The Shuffle! light novel and anime series features an extensive cast of characters designed by Aoi Nishimata and Hiro Suzuhira. The series takes place in a fictional universe where humans live in harmony with gods, and devils. The protagonist is Rin Tsuchimi, a high school student from Verbena Academy who lives with his childhood friend Kaede Fuyou.
This is a list of characters that were introduced in Shuffle!. They are presented in the order they are given of the omake section of the game.
The main player character and the five heroines from the anime are listed here.
Rin Tsuchimi
Rin Tsuchimi(土見 稟,Tsuchimi Rin) is the player character in the Shuffle games and the male protagonist in the anime series. He is a 17-year-old high school student. As noted by Kaede, Rin's main virtue is his kindness. This is both his greatest strength, as the girls love him because of this, and his greatest weakness, as shown later in the series by his indecisiveness and goal to make everyone happy, which usually ends up hurting them instead. Rin tends to show minimal initiative when dealing with the girls around him (mostly because of the abuse he receives from his fellow male classmates over his perceived relationship with his childhood friend Kaede). However, he starts to spend more and more time with both Lisianthus (Sia) and Nerine after they arrive and starts to develop feelings for them. With regards to Kaede, he thinks of her as a childhood friend only. When people comment that he and Kaede would make a good couple, Rin either waves it off or says that it is strange to think of it that way. This distance between them is caused in part by Kaede and Rin's dark past when both Rin's parents and Kaede's mother were killed during their travel when Rin and Kaede were kids. Rin relunctanly took the blame for it, causing Kaede to hate him during their childhood.
Sage is a grey-green resembling that of dried sage leaves. As a quaternary color, it is an equal mix of the tertiary colors citron and slate (both confusingly also known as olive in different sources). The hex RGB color value of the Sage swatch at right is BCB88A.
I've been collecting knives now for over 3 years now and the collection is growing steadily. This is a 3 part video showcase of my knife collection which I hope knife fans and collectors will enjoy watching.
The Collection is comprised of the following:
1.Gil Hibben Double Shadow
2.Gil Hibben Competition Pro Knives
3.Buck Kalinga Pro
4.Emerson Super Commander
5.Fox Karambit (G-10)
6.Fox Karambit (Aluminium)
7.Hultafors Heavy Duty Knife (x2)
8.Ka bar USMC Tanto (x2)
9.Gerber LMF II Infantry
10.Kershaw Chive (rainbow)
11.Kershaw Leek (composite)
12.CRKT A.G. Russell Sting
13.Buck Paklite Skinner (large)
14. Magnum Year 2011 Knife
15. Spyderco Sage One
16.Spyderco Phoenix
17.Spyderco Shabaria (Sprint Run)
18. Zero Tolerance 0200
19.Cold Steel Espada XL
20.Enzo Birk 75 Ocelot
21.Spyderco E...
published: 21 Jul 2012
Hintin intikamı
Horoz böyle olmalı
published: 19 Jan 2016
The Enormous Radio / Lovers, Villains and Fools / The Little Prince
"The Enormous Radio" is a short story written by John Cheever in 1947. It first appeared in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker and was later collected in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories. The story deals with a family who purchases a new radio that allows them to listen in on conversations and arguments of other tenants living in their apartment building.
According to Alan Lloyd Smith, author of American Gothic Fiction - An Introduction ISBN 0-8264-1595-4, a concept of domestic abjection is one that "disturbs identity, order, and system". This is exactly what the new radio did in the Westcott household. When Mrs. Westcott saw the new radio in the large gumwood cabinet, she did not like the enormousness of it. The Gumwood cabinet is a "dark" cabinet and did not fit in with the li...
published: 31 Dec 2012
RAF Camora - ALLES PROBIERT feat. BONEZ MC ( Beataura & RAF Camora)
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Hier das erste Video zum Album Anthrazit, welches am 25.08.2017 erscheint!
RAF Camora @ Amazon ►
RAF Camora @ iTunes ►
Executive Producer: RAF Camora
Video by:
Mix : Nuri Singoer
Master: Lex Barkley
Text: Raf Camora & Bonez Mc
Musik: Beataura & RAF Camor...
published: 20 Jul 2017
Hundetraining: 5 Tipps für den Freilauf | So bleibt der Hund auch ohne Leine gerne in deiner Nähe
Dass der eigene Hund auch ohne Leine gern in der Nähe des Halters bleibt, wünscht sich, glaube ich, jeder.
Mit diesen 5 Dingen haben wir es gut geschafft, dass unsere Hunde dies sogar richtig gern tun! Dass sie so schön und unproblematisch ohne Leine laufen können, macht die Spaziergänge viel entspannter und gibt den Hunden natürlich viel mehr Freiheiten!
Schaut auch auf unserer Facebook-Seite vorbei:
#Hundeerziehung #Hundetraining
published: 08 Jul 2019
Lets Play Orion Dino Horde #9
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei unserem Dino Horde Lets Play :D
Falls es euch gefällt und ihr nichts mehr verpassen wollt könnt ihr uns auch Abonnieren! :)
Orion Dino Horde gehört zu den Genren Action, Abenteuer und Indie. Man kann es auch im Multiplayer spielen und genau das machen wir auch! :D
In dem Spiel muss man mit ''moderner'' Technik gegen Dinos kämpfen und eine bestimmte Anzahl an Dinos töten. Es gibt noch spezielle Features aber zu denen sage ich nichts, schaut selbst! :D
Website der Entwickler:
Dino Horde auf Steam:
I've been collecting knives now for over 3 years now and the collection is growing steadily. This is a 3 part video showcase of my knife collection which I hope...
I've been collecting knives now for over 3 years now and the collection is growing steadily. This is a 3 part video showcase of my knife collection which I hope knife fans and collectors will enjoy watching.
The Collection is comprised of the following:
1.Gil Hibben Double Shadow
2.Gil Hibben Competition Pro Knives
3.Buck Kalinga Pro
4.Emerson Super Commander
5.Fox Karambit (G-10)
6.Fox Karambit (Aluminium)
7.Hultafors Heavy Duty Knife (x2)
8.Ka bar USMC Tanto (x2)
9.Gerber LMF II Infantry
10.Kershaw Chive (rainbow)
11.Kershaw Leek (composite)
12.CRKT A.G. Russell Sting
13.Buck Paklite Skinner (large)
14. Magnum Year 2011 Knife
15. Spyderco Sage One
16.Spyderco Phoenix
17.Spyderco Shabaria (Sprint Run)
18. Zero Tolerance 0200
19.Cold Steel Espada XL
20.Enzo Birk 75 Ocelot
21.Spyderco Endura Damascus (Sprint Run)
22.Spyderco Dodo (Orange G-10)
23. Tops Stryker Defender
24.CRKT Russ Kommer 'Bez Tine' Hunter
25.Glock Field Knife (Feldmesser)
26.Kershaw Tilt
27.Mcusta Katana
28.Benchmade Bone Collector
29.Fox Folgore RCST
30. Brian Tighe Custom 'Twist' Dagger
31.Warren Thomas Custom RYU
I've been collecting knives now for over 3 years now and the collection is growing steadily. This is a 3 part video showcase of my knife collection which I hope knife fans and collectors will enjoy watching.
The Collection is comprised of the following:
1.Gil Hibben Double Shadow
2.Gil Hibben Competition Pro Knives
3.Buck Kalinga Pro
4.Emerson Super Commander
5.Fox Karambit (G-10)
6.Fox Karambit (Aluminium)
7.Hultafors Heavy Duty Knife (x2)
8.Ka bar USMC Tanto (x2)
9.Gerber LMF II Infantry
10.Kershaw Chive (rainbow)
11.Kershaw Leek (composite)
12.CRKT A.G. Russell Sting
13.Buck Paklite Skinner (large)
14. Magnum Year 2011 Knife
15. Spyderco Sage One
16.Spyderco Phoenix
17.Spyderco Shabaria (Sprint Run)
18. Zero Tolerance 0200
19.Cold Steel Espada XL
20.Enzo Birk 75 Ocelot
21.Spyderco Endura Damascus (Sprint Run)
22.Spyderco Dodo (Orange G-10)
23. Tops Stryker Defender
24.CRKT Russ Kommer 'Bez Tine' Hunter
25.Glock Field Knife (Feldmesser)
26.Kershaw Tilt
27.Mcusta Katana
28.Benchmade Bone Collector
29.Fox Folgore RCST
30. Brian Tighe Custom 'Twist' Dagger
31.Warren Thomas Custom RYU
"The Enormous Radio" is a short story written by John Cheever in 1947. It first appeared in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker and was later collected in ...
"The Enormous Radio" is a short story written by John Cheever in 1947. It first appeared in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker and was later collected in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories. The story deals with a family who purchases a new radio that allows them to listen in on conversations and arguments of other tenants living in their apartment building.
According to Alan Lloyd Smith, author of American Gothic Fiction - An Introduction ISBN 0-8264-1595-4, a concept of domestic abjection is one that "disturbs identity, order, and system". This is exactly what the new radio did in the Westcott household. When Mrs. Westcott saw the new radio in the large gumwood cabinet, she did not like the enormousness of it. The Gumwood cabinet is a "dark" cabinet and did not fit in with the living room furnishings and colors that Irene had personally chosen. This cabinet is dark and ugly, bringing darkness into the living room and their lives. Eventually, Irene identifies herself with the object.
Another gothic concept of The Enormous Radio is the element of buried secrets. Both Jim and Irene begin to recognize that there is tension in their marriage. Irene had many deep dark secrets that she feels guilty about. She has successfully hidden these secrets all these years until the ugliness of the radio brings up her neighbors problems. Irene has suppressed and hidden her feelings to others and herself for a long time. This is the reason she is drawn to the radio, it exposes the inner life of others and eventually hers. Irene identified with the others in the building as her own problems. It is ironic that the thing purchased to bring joy to the Westcott's life did nothing but cause trouble between them. Secrets revealed are sometimes not able to be handled well.
Alan Lloyd Smith also identifies Domestic Gothic as,[2] intimately bound up with the idea of the house, gender, and family, which becomes through metaphor, a way of externalizing the inner life of fictional characters.
"The Enormous Radio" is a short story written by John Cheever in 1947. It first appeared in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker and was later collected in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories. The story deals with a family who purchases a new radio that allows them to listen in on conversations and arguments of other tenants living in their apartment building.
According to Alan Lloyd Smith, author of American Gothic Fiction - An Introduction ISBN 0-8264-1595-4, a concept of domestic abjection is one that "disturbs identity, order, and system". This is exactly what the new radio did in the Westcott household. When Mrs. Westcott saw the new radio in the large gumwood cabinet, she did not like the enormousness of it. The Gumwood cabinet is a "dark" cabinet and did not fit in with the living room furnishings and colors that Irene had personally chosen. This cabinet is dark and ugly, bringing darkness into the living room and their lives. Eventually, Irene identifies herself with the object.
Another gothic concept of The Enormous Radio is the element of buried secrets. Both Jim and Irene begin to recognize that there is tension in their marriage. Irene had many deep dark secrets that she feels guilty about. She has successfully hidden these secrets all these years until the ugliness of the radio brings up her neighbors problems. Irene has suppressed and hidden her feelings to others and herself for a long time. This is the reason she is drawn to the radio, it exposes the inner life of others and eventually hers. Irene identified with the others in the building as her own problems. It is ironic that the thing purchased to bring joy to the Westcott's life did nothing but cause trouble between them. Secrets revealed are sometimes not able to be handled well.
Alan Lloyd Smith also identifies Domestic Gothic as,[2] intimately bound up with the idea of the house, gender, and family, which becomes through metaphor, a way of externalizing the inner life of fictional characters.
Dass der eigene Hund auch ohne Leine gern in der Nähe des Halters bleibt, wünscht sich, glaube ich, jeder.
Mit diesen 5 Dingen haben wir es gut geschafft, dass...
Dass der eigene Hund auch ohne Leine gern in der Nähe des Halters bleibt, wünscht sich, glaube ich, jeder.
Mit diesen 5 Dingen haben wir es gut geschafft, dass unsere Hunde dies sogar richtig gern tun! Dass sie so schön und unproblematisch ohne Leine laufen können, macht die Spaziergänge viel entspannter und gibt den Hunden natürlich viel mehr Freiheiten!
Schaut auch auf unserer Facebook-Seite vorbei:
#Hundeerziehung #Hundetraining
Dass der eigene Hund auch ohne Leine gern in der Nähe des Halters bleibt, wünscht sich, glaube ich, jeder.
Mit diesen 5 Dingen haben wir es gut geschafft, dass unsere Hunde dies sogar richtig gern tun! Dass sie so schön und unproblematisch ohne Leine laufen können, macht die Spaziergänge viel entspannter und gibt den Hunden natürlich viel mehr Freiheiten!
Schaut auch auf unserer Facebook-Seite vorbei:
#Hundeerziehung #Hundetraining
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei unserem Dino Horde Lets Play :D
Falls es euch gefällt und ihr nichts mehr verpassen wollt könnt ihr uns auch Abonnieren! :)
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei unserem Dino Horde Lets Play :D
Falls es euch gefällt und ihr nichts mehr verpassen wollt könnt ihr uns auch Abonnieren! :)
Orion Dino Horde gehört zu den Genren Action, Abenteuer und Indie. Man kann es auch im Multiplayer spielen und genau das machen wir auch! :D
In dem Spiel muss man mit ''moderner'' Technik gegen Dinos kämpfen und eine bestimmte Anzahl an Dinos töten. Es gibt noch spezielle Features aber zu denen sage ich nichts, schaut selbst! :D
Website der Entwickler:
Dino Horde auf Steam:
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei unserem Dino Horde Lets Play :D
Falls es euch gefällt und ihr nichts mehr verpassen wollt könnt ihr uns auch Abonnieren! :)
Orion Dino Horde gehört zu den Genren Action, Abenteuer und Indie. Man kann es auch im Multiplayer spielen und genau das machen wir auch! :D
In dem Spiel muss man mit ''moderner'' Technik gegen Dinos kämpfen und eine bestimmte Anzahl an Dinos töten. Es gibt noch spezielle Features aber zu denen sage ich nichts, schaut selbst! :D
Website der Entwickler:
Dino Horde auf Steam:
I've been collecting knives now for over 3 years now and the collection is growing steadily. This is a 3 part video showcase of my knife collection which I hope knife fans and collectors will enjoy watching.
The Collection is comprised of the following:
1.Gil Hibben Double Shadow
2.Gil Hibben Competition Pro Knives
3.Buck Kalinga Pro
4.Emerson Super Commander
5.Fox Karambit (G-10)
6.Fox Karambit (Aluminium)
7.Hultafors Heavy Duty Knife (x2)
8.Ka bar USMC Tanto (x2)
9.Gerber LMF II Infantry
10.Kershaw Chive (rainbow)
11.Kershaw Leek (composite)
12.CRKT A.G. Russell Sting
13.Buck Paklite Skinner (large)
14. Magnum Year 2011 Knife
15. Spyderco Sage One
16.Spyderco Phoenix
17.Spyderco Shabaria (Sprint Run)
18. Zero Tolerance 0200
19.Cold Steel Espada XL
20.Enzo Birk 75 Ocelot
21.Spyderco Endura Damascus (Sprint Run)
22.Spyderco Dodo (Orange G-10)
23. Tops Stryker Defender
24.CRKT Russ Kommer 'Bez Tine' Hunter
25.Glock Field Knife (Feldmesser)
26.Kershaw Tilt
27.Mcusta Katana
28.Benchmade Bone Collector
29.Fox Folgore RCST
30. Brian Tighe Custom 'Twist' Dagger
31.Warren Thomas Custom RYU
"The Enormous Radio" is a short story written by John Cheever in 1947. It first appeared in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker and was later collected in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories. The story deals with a family who purchases a new radio that allows them to listen in on conversations and arguments of other tenants living in their apartment building.
According to Alan Lloyd Smith, author of American Gothic Fiction - An Introduction ISBN 0-8264-1595-4, a concept of domestic abjection is one that "disturbs identity, order, and system". This is exactly what the new radio did in the Westcott household. When Mrs. Westcott saw the new radio in the large gumwood cabinet, she did not like the enormousness of it. The Gumwood cabinet is a "dark" cabinet and did not fit in with the living room furnishings and colors that Irene had personally chosen. This cabinet is dark and ugly, bringing darkness into the living room and their lives. Eventually, Irene identifies herself with the object.
Another gothic concept of The Enormous Radio is the element of buried secrets. Both Jim and Irene begin to recognize that there is tension in their marriage. Irene had many deep dark secrets that she feels guilty about. She has successfully hidden these secrets all these years until the ugliness of the radio brings up her neighbors problems. Irene has suppressed and hidden her feelings to others and herself for a long time. This is the reason she is drawn to the radio, it exposes the inner life of others and eventually hers. Irene identified with the others in the building as her own problems. It is ironic that the thing purchased to bring joy to the Westcott's life did nothing but cause trouble between them. Secrets revealed are sometimes not able to be handled well.
Alan Lloyd Smith also identifies Domestic Gothic as,[2] intimately bound up with the idea of the house, gender, and family, which becomes through metaphor, a way of externalizing the inner life of fictional characters.
Dass der eigene Hund auch ohne Leine gern in der Nähe des Halters bleibt, wünscht sich, glaube ich, jeder.
Mit diesen 5 Dingen haben wir es gut geschafft, dass unsere Hunde dies sogar richtig gern tun! Dass sie so schön und unproblematisch ohne Leine laufen können, macht die Spaziergänge viel entspannter und gibt den Hunden natürlich viel mehr Freiheiten!
Schaut auch auf unserer Facebook-Seite vorbei:
#Hundeerziehung #Hundetraining
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei unserem Dino Horde Lets Play :D
Falls es euch gefällt und ihr nichts mehr verpassen wollt könnt ihr uns auch Abonnieren! :)
Orion Dino Horde gehört zu den Genren Action, Abenteuer und Indie. Man kann es auch im Multiplayer spielen und genau das machen wir auch! :D
In dem Spiel muss man mit ''moderner'' Technik gegen Dinos kämpfen und eine bestimmte Anzahl an Dinos töten. Es gibt noch spezielle Features aber zu denen sage ich nichts, schaut selbst! :D
Website der Entwickler:
Dino Horde auf Steam: