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The Drägerwerk AG is a German company based in Lübeck which makes breathing and protection equipment, gas detection and analysis systems, and noninvasive patient monitoring technologies. Customers include hospitals, fire departments and diving companies.


The company was founded in Lübeck in 1889 as Dräger & Gerling by J. Heinrich Dräger and Carl Adolf Gerling. The first patent was taken out for a reduction device for carbon dioxide in use to tap beer. In 1902 Heinrich Dräger's son Bernhard entered the management; from now on the company was named Drägerwerk Heinr. und Bernh. Dräger. Since 1970 the Drägerwerk has been a public limited company, or Aktiengesellschaft (AG) in German.

In 2003, the aerospace division was sold to Cobham plc. In July 2006, it was announced that Draeger Aerospace GmbH had been acquired by B/E Aerospace, Inc.

Dräger Medical GmbH

Dräger Medical is a manufacturer of medical equipment. The company offers products and services including Emergency Care, Perioperative Care, Critical Care, Perinatal Care and Home Care. With headquarters in Lübeck, Germany, Dräger Medical employs nearly 6,000 people worldwide, around half of whom work in customer sales & services. R&D and production are located in Lübeck, Germany; Best, Netherlands; Richmond Hill, ON, Canada; Telford, PA, USA; Andover, MA, USA; and Shanghai, China. The company has sales and service subsidiaries in almost 50 countries and is represented in more than 190 countries.


  • Dräger PSS® 4000 How-to-use-video

    This video shows you how to handle the Dräger PSS 4000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus correctly.

    published: 07 Nov 2022
  • How to use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000: Simple. Safe. Sound. The rapid drug test.

    Use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000 to find out within minutes if a person recently consumed certain drugs. The compact and quick saliva (oral fluid) based drug test yields reliable results affordably and easily. The non-invasive drug test kit does not require electricity and can therefore be used anywhere. Check individuals for up to six substance classes simultaneously: cocaine, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamines/designer drugs (e.g. Ecstasy, MDMA), benzodiazepines (e.g. in prescription medicines) and cannabis (THC). Learn more about the Dräger DrugCheck 3000 at: https://www.draeger.com/drugcheck3000

    published: 09 Feb 2018
  • Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA

    At Interschutz 2015 we presented our new Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA. - The Dräger PSS® 4000 one of the lightest professional self-contained breathing apparatuses for firefighters. - Lightweight yet robust, and easy to don, the PSS® 4000 provides outstanding breathing protection.

    published: 06 Jul 2015
  • How to Use the Breathalyzer Dräger Alcotest® 3820

    The Dräger Alcotest® 3820 offers responsible drivers a reliable way to test their breath alcohol and gives them the assurance of being legal to drive. This is ensured by precise measurement technology identical to that used by the police: over 30 million breath alcohol tests a year. Find out more at: http://t4.life/alcotest3820En

    published: 09 Mar 2017
  • Dräger X-plore 3300 ABEK1 Hg P3-F

    Le Dräger X-plore 3300 est un demi-masque qui combine à la fois un design moderne et un confort sans compromis sur le niveau de protection qu'il offre aux utilisateurs. En fonction des filtres associés, le Dräger X-plore 3300 offre une protection efficace contre les particules, les gaz et les vapeurs.

    published: 27 Mar 2023
  • Dräger PARAT Soft Pack - Speed Contest

    Jetzt direkt bei Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2zVt7xc Die Dräger PARAT Fluchthaube kann innerhalb von Sekunden aufgesetzt werden. Es braucht dazu nur drei Schritte: Verpackung öffnen - Haube herausnehmen und aufsetzen - anschließend die Gefahrenzone verlassen. Die PARAT Fluchthaube schützt Sie mindestens 15 Minuten vor toxischen Industriegasen, Dämpfen und Partikeln.

    published: 08 Nov 2017
  • Comfort Vest Dräger CVP 5220

    No sweating for me, thank you! The Dräger CVP 5220 comfort vest is a must for any work operation which involves high temperatures.

    published: 29 Oct 2010
  • Dräger PSS AirBoss Strengths Video Connectivity

    Fire and emergency services require every advantage possible in tackling increasingly complex emergencies. With optimal ergonomics and future-proof connectivity our lightweight Dräger PSS® AirBoss helps you to get any job done. Watch our video about the connectivity of the Dräger PSS® AirBoss.

    published: 09 Jun 2021
  • Respiratory Health for First Responder

    As a firefighter, you face hidden hazards like carcinogens and toxic chemicals that linger on your gear, posing serious health risks. At Dräger, we ensure your safety and health, even after the visible danger has passed.

    published: 25 Oct 2024
  • Dräger X-am 2500 - Operation with Dräger X-am Pump

    The Dräger X-am 2500® was especially developed for use as personal protection. The 1 to 4 gas detector reliably detects combustible gases and vapours, as well as O2, CO, NO2, SO2 and H2S. The optional external pump, which operates with a hose up to 45 meters long, makes it possible to use the detector for pre-entry measurements into confined spaces such as tanks, shafts, etc. The pump starts automatically when the detector is inserted

    published: 30 Jun 2017
Dräger PSS® 4000 How-to-use-video

Dräger PSS® 4000 How-to-use-video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:18
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Nov 2022
  • views: 16335
This video shows you how to handle the Dräger PSS 4000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus correctly.
How to use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000:   Simple. Safe. Sound. The rapid drug test.

How to use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000: Simple. Safe. Sound. The rapid drug test.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:59
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2018
  • views: 59756
Use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000 to find out within minutes if a person recently consumed certain drugs. The compact and quick saliva (oral fluid) based drug test yields reliable results affordably and easily. The non-invasive drug test kit does not require electricity and can therefore be used anywhere. Check individuals for up to six substance classes simultaneously: cocaine, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamines/designer drugs (e.g. Ecstasy, MDMA), benzodiazepines (e.g. in prescription medicines) and cannabis (THC). Learn more about the Dräger DrugCheck 3000 at: https://www.draeger.com/drugcheck3000
Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA

Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Jul 2015
  • views: 3865
At Interschutz 2015 we presented our new Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA. - The Dräger PSS® 4000 one of the lightest professional self-contained breathing apparatuses for firefighters. - Lightweight yet robust, and easy to don, the PSS® 4000 provides outstanding breathing protection.
How to Use the Breathalyzer Dräger Alcotest® 3820

How to Use the Breathalyzer Dräger Alcotest® 3820

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Mar 2017
  • views: 33646
The Dräger Alcotest® 3820 offers responsible drivers a reliable way to test their breath alcohol and gives them the assurance of being legal to drive. This is ensured by precise measurement technology identical to that used by the police: over 30 million breath alcohol tests a year. Find out more at: http://t4.life/alcotest3820En
Dräger X-plore 3300 ABEK1 Hg P3-F

Dräger X-plore 3300 ABEK1 Hg P3-F

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:29
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Mar 2023
  • views: 502
Le Dräger X-plore 3300 est un demi-masque qui combine à la fois un design moderne et un confort sans compromis sur le niveau de protection qu'il offre aux utilisateurs. En fonction des filtres associés, le Dräger X-plore 3300 offre une protection efficace contre les particules, les gaz et les vapeurs.
Dräger PARAT Soft Pack - Speed Contest

Dräger PARAT Soft Pack - Speed Contest

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Nov 2017
  • views: 1780
Jetzt direkt bei Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2zVt7xc Die Dräger PARAT Fluchthaube kann innerhalb von Sekunden aufgesetzt werden. Es braucht dazu nur drei Schritte: Verpackung öffnen - Haube herausnehmen und aufsetzen - anschließend die Gefahrenzone verlassen. Die PARAT Fluchthaube schützt Sie mindestens 15 Minuten vor toxischen Industriegasen, Dämpfen und Partikeln.
Comfort Vest Dräger CVP 5220

Comfort Vest Dräger CVP 5220

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:36
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Oct 2010
  • views: 5602
No sweating for me, thank you! The Dräger CVP 5220 comfort vest is a must for any work operation which involves high temperatures.
Dräger PSS AirBoss Strengths Video Connectivity

Dräger PSS AirBoss Strengths Video Connectivity

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Jun 2021
  • views: 1015
Fire and emergency services require every advantage possible in tackling increasingly complex emergencies. With optimal ergonomics and future-proof connectivity our lightweight Dräger PSS® AirBoss helps you to get any job done. Watch our video about the connectivity of the Dräger PSS® AirBoss.
Respiratory Health for First Responder

Respiratory Health for First Responder

  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:37
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2024
  • views: 76
As a firefighter, you face hidden hazards like carcinogens and toxic chemicals that linger on your gear, posing serious health risks. At Dräger, we ensure your safety and health, even after the visible danger has passed.
Dräger X-am 2500 - Operation with Dräger X-am Pump

Dräger X-am 2500 - Operation with Dräger X-am Pump

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:53
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Jun 2017
  • views: 16808
The Dräger X-am 2500® was especially developed for use as personal protection. The 1 to 4 gas detector reliably detects combustible gases and vapours, as well as O2, CO, NO2, SO2 and H2S. The optional external pump, which operates with a hose up to 45 meters long, makes it possible to use the detector for pre-entry measurements into confined spaces such as tanks, shafts, etc. The pump starts automatically when the detector is inserted
  • Most Related
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  • Most Popular
  • Top Rated
PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 54:05

Dräger PSS® 4000 How-to-use-video

This video shows you how to handle the Dräger PSS 4000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus correctly.
Dräger PSS® 4000 How-to-use-video
This video shows you how to handle the Dräger PSS 4000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus ...
published: 07 Nov 2022
Play in Full Screen
How to use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000: Simple. Safe. Sound. The rapid drug test.
Use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000 to find out within minutes if a person recently consumed ce...
published: 09 Feb 2018
Play in Full Screen
Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA
At Interschutz 2015 we presented our new Dräger PSS 4000 SCBA. - The Dräger PSS® 4000 one...
published: 06 Jul 2015
Play in Full Screen
How to Use the Breathalyzer Dräger Alcotest® 3820
The Dräger Alcotest® 3820 offers responsible drivers a reliable way to test their breath a...
published: 09 Mar 2017
Play in Full Screen
Dräger X-plore 3300 ABEK1 Hg P3-F
Le Dräger X-plore 3300 est un demi-masque qui combine à la fois un design moderne et un co...
published: 27 Mar 2023
Play in Full Screen
Dräger PARAT Soft Pack - Speed Contest
Jetzt direkt bei Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2zVt7xc Die Dräger PARAT Fluchthaube kann...
published: 08 Nov 2017
Play in Full Screen
Comfort Vest Dräger CVP 5220
No sweating for me, thank you! The Dräger CVP 5220 comfort vest is a must for any work ope...
published: 29 Oct 2010
Play in Full Screen
Dräger PSS AirBoss Strengths Video Connectivity
Fire and emergency services require every advantage possible in tackling increasingly comp...
published: 09 Jun 2021
Play in Full Screen
Respiratory Health for First Responder
As a firefighter, you face hidden hazards like carcinogens and toxic chemicals that linger...
published: 25 Oct 2024
Play in Full Screen
Dräger X-am 2500 - Operation with Dräger X-am Pump
The Dräger X-am 2500® was especially developed for use as personal protection. The 1 to 4 ...
published: 30 Jun 2017
Play in Full Screen


The Drägerwerk AG is a German company based in Lübeck which makes breathing and protection equipment, gas detection and analysis systems, and noninvasive patient monitoring technologies. Customers include hospitals, fire departments and diving companies.


The company was founded in Lübeck in 1889 as Dräger & Gerling by J. Heinrich Dräger and Carl Adolf Gerling. The first patent was taken out for a reduction device for carbon dioxide in use to tap beer. In 1902 Heinrich Dräger's son Bernhard entered the management; from now on the company was named Drägerwerk Heinr. und Bernh. Dräger. Since 1970 the Drägerwerk has been a public limited company, or Aktiengesellschaft (AG) in German.

In 2003, the aerospace division was sold to Cobham plc. In July 2006, it was announced that Draeger Aerospace GmbH had been acquired by B/E Aerospace, Inc.

Dräger Medical GmbH

Dräger Medical is a manufacturer of medical equipment. The company offers products and services including Emergency Care, Perioperative Care, Critical Care, Perinatal Care and Home Care. With headquarters in Lübeck, Germany, Dräger Medical employs nearly 6,000 people worldwide, around half of whom work in customer sales & services. R&D and production are located in Lübeck, Germany; Best, Netherlands; Richmond Hill, ON, Canada; Telford, PA, USA; Andover, MA, USA; and Shanghai, China. The company has sales and service subsidiaries in almost 50 countries and is represented in more than 190 countries.

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Dräger Evita V800/V600, Babylog VN800 and Savina 300 obtain Authority to Operate (ATO) under Risk ...

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New certifications follow Dräger's previous ATO certification for a critical care ventilator ....

Dräger Evita V800/V600, Babylog VN800 and Savina 300 obtain Authority to Operate (ATO) under Risk Management Framework

PR Newswire 11 Feb 2025
"At Dräger, our mission extends beyond clinical technology," said President and CEO for Draeger, Inc., Lothar Thielen ... Dräger Savina 300The Savina 300 is designed to be as non-invasive as possible, yet as invasive as necessary ... Dräger.

Dräger announces significant expansion of UK rental division Draeger Hire as it appoints new marketing manager

PR Newswire 06 Feb 2025
6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ --&nbsp;The Dräger Group, a global leader in the field of safety technology, has today announced plans to significantly expand its UK rental division, Draeger Hire UK, over the next four years ... Dräger ... SOURCE Dräger.

Dräger receives Innovative Technology Designation from Vizient for Atlan® A350/ A350XL Anesthesia Machines

Morgan Citizen 29 Jan 2025
Designation recognizes Vizient-contracted products that bring improvements to the healthcare industry ... .
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