Simple Future with Will – Grammar & Verb Tenses
Learn when to use the simple future verb tense with "will" in this Ellii grammar video! We will also teach you contracted forms that are very common when speaking in English. This video includes a practice exercise at the end. Happy studying!
#LearnEnglish #English #Ellii #Grammar #Verbs #Future #FutureTense
published: 14 Sep 2020
ALL English Future Tenses Explained in 12 Minutes [including GOING TO]
Learn all about English future tenses in 12 minutes: how and when to use them, and the differences between the different future tenses. In this video, we're going to discuss the following future tenses in English: the future simple (will), the future continuous, the future perfect, the future perfect continuous, the phrase ‘going to’, and when to use the present continuous and the present simple to talk about the future.
We will also look at the differences between the future tenses and structures, to make sure you're not mixing them up.
⭐️ Join my English Grammar Membership to get access to more than 100 video lessons and practice exercises, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from your teacher, monthly challenges and special events. Learn to speak and write in Engl...
published: 23 May 2022
Learn the FUTURE TENSE in 4 minutes 📚 | Learn with examples
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Time stamps:
0:00 - Future simple
1:20 - Future perfect
2:02 - Future continuous
2:48 - Future perfect continuous
published: 10 Jul 2020
Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammar #tenses
Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammer #tenses
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simple future tense
future continuous tense
future simple tense
past tense
english tenses
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future tense sentence
verb tense sentence
future indefinite tense
simple future tense sentences
future continuous tense sentences
future tense in a sentence
future perfect continuous tense
future indefinite tense affirmative sentence
simple future tense examples
future tenses in english grammar
published: 01 Feb 2023
Future Tense in Spoken English | Future Tense in Detail | Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect con.
Future Tense in Spoken English Future Tense in full Detail Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect Contiguous | Tense in English Grammar with Examples Tense in Detail All Tense | All Tenses with Examples | Present tense Past tense Future tense | Tense in English | Tenses
Present Tense
Past Tense
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एक Sentence से 8 नये Sentences बनाना सीखे | Learn How to Make Sentences
published: 19 Dec 2022
Simple Future Tense: Fungsi, Rumus dan Contoh - Kampung Inggris LC
Yuk lanjut lagi belajar tenses guys. Pada TEATU kali ini ada Mr Diaz yang akan menjelaskan tentang simple future tense secara lengkap mulai dai fungsi, rumus dan contohnya.
Selamat belajar !!!!
oh ya buat kamu yang masih bingung mau Kursus Bahasa Inggris dimana?
langsung aja DAFTAR dan GABUNG SEKARANG juga dengan Kampung Inggris LC, bersama ratusan teman baru bahkan keluarga baru dari berbagai daerah di indonesia.
CARANYA GAMPANG banget kog langsung aja klik link http://bit.ly/infopaketkursuslc atau kalau kamu masih bingung bisa tanya tanya dulu via WA di 0858 8888 1117 / 0852 3111 1117 atau bisa langsung klik link ini kamu akan langsung terhubung dengan chat WA CS http://bit.ly/tanyacsLC
published: 14 May 2018
Simple Future Tense | Spoken English Through Tamil | Learn English | Negative Sentence |Easy English
#howtospeakenglish #englishpesaaasaya
#learning #english #easyenglish #tamilenglish #englishtotamil #tamiltoenglish
#simplepast #tense #grammar #easyenglish #howtospeakenglish #learning #tamilenglish
Simple Future Tense | Spoken English Through Tamil | Learn English | Positive Sentence |Easy English |
How to make positive sentence in future tense,
simple future tense active and passive voice,
simple future tense active and passive voice examples,
simple future tense in tamil,
simple future tense conversation,simple future tense wh questions examples, feature Tense, tenses, english grammar, grammar, english, learn english, learn english grammar, learn english through tamil, future tense, simple future tense in tamil, future tense in tamil, future tenses in english gramma...
published: 01 Dec 2022
สรุป Future Tenses เข้าใจง่าย
กดสมัครเป็นสมาชิกเพื่อรับเนื้อหาภาษาอังกฤษแบบ V.I.P ที่
published: 15 Sep 2023
Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
TENSE FOR SSC CGL EXAMS | VOCAB याद करने का अचुक तरीका | CAREER++ |
Hello दोस्तों, इस video में, मैं VOCABULARY के Imp word को लेकर आया हुँ। जो आपको किसी भी exam में काफी मदद करेंगे। अगर आप इस video को पूरा देख लेंगे तो आपको अनुभव होगा कि vocab याद करने की नहीं, बल्कि समझने की जरूरत है। Pankaj sir आपको ENGLISH मे हर तरह के PROBLEM को solve करेंगे।
और vocab के इस session मे आपका कैसा अनुभव रहा, अपनी बात comment में जरूर बताएं।
A premiere institute ( for SSC, BANKING, RAILWAY and other exams) in DEOGHAR,
#career++ Careerplusplus CAREER++
Institute- CAREER++, careerplusplus
English Teacher :- PANKAJ S...
published: 08 Dec 2024
Learn English Tenses: 4 ways to talk about the FUTURE
How many ways do you know to talk about the future in English? In this video, I will teach you four easy ways to talk about the future: will, going to, the present continuous, and the simple present. I will compare when and how we use these grammatical tenses to talk about the future. After you watch this lesson, quiz yourself to practice and make sure you get it. I know that you will do well.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, I'm going to teach you the four futures. Okay? A lot of you know two futures, I think. A lot of you probably know "will" and "going to". I'm going to teach you two more futures today, and teach you how they're different from one another. Okay?
So let's get started with the pres...
published: 05 Dec 2015
Simple Future with Will – Grammar & Verb Tenses
Learn when to use the simple future verb tense with "will" in this Ellii grammar video! We will also teach you contracted forms that are very common when speaki...
Learn when to use the simple future verb tense with "will" in this Ellii grammar video! We will also teach you contracted forms that are very common when speaking in English. This video includes a practice exercise at the end. Happy studying!
#LearnEnglish #English #Ellii #Grammar #Verbs #Future #FutureTense
Learn when to use the simple future verb tense with "will" in this Ellii grammar video! We will also teach you contracted forms that are very common when speaking in English. This video includes a practice exercise at the end. Happy studying!
#LearnEnglish #English #Ellii #Grammar #Verbs #Future #FutureTense
- published: 14 Sep 2020
- views: 673237
ALL English Future Tenses Explained in 12 Minutes [including GOING TO]
Learn all about English future tenses in 12 minutes: how and when to use them, and the differences between the different future tenses. In this video, we're goi...
Learn all about English future tenses in 12 minutes: how and when to use them, and the differences between the different future tenses. In this video, we're going to discuss the following future tenses in English: the future simple (will), the future continuous, the future perfect, the future perfect continuous, the phrase ‘going to’, and when to use the present continuous and the present simple to talk about the future.
We will also look at the differences between the future tenses and structures, to make sure you're not mixing them up.
⭐️ Join my English Grammar Membership to get access to more than 100 video lessons and practice exercises, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from your teacher, monthly challenges and special events. Learn to speak and write in English without mistakes. Find out more: https://englishwithaga.com/english-grammar-membership/
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🎥 Other videos you may be interested in:
- SHALL, WILL and CAN: what's the difference? https://youtu.be/Ens2jrj1FoE?si=kTVgFXch3XIizY3u
➡️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.aga/
Here's a quick look at what each of the English future tenses looks like. To learn how to use them, watch the video :)
*Future simple:*
I will help you with your homework.
To ask a question, invert ‘will’ and the subject:
Will you help me with my homework?
To make it into a negative sentence, add ‘not’ after ‘will’. For short, you can use ‘won’t’.
I will not help you = I won’t help you.
*Future continuous:*
I will be working in my garden between 8 and 10 tomorrow morning.
So, it's 'will be' + verb + ing
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
Will you be working in your garden between 8 and 10 this morning?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not be working. (you can also shorten ‘will not’ to ‘won’t)
*Future perfect:*
I will have planted my flowers by the time it's 7.
So, you need 'will have' and the past participle form (third form). 'Planted' is the past participle form of the verb 'to plant' (it's a regular verb).
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
Will you have finished by 7?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not have planted my flowers by the time it's 7.
*Future perfect continuous:*
By the time it's 7pm, I will have been working in my garden for hours.
You need 'will have' + 'been' + verb + ing
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
How long will you have been working in your garden by the time it's 7pm?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not have been working long by the time it's 7.
*Going to:*
I'm going to ask my friend to help me with the gardening.
To ask a question, invert 'to be' and the subject:
Are you going to help me with the gardening?
To make it into a negative sentence, say:
I'm not going to help you.
*Present continuous to talk about the future:*
I'm meeting my friend at the train station tomorrow morning.
*Present simple to talk about the future:*
My friend's train arrives at 10.
⭐️ Join my English Grammar Membership to get access to more than 100 video lessons and practice exercises, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from your teacher, monthly challenges and special events. Learn to speak and write in English without mistakes. Find out more: https://englishwithaga.com/english-grammar-membership/
📚 Get a free English grammar booklet: https://5minutelanguage.ck.page/grammar-booklet
📚 All English courses: https://englishwithaga.com/english-courses/
➡️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.aga/
Learn all about English future tenses in 12 minutes: how and when to use them, and the differences between the different future tenses. In this video, we're going to discuss the following future tenses in English: the future simple (will), the future continuous, the future perfect, the future perfect continuous, the phrase ‘going to’, and when to use the present continuous and the present simple to talk about the future.
We will also look at the differences between the future tenses and structures, to make sure you're not mixing them up.
⭐️ Join my English Grammar Membership to get access to more than 100 video lessons and practice exercises, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from your teacher, monthly challenges and special events. Learn to speak and write in English without mistakes. Find out more: https://englishwithaga.com/english-grammar-membership/
📚 Get a free English grammar booklet: https://5minutelanguage.ck.page/grammar-booklet
💬 Master English pronunciation in 30 days: https://englishwithaga.com/english-pronunciation-in-30-days/
📚 All English courses: https://englishwithaga.com/english-courses/
🎥 Other videos you may be interested in:
- SHALL, WILL and CAN: what's the difference? https://youtu.be/Ens2jrj1FoE?si=kTVgFXch3XIizY3u
➡️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.aga/
Here's a quick look at what each of the English future tenses looks like. To learn how to use them, watch the video :)
*Future simple:*
I will help you with your homework.
To ask a question, invert ‘will’ and the subject:
Will you help me with my homework?
To make it into a negative sentence, add ‘not’ after ‘will’. For short, you can use ‘won’t’.
I will not help you = I won’t help you.
*Future continuous:*
I will be working in my garden between 8 and 10 tomorrow morning.
So, it's 'will be' + verb + ing
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
Will you be working in your garden between 8 and 10 this morning?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not be working. (you can also shorten ‘will not’ to ‘won’t)
*Future perfect:*
I will have planted my flowers by the time it's 7.
So, you need 'will have' and the past participle form (third form). 'Planted' is the past participle form of the verb 'to plant' (it's a regular verb).
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
Will you have finished by 7?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not have planted my flowers by the time it's 7.
*Future perfect continuous:*
By the time it's 7pm, I will have been working in my garden for hours.
You need 'will have' + 'been' + verb + ing
To ask a question, invert 'will' and the subject:
How long will you have been working in your garden by the time it's 7pm?
To make it negative, add 'not' after 'will':
I will not have been working long by the time it's 7.
*Going to:*
I'm going to ask my friend to help me with the gardening.
To ask a question, invert 'to be' and the subject:
Are you going to help me with the gardening?
To make it into a negative sentence, say:
I'm not going to help you.
*Present continuous to talk about the future:*
I'm meeting my friend at the train station tomorrow morning.
*Present simple to talk about the future:*
My friend's train arrives at 10.
⭐️ Join my English Grammar Membership to get access to more than 100 video lessons and practice exercises, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from your teacher, monthly challenges and special events. Learn to speak and write in English without mistakes. Find out more: https://englishwithaga.com/english-grammar-membership/
📚 Get a free English grammar booklet: https://5minutelanguage.ck.page/grammar-booklet
📚 All English courses: https://englishwithaga.com/english-courses/
➡️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.aga/
- published: 23 May 2022
- views: 129037
Learn the FUTURE TENSE in 4 minutes 📚 | Learn with examples
We hope you enjoyed this video! If you have any questions please ask in the comments.
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Time stamps:
0:00 - Future simple
1:20 - Future perfect
2:02 - Future continuous
2:48 - Future perfect continuous
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Time stamps:
0:00 - Future simple
1:20 - Future perfect
2:02 - Future continuous
2:48 - Future perfect continuous
- published: 10 Jul 2020
- views: 644604
Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammar #tenses
Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammer #tenses
future tense
simple future tense
future continuous tense
future simple tense
past ...
Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammer #tenses
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Future Tense Sentences You Must Know #english #englishgrammer #tenses
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future indefinite tense
simple future tense sentences
future continuous tense sentences
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future perfect continuous tense
future indefinite tense affirmative sentence
simple future tense examples
future tenses in english grammar
- published: 01 Feb 2023
- views: 347255
Future Tense in Spoken English | Future Tense in Detail | Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect con.
Future Tense in Spoken English Future Tense in full Detail Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect Contiguous | Tense in English Grammar with Examples Tense in De...
Future Tense in Spoken English Future Tense in full Detail Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect Contiguous | Tense in English Grammar with Examples Tense in Detail All Tense | All Tenses with Examples | Present tense Past tense Future tense | Tense in English | Tenses
Present Tense
Past Tense
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एक Sentence से 8 नये Sentences बनाना सीखे | Learn How to Make Sentences
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Yes/No Questions को Shortcut Trick से कैसे Answer करे | Best Techniques to Answer Yes/No Question
Is Grammar Really Necessary ? | Learn English Grammar
How to ask questions | Questions Practice | Tense Modals Questions | English Questions in detail
सारे Helping Verbs एक ही Video Lesson में | Helping Verbs & Modal Verbs in English Grammar
All Tenses in Detail | Tense in English Grammar with Examples | Present Past & Future Tense
Hind to English Translation Rapid Fire | इस तरह से करे Practice | Spoken English Practice Session
Important Phrases In English | Whoever Whosoever Whatever Whatsoever Whenever Wheresoever Whomever
How to Practice English at Home | English Speaking Practice Tips Guidance & Techniques by Ajay Sir
Story Telling in Spoken English | Story Telling से English सीखने की Trick | English Speaking Course
Uses of There | सीखे There के Sentences इस Tip से | English Sentences | Day 2 Special Techniques
How to Practice Tense To be To have & Modals | How to Complete Basic English | इस तरह करे Practice
Day -1 | Saturday Sunday Spoken English Course | Basic To Advance Spoken English Course By Ajay Sir
Day - 2 | Saturday Sunday Spoken English Course | Basic To Advance Spoken English Course By Ajay Sir
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Future Tense in Spoken English Future Tense in full Detail Simple Continuous Perfect & Perfect Contiguous | Tense in English Grammar with Examples Tense in Detail All Tense | All Tenses with Examples | Present tense Past tense Future tense | Tense in English | Tenses
Present Tense
Past Tense
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एक Sentence से 8 नये Sentences बनाना सीखे | Learn How to Make Sentences
इन 3 Tips से अभी English बोलने की शुरुआत करे | How to Speak English Confidently | Tips by Ajay Sir
Yes/No Questions को Shortcut Trick से कैसे Answer करे | Best Techniques to Answer Yes/No Question
Is Grammar Really Necessary ? | Learn English Grammar
How to ask questions | Questions Practice | Tense Modals Questions | English Questions in detail
सारे Helping Verbs एक ही Video Lesson में | Helping Verbs & Modal Verbs in English Grammar
All Tenses in Detail | Tense in English Grammar with Examples | Present Past & Future Tense
Hind to English Translation Rapid Fire | इस तरह से करे Practice | Spoken English Practice Session
Important Phrases In English | Whoever Whosoever Whatever Whatsoever Whenever Wheresoever Whomever
How to Practice English at Home | English Speaking Practice Tips Guidance & Techniques by Ajay Sir
Story Telling in Spoken English | Story Telling से English सीखने की Trick | English Speaking Course
Uses of There | सीखे There के Sentences इस Tip से | English Sentences | Day 2 Special Techniques
How to Practice Tense To be To have & Modals | How to Complete Basic English | इस तरह करे Practice
Day -1 | Saturday Sunday Spoken English Course | Basic To Advance Spoken English Course By Ajay Sir
Day - 2 | Saturday Sunday Spoken English Course | Basic To Advance Spoken English Course By Ajay Sir
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- published: 19 Dec 2022
- views: 523118
Simple Future Tense: Fungsi, Rumus dan Contoh - Kampung Inggris LC
Yuk lanjut lagi belajar tenses guys. Pada TEATU kali ini ada Mr Diaz yang akan menjelaskan tentang simple future tense secara lengkap mulai dai fungsi, rumus da...
Yuk lanjut lagi belajar tenses guys. Pada TEATU kali ini ada Mr Diaz yang akan menjelaskan tentang simple future tense secara lengkap mulai dai fungsi, rumus dan contohnya.
Selamat belajar !!!!
oh ya buat kamu yang masih bingung mau Kursus Bahasa Inggris dimana?
langsung aja DAFTAR dan GABUNG SEKARANG juga dengan Kampung Inggris LC, bersama ratusan teman baru bahkan keluarga baru dari berbagai daerah di indonesia.
CARANYA GAMPANG banget kog langsung aja klik link http://bit.ly/infopaketkursuslc atau kalau kamu masih bingung bisa tanya tanya dulu via WA di 0858 8888 1117 / 0852 3111 1117 atau bisa langsung klik link ini kamu akan langsung terhubung dengan chat WA CS http://bit.ly/tanyacsLC
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Yuk lanjut lagi belajar tenses guys. Pada TEATU kali ini ada Mr Diaz yang akan menjelaskan tentang simple future tense secara lengkap mulai dai fungsi, rumus dan contohnya.
Selamat belajar !!!!
oh ya buat kamu yang masih bingung mau Kursus Bahasa Inggris dimana?
langsung aja DAFTAR dan GABUNG SEKARANG juga dengan Kampung Inggris LC, bersama ratusan teman baru bahkan keluarga baru dari berbagai daerah di indonesia.
CARANYA GAMPANG banget kog langsung aja klik link http://bit.ly/infopaketkursuslc atau kalau kamu masih bingung bisa tanya tanya dulu via WA di 0858 8888 1117 / 0852 3111 1117 atau bisa langsung klik link ini kamu akan langsung terhubung dengan chat WA CS http://bit.ly/tanyacsLC
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- published: 14 May 2018
- views: 393525
Simple Future Tense | Spoken English Through Tamil | Learn English | Negative Sentence |Easy English
#howtospeakenglish #englishpesaaasaya
#learning #english #easyenglish #tamilenglish #englishtotamil #tamiltoenglish
#simplepast #tense #grammar ...
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Simple Future Tense | Spoken English Through Tamil | Learn English | Positive Sentence |Easy English |
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Simple Future Tense | Spoken English Through Tamil | Learn English | Positive Sentence |Easy English |
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- published: 01 Dec 2022
- views: 139055
สรุป Future Tenses เข้าใจง่าย
กดสมัครเป็นสมาชิกเพื่อรับเนื้อหาภาษาอังกฤษแบบ V.I.P ที่
กดสมัครเป็นสมาชิกเพื่อรับเนื้อหาภาษาอังกฤษแบบ V.I.P ที่
กดสมัครเป็นสมาชิกเพื่อรับเนื้อหาภาษาอังกฤษแบบ V.I.P ที่
- published: 15 Sep 2023
- views: 26571
Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
TENSE FOR SSC CGL EXAMS | VOCAB याद करने का अचुक तरीका | CARE...
Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
TENSE FOR SSC CGL EXAMS | VOCAB याद करने का अचुक तरीका | CAREER++ |
Hello दोस्तों, इस video में, मैं VOCABULARY के Imp word को लेकर आया हुँ। जो आपको किसी भी exam में काफी मदद करेंगे। अगर आप इस video को पूरा देख लेंगे तो आपको अनुभव होगा कि vocab याद करने की नहीं, बल्कि समझने की जरूरत है। Pankaj sir आपको ENGLISH मे हर तरह के PROBLEM को solve करेंगे।
और vocab के इस session मे आपका कैसा अनुभव रहा, अपनी बात comment में जरूर बताएं।
A premiere institute ( for SSC, BANKING, RAILWAY and other exams) in DEOGHAR,
#career++ Careerplusplus CAREER++
Institute- CAREER++, careerplusplus
English Teacher :- PANKAJ SIR
Adds-1. Parmeshwar Dayal Road, Barmasia , Deoghar(jharkhand)
Mobile no.:-7739061071, 7260094797
*********************************other video link********************************
INSTALLMENT CI VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/en8A6ZQlcns
INSTALLMENT SI VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/en8A6ZQlcns
CIRCULAR MOTION VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/r_DO6dT1Ha8
TIME AND WORK (part -1):- https://youtu.be/LjOhw0RUyvU
TIME AND WORK (part -2):- https://youtu.be/bDLUDvNJeIQ
TIME AND WORK (part -3):- https://youtu.be/cBOyoTeTX4k
TIME & DISTANCE (part -1):- https://youtu.be/CkerGXc9fSo
TIME & DISTANCE (part -2):- https://youtu.be/4GOzJfZMNzI
TIME & DISTANCE (part -3):- https://youtu.be/i3J4-GIxrQI
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -1) :- https://youtu.be/k0dMXIr6zT8
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -2) :- https://youtu.be/dgkWZH14SEk
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -3) :- https://youtu.be/9nT2TebiGsg
MULTIPLICATION TRICKS:- https://youtu.be/3sIJcYpO0cc
QUADRATRIC EQUATION:- https://youtu.be/lEM1N4VdG10
#ssccgl2024 , #CGL , #CHSL ,
#mathstricksforfastcalculations, #CAREER++
#vocabulary #vocabularybuilder #tense #ssc_vocabulary #ssc_vocab #vocabulary_by_prashant_sir #prashant_solanki_english #prashant_sir #prashantsir #english #ssccgl2024 #ssc #ssccgl #ssccglenglish #ssccglvocab #ssccglvocabulary
#2023sscenglishsyllabus #2023sscenglishshortsyllabus #2023sscexamnews #englishsscmts2023 ##tenses #tensechart #tenseinenglish #tenseinenglishgrammar #tenseinhindi #tensetable #englishwithchintu #chintusir #englishgrammar #basicenglishgrammarshgrammar
#2023sscenglishpapersolution #importantvocabforssccgl #importantvocabforssccgl #2023vocabulary 2023 #vocabssc #sscenglishspecial
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tense chart, tense, tense chart in english, tenses, tense chart in odia, tense chart in hindi, present perfect tense, tense in english grammar, tenses in english, tense ka chart, past tense, present tense, english tenses, tenses in english grammar with examples, all tenses, tense in hindi, english tenses in hindi, tense chart with examples, tense chart in english grammar, present past and future tense, english tense table in hindi, all tenses of english grammar, टेंस
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Tenses in English Grammar with Examples | Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses | career++ |
TENSE FOR SSC CGL EXAMS | VOCAB याद करने का अचुक तरीका | CAREER++ |
Hello दोस्तों, इस video में, मैं VOCABULARY के Imp word को लेकर आया हुँ। जो आपको किसी भी exam में काफी मदद करेंगे। अगर आप इस video को पूरा देख लेंगे तो आपको अनुभव होगा कि vocab याद करने की नहीं, बल्कि समझने की जरूरत है। Pankaj sir आपको ENGLISH मे हर तरह के PROBLEM को solve करेंगे।
और vocab के इस session मे आपका कैसा अनुभव रहा, अपनी बात comment में जरूर बताएं।
A premiere institute ( for SSC, BANKING, RAILWAY and other exams) in DEOGHAR,
#career++ Careerplusplus CAREER++
Institute- CAREER++, careerplusplus
English Teacher :- PANKAJ SIR
Adds-1. Parmeshwar Dayal Road, Barmasia , Deoghar(jharkhand)
Mobile no.:-7739061071, 7260094797
*********************************other video link********************************
INSTALLMENT CI VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/en8A6ZQlcns
INSTALLMENT SI VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/en8A6ZQlcns
CIRCULAR MOTION VIDEO:- https://youtu.be/r_DO6dT1Ha8
TIME AND WORK (part -1):- https://youtu.be/LjOhw0RUyvU
TIME AND WORK (part -2):- https://youtu.be/bDLUDvNJeIQ
TIME AND WORK (part -3):- https://youtu.be/cBOyoTeTX4k
TIME & DISTANCE (part -1):- https://youtu.be/CkerGXc9fSo
TIME & DISTANCE (part -2):- https://youtu.be/4GOzJfZMNzI
TIME & DISTANCE (part -3):- https://youtu.be/i3J4-GIxrQI
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -1) :- https://youtu.be/k0dMXIr6zT8
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -2) :- https://youtu.be/dgkWZH14SEk
NUMBER SYSTEM (part -3) :- https://youtu.be/9nT2TebiGsg
MULTIPLICATION TRICKS:- https://youtu.be/3sIJcYpO0cc
QUADRATRIC EQUATION:- https://youtu.be/lEM1N4VdG10
#ssccgl2024 , #CGL , #CHSL ,
#mathstricksforfastcalculations, #CAREER++
#vocabulary #vocabularybuilder #tense #ssc_vocabulary #ssc_vocab #vocabulary_by_prashant_sir #prashant_solanki_english #prashant_sir #prashantsir #english #ssccgl2024 #ssc #ssccgl #ssccglenglish #ssccglvocab #ssccglvocabulary
#2023sscenglishsyllabus #2023sscenglishshortsyllabus #2023sscexamnews #englishsscmts2023 ##tenses #tensechart #tenseinenglish #tenseinenglishgrammar #tenseinhindi #tensetable #englishwithchintu #chintusir #englishgrammar #basicenglishgrammarshgrammar
#2023sscenglishpapersolution #importantvocabforssccgl #importantvocabforssccgl #2023vocabulary 2023 #vocabssc #sscenglishspecial
More about this video
tense chart, tense, tense chart in english, tenses, tense chart in odia, tense chart in hindi, present perfect tense, tense in english grammar, tenses in english, tense ka chart, past tense, present tense, english tenses, tenses in english grammar with examples, all tenses, tense in hindi, english tenses in hindi, tense chart with examples, tense chart in english grammar, present past and future tense, english tense table in hindi, all tenses of english grammar, टेंस
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- published: 08 Dec 2024
- views: 270
Learn English Tenses: 4 ways to talk about the FUTURE
How many ways do you know to talk about the future in English? In this video, I will teach you four easy ways to talk about the future: will, going to, the pres...
How many ways do you know to talk about the future in English? In this video, I will teach you four easy ways to talk about the future: will, going to, the present continuous, and the simple present. I will compare when and how we use these grammatical tenses to talk about the future. After you watch this lesson, quiz yourself to practice and make sure you get it. I know that you will do well.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, I'm going to teach you the four futures. Okay? A lot of you know two futures, I think. A lot of you probably know "will" and "going to". I'm going to teach you two more futures today, and teach you how they're different from one another. Okay?
So let's get started with the present continuous future. So the present continuous is when you have "be" verb, so "I am", "you are", "he is", "she is", "they are", I don't know if I said "we are", "we are" plus the verb and "ing". Okay? So we have "am", the verb, "ing". This is known as the present continuous. It's usually one of the first things you will learn when you're learning English. So a lot of you know the present continuous, and you think: "Oh, present continuous, it's taking place now." You're right, but we can also use it to talk about the future. We use the present continuous to talk about future that is going to happen very, very soon.
So, for example, if you ask me: "Emma, what are you doing this weekend?" Well: "I'm hanging out with my friend, Josh, this weekend." Okay? Or I might say: "I'm shopping this weekend.", "I'm studying this weekend." If you ask me: "What are you doing tonight?" Well, you know, I want to be a good student, so: -"I'm studying tonight. I'm studying tonight." -"What are you doing next week?" -"Well, next week... I'm working next week." Okay? So present continuous is very, very common for when we're talking about the future that's going to happen soon. Not future that's going to happen 2,000 years from now or 50 years from now - no, no, that's far future. We're talking about the future that's going to happen in the next couple of days. Okay? So very, very soon future.
We can also use the simple present to talk about the future. So, the simple present is when you take a verb and, you know, it's in the basic form, usually you add an "s". If it's third-person singular, for example: "I leave", "you leave", "he leaves", "she leaves", "they leave", "we leave". So this is all simple present. In your classes, you probably learned we use the simple present when we talk about routine. We can also use the simple present when we're talking about routines in the future. Okay? So, for example... And by this I mean timetables. We use this when we're talking about a schedule event; something that is scheduled to happen in the future. So, this usually has to do with when we're talking about transportation; trains, airplanes, we can use this tense. We can use it when we're talking about TV shows. We can use it when we're talking about restaurants opening and closing, or stores, when they open and close. So we use this when we're thinking about a schedule or a timetable.
So here are some examples: "The last train leaves at 6pm today." So 6pm hasn't happened yet. It's in the future, but because this is a schedule event, it's a timetable event, it's a schedule, we can use the simple present. Here's another example: "The restaurant opens at 5pm today." So this hasn't happened yet. Right now, it is 2pm. This is going to happen in the future. But still, I use the simple present because this is a schedule. Okay? Every day the restaurant opens at 5pm. Here's a third example, I like watching TV, imagine I like The Big Bang Theory: "My TV show, The Big Bang Theory, starts at 4pm." So again, it's a routine, it's a schedule that takes place in the future, but it's still a schedule so we can use the simple present here. All right, so these two, even though they're present tenses, they can be used for the future.
Now let's look at the two verbs we commonly use for the future or we commonly think of as future verbs. "Be going to" + a verb and "will". So, "be going to" + verb: "I'm going to study.", "I'm going to sleep.", "You are going to watch a video." Okay? These are examples of the "be going to" + verb future. So we use this when we're talking about the near future. Similar to this... So it's not a future that's very, very far away; it's soon, but it's a future where we think something is going to happen, and we have evidence that something is going to happen.
How many ways do you know to talk about the future in English? In this video, I will teach you four easy ways to talk about the future: will, going to, the present continuous, and the simple present. I will compare when and how we use these grammatical tenses to talk about the future. After you watch this lesson, quiz yourself to practice and make sure you get it. I know that you will do well.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, I'm going to teach you the four futures. Okay? A lot of you know two futures, I think. A lot of you probably know "will" and "going to". I'm going to teach you two more futures today, and teach you how they're different from one another. Okay?
So let's get started with the present continuous future. So the present continuous is when you have "be" verb, so "I am", "you are", "he is", "she is", "they are", I don't know if I said "we are", "we are" plus the verb and "ing". Okay? So we have "am", the verb, "ing". This is known as the present continuous. It's usually one of the first things you will learn when you're learning English. So a lot of you know the present continuous, and you think: "Oh, present continuous, it's taking place now." You're right, but we can also use it to talk about the future. We use the present continuous to talk about future that is going to happen very, very soon.
So, for example, if you ask me: "Emma, what are you doing this weekend?" Well: "I'm hanging out with my friend, Josh, this weekend." Okay? Or I might say: "I'm shopping this weekend.", "I'm studying this weekend." If you ask me: "What are you doing tonight?" Well, you know, I want to be a good student, so: -"I'm studying tonight. I'm studying tonight." -"What are you doing next week?" -"Well, next week... I'm working next week." Okay? So present continuous is very, very common for when we're talking about the future that's going to happen soon. Not future that's going to happen 2,000 years from now or 50 years from now - no, no, that's far future. We're talking about the future that's going to happen in the next couple of days. Okay? So very, very soon future.
We can also use the simple present to talk about the future. So, the simple present is when you take a verb and, you know, it's in the basic form, usually you add an "s". If it's third-person singular, for example: "I leave", "you leave", "he leaves", "she leaves", "they leave", "we leave". So this is all simple present. In your classes, you probably learned we use the simple present when we talk about routine. We can also use the simple present when we're talking about routines in the future. Okay? So, for example... And by this I mean timetables. We use this when we're talking about a schedule event; something that is scheduled to happen in the future. So, this usually has to do with when we're talking about transportation; trains, airplanes, we can use this tense. We can use it when we're talking about TV shows. We can use it when we're talking about restaurants opening and closing, or stores, when they open and close. So we use this when we're thinking about a schedule or a timetable.
So here are some examples: "The last train leaves at 6pm today." So 6pm hasn't happened yet. It's in the future, but because this is a schedule event, it's a timetable event, it's a schedule, we can use the simple present. Here's another example: "The restaurant opens at 5pm today." So this hasn't happened yet. Right now, it is 2pm. This is going to happen in the future. But still, I use the simple present because this is a schedule. Okay? Every day the restaurant opens at 5pm. Here's a third example, I like watching TV, imagine I like The Big Bang Theory: "My TV show, The Big Bang Theory, starts at 4pm." So again, it's a routine, it's a schedule that takes place in the future, but it's still a schedule so we can use the simple present here. All right, so these two, even though they're present tenses, they can be used for the future.
Now let's look at the two verbs we commonly use for the future or we commonly think of as future verbs. "Be going to" + a verb and "will". So, "be going to" + verb: "I'm going to study.", "I'm going to sleep.", "You are going to watch a video." Okay? These are examples of the "be going to" + verb future. So we use this when we're talking about the near future. Similar to this... So it's not a future that's very, very far away; it's soon, but it's a future where we think something is going to happen, and we have evidence that something is going to happen.
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 2213121