Five Facts about the Western Honey Bee
Although it is winter, our honey bees on the roof of Menomonee Valley are still in their hive, staying warm. How do they do it? That and more fascinating facts about the Western Honey Bee on this episode of Five Facts!
Check out more great content like this at: urbanecologycenter.org/inmybackyard
Want to help connect more people to nature & each other? Donate at urbanecologycenter.org/donate
published: 03 Feb 2021
Western Honeybees vs. Giant Hornet: A Brave Defense Battle
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) approached a Western honeybee hive. In response, the Western honeybees formed a group to intimidate the hornet and bravely began their defensive battle. This video is in slow motion at 25% playback speed.
published: 25 Nov 2024
How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic
Every honeybee has a job to do. Some are nurses who take care of the brood; some are janitors who clean the hive; others are foragers who gather pollen to make honey. Collectively, honeybees are able to achieve an incredible level of sophistication, especially considering their brains are only the size of sesame seeds. But how are these jobs divvied up, and where do bees learn the skills to execute them?
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
#NationalGeographic #Honeybees #Jobs
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
Get More Nation...
published: 26 Mar 2019
The Western Honey Bees Work Together To Maintain Hives! | The Western Honey Bee Song | KLT
Let's learn about the Western Honey Bee!
► Watch KLT's most popular videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuwJoMu_u77fQ9z14hG0cHzz
► Watch a related video: LINK
► Check out the KLT Website & Merch Shop: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/
► Subscribe to KLT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7EFWpvc1wYuUwrtZ_BLi9A?sub_confirmation=1
► Want to learn how YOUR body works? Subscribe to KLT ANATOMY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF5spd04H6MEj-3Uvs2umZA?sub_confirmation=1
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► KLT Music Downloads: https://...
published: 04 Jul 2023
Western Honeybees Fight Back Against Giant Hornet
Western honeybees bravely confront the Giant hornet(Vespa mandarinia). The Giant hornet attacks the honeybees with its powerful mandibles. The Western honeybees fight back by ramming into the hornets or grabbing onto them. Although they can temporarily drive the hornets away, they are ultimately overpowered one by one, and the colony is destroyed.
published: 08 Jan 2025
Giant Hornet vs. Western Honeybees: A Fierce Battle
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) came to attack a Western honeybee hive. The honeybees bravely confronted an enemy many times their size. However, in the end, they were defeated. Western honeybees lack any effective countermeasures against the Giant hornet. This is one of the reasons why Western honeybees cannot establish themselves in the wild in Japan.
published: 18 Jan 2025
How Do Bees Make Honey?
Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you 😃) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: https://to.pbs.org/PBSDSDonate
Let PBS know more about you and what digital series you’d like to see: http://surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Tweet this ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunE Share on FB ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunEfb
↓ More info and sources below ↓
Check out our BEE PLAYLIST! http://bit.ly/OKTBSbeelist
The Honey Bee Dance Language Explained: https://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/apiculture/pdfs/1.11%20copy.pdf
Being a queen is about more than royal jelly:
Mao, Wenfu, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum. "A dietary phytochemical alters caste-associated gene expression in honey bees."Science advances 1.7 (2015): e1500795
Multiple phenotypes coming from the same genetics (like workers and queen...
published: 28 Mar 2016
The Secret Success Behind Honey Bees | Real Wild
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/realwildschannel
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realwildchannel/
Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected]
#honeybees #bees #butterfly
published: 15 May 2023
Polinización de pastura, y las pasturas? se vino el calor y nos dejo sin flores y fumigaron la zona
No todo es color de rosa y no solo la falta de lluvia que nos dejo sin flores, tambien fumigaron en la zona
La polinización de pasturas es un proceso fundamental en los ecosistemas agropecuarios, ya que muchas especies de gramíneas y leguminosas dependen de insectos polinizadores para su reproducción y regeneración. Sin embargo, en muchas regiones, este equilibrio natural se ve amenazado por diversos factores, como el clima extremo y el uso intensivo de agroquímicos.
El impacto del calor y la sequía en la floración
Las altas temperaturas y la falta de precipitaciones pueden reducir drásticamente la disponibilidad de flores en las pasturas. Sin flores, los polinizadores tienen menos recursos para alimentarse, lo que disminuye su población y, en consecuencia, afecta la regeneración natural...
published: 04 Feb 2025
Western bees vs Japanese giant hornet.
published: 23 Mar 2023
Five Facts about the Western Honey Bee
Although it is winter, our honey bees on the roof of Menomonee Valley are still in their hive, staying warm. How do they do it? That and more fascinating facts ...
Although it is winter, our honey bees on the roof of Menomonee Valley are still in their hive, staying warm. How do they do it? That and more fascinating facts about the Western Honey Bee on this episode of Five Facts!
Check out more great content like this at: urbanecologycenter.org/inmybackyard
Want to help connect more people to nature & each other? Donate at urbanecologycenter.org/donate
Although it is winter, our honey bees on the roof of Menomonee Valley are still in their hive, staying warm. How do they do it? That and more fascinating facts about the Western Honey Bee on this episode of Five Facts!
Check out more great content like this at: urbanecologycenter.org/inmybackyard
Want to help connect more people to nature & each other? Donate at urbanecologycenter.org/donate
- published: 03 Feb 2021
- views: 2235
Western Honeybees vs. Giant Hornet: A Brave Defense Battle
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) approached a Western honeybee hive. In response, the Western honeybees formed a group to intimidate the hornet and bravely beg...
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) approached a Western honeybee hive. In response, the Western honeybees formed a group to intimidate the hornet and bravely began their defensive battle. This video is in slow motion at 25% playback speed.
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) approached a Western honeybee hive. In response, the Western honeybees formed a group to intimidate the hornet and bravely began their defensive battle. This video is in slow motion at 25% playback speed.
- published: 25 Nov 2024
- views: 10926954
How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic
Every honeybee has a job to do. Some are nurses who take care of the brood; some are janitors who clean the hive; others are foragers who gather pollen to make ...
Every honeybee has a job to do. Some are nurses who take care of the brood; some are janitors who clean the hive; others are foragers who gather pollen to make honey. Collectively, honeybees are able to achieve an incredible level of sophistication, especially considering their brains are only the size of sesame seeds. But how are these jobs divvied up, and where do bees learn the skills to execute them?
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
#NationalGeographic #Honeybees #Jobs
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
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Read more in "How honeybees get their jobs—explained"
How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic
National Geographic
Every honeybee has a job to do. Some are nurses who take care of the brood; some are janitors who clean the hive; others are foragers who gather pollen to make honey. Collectively, honeybees are able to achieve an incredible level of sophistication, especially considering their brains are only the size of sesame seeds. But how are these jobs divvied up, and where do bees learn the skills to execute them?
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
#NationalGeographic #Honeybees #Jobs
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
Get More National Geographic:
Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo
Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter
Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta
Read more in "How honeybees get their jobs—explained"
How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic
National Geographic
- published: 26 Mar 2019
- views: 1462680
The Western Honey Bees Work Together To Maintain Hives! | The Western Honey Bee Song | KLT
Let's learn about the Western Honey Bee!
► Watch KLT's most popular videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuwJoMu_u77fQ9z14hG0cHzz
► ...
Let's learn about the Western Honey Bee!
► Watch KLT's most popular videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuwJoMu_u77fQ9z14hG0cHzz
► Watch a related video: LINK
► Check out the KLT Website & Merch Shop: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/
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KLT is THE destination for kids to learn about the world around us through fun, original music and unique animation. Tune in EVERY Saturday for new videos!
#KLT #animals #westernhoneybee
The Western Honey Bees Work Together To Maintain Hives! | The Western Honey Bee Song | KLT
Let's learn about the Western Honey Bee!
► Watch KLT's most popular videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuwJoMu_u77fQ9z14hG0cHzz
► Watch a related video: LINK
► Check out the KLT Website & Merch Shop: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/
► Subscribe to KLT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7EFWpvc1wYuUwrtZ_BLi9A?sub_confirmation=1
► Want to learn how YOUR body works? Subscribe to KLT ANATOMY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF5spd04H6MEj-3Uvs2umZA?sub_confirmation=1
► Want to learn about the world? Subscribe to KLT GEOGRAPHY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjE9oosITb_DAI8EMcsQ5TA?sub_confirmation=1
► Quieres aprender en Español? Suscríbete a KLT Español: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoRarz8xOH4d9RJw_hsk-Wg?sub_confirmation=1
► KLT Music Downloads: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/collections/music
► Get the KLT App for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kids-learning-tube/id1491094573?ls=1
► Get the KLT App for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.w35ef400ff78.www
KLT is THE destination for kids to learn about the world around us through fun, original music and unique animation. Tune in EVERY Saturday for new videos!
#KLT #animals #westernhoneybee
The Western Honey Bees Work Together To Maintain Hives! | The Western Honey Bee Song | KLT
- published: 04 Jul 2023
- views: 112337
Western Honeybees Fight Back Against Giant Hornet
Western honeybees bravely confront the Giant hornet(Vespa mandarinia). The Giant hornet attacks the honeybees with its powerful mandibles. The Western honeybees...
Western honeybees bravely confront the Giant hornet(Vespa mandarinia). The Giant hornet attacks the honeybees with its powerful mandibles. The Western honeybees fight back by ramming into the hornets or grabbing onto them. Although they can temporarily drive the hornets away, they are ultimately overpowered one by one, and the colony is destroyed.
Western honeybees bravely confront the Giant hornet(Vespa mandarinia). The Giant hornet attacks the honeybees with its powerful mandibles. The Western honeybees fight back by ramming into the hornets or grabbing onto them. Although they can temporarily drive the hornets away, they are ultimately overpowered one by one, and the colony is destroyed.
- published: 08 Jan 2025
- views: 164328
Giant Hornet vs. Western Honeybees: A Fierce Battle
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) came to attack a Western honeybee hive. The honeybees bravely confronted an enemy many times their size. However, in the end, ...
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) came to attack a Western honeybee hive. The honeybees bravely confronted an enemy many times their size. However, in the end, they were defeated. Western honeybees lack any effective countermeasures against the Giant hornet. This is one of the reasons why Western honeybees cannot establish themselves in the wild in Japan.
A Giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) came to attack a Western honeybee hive. The honeybees bravely confronted an enemy many times their size. However, in the end, they were defeated. Western honeybees lack any effective countermeasures against the Giant hornet. This is one of the reasons why Western honeybees cannot establish themselves in the wild in Japan.
- published: 18 Jan 2025
- views: 57431
How Do Bees Make Honey?
Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you 😃) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: https://to.pbs.org/PBSDSDonate
Let PBS know more about you and what ...
Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you 😃) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: https://to.pbs.org/PBSDSDonate
Let PBS know more about you and what digital series you’d like to see: http://surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Tweet this ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunE Share on FB ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunEfb
↓ More info and sources below ↓
Check out our BEE PLAYLIST! http://bit.ly/OKTBSbeelist
The Honey Bee Dance Language Explained: https://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/apiculture/pdfs/1.11%20copy.pdf
Being a queen is about more than royal jelly:
Mao, Wenfu, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum. "A dietary phytochemical alters caste-associated gene expression in honey bees."Science advances 1.7 (2015): e1500795
Multiple phenotypes coming from the same genetics (like workers and queens) is called “polyphenism”
The social structure of honeybee hives: https://hymenoptera42.wordpress.com/2013/02/15/the-social-structure-of-honey-bees/
The following clips were used under Creative Commons CC-BY license:
Mary Ann Aschenbrennerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG6tWrcy3mQ
BeesOnTheNet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEMg_F1yUJk
Have an idea for an episode or an amazing science question you want answered? Leave a comment or check us out at the links below!
Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/okaytobesmart
Follow on Tumblr: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com
Follow on Instagram: http://instagram.com/jtotheizzoe
Follow on Snapchat: YoDrJoe
It’s Okay To Be Smart is written and hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Follow me on Twitter: @jtotheizzoe
Email me: itsokaytobesmart AT gmail DOT com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart
For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com
Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigita...
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock, stock footage from Videoblocks (unless otherwise noted)
Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you 😃) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: https://to.pbs.org/PBSDSDonate
Let PBS know more about you and what digital series you’d like to see: http://surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Tweet this ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunE Share on FB ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBShunEfb
↓ More info and sources below ↓
Check out our BEE PLAYLIST! http://bit.ly/OKTBSbeelist
The Honey Bee Dance Language Explained: https://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/apiculture/pdfs/1.11%20copy.pdf
Being a queen is about more than royal jelly:
Mao, Wenfu, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum. "A dietary phytochemical alters caste-associated gene expression in honey bees."Science advances 1.7 (2015): e1500795
Multiple phenotypes coming from the same genetics (like workers and queens) is called “polyphenism”
The social structure of honeybee hives: https://hymenoptera42.wordpress.com/2013/02/15/the-social-structure-of-honey-bees/
The following clips were used under Creative Commons CC-BY license:
Mary Ann Aschenbrennerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG6tWrcy3mQ
BeesOnTheNet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEMg_F1yUJk
Have an idea for an episode or an amazing science question you want answered? Leave a comment or check us out at the links below!
Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/okaytobesmart
Follow on Tumblr: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com
Follow on Instagram: http://instagram.com/jtotheizzoe
Follow on Snapchat: YoDrJoe
It’s Okay To Be Smart is written and hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Follow me on Twitter: @jtotheizzoe
Email me: itsokaytobesmart AT gmail DOT com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart
For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com
Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigita...
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock, stock footage from Videoblocks (unless otherwise noted)
- published: 28 Mar 2016
- views: 4540826
The Secret Success Behind Honey Bees | Real Wild
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fa...
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/realwildschannel
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realwildchannel/
Any queries, please contact us at:
[email protected]
#honeybees #bees #butterfly
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/realwildschannel
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realwildchannel/
Any queries, please contact us at:
[email protected]
#honeybees #bees #butterfly
- published: 15 May 2023
- views: 277616
Polinización de pastura, y las pasturas? se vino el calor y nos dejo sin flores y fumigaron la zona
No todo es color de rosa y no solo la falta de lluvia que nos dejo sin flores, tambien fumigaron en la zona
La polinización de pasturas es un proceso fundamenta...
No todo es color de rosa y no solo la falta de lluvia que nos dejo sin flores, tambien fumigaron en la zona
La polinización de pasturas es un proceso fundamental en los ecosistemas agropecuarios, ya que muchas especies de gramíneas y leguminosas dependen de insectos polinizadores para su reproducción y regeneración. Sin embargo, en muchas regiones, este equilibrio natural se ve amenazado por diversos factores, como el clima extremo y el uso intensivo de agroquímicos.
El impacto del calor y la sequía en la floración
Las altas temperaturas y la falta de precipitaciones pueden reducir drásticamente la disponibilidad de flores en las pasturas. Sin flores, los polinizadores tienen menos recursos para alimentarse, lo que disminuye su población y, en consecuencia, afecta la regeneración natural de las pasturas. En regiones donde el verano es particularmente intenso, muchas especies vegetales interrumpen su floración, generando un periódo crítico para los polinizadores y para la producción forrajera.
Fumigaciones y su efecto en los polinizadores
El uso de pesticidas y herbicidas en zonas agrícolas y ganaderas también representa un problema grave. Muchas de estas sustancias afectan directamente a las abejas y otros insectos polinizadores, reduciendo su población o alterando su comportamiento. Además, la eliminación de plantas "no deseadas" en los campos reduce la diversidad floral, lo que impacta negativamente en la oferta de polen y néctar disponible para los polinizadores.
No todo es color de rosa y no solo la falta de lluvia que nos dejo sin flores, tambien fumigaron en la zona
La polinización de pasturas es un proceso fundamental en los ecosistemas agropecuarios, ya que muchas especies de gramíneas y leguminosas dependen de insectos polinizadores para su reproducción y regeneración. Sin embargo, en muchas regiones, este equilibrio natural se ve amenazado por diversos factores, como el clima extremo y el uso intensivo de agroquímicos.
El impacto del calor y la sequía en la floración
Las altas temperaturas y la falta de precipitaciones pueden reducir drásticamente la disponibilidad de flores en las pasturas. Sin flores, los polinizadores tienen menos recursos para alimentarse, lo que disminuye su población y, en consecuencia, afecta la regeneración natural de las pasturas. En regiones donde el verano es particularmente intenso, muchas especies vegetales interrumpen su floración, generando un periódo crítico para los polinizadores y para la producción forrajera.
Fumigaciones y su efecto en los polinizadores
El uso de pesticidas y herbicidas en zonas agrícolas y ganaderas también representa un problema grave. Muchas de estas sustancias afectan directamente a las abejas y otros insectos polinizadores, reduciendo su población o alterando su comportamiento. Además, la eliminación de plantas "no deseadas" en los campos reduce la diversidad floral, lo que impacta negativamente en la oferta de polen y néctar disponible para los polinizadores.
- published: 04 Feb 2025
- views: 960
Honey Bees Make Honey ... and Bread? | Deep Look
Honey bees make honey from nectar to fuel their flight – and our sweet tooth. But they also need pollen for protein. So they trap, brush and pack it into baskets on their legs to make a special food called bee bread.
JOIN our Deep Look community on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/deeplook
SUBSCRIBE to Deep Look! http://goo.gl/8NwXqt
DEEP LOOK is a ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios. See the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small.
Spring means honey bees flitting from flower to flower. This frantic insect activity is essential to growing foods like almonds, raspberries and apples. Bees move pollen, making it possible for plants to grow the fruit and seeds ...
published: 07 May 2019
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Songs | Nizhalariyathe Song | Asil Ali | Bhavana
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot...
published: 13 Sep 2013
JILLAM JILLALA HONEYBEE 2 Celebrations Official Music Video | Asif Ali | Balu | Bhasi | Bhavana |
Subscribe to this Channel and Win A Movie Ticket
Winners Picked Every Week!
JILLAM JILLALA ഹണി ബീ 2 | HONEYBEE 2 Celebrations Official Music Video | Asif Ali | Balu | Bhasi | Bhavana | Baburaj |
Director: Jean Paul Lal
Producer: Lal
Lyrics:Santhosh Varma
Singers:Afsal,Rimi Tomy,Anwar
Music director: Deepak Dev
Cinematography: Alby
Choreography: Boopathy (Machi)
Editor: Ratheesh Raj
Stills: Vivi
Designs : Heston
Release Date
23 March 2017
published: 14 Mar 2017
Primitive Technology: Amazing Catch A Giant HoneyBee For Food On The Big Tree
Hope you like this video.
Welcome to our community of bee and honey enthusiasts! Today, we want to talk about one of the most exciting aspects of beekeeping - honey harvesting.
Harvesting honey is the culmination of many months of hard work, dedication and careful tending of your bees. It’s a thrilling moment when you finally get to taste the fruits of your labor and enjoy the sweet, delicious nectar that your bees have been busy collecting.
In the world of beekeeping, honey harvesting is a complex process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a lot of patience. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through every step of the way.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, we’re here to share our knowledge, tips, and tricks for harvesting honey successfull...
published: 28 Jul 2023
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Songs | Innalakale Song | Lal | Asif Ali | Bhavana
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot...
published: 13 Sep 2013
Why Bees Die After They Sting You 😳 (ouch)
published: 01 Jul 2023
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Comedy Scenes | Asif Ali | Bhavana | Baburaj | Sreenath Bhasi | Lal
Watch Comedy Scenes from Honey Bee, #HoneyBee is a 2013 Malayalam Comedy Thriller film, written and directed by Lal Jr, son of actor-director Lal. The film features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Archana Kavi, Balu Varghese and Lal in the lead roles. The story revolves around two friends Sebastian and Angel who suddenly discover their love for each other. They elope on the eve of the girl's marriage, much to the chagrin of her brothers. The film essays the lovers' struggle for survival. It was released on 6 June 2013 and was a commercial success at the box-office.
#AsifAli #Bhavana #Baburaj #SreenathBhasi #ArchanaKavi #BaluVarghese #Lal
Directed by : Lal Jr.
Written by : Lal Jr.
Produced by : Siby Thottupuram , Jobi Mandamattom
Starring : Asif Ali , Bhavana , Baburaj , Sreena...
published: 14 Mar 2023
The Head and the Heart - Honeybee [Official Music Video]
Watch the official music video for Honeybee by The Head and the Heart from the album Living Mirage.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/user/theheadandtheheart?sub_confirmation=1
Download/stream Honeybee here: https://wbr.ec/livingmirage
Co-Creative Directors: Gilly Studio and Charity Rose Thielen
Director: Clare Gillen
Production Company: IAMSOUND
Producer: Laura Zollars
DP: Mason Prendergast
1AD: Rhoddy Jensen
Production Assistant: Justin Warren
Colorist: Mason Prendergast
Editor: Mason Prendergast
Join the mailing list to get early access to tickets, merch drops & more! http://theheadandtheheart.com/
Follow The Head and The Heart:
Official Website & Mailing List: https://theheadandtheheart.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/headandtheheart
Instagram: https://instagram.com...
published: 03 Feb 2020
The Secret Success Behind Honey Bees | Real Wild
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/realwildschannel
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realwildchannel/
Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected]
#honeybees #bees #butterfly
published: 15 May 2023
Superhit Comedy from Honey Bee 2: Celebrations | Malayalam | Asif Ali | Baburaj | SUN NXT
The search for a specialist chef leads to a series of hilarious events. Tune into the SUN NXT app and watch this chucklesome Malayalam movie.
Honey Bee 2: Celebrations is a 2017 Indian Malayalam comedy film written and directed by Lal Jr.. It is a sequel to the 2013 film Honey Bee and features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Lal, Sreenivasan, and Lena.
#Honeybee2Celebrations #AsifAli #Bhavana #SreenathBhasi #BaluVarghese #Lal #Sreenivasan #Lena #Malayalam #SUNNXT
Subscribe for more such clips, videos & updates - http://bit.ly/2H2R0Gz
Watch Full Movie on SUN NXT - https://sunnxt.page.link/JPYV
published: 16 Nov 2021
Honey Bees Make Honey ... and Bread? | Deep Look
Honey bees make honey from nectar to fuel their flight – and our sweet tooth. But they also need pollen for protein. So they trap, brush and pack it into basket...
Honey bees make honey from nectar to fuel their flight – and our sweet tooth. But they also need pollen for protein. So they trap, brush and pack it into baskets on their legs to make a special food called bee bread.
JOIN our Deep Look community on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/deeplook
SUBSCRIBE to Deep Look! http://goo.gl/8NwXqt
DEEP LOOK is a ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios. See the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small.
Spring means honey bees flitting from flower to flower. This frantic insect activity is essential to growing foods like almonds, raspberries and apples. Bees move pollen, making it possible for plants to grow the fruit and seeds they need to reproduce.
But honey bees don’t just move pollen from plant to plant. They also keep a lot for themselves. They carry it around in neat little balls, one on each of their hind legs. Collecting, packing and making pollen into something they can eat is a tough, intricate job that’s essential to the colony’s well-being.
Older female adult bees collect pollen and mix it with nectar or honey as they go along, then carry it back to the hive and deposit it in cells next to the developing baby bees, called larvae. This stored pollen, known as bee bread, is the colony’s main source of protein.
“You don’t have bees flying along snacking on pollen as they’re collecting it,” said Mark Carroll, an entomologist at the US Department of Agriculture’s Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Tucson. “This is the form of pollen that bees are eating.”
--- What is bee bread?
It’s the pollen that worker honey bees have collected, mixed with a little nectar or honey and stored within cells in the hive.
--- What is bee bread used for?
Bee bread is the main source of protein for adult bees and larvae. Young adult bees eat bee bread to make a liquid food similar to mammal’s milk that they feed to growing larvae; they also feed little bits of bee bread to older larvae.
--- How do honey bees use their pollen basket?
When a bee lands on a flower, it nibbles and licks off the pollen, which sticks to its head. It wipes the pollen off its eyes and antennae with a brush on each of its front legs, using them in tandem like windshield wipers. It also cleans the pollen off its mouth part, and as it does this, it mixes it with some saliva and a little nectar or honey that it carries around in a kind of stomach called a crop.
Then the bee uses brushes on its front, middle and hind legs to move the pollen, conveyor-belt style, front to middle to back. As it flies from bloom to bloom, the bee combs the pollen very quickly and moves it into baskets on its hind legs. Each pollen basket, called a corbicula, is a concave section of the hind leg covered by longish hairs that bend over and around the pollen.
---+ Read the entire article on KQED Science:
---+ Shoutout!
🏆Congratulations 🏆to spqr0a, A D2, James Peirce, Armageddonchampion, and Даниил Мерзликин for identifying what our worker bee was putting in a honeycomb cell (and why) - Bee Bread! See more on our Community Tab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3SbfTPJsL8fJAPKiVqBLg/community?lb=UgygsE43ghZvdVIcn0V4AaABCQ
---+ Thank you to our Top Patreon Supporters ($10+ per month)!
Ahegao Comics, Allen, Aurora Mitchell, Beckie, Ben Espey, Bill Cass, Breanna Tarnawsky, Carlos Zepeda, Chris B Emrick, Chris Murphy, Companion Cube, Cooper Caraway, Daisuke Goto, Daniel Weinstein, David Deshpande, Edwin Rivas, Elizabeth Ann Ditz, Elizabeth Wolden, Ivan Alexander, Iver Soto, Jane Orbuch, JanetFromAnotherPlanet, Jason Buberel, Jeanine Womble, Jenn's Bowtique, Jeremy Lambert, Jiayang Li, Joao Ascensao, johanna reis, Johnnyonnyful, Joshua Murallon Robertson, Justin Bull, Karen Reynolds, Kristell Esquivel , KW, Kyle Fisher, Laurel Przybylski, Levi Cai, Lyall Talarico, Mario Rahmani, Marjorie D Miller, Mark Joshua Bernardo, Michael Mieczkowski, Monica Albe, Nathan Padilla, Nathan Wright, Pamela Parker, PM Daeley, Ricardo Martinez, Robert Amling, Robert Warner, Sayantan Dasgupta, Sean Tucker, Shelley Pearson Cranshaw, Shirley Washburn, SueEllen McCann, Tatianna Bartlett, Tea Torvinen, TierZoo, Tommy Tran, Two Box Fish, WhatzGames, Willy Nursalim
---+ About KQED
KQED, an NPR and PBS affiliate in San Francisco, CA, serves Northern California and beyond with a public-supported alternative to commercial TV, radio and web media.
Funding for Deep Look is provided in part by PBS Digital Studios. Deep Look is a project of KQED Science, which is also supported by the National Science Foundation, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the Vadasz Family Foundation, the Fuhs Family Foundation, Campaign 21 and the members of KQED. #honeybees #bee bread #deeplook
Honey bees make honey from nectar to fuel their flight – and our sweet tooth. But they also need pollen for protein. So they trap, brush and pack it into baskets on their legs to make a special food called bee bread.
JOIN our Deep Look community on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/deeplook
SUBSCRIBE to Deep Look! http://goo.gl/8NwXqt
DEEP LOOK is a ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios. See the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small.
Spring means honey bees flitting from flower to flower. This frantic insect activity is essential to growing foods like almonds, raspberries and apples. Bees move pollen, making it possible for plants to grow the fruit and seeds they need to reproduce.
But honey bees don’t just move pollen from plant to plant. They also keep a lot for themselves. They carry it around in neat little balls, one on each of their hind legs. Collecting, packing and making pollen into something they can eat is a tough, intricate job that’s essential to the colony’s well-being.
Older female adult bees collect pollen and mix it with nectar or honey as they go along, then carry it back to the hive and deposit it in cells next to the developing baby bees, called larvae. This stored pollen, known as bee bread, is the colony’s main source of protein.
“You don’t have bees flying along snacking on pollen as they’re collecting it,” said Mark Carroll, an entomologist at the US Department of Agriculture’s Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Tucson. “This is the form of pollen that bees are eating.”
--- What is bee bread?
It’s the pollen that worker honey bees have collected, mixed with a little nectar or honey and stored within cells in the hive.
--- What is bee bread used for?
Bee bread is the main source of protein for adult bees and larvae. Young adult bees eat bee bread to make a liquid food similar to mammal’s milk that they feed to growing larvae; they also feed little bits of bee bread to older larvae.
--- How do honey bees use their pollen basket?
When a bee lands on a flower, it nibbles and licks off the pollen, which sticks to its head. It wipes the pollen off its eyes and antennae with a brush on each of its front legs, using them in tandem like windshield wipers. It also cleans the pollen off its mouth part, and as it does this, it mixes it with some saliva and a little nectar or honey that it carries around in a kind of stomach called a crop.
Then the bee uses brushes on its front, middle and hind legs to move the pollen, conveyor-belt style, front to middle to back. As it flies from bloom to bloom, the bee combs the pollen very quickly and moves it into baskets on its hind legs. Each pollen basket, called a corbicula, is a concave section of the hind leg covered by longish hairs that bend over and around the pollen.
---+ Read the entire article on KQED Science:
---+ Shoutout!
🏆Congratulations 🏆to spqr0a, A D2, James Peirce, Armageddonchampion, and Даниил Мерзликин for identifying what our worker bee was putting in a honeycomb cell (and why) - Bee Bread! See more on our Community Tab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3SbfTPJsL8fJAPKiVqBLg/community?lb=UgygsE43ghZvdVIcn0V4AaABCQ
---+ Thank you to our Top Patreon Supporters ($10+ per month)!
Ahegao Comics, Allen, Aurora Mitchell, Beckie, Ben Espey, Bill Cass, Breanna Tarnawsky, Carlos Zepeda, Chris B Emrick, Chris Murphy, Companion Cube, Cooper Caraway, Daisuke Goto, Daniel Weinstein, David Deshpande, Edwin Rivas, Elizabeth Ann Ditz, Elizabeth Wolden, Ivan Alexander, Iver Soto, Jane Orbuch, JanetFromAnotherPlanet, Jason Buberel, Jeanine Womble, Jenn's Bowtique, Jeremy Lambert, Jiayang Li, Joao Ascensao, johanna reis, Johnnyonnyful, Joshua Murallon Robertson, Justin Bull, Karen Reynolds, Kristell Esquivel , KW, Kyle Fisher, Laurel Przybylski, Levi Cai, Lyall Talarico, Mario Rahmani, Marjorie D Miller, Mark Joshua Bernardo, Michael Mieczkowski, Monica Albe, Nathan Padilla, Nathan Wright, Pamela Parker, PM Daeley, Ricardo Martinez, Robert Amling, Robert Warner, Sayantan Dasgupta, Sean Tucker, Shelley Pearson Cranshaw, Shirley Washburn, SueEllen McCann, Tatianna Bartlett, Tea Torvinen, TierZoo, Tommy Tran, Two Box Fish, WhatzGames, Willy Nursalim
---+ About KQED
KQED, an NPR and PBS affiliate in San Francisco, CA, serves Northern California and beyond with a public-supported alternative to commercial TV, radio and web media.
Funding for Deep Look is provided in part by PBS Digital Studios. Deep Look is a project of KQED Science, which is also supported by the National Science Foundation, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the Vadasz Family Foundation, the Fuhs Family Foundation, Campaign 21 and the members of KQED. #honeybees #bee bread #deeplook
- published: 07 May 2019
- views: 7900689
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Songs | Nizhalariyathe Song | Asil Ali | Bhavana
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhas...
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot of the story.
Star Cast: Asif Ali, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu, Baburaj, Bhavana, Archana Kavi, Lal , Amith Chackalakal, Suresh Krishna, Hasim, Vijay Babu
Music: Deepak Dev
Direction: Lal Jr.(Jean Paul Lal)
Producer: Sibi Thottupuram
Cinematography: Alby
Release: 7 June 2013
Genre: Love
Watch Laila O laila Malayalam Movie :
Watch Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Malayalam Movie :
Watch Praise the Lord Malayalam Movie :
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Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot of the story.
Star Cast: Asif Ali, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu, Baburaj, Bhavana, Archana Kavi, Lal , Amith Chackalakal, Suresh Krishna, Hasim, Vijay Babu
Music: Deepak Dev
Direction: Lal Jr.(Jean Paul Lal)
Producer: Sibi Thottupuram
Cinematography: Alby
Release: 7 June 2013
Genre: Love
Watch Laila O laila Malayalam Movie :
Watch Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Malayalam Movie :
Watch Praise the Lord Malayalam Movie :
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Website - http://www.apinternationalfilms.in
- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 1544274
JILLAM JILLALA HONEYBEE 2 Celebrations Official Music Video | Asif Ali | Balu | Bhasi | Bhavana |
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JILLAM JILLALA ഹണി ബീ 2 | HONEYBEE 2 Cele...
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JILLAM JILLALA ഹണി ബീ 2 | HONEYBEE 2 Celebrations Official Music Video | Asif Ali | Balu | Bhasi | Bhavana | Baburaj |
Director: Jean Paul Lal
Producer: Lal
Lyrics:Santhosh Varma
Singers:Afsal,Rimi Tomy,Anwar
Music director: Deepak Dev
Cinematography: Alby
Choreography: Boopathy (Machi)
Editor: Ratheesh Raj
Stills: Vivi
Designs : Heston
Release Date
23 March 2017
Subscribe to this Channel and Win A Movie Ticket
Winners Picked Every Week!
JILLAM JILLALA ഹണി ബീ 2 | HONEYBEE 2 Celebrations Official Music Video | Asif Ali | Balu | Bhasi | Bhavana | Baburaj |
Director: Jean Paul Lal
Producer: Lal
Lyrics:Santhosh Varma
Singers:Afsal,Rimi Tomy,Anwar
Music director: Deepak Dev
Cinematography: Alby
Choreography: Boopathy (Machi)
Editor: Ratheesh Raj
Stills: Vivi
Designs : Heston
Release Date
23 March 2017
- published: 14 Mar 2017
- views: 82356975
Primitive Technology: Amazing Catch A Giant HoneyBee For Food On The Big Tree
Hope you like this video.
Welcome to our community of bee and honey enthusiasts! Today, we want to talk about one of the most exciting aspects of beekeeping - ...
Hope you like this video.
Welcome to our community of bee and honey enthusiasts! Today, we want to talk about one of the most exciting aspects of beekeeping - honey harvesting.
Harvesting honey is the culmination of many months of hard work, dedication and careful tending of your bees. It’s a thrilling moment when you finally get to taste the fruits of your labor and enjoy the sweet, delicious nectar that your bees have been busy collecting.
In the world of beekeeping, honey harvesting is a complex process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a lot of patience. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through every step of the way.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, we’re here to share our knowledge, tips, and tricks for harvesting honey successfully. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right equipment and tools, to preparing your hives, to extracting, filtering, and bottling your honey.
So join us in the discussion, share your own experiences, and connect with like-minded people who share your passion for bees and honey. Let’s celebrate the joy and satisfaction of honey harvesting together!
Hope you like this video.
Welcome to our community of bee and honey enthusiasts! Today, we want to talk about one of the most exciting aspects of beekeeping - honey harvesting.
Harvesting honey is the culmination of many months of hard work, dedication and careful tending of your bees. It’s a thrilling moment when you finally get to taste the fruits of your labor and enjoy the sweet, delicious nectar that your bees have been busy collecting.
In the world of beekeeping, honey harvesting is a complex process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a lot of patience. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through every step of the way.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, we’re here to share our knowledge, tips, and tricks for harvesting honey successfully. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right equipment and tools, to preparing your hives, to extracting, filtering, and bottling your honey.
So join us in the discussion, share your own experiences, and connect with like-minded people who share your passion for bees and honey. Let’s celebrate the joy and satisfaction of honey harvesting together!
- published: 28 Jul 2023
- views: 25413653
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Songs | Innalakale Song | Lal | Asif Ali | Bhavana
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhas...
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot of the story.
Star Cast: Asif Ali, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu, Baburaj, Bhavana, Archana Kavi, Lal , Amith Chackalakal, Suresh Krishna, Hasim, Vijay Babu
Music: Deepak Dev
Direction: Lal Jr.(Jean Paul Lal)
Producer: Sibi Thottupuram
Cinematography: Alby
Release: 7 June 2013
Genre: Love
Watch Laila O laila Malayalam Movie :
Watch Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Malayalam Movie :
Watch Praise the Lord Malayalam Movie :
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Blog - http://apinternationalfilms.blogspot.com
Website - http://www.apinternationalfilms.in
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie starring Asif Ali and Bhavana
in the lead roles. Directed by Lal Jr. and Music by Deepak Dev.
Sebastian(Asif Ali), Abu(Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera
(Balu), Fernandez de Silva(Baburaj), Angel(Bhavana) and Sara(Archana Kavi) are members of a music band based in Fort Kochi. They share a very deep friendship among them. Sara is the lover of Fernandez de Silva. Angel's brothers HC Michael(Lal), Martin(Amith Chackalakal), Father Cochin(Suresh Krishna) and Antony(Amith Chackalakal) are nicknamed "Punyalanmar" by others. Angel is in love with Sebastian. Meanwhile there is a marriage proposal for Angel with SI George. Her mariage's previous day night Sebastian realizes he also fall in love with Angel. The
events that unfold as a result of this proposal weave the plot of the story.
Star Cast: Asif Ali, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu, Baburaj, Bhavana, Archana Kavi, Lal , Amith Chackalakal, Suresh Krishna, Hasim, Vijay Babu
Music: Deepak Dev
Direction: Lal Jr.(Jean Paul Lal)
Producer: Sibi Thottupuram
Cinematography: Alby
Release: 7 June 2013
Genre: Love
Watch Laila O laila Malayalam Movie :
Watch Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Malayalam Movie :
Watch Praise the Lord Malayalam Movie :
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Website - http://www.apinternationalfilms.in
- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 9326227
Honey Bee Malayalam Movie | Comedy Scenes | Asif Ali | Bhavana | Baburaj | Sreenath Bhasi | Lal
Watch Comedy Scenes from Honey Bee, #HoneyBee is a 2013 Malayalam Comedy Thriller film, written and directed by Lal Jr, son of actor-director Lal. The film feat...
Watch Comedy Scenes from Honey Bee, #HoneyBee is a 2013 Malayalam Comedy Thriller film, written and directed by Lal Jr, son of actor-director Lal. The film features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Archana Kavi, Balu Varghese and Lal in the lead roles. The story revolves around two friends Sebastian and Angel who suddenly discover their love for each other. They elope on the eve of the girl's marriage, much to the chagrin of her brothers. The film essays the lovers' struggle for survival. It was released on 6 June 2013 and was a commercial success at the box-office.
#AsifAli #Bhavana #Baburaj #SreenathBhasi #ArchanaKavi #BaluVarghese #Lal
Directed by : Lal Jr.
Written by : Lal Jr.
Produced by : Siby Thottupuram , Jobi Mandamattom
Starring : Asif Ali , Bhavana , Baburaj , Sreenath Bhasi , Balu Varghese , Archana Kavi , Lal , Assim Jamal
Cinematography : Alby
Music by : Deepak Dev
Click here to watch:
Thuruppugulan 4K Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/3nqPJMH
Photographer 4K Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/3npYzKM
Indian Rupee Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2AKmal9
Dolls Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2C2pTXt
Manasinakkare Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2Chuiqb
Nidra Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2BbyPNc
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Watch Comedy Scenes from Honey Bee, #HoneyBee is a 2013 Malayalam Comedy Thriller film, written and directed by Lal Jr, son of actor-director Lal. The film features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Archana Kavi, Balu Varghese and Lal in the lead roles. The story revolves around two friends Sebastian and Angel who suddenly discover their love for each other. They elope on the eve of the girl's marriage, much to the chagrin of her brothers. The film essays the lovers' struggle for survival. It was released on 6 June 2013 and was a commercial success at the box-office.
#AsifAli #Bhavana #Baburaj #SreenathBhasi #ArchanaKavi #BaluVarghese #Lal
Directed by : Lal Jr.
Written by : Lal Jr.
Produced by : Siby Thottupuram , Jobi Mandamattom
Starring : Asif Ali , Bhavana , Baburaj , Sreenath Bhasi , Balu Varghese , Archana Kavi , Lal , Assim Jamal
Cinematography : Alby
Music by : Deepak Dev
Click here to watch:
Thuruppugulan 4K Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/3nqPJMH
Photographer 4K Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/3npYzKM
Indian Rupee Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2AKmal9
Dolls Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2C2pTXt
Manasinakkare Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2Chuiqb
Nidra Malayalam Movie: http://bit.ly/2BbyPNc
Enjoy the best of Tamil & Malayalam movies now on Simply South - http://bit.ly/SimplySouth
Download our app to watch movies, video songs, scenes, and much more on your Android - http://bit.ly/2JFMMsj
Apple - http://apple.co/2uuvXpG
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- published: 14 Mar 2023
- views: 549003
The Head and the Heart - Honeybee [Official Music Video]
Watch the official music video for Honeybee by The Head and the Heart from the album Living Mirage.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/user/thehead...
Watch the official music video for Honeybee by The Head and the Heart from the album Living Mirage.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/user/theheadandtheheart?sub_confirmation=1
Download/stream Honeybee here: https://wbr.ec/livingmirage
Co-Creative Directors: Gilly Studio and Charity Rose Thielen
Director: Clare Gillen
Production Company: IAMSOUND
Producer: Laura Zollars
DP: Mason Prendergast
1AD: Rhoddy Jensen
Production Assistant: Justin Warren
Colorist: Mason Prendergast
Editor: Mason Prendergast
Join the mailing list to get early access to tickets, merch drops & more! http://theheadandtheheart.com/
Follow The Head and The Heart:
Official Website & Mailing List: https://theheadandtheheart.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/headandtheheart
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theheadandtheheart
Facebook: https://facebook.com/theheadandtheheart
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/theheadandtheheart
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/1PpoSxQ
The Head and The Heart is an indie folk band renowned for their hits "Honeybee," “All We Ever Knew,” “Missed Connection,” and “Rhythm & Blues.” They played sold out shows at Coachella and Red Rocks — amassing millions of streams and receiving critical acclaim.
Could you imagine where our lives would lead? That silly ring, it wasn't meant to be
Luckily you saw in me
Something I couldn't see
I can't imagine how my life would be
If all your gravity did not hit me
Oh, don't you see?
Darling, my honeybee
But here we are
After all the messes and confessions
To the stars
That we never really owned as ours
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out You're the one
You are the only one
Such a fool
I took your love and I bent all the rules
You took the blow and didn't let it show
Stuck around to let me know
Built a family of our own
Look around
We made a garden of the love we found
So many reasons I would fight to stay
You're the courage when I fade
Take a look at what we've made
But here we are
After all the messes and confessions
To the scars
That we never really owned as ours
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out You're the one
You are the only one
Won't you decide?
Won't you decide?
I want you to soar
Don't doubt anymore
(Little by little, we meet in the middle)
Won't you decide? (What's your name?)
Won't you decide?
(I hope you can hear me, I needed you near me)
I want you to soar (you save my life)
Don't doubt anymore (let's keep this between you and I) And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out
You're the one
You are the only one
And if our world comes tumbling down (the world comes tumbling down) I never could forgive myself, I'll say it now (I never could forgive myself) You're the one
You are the only one
#OfficialMusicVideo #TheHeadandTheHeart #Honeybee #WeAreWarnerRecords
Watch the official music video for Honeybee by The Head and the Heart from the album Living Mirage.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/user/theheadandtheheart?sub_confirmation=1
Download/stream Honeybee here: https://wbr.ec/livingmirage
Co-Creative Directors: Gilly Studio and Charity Rose Thielen
Director: Clare Gillen
Production Company: IAMSOUND
Producer: Laura Zollars
DP: Mason Prendergast
1AD: Rhoddy Jensen
Production Assistant: Justin Warren
Colorist: Mason Prendergast
Editor: Mason Prendergast
Join the mailing list to get early access to tickets, merch drops & more! http://theheadandtheheart.com/
Follow The Head and The Heart:
Official Website & Mailing List: https://theheadandtheheart.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/headandtheheart
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theheadandtheheart
Facebook: https://facebook.com/theheadandtheheart
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/theheadandtheheart
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/1PpoSxQ
The Head and The Heart is an indie folk band renowned for their hits "Honeybee," “All We Ever Knew,” “Missed Connection,” and “Rhythm & Blues.” They played sold out shows at Coachella and Red Rocks — amassing millions of streams and receiving critical acclaim.
Could you imagine where our lives would lead? That silly ring, it wasn't meant to be
Luckily you saw in me
Something I couldn't see
I can't imagine how my life would be
If all your gravity did not hit me
Oh, don't you see?
Darling, my honeybee
But here we are
After all the messes and confessions
To the stars
That we never really owned as ours
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out You're the one
You are the only one
Such a fool
I took your love and I bent all the rules
You took the blow and didn't let it show
Stuck around to let me know
Built a family of our own
Look around
We made a garden of the love we found
So many reasons I would fight to stay
You're the courage when I fade
Take a look at what we've made
But here we are
After all the messes and confessions
To the scars
That we never really owned as ours
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out You're the one
You are the only one
Won't you decide?
Won't you decide?
I want you to soar
Don't doubt anymore
(Little by little, we meet in the middle)
Won't you decide? (What's your name?)
Won't you decide?
(I hope you can hear me, I needed you near me)
I want you to soar (you save my life)
Don't doubt anymore (let's keep this between you and I) And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out
And if our world comes tumbling down
I never could forgive myself for leaving out
You're the one
You are the only one
And if our world comes tumbling down (the world comes tumbling down) I never could forgive myself, I'll say it now (I never could forgive myself) You're the one
You are the only one
#OfficialMusicVideo #TheHeadandTheHeart #Honeybee #WeAreWarnerRecords
- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 4381844
The Secret Success Behind Honey Bees | Real Wild
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fa...
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
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#honeybees #bees #butterfly
Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower pollinating as they go. We know honey bees as hard-working and intelligent. There are in fact over 2000 species of bee in Europe. They can see colors and detect smells that we can't but have these humble bees got hidden talents we never knew?
Click here for more documentaries: http://bit.ly/2gSPaf6
Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/realwildschannel
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realwildchannel/
Any queries, please contact us at:
[email protected]
#honeybees #bees #butterfly
- published: 15 May 2023
- views: 277616
Superhit Comedy from Honey Bee 2: Celebrations | Malayalam | Asif Ali | Baburaj | SUN NXT
The search for a specialist chef leads to a series of hilarious events. Tune into the SUN NXT app and watch this chucklesome Malayalam movie.
Honey Bee 2: Cele...
The search for a specialist chef leads to a series of hilarious events. Tune into the SUN NXT app and watch this chucklesome Malayalam movie.
Honey Bee 2: Celebrations is a 2017 Indian Malayalam comedy film written and directed by Lal Jr.. It is a sequel to the 2013 film Honey Bee and features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Lal, Sreenivasan, and Lena.
#Honeybee2Celebrations #AsifAli #Bhavana #SreenathBhasi #BaluVarghese #Lal #Sreenivasan #Lena #Malayalam #SUNNXT
Subscribe for more such clips, videos & updates - http://bit.ly/2H2R0Gz
Watch Full Movie on SUN NXT - https://sunnxt.page.link/JPYV
SUN NXT is Sun TV Network's OTT Platform with over 4000+ Movies in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, 30+ Live TV Channels, and a huge library of Regional TV Shows, Music Videos, and other exclusives.
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#SunNXT #SunNXTMovies #MoviesOnSunNXT #TamilMovies
The search for a specialist chef leads to a series of hilarious events. Tune into the SUN NXT app and watch this chucklesome Malayalam movie.
Honey Bee 2: Celebrations is a 2017 Indian Malayalam comedy film written and directed by Lal Jr.. It is a sequel to the 2013 film Honey Bee and features Asif Ali, Bhavana, Baburaj, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Lal, Sreenivasan, and Lena.
#Honeybee2Celebrations #AsifAli #Bhavana #SreenathBhasi #BaluVarghese #Lal #Sreenivasan #Lena #Malayalam #SUNNXT
Subscribe for more such clips, videos & updates - http://bit.ly/2H2R0Gz
Watch Full Movie on SUN NXT - https://sunnxt.page.link/JPYV
SUN NXT is Sun TV Network's OTT Platform with over 4000+ Movies in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, 30+ Live TV Channels, and a huge library of Regional TV Shows, Music Videos, and other exclusives.
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#SunNXT #SunNXTMovies #MoviesOnSunNXT #TamilMovies
- published: 16 Nov 2021
- views: 657076