Cenerentola (1899) Georges Méliès
Cenerentola (Cendrillon) è un film del 1899 realizzato da Georges Méliès: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6-YJ5B4KbolQAqMU8TE6Yc7
Questo corto di Méliès è con ogni probabilità è il primo adattamento filmico della celebre favola di _Cenerentola_ nella versione di *Charles Perrault* .
Il ruolo di Cenerentola è affidato a *Mademoiselle Barral* , *Jeanne d'Alcy* interpreta la Regina e *Bluette Bernon* la Fata Matrina, mentre *Georges Méliès* è lo Gnomo dell'Orologio
00:00 - Titoli
00:07 - Scena I
01:26 - Scena II
02:33 - Scena III
03:55 - Scena IV
_Sinossi_ . In cucina Cenerentola supplica la sua matrigna di portarla al ballo, ma viene lasciata a casa. Triste e sconsolata la fanciulla si siede in un angolo a piangere e all’improvviso (00:15) dal caminetto vien f...
published: 05 Aug 2021
Cinderella (Cendrillon, 1899) ㅡ Georges Méliès
Cinderella (French: Cendrillon) is an 1899 French film directed by Georges Méliès, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. It was Méliès's first major cinematic success. It did well both in French fairground cinemas and at European and American music-halls, and inspired Méliès to create other lavishly designed storytelling films with multiple scenes. His next film with multiple scenes, Joan of Arc (1900), was his first to surpass 200 meters of film in length, and was also a marked success.
Mlle Barral : Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon : The Fairy Godmother
Carmelli : Prince Charming
Jehanne d'Alcy : Fairy Godmother
Dupeyron : Party Guest
Georges Méliès : Genie of the Midnight Clock, Halberdier
published: 19 Sep 2020
1899 - Cinderella (Cendrillon) | Georges Méliès | Restored 4K | Fantasy Short | Full Film Free
This is the first screen adaptation of the classic Charles Perrault fairy tale. It was also Méliès' first major success and features him in two roles - the midnight clock and the halberdier.
Subscriptions help this channel more than you know! Thank you so much for watching and helping this channel reach more people!
This April 2023 restoration is the best print you are going to find of this rare film. We used Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere to achieve these results. For this film, we upscaled to 4K, added a noise filter, removed visible splice marks, adjusted black and white levels, adjusted colors on the hand-colored sequence and tinted the rest of the film to pull out more detail. In addition, we have added a soundtrack to help carry the film.
Please support our work and subscr...
published: 21 Apr 2023
Cendrillon (Cinderella), 1899, Georges Méliès, Full Movie watch
Country: France
Director: Georges Méliès
Screenplay: Georges Méliès
Starring: Georges Méliès, Mlle Barral, Bleuette Bernon, Jeanne d'Alcy
Genres: fantasy, trick, supernatural, fairy tale, drama, family, romance,
published: 29 Jun 2022
Cendrillon (Cinderella) (1899) - Court métrage dramatique / film familial
Une fée marraine transforme comme par magie les chiffons de Cendrillon en une belle robe et une citrouille en entraîneur. Cendrillon va au bal, où elle rencontre le prince - mais se souviendra-t-elle de partir avant que la magie ne s'épuise?
A fairy godmother magically turns Cinderella's rags to a beautiful dress, and a pumpkin into a coach. Cinderella goes to the ball, where she meets the Prince - but will she remember to leave before the magic runs out?
Si vous avez aimé le film et que vous voulez me soutenir pour les licences de films et aussi pour d'autres films, vous pouvez le faire avec plaisir par PayPal.
Mon lien de don PayPal : https://paypal.me/FilmJunkie77
Merci beaucoup pour tout soutien, aussi petit soit-il.
If you liked the film and would like to support me for f...
published: 08 May 2021
Cendrillon (1899) Cinderella (Méliès)
Director: Georges Méliès
Production Company: Star-Film Company
Country: France
More rare films here: https://filmsbytheyear.com/chronological-list-of-films/
Join the Films by the Year Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/filmsbytheyear/
Please support Films by the Year: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CNVYLA6W7F9LJ&source=url
published: 09 Mar 2022
1899 - Cendrillon (Cinderella) - Georges Méliès
► Filme em domínio público. Produzido e dirigido pelo ilusionista e cineasta francês Georges Méliès em 1899.
1) 1ª adaptação cinematográfica do conto de fadas "Cinderella". Também o 1º filme a utilizar dissoluções visuais como transições de cenas.
2) Dentre todos os personagens do filme, os seguintes atores foram identificados: Mademoiselle Barral (Cinderella); Bleuette Bernon (rainha-mãe); Carmelli (príncipe); Jehanne D'Alcy (fada-madrinha); Dupeyron (convidado da festa) e o próprio Méliès (espírito do relógio da meia-noite e um dos alabardeiros). Os atores dos demais personagens não foram identificados.
3) A colorista profissional francesa Élisabeth Thuillier foi contratada para dirigir a colorização de algumas cópias do filme. Da versão colorizada, apenas 24 segundos permanecem preserva...
published: 01 Apr 2024
Cendrillon (Cinderella) | 1899
Cendrillon (Cinderella)
by Georges Méliès
Possibly the earliest film version of Cinderella, Cendrillion (1899) was landmark for Georges Méliès; it founded the techniques and tricks he would later master and become famous for, earning him the title of The Cinemagician.
Director: Georges Méliès
Writer: Charles Perrault (story)
Stars: Barral, Bleuette Bernon and Carmely
Country: France
Release Date: 25 December 1899 (USA)
Also Known As: Cinderella
Filming Locations: Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Runtime: about 6 min (DVD)
Sound Mix: Silent
Color: Color (hand-colored) | Black and White
Publication date 1899
Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0
Topics Gen X, Georges Méliès, Short Film, Silent Film, Fantasy, Fairy Tale,
Publisher Star Film Company
Digitizing sponsor G
Language English
published: 05 Jan 2021
Cinderella 1899 film
Cinderella, an 1899 silent film of the famous fairy tale
published: 16 Apr 2020
Cinderella (1899) Georges Méliès Silent Full Movie
Cinderella by Georges Méliès from 1899
Silent Fairy Tale Short Film
The very first film adaptation of the Charles Perrault fairy tale from 1697.
Méliès modeled the film's visual style on the engravings of Gustave Doré, who had illustrated the story for an edition of Perrault's fairy tales.
Cinderella was Méliès's first film with multiple scenes, the Master using six distinct sets and five changes of scene within the short film.
This masterpiece make with special effects were created with multiple exposures, dissolves, and substitution splices.
Mlle Barral as Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon as the Fairy Godmother
Carmelli as the Prince
Jehanne d'Alcy as the Prince's mother, the Queen
Dupeyron as a party guest
Georges Méliès as the genie of the midnight clock, and as a halberdier
published: 04 Feb 2023
Cenerentola (1899) Georges Méliès
Cenerentola (Cendrillon) è un film del 1899 realizzato da Georges Méliès: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6-YJ5B4KbolQAqMU8TE6Yc7
Questo corto...
Cenerentola (Cendrillon) è un film del 1899 realizzato da Georges Méliès: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6-YJ5B4KbolQAqMU8TE6Yc7
Questo corto di Méliès è con ogni probabilità è il primo adattamento filmico della celebre favola di _Cenerentola_ nella versione di *Charles Perrault* .
Il ruolo di Cenerentola è affidato a *Mademoiselle Barral* , *Jeanne d'Alcy* interpreta la Regina e *Bluette Bernon* la Fata Matrina, mentre *Georges Méliès* è lo Gnomo dell'Orologio
00:00 - Titoli
00:07 - Scena I
01:26 - Scena II
02:33 - Scena III
03:55 - Scena IV
_Sinossi_ . In cucina Cenerentola supplica la sua matrigna di portarla al ballo, ma viene lasciata a casa. Triste e sconsolata la fanciulla si siede in un angolo a piangere e all’improvviso (00:15) dal caminetto vien fuori la sua fata madrina che trasforma tre topi in un cocchiere e due paggi, una zucca in una carrozza e Cenerentola in una dama dalle sontuose vesti. (01:00) Salita in carrozza, la ragazza si avvia al ballo, ma la fata indicando l’orologio, le ricorda che l’incantesimo durerà solo fino a mezzanotte, poi scompare in una botola apparsa dal nulla. Nella sala reale le danze sono ormai iniziate (1:26), Cenerentola si presenta al principe che la invita immediatamente a ballare. La fanciulla si accorge che il tempo sta per scadere, ma il principe cerca di farla rimanere al suo fianco. (2:12) A questo punto un orologio prende le sembianze di un vecchio e ricorda a Cenerentola che è ora di andare via, poi scompare e al suo posto si materializza la fata madrina che fa trasforma di nuovo la protagonista in una sguattera (02:20). Nello scompiglio generale, Cenerentola fugge via, ma perde una scarpa che viene prontamente raccolta dal principe lanciato all’inseguimento dell’innamorata, intanto le danze ricominciano. (02:33) A casa Cenerentola si dispera, cade addormentata e sogna: l’orologio torna ad assumere le sembianze del vecchio (02:40), chiama a raccolta cinque fanciulle, ognuna con un orologio sulla testa, che danzano per tutta la camera e poi si trasformano in altrettanti orologi; riprese le loro sembianze le ragazze spariscono e appare un gigantesco orologio con appeso al proprio centro il vecchio che ormai ben conosciamo. (03:36) Cenerentola a questo punto viene svegliata dalle sorellastre che le ordinano di andare ad aprire la porta: ecco apparire il principe che immediatamente prova la scarpetta alle padrone di casa ma, vedendo deluse le proprie aspettative, si volge a Cenerentola, la fa accomodare e le fa indossare la scarpa che si scopre calzarle alla perfezione (03:35). Riappare la Fata Madrina e gli abiti della sguattera tornano ad essere quelli di una principessa che lascia la casa nella quale serviva per correre a congiungersi al suo promesso sposo. (03:55) Ad attendere il corteo nuziale davanti la chiesa vi è una folla di popolani che, terminata la sfilata degli invitati, si lascia andare ad una danza di gioia.
#Méliès #Cenerentola #Jeannedalcy
Leggi di più su
_*Breve Storia del Cinema - Il cinema di Méliès*_ :
Cenerentola (Cendrillon) è un film del 1899 realizzato da Georges Méliès: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6-YJ5B4KbolQAqMU8TE6Yc7
Questo corto di Méliès è con ogni probabilità è il primo adattamento filmico della celebre favola di _Cenerentola_ nella versione di *Charles Perrault* .
Il ruolo di Cenerentola è affidato a *Mademoiselle Barral* , *Jeanne d'Alcy* interpreta la Regina e *Bluette Bernon* la Fata Matrina, mentre *Georges Méliès* è lo Gnomo dell'Orologio
00:00 - Titoli
00:07 - Scena I
01:26 - Scena II
02:33 - Scena III
03:55 - Scena IV
_Sinossi_ . In cucina Cenerentola supplica la sua matrigna di portarla al ballo, ma viene lasciata a casa. Triste e sconsolata la fanciulla si siede in un angolo a piangere e all’improvviso (00:15) dal caminetto vien fuori la sua fata madrina che trasforma tre topi in un cocchiere e due paggi, una zucca in una carrozza e Cenerentola in una dama dalle sontuose vesti. (01:00) Salita in carrozza, la ragazza si avvia al ballo, ma la fata indicando l’orologio, le ricorda che l’incantesimo durerà solo fino a mezzanotte, poi scompare in una botola apparsa dal nulla. Nella sala reale le danze sono ormai iniziate (1:26), Cenerentola si presenta al principe che la invita immediatamente a ballare. La fanciulla si accorge che il tempo sta per scadere, ma il principe cerca di farla rimanere al suo fianco. (2:12) A questo punto un orologio prende le sembianze di un vecchio e ricorda a Cenerentola che è ora di andare via, poi scompare e al suo posto si materializza la fata madrina che fa trasforma di nuovo la protagonista in una sguattera (02:20). Nello scompiglio generale, Cenerentola fugge via, ma perde una scarpa che viene prontamente raccolta dal principe lanciato all’inseguimento dell’innamorata, intanto le danze ricominciano. (02:33) A casa Cenerentola si dispera, cade addormentata e sogna: l’orologio torna ad assumere le sembianze del vecchio (02:40), chiama a raccolta cinque fanciulle, ognuna con un orologio sulla testa, che danzano per tutta la camera e poi si trasformano in altrettanti orologi; riprese le loro sembianze le ragazze spariscono e appare un gigantesco orologio con appeso al proprio centro il vecchio che ormai ben conosciamo. (03:36) Cenerentola a questo punto viene svegliata dalle sorellastre che le ordinano di andare ad aprire la porta: ecco apparire il principe che immediatamente prova la scarpetta alle padrone di casa ma, vedendo deluse le proprie aspettative, si volge a Cenerentola, la fa accomodare e le fa indossare la scarpa che si scopre calzarle alla perfezione (03:35). Riappare la Fata Madrina e gli abiti della sguattera tornano ad essere quelli di una principessa che lascia la casa nella quale serviva per correre a congiungersi al suo promesso sposo. (03:55) Ad attendere il corteo nuziale davanti la chiesa vi è una folla di popolani che, terminata la sfilata degli invitati, si lascia andare ad una danza di gioia.
#Méliès #Cenerentola #Jeannedalcy
Leggi di più su
_*Breve Storia del Cinema - Il cinema di Méliès*_ :
- published: 05 Aug 2021
- views: 43072
Cinderella (Cendrillon, 1899) ㅡ Georges Méliès
Cinderella (French: Cendrillon) is an 1899 French film directed by Georges Méliès, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. It was Méliès's first major cine...
Cinderella (French: Cendrillon) is an 1899 French film directed by Georges Méliès, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. It was Méliès's first major cinematic success. It did well both in French fairground cinemas and at European and American music-halls, and inspired Méliès to create other lavishly designed storytelling films with multiple scenes. His next film with multiple scenes, Joan of Arc (1900), was his first to surpass 200 meters of film in length, and was also a marked success.
Mlle Barral : Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon : The Fairy Godmother
Carmelli : Prince Charming
Jehanne d'Alcy : Fairy Godmother
Dupeyron : Party Guest
Georges Méliès : Genie of the Midnight Clock, Halberdier
Cinderella (French: Cendrillon) is an 1899 French film directed by Georges Méliès, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. It was Méliès's first major cinematic success. It did well both in French fairground cinemas and at European and American music-halls, and inspired Méliès to create other lavishly designed storytelling films with multiple scenes. His next film with multiple scenes, Joan of Arc (1900), was his first to surpass 200 meters of film in length, and was also a marked success.
Mlle Barral : Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon : The Fairy Godmother
Carmelli : Prince Charming
Jehanne d'Alcy : Fairy Godmother
Dupeyron : Party Guest
Georges Méliès : Genie of the Midnight Clock, Halberdier
- published: 19 Sep 2020
- views: 2693
1899 - Cinderella (Cendrillon) | Georges Méliès | Restored 4K | Fantasy Short | Full Film Free
This is the first screen adaptation of the classic Charles Perrault fairy tale. It was also Méliès' first major success and features him in two roles - the midn...
This is the first screen adaptation of the classic Charles Perrault fairy tale. It was also Méliès' first major success and features him in two roles - the midnight clock and the halberdier.
Subscriptions help this channel more than you know! Thank you so much for watching and helping this channel reach more people!
This April 2023 restoration is the best print you are going to find of this rare film. We used Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere to achieve these results. For this film, we upscaled to 4K, added a noise filter, removed visible splice marks, adjusted black and white levels, adjusted colors on the hand-colored sequence and tinted the rest of the film to pull out more detail. In addition, we have added a soundtrack to help carry the film.
Please support our work and subscribe to the channel.
This is the first screen adaptation of the classic Charles Perrault fairy tale. It was also Méliès' first major success and features him in two roles - the midnight clock and the halberdier.
Subscriptions help this channel more than you know! Thank you so much for watching and helping this channel reach more people!
This April 2023 restoration is the best print you are going to find of this rare film. We used Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere to achieve these results. For this film, we upscaled to 4K, added a noise filter, removed visible splice marks, adjusted black and white levels, adjusted colors on the hand-colored sequence and tinted the rest of the film to pull out more detail. In addition, we have added a soundtrack to help carry the film.
Please support our work and subscribe to the channel.
- published: 21 Apr 2023
- views: 1449
Cendrillon (Cinderella), 1899, Georges Méliès, Full Movie watch
Country: France
Director: Georges Méliès
Screenplay: Georges Méliès
Starring: Georges Méliès, Mlle Barral, Bleuette Bernon, Jeanne d'Alcy
Genres: fantasy, trick...
Country: France
Director: Georges Méliès
Screenplay: Georges Méliès
Starring: Georges Méliès, Mlle Barral, Bleuette Bernon, Jeanne d'Alcy
Genres: fantasy, trick, supernatural, fairy tale, drama, family, romance,
Country: France
Director: Georges Méliès
Screenplay: Georges Méliès
Starring: Georges Méliès, Mlle Barral, Bleuette Bernon, Jeanne d'Alcy
Genres: fantasy, trick, supernatural, fairy tale, drama, family, romance,
- published: 29 Jun 2022
- views: 550
Cendrillon (Cinderella) (1899) - Court métrage dramatique / film familial
Une fée marraine transforme comme par magie les chiffons de Cendrillon en une belle robe et une citrouille en entraîneur. Cendrillon va au bal, où elle rencontr...
Une fée marraine transforme comme par magie les chiffons de Cendrillon en une belle robe et une citrouille en entraîneur. Cendrillon va au bal, où elle rencontre le prince - mais se souviendra-t-elle de partir avant que la magie ne s'épuise?
A fairy godmother magically turns Cinderella's rags to a beautiful dress, and a pumpkin into a coach. Cinderella goes to the ball, where she meets the Prince - but will she remember to leave before the magic runs out?
Si vous avez aimé le film et que vous voulez me soutenir pour les licences de films et aussi pour d'autres films, vous pouvez le faire avec plaisir par PayPal.
Mon lien de don PayPal : https://paypal.me/FilmJunkie77
Merci beaucoup pour tout soutien, aussi petit soit-il.
If you liked the film and would like to support me for film licenses and also for further films you can do it with pleasure by PayPal.
Mon lien de don PayPal : https://paypal.me/FilmJunkie77
Thank you very much for any support, no matter how small.
Une fée marraine transforme comme par magie les chiffons de Cendrillon en une belle robe et une citrouille en entraîneur. Cendrillon va au bal, où elle rencontre le prince - mais se souviendra-t-elle de partir avant que la magie ne s'épuise?
A fairy godmother magically turns Cinderella's rags to a beautiful dress, and a pumpkin into a coach. Cinderella goes to the ball, where she meets the Prince - but will she remember to leave before the magic runs out?
Si vous avez aimé le film et que vous voulez me soutenir pour les licences de films et aussi pour d'autres films, vous pouvez le faire avec plaisir par PayPal.
Mon lien de don PayPal : https://paypal.me/FilmJunkie77
Merci beaucoup pour tout soutien, aussi petit soit-il.
If you liked the film and would like to support me for film licenses and also for further films you can do it with pleasure by PayPal.
Mon lien de don PayPal : https://paypal.me/FilmJunkie77
Thank you very much for any support, no matter how small.
- published: 08 May 2021
- views: 19
Cendrillon (1899) Cinderella (Méliès)
Director: Georges Méliès
Production Company: Star-Film Company
Country: France
More rare films here: https://filmsbytheyea...
Director: Georges Méliès
Production Company: Star-Film Company
Country: France
More rare films here: https://filmsbytheyear.com/chronological-list-of-films/
Join the Films by the Year Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/filmsbytheyear/
Please support Films by the Year: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CNVYLA6W7F9LJ&source=url
Director: Georges Méliès
Production Company: Star-Film Company
Country: France
More rare films here: https://filmsbytheyear.com/chronological-list-of-films/
Join the Films by the Year Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/filmsbytheyear/
Please support Films by the Year: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CNVYLA6W7F9LJ&source=url
- published: 09 Mar 2022
- views: 2010
1899 - Cendrillon (Cinderella) - Georges Méliès
► Filme em domínio público. Produzido e dirigido pelo ilusionista e cineasta francês Georges Méliès em 1899.
1) 1ª adaptação cinematográfica do conto de fadas "...
► Filme em domínio público. Produzido e dirigido pelo ilusionista e cineasta francês Georges Méliès em 1899.
1) 1ª adaptação cinematográfica do conto de fadas "Cinderella". Também o 1º filme a utilizar dissoluções visuais como transições de cenas.
2) Dentre todos os personagens do filme, os seguintes atores foram identificados: Mademoiselle Barral (Cinderella); Bleuette Bernon (rainha-mãe); Carmelli (príncipe); Jehanne D'Alcy (fada-madrinha); Dupeyron (convidado da festa) e o próprio Méliès (espírito do relógio da meia-noite e um dos alabardeiros). Os atores dos demais personagens não foram identificados.
3) A colorista profissional francesa Élisabeth Thuillier foi contratada para dirigir a colorização de algumas cópias do filme. Da versão colorizada, apenas 24 segundos permanecem preservados, inseridos aqui com o restante da versão original em preto-e-branco.
4) Curiosidade: A bailarina principal, ao final da cena de dança, chega a sair antes do fim, mas é avisada por alguém nos bastidores e permanece paralisada em posição até o ato de encerramento, quando finalmente começa a sair de cena. Um corte para o verdadeiro final apresenta toda a companhia de dança com ela ao centro.
5) Para assistir a obra original sem a apresentação: 00:00:30.
► Film in public domain. Produced and directed by French illusionist and filmmaker Georges Méliès in 1899.
1) 1st film adaptation of the fairy tale "Cinderella". Also the 1st film to use visual dissolves as scene transitions.
2) Among all the characters in the film, the following actors were identified: Mademoiselle Barral (Cinderella); Bleuette Bernon (queen mother); Carmelli (prince); Jehanne D'Alcy (fairy godmother); Dupeyron (guest at the party) and Méliès himself (spirit of the midnight clock and one of the halberdiers). The actors of the other characters were not identified.
3) French professional colorist Élisabeth Thuillier was hired to direct the colorization of some copies of the film. Of the colorized version, only 24 seconds remain preserved, inserted here with the rest of the original black-and-white version.
4) Curiosity: The main dancer, at the end of the dance scene, leaves before the end, but is warned by someone backstage and remains frozen in position until the closing act, when she finally begins to leave the scene. A cut to the true ending features the entire dance company with her at the center.
5) To watch the original work without the presentation: 00:00:30.
► Filme em domínio público. Produzido e dirigido pelo ilusionista e cineasta francês Georges Méliès em 1899.
1) 1ª adaptação cinematográfica do conto de fadas "Cinderella". Também o 1º filme a utilizar dissoluções visuais como transições de cenas.
2) Dentre todos os personagens do filme, os seguintes atores foram identificados: Mademoiselle Barral (Cinderella); Bleuette Bernon (rainha-mãe); Carmelli (príncipe); Jehanne D'Alcy (fada-madrinha); Dupeyron (convidado da festa) e o próprio Méliès (espírito do relógio da meia-noite e um dos alabardeiros). Os atores dos demais personagens não foram identificados.
3) A colorista profissional francesa Élisabeth Thuillier foi contratada para dirigir a colorização de algumas cópias do filme. Da versão colorizada, apenas 24 segundos permanecem preservados, inseridos aqui com o restante da versão original em preto-e-branco.
4) Curiosidade: A bailarina principal, ao final da cena de dança, chega a sair antes do fim, mas é avisada por alguém nos bastidores e permanece paralisada em posição até o ato de encerramento, quando finalmente começa a sair de cena. Um corte para o verdadeiro final apresenta toda a companhia de dança com ela ao centro.
5) Para assistir a obra original sem a apresentação: 00:00:30.
► Film in public domain. Produced and directed by French illusionist and filmmaker Georges Méliès in 1899.
1) 1st film adaptation of the fairy tale "Cinderella". Also the 1st film to use visual dissolves as scene transitions.
2) Among all the characters in the film, the following actors were identified: Mademoiselle Barral (Cinderella); Bleuette Bernon (queen mother); Carmelli (prince); Jehanne D'Alcy (fairy godmother); Dupeyron (guest at the party) and Méliès himself (spirit of the midnight clock and one of the halberdiers). The actors of the other characters were not identified.
3) French professional colorist Élisabeth Thuillier was hired to direct the colorization of some copies of the film. Of the colorized version, only 24 seconds remain preserved, inserted here with the rest of the original black-and-white version.
4) Curiosity: The main dancer, at the end of the dance scene, leaves before the end, but is warned by someone backstage and remains frozen in position until the closing act, when she finally begins to leave the scene. A cut to the true ending features the entire dance company with her at the center.
5) To watch the original work without the presentation: 00:00:30.
- published: 01 Apr 2024
- views: 152
Cendrillon (Cinderella) | 1899
Cendrillon (Cinderella)
by Georges Méliès
Possibly the earliest film version of Cinderella, Cendrillion (1899) was landmark for Georges Méliès; it founded the ...
Cendrillon (Cinderella)
by Georges Méliès
Possibly the earliest film version of Cinderella, Cendrillion (1899) was landmark for Georges Méliès; it founded the techniques and tricks he would later master and become famous for, earning him the title of The Cinemagician.
Director: Georges Méliès
Writer: Charles Perrault (story)
Stars: Barral, Bleuette Bernon and Carmely
Country: France
Release Date: 25 December 1899 (USA)
Also Known As: Cinderella
Filming Locations: Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Runtime: about 6 min (DVD)
Sound Mix: Silent
Color: Color (hand-colored) | Black and White
Publication date 1899
Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0
Topics Gen X, Georges Méliès, Short Film, Silent Film, Fantasy, Fairy Tale,
Publisher Star Film Company
Digitizing sponsor G
Language English
Cendrillon (Cinderella)
by Georges Méliès
Possibly the earliest film version of Cinderella, Cendrillion (1899) was landmark for Georges Méliès; it founded the techniques and tricks he would later master and become famous for, earning him the title of The Cinemagician.
Director: Georges Méliès
Writer: Charles Perrault (story)
Stars: Barral, Bleuette Bernon and Carmely
Country: France
Release Date: 25 December 1899 (USA)
Also Known As: Cinderella
Filming Locations: Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Runtime: about 6 min (DVD)
Sound Mix: Silent
Color: Color (hand-colored) | Black and White
Publication date 1899
Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0
Topics Gen X, Georges Méliès, Short Film, Silent Film, Fantasy, Fairy Tale,
Publisher Star Film Company
Digitizing sponsor G
Language English
- published: 05 Jan 2021
- views: 29
Cinderella 1899 film
Cinderella, an 1899 silent film of the famous fairy tale
Cinderella, an 1899 silent film of the famous fairy tale
Cinderella, an 1899 silent film of the famous fairy tale
- published: 16 Apr 2020
- views: 140
Cinderella (1899) Georges Méliès Silent Full Movie
Cinderella by Georges Méliès from 1899
Silent Fairy Tale Short Film
The very first film adaptation of the Charles Perrault fairy tale from 1697.
Méliès model...
Cinderella by Georges Méliès from 1899
Silent Fairy Tale Short Film
The very first film adaptation of the Charles Perrault fairy tale from 1697.
Méliès modeled the film's visual style on the engravings of Gustave Doré, who had illustrated the story for an edition of Perrault's fairy tales.
Cinderella was Méliès's first film with multiple scenes, the Master using six distinct sets and five changes of scene within the short film.
This masterpiece make with special effects were created with multiple exposures, dissolves, and substitution splices.
Mlle Barral as Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon as the Fairy Godmother
Carmelli as the Prince
Jehanne d'Alcy as the Prince's mother, the Queen
Dupeyron as a party guest
Georges Méliès as the genie of the midnight clock, and as a halberdier
#georgemelies #cinderella #Cinderella1899 #silentmovie #Méliès
#shortfilm #shortmovie #silentfilm #1899
#ジョルジュメリエス #シンデレラ #無声映画
#조르주멜리에스 #신데렐라 #무성영화
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Cinderella by Georges Méliès from 1899
Silent Fairy Tale Short Film
The very first film adaptation of the Charles Perrault fairy tale from 1697.
Méliès modeled the film's visual style on the engravings of Gustave Doré, who had illustrated the story for an edition of Perrault's fairy tales.
Cinderella was Méliès's first film with multiple scenes, the Master using six distinct sets and five changes of scene within the short film.
This masterpiece make with special effects were created with multiple exposures, dissolves, and substitution splices.
Mlle Barral as Cinderella
Bleuette Bernon as the Fairy Godmother
Carmelli as the Prince
Jehanne d'Alcy as the Prince's mother, the Queen
Dupeyron as a party guest
Georges Méliès as the genie of the midnight clock, and as a halberdier
#georgemelies #cinderella #Cinderella1899 #silentmovie #Méliès
#shortfilm #shortmovie #silentfilm #1899
#ジョルジュメリエス #シンデレラ #無声映画
#조르주멜리에스 #신데렐라 #무성영화
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- published: 04 Feb 2023
- views: 370