Lynne Stewart visits Churchill Trial

Human rights activist Lynn Steward marches with husband Ralph PointerDENVER- For local media wonks who may have lost sight of the national significance of the Churchill v CU trial, the Denver courtroom was visited last week by radical luminary Lynne Stewart, who traveled from New York in a show of solidarity with Churchill’s fight against a systemic quashing of dissent now reaching into US academia.

Lynne and her husband Ralph Poynter scheduled their Denver visit to coincide with Professor Churchill’s testimony and the anticipated end of the 3-week trial. But arriving Wednesday and leaving Friday, they missed both. We met the couple on Thursday, the day’s session which was cut short by the closings due to severe weather.

As the lawyer to accused terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, Stewart was convicted in 2005 of conspiracy and giving material aid to a terrorist. She was sentenced to 28 months in prison, but is free on bail while awaiting the outcome of an appeal.

Denver reporters missed Stewart’s visit in their seemingly predisposition to ignore the trial’s greater ramifications, except for the lip service they pay to the Right Winged media’s national obsession with Ward Churchill and their idea of blasphemy.

No matter how inflammatory Professor Churchill’s essay, the actions taken by CU to appease Colorado politicians, represent nothing less than the gagging of dissent. And in a university, where you’d hope all the voices would be dissenting. What good are fascist professors outside of PE and Machine shop? Is school any place for a humanities faculty member who is bigoted or conservative?

Personally, I resent idiocy over the airwaves, but in the schools it is just unforgivable.

The case has generated headlines across the country and spurred fiery debates about academic freedom versus academic integrity.

This is how the Boulder Daily Camera summarizes the Churchill case. While they admit to the trial’s notoriety, they frame the argument just as Churchill’s censors would approve. A false choice between freedom and integrity.

It’s not freedom versus integrity. It’s freedom and integrity versus the subjugation of both. While Professor Churchill and allies stand for freedom of speech, and integrity of character, the college is being shown, in league with the media, to represent neither.

38 thoughts on “Lynne Stewart visits Churchill Trial

  1. Yeah, anybody with an Arab name is a Terrorist.

    Just ask the Racist Troll.

    By the way, “Dan” it’s “ACCUSED” of terrorism.

    The Punk Bitches in the Bu’ush Regime accused anybody who doesn’t agree with their Terroristic Empire of “Terrorism”

    Because it’s an easy way to sell their agenda to Racist Cowards.

    I would have said “cowardly Racists” but that’s redundant.

    Are you EVER going to learn to think for yourself?

  2. What you gonna do, (get somebody else to)Arrest Me?(cause you’re to yellow to do it yourself)

    Your ex-Führer Cheney and your current Führer Netanyahu have a long record of doing that to people who oppose their Mighty Empire.

    That’s the reason Lynne Stewart was imprisoned on False Charges.

    It’s not the first time the American Gestapo has imprisoned or even murdered somebody for Talking Back to them.

    And your IDF SchutzStaffel does it routinely.

    And of course, LIES about it.

    Everybody the American Army and their IDF PUPPETS murdered in Iraq or Gaza or wherever is automatically a “convicted Terrorist”, too, Right, Punk?

    Pigs in Texas and Colorado arrested me on false charges and then beat me up while I was handcuffed for Talking Back to them.

    Not surprising that an IDF sponsored Troll would revel in stuff like that.

    “Back the Badge” right?

    Only every badge already HAS a coward pinned to the back of it.

  3. “By the way, “Dan” it’s “ACCUSED” of terrorism”

    Stewart has been convicted.

  4. On APPEAL, Pussy, on APPEAL.

    Your Chickenshit Führer and his Little Eichmanns in the Police and Judiciary convict anybody who gets dragged into their Kangaroo Courts.

    Just like every Baby your IDF Goon-Squad convicted of Terrorism after they were already dead.


  5. “Pigs in Texas and Colorado arrested me on false charges and then beat me up while I was handcuffed for Talking Back to them.”

    I’m shocked by this revelation. You seem so stable and polite.

  6. See, your War on Terror appeals to those paranoid personality types who are always seeing enemies in every corner, like McCarthy (with “a Red under every Bed”)

    or the Nazis
    or Likud.

    People who are dragged into their Tribunals are automatically convicted.

    The WaffenSchutzStaffel did the same thing in France (just picking one nation out of many) that the U.S. Army is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and your Puppet IDF goon squad is doing in Gaza.

    When anybody opposes their Occupation, doesn’t even have to be Armed Resistance, they kill him.

    If they can’t get to him directly they kill anybody in the area.

    And everybody they kill is automatically convicted of terrorism and every American or Likud Trigger-puller is automatically cleared of any wrongdoing, j

    Just Like The Gestapo And S.S. “investigation” cleared their Fellow Nazi PIGS of any wrongdoing.

    The American Police do the same thing when their PIG buddies torture, murder or merely imprison on false charges anybody who doesn’t grovel to their so-called “authority”, and there’s hardly any in the “independent” judiciary who wouldn’t back their coward asses up

    Not surprising that a ChickenHawk would think that “Well, the Cops said he’s guilty, so he must be guilty”

    Too bad your emotional and moral cowardice prevents you from questioning that attitude in any of your Nazi Kamaraden, but especially, in yourself.

  7. Hey talking back to you and your PIGS isn’t a crime.

    You wouldn’t know it to hear a coward like you tell it though.

    You’re the one backing up the “heroes” who kill Babies, punk, perhaps YOU are the one who’s unstable.

  8. “When anybody opposes their Occupation, doesn’t even have to be Armed Resistance, they kill him.”

    How many Chinese have the Tibetans killed?

  9. “You’re the one backing up the “heroes” who kill Babies, punk, perhaps YOU are the one who’s unstable.”

    Hamas kills Jewish babies. Difference is Hamas deliberately kills babies while Arab casualties are accidental during the course of war provoked by Hamas.

  10. Do the IDF share their torture videos with you as part of payment for your Unconditional Unquestioning support?

    IIRC, Your own New York Pigs murdered a man for trying to show them his ID papers, and your coward Mayor Giuliani and every Racist Punk in New York backed them up on it.

    Again, pigs acquitted of Murder by their Fellow Pigs and pussies like you accuse anybody who objects of being “crazy”

    Say, were YOU one of the Trigger-happy Pigs who did that?

    If you think it’s OK for somebody to be beaten up or killed for talking bad about your Pig heroes, why don’t you seek me out and see if YOU can do it?

    Aside from your personal cowardice, that is.

    I mean, you already believe that it’s Morally Right to do it…

  11. So what are you saying, ‘Dan’? That Israeli Jews have the right to kill Palestinians because you think that the Chinese are getting away with something?

    It’s like a sad pathetic country song with you people…

    ‘Why’s everybody always picking on us Jews?’

  12. “The American Police do the same thing when their PIG buddies torture, murder or merely imprison on false charges anybody who doesn’t grovel to their so-called “authority”, and there’s hardly any in the “independent” judiciary who wouldn’t back their coward asses up”

    The next time your life is in danger, try calling the ACLU for help, instead of the “pig cops”

    “Not surprising that a ChickenHawk would think that “Well, the Cops said he’s guilty, so he must be guilty”

    I accord presumption of innocence to anyone, however, based on your explosive behavior on this site, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that your arrest was justified.

  13. “It’s like a sad pathetic country song with you people…”

    You people? I’m an American citizen. I pay more in taxes each year than you make.

    ‘Why’s everybody always picking on us Jews?’

    Ignorance, hatred, internal demons, psychological problems, anti-Semitism.

  14. Somebody who gives the Israeli Pigs carte-blanche support for their crimes does the same thing for American Pigs, my my what a surprise.

    Seeing as how IDF is a Puppet of the American Regime.

    You don’t accord presumption of innocence to the people of Gaza who were murdered by your Thugs do you?

    You assumed also that I must have been guilty of something in order for your American Thug Pigs to commit the crimes of Perjury to cover their crime of Assault as well.

    You’re a Pig Loving coward.

    And a supporter of Murder and Torture.

    But somehow supporting Murder and Torture by the so-called ‘authorities’ is Sane, and Rational.

    Oh, and calling somebody names isn’t “explosive” behavior, stupid, it’s free speech.

    You don’t like it, you can “love it or leave it”.

    There’s plenty of dictatorships where Free Speech can be “legally” punished.

    Most of them supported by American Military.

    Israel for instance.

    Cowardly “little Eichmanns” like yourself who don’t dare question the so-called “authorities” are more than welcome in such a Police State.

    Probably why you hide out in New York.

  15. “Somebody who gives the Israeli Pigs carte-blanche support for their crimes does the same thing for American Pigs, my my what a surprise.”

    You say just because you had a run-in with the “pig cops”, it doesn’t mean you were guilty of anything. In almost the same breath, you make blanket accusations of the “IDF pigs” committing crimes without even arrests made. Why don’t you tell the vast uninformed audience of the IDF convictions of crimes in the World Court or even the Israeli courts?

  16. of course you presume innocence, that’s why you celebrate the Bu’ush Regime convicting Ms Stewart of “terrorism” for being a defense attorney and doing what a Defense Attorney is SUPPOSED to do.

    Presumed Innocence unless it would mean recognition of an actual right to a fair trial.

    Or if the Pigs beat somebody while he’s handcuffed, then he must have had it coming so No Presumption of Innocence for me.

    Did the “ax wielding militant” actually identify himself as Hamas or did the IDF Goon Squad identify him as such afterward?

    If an Israeli Jew commits murder, or any other crime, does it elevate his crime to Terrorism, or is it just Israeli Arabs who are accorded that honor?

    Do your lips ever get tired from sucking so much Government Ass?

    Incidentally, when the Pigs beat me up they made sure i was handcuffed first.

    Typical Pig Courage.

    The PEOPLE in New York who have been blatantly murdered by your own Local Gestapo, how many of them did you presume to be innocent?

    Once again with the Proto-Fascist Hysterical Reaction though.

    Four legs good, People killed by Cops baaaaaaaddd…

    Which by no coincidence is your attitude toward those murdered by the IDF.

    Weak, man, real weak…

  17. So, we’re to assume that any crime committed by a white man acting alone to be an organized attack by the KKK?

    Or a black man killing or robbing a black person, of course it has to be Terrorism too, right?

    Ordinarily an Axe isn’t ever used as a weapon, and for good reason.

    It’s really ineffective as a weapon.

    A kitchen knife would be superior to an axe.

    If the Palestinian Suspect, who was probably already dead when pronounced Guilty by the Israeli Press, (and you, of course) was actually a trained member of a militia he would have had something besides an axe.

    The Militia would have made sure of it.
    So your story smells kind of really bad just on the surface of it.

    In fact, the only usual times an axe is used as a weapon is in cases of self defense.

    What it sounds like, is that two Teenagers caught an Arab out alone and decided they were going to attack HIM.

    There WERE two of them actually struck with the axe, yes?

    How many others in their Gang?

    Of course, that’s just what it sounds like, and it would need further investigation…

    Not that you gave that same “benefit of the doubt” to the “convicted terrorist” who was convicted post mortem, or convicted by a Jewish jury.

    Kind of like the IDF Pigs who get acquitted are acquitted by their Fellow IDF pigs.

    And the New York Pigs who get automatically acquitted when they kill somebody are acquitted by their Fellow Pigs.

    Circular logic there, son, that’s what you’re providing.

    The Gestapo says the WaffenSchutzStaffel is innocent.

    Based of course on testimony from the WaffenSchutzStaffel.

    By the way if you ever get tired of having your actions and the actions of those you so indignantly defend being compared to what the Nazis did, the simple way to have that stop is to Convince Your Friends To Not Behave Like Nazis.

    That would go a lot farther in the direction of refuting what we say than merely posting IDF propaganda…


    …and whining about some perception you have of “persecution” of the fourth largest military in the world, backed trained and supplied by the Largest military in the world.

    Poor, helpless, Heavily Armed and Organized IDF.

    Trying to portray the IDF as the underdog is kind of…

    Weak, man, real weak…

  18. “of course you presume innocence, that’s why you celebrate the Bu’ush Regime convicting Ms Stewart of “terrorism” for being a defense attorney and doing what a Defense Attorney is SUPPOSED to do.”

    Stewart was convicted for crossing the line of advocating on behalf of her clients to advocating for their cause, in passing messages from her imprisoned terrorist client, convicted of bombing the World Trade Center, to a terrorist group in Egypt. She was convicted in a jury trial in which BOTH the prosecution and defense selected the jury.

    “Or if the Pigs beat somebody while he’s handcuffed, then he must have had it coming so No Presumption of Innocence for me.”

    You constantly referring to the police as “pigs” suggests, to me, at least, that you are a troublemaker looking for a run-in with the police. They merely obliged you.

    “Did the “ax wielding militant” actually identify himself as Hamas or did the IDF Goon Squad identify him as such afterward?”

    Islamic Jihad has taken credit for the attack.

    “Do your lips ever get tired from sucking so much Government Ass?”

    Do you ever get tired of diminishing yourself with such vulgar language?

  19. “Dan, you want Churchill kept fired for exercising his free speech, don’t you? ”

    I posted the exact opposite. Churchill should be allowed to exercise freedom of speech, however, reprehensible, and provided he doesn’t incite violence. The charges against him, however, involve allegations of plagiarism and other acts of compromised academic integrity. If found guilty of these charges, he should face the consequences.

    ” In Israel it’s free speech for Jews only. Others get shot down like dogs.”

    Everyone has the right of free speech in Israel, as well as all other freedoms. Arabs, ironically, have infinitely greater freedom in Israel than they do in any Arab nation. In fact, during the Gaza war, Israeli Arabs were protesting carrying signs that read, “Death To Jews” That might even represent a greater level of freedom of speech than iexists in the US.

    Rachel Corrie should have known better than to stand in front of a bulldozer.

  20. Lynne Stewart believes that every person is entitled to legal representation, regardless of their religious beliefs. How fitting that Stewart’s chief antagonists have been the Jewish Defense League, in many countries itself considered to be a terrorist organization.

  21. Dan, you snake! Firing Ward Churchill is EXACTLY what you are for though you hide behind the words ‘plagiarism’ with your scoundrel’s attack on Free Speech.

    Death to You, Machine Dude, and all you stand for!

  22. “Dan, you snake! Firing Ward Churchill is EXACTLY what you are for though you hide behind the words ‘plagiarism’ with your scoundrel’s attack on Free Speech.

    Death to You, Machine Dude, and all you stand for!”

    Churchill’s employer, the Univ. of Colorado, not me, has leveled the charges of impropriety against Churchill. The Committee on Research Misconduct concluded that Churchill had committed multiple counts of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification. Churchill was fired for academic misconduct in an eight to one vote by the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents. That’s not me, dude.

  23. Now I know it’s not you, bud, since you’re in NYC munching on your taco. How could I have been so confused? After all, you’re an innocent young man. And thanks for your pedantic explanation about what the trial is about per the Hannity-IDF crowd.

    Please continue to share your infinite wisdom with us here in CS.

  24. Yeah, Dan, when you said you give everybody the benefit of the doubt, you lied.

    Because nearly every one of your posts has been to the effect that if the Police or IDF declare somebody to be Guilty, you’ll take sides with your Gestapo buddies.

    And you expect to be taken seriously and treated as an honest man even though you based your entire long Hate ranting and raving on a Lie.

    Back to the Axe wielding “terrorist”… how many of the Israeli youths attacked the man?

    Because it’s the Israeli Pigs who declared the man guilty.

    There were obviously more of the Israeli youths than there was of him.

    Were YOU in that gang, Dan?

    Your comments have been a mirror of those made by the 30 people sharing one IP address.

    Parrots repeating what’s said by other parrots.

    A see you’ve been posting almost steadily for 15 hours.

    Yet you claimthat you’re only one person.

    and that you can spend 15 hours arguing with people you’ve never met over opinions you claim make no difference to you…

    after 4 hours of sleep.

    That claim doesn’t ring very true, Dan.

    Also that you can devote ALL your waking hours to doing this.

    Yet somehow, without having an actual, oh, what’s that thing called, you know, when people Work in order to get Money so they can Eat and afford to rent an Apartment in New York City. oh… yeah, a JOB… you can afford to do all these things.

    and have internet access as well.

    Either you’re some sort of superhuman freak or …

    …you’re LYING…


    See, Dan, this way I have of analyzing my environment, you call it “crazy” but you know what the Air Force called it?

    They called it (and my emotional balance, which you also have a low opinion thereof) Ideal for the job of Security Police.

    I declined.

    But the Air Force wanted me to be a Cop.

    Based on those mental characteristics you think of as crazy.

    I’m glad, though, Dan, that you choose to answer with all your evasiveness, all your attacks and smears, because the more you Lie the more obvious your Lies become.

    Incidentally, when we asked you to prove how your comrades in the Megaphone could accomplish a physical impossiblity.

    That of accessing the internet through one computer without actually knowing each other.

    IP masquerading and IP forwarding would resolve that.

    But you said that was gibberish and Paranoia.

    Oh, and Dan, Ward Churchill was fired for making controversial statements, under the order of former Governor Bill Owens, and they’ve somehow gotten away with it through the Collaboration of “good” citizens like YOU, who believe everything your Pig Overlords tell you.

    Add “intellectual cowardice” to the list of your attributes.

    You’re too ChickenShit to question what your masters tell you.

    And it’s good little followers like yourself and including yourself who enable your Overlords to invade countries which don’t belong to you, kill the people who resist, and fire college professors for telling the Truth.

    Your collaboration, Dan, makes you every bit as much an accomplice to the firing and smearing of Ward Churchill as you are an accomplice of the IDF Babykillers.

    You stated that you feel it’s OK for any level of punishment including beatings for making such statements to or about your Pig Overlords.

    Yet you decline to do anything yourself.

    Other than stand behind Your Troops.

    …stand as far behind them as you possibly can.

    By stating that you’re an American you bring shame to ALL Americans with your cowardice.

    You owe us all an apology for that.

  25. A little buzzer just went off in the office of ‘Dan’, the little choir boy! Time to post again more Right Wing crap on Not My Tribe!

  26. And yes, the ‘University’ will appeal. The American Right Wing has just too much riding on this one.

  27. It’s going to be hard for the university to spend more millions to appeal Churchill’s award of one dollar. Plus, what evidence will CU bring to a next fight? The more witnesses had this time, the worse they looked.

  28. Well I wasn’t there in the court like you were, Eric, but money will not alone stop the Governor here IMO. The jury did more or less seem to rule that the charge that Churchill fabricated data itself was a fabrication by the University. A victory!

    But that $1 award shows the fear in the air still. The jury more or less decided to protect itself from being skewered by the Right Wing press with awarding only this amount. Now they can defend themselves that even though they ruled in favor of Churchill, that they didn’t like him at all and were not really on his side, thus protecting themselves from becoming new targets and victims of the Right Wing neo-McCarthyism in the air these days. Thus their rejection of the University’s methods was quite muted.

  29. You apparently didn’t see the jury. I can’t imagine that they were worried about Right Wing neo-McCarthyism. Free pizza, maybe.

  30. So with the award “only” of $1, there’s still the reinstatement of him to staff at his former tenure.

    That would be the hardest hit for the University.

    The ones who fabricated the charges in the first place committed perjury, which is a Felony.

    His civil victory might not be absolute proof but it’s enough evidence to press formal charges.

    Not that they would sweat that, the government doesn’t usually cannibalize itself… at least not intentionally.

    So the victory is more than symbolic, and so is the continued danger.

    I bet Douche LimpDog is screaming about it right now.

    There’s not enough Tabasco sauce or ketchup in the world to make that little ol’ crow go down easy.

  31. You’re right, I am no clairvoyant and I wasn’t at the trial, Marie. It is just conjecture on my part.

    The University and Colorado’s Right Wing ‘Think (No Thought?) Tanks’ might well decide to just cut their losses and try to fire Churchill again in some other way? Care to conjecture?

  32. “The ones who fabricated the charges in the first place committed perjury, which is a Felony”

    The jury found Churchill was dismissed unfairly. Churchill has not been absolved of the charges of academic impropriety involving plagiarism and other serious infractions, and the $1 award reflects the jury’s sentiments about him. The decision about being reinstated is in the hands of the judge, however, Churchill is shown by his peers to have exhibited a record of poor scholarship.

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