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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. 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Element or elements may refer to:



  • Elements trilogy, three films by Indian film-maker Deepa Mehta
  • Literature

  • Lower Elements, a fictional underground city in the Artemis Fowl world, created by Eoin Colfer
  • Magazines

  • Element Magazine, a men's lifestyle and fashion digital magazine published in Singapore since 2013
  • Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology
  • Music

  • Element (production team), a Norwegian production and songwriting team
  • Elements (Atheist album)
  • Elements (band), 1980s–90s American jazz ensemble
  • Elements (Ludovico Einaudi album), 2015
  • Elements (Roger Glover album), 1978
  • Elements (Steve Howe album)
  • Elements, Pt. 1, a 2003 album by Stratovarius
  • Elements, Pt. 2, a 2003 album by Stratovarius
  • The Elements (Second Person album), 2007
  • The Elements (Joe Henderson album), 1973
  • "The Elements: Fire", a 1966 song by The Beach Boys
  • "The Elements" (song), by Tom Lehrer
  • Elements – The Best of Mike Oldfield, single CD edition
  • Elements – The Best of Mike Oldfield (video), video/DVD edition
  • The Elements (Joe Henderson album)

    The Elements is an album by American saxophonist Joe Henderson, released in 1973 on Milestone. 1970 began a decade of discovery for Joe Henderson, a time to set aside the post-bop instrumentation and repertoire he was identified with and branch out into other realms. One of the most successful and challenging of these efforts that the Milestone label documented was the present four-part improvisation on the basic themes of "Fire", "Air", "Water" and "Earth". Assisting the tenor saxophonist was a group of sympathetic explorers--Alice Coltrane on piano and harp, violin original Michael White, bass giant Charlie Haden, and the multifaceted percussionist Kenneth Nash. Latin American, Indian, and Native American strains enter the mix as Henderson applies the heat and mercurial invention of his more conventional work to these open-ended settings. While the music is enhanced with overdubbing in spots, the true magic of The Elements emanates from the musicians' collective genius at listening and responding to each other.

    Smile (The Beach Boys album)

    Smile (occasionally typeset as SMiLE) was a projected album by American rock band the Beach Boys intended to follow their 11th studio album Pet Sounds. After the group's songwriting leader Brian Wilson abandoned large portions of music recorded between 1966 and 1967, the band recorded and released the dramatically scaled-down Smiley Smile album in its place. Some of the original Smile tracks eventually found their way onto subsequent Beach Boys studio and compilation albums. As more fans learned of the project's origins, details of its recordings acquired considerable mystique, and it was later acknowledged as the most legendary unreleased album in the history of popular music.

    Working with lyricist Van Dyke Parks, Smile was composed as a multi-thematic concept album, existing today in its unfinished and fragmented state as an unordered series of abstract musical vignettes. Its genesis came during the recording of Pet Sounds, when Wilson began recording a new single: "Good Vibrations". The track was created by an unprecedented recording technique: over 90 hours of tape was recorded, spliced, and reduced into a three-minute pop song. It quickly became the band's biggest international hit yet; Smile was to be produced in a similar fashion. Wilson touted the album "a teenage symphony to God," incorporating a diverse range of music styles including psychedelic, doo-wop, barbershop singing, ragtime, yodeling, early American folk, classical music, and avant-garde explorations into noise and musical acoustics. Its projected singles were "Heroes and Villains", a Western musical comedy, and "Vega-Tables", a satire of physical fitness.

    Evil Geniuses

    Evil Geniuses (EG) is an eSports organization based in the San Francisco, California, United States. Founded in 1999 by Alexander Garfield, the organization fields players in various fighting games, Dota 2, League of Legends, StarCraft II, World of Warcraft, and Halo. Evil Geniuses was also considered as one of the best Quake clans in the late 90s.

    It is a subsidiary of GoodGame Agency, which in turn is owned by Amazon.com Inc. through its division Twitch. GoodGame Agency also owns Alliance, a similar eSports team for primarily European teams.


    Evil Geniuses was founded as a Counter-Strike team in Canada in 1999. Philadelphia native and future CEO Alex Garfield started working for the team in 2004.

    Evil Geniuses acquired a Defense of the Ancients (Dota) roster on April 12, 2008, made up of players transferring from team eMg. EG entered the StarCraft: Brood War scene on April 25, 2009, with the recruitment of World Cyber Games USA champions Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson, and Dan "Nyoken" Eidson, along with Eric "G5" Rothmuller, Jake "LzGaMeR" Winstead, and Bryce "Machine" Bates. EG saw its North American DotA squad depart on December 3, 2009, following two months of minimal practice and insufficient exposure.

    Elements (Atheist album)

    Elements is the third album released by the progressive / technical death metal band Atheist. It was released on August 30, 1993 by Music for Nations in Europe and by Metal Blade Records in the US. Elements was reissued by Relapse Records in 2005 and was digitally remastered with the addition of six bonus tracks.

    The album has more of a jazz influenced style than their two previous albums, but it remains highly technically complex. Eduardo Rivadavia described it for Allmusic as remaining "admirably true to the band's famously complicated arrangements, syncopated rhythms, and ultra-precise attack, but also boast[ing] a cleaner musicality never before attempted by the group". Elements was written, recorded and mixed in forty days in Pro Media Studios. The band wanted to dissolve but they were required to finish their third album in order to fulfill a contract to their record label. Elements features the addition of a third guitarist, Frank Emmi. Initially, Rand Burkey was not going to appear on the album, and as Kelly Shaefer had developed carpal tunnel syndrome, (preventing him from playing anything but rhythm guitar) a new lead guitar player was needed. Before recording, Burkey rejoined the band, and thus the band ended up with three guitarists. Shaefer plays rhythm guitar, while Emmi and Burkey share responsibilities for leads and solos.

    Elements (Roger Glover album)

    Elements is the second solo album from Deep Purple bassist Roger Glover. It was recorded in early 1977 but wasn't released until April 1978 on PolyGram Records. The album's main concept is based on the four elements.

    Track listing

  • "The First Ring Made of Clay" (Roger Glover) 7:45
  • "The Next a Ring of Fire" (Glover) 9:45
  • "The Third Ring's Watery Flow" (Glover) 9:00
  • "The Fourth Ring with the Wind" (Glover, Martin Birch) 6:33
  • "Finale" (Glover, Birch) 2:17
  • Personnel

  • Roger Glover: ARP 2600 Synthesizer, Oberheim polyphonic synthesizer, bass guitar, percussion, tabla, sitar guitar, acoustic guitar, vibes, backing vocals
  • Simon Phillips: drums, tabla, percussion
  • Micky Lee Soule: Piano, organ, percussion
  • Graham Preskett: Electric violin, clarinet
  • Ronnie Aspery: Saxophone, flute
  • Martin Birch: Acoustic guitar, backing vocals
  • Liza Strike: Lead Vocals
  • Helen Chappelle: Lead
  • The Munich Philharmonic conducted by Graham Preskett
  • Production notes

  • Produced by Martin Birch and Roger Glover
  • Donuts (corporation)

    Donuts or Donuts Inc. is a start-up company that was created to apply and run new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) as made possible by ICANN's gTLD expansion program; it was co-founded by Paul Stahura, Jonathon Nevett, Richard Tindal, and Daniel Schindler. In April 2011, the company was in stealth mode and raising capital; based on the company's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Donuts raised $1 million equity financing. Since then it has submitted 307 gTLD applications and secured an initial investment of $100 million in financing, and a subsequent round of an undisclosed amount though apparently it "almost doubles" its reserves. The second round of funding was earmarked specifically for gTLD auctions to resolve its 158 contention sets. The company's headquarters is located in Bellevue, Washington.

    In September 2012, Donuts was ranked #14 in The Wall Street Journal's Top 50 Start-Ups for 2012. It was also the newest start-up on the list.

    New gTLD applications


    • POP SMOKE - ELEMENT (Official Lyric Video)

      Element - (Official Lyric Video) by Pop Smoke Stream Meet The Woo 2: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/MTW2 Subscribe to Pop Smoke’s channel: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/Subscribe Follow Pop Smoke: https://instagram.com/realpopsmoke https://facebook.com/realpopsmoke https://twitter.com/popsmoke10 https://soundcloud.com/biggavelipro #PopSmoke #MeetTheWoo2 #Element Music video by Pop Smoke performing Element. Victor Victor Worldwide; © 2020 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

      published: 17 Feb 2020
    • Element Eleéeh - MiLELE (Official Music Video)

      Rwanda has launched a new wave of sound titled "AFRO- GAKO". Writer: Element Eleéeh, INKI, RUMAGA Junior, Kenny K-shot Producer: Element Eleéeh Executive Producers: 1:55 AM Acoustic Guitar: Jules Hirwa Bass Guitar: Arnaud Gasige Mixing: Madebeats Voiceover: Ineza Charlie Mastering: Bob Pro Video Director : GAD, OMOKE AC: Dennis Odero Muse: Anita MUller FYP: Kev. Ririani Drone: Job Githaka Locations: Dan & Godfrey Cast Location A: Manshur Extras Location B: Godfrey & Dan Producer: Makana Colorist: Stedi Color DOP: Director ANDERE Editor: GAD, Uniquo Costumes: Vault, Makana Make up: GiGi & Grace Recording label: 1:55 AM Special Thanks to BOMAS OF KENYA & Maasai Community at Kajiado❤️ #element #eleeeh #milele #afrobeat

      published: 03 Jun 2024
    • Kendrick Lamar - ELEMENT.

      DAMN. available now http://smarturl.it/DAMN Director: Jonas Lindstroem & the little homies Producer: Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith, Dave Free, Jannis Birsner Production co: TDE Films, Iconoclast Music video by Kendrick Lamar performing ELEMENT.. (C) 2017 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) http://vevo.ly/MozvZt Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd

      published: 27 Jun 2017
    • Element - Rahasia Hati

      Element - Rahasia Hati

      published: 06 Jun 2007
    • 10 Lagu ELEMENT FULL ALBUM "Baper"

      published: 13 Oct 2019
    • Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Music Video)

      music Pop Hits 2000an klik disini https://bit.ly/3kDZbua Jangan lupa subscribe Dan Jangan Lupa Klik Tombol Loncengnya Yah.. Official music video by Element performing "Cinta Tak Bersyarat" Copyright: GP Records. Selamat menikmati video "Cinta Tak Bersyarat" dari Element. Jangan lupa subscribe, like, comment & share! Lirik Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat Tak ada sedikitpun sesalku Tlah bertahan dengan setiaku Walau diakhir jalan Kuharus melepaskan dirimu Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat Hingga ada alasan Bagimu tuk tinggalkan setiamu oow ... Reff : Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu Tlah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap nafasku Karna demi cinta Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu Sebab kumengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki (*) Andai ...

      published: 05 Nov 2021
    • Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Lyric)

      Selamat menonton video Lyric Cinta Tak Bersyarat dari Element yaa! Jangan lupa biar gak ketinggalan upload dari kita, ingat buat like, comment, subscribe & share! ================================================= Lyric lagu : Tak ada sedikit pun sesalku Telah bertahan dengan setiaku Walau di akhir jalan 'Ku harus melepaskan dirimu Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat Hingga ada alasan Bagimu 'tuk tinggalkan setiamu Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu Telah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap napasku Karena demi cinta Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu Sebab 'ku mengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki Andai saja bisa kau pahami Layaknya arti kasih sejati Karna cinta yang sungguh Tiada akan pernah mungkin bersyarat Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahka...

      published: 29 Mar 2017
    • Element EleéeH - FOU DE TOi Feat Ross Kana& Bruce Melodie (Official Video)

      Writer: Element Eleéeh, Ross Kana , Bruce Melodie, RUMAGA Junior Producer: Element Eleéeh Executive Producers: 1:55 AM Acoustic Guitar: Jules Hirwa Bass Guitar: Arnaud Gasige Mix & Mastering: Bob Pro Video Director : GAD, Bahali Ruth DOP: John Elarts , BJC Editor: GAD , Editor Guy Colorist: Ben Aitar Costumes: Young C Designer Make up: MIO Beauty Recording label: 1:55 AM Special Thanks to: Chateau Le Marara , Ma Boutique Hotel Follow Element Eleéeh Everywhere: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eleeeh7 Twitter : https://twitter.com/element_eleeeh Instagram : https://instagram.com/element_eleeeh Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@element_eleeeh Stream FOU DE TOi everywhere: https://elementeleeh.lnk.to/Foudetoi #element #foudetoi #brucemelodie #rosskana #eleeeh #afro #afrobeat #afrop...

      published: 29 May 2023
    • Configurando raymarine element 12 cartas marinas felices pescas !!!

      published: 16 Jun 2024
    • Element - Rahasia Hati (HD)

      published: 16 Nov 2012
    POP SMOKE - ELEMENT (Official Lyric Video)

    POP SMOKE - ELEMENT (Official Lyric Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:16
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Feb 2020
    • views: 101696659
    Element - (Official Lyric Video) by Pop Smoke Stream Meet The Woo 2: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/MTW2 Subscribe to Pop Smoke’s channel: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/Subscribe Follow Pop Smoke: https://instagram.com/realpopsmoke https://facebook.com/realpopsmoke https://twitter.com/popsmoke10 https://soundcloud.com/biggavelipro #PopSmoke #MeetTheWoo2 #Element Music video by Pop Smoke performing Element. Victor Victor Worldwide; © 2020 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
    Element Eleéeh - MiLELE (Official Music Video)

    Element Eleéeh - MiLELE (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:41
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Jun 2024
    • views: 1259397
    Rwanda has launched a new wave of sound titled "AFRO- GAKO". Writer: Element Eleéeh, INKI, RUMAGA Junior, Kenny K-shot Producer: Element Eleéeh Executive Producers: 1:55 AM Acoustic Guitar: Jules Hirwa Bass Guitar: Arnaud Gasige Mixing: Madebeats Voiceover: Ineza Charlie Mastering: Bob Pro Video Director : GAD, OMOKE AC: Dennis Odero Muse: Anita MUller FYP: Kev. Ririani Drone: Job Githaka Locations: Dan & Godfrey Cast Location A: Manshur Extras Location B: Godfrey & Dan Producer: Makana Colorist: Stedi Color DOP: Director ANDERE Editor: GAD, Uniquo Costumes: Vault, Makana Make up: GiGi & Grace Recording label: 1:55 AM Special Thanks to BOMAS OF KENYA & Maasai Community at Kajiado❤️ #element #eleeeh #milele #afrobeat
    Kendrick Lamar - ELEMENT.

    Kendrick Lamar - ELEMENT.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:34
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Jun 2017
    • views: 129660353
    DAMN. available now http://smarturl.it/DAMN Director: Jonas Lindstroem & the little homies Producer: Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith, Dave Free, Jannis Birsner Production co: TDE Films, Iconoclast Music video by Kendrick Lamar performing ELEMENT.. (C) 2017 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) http://vevo.ly/MozvZt Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd
    Element - Rahasia Hati

    Element - Rahasia Hati

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:36
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jun 2007
    • views: 58220657
    Element - Rahasia Hati
    10 Lagu ELEMENT FULL ALBUM "Baper"

    10 Lagu ELEMENT FULL ALBUM "Baper"

    • Order:
    • Duration: 38:50
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Oct 2019
    • views: 3733210
    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Music Video)

    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:45
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Nov 2021
    • views: 5739241
    music Pop Hits 2000an klik disini https://bit.ly/3kDZbua Jangan lupa subscribe Dan Jangan Lupa Klik Tombol Loncengnya Yah.. Official music video by Element performing "Cinta Tak Bersyarat" Copyright: GP Records. Selamat menikmati video "Cinta Tak Bersyarat" dari Element. Jangan lupa subscribe, like, comment & share! Lirik Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat Tak ada sedikitpun sesalku Tlah bertahan dengan setiaku Walau diakhir jalan Kuharus melepaskan dirimu Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat Hingga ada alasan Bagimu tuk tinggalkan setiamu oow ... Reff : Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu Tlah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap nafasku Karna demi cinta Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu Sebab kumengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki (*) Andai saja bisa kau pahami Layaknya arti cinta sejati Karna cinta yang sungguh Tiada akan pernah mungkin bersyarat ooh ... Back to Reff Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat #Element #CintaTakBersyarat #GPRecords Follow GP Records: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gp_records/ Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ3s3VsD/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/GPRecordsID Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/grahaprima.Records google + : https://plus.google.com/+GPRecords Website : http://www.gprecords.co.id Link Dailymotion GP Records: http://www.dailymotion.com/grahaprimarecord Link vidio.com GP Records : https://www.vidio.com/@gprecords ©2021 GP Records
    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Lyric)

    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Lyric)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:38
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Mar 2017
    • views: 26865152
    Selamat menonton video Lyric Cinta Tak Bersyarat dari Element yaa! Jangan lupa biar gak ketinggalan upload dari kita, ingat buat like, comment, subscribe & share! ================================================= Lyric lagu : Tak ada sedikit pun sesalku Telah bertahan dengan setiaku Walau di akhir jalan 'Ku harus melepaskan dirimu Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat Hingga ada alasan Bagimu 'tuk tinggalkan setiamu Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu Telah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap napasku Karena demi cinta Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu Sebab 'ku mengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki Andai saja bisa kau pahami Layaknya arti kasih sejati Karna cinta yang sungguh Tiada akan pernah mungkin bersyarat Demi nama cinta Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu Telah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap napasku Karena demi cinta Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu Sebab 'ku mengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki Dirimu Ternyata tak mampu kau melihat Dalamnya cintaku yang hebat ================================================= Follow GP Records: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gp_records/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/GP_Record?s=09 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/grahaprima.Records google + : https://plus.google.com/+GPRecords Website : www.gprecords.co.id Subscribe GP Records channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_27bO3xlwJrnq5TvRnd6Q?sub_confirmation=1 Link Dailymotion GP Records: http://www.dailymotion.com/grahaprimarecord Link vidio.com GP Records : https://www.vidio.com/@gprecords #GPRecords
    Element EleéeH - FOU DE TOi Feat Ross Kana& Bruce Melodie (Official Video)

    Element EleéeH - FOU DE TOi Feat Ross Kana& Bruce Melodie (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:30
    • Uploaded Date: 29 May 2023
    • views: 21554390
    Writer: Element Eleéeh, Ross Kana , Bruce Melodie, RUMAGA Junior Producer: Element Eleéeh Executive Producers: 1:55 AM Acoustic Guitar: Jules Hirwa Bass Guitar: Arnaud Gasige Mix & Mastering: Bob Pro Video Director : GAD, Bahali Ruth DOP: John Elarts , BJC Editor: GAD , Editor Guy Colorist: Ben Aitar Costumes: Young C Designer Make up: MIO Beauty Recording label: 1:55 AM Special Thanks to: Chateau Le Marara , Ma Boutique Hotel Follow Element Eleéeh Everywhere: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eleeeh7 Twitter : https://twitter.com/element_eleeeh Instagram : https://instagram.com/element_eleeeh Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@element_eleeeh Stream FOU DE TOi everywhere: https://elementeleeh.lnk.to/Foudetoi #element #foudetoi #brucemelodie #rosskana #eleeeh #afro #afrobeat #afropop #kizomba #zouk #acoustic #kigali #rwanda #africa
    Configurando raymarine element 12 cartas marinas felices pescas !!!

    Configurando raymarine element 12 cartas marinas felices pescas !!!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:23
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Jun 2024
    • views: 1125
    Element - Rahasia Hati (HD)

    Element - Rahasia Hati (HD)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:45
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Nov 2012
    • views: 802315
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:09:58

    POP SMOKE - ELEMENT (Official Lyric Video)

    Element - (Official Lyric Video) by Pop Smoke Stream Meet The Woo 2: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/MTW2 Subscribe to Pop Smoke’s channel: https://PopSmoke.lnk.to/Subscribe Follow Pop Smoke: https://instagram.com/realpopsmoke https://facebook.com/realpopsmoke https://twitter.com/popsmoke10 https://soundcloud.com/biggavelipro #PopSmoke #MeetTheWoo2 #Element Music video by Pop Smoke performing Element. Victor Victor Worldwide; © 2020 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
    POP SMOKE - ELEMENT (Official Lyric Video)
    Element - (Official Lyric Video) by Pop Smoke Stream Meet The Woo 2: https://PopSmoke.lnk....
    published: 17 Feb 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    Element Eleéeh - MiLELE (Official Music Video)
    Rwanda has launched a new wave of sound titled "AFRO- GAKO". Writer: Element Eleéeh, INKI...
    published: 03 Jun 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Kendrick Lamar - ELEMENT.
    DAMN. available now http://smarturl.it/DAMN Director: Jonas Lindstroem & the little hom...
    published: 27 Jun 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Element - Rahasia Hati
    Element - Rahasia Hati
    published: 06 Jun 2007
    Play in Full Screen
    10 Lagu ELEMENT FULL ALBUM "Baper"
    published: 13 Oct 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Music Video)
    music Pop Hits 2000an klik disini https://bit.ly/3kDZbua Jangan lupa subscribe Dan Janga...
    published: 05 Nov 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Element - Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Official Lyric)
    Selamat menonton video Lyric Cinta Tak Bersyarat dari Element yaa! Jangan lupa biar gak ke...
    published: 29 Mar 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Element EleéeH - FOU DE TOi Feat Ross Kana& Bruce Melodie (Official Video)
    Writer: Element Eleéeh, Ross Kana , Bruce Melodie, RUMAGA Junior Producer: Element Eleéeh ...
    published: 29 May 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Configurando raymarine element 12 cartas marinas felices pescas !!!
    published: 16 Jun 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Element - Rahasia Hati (HD)
    published: 16 Nov 2012
    Play in Full Screen


    Element or elements may refer to:



  • Elements trilogy, three films by Indian film-maker Deepa Mehta
  • Literature

  • Lower Elements, a fictional underground city in the Artemis Fowl world, created by Eoin Colfer
  • Magazines

  • Element Magazine, a men's lifestyle and fashion digital magazine published in Singapore since 2013
  • Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology
  • Music

  • Element (production team), a Norwegian production and songwriting team
  • Elements (Atheist album)
  • Elements (band), 1980s–90s American jazz ensemble
  • Elements (Ludovico Einaudi album), 2015
  • Elements (Roger Glover album), 1978
  • Elements (Steve Howe album)
  • Elements, Pt. 1, a 2003 album by Stratovarius
  • Elements, Pt. 2, a 2003 album by Stratovarius
  • The Elements (Second Person album), 2007
  • The Elements (Joe Henderson album), 1973
  • "The Elements: Fire", a 1966 song by The Beach Boys
  • "The Elements" (song), by Tom Lehrer
  • Elements – The Best of Mike Oldfield, single CD edition
  • Elements – The Best of Mike Oldfield (video), video/DVD edition
  • '); } else { var query = elem.find('.keywords').html(); $.ajax({ context: elem, url: 'https://wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-search-adv/video', cache: true, data: { 'query': query }, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(text) { if (text.length > 0) { video_id = text[0].id; elem.find('.player').html(''); } } }); } } var stopAllYouTubeVideos = function() { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(iframes, function(iframe) { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ event: 'command', func: 'pauseVideo' }), '*'); }); } jQuery(function() { jQuery(".playVideo").live("click", function() { if(!$(this).hasClass("played")){ stopAllYouTubeVideos(); var elem = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ mouseOverMe(elem); }, 1000); } }); jQuery(".description_box .expandContent").live("click", function() { elem = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.descContent'); if(elem.height() > 51) { elem.css('height', '44px'); $(this).html('Show More '); }else{ elem.css('height', 'auto'); $(this).html('Hide '); } }); jQuery('.interview-play-off').click(function() { $(".interview-play-off").hide(); $(".interview-play").show(); $(".videoplayer-control-pause").click(); }); jQuery(".video-desc .show_author_videos").live("click", function() { query = $(this).attr('title'); container = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.video-author-thumbs'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.video-author-thumbs').css('height', '220px'); jQuery.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/videoresults', data: {'query': query}, success: function(text) { if(!text) { text = i18n("No results"); } container.html(jQuery(text)); } }); }); }); // -->