reporter Lucas Stratmann ("Kevin Kühnert und die SPD") nach aufwendigen Vorgesprächen die Möglichkeit bekommen, den Kanzler a.D. exklusiv für ein paar Monate mit einem Kamerateam zu begleiten.
Ukraine-Krieg und Putin: Der Alt-Kanzler Schröder im Gespräch
Kaum eine Figur der jüngeren deutschen Zeitgeschichte polarisiert so wie der ehemalige Bundeskanzler. Dabei wurde zuletzt viel über ihn gesprochen, wenig mit ihm. Das ändert sich mit diesem Film. Hat der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine seine Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin geändert? Und welche Rolle hat Schröder im März 2022 bei den Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine gespielt? Privataufnahmen aus der Zeit geben exklusive Einblicke in die Treffen in Istanbul und Moskau.
Die Doku ist Porträt eines Altpolitikers und Schlagabtausch zugleich. Der Film ist der Versuch einer Annäherung an einen früheren deutschen Staatsmann, der sich mit Deutschland entfremdet hat. Nun wird er 80. Ist alles gesagt? Oder gibt es neue Erkenntnisse?
BILD-CREDIT: Porträt Schröder: picture-alliance dpa / Kay Nietfeld | Look und Montage: NDR/Thorben Korpel
Eine 60-minütige Fassung der Doku in UHD gibt es in der ARD Mediathek:
Porträt von Gerhard Schröder bei NDR.de
- published: 21 May 2024
- views: 362232
Wie Schröder heute zur Freundschaft mit Putin steht | Die Gerhard Schröder Story
Schröders Alltag und wie er auf Kritik reagiert. Die ganze Doku gibt's hier 👉 https://1.ard.de/Ausser_Dienst-Die_Gerhard_Schroeder_Story?yt=mtendcard
🎥 Außer D...
Schröders Alltag und wie er auf Kritik reagiert. Die ganze Doku gibt's hier 👉 https://1.ard.de/Ausser_Dienst-Die_Gerhard_Schroeder_Story?yt=mtendcard
🎥 Außer Dienst? Die Gerhard Schröder Story / Doku / 60 Minuten
Gerhard Schröder hat schon immer polarisiert. Auch zum 80. Geburtstag des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers arbeitet sich Deutschland an ihm ab. An seiner Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin hält der Sozialdemokrat fest - trotz des Kriegs Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Und auch seinen Posten bei der Nord Stream 2 AG will Schröder nicht aufgeben. Sein gesamtes politisches Vermächtnis steht daher in Frage. In der Dokumentation konfrontiert Reporter Lucas Stratmann Altkanzler Schröder mit der Kritik und begleitet ihn von Hannover bis nach China.
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Und wir freuen uns noch mehr, wenn du unseren Kanal abonnierst: https://www.youtube.com/@ARD
Weitere Dokus, die dich interessieren könnten:
► "Ich wünschte, ich hätte diesen Film nie machen müssen" | Trailer zu 20 TAGE IN MARIUPOL 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yao49EIrAZs
► Edeka, Rewe, Aldi & co: Ausbeutung in der Landwirtschaft | Bittere Früchte
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEBgN9AuWuI
► #UnsereErde: Kampf um Rohstoffe – Am Abgrund | Lithium und Kupfer in Chile | Ganze Folge! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7_GZdY_VRI&t=1s
Mehr spannende, investigative und unterhaltsame Dokus in der ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/yt_dokus
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#ARDMediathek #GerhardSchröder #Putin #vladimirputin
Schröders Alltag und wie er auf Kritik reagiert. Die ganze Doku gibt's hier 👉 https://1.ard.de/Ausser_Dienst-Die_Gerhard_Schroeder_Story?yt=mtendcard
🎥 Außer Dienst? Die Gerhard Schröder Story / Doku / 60 Minuten
Gerhard Schröder hat schon immer polarisiert. Auch zum 80. Geburtstag des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers arbeitet sich Deutschland an ihm ab. An seiner Freundschaft zu Wladimir Putin hält der Sozialdemokrat fest - trotz des Kriegs Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Und auch seinen Posten bei der Nord Stream 2 AG will Schröder nicht aufgeben. Sein gesamtes politisches Vermächtnis steht daher in Frage. In der Dokumentation konfrontiert Reporter Lucas Stratmann Altkanzler Schröder mit der Kritik und begleitet ihn von Hannover bis nach China.
👍 💬 Wenn dir dieses Video gefallen hat, lass uns einen Like und Kommentar da!
Und wir freuen uns noch mehr, wenn du unseren Kanal abonnierst: https://www.youtube.com/@ARD
Weitere Dokus, die dich interessieren könnten:
► "Ich wünschte, ich hätte diesen Film nie machen müssen" | Trailer zu 20 TAGE IN MARIUPOL 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yao49EIrAZs
► Edeka, Rewe, Aldi & co: Ausbeutung in der Landwirtschaft | Bittere Früchte
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEBgN9AuWuI
► #UnsereErde: Kampf um Rohstoffe – Am Abgrund | Lithium und Kupfer in Chile | Ganze Folge! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7_GZdY_VRI&t=1s
Mehr spannende, investigative und unterhaltsame Dokus in der ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/yt_dokus
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#ARDMediathek #GerhardSchröder #Putin #vladimirputin
- published: 04 Apr 2024
- views: 51757
Gerhard Schröder: Der 'Genosse der Bosse'
Wenn wir an seine Kanzlerschaft zurückdenken, dann kommen uns Schlagworte wie „NATO-Einsatz", „
Afghanistan" und auch „Agenda 2010" in den Sinn. Gerhard Schröder...
Wenn wir an seine Kanzlerschaft zurückdenken, dann kommen uns Schlagworte wie „NATO-Einsatz", „
Afghanistan" und auch „Agenda 2010" in den Sinn. Gerhard Schröders Entscheidungen führten zu vielen Debatten inner- und außerhalb des Bundestages – man kann wohl sagen: Er ist mit seinem Kurs angeeckt. Dabei hat sich Schröder immer selbst als Macher und Anpacken gesehen und dargestellt, als einen Mann „des Volkes". Besonders spannend ist, dass seine Kanzlerschaft noch gar nicht so lange her ist. Mirko erzählt in diesem Video von dem Kanzler Gerhard Schröder, den wichtigsten Eckpunkten seiner politischen Karriere – und, wer der Mensch hinter dem Politiker ist.
Wir gehören auch zu #funk.
Schau da unbedingt rein:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/funkofficialfunk
Web-App: https://go.funk.net
Eine Produktion der objektiv media GmbH für funk:
Moderation: Mirko Drotschmann
Autor: Matthias Schöberl
Producer: Andrea Lorenz/ Markus Linke
Postproduktion: Rainer Düring
Kamera/Schnitt: Markus Maiwald
Regieassistenz: Tanja Thieves
Wenn wir an seine Kanzlerschaft zurückdenken, dann kommen uns Schlagworte wie „NATO-Einsatz", „
Afghanistan" und auch „Agenda 2010" in den Sinn. Gerhard Schröders Entscheidungen führten zu vielen Debatten inner- und außerhalb des Bundestages – man kann wohl sagen: Er ist mit seinem Kurs angeeckt. Dabei hat sich Schröder immer selbst als Macher und Anpacken gesehen und dargestellt, als einen Mann „des Volkes". Besonders spannend ist, dass seine Kanzlerschaft noch gar nicht so lange her ist. Mirko erzählt in diesem Video von dem Kanzler Gerhard Schröder, den wichtigsten Eckpunkten seiner politischen Karriere – und, wer der Mensch hinter dem Politiker ist.
Wir gehören auch zu #funk.
Schau da unbedingt rein:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/funkofficialfunk
Web-App: https://go.funk.net
Eine Produktion der objektiv media GmbH für funk:
Moderation: Mirko Drotschmann
Autor: Matthias Schöberl
Producer: Andrea Lorenz/ Markus Linke
Postproduktion: Rainer Düring
Kamera/Schnitt: Markus Maiwald
Regieassistenz: Tanja Thieves
- published: 13 Feb 2020
- views: 308157
Gerhard Schröder: die Friedensverhandlungen in Istanbul und die Notwendigkeit weiter zu verhandeln
Gerhard Schröder berichtet über das Zustandekommen der Istanbuler Friedensverhandlungen zwischen der Ukraine und der Russischen Föderation und die komplizierte...
Gerhard Schröder berichtet über das Zustandekommen der Istanbuler Friedensverhandlungen zwischen der Ukraine und der Russischen Föderation und die komplizierte Interessenlage innerhalb der Westeuropäer mit Großbritannien und den USA.
"Ich gehöre keineswegs zu denjenigen, die der Meinung sind, dass der von Russland begonnene Krieg mit der Ukraine irgendwo zu rechtfertigen ist.
Ich weiß um die Konflikte, die es vor dem Krieg gegeben hat und an denen viele nicht unschuldig sind.
Gleichzeitig muss man vielleicht auch darüber nachdenken, ob denn Waffenlieferungen alleine und die militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine zum anderen, ob das wirklich die Alternative ist.
Was ich mir wünschen würde, ist doch, dass man die Unterstützung der Ukraine, die ich nachvollziehen kann, ob das in jeder einzelnen Frage so sein muss, ob man wirklich dafür sorgen muss, dass so weitreichende Raketen geliefert werden, die Moskau erreichen können, steht wieder auf einem anderen Blatt.
Aber für mich (ist das) dann und nur dann in Ordnung, wenn man das gleichzeitig mit derselben politischen Entschiedenheit verbindet, … was können wir denn tun, um diesen Krieg, der mitten in Europa stattfindet, zu beenden. Und er ist, wie ich glaube, militärisch kaum zu beenden, denn dass es in Russland jemanden gäbe, der einfach eine Kapitulation Russlands in dieser Frage erzwingt, oder dass die Weltöffentlichkeit oder gar die Vereinten Nationen das erzwingen können, das wage ich zu bezweifeln. Also muss man doch dafür sorgen, dass die Unterstützung der Ukraine verbunden wird mit der Aufforderung, jede Chance auszunutzen, die es gibt, um diesen Krieg zu beenden."
Ausschnitt aus dem sehr sehenswerten Interview zwischen Roger Köppel von cer Weltwoche und Gerhard Schröder.
Das gesamte fast zweistündige Video kann man sehen unter:
Zu lesen unter:
Gerhard Schröder berichtet über das Zustandekommen der Istanbuler Friedensverhandlungen zwischen der Ukraine und der Russischen Föderation und die komplizierte Interessenlage innerhalb der Westeuropäer mit Großbritannien und den USA.
"Ich gehöre keineswegs zu denjenigen, die der Meinung sind, dass der von Russland begonnene Krieg mit der Ukraine irgendwo zu rechtfertigen ist.
Ich weiß um die Konflikte, die es vor dem Krieg gegeben hat und an denen viele nicht unschuldig sind.
Gleichzeitig muss man vielleicht auch darüber nachdenken, ob denn Waffenlieferungen alleine und die militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine zum anderen, ob das wirklich die Alternative ist.
Was ich mir wünschen würde, ist doch, dass man die Unterstützung der Ukraine, die ich nachvollziehen kann, ob das in jeder einzelnen Frage so sein muss, ob man wirklich dafür sorgen muss, dass so weitreichende Raketen geliefert werden, die Moskau erreichen können, steht wieder auf einem anderen Blatt.
Aber für mich (ist das) dann und nur dann in Ordnung, wenn man das gleichzeitig mit derselben politischen Entschiedenheit verbindet, … was können wir denn tun, um diesen Krieg, der mitten in Europa stattfindet, zu beenden. Und er ist, wie ich glaube, militärisch kaum zu beenden, denn dass es in Russland jemanden gäbe, der einfach eine Kapitulation Russlands in dieser Frage erzwingt, oder dass die Weltöffentlichkeit oder gar die Vereinten Nationen das erzwingen können, das wage ich zu bezweifeln. Also muss man doch dafür sorgen, dass die Unterstützung der Ukraine verbunden wird mit der Aufforderung, jede Chance auszunutzen, die es gibt, um diesen Krieg zu beenden."
Ausschnitt aus dem sehr sehenswerten Interview zwischen Roger Köppel von cer Weltwoche und Gerhard Schröder.
Das gesamte fast zweistündige Video kann man sehen unter:
Zu lesen unter:
- published: 01 Oct 2024
- views: 15029
Gregor Gysi im Gespräch mit Gerhard Schröder - Trailer
Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder äußert sich zu seinen Tätigkeiten bei der Verlagsgruppe Ringier, und für die russischen Energieunternehmen Rosneft und Gaspro...
Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder äußert sich zu seinen Tätigkeiten bei der Verlagsgruppe Ringier, und für die russischen Energieunternehmen Rosneft und Gasprom. Das ganze Gespräch von GREGOR GYSI mit GERHARD SCHRÖDER gibt es am Freitag, 17.05., 20:15 Uhr hier!
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellung dieser Videos für uns als live-Veranstalter bedeuten.
PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Verwendungszweck: Solibeitrag
Vielen Dank
Ton & Licht: Niklas Bitomsky
Lichtkonzept: Benjamin Wistorf
Kamera: Julius Winckler, Benjamin Wistorf
Schnitt: Julius Winckler
Art director: Mireya Palmeira
Redaktion: Jennipher Antoni
Produktionsleitung: Marianne Blum
Produktion & Regie: Marcus Herold
© Film-Music-Video Marcus Herold
Über die Reihe:
Der tRÄNENpALAST präsentiert in seinem beliebten Gesprächs-Format zwei Persönlichkeiten, die sich etwas zu sagen haben. Die Zuschauer sind live Zeugen dieses Zusammentreffens, das mit Schlagfertigkeit und Witz unterhält. Erhellende Einsichten und grundlegende Missverständnisse sind garantiert, wenn es wieder frei nach Martin Buchholz heißt: „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig!“
Empfohlene Playlist:
Gregor Gysi & Politiker:innen https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMB3uZDv7cXEbiRFMrubbpw22Yu9Lt_xE&si=vrG699pAVl9mtx8Z
Mehr Videos:
Abonniere „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig“ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBWSgdr27NcLig0XzWLq2gQ
MSMR live:
Nächste Termine der Gesprächsreihe: http://www.traenenpalast.de
TICKETS: https://traenenpalast.tickettoaster.de/produkte
Social Media:
MSMR auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissverstehenSiemichrichtig/
MSMR auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/missverstehens1
MSMR auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missverstehensiemichrichtig/
wird von der tRÄNENpALAST management GmbH in Berlin produziert
Plantage 11
13597 Berlin
Tel 030 283 888 88
[email protected]
#gerhardschröder #missverstehensiemichrichtig #tRÄNENpALAST #Gesprächsreihe #Talk #GregorGysi #Berlin #ErnstReuterSaal #Politiker #Politik #DieLinke #Biographie #Prominente #Prominenz #Interview #missverstehensiemichrichtigpodcast #SPD #Bundeskanzler #soyeonschröderkim #gasprom #putin #rosneft #ringier
Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder äußert sich zu seinen Tätigkeiten bei der Verlagsgruppe Ringier, und für die russischen Energieunternehmen Rosneft und Gasprom. Das ganze Gespräch von GREGOR GYSI mit GERHARD SCHRÖDER gibt es am Freitag, 17.05., 20:15 Uhr hier!
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellung dieser Videos für uns als live-Veranstalter bedeuten.
PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Verwendungszweck: Solibeitrag
Vielen Dank
Ton & Licht: Niklas Bitomsky
Lichtkonzept: Benjamin Wistorf
Kamera: Julius Winckler, Benjamin Wistorf
Schnitt: Julius Winckler
Art director: Mireya Palmeira
Redaktion: Jennipher Antoni
Produktionsleitung: Marianne Blum
Produktion & Regie: Marcus Herold
© Film-Music-Video Marcus Herold
Über die Reihe:
Der tRÄNENpALAST präsentiert in seinem beliebten Gesprächs-Format zwei Persönlichkeiten, die sich etwas zu sagen haben. Die Zuschauer sind live Zeugen dieses Zusammentreffens, das mit Schlagfertigkeit und Witz unterhält. Erhellende Einsichten und grundlegende Missverständnisse sind garantiert, wenn es wieder frei nach Martin Buchholz heißt: „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig!“
Empfohlene Playlist:
Gregor Gysi & Politiker:innen https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMB3uZDv7cXEbiRFMrubbpw22Yu9Lt_xE&si=vrG699pAVl9mtx8Z
Mehr Videos:
Abonniere „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig“ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBWSgdr27NcLig0XzWLq2gQ
MSMR live:
Nächste Termine der Gesprächsreihe: http://www.traenenpalast.de
TICKETS: https://traenenpalast.tickettoaster.de/produkte
Social Media:
MSMR auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissverstehenSiemichrichtig/
MSMR auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/missverstehens1
MSMR auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missverstehensiemichrichtig/
wird von der tRÄNENpALAST management GmbH in Berlin produziert
Plantage 11
13597 Berlin
Tel 030 283 888 88
[email protected]
#gerhardschröder #missverstehensiemichrichtig #tRÄNENpALAST #Gesprächsreihe #Talk #GregorGysi #Berlin #ErnstReuterSaal #Politiker #Politik #DieLinke #Biographie #Prominente #Prominenz #Interview #missverstehensiemichrichtigpodcast #SPD #Bundeskanzler #soyeonschröderkim #gasprom #putin #rosneft #ringier
- published: 16 May 2024
- views: 55899
ZEIT-Matinee mit Gerhard Schröder vom 09.03.2014
Gerhard Schröder (Bundeskanzler a. D.) spricht am 09.03.2014 in Hamburg mit Josef Joffe (ZEIT-Herausgeber) und Jochen Bittner (Zeit-Redakteur) über aktuelle pol...
Gerhard Schröder (Bundeskanzler a. D.) spricht am 09.03.2014 in Hamburg mit Josef Joffe (ZEIT-Herausgeber) und Jochen Bittner (Zeit-Redakteur) über aktuelle politische Geschehnisse wie die Krim-Krise, den Abhörskandal und die große Koalition.
Außerdem steht er Rede und Antwort auf Fragen zu Entscheidungen, die er zu seiner eigenen Amtszeit fällte.
Moderation: Josef Joffe & Jochen Bittner
Gerhard Schröder (Bundeskanzler a. D.) spricht am 09.03.2014 in Hamburg mit Josef Joffe (ZEIT-Herausgeber) und Jochen Bittner (Zeit-Redakteur) über aktuelle politische Geschehnisse wie die Krim-Krise, den Abhörskandal und die große Koalition.
Außerdem steht er Rede und Antwort auf Fragen zu Entscheidungen, die er zu seiner eigenen Amtszeit fällte.
Moderation: Josef Joffe & Jochen Bittner
- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 83059
Gregor Gysi im Gespräch mit Gerhard Schröder
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellung dieser Videos für uns als live-Veranstalter bedeuten.
PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Verwendungszweck: Solibeitrag
Video Details:
0:00 Intro, Aufwachsenin Armut und ohne Vater im Lipper Land
11:21 Armutsgeschürter Ehrgeiz, Fußball, Die Provinz am Kanleramt
19:53 Vom Bauhilfsarbeiter zum Staatsexamen
31:29 Ansprüche an Arme, Verbrecher Gysi, Wehrdienst
39:40 Weg zu den Jusos, Marxismus und Anti-Revisionismus
43:40 Ohne Krawatte in den Bundestag, Eigenheiten des Regierens, Erfolge in Niedersachsen
50:26 Beziehungen zu Bielefeld, Göttingen und Hannover, Einheitsskepsis
58:25 Fehler bei der dt. Einheit, die SPD-Troika, Helmuz Kohl
1:11:47 Wahl zum Bundeskanzler, Startschwierigkeiten, Lafontaine
1:17:12 Unterstützung des Kosovo-Kriegs, Nein zum Irak-Krieg
1:28:04 Sieg gegen Stoiber, Hartz IV, Privatisierung des Gesundheitswesens
1:37:49 Fachkräftemangel (in der Regierung), Rentenreform, Genosse der Bosse
1:43:35 Beziehungen zu Israel und Nahoststaaten, Ablösung durch Merkel
1:49:49 Tätigkeiten bei Ringier, Gasprom und Rosneft, Putin
1:58:14 BRICS, Ukraine-Krieg, Gespräche mit Putin, Büroentzug
2:10:06 Malerei, Kochen, Rotwein, Golf, Sumo-Ringen, Tomaten, Grundstücke, Abschied
Vielen Dank
Ton & Licht: Niklas Bitomsky
Lichtkonzept: Benjamin Wistorf
Kamera: Julius Winckler, Benjamin Wistorf
Schnitt: Julius Winckler
Art director: Mireya Palmeira
Redaktion: Jennipher Antoni
Produktionsleitung: Marianne Blum
Produktion & Regie: Marcus Herold
© Film-Music-Video Marcus Herold
Über die Reihe:
Der tRÄNENpALAST präsentiert in seinem beliebten Gesprächs-Format zwei Persönlichkeiten, die sich etwas zu sagen haben. Die Zuschauer sind live Zeugen dieses Zusammentreffens, das mit Schlagfertigkeit und Witz unterhält. Erhellende Einsichten und grundlegende Missverständnisse sind garantiert, wenn es wieder frei nach Martin Buchholz heißt: „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig!“
Empfohlene Playlist:
Gregor Gysi & Politiker:innen https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMB3uZDv7cXEbiRFMrubbpw22Yu9Lt_xE&si=vrG699pAVl9mtx8Z
Mehr Videos:
Abonniere „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig“ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBWSgdr27NcLig0XzWLq2gQ
MSMR live:
Nächste Termine der Gesprächsreihe: http://www.traenenpalast.de
TICKETS: https://traenenpalast.tickettoaster.de/produkte
Social Media:
MSMR auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissverstehenSiemichrichtig/
MSMR auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/missverstehens1
MSMR auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missverstehensiemichrichtig/
wird von der tRÄNENpALAST management GmbH in Berlin produziert
Plantage 11
13597 Berlin
Tel 030 283 888 88
[email protected]
#gerhardschröder #missverstehensiemichrichtig #tRÄNENpALAST #Gesprächsreihe #Talk #GregorGysi #Berlin #ErnstReuterSaal #Politiker #Politik #DieLinke #Biographie #Prominente #Prominenz #Interview #missverstehensiemichrichtigpodcast #SPD #Bundeskanzler #soyeonschröderkim #gasprom #putin #rosneft #ringier
UNTERSTÜTZT UNS ! PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Am 21.4.24 unterhielt sich GERHARD SCHRÖDER im Berliner Ernst-Reuter-Saal mit GREGOR GYSI.
Einige von Euch haben ihre FINANZIELLE UNTERSTÜTZUNG angeboten, wenn wir Langversionen der Gespräche zur Verfügung stellen. Das ist auch nötig, um den Aufwand decken zu können, den die Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Bereitstellung dieser Videos für uns als live-Veranstalter bedeuten.
PayPal https://paypal.me/traenenpalast
IBAN: DE 24 1004 0000 0124 3658 00
Verwendungszweck: Solibeitrag
Video Details:
0:00 Intro, Aufwachsenin Armut und ohne Vater im Lipper Land
11:21 Armutsgeschürter Ehrgeiz, Fußball, Die Provinz am Kanleramt
19:53 Vom Bauhilfsarbeiter zum Staatsexamen
31:29 Ansprüche an Arme, Verbrecher Gysi, Wehrdienst
39:40 Weg zu den Jusos, Marxismus und Anti-Revisionismus
43:40 Ohne Krawatte in den Bundestag, Eigenheiten des Regierens, Erfolge in Niedersachsen
50:26 Beziehungen zu Bielefeld, Göttingen und Hannover, Einheitsskepsis
58:25 Fehler bei der dt. Einheit, die SPD-Troika, Helmuz Kohl
1:11:47 Wahl zum Bundeskanzler, Startschwierigkeiten, Lafontaine
1:17:12 Unterstützung des Kosovo-Kriegs, Nein zum Irak-Krieg
1:28:04 Sieg gegen Stoiber, Hartz IV, Privatisierung des Gesundheitswesens
1:37:49 Fachkräftemangel (in der Regierung), Rentenreform, Genosse der Bosse
1:43:35 Beziehungen zu Israel und Nahoststaaten, Ablösung durch Merkel
1:49:49 Tätigkeiten bei Ringier, Gasprom und Rosneft, Putin
1:58:14 BRICS, Ukraine-Krieg, Gespräche mit Putin, Büroentzug
2:10:06 Malerei, Kochen, Rotwein, Golf, Sumo-Ringen, Tomaten, Grundstücke, Abschied
Vielen Dank
Ton & Licht: Niklas Bitomsky
Lichtkonzept: Benjamin Wistorf
Kamera: Julius Winckler, Benjamin Wistorf
Schnitt: Julius Winckler
Art director: Mireya Palmeira
Redaktion: Jennipher Antoni
Produktionsleitung: Marianne Blum
Produktion & Regie: Marcus Herold
© Film-Music-Video Marcus Herold
Über die Reihe:
Der tRÄNENpALAST präsentiert in seinem beliebten Gesprächs-Format zwei Persönlichkeiten, die sich etwas zu sagen haben. Die Zuschauer sind live Zeugen dieses Zusammentreffens, das mit Schlagfertigkeit und Witz unterhält. Erhellende Einsichten und grundlegende Missverständnisse sind garantiert, wenn es wieder frei nach Martin Buchholz heißt: „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig!“
Empfohlene Playlist:
Gregor Gysi & Politiker:innen https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMB3uZDv7cXEbiRFMrubbpw22Yu9Lt_xE&si=vrG699pAVl9mtx8Z
Mehr Videos:
Abonniere „Missverstehen Sie mich richtig“ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBWSgdr27NcLig0XzWLq2gQ
MSMR live:
Nächste Termine der Gesprächsreihe: http://www.traenenpalast.de
TICKETS: https://traenenpalast.tickettoaster.de/produkte
Social Media:
MSMR auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissverstehenSiemichrichtig/
MSMR auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/missverstehens1
MSMR auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missverstehensiemichrichtig/
wird von der tRÄNENpALAST management GmbH in Berlin produziert
Plantage 11
13597 Berlin
Tel 030 283 888 88
[email protected]
#gerhardschröder #missverstehensiemichrichtig #tRÄNENpALAST #Gesprächsreihe #Talk #GregorGysi #Berlin #ErnstReuterSaal #Politiker #Politik #DieLinke #Biographie #Prominente #Prominenz #Interview #missverstehensiemichrichtigpodcast #SPD #Bundeskanzler #soyeonschröderkim #gasprom #putin #rosneft #ringier
- published: 17 May 2024
- views: 1971546
Elefantenrunde: 10 Jahre legendärer Schröder-Auftritt
10 Jahre ist es her, dass der damalige Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) am Wahlabend 2005 seinen legendären Auftritt in der "Elefantenrunde" hatte
10 Jahre ist es her, dass der damalige Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) am Wahlabend 2005 seinen legendären Auftritt in der "Elefantenrunde" hatte
10 Jahre ist es her, dass der damalige Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) am Wahlabend 2005 seinen legendären Auftritt in der "Elefantenrunde" hatte
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 1923519
Lutz van der Horst beim 75. Geburtstag von Gerhard Schröder | heute-show vom 26.04.2019
Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder feiert seinen 75. Geburtstag in Hannover und mit dabei ist Lutz van der Horst.
Zur ganzen heute-show in der Mediathek: https://ly.zd...
Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder feiert seinen 75. Geburtstag in Hannover und mit dabei ist Lutz van der Horst.
Zur ganzen heute-show in der Mediathek: https://ly.zdf.de/Ao5/
Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder feiert seinen 75. Geburtstag in Hannover und mit dabei ist Lutz van der Horst.
Zur ganzen heute-show in der Mediathek: https://ly.zdf.de/Ao5/
- published: 26 Apr 2019
- views: 1169459
Davos Annual Meeting 2005 - Gerhard Schröder
Special Message
Gerhard Schröder, Federal Chancellor of Germany
Moderated by
Daniel Vasella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Novartis, Switzerland
published: 30 Aug 2007
How patient should we be with authoritarian states? | Asia Talk
Frank Sieren hosts the former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
published: 15 Dec 2009
(12 Mar 1999) German/Nat
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has taken on the role of S-D-P party chairman, following the surprise resignation of his Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine.
Chancellor Schroeder said he would not discuss the reasons behind Lafontaine's departure because he had not been told them.
He thanked the Finance Minister for his service - his successor has been announced as the moderate Hans Eichel.
An overwhelming majority of the party executive backed Schroeder at a meeting called after Lafontaine stunned Germany by stepping down as both S-D-P leader and finance minister.
At a press conference, Schroeder denied his party was in crisis, thanking Lafontaine for his service and acknowledging there was affection for him within the party.
SOUNDBITE: (Germa...
published: 21 Jul 2015
(28 Sep 1998) Eng/Fr/Russ/Nat
World leaders rushed to congratulate Gerhard Schroeder on Monday after his stunning election victory over Germany's long-time leader Helmut Kohl.
The Prime Ministers of Britain and France were swift to welcome the emergence of another centre-left government in Europe while U-S President Bill Clinton said he was looking forward to working with the new leader.
There was praise also from Russian communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, but silence from President Boris Yeltsin, an old ally of Kohl.
However, on the issue of Europe, Schroeder is far more sceptical than his predecessor - and experts say the election result should make little difference to plans for a European single currency.
After the agony of waiting, the ecstasy of victory.
published: 21 Jul 2015
International Keynote: Gerhard Zeiler | RTS London 2022
published: 20 Oct 2022
Leaders confident of EU green light for Ankara
(4 Oct 2004)
1. Wide shot of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at news conference
2. Photographer
3. Schroeder and Erdogan
4. Officials in audience
5. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"We both agree for different reasons that the reform is not just about making laws. The implementation will be the hard part."
6. Wide shot of news conference
7. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"With this background I believe the European Commission on the sixth of October will put out a positive report with a positive vote."
8. Photographers
9. Wide shot of news conference
10. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister:
"We have today received support from Germany and are ...
published: 21 Jul 2015
(25 Nov 1999) German/Nat
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has successfully brokered a deal between troubled construction firm Philipp Holzmann AG and its creditors.
In a last desperate attempt to save the construction company and avoid thousands of job losses, Schroeder personally intervened to work out a restructuring plan with Holzmann's creditors, which include Deutsche bank.
The firm surprised markets a week ago by revealing potential losses of 1.3 (b) billion U- S dollars because of what it termed mismanagement by former executives.
Workers took to the streets of Frankfurt on Wednesday night a week after Holzmann made the shock announcement about the appalling state of its finances.
More than a thousand gathered to voice their anger at the banks' inability to come up...
published: 21 Jul 2015
GHRF 2009: Gerhard Schroeder, C. Fred Bergsten, Il SaKong
Keynote Speech I
Blueprint for global leadership in the 21st century
A historic revolution that will upset the global economic trends which have been lasting for several tens of years or a big change of the global paradigm of politics and economy is now underway. These days no one can be certain of something in front of the possibility of risks. If the main countries and companies fall today, then it is possible we follow their way tomorrow. Only those countries that build solid economic infrastructure not to sway in the severe challenges and those companies with the leadership to quickly respond to change can survive. The 4th Global HR Forum 2009 will help governments and corporate management identify the tasks, explore solutions, and create the vision needed to make positive change...
published: 13 Jan 2010
September 24, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerhard Schröder
President John F. Kennedy, in rocking chair, meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of West Germany, Gerhard Schröder. Also present are Ambassador of Germany, K. Heinrich Knappstein; interpreter, Heinz Weber; Minister Schröder. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, William Tyler, Under Secretary of State, George Ball; United States Ambassador to Germany, George McGhee, Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
published: 17 Sep 2021
German chancellor ends visit to Kenya at UN HQ
(21 Jan 2004)
1. Exterior of UN headquarters
2. UN flag
3. UN sign with flags behind it
4. Schroeder arriving in blue Mercedes and being greeted by UN officials
5. Schroeder signing a book
6. Various of Schroeder talking with UN officials
7. Various of Schroeder planting and watering tree in the UN headquarters yard
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, on the second day of his visit to Kenya, visited UN headquarters in Gigiri, a Nairobi suburb.
During his stay in Kenya, he met with Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki, government officials and United Nations officials in Nairobi.
He was also present at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement, amounting to 50 million euro (about 63.3 million US dollars), between Germany and Kenya for development projects in...
published: 21 Jul 2015
Davos Annual Meeting 2005 - Gerhard Schröder
Special Message
Gerhard Schröder, Federal Chancellor of Germany
Moderated by
Daniel Vasella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nov...
Special Message
Gerhard Schröder, Federal Chancellor of Germany
Moderated by
Daniel Vasella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Novartis, Switzerland
Special Message
Gerhard Schröder, Federal Chancellor of Germany
Moderated by
Daniel Vasella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Novartis, Switzerland
- published: 30 Aug 2007
- views: 18623
(12 Mar 1999) German/Nat
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has taken on the role of S-D-P party chairman, following the surprise resignation of his Finance...
(12 Mar 1999) German/Nat
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has taken on the role of S-D-P party chairman, following the surprise resignation of his Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine.
Chancellor Schroeder said he would not discuss the reasons behind Lafontaine's departure because he had not been told them.
He thanked the Finance Minister for his service - his successor has been announced as the moderate Hans Eichel.
An overwhelming majority of the party executive backed Schroeder at a meeting called after Lafontaine stunned Germany by stepping down as both S-D-P leader and finance minister.
At a press conference, Schroeder denied his party was in crisis, thanking Lafontaine for his service and acknowledging there was affection for him within the party.
"As you already know a long and close cooperation exists between myself and Oscar Lafontaine, which was topped during the last years with great success, first in the country and now the state. I have to pay my respects to Oscar Lafontaine as I owe him many thanks for our work. It makes no sense for me to speculate about the motives behind his resignation, because he didn't talk about them to me and he is the only person who has the right to talk about it and I do not participate in speculation. The only person who can give statements is Oscar Lafontaine himself. I think everybody will understand it. I accepted the position the party proposed me, because I want the programme of the SPD to be realised in values and policy."
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor
The party has confirmed Hans Eichel, a moderate S-P-D regional leader, as finance minister.
Eichel, 57, has a reputation as a colourless but competent politician.
The moves consolidate Schroeder's grip on power and give him a chance for a fresh start in his 4-month-old administration.
He must be confirmed as party chairman at a convention scheduled for April 12.
The resignation of Lafontaine followed criticism of his left-wing policies by business and by Schroeder.
Lafontaine was the new government's most controversial figure from the start.
He unsettled financial markets with persistent calls for Europe's central bank to lower interest rates to create jobs.
Many economists blamed his attempt to exert political influence over monetary policy for the weak start of the new European single currency, the Euro, which has lost 7 percent of its value since its January 1 launch.
Frankfurt's stock market shot up six percent on the expectation that Schroeder would scrap Lafontaine's tax reforms.
But Schroeder has said the reforms will remain before the Upper House.
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(12 Mar 1999) German/Nat
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has taken on the role of S-D-P party chairman, following the surprise resignation of his Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine.
Chancellor Schroeder said he would not discuss the reasons behind Lafontaine's departure because he had not been told them.
He thanked the Finance Minister for his service - his successor has been announced as the moderate Hans Eichel.
An overwhelming majority of the party executive backed Schroeder at a meeting called after Lafontaine stunned Germany by stepping down as both S-D-P leader and finance minister.
At a press conference, Schroeder denied his party was in crisis, thanking Lafontaine for his service and acknowledging there was affection for him within the party.
"As you already know a long and close cooperation exists between myself and Oscar Lafontaine, which was topped during the last years with great success, first in the country and now the state. I have to pay my respects to Oscar Lafontaine as I owe him many thanks for our work. It makes no sense for me to speculate about the motives behind his resignation, because he didn't talk about them to me and he is the only person who has the right to talk about it and I do not participate in speculation. The only person who can give statements is Oscar Lafontaine himself. I think everybody will understand it. I accepted the position the party proposed me, because I want the programme of the SPD to be realised in values and policy."
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor
The party has confirmed Hans Eichel, a moderate S-P-D regional leader, as finance minister.
Eichel, 57, has a reputation as a colourless but competent politician.
The moves consolidate Schroeder's grip on power and give him a chance for a fresh start in his 4-month-old administration.
He must be confirmed as party chairman at a convention scheduled for April 12.
The resignation of Lafontaine followed criticism of his left-wing policies by business and by Schroeder.
Lafontaine was the new government's most controversial figure from the start.
He unsettled financial markets with persistent calls for Europe's central bank to lower interest rates to create jobs.
Many economists blamed his attempt to exert political influence over monetary policy for the weak start of the new European single currency, the Euro, which has lost 7 percent of its value since its January 1 launch.
Frankfurt's stock market shot up six percent on the expectation that Schroeder would scrap Lafontaine's tax reforms.
But Schroeder has said the reforms will remain before the Upper House.
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You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0216cae0b232537c6940cb1f9f204e82
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 138
(28 Sep 1998) Eng/Fr/Russ/Nat
World leaders rushed to congratulate Gerhard Schroeder on Monday after his stunning election victory over Germany's long-time l...
(28 Sep 1998) Eng/Fr/Russ/Nat
World leaders rushed to congratulate Gerhard Schroeder on Monday after his stunning election victory over Germany's long-time leader Helmut Kohl.
The Prime Ministers of Britain and France were swift to welcome the emergence of another centre-left government in Europe while U-S President Bill Clinton said he was looking forward to working with the new leader.
There was praise also from Russian communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, but silence from President Boris Yeltsin, an old ally of Kohl.
However, on the issue of Europe, Schroeder is far more sceptical than his predecessor - and experts say the election result should make little difference to plans for a European single currency.
After the agony of waiting, the ecstasy of victory.
Supporters of Gerhard Schroeder fanned out in front of the Brandenburg Gate early on Monday to celebrate Germany's new dawn.
The result was welcomed across Europe as well.
The centre-left government in France was clearly pleased to see Germans choose a Chancellor of a similar political hue.
"The Germans have made a clear choice for a change. They have designated a new chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder and we will continue with our cooperation, perhaps it will even grow. I imagine the German choice is perhaps also a choice for more solidarity, for a Europe which balances better economic and social aspects. So I think we will work together very well."
SUPER CAPTION: Lionel Jospin, French Prime Minister
British Prime Minister Tony Blair had built up a strong working relationship with Helmut Kohl, but emphasised that he too welcomed the emergence of another left leaning government in Europe.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"It's a tremendous thing that we will now have centre-left governments in France and Germany and Great Britain. And I look forward to working with him very closely indeed."
SUPER CAPTION: Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
There was, however, silence from President Yeltsin of Russia.
But the country's communist leader said Schroeder's victory opened up new prospects for both countries.
SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"I'd like a relationship to be built in terms of mutual advantage. If we combine the industrial and technical potential of Germany with our intellectual and spiritual resources, we can build extremely solid joint ventures which will be to the advantage of both Russia and Germany, and Europe as a whole."
SUPER CAPTION: Gennady Zyuganov, Russian communist leader
It was under Helmut Kohl that Germany drew the European Union together and promoted the single currency, or euro, due to start next year.
Schroeder is far less committed to the idea, but analysts say he won't stand in the way of the euro's launch.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"The single currency looks like it's coming in on 1st January 1999, and if it doesn't, I'd be exceptionally surprised. Although Schroeder himself is slightly more euro-sceptic, the SPD have been supportive of the euro project, so I don't think it's going to affect the project, and we do expect a timely start."
SUPER CAPTION: Neil Parker, British economist
The election result robs Kohl of what might have been his finest hour - presiding over the launch of the euro.
But he's already made his mark on history as the man who unified Germany, and made a future war in Europe unthinkable.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
SUPER CAPTION: Jerry Malone, executive editor, "The European"
The people of Germany may now have turned their back on Helmut Kohl, but his legacy will live on.
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(28 Sep 1998) Eng/Fr/Russ/Nat
World leaders rushed to congratulate Gerhard Schroeder on Monday after his stunning election victory over Germany's long-time leader Helmut Kohl.
The Prime Ministers of Britain and France were swift to welcome the emergence of another centre-left government in Europe while U-S President Bill Clinton said he was looking forward to working with the new leader.
There was praise also from Russian communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, but silence from President Boris Yeltsin, an old ally of Kohl.
However, on the issue of Europe, Schroeder is far more sceptical than his predecessor - and experts say the election result should make little difference to plans for a European single currency.
After the agony of waiting, the ecstasy of victory.
Supporters of Gerhard Schroeder fanned out in front of the Brandenburg Gate early on Monday to celebrate Germany's new dawn.
The result was welcomed across Europe as well.
The centre-left government in France was clearly pleased to see Germans choose a Chancellor of a similar political hue.
"The Germans have made a clear choice for a change. They have designated a new chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder and we will continue with our cooperation, perhaps it will even grow. I imagine the German choice is perhaps also a choice for more solidarity, for a Europe which balances better economic and social aspects. So I think we will work together very well."
SUPER CAPTION: Lionel Jospin, French Prime Minister
British Prime Minister Tony Blair had built up a strong working relationship with Helmut Kohl, but emphasised that he too welcomed the emergence of another left leaning government in Europe.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"It's a tremendous thing that we will now have centre-left governments in France and Germany and Great Britain. And I look forward to working with him very closely indeed."
SUPER CAPTION: Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
There was, however, silence from President Yeltsin of Russia.
But the country's communist leader said Schroeder's victory opened up new prospects for both countries.
SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"I'd like a relationship to be built in terms of mutual advantage. If we combine the industrial and technical potential of Germany with our intellectual and spiritual resources, we can build extremely solid joint ventures which will be to the advantage of both Russia and Germany, and Europe as a whole."
SUPER CAPTION: Gennady Zyuganov, Russian communist leader
It was under Helmut Kohl that Germany drew the European Union together and promoted the single currency, or euro, due to start next year.
Schroeder is far less committed to the idea, but analysts say he won't stand in the way of the euro's launch.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"The single currency looks like it's coming in on 1st January 1999, and if it doesn't, I'd be exceptionally surprised. Although Schroeder himself is slightly more euro-sceptic, the SPD have been supportive of the euro project, so I don't think it's going to affect the project, and we do expect a timely start."
SUPER CAPTION: Neil Parker, British economist
The election result robs Kohl of what might have been his finest hour - presiding over the launch of the euro.
But he's already made his mark on history as the man who unified Germany, and made a future war in Europe unthinkable.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
SUPER CAPTION: Jerry Malone, executive editor, "The European"
The people of Germany may now have turned their back on Helmut Kohl, but his legacy will live on.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 333
Leaders confident of EU green light for Ankara
(4 Oct 2004)
1. Wide shot of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at news conference
2. Photographer
3. Schro...
(4 Oct 2004)
1. Wide shot of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at news conference
2. Photographer
3. Schroeder and Erdogan
4. Officials in audience
5. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"We both agree for different reasons that the reform is not just about making laws. The implementation will be the hard part."
6. Wide shot of news conference
7. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"With this background I believe the European Commission on the sixth of October will put out a positive report with a positive vote."
8. Photographers
9. Wide shot of news conference
10. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister:
"We have today received support from Germany and are looking forward to that support continuing in the future. For this support I thank, and the Turkish people thank you."
11. Wide shot of news conference
12. Photographers
13. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister:
"The implementation is the hard work. I have to say that we as a government are resolved that we have the political will to finish the work with support of our friends and partners in civilian organisations."
14. Wide shot of journalists
15. Wide shot of news conference
16. Photographer
17. Schroeder and Erdogan shaking hands
18. Schroeder and Erdogan leaving news conference
Turkey's prime minister said on Sunday that admitting his Muslim-majority country to the European Union would contribute to international relations, and expressed confidence that the EU's executive will recommend opening membership talks this week.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to reporters in Berlin during a visit to Germany where he received a leadership award from Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
Erdogan also made clear that Ankara is interested in nothing less than full membership of the bloc.
The Turkish prime minister's trip came ahead of a report by the EU Commission, due for release on Wednesday, that will recommend whether the EU should open membership talks with Turkey.
Erdogan and Schroeder told reporters they were both confident Ankara would get a 'positive report' this week.
Turkey has passed sweeping reforms to meet EU membership conditions, such as abolishing the death penalty and granting greater cultural rights to Kurds.
Even though it does not yet meet all the criteria - especially in the area of human rights - it is expected to do so by the time Turkey joins the organisation.
Erdogan said the Turkish government was resolved to finish the "hard work" of implementing the reforms.
Erdogan renewed his insistence that Turkey would only accept full membership negotiations and not a "privileged partnership" with the EU as Germany's conservative opposition has proposed.
Many European governments are worried by the prospect of immigration from a relatively poor country with different cultural roots, a history of conflict with Europe and a population that would likely be the largest in the EU by 2025.
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(4 Oct 2004)
1. Wide shot of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at news conference
2. Photographer
3. Schroeder and Erdogan
4. Officials in audience
5. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"We both agree for different reasons that the reform is not just about making laws. The implementation will be the hard part."
6. Wide shot of news conference
7. SOUNDBITE: (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor:
"With this background I believe the European Commission on the sixth of October will put out a positive report with a positive vote."
8. Photographers
9. Wide shot of news conference
10. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister:
"We have today received support from Germany and are looking forward to that support continuing in the future. For this support I thank, and the Turkish people thank you."
11. Wide shot of news conference
12. Photographers
13. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister:
"The implementation is the hard work. I have to say that we as a government are resolved that we have the political will to finish the work with support of our friends and partners in civilian organisations."
14. Wide shot of journalists
15. Wide shot of news conference
16. Photographer
17. Schroeder and Erdogan shaking hands
18. Schroeder and Erdogan leaving news conference
Turkey's prime minister said on Sunday that admitting his Muslim-majority country to the European Union would contribute to international relations, and expressed confidence that the EU's executive will recommend opening membership talks this week.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to reporters in Berlin during a visit to Germany where he received a leadership award from Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
Erdogan also made clear that Ankara is interested in nothing less than full membership of the bloc.
The Turkish prime minister's trip came ahead of a report by the EU Commission, due for release on Wednesday, that will recommend whether the EU should open membership talks with Turkey.
Erdogan and Schroeder told reporters they were both confident Ankara would get a 'positive report' this week.
Turkey has passed sweeping reforms to meet EU membership conditions, such as abolishing the death penalty and granting greater cultural rights to Kurds.
Even though it does not yet meet all the criteria - especially in the area of human rights - it is expected to do so by the time Turkey joins the organisation.
Erdogan said the Turkish government was resolved to finish the "hard work" of implementing the reforms.
Erdogan renewed his insistence that Turkey would only accept full membership negotiations and not a "privileged partnership" with the EU as Germany's conservative opposition has proposed.
Many European governments are worried by the prospect of immigration from a relatively poor country with different cultural roots, a history of conflict with Europe and a population that would likely be the largest in the EU by 2025.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 513
(25 Nov 1999) German/Nat
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has successfully brokered a deal between troubled construction firm Philipp Holzmann AG and its credit...
(25 Nov 1999) German/Nat
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has successfully brokered a deal between troubled construction firm Philipp Holzmann AG and its creditors.
In a last desperate attempt to save the construction company and avoid thousands of job losses, Schroeder personally intervened to work out a restructuring plan with Holzmann's creditors, which include Deutsche bank.
The firm surprised markets a week ago by revealing potential losses of 1.3 (b) billion U- S dollars because of what it termed mismanagement by former executives.
Workers took to the streets of Frankfurt on Wednesday night a week after Holzmann made the shock announcement about the appalling state of its finances.
More than a thousand gathered to voice their anger at the banks' inability to come up with some sort of bailout for the company which could go under and see up to 17- thousand of them lose their jobs.
The livelihood of tens of thousands of suppliers was also threatened.
It is Germany's second largest construction company.
Three sets of talks with the creditor banks failed in the last week to produce a deal which could rescue the 150 year old firm from insolvency.
With public fury mounting at the banks, the German Chancellor came to Frankfurt for face to face talks with the head of Holzmann and the creditors including Deutsche Bank.
After more than two hours of talks, Schroeder announced that they had agreed on a restructuring plan.
He said the government would ensure that credit for Holzmann would be increased to about U-S 78.3 million dollars.
In addition a surety of U-S 52 million dollars would be made available.
"The banks had worked out part of the financing and the government has contributed its part towards the restructuring. The advising company that is leading the restructuring made clear that the agreement that has been reached is a solid base for restructuring therefore we have reached this outcome which we are all happy about. "
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor
No other details were immediately released.
The excited crowd of about a thousand employees cheered wildly when the Schroeder told them the good news.
"There is a lot of work for us, especially for you (the workers), the banks have taken their part of social responsibility and we are here to make sure it stays like that."
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor (speaking outside on stage to workers demo )
The personal touch had worked and the crowds shouted "Gerhard, Gerhard," in celebration of his success in saving the company.
The grateful employees said it was the best Christmas present they could have hoped for.
"We are as happy as when the wall fell, a lot of futures were at stake. A lot of us have been with Holzmann for more than 30 years and it was all going to go under and this success has come just before Christmas. "
Earlier on Wednesday Deutsche Bank said that 10 of Holzmann's largest creditors have given the company a U-S 52.4 million dollar loan to finance Holzmann's operations in the next weeks.
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(25 Nov 1999) German/Nat
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has successfully brokered a deal between troubled construction firm Philipp Holzmann AG and its creditors.
In a last desperate attempt to save the construction company and avoid thousands of job losses, Schroeder personally intervened to work out a restructuring plan with Holzmann's creditors, which include Deutsche bank.
The firm surprised markets a week ago by revealing potential losses of 1.3 (b) billion U- S dollars because of what it termed mismanagement by former executives.
Workers took to the streets of Frankfurt on Wednesday night a week after Holzmann made the shock announcement about the appalling state of its finances.
More than a thousand gathered to voice their anger at the banks' inability to come up with some sort of bailout for the company which could go under and see up to 17- thousand of them lose their jobs.
The livelihood of tens of thousands of suppliers was also threatened.
It is Germany's second largest construction company.
Three sets of talks with the creditor banks failed in the last week to produce a deal which could rescue the 150 year old firm from insolvency.
With public fury mounting at the banks, the German Chancellor came to Frankfurt for face to face talks with the head of Holzmann and the creditors including Deutsche Bank.
After more than two hours of talks, Schroeder announced that they had agreed on a restructuring plan.
He said the government would ensure that credit for Holzmann would be increased to about U-S 78.3 million dollars.
In addition a surety of U-S 52 million dollars would be made available.
"The banks had worked out part of the financing and the government has contributed its part towards the restructuring. The advising company that is leading the restructuring made clear that the agreement that has been reached is a solid base for restructuring therefore we have reached this outcome which we are all happy about. "
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor
No other details were immediately released.
The excited crowd of about a thousand employees cheered wildly when the Schroeder told them the good news.
"There is a lot of work for us, especially for you (the workers), the banks have taken their part of social responsibility and we are here to make sure it stays like that."
SUPER CAPTION: Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor (speaking outside on stage to workers demo )
The personal touch had worked and the crowds shouted "Gerhard, Gerhard," in celebration of his success in saving the company.
The grateful employees said it was the best Christmas present they could have hoped for.
"We are as happy as when the wall fell, a lot of futures were at stake. A lot of us have been with Holzmann for more than 30 years and it was all going to go under and this success has come just before Christmas. "
Earlier on Wednesday Deutsche Bank said that 10 of Holzmann's largest creditors have given the company a U-S 52.4 million dollar loan to finance Holzmann's operations in the next weeks.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 235
GHRF 2009: Gerhard Schroeder, C. Fred Bergsten, Il SaKong
Keynote Speech I
Blueprint for global leadership in the 21st century
A historic revolution that will upset the global economic trends which have been last...
Keynote Speech I
Blueprint for global leadership in the 21st century
A historic revolution that will upset the global economic trends which have been lasting for several tens of years or a big change of the global paradigm of politics and economy is now underway. These days no one can be certain of something in front of the possibility of risks. If the main countries and companies fall today, then it is possible we follow their way tomorrow. Only those countries that build solid economic infrastructure not to sway in the severe challenges and those companies with the leadership to quickly respond to change can survive. The 4th Global HR Forum 2009 will help governments and corporate management identify the tasks, explore solutions, and create the vision needed to make positive changes in meeting 21st century challenges.
Keynote Speech I
Blueprint for global leadership in the 21st century
A historic revolution that will upset the global economic trends which have been lasting for several tens of years or a big change of the global paradigm of politics and economy is now underway. These days no one can be certain of something in front of the possibility of risks. If the main countries and companies fall today, then it is possible we follow their way tomorrow. Only those countries that build solid economic infrastructure not to sway in the severe challenges and those companies with the leadership to quickly respond to change can survive. The 4th Global HR Forum 2009 will help governments and corporate management identify the tasks, explore solutions, and create the vision needed to make positive changes in meeting 21st century challenges.
- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 4449
September 24, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerhard Schröder
President John F. Kennedy, in rocking chair, meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of West Germany, Gerhard Schröder. Also present are Ambassador of Germany, K...
President John F. Kennedy, in rocking chair, meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of West Germany, Gerhard Schröder. Also present are Ambassador of Germany, K. Heinrich Knappstein; interpreter, Heinz Weber; Minister Schröder. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, William Tyler, Under Secretary of State, George Ball; United States Ambassador to Germany, George McGhee, Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy, in rocking chair, meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of West Germany, Gerhard Schröder. Also present are Ambassador of Germany, K. Heinrich Knappstein; interpreter, Heinz Weber; Minister Schröder. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, William Tyler, Under Secretary of State, George Ball; United States Ambassador to Germany, George McGhee, Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
- published: 17 Sep 2021
- views: 2489
German chancellor ends visit to Kenya at UN HQ
(21 Jan 2004)
1. Exterior of UN headquarters
2. UN flag
3. UN sign with flags behind it
4. Schroeder arriving in blue Mercedes and being greeted by UN of...
(21 Jan 2004)
1. Exterior of UN headquarters
2. UN flag
3. UN sign with flags behind it
4. Schroeder arriving in blue Mercedes and being greeted by UN officials
5. Schroeder signing a book
6. Various of Schroeder talking with UN officials
7. Various of Schroeder planting and watering tree in the UN headquarters yard
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, on the second day of his visit to Kenya, visited UN headquarters in Gigiri, a Nairobi suburb.
During his stay in Kenya, he met with Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki, government officials and United Nations officials in Nairobi.
He was also present at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement, amounting to 50 million euro (about 63.3 million US dollars), between Germany and Kenya for development projects in the east African country for the years 2004 and 2005.
Schroeder's visit is part of his week-long trip to four African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Ghana.
Traveling with a 23-member business delegation that includes car-maker DaimlerChrysler's chief executive, Juergen Schrempp, and Lufthansa chief Wolfgang Mayrhuber, the Chancellor hopes to dispel a "generally negative picture" of the continent, according to a senior government official who briefed reporters.
This is the first time that Schroeder has visited Africa since he took office in 1998.
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(21 Jan 2004)
1. Exterior of UN headquarters
2. UN flag
3. UN sign with flags behind it
4. Schroeder arriving in blue Mercedes and being greeted by UN officials
5. Schroeder signing a book
6. Various of Schroeder talking with UN officials
7. Various of Schroeder planting and watering tree in the UN headquarters yard
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, on the second day of his visit to Kenya, visited UN headquarters in Gigiri, a Nairobi suburb.
During his stay in Kenya, he met with Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki, government officials and United Nations officials in Nairobi.
He was also present at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement, amounting to 50 million euro (about 63.3 million US dollars), between Germany and Kenya for development projects in the east African country for the years 2004 and 2005.
Schroeder's visit is part of his week-long trip to four African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Ghana.
Traveling with a 23-member business delegation that includes car-maker DaimlerChrysler's chief executive, Juergen Schrempp, and Lufthansa chief Wolfgang Mayrhuber, the Chancellor hopes to dispel a "generally negative picture" of the continent, according to a senior government official who briefed reporters.
This is the first time that Schroeder has visited Africa since he took office in 1998.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 68
My Way - Frank Sinatra (Lyrics Video)
My Way by Frank Sinatra
This article is about the song popularized by Frank Sinatra. For other uses, see My Way (disambiguation).
"My Way"
My Way - Frank Sinatra.jpg
German release
Single by Frank Sinatra
from the album My Way
B-side "Blue Lace"
Released March 1969
Recorded December 30, 1968
Genre Pop
Length 4:35
Label Reprise
Composer(s) Claude François
Gilles Thibaut Jacques Revaux Paul Anka
Producer(s) Sonny Burke
Alternative cover
A-side label of US single
A-side label of US single
"My Way" is a song popularized in 1969 by Frank Sinatra set to the music of the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed by Jacques Revaux with lyrics by Gilles Thibaut and Claude François[1][2] and first performed in 1967 by Claude François. Its English lyrics were written by Paul Anka a...
published: 24 Feb 2023
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksən], Low German: Neddersassen) is a German state (Bundesland) situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres (18,388 sq mi), and fourth in population (8 million) among the sixteen Länder of Germany. In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of East Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, th...
published: 14 Aug 2014
Christian Schröder - Bara utav kärlek
Kompositör och textförfattare okända, men texten kan vara skriven av Karl-Ewert. Skivan spelades in den 28:e oktober 1919.
published: 20 Feb 2016
Transatlantic Operative Wants NATO to Stop Putin
Hey guys, Mr Merz, the German 'opposition' leader, has said two curious things in the last days. Enjoy.
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published: 12 Mar 2022
【ドイツ語講師 自己紹介】
Maxie Pickert(ピカット マキシー)
メルマガの友達限定で、YouTube非公開「ドイツ語アルファベット発音の動画」をプレゼント!ドイツ語アルファベット(ラテンアルファベット26文字、ウムラウトの付いた3文字/Ä・Ö・ Ü、エスツェット/ß)のアクセントとリズム感を楽しく覚えていきましょう。
published: 01 Sep 2018
Lower Saxony | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Lower Saxony
00:03:09 1 Geography
00:03:18 1.1 Location
00:05:26 1.2 Regions
00:05:34 1.2.1 General
00:06:08 1.2.2 List of regions
00:06:48 1.3 Climate
00:08:04 2 Administration
00:09:18 3 History
00:09:27 3.1 Regional history prior to foundation of Lower Saxony
00:10:03 3.1.1 Period to the Congress of Vienna (1814/1815)
00:13:03 3.1.2 To the end of the Second World War
00:16:41 3.1.3 Post–Second World War
00:21:30 3.2 History of Lower Saxony as a state
00:26:00 3.2.1 Administrative subdivisions
00:27:21 4 Demographics
00:27:44 4.1 Vital statistics
00:28:03 4.2 Religion
00:28:25 5 Economy
00:28:47 6 Politics
00:28:52 6.1 Constitution
00:30:53 6.2 Minister-President of Lower Saxony
00:34:12 7 Coat of arms
00:35:41 8 See also
00:38:10 ...
published: 07 Dec 2018
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony German: Niedersachsen ˈniːdɐzaksən, Low German: Neddersassen is a German state Bundesland situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres 18,388sqmi, and fourth in population 8 million among the sixteen Länder of Germany In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining
Lower Saxony borders on from north and clockwise the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands Furthermore, the state of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport ci...
published: 19 Mar 2019
My Way - Frank Sinatra (Lyrics Video)
My Way by Frank Sinatra
This article is about the song popularized by Frank Sinatra. For other uses, see My Way (disambiguation).
"My Way"
My Way - Frank Sinat...
My Way by Frank Sinatra
This article is about the song popularized by Frank Sinatra. For other uses, see My Way (disambiguation).
"My Way"
My Way - Frank Sinatra.jpg
German release
Single by Frank Sinatra
from the album My Way
B-side "Blue Lace"
Released March 1969
Recorded December 30, 1968
Genre Pop
Length 4:35
Label Reprise
Composer(s) Claude François
Gilles Thibaut Jacques Revaux Paul Anka
Producer(s) Sonny Burke
Alternative cover
A-side label of US single
A-side label of US single
"My Way" is a song popularized in 1969 by Frank Sinatra set to the music of the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed by Jacques Revaux with lyrics by Gilles Thibaut and Claude François[1][2] and first performed in 1967 by Claude François. Its English lyrics were written by Paul Anka and are unrelated to the original French song.
The song was a success for a variety of performers including Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Sid Vicious. Sinatra's version of "My Way" spent 75 weeks in the UK Top 40, which is 3rd place all-time
Disclaimer: I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to this music. All rights belong to the owner. No copyright infringement intended.
Lyrics Source:
Wallpaper/Background Source: https://www.pexels.com
#MyWay #FrankSinatra #Timeless #MoozikStudio #kareoke #lyrics #soundtrack #lovesongs #musicvideo #ballad #music #Oldies
My Way by Frank Sinatra
This article is about the song popularized by Frank Sinatra. For other uses, see My Way (disambiguation).
"My Way"
My Way - Frank Sinatra.jpg
German release
Single by Frank Sinatra
from the album My Way
B-side "Blue Lace"
Released March 1969
Recorded December 30, 1968
Genre Pop
Length 4:35
Label Reprise
Composer(s) Claude François
Gilles Thibaut Jacques Revaux Paul Anka
Producer(s) Sonny Burke
Alternative cover
A-side label of US single
A-side label of US single
"My Way" is a song popularized in 1969 by Frank Sinatra set to the music of the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed by Jacques Revaux with lyrics by Gilles Thibaut and Claude François[1][2] and first performed in 1967 by Claude François. Its English lyrics were written by Paul Anka and are unrelated to the original French song.
The song was a success for a variety of performers including Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Sid Vicious. Sinatra's version of "My Way" spent 75 weeks in the UK Top 40, which is 3rd place all-time
Disclaimer: I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to this music. All rights belong to the owner. No copyright infringement intended.
Lyrics Source:
Wallpaper/Background Source: https://www.pexels.com
#MyWay #FrankSinatra #Timeless #MoozikStudio #kareoke #lyrics #soundtrack #lovesongs #musicvideo #ballad #music #Oldies
- published: 24 Feb 2023
- views: 134
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksən], Low German: Neddersassen) is a German state (Bundesland) situated in northwestern Germany and is second in a...
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksən], Low German: Neddersassen) is a German state (Bundesland) situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres (18,388 sq mi), and fourth in population (8 million) among the sixteen Länder of Germany. In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of East Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven. In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland. The state's principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Brunswick, Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg and Göttingen.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksən], Low German: Neddersassen) is a German state (Bundesland) situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres (18,388 sq mi), and fourth in population (8 million) among the sixteen Länder of Germany. In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of East Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven. In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland. The state's principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Brunswick, Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg and Göttingen.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 14 Aug 2014
- views: 612
Christian Schröder - Bara utav kärlek
Kompositör och textförfattare okända, men texten kan vara skriven av Karl-Ewert. Skivan spelades in den 28:e oktober 1919.
Kompositör och textförfattare okända, men texten kan vara skriven av Karl-Ewert. Skivan spelades in den 28:e oktober 1919.
Kompositör och textförfattare okända, men texten kan vara skriven av Karl-Ewert. Skivan spelades in den 28:e oktober 1919.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 139
Transatlantic Operative Wants NATO to Stop Putin
Hey guys, Mr Merz, the German 'opposition' leader, has said two curious things in the last days. Enjoy.
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Hey guys, Mr Merz, the German 'opposition' leader, has said two curious things in the last days. Enjoy.
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Hey guys, Mr Merz, the German 'opposition' leader, has said two curious things in the last days. Enjoy.
Support me on Patreon or SubscribeStar:
Subscribe to me on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/IlX73MrvSXhD/
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- published: 12 Mar 2022
- views: 3113
【ドイツ語講師 自己紹介】
Maxie Pickert(ピカット マキシー)
メルマガの友達限定で、YouTube非公開「ドイツ語アルファベット発音の動画」をプレゼント!ドイツ語アルファベット(ラテンアルファベット26文字、ウムラウトの付いた3文字/Ä・Ö・ Ü、エスツェット/ß)のアクセントとリズム感を楽しく覚えていきましょう。
【ドイツ語講師 自己紹介】
Maxie Pickert(ピカット マキシー)
メルマガの友達限定で、YouTube非公開「ドイツ語アルファベット発音の動画」をプレゼント!ドイツ語アルファベット(ラテンアルファベット26文字、ウムラウトの付いた3文字/Ä・Ö・ Ü、エスツェット/ß)のアクセントとリズム感を楽しく覚えていきましょう。
- published: 01 Sep 2018
- views: 608
Lower Saxony | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Lower Saxony
00:03:09 1 Geography
00:03:18 1.1 Location
00:05:26 1.2 Regions
00:05:34 1.2.1 General
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Lower Saxony
00:03:09 1 Geography
00:03:18 1.1 Location
00:05:26 1.2 Regions
00:05:34 1.2.1 General
00:06:08 1.2.2 List of regions
00:06:48 1.3 Climate
00:08:04 2 Administration
00:09:18 3 History
00:09:27 3.1 Regional history prior to foundation of Lower Saxony
00:10:03 3.1.1 Period to the Congress of Vienna (1814/1815)
00:13:03 3.1.2 To the end of the Second World War
00:16:41 3.1.3 Post–Second World War
00:21:30 3.2 History of Lower Saxony as a state
00:26:00 3.2.1 Administrative subdivisions
00:27:21 4 Demographics
00:27:44 4.1 Vital statistics
00:28:03 4.2 Religion
00:28:25 5 Economy
00:28:47 6 Politics
00:28:52 6.1 Constitution
00:30:53 6.2 Minister-President of Lower Saxony
00:34:12 7 Coat of arms
00:35:41 8 See also
00:38:10 9 References
00:38:38 10 External links
00:39:15 undefined
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
- Socrates
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksn̩]; Low German: Neddersassen; Dutch: Nedersaksen) is a German state (Land) situated in northwestern Germany. It is the second-largest state by land area, with 47,624 km2 (18,388 sq mi), and fourth-largest in population (7.9 million) among the 16 Länder federated as the Federal Republic of Germany. In rural areas, Northern Low Saxon (a dialect of Low German) and Saterland Frisian (a variety of the Frisian language) are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the state of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven. In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland. The state's principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Braunschweig (Brunswick), Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg, and Göttingen.
The northwestern area of Lower Saxony, which lies on the coast of the North Sea, is called East Frisia and the seven East Frisian Islands offshore are popular with tourists. In the extreme west of Lower Saxony is the Emsland, a traditionally poor and sparsely populated area, once dominated by inaccessible swamps. The northern half of Lower Saxony, also known as the North German Plains, is almost invariably flat except for the gentle hills around the Bremen geestland. Towards the south and southwest lie the northern parts of the German Central Uplands: the Weser Uplands and the Harz mountains. Between these two lie the Lower Saxon Hills, a range of low ridges. Thus, Lower Saxony is the only Bundesland that encompasses both maritime and mountainous areas.
Lower Saxony's major cities and economic centres are mainly situated in its central and southern parts, namely Hanover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter, Hildesheim, and Göttingen. Oldenburg, near the northwestern coastline, is another economic centre. The region in the northeast is called the Lüneburg Heath (Lüneburger Heide), the largest heathland area of Germany and in medieval times wealthy due to salt mining and salt trade, as well as to a lesser degree the exploitation of its peat bogs until about the 1960s. To the north, the Elbe River separates Lower Saxony from Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Brandenburg. The banks just south of the Elbe are known as Altes Land (Old Country). Due to its gentle local climate and fertile soil, it is the state's largest area of fruit farming, its chief produce being apples.
Most of the state's territory was part of the historic Kingdom of Hanover; the state of Lower Saxony has adopted the coat of arms and other symbols of the former kingdom. It was created by the merger of the State of Hanover with three smaller states on 1 November 1946.
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Lower Saxony
00:03:09 1 Geography
00:03:18 1.1 Location
00:05:26 1.2 Regions
00:05:34 1.2.1 General
00:06:08 1.2.2 List of regions
00:06:48 1.3 Climate
00:08:04 2 Administration
00:09:18 3 History
00:09:27 3.1 Regional history prior to foundation of Lower Saxony
00:10:03 3.1.1 Period to the Congress of Vienna (1814/1815)
00:13:03 3.1.2 To the end of the Second World War
00:16:41 3.1.3 Post–Second World War
00:21:30 3.2 History of Lower Saxony as a state
00:26:00 3.2.1 Administrative subdivisions
00:27:21 4 Demographics
00:27:44 4.1 Vital statistics
00:28:03 4.2 Religion
00:28:25 5 Economy
00:28:47 6 Politics
00:28:52 6.1 Constitution
00:30:53 6.2 Minister-President of Lower Saxony
00:34:12 7 Coat of arms
00:35:41 8 See also
00:38:10 9 References
00:38:38 10 External links
00:39:15 undefined
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
- Socrates
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen [ˈniːdɐzaksn̩]; Low German: Neddersassen; Dutch: Nedersaksen) is a German state (Land) situated in northwestern Germany. It is the second-largest state by land area, with 47,624 km2 (18,388 sq mi), and fourth-largest in population (7.9 million) among the 16 Länder federated as the Federal Republic of Germany. In rural areas, Northern Low Saxon (a dialect of Low German) and Saterland Frisian (a variety of the Frisian language) are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the state of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven. In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland. The state's principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Braunschweig (Brunswick), Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg, and Göttingen.
The northwestern area of Lower Saxony, which lies on the coast of the North Sea, is called East Frisia and the seven East Frisian Islands offshore are popular with tourists. In the extreme west of Lower Saxony is the Emsland, a traditionally poor and sparsely populated area, once dominated by inaccessible swamps. The northern half of Lower Saxony, also known as the North German Plains, is almost invariably flat except for the gentle hills around the Bremen geestland. Towards the south and southwest lie the northern parts of the German Central Uplands: the Weser Uplands and the Harz mountains. Between these two lie the Lower Saxon Hills, a range of low ridges. Thus, Lower Saxony is the only Bundesland that encompasses both maritime and mountainous areas.
Lower Saxony's major cities and economic centres are mainly situated in its central and southern parts, namely Hanover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter, Hildesheim, and Göttingen. Oldenburg, near the northwestern coastline, is another economic centre. The region in the northeast is called the Lüneburg Heath (Lüneburger Heide), the largest heathland area of Germany and in medieval times wealthy due to salt mining and salt trade, as well as to a lesser degree the exploitation of its peat bogs until about the 1960s. To the north, the Elbe River separates Lower Saxony from Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Brandenburg. The banks just south of the Elbe are known as Altes Land (Old Country). Due to its gentle local climate and fertile soil, it is the state's largest area of fruit farming, its chief produce being apples.
Most of the state's territory was part of the historic Kingdom of Hanover; the state of Lower Saxony has adopted the coat of arms and other symbols of the former kingdom. It was created by the merger of the State of Hanover with three smaller states on 1 November 1946.
- published: 07 Dec 2018
- views: 90
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony German: Niedersachsen ˈniːdɐzaksən, Low German: Neddersassen is a German state Bundesland situated in northwestern Germany and is seco...
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony German: Niedersachsen ˈniːdɐzaksən, Low German: Neddersassen is a German state Bundesland situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres 18,388sqmi, and fourth in population 8 million among the sixteen Länder of Germany In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining
Lower Saxony borders on from north and clockwise the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands Furthermore, the state of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland The states principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Braunschweig Brunswick, Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg and Göttingen
The northwestern area of Lower Slower saxony germany, lower saxony map germany, lower saxony port crossword, lower saxony state museum, lower saxony city, lower saxony flag Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony German: Niedersachsen ˈniːdɐzaksən, Low German: Neddersassen is a German state Bundesland situated in northwestern Germany and is second in area, with 47,624 square kilometres 18,388sqmi, and fourth in population 8 million among the sixteen Länder of Germany In rural areas Northern Low Saxon, a dialect of Low German, and Saterland Frisian, a variety of Frisian, are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining
Lower Saxony borders on from north and clockwise the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Netherlands Furthermore, the state of Bremen forms two enclaves within Lower Saxony, one being the city of Bremen, the other, its seaport city of Bremerhaven In fact, Lower Saxony borders more neighbours than any other single Bundesland The states principal cities include the state capital Hanover, Braunschweig Brunswick, Lüneburg, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hildesheim, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg and Göttingen
The northwestern area of Lower Slower saxony germany, lower saxony map germany, lower saxony port crossword, lower saxony state museum, lower saxony city, lower saxony flag Lower Saxony
- published: 19 Mar 2019
- views: 60