Fray in Magical Adventure, also known as just Fray (フレイ) and Fray-Xak Epilogue (Gai-den), is a 1990 spin-off "gaiden" (sidestory) game in a role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. Even though it is directly connected to the more serious Xak storyline, Fray has a less serious tone and light-hearted comedic approach to telling the story. It was originally released for the MSX2 and was later ported to several different systems, among them MSX turbo R, PC-9801, PC Engine (as Fray CD), and Game Gear.
Fray is a simple action RPG. The game proceeds by the player's character Fray fighting through a preset overhead view map shooting opposing monsters, jumping over obstacles, and locating powerups and Gold, the game's currency, along the way. At the end of each stage the player will fight a boss and enter a town or safe haven where the player can purchase new equipment, hit points and the option to save their progress. Fray advances in power through the items that she can equip such as different rods and shields. Battles are in real-time as Fray walks around on automatic vertically scrolling game map as well as the monster characters. She has an attack and defense rating, and can switch between different projectile weapon styles as well as use special attacks and healing items.
Fray - In Magical Adventure - MSXturboR - End Demo
This is a video of the end demo for Fray - In Magical Adventure - for the MSXturboR. It has more animations than the MSX2 version.
published: 13 Oct 2011
Fray in Magical Adventure | World of PC-98
Released by Microcabin in 1991.
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published: 31 Jan 2022
Fray in Magical Adventure !
a look at Fray in Magical Adventure, its a game based off the "xak"? storyline ? i think.
this is a great action/slight rpg platformer. for the pc engine super cd-rom, made by microcabin
published: 01 Feb 2010
Fray in Magical Adventure Japan MSX2 Disc Gameplay video Snapshot
This video is a snapshot Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] MSX2 Disc short game play sample video.
You can download this sample video to add in the frontend for GameEx, HyperSpin, Mala, MameWAH, Maximus Arcade, XBMC and more emulators. Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] is a gameplay video demo rendered in high quality with a 480p resolution.
published: 05 Jun 2013
[♫] Fray in Magical Adventure - Shooting Scene
Composed by: Tadahiro Nitta (新田 忠弘 / にった ただひろ)
Japanese track name: シューティングシーン
Cover art by: Kokomai (ここまひ)
Game: Fray in Magical Adventure (フレイサーク外伝)
Developer: Microcabin (マイクロキャビン)
Year: 1990
System: MSX2 / MSX2+ / MSX turbo R
Sound: MSX-Music
published: 31 Dec 2011
Fray - In Magical Adventure [NEC PC98] OPENING
published: 26 May 2019
Fray In Magical Adventure (MSX2) Part 1
I played this in the past,and decided to start out fresh
This action/adventure game has Fray going 2 frames a second wants to find and help out Lartok? (from the Fray series),and winds us helping people and fighting monsters
Graphics for the game is well done (for MSX2).Music is great.Gameplay and controls are another matter that requires for me to raise my Fire shield
NOTE-I increased the size of the screen cause the screen playing this game is ...not very big.
Support me on Pateron.A little can go a long way for me
published: 19 Dec 2021
Fray - In Magical Adventure - MSX2 - End Demo
This is a video of the end demo for Fray - In Magical Adventure - for the MSX2. Uploaded for completeness and to compare with the MSXturboR version.
Released by Microcabin in 1991.
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Released by Microcabin in 1991.
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Released by Microcabin in 1991.
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a look at Fray in Magical Adventure, its a game based off the "xak"? storyline ? i think.
this is a great action/slight rpg platformer. for the pc engine supe...
a look at Fray in Magical Adventure, its a game based off the "xak"? storyline ? i think.
this is a great action/slight rpg platformer. for the pc engine super cd-rom, made by microcabin
a look at Fray in Magical Adventure, its a game based off the "xak"? storyline ? i think.
this is a great action/slight rpg platformer. for the pc engine super cd-rom, made by microcabin
This video is a snapshot Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] MSX2 Disc short game play sample video.
You can download this sample video to a...
This video is a snapshot Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] MSX2 Disc short game play sample video.
You can download this sample video to add in the frontend for GameEx, HyperSpin, Mala, MameWAH, Maximus Arcade, XBMC and more emulators. Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] is a gameplay video demo rendered in high quality with a 480p resolution.
This video is a snapshot Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] MSX2 Disc short game play sample video.
You can download this sample video to add in the frontend for GameEx, HyperSpin, Mala, MameWAH, Maximus Arcade, XBMC and more emulators. Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] is a gameplay video demo rendered in high quality with a 480p resolution.
I played this in the past,and decided to start out fresh
This action/adventure game has Fray going 2 frames a second wants to find and help out Lartok? (from th...
I played this in the past,and decided to start out fresh
This action/adventure game has Fray going 2 frames a second wants to find and help out Lartok? (from the Fray series),and winds us helping people and fighting monsters
Graphics for the game is well done (for MSX2).Music is great.Gameplay and controls are another matter that requires for me to raise my Fire shield
NOTE-I increased the size of the screen cause the screen playing this game is ...not very big.
Support me on Pateron.A little can go a long way for me
I played this in the past,and decided to start out fresh
This action/adventure game has Fray going 2 frames a second wants to find and help out Lartok? (from the Fray series),and winds us helping people and fighting monsters
Graphics for the game is well done (for MSX2).Music is great.Gameplay and controls are another matter that requires for me to raise my Fire shield
NOTE-I increased the size of the screen cause the screen playing this game is ...not very big.
Support me on Pateron.A little can go a long way for me
Released by Microcabin in 1991.
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Main Channel:
a look at Fray in Magical Adventure, its a game based off the "xak"? storyline ? i think.
this is a great action/slight rpg platformer. for the pc engine super cd-rom, made by microcabin
This video is a snapshot Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] MSX2 Disc short game play sample video.
You can download this sample video to add in the frontend for GameEx, HyperSpin, Mala, MameWAH, Maximus Arcade, XBMC and more emulators. Fray in Magical Adventure (Japan) [En by Oasis v1.0] is a gameplay video demo rendered in high quality with a 480p resolution.
I played this in the past,and decided to start out fresh
This action/adventure game has Fray going 2 frames a second wants to find and help out Lartok? (from the Fray series),and winds us helping people and fighting monsters
Graphics for the game is well done (for MSX2).Music is great.Gameplay and controls are another matter that requires for me to raise my Fire shield
NOTE-I increased the size of the screen cause the screen playing this game is ...not very big.
Support me on Pateron.A little can go a long way for me
Fray in Magical Adventure, also known as just Fray (フレイ) and Fray-Xak Epilogue (Gai-den), is a 1990 spin-off "gaiden" (sidestory) game in a role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. Even though it is directly connected to the more serious Xak storyline, Fray has a less serious tone and light-hearted comedic approach to telling the story. It was originally released for the MSX2 and was later ported to several different systems, among them MSX turbo R, PC-9801, PC Engine (as Fray CD), and Game Gear.
Fray is a simple action RPG. The game proceeds by the player's character Fray fighting through a preset overhead view map shooting opposing monsters, jumping over obstacles, and locating powerups and Gold, the game's currency, along the way. At the end of each stage the player will fight a boss and enter a town or safe haven where the player can purchase new equipment, hit points and the option to save their progress. Fray advances in power through the items that she can equip such as different rods and shields. Battles are in real-time as Fray walks around on automatic vertically scrolling game map as well as the monster characters. She has an attack and defense rating, and can switch between different projectile weapon styles as well as use special attacks and healing items.
And when midnight comes around. You touch me baby, show me baby You touch me baby, show me baby You touch me baby, show me baby* Because I heard you said We were going nowhere, That you were cutting me loose, Were gonna cut off the juice, Because I know you're just afraid I'll make you open your heart, It don't mean a thing, You can call it experience, 'Cause when midnight comes I'm gonna show you who I am, I'll knock the stars from your eyes, I'm gonna make you realize
Kirkmeyer's campaign is splitting the roughly $650,000 cost of an initial three-week buy with the National Republican Congressional Committee, which said last month it intends to spend $2.6 million in the 8th CD.