Drei(Ger. three) is the third studio album by the German group Glashaus, released on May 9, 2005 via 3p (Intergroove) Records. The album was entirely written and produced by Moses Pelham and Martin Haas. It debuted and peaked at #4 on the German album charts.
Vocal assistance: Ali & Stauros, Julian Dettmering,Philipp Heilmann,Paul-Jakob Dettmering, Karl Haas, Benjamin Haas-Formell, Maximilian Haas-Formell, Charles Simmons
Mixing: Martin Haas, Moses Pelham
Mixing assistance: Birger Pucs
Mastering: Chris Athens
A&R: Moses Pelham
Art Direction: Jens Klingelhöfer, Nachtwandler, Moses Pelham
Die drei Fragezeichen - Verbrechen im Nichts Remastered
Hallo, schön das du vorbeischaust. Vorab eine kurze Info für dich:
Dieses Video ist als Satire anzusehen. Es wurde sehr stark gecuttet. Es wurden Sätze sowie Zusammenhänge verändert, um sich vom Original abzuheben. Es kann zu nicht logischen Konversationen und Ereignissen kommen. Dies ist mit sehr viel Humor zu nehmen. Sollte euch das nicht stören, könnt ihr jetzt direkt in das Hörspielvergnügen abtauchen.
Das war die letzte Verbrecherjagd! Justus Onkel Titus und seine Tante Mathilda schicken die drei Fragezeichen in das kleine Dorf Nothing (Deutsch: nichts), in dem sie ihre Sommerferien verbringen sollen. Meh, langweilig. Sicher? Nach kurzer Zeit werden Justus, Peter und Bob bereits in eine Schatzsuche verstrickt und erregen die Aufmerksamkeit eines mysteriösen Verbrechers. ...
published: 23 May 2021
Die Drei Drei Fragezeichen Hörspiel Ganze Folge Der Jahrhundertstein Original Sprecher !!
Amazon Audible (Gratis Monat) : http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?tag=knownvideos-21
Hörbuch und Bücher:
Die Drei ??? Das Verfluchte Schloss: https://amzn.to/2TyW64m
Die Drei ??? Kids, Spuk in der Schule: https://amzn.to/3320V9k
Die Drei ??? Kids: 4 Bände im Schuber: https://amzn.to/3aOumP1
Die Drei ??? Der dunkle Wächter: https://amzn.to/38COwJX
Die Drei ??? Das weiße Grab: https://amzn.to/3cFVykz
Die Drei ??? Feuriges Auge: https://amzn.to/2v57LhR
Meine Pc stuff:
Maus: https://amzn.to/39abAQN
Alle Amazon Links oder zb die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links. Wenn du auf so einen Verweislink klickst und über diesen Link einkaufst, bekomme ich von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht :)
published: 10 Aug 2020
Die drei ??? - Interview & Einblick ins Studio
#DiedreiFragezeichen #imStudio #heikedinekörting
Kommt mit ins Studio! Wir nehmen euch mit zu den drei ??? Aufnahmen mit Heikedine Körting & André Minninger.
Die Interviews wurden im Jahr 2015 gedreht.
Abonniere jetzt unseren Channel, um kein Video zu verpassen!
Folge uns auf Facebook:
Folge uns auf Instagram:
published: 27 May 2019
Drei- Diss (HATERS) Official Music Video
Yo, this is my first ever track released! Felt blessed and grateful for opportunities like this and I promise to have more songs to come in this year 2021. So, subscribe now and click the bell button for more songs and contents. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Thankyou guys so much, I appreciate it! Stay Safe y'all :)
Soon on Spotify!
Artist: Drei
Written and Composed by: Drei
Mixed and Mastered by: Jepzie
Arranged by: Jepzie/ Drei
Beat Produced by: YXE Music
Production Team:
Luminaria Filmworks in cooperation with Artworks of Scanhead
Director: Mary Diana Yamzon
Main Videographer: Nathan John Rosales/ Cj Decano
Creative Shots: Mary Diana Yamzon/ Hancel Delfin
Grip: Cj Decano/ Kevin Dale
Lights n Equipments: Cj Decano/ Mary Diana Yamzon
Cast/ Models:
Zineth Iquico
published: 02 Jan 2021
Hallo, schön das du vorbeischaust. Vorab eine kurze Info für dich:
Dieses Video ist als Satire anzusehen. Es wurde sehr stark gecuttet. Es wurden Sätze sowie Zu...
Hallo, schön das du vorbeischaust. Vorab eine kurze Info für dich:
Dieses Video ist als Satire anzusehen. Es wurde sehr stark gecuttet. Es wurden Sätze sowie Zusammenhänge verändert, um sich vom Original abzuheben. Es kann zu nicht logischen Konversationen und Ereignissen kommen. Dies ist mit sehr viel Humor zu nehmen. Sollte euch das nicht stören, könnt ihr jetzt direkt in das Hörspielvergnügen abtauchen.
Das war die letzte Verbrecherjagd! Justus Onkel Titus und seine Tante Mathilda schicken die drei Fragezeichen in das kleine Dorf Nothing (Deutsch: nichts), in dem sie ihre Sommerferien verbringen sollen. Meh, langweilig. Sicher? Nach kurzer Zeit werden Justus, Peter und Bob bereits in eine Schatzsuche verstrickt und erregen die Aufmerksamkeit eines mysteriösen Verbrechers. Außerdem gibt es auch freilaufende Rinder mit denen zu spaßen ist. Wait what? :D
Vergesst nicht das Video zu liken und den Channel zu abonnieren :)
Hallo, schön das du vorbeischaust. Vorab eine kurze Info für dich:
Dieses Video ist als Satire anzusehen. Es wurde sehr stark gecuttet. Es wurden Sätze sowie Zusammenhänge verändert, um sich vom Original abzuheben. Es kann zu nicht logischen Konversationen und Ereignissen kommen. Dies ist mit sehr viel Humor zu nehmen. Sollte euch das nicht stören, könnt ihr jetzt direkt in das Hörspielvergnügen abtauchen.
Das war die letzte Verbrecherjagd! Justus Onkel Titus und seine Tante Mathilda schicken die drei Fragezeichen in das kleine Dorf Nothing (Deutsch: nichts), in dem sie ihre Sommerferien verbringen sollen. Meh, langweilig. Sicher? Nach kurzer Zeit werden Justus, Peter und Bob bereits in eine Schatzsuche verstrickt und erregen die Aufmerksamkeit eines mysteriösen Verbrechers. Außerdem gibt es auch freilaufende Rinder mit denen zu spaßen ist. Wait what? :D
Vergesst nicht das Video zu liken und den Channel zu abonnieren :)
Amazon Audible (Gratis Monat) : http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?tag=knownvideos-21
Hörbuch und Bücher:
Die Drei ??? Das Verfluchte Schloss: https://amz...
Amazon Audible (Gratis Monat) : http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?tag=knownvideos-21
Hörbuch und Bücher:
Die Drei ??? Das Verfluchte Schloss: https://amzn.to/2TyW64m
Die Drei ??? Kids, Spuk in der Schule: https://amzn.to/3320V9k
Die Drei ??? Kids: 4 Bände im Schuber: https://amzn.to/3aOumP1
Die Drei ??? Der dunkle Wächter: https://amzn.to/38COwJX
Die Drei ??? Das weiße Grab: https://amzn.to/3cFVykz
Die Drei ??? Feuriges Auge: https://amzn.to/2v57LhR
Meine Pc stuff:
Maus: https://amzn.to/39abAQN
Alle Amazon Links oder zb die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links. Wenn du auf so einen Verweislink klickst und über diesen Link einkaufst, bekomme ich von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht :)
Die Drei Fragezeichen | GANZES HÖRSPIEL
Amazon Audible (Gratis Monat) : http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?tag=knownvideos-21
Hörbuch und Bücher:
Die Drei ??? Das Verfluchte Schloss: https://amzn.to/2TyW64m
Die Drei ??? Kids, Spuk in der Schule: https://amzn.to/3320V9k
Die Drei ??? Kids: 4 Bände im Schuber: https://amzn.to/3aOumP1
Die Drei ??? Der dunkle Wächter: https://amzn.to/38COwJX
Die Drei ??? Das weiße Grab: https://amzn.to/3cFVykz
Die Drei ??? Feuriges Auge: https://amzn.to/2v57LhR
Meine Pc stuff:
Maus: https://amzn.to/39abAQN
Alle Amazon Links oder zb die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links. Wenn du auf so einen Verweislink klickst und über diesen Link einkaufst, bekomme ich von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht :)
Die Drei Fragezeichen | GANZES HÖRSPIEL
#DiedreiFragezeichen #imStudio #heikedinekörting
Kommt mit ins Studio! Wir nehmen euch mit zu den drei ??? Aufnahmen mit Heikedine Körting & André Minninger.
#DiedreiFragezeichen #imStudio #heikedinekörting
Kommt mit ins Studio! Wir nehmen euch mit zu den drei ??? Aufnahmen mit Heikedine Körting & André Minninger.
Die Interviews wurden im Jahr 2015 gedreht.
Abonniere jetzt unseren Channel, um kein Video zu verpassen!
Folge uns auf Facebook:
Folge uns auf Instagram:
#DiedreiFragezeichen #imStudio #heikedinekörting
Kommt mit ins Studio! Wir nehmen euch mit zu den drei ??? Aufnahmen mit Heikedine Körting & André Minninger.
Die Interviews wurden im Jahr 2015 gedreht.
Abonniere jetzt unseren Channel, um kein Video zu verpassen!
Folge uns auf Facebook:
Folge uns auf Instagram:
Yo, this is my first ever track released! Felt blessed and grateful for opportunities like this and I promise to have more songs to come in this year 2021. So, ...
Yo, this is my first ever track released! Felt blessed and grateful for opportunities like this and I promise to have more songs to come in this year 2021. So, subscribe now and click the bell button for more songs and contents. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Thankyou guys so much, I appreciate it! Stay Safe y'all :)
Soon on Spotify!
Artist: Drei
Written and Composed by: Drei
Mixed and Mastered by: Jepzie
Arranged by: Jepzie/ Drei
Beat Produced by: YXE Music
Production Team:
Luminaria Filmworks in cooperation with Artworks of Scanhead
Director: Mary Diana Yamzon
Main Videographer: Nathan John Rosales/ Cj Decano
Creative Shots: Mary Diana Yamzon/ Hancel Delfin
Grip: Cj Decano/ Kevin Dale
Lights n Equipments: Cj Decano/ Mary Diana Yamzon
Cast/ Models:
Zineth Iquico
Gwyneth Ragusta
Daphnie Bacolod
Moira Antonio
Keithneil Arbutante
Jeperson Delig
Kevin Dale
Cj Decano
Special Thanks to:
Crank Masters
Chinita Botique Hotel n Restaurant
AngelBert Studio Hall
Food: Tata's Lechon Manok
Equipments: Cj Decano
Car Service: Kevin Dale
Connect with Drei
#Supportlocals #Boholano #HATERS
Yo, this is my first ever track released! Felt blessed and grateful for opportunities like this and I promise to have more songs to come in this year 2021. So, subscribe now and click the bell button for more songs and contents. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Thankyou guys so much, I appreciate it! Stay Safe y'all :)
Soon on Spotify!
Artist: Drei
Written and Composed by: Drei
Mixed and Mastered by: Jepzie
Arranged by: Jepzie/ Drei
Beat Produced by: YXE Music
Production Team:
Luminaria Filmworks in cooperation with Artworks of Scanhead
Director: Mary Diana Yamzon
Main Videographer: Nathan John Rosales/ Cj Decano
Creative Shots: Mary Diana Yamzon/ Hancel Delfin
Grip: Cj Decano/ Kevin Dale
Lights n Equipments: Cj Decano/ Mary Diana Yamzon
Cast/ Models:
Zineth Iquico
Gwyneth Ragusta
Daphnie Bacolod
Moira Antonio
Keithneil Arbutante
Jeperson Delig
Kevin Dale
Cj Decano
Special Thanks to:
Crank Masters
Chinita Botique Hotel n Restaurant
AngelBert Studio Hall
Food: Tata's Lechon Manok
Equipments: Cj Decano
Car Service: Kevin Dale
Connect with Drei
#Supportlocals #Boholano #HATERS
Moll Booster desks are designed to grow with your children. Available in the UK from http://www.back2.co.uk
published: 14 Jul 2011
Ana Moll - Desperate Eyes - Official Music Video
Filmed at SIR Studios Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Ana Moll is an upcoming songstress playing on the heavy metal and melodic rock sounds of the 1980s and Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Presenting to you a single from the upcoming EP, wrapped up in influences ranging all across the board, from Motley Crue to Samantha Fox. Heavily inspired by retro female frontrunners like Janet Gardner, Lorraine Lewis, and Lita Ford, Ana puts her own spin on the classic rockstar sound of days gone by with her girlish voice and distinctive songwriting. Ana honed her skills in writing at an early age and paired with her love of early MTV and Headbangers Ball videos, resulted in a fusion of serious rock-pop goodness. From a small Jersey town just like Bon Jovi she presents to listeners a fruit punch of electric guit...
published: 07 Nov 2022
Moll Flanders - Trailer
more info and for purchase @ http://www.bfsent.com/item_detail.asp?number=31071
She is a lover, a criminal and a master of disguise who lives life on her own lusty terms. Acclaimed actress Alex Kingston ("Dr. Elizabeth Corday" of television's ER) stars as Daniel Defoe's notorious heroine in this scandalous romp set in the 18th Century!
Ever since her birth in Newgate Prison, Moll has survived by her cunning, wit and considerable powers of seduction. She goes through five husbands and countless lovers to escape a life on the streets. In between using and deceiving her besotted paramours, she is not above picking a pocket or two! All the while, though, her heart belongs to the charismatic Jemmy (Daniel Craig). Inevitably, even the most clever criminal's luck runs out and Moll is soon f...
published: 07 May 2012
Moll Yo Yo Adjustable Height
The Moll Yo Yo makes it easy to adjust the height of Moll desks. (Not available on the Moll Starter Desk.)
published: 15 Jul 2011
Moll Meaning
Video shows what moll means. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.. moll synonyms: chick. moll pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. moll meaning. Powered by MaryTTS
published: 16 Apr 2015
Moll und Dur-Akkorde auf der Gitarre bilden
published: 14 Sep 2024
ioh kam makhanik u jabloi bad u moll /khasi short comedy
2024.09.20 FRI Release
Vocal/Bass & Drums Rock duo "moll"
from Japan
Follow moll
X: http...
2024.09.20 FRI Release
Vocal/Bass & Drums Rock duo "moll"
from Japan
Follow moll
X: https://twitter.com/moll_official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moll_band_official
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mollofficial
Official Website: https://mollofficial.com
Lyric: Gunji Junpei / Music: moll
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
掻き鳴らすのがベタ 走り出せwonderland
地下でrendezvous 今宵は
ビビディバビデブー このまま
魔法をかけていく 今から
set on fire
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
プレッシャー ケタケタと笑う
count down triggerを今引く
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
着火fire メラメラ
check it out
shake it up
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker 着火fire
freaky show now
wind the blow
freaky show now
#moll #cracker
Recording / Mixing: So Shibata (Shibata Sound Works)
2024.09.20 FRI Release
Vocal/Bass & Drums Rock duo "moll"
from Japan
Follow moll
X: https://twitter.com/moll_official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moll_band_official
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mollofficial
Official Website: https://mollofficial.com
Lyric: Gunji Junpei / Music: moll
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
掻き鳴らすのがベタ 走り出せwonderland
地下でrendezvous 今宵は
ビビディバビデブー このまま
魔法をかけていく 今から
set on fire
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
プレッシャー ケタケタと笑う
count down triggerを今引く
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
着火fire メラメラ
check it out
shake it up
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker 着火fire
freaky show now
wind the blow
freaky show now
#moll #cracker
Recording / Mixing: So Shibata (Shibata Sound Works)
Filmed at SIR Studios Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Ana Moll is an upcoming songstress playing on the heavy metal and melodic rock sounds of the 1980s and Hollywoo...
Filmed at SIR Studios Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Ana Moll is an upcoming songstress playing on the heavy metal and melodic rock sounds of the 1980s and Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Presenting to you a single from the upcoming EP, wrapped up in influences ranging all across the board, from Motley Crue to Samantha Fox. Heavily inspired by retro female frontrunners like Janet Gardner, Lorraine Lewis, and Lita Ford, Ana puts her own spin on the classic rockstar sound of days gone by with her girlish voice and distinctive songwriting. Ana honed her skills in writing at an early age and paired with her love of early MTV and Headbangers Ball videos, resulted in a fusion of serious rock-pop goodness. From a small Jersey town just like Bon Jovi she presents to listeners a fruit punch of electric guitars and soaring vocals. You'll want to make sure not to miss the debut EP in the new year
Ana Moll - Desperate Eyes (lyrics)
Let me feel your love and
Let me know that you're mine
Let me taste your lips
Like a fine aged wine
Think we've crossed the danger line
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Don't you tell me baby, that you're going away
And get your story straight
And wrap up your case
Feel your heartbeat next to mine
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in in my desperate eyes
Look in my desperate eyes
Gotta tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Heaven metal sent me you above
Now I'm losin' my endless love
Please look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Please look in my desperate eyes
Please look in my desperate eyes
I beg you
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Follow Ana Moll:
Spotify page:
Listen to "She's All Alone Now":
Filmed at SIR Studios Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Ana Moll is an upcoming songstress playing on the heavy metal and melodic rock sounds of the 1980s and Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Presenting to you a single from the upcoming EP, wrapped up in influences ranging all across the board, from Motley Crue to Samantha Fox. Heavily inspired by retro female frontrunners like Janet Gardner, Lorraine Lewis, and Lita Ford, Ana puts her own spin on the classic rockstar sound of days gone by with her girlish voice and distinctive songwriting. Ana honed her skills in writing at an early age and paired with her love of early MTV and Headbangers Ball videos, resulted in a fusion of serious rock-pop goodness. From a small Jersey town just like Bon Jovi she presents to listeners a fruit punch of electric guitars and soaring vocals. You'll want to make sure not to miss the debut EP in the new year
Ana Moll - Desperate Eyes (lyrics)
Let me feel your love and
Let me know that you're mine
Let me taste your lips
Like a fine aged wine
Think we've crossed the danger line
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Don't you tell me baby, that you're going away
And get your story straight
And wrap up your case
Feel your heartbeat next to mine
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in in my desperate eyes
Look in my desperate eyes
Gotta tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Heaven metal sent me you above
Now I'm losin' my endless love
Please look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Please look in my desperate eyes
Please look in my desperate eyes
I beg you
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Follow Ana Moll:
Spotify page:
Listen to "She's All Alone Now":
more info and for purchase @ http://www.bfsent.com/item_detail.asp?number=31071
She is a lover, a criminal and a master of disguise who lives life on her own...
more info and for purchase @ http://www.bfsent.com/item_detail.asp?number=31071
She is a lover, a criminal and a master of disguise who lives life on her own lusty terms. Acclaimed actress Alex Kingston ("Dr. Elizabeth Corday" of television's ER) stars as Daniel Defoe's notorious heroine in this scandalous romp set in the 18th Century!
Ever since her birth in Newgate Prison, Moll has survived by her cunning, wit and considerable powers of seduction. She goes through five husbands and countless lovers to escape a life on the streets. In between using and deceiving her besotted paramours, she is not above picking a pocket or two! All the while, though, her heart belongs to the charismatic Jemmy (Daniel Craig). Inevitably, even the most clever criminal's luck runs out and Moll is soon facing the hangman's noose. As her execution day approaches, she devises one last desperate ploy to save not only her own neck, but also the life of her one true love.
more info and for purchase @ http://www.bfsent.com/item_detail.asp?number=31071
She is a lover, a criminal and a master of disguise who lives life on her own lusty terms. Acclaimed actress Alex Kingston ("Dr. Elizabeth Corday" of television's ER) stars as Daniel Defoe's notorious heroine in this scandalous romp set in the 18th Century!
Ever since her birth in Newgate Prison, Moll has survived by her cunning, wit and considerable powers of seduction. She goes through five husbands and countless lovers to escape a life on the streets. In between using and deceiving her besotted paramours, she is not above picking a pocket or two! All the while, though, her heart belongs to the charismatic Jemmy (Daniel Craig). Inevitably, even the most clever criminal's luck runs out and Moll is soon facing the hangman's noose. As her execution day approaches, she devises one last desperate ploy to save not only her own neck, but also the life of her one true love.
The Moll Yo Yo makes it easy to adjust the height of Moll desks. (Not available on the Moll Starter Desk.)
The Moll Yo Yo makes it easy to adjust the height of Moll desks. (Not available on the Moll Starter Desk.)
The Moll Yo Yo makes it easy to adjust the height of Moll desks. (Not available on the Moll Starter Desk.)
Video shows what moll means. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.. Bitc...
Video shows what moll means. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.. moll synonyms: chick. moll pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. moll meaning. Powered by MaryTTS
Video shows what moll means. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.. moll synonyms: chick. moll pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. moll meaning. Powered by MaryTTS
Hallo, schön das du vorbeischaust. Vorab eine kurze Info für dich:
Dieses Video ist als Satire anzusehen. Es wurde sehr stark gecuttet. Es wurden Sätze sowie Zusammenhänge verändert, um sich vom Original abzuheben. Es kann zu nicht logischen Konversationen und Ereignissen kommen. Dies ist mit sehr viel Humor zu nehmen. Sollte euch das nicht stören, könnt ihr jetzt direkt in das Hörspielvergnügen abtauchen.
Das war die letzte Verbrecherjagd! Justus Onkel Titus und seine Tante Mathilda schicken die drei Fragezeichen in das kleine Dorf Nothing (Deutsch: nichts), in dem sie ihre Sommerferien verbringen sollen. Meh, langweilig. Sicher? Nach kurzer Zeit werden Justus, Peter und Bob bereits in eine Schatzsuche verstrickt und erregen die Aufmerksamkeit eines mysteriösen Verbrechers. Außerdem gibt es auch freilaufende Rinder mit denen zu spaßen ist. Wait what? :D
Vergesst nicht das Video zu liken und den Channel zu abonnieren :)
Amazon Audible (Gratis Monat) : http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?tag=knownvideos-21
Hörbuch und Bücher:
Die Drei ??? Das Verfluchte Schloss: https://amzn.to/2TyW64m
Die Drei ??? Kids, Spuk in der Schule: https://amzn.to/3320V9k
Die Drei ??? Kids: 4 Bände im Schuber: https://amzn.to/3aOumP1
Die Drei ??? Der dunkle Wächter: https://amzn.to/38COwJX
Die Drei ??? Das weiße Grab: https://amzn.to/3cFVykz
Die Drei ??? Feuriges Auge: https://amzn.to/2v57LhR
Meine Pc stuff:
Maus: https://amzn.to/39abAQN
Alle Amazon Links oder zb die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links. Wenn du auf so einen Verweislink klickst und über diesen Link einkaufst, bekomme ich von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht :)
Die Drei Fragezeichen | GANZES HÖRSPIEL
#DiedreiFragezeichen #imStudio #heikedinekörting
Kommt mit ins Studio! Wir nehmen euch mit zu den drei ??? Aufnahmen mit Heikedine Körting & André Minninger.
Die Interviews wurden im Jahr 2015 gedreht.
Abonniere jetzt unseren Channel, um kein Video zu verpassen!
Folge uns auf Facebook:
Folge uns auf Instagram:
Yo, this is my first ever track released! Felt blessed and grateful for opportunities like this and I promise to have more songs to come in this year 2021. So, subscribe now and click the bell button for more songs and contents. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Thankyou guys so much, I appreciate it! Stay Safe y'all :)
Soon on Spotify!
Artist: Drei
Written and Composed by: Drei
Mixed and Mastered by: Jepzie
Arranged by: Jepzie/ Drei
Beat Produced by: YXE Music
Production Team:
Luminaria Filmworks in cooperation with Artworks of Scanhead
Director: Mary Diana Yamzon
Main Videographer: Nathan John Rosales/ Cj Decano
Creative Shots: Mary Diana Yamzon/ Hancel Delfin
Grip: Cj Decano/ Kevin Dale
Lights n Equipments: Cj Decano/ Mary Diana Yamzon
Cast/ Models:
Zineth Iquico
Gwyneth Ragusta
Daphnie Bacolod
Moira Antonio
Keithneil Arbutante
Jeperson Delig
Kevin Dale
Cj Decano
Special Thanks to:
Crank Masters
Chinita Botique Hotel n Restaurant
AngelBert Studio Hall
Food: Tata's Lechon Manok
Equipments: Cj Decano
Car Service: Kevin Dale
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2024.09.20 FRI Release
Vocal/Bass & Drums Rock duo "moll"
from Japan
Follow moll
X: https://twitter.com/moll_official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moll_band_official
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mollofficial
Official Website: https://mollofficial.com
Lyric: Gunji Junpei / Music: moll
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
掻き鳴らすのがベタ 走り出せwonderland
地下でrendezvous 今宵は
ビビディバビデブー このまま
魔法をかけていく 今から
set on fire
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
弾き出す このベロ 言霊並べflow
思考回路をbet 番狂わす このduo
プレッシャー ケタケタと笑う
count down triggerを今引く
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker
着火fire メラメラ
check it out
shake it up
crackerでfantastic freaky show
繊細にgorgeousに wind the blow
crackerでfantastic freaky show
oh 引けcracker 着火fire
freaky show now
wind the blow
freaky show now
#moll #cracker
Recording / Mixing: So Shibata (Shibata Sound Works)
Filmed at SIR Studios Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Ana Moll is an upcoming songstress playing on the heavy metal and melodic rock sounds of the 1980s and Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Presenting to you a single from the upcoming EP, wrapped up in influences ranging all across the board, from Motley Crue to Samantha Fox. Heavily inspired by retro female frontrunners like Janet Gardner, Lorraine Lewis, and Lita Ford, Ana puts her own spin on the classic rockstar sound of days gone by with her girlish voice and distinctive songwriting. Ana honed her skills in writing at an early age and paired with her love of early MTV and Headbangers Ball videos, resulted in a fusion of serious rock-pop goodness. From a small Jersey town just like Bon Jovi she presents to listeners a fruit punch of electric guitars and soaring vocals. You'll want to make sure not to miss the debut EP in the new year
Ana Moll - Desperate Eyes (lyrics)
Let me feel your love and
Let me know that you're mine
Let me taste your lips
Like a fine aged wine
Think we've crossed the danger line
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Don't you tell me baby, that you're going away
And get your story straight
And wrap up your case
Feel your heartbeat next to mine
Take my hand child, we ain't got much time
Look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Look in in my desperate eyes
Look in my desperate eyes
Gotta tell me you'll always be mine
Look in my desperate eyes
Heaven metal sent me you above
Now I'm losin' my endless love
Please look in my desperate eyes
Tell me you'll always be mine
Please look in my desperate eyes
Please look in my desperate eyes
I beg you
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Tell me you'll always be mine
Follow Ana Moll:
Spotify page:
Listen to "She's All Alone Now":
more info and for purchase @ http://www.bfsent.com/item_detail.asp?number=31071
She is a lover, a criminal and a master of disguise who lives life on her own lusty terms. Acclaimed actress Alex Kingston ("Dr. Elizabeth Corday" of television's ER) stars as Daniel Defoe's notorious heroine in this scandalous romp set in the 18th Century!
Ever since her birth in Newgate Prison, Moll has survived by her cunning, wit and considerable powers of seduction. She goes through five husbands and countless lovers to escape a life on the streets. In between using and deceiving her besotted paramours, she is not above picking a pocket or two! All the while, though, her heart belongs to the charismatic Jemmy (Daniel Craig). Inevitably, even the most clever criminal's luck runs out and Moll is soon facing the hangman's noose. As her execution day approaches, she devises one last desperate ploy to save not only her own neck, but also the life of her one true love.
The Moll Yo Yo makes it easy to adjust the height of Moll desks. (Not available on the Moll Starter Desk.)
Video shows what moll means. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.. moll synonyms: chick. moll pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. moll meaning. Powered by MaryTTS