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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); 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Evolution of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs evolved within a single lineage of archosaurs 232-234 Ma (million years ago) in the Ladinian age, the latter part of the middle Triassic. Dinosauria is a well-supported clade, present in 98% of bootstraps. It is diagnosed by many features including loss of the postfrontal on the skull and an elongate deltopectoral crest on the humerus.

Origins amongst archosaurs

The process leading up to the Dinosauromorpha and the first true dinosaurs can be followed through fossils of the early Archosaurs such as the Proterosuchidae, Erythrosuchidae and Euparkeria which have fossils dating back to 250 Ma, through mid-Triassic archosaurs such as Ticinosuchus 232-236 Ma. Crocodiles are also descendants of mid-Triassic archosaurs.

Dinosaurs can be defined as the last common ancestor of birds (Saurischia) and Triceratops (Ornithischia) and all the descendants of that ancestor. With that definition, the pterosaurs and several species of archosaurs narrowly miss out on being classified as dinosaurs. The pterosaurs are famous for flying through the Mesozoic skies on leathery wings and reaching the largest sizes of any flying animal that ever existed. Archosaur genera that also narrowly miss out on being classified as dinosaurs include Schleromochlus 220-225 Ma, Lagerpeton 230-232 Ma and Marasuchus 230-232 Ma.

10 Minutes

10 Minutes may refer to:

  • "10 Minutes" (Inna song)
  • 10 Minutes (2002 film), a 2002 film
  • 10 Minutes (2013 film), a 2013 film
  • Ten Minutes
  • 10 Minutes (2013 film)

    10 Minutes (Hangul: 10분; RR: Sipbun) is a 2013 South Korean film directed by Lee Yong-seung. It premiered at the 2013 Busan International Film Festival and was released in theaters on April 24, 2014.


    Kang Ho-chan is studying and preparing for his dream job as a TV station producer. Barely scraping by since his father's retirement, his family has high hopes for him. However, he fails time and time again to get into the station and eventually ends up getting a part-time job at a government office to support his family. One day, one full-time employee resigns and Ho-chan's boss offers him a permanent position. Ho-chan hesitates between his long-time dream of becoming a producer and a steady job. After thinking long and hard, he chooses to be realistic and take the offer, but someone else gets appointed for the job.


  • Baek Jong-hwan as Kang Ho-chan
  • Kim Jong-gu as Director
  • Jeong Hee-tae as Union director
  • Lee Si-won as Song Eun-hye
  • Jang Liu as Han Young-mi
  • Jeong Seung-gil as Jeong Yong-jin
  • 10 Minutes (Inna song)

    "10 Minutes" is a song by Romanian dance/pop vocalist Inna extracted from her debut studio album Hot (2009). Released on January 25, 2010, the single acts as the fifth release from her full-length record. "10 Minutes" was written and produced by the Play & Win-members Radu Bolfea, Sebastian Barac and Marcel Botezan, and was released digitally and phisically mid 2010. The official music video for the single was shot in London, United Kingdom by Paul Boyd and premiered on June 29, 2010 onto Inna's YouTube channel. Lyrically, "10 Minutes" speaks about partying and going to clubs. It is a house song, more influenced by American music than its predecessor "Amazing". "10 Minutes" peaked at number-eight on the French Singles Chart, making it Inna's fourth song in-a-row to enter the chart's top-ten.


    "10 Minutes" was leaked on Inna's YouTube channel on December 23, 2009 under the title of "Karaoke with Inna". Subsequently, it was sent to the Romanian mainstream radios (such as Kiss FM) on January 25, 2010. The production and writing process of the single was handled by native production trio Play & Win. While they also wrote and produced her previous singles, this record is more heavily influenced by American music than the previous songs released by Inna, with the house beats being not very much emphasised here


    • [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes

      [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 해당 영상의 권리가 1theK로 이관됨에 따라 재업로드 되었습니다. [Notice] 1theK YouTube is an official channel that distributes music videos. This video has been uploaded again as the right of this video was transferred to 1theK.

      published: 22 May 2019
    • Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng]

      By - ksector 🎶 🎬 Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/BbJ4ibqR6PQ Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng] Song: 10 Minutes Artist: Lee Hyori (이효리) Album: Stylish...E Year: 2003 #ksector #LeeHyori #10Minutes ************************************************* Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kpopsector Subscribe our channel: https://www.youtube.com/ksector *************************************************

      published: 22 Aug 2018
    • Lee Hyori (Hyolee | 이효리) 030817 Inkigayo 이효리 10 Minutes 1080p 60fps

      Check out our upcoming channel https://www.youtube.com/@kfaplife for real-time mixes of kpop idols, race queens, BJs, and more - 케이팝 아이돌, 레이스 퀸, BJ 등의 실시간 믹스

      published: 19 Feb 2016
    • "[4K] TWICE Nayeon, Momo, Jihyo's '10 Minutes' Cover! TWICEFANMEETING ONCE AGAIN IN SEOUL 231021 "

      231021 twice fanmeeting / 231021 twice once again fanmeeting / twice 10 minutes cover / twice lee hyori 10 minutes / 231021 twice nayeon 10 minutes / 231021 twice Momo 10 minutes / 231021 twice jihyo 10 minutes / twice fanmeeting 2023 / twice nayeon 10 minutes fancam / twice jihyo 10 minutes fancam / twice momo 10 minutes fancam / 231021 twice cover stage / 231021 트와이스 팬미팅 / 231021 트와이스 '원스 어게인' 팬미팅 / 트와이스 10분 커버 / 트와이스 이효리 10분 / 231021 트와이스 나연 10분 / 231021 트와이스 모모 10분 / 231021 트와이스 지효 10분 / 트와이스 팬미팅 2023 / 트와이스 나연 10분 팬캠 / 트와이스 지효 10분 팬캠 / 트와이스 모모 10분 팬캠 / 231021 트와이스 커버 무대 / 231021 トゥワイス ファンミーティング / 231021 トゥワイス 'ワンス アゲイン' ファンミーティング / トゥワイス 10分 カバー / トゥワイス 李孝利 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス ナヨン 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス モモ 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス ジヒョ 10分 / トゥワイス ファンミーティング 2023 / トゥワイス ナヨン 10分 ファンカム / トゥワイス ...

      published: 18 Nov 2023
    • 10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 [더 시즌즈-이효리의 레드카펫] | KBS 240223 방송

      10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 #더시즌즈 #10Minutes #차은우 #이효리 #이효리의레드카펫 #음악 #뮤직 # ---------------------------------------------- ▶ Homepage : https://www.kbs.co.kr/ ▶ Wavve : https://www.wavve.com/ ▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theseasons2023 ▶ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KBSKpop ----------------------------------------------

      published: 23 Feb 2024
    • 이효리 (Lee Hyori) - 10 Minutes (텐미닛) 교차 편집 (Stage Mix)

      * 교차편집으로는 어떠한 수익도 발생되지 않습니다. moomix00@gmail.com * Thanks to : N-Forced (tv effect) 영상 수집 도와주신 팬분들 #댄스가수유랑단 #이효리

      published: 10 May 2023
    • 10 Minute Timer

      This timer counts down silently until it reaches 0:00, then a police siren sounds to alert you that time is up.

      published: 07 Sep 2015
    • 10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids!

      10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids! This is an awesome 10 minute timer for children, kids, and adults! Countdown Timer with music for classroom, preschool, youth group, workout! In this easy countdown timer video, we included calm, relaxing, and peaceful music! Free 10 minute countdown timer! Best HD, high quality timer! Please subscribe for more videos! Great for all purpose! So what is a countdown you may ask, well in the dictionary, countdown is definited as: a number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count. An easier way of defining it is: the process of counting off backward in fixed units (as seconds) the time remaining before an event. Also, a timer is: a clocklike device that turns something on or off at a set tim...

      published: 26 Jun 2018
    • 10 minutes avec Jésus. Maria, Maria, Maria ! (12-09-2024)

      💡 Toute l'info sur nous ici ➡ https://10minutesavecjesus.org/ 📲 Reçois les audios par Telegram https://t.me/dixminutesavecjesus ✅ Reçois les audios par Whatsapp http://dozz.es/10mjf 🆓 Télécharge notre app sur Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.diezminutosconjesus.app 🆓 Télécharge notre app sur App Store https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/10-minutos-con-jesus/id1520728212 Crédits musique •⁠ ⁠West Side Story (3/10) Movie CLIP - Maria (1961) HD. Musique de Leonard Bernstein; paroles de Stephen Sondheim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyofWTw0bqY •⁠ ⁠Maria (WSS Karaoke) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne8JxDr0yZY

      published: 11 Sep 2024
    • YEJI, RYUJIN, & CHAERYEONG - 10 Minutes (이효리) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

      Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional English, Portuguese, & Spanish SUBs now ✨😎 Web▶ https://bit.ly/41LwySK App▶ https://bit.ly/48mYcYY ABOUT The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri Following Jay Park, Choi Jung Hoon, and AKMU, Lee Hyo Ri became the fourth host of "The Seasons" series. Come join the red carpet and round off your Friday night with good music, flashy performances, and amusing talks between Hyo Ri and her guests! Check out Hyo Ri’s well-known sense of humor as well! #TheSeasonsRedCarpetWithLeeHyoRi #LeeHyoRi #TheSeasons #kpop #kvariety #itzy SUBSCRIBE TO KOCOWA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL Click the link to subscribe to our channel for the latest shows & updates: https://www.youtu...

      published: 27 Jan 2024
    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes

    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:38
    • Uploaded Date: 22 May 2019
    • views: 16420289
    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 해당 영상의 권리가 1theK로 이관됨에 따라 재업로드 되었습니다. [Notice] 1theK YouTube is an official channel that distributes music videos. This video has been uploaded again as the right of this video was transferred to 1theK.
    Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng]

    Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:55
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Aug 2018
    • views: 5188006
    By - ksector 🎶 🎬 Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/BbJ4ibqR6PQ Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng] Song: 10 Minutes Artist: Lee Hyori (이효리) Album: Stylish...E Year: 2003 #ksector #LeeHyori #10Minutes ************************************************* Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kpopsector Subscribe our channel: https://www.youtube.com/ksector *************************************************
    Lee Hyori (Hyolee | 이효리) 030817 Inkigayo 이효리 10 Minutes 1080p 60fps

    Lee Hyori (Hyolee | 이효리) 030817 Inkigayo 이효리 10 Minutes 1080p 60fps

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:21
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Feb 2016
    • views: 3650322
    Check out our upcoming channel https://www.youtube.com/@kfaplife for real-time mixes of kpop idols, race queens, BJs, and more - 케이팝 아이돌, 레이스 퀸, BJ 등의 실시간 믹스
    "[4K] TWICE Nayeon, Momo, Jihyo's '10 Minutes' Cover! TWICEFANMEETING ONCE AGAIN IN SEOUL 231021 "

    "[4K] TWICE Nayeon, Momo, Jihyo's '10 Minutes' Cover! TWICEFANMEETING ONCE AGAIN IN SEOUL 231021 "

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:34
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Nov 2023
    • views: 2633549
    231021 twice fanmeeting / 231021 twice once again fanmeeting / twice 10 minutes cover / twice lee hyori 10 minutes / 231021 twice nayeon 10 minutes / 231021 twice Momo 10 minutes / 231021 twice jihyo 10 minutes / twice fanmeeting 2023 / twice nayeon 10 minutes fancam / twice jihyo 10 minutes fancam / twice momo 10 minutes fancam / 231021 twice cover stage / 231021 트와이스 팬미팅 / 231021 트와이스 '원스 어게인' 팬미팅 / 트와이스 10분 커버 / 트와이스 이효리 10분 / 231021 트와이스 나연 10분 / 231021 트와이스 모모 10분 / 231021 트와이스 지효 10분 / 트와이스 팬미팅 2023 / 트와이스 나연 10분 팬캠 / 트와이스 지효 10분 팬캠 / 트와이스 모모 10분 팬캠 / 231021 트와이스 커버 무대 / 231021 トゥワイス ファンミーティング / 231021 トゥワイス 'ワンス アゲイン' ファンミーティング / トゥワイス 10分 カバー / トゥワイス 李孝利 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス ナヨン 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス モモ 10分 / 231021 トゥワイス ジヒョ 10分 / トゥワイス ファンミーティング 2023 / トゥワイス ナヨン 10分 ファンカム / トゥワイス ジヒョ 10分 ファンカム / トゥワイス モモ 10分 ファンカム / 231021 トゥワイス カバー ステージ / "Get ready to be blown away by TWICE's Nayeon, Momo, and Jihyo as they unleash their charisma in an epic sub-unit performance of Lee Hyori's '10 Minutes' at the 2023 TWICE Fanmeeting 'ONCE AGAIN IN SEOUL.' Watch the queens of K-pop pay homage to a legend in this unforgettable stage, filled with talent and allure. 🔥🎤 #TWICE #Nayeon #Momo #Jihyo #LeeHyori #10Minutes #TWICEFanmeeting #OnceAgainInSeoul #Kpop"
    10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 [더 시즌즈-이효리의 레드카펫] | KBS 240223 방송

    10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 [더 시즌즈-이효리의 레드카펫] | KBS 240223 방송

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:00
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Feb 2024
    • views: 2789333
    10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 #더시즌즈 #10Minutes #차은우 #이효리 #이효리의레드카펫 #음악 #뮤직 # ---------------------------------------------- ▶ Homepage : https://www.kbs.co.kr/ ▶ Wavve : https://www.wavve.com/ ▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theseasons2023 ▶ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KBSKpop ----------------------------------------------
    이효리 (Lee Hyori) - 10 Minutes (텐미닛) 교차 편집 (Stage Mix)

    이효리 (Lee Hyori) - 10 Minutes (텐미닛) 교차 편집 (Stage Mix)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:52
    • Uploaded Date: 10 May 2023
    • views: 1573372
    * 교차편집으로는 어떠한 수익도 발생되지 않습니다. moomix00@gmail.com * Thanks to : N-Forced (tv effect) 영상 수집 도와주신 팬분들 #댄스가수유랑단 #이효리
    10 Minute Timer

    10 Minute Timer

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:16
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Sep 2015
    • views: 45284908
    This timer counts down silently until it reaches 0:00, then a police siren sounds to alert you that time is up.
    10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids!

    10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:02
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2018
    • views: 7222532
    10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids! This is an awesome 10 minute timer for children, kids, and adults! Countdown Timer with music for classroom, preschool, youth group, workout! In this easy countdown timer video, we included calm, relaxing, and peaceful music! Free 10 minute countdown timer! Best HD, high quality timer! Please subscribe for more videos! Great for all purpose! So what is a countdown you may ask, well in the dictionary, countdown is definited as: a number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count. An easier way of defining it is: the process of counting off backward in fixed units (as seconds) the time remaining before an event. Also, a timer is: a clocklike device that turns something on or off at a set time or gives a signal at the end of a period of time. We can also relate this to a clock, hourglass, metronome, timepiece. Things associated to countdowns and timers are: pendulum, stopwatch, sundial, ticker, timekeeper, timemarker, watch, chronometer, chronograph, timepiece!
    10 minutes avec Jésus. Maria, Maria, Maria ! (12-09-2024)

    10 minutes avec Jésus. Maria, Maria, Maria ! (12-09-2024)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:58
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Sep 2024
    • views: 298
    💡 Toute l'info sur nous ici ➡ https://10minutesavecjesus.org/ 📲 Reçois les audios par Telegram https://t.me/dixminutesavecjesus ✅ Reçois les audios par Whatsapp http://dozz.es/10mjf 🆓 Télécharge notre app sur Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.diezminutosconjesus.app 🆓 Télécharge notre app sur App Store https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/10-minutos-con-jesus/id1520728212 Crédits musique •⁠ ⁠West Side Story (3/10) Movie CLIP - Maria (1961) HD. Musique de Leonard Bernstein; paroles de Stephen Sondheim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyofWTw0bqY •⁠ ⁠Maria (WSS Karaoke) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne8JxDr0yZY
    YEJI, RYUJIN, & CHAERYEONG - 10 Minutes (이효리) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

    YEJI, RYUJIN, & CHAERYEONG - 10 Minutes (이효리) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:42
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Jan 2024
    • views: 486753
    Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional English, Portuguese, & Spanish SUBs now ✨😎 Web▶ https://bit.ly/41LwySK App▶ https://bit.ly/48mYcYY ABOUT The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri Following Jay Park, Choi Jung Hoon, and AKMU, Lee Hyo Ri became the fourth host of "The Seasons" series. Come join the red carpet and round off your Friday night with good music, flashy performances, and amusing talks between Hyo Ri and her guests! Check out Hyo Ri’s well-known sense of humor as well! #TheSeasonsRedCarpetWithLeeHyoRi #LeeHyoRi #TheSeasons #kpop #kvariety #itzy SUBSCRIBE TO KOCOWA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL Click the link to subscribe to our channel for the latest shows & updates: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAqlxq4Bs9PjI86M9lM18TA START YOUR FREE TRIAL https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/plan FOLLOW US Facebook ▶ https://www.facebook.com/kocowa/ Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/kocowa.official/ TikTok ▶ https://www.tiktok.com/@kocowa.official Twitter ▶ https://twitter.com/kocowa_official Blog “Korean Entertainment for Everyone” ▶ https://blog.kocowa.com/ About #KOCOWA KOCOWA+ is a global entertainment streaming service where people can discover, watch, and fall in love with Korean programming across the Americas. KOCOWA+ offers thousands of hours of exclusive dramas, reality, and k-pop shows direct from Korea and all with multi-language subtitles for international ‘Hallyu’ fans. New shows are uploaded daily and within 6 hours after the Korean linear broadcast. KOCOWA+ is powered by the top three Korean broadcasting companies (KBS, MBC, & SBS) and many other partners from Korea.
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 58:18

    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes

    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 해당 영상의 권리가 1theK로 이관됨에 따라 재업로드 되었습니다. [Notice] 1theK YouTube is an official channel that distributes music videos. This video has been uploaded again as the right of this video was transferred to 1theK.
    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes
    [MV] Lee Hyori(이효리) _ 10 Minutes [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 해당 영상의 권리가 1theK로 이...
    published: 22 May 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Minutes" Lyrics [Color Coded Han/Rom/Eng]
    By - ksector 🎶 🎬 Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/BbJ4ibqR6PQ Lee Hyori (이효리) - "10 Min...
    published: 22 Aug 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    Lee Hyori (Hyolee | 이효리) 030817 Inkigayo 이효리 10 Minutes 1080p 60fps
    Check out our upcoming channel https://www.youtube.com/@kfaplife for real-time mixes of kp...
    published: 19 Feb 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    "[4K] TWICE Nayeon, Momo, Jihyo's '10 Minutes' Cover! TWICEFANMEETING ONCE AGAIN IN SEOUL 231021 "
    231021 twice fanmeeting / 231021 twice once again fanmeeting / twice 10 minutes cover / tw...
    published: 18 Nov 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 [더 시즌즈-이효리의 레드카펫] | KBS 240223 방송
    10 Minutes (차은우 VER.) - 차은우 #더시즌즈 #10Minutes #차은우 #이효리 #이효리의레드카펫 #음악 #뮤직 # ------------...
    published: 23 Feb 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    이효리 (Lee Hyori) - 10 Minutes (텐미닛) 교차 편집 (Stage Mix)
    * 교차편집으로는 어떠한 수익도 발생되지 않습니다. moomix00@gmail.com * Thanks to : N-Forced (tv effect) 영상 수집...
    published: 10 May 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    10 Minute Timer
    This timer counts down silently until it reaches 0:00, then a police siren sounds to alert...
    published: 07 Sep 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids!
    10 Minute Countdown Timer with Music for Kids! This is an awesome 10 minute timer for chil...
    published: 26 Jun 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    10 minutes avec Jésus. Maria, Maria, Maria ! (12-09-2024)
    💡 Toute l'info sur nous ici ➡ https://10minutesavecjesus.org/ 📲 Reçois les audios par Tele...
    published: 11 Sep 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    YEJI, RYUJIN, & CHAERYEONG - 10 Minutes (이효리) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+
    Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional E...
    published: 27 Jan 2024
    Play in Full Screen

    Evolution of dinosaurs

    Dinosaurs evolved within a single lineage of archosaurs 232-234 Ma (million years ago) in the Ladinian age, the latter part of the middle Triassic. Dinosauria is a well-supported clade, present in 98% of bootstraps. It is diagnosed by many features including loss of the postfrontal on the skull and an elongate deltopectoral crest on the humerus.

    Origins amongst archosaurs

    The process leading up to the Dinosauromorpha and the first true dinosaurs can be followed through fossils of the early Archosaurs such as the Proterosuchidae, Erythrosuchidae and Euparkeria which have fossils dating back to 250 Ma, through mid-Triassic archosaurs such as Ticinosuchus 232-236 Ma. Crocodiles are also descendants of mid-Triassic archosaurs.

    Dinosaurs can be defined as the last common ancestor of birds (Saurischia) and Triceratops (Ornithischia) and all the descendants of that ancestor. With that definition, the pterosaurs and several species of archosaurs narrowly miss out on being classified as dinosaurs. The pterosaurs are famous for flying through the Mesozoic skies on leathery wings and reaching the largest sizes of any flying animal that ever existed. Archosaur genera that also narrowly miss out on being classified as dinosaurs include Schleromochlus 220-225 Ma, Lagerpeton 230-232 Ma and Marasuchus 230-232 Ma.

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