In 1890, he published what is now known as the Guldberg rule, which states that the normal boiling point of a liquid is two-thirds of the critical temperature when measured on the absolute scale.
Top law of Mass Action scientist name Cato Maximilion Guldberg
published: 29 Mar 2022
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is mu...
published: 23 Oct 2021
Regla de Guldberg
Estudiantes de la asignatura Elementos de físico química de la UNEXPO vicerrectorado Barquisimeto, en Venezuela
published: 03 Mar 2017
Chemická rovnováha - definice, Guldberg-Waagův zákon
Ve videu rozebíráme co to je skutečně rovnováha z pohledu chemie a jak lze vyjádřit rovnovážný stav směsi pomocí Guldberg-Waagova zákonu a rovnovážné konstanty
Do komentářů pište případné otázky a nápady na další videa😁
Pokud vám toto video pomohlo můžete tomu dát lajk a začít nás sledovat abyste nezmeškali nová!
published: 24 Aug 2023
Equilibrium Constant
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is mu...
published: 23 Oct 2021
Equilibrium Constant
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is mu...
published: 23 Oct 2021
Equilibri Chimici. Legge di Guldberg-Waage. Costanti di equilibrio: Kc e Kp.
Nella video lezione si introduce il concetto di equilibrio chimico e viene enunciata la Legge di azione di massa o di Guldberg-Waage. Vengono spiegate le costanti di equilibrio in funzione delle concentrazioni molari(Kc) e delle pressioni parziali (Kp). Inoltre spiegata una importante relazione da cui si può calcolare la Kp a partire dalla Kc
Il canale YouTube offre un corso completo di CHIMICA GENERALE ED INORGANICA con oltre 100 lezioni.
Sono stati realizzate alcune video lezioni di Biologia.
Vi posto i link di altri filmati realizzati:
Le leggi di Keplero:
Le stagioni astronomiche:
Le fasi lunari e le eclissi di Sole e di Luna
published: 25 Nov 2020
Equilibrium Constant
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is mu...
published: 23 Oct 2021
Berthelot's ideas about reversible reactions were finally proved by experiments carried out
by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law) Cato Guldberg and
Peter Waage.
During the period 1864-1879 they showed that an equilibrium can be approached from
either direction (see the hydrogen iodide illustration above), implying that any reaction
aA + bB cC + dD is really a competition between a "forward" and a "backward"
reaction. When a reaction is at equilibrium, the rates of these two reactions are identical, so no net (macroscopic) change is observed, although individual components are actively
being transformed at the microscopic level.
published: 26 Sep 2012
Law of Mass Action | Guldberg And Waage law | Chemical Kinetics BSc 1st Year physical Chemistry
Law of Mass Action | Guldberg And Waage law | Chemical Kinetics BSc 1st Year physical Chemistry
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of for...
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Ve videu rozebíráme co to je skutečně rovnováha z pohledu chemie a jak lze vyjádřit rovnovážný stav směsi pomocí Guldberg-Waagova zákonu a rovnovážné konstanty
Ve videu rozebíráme co to je skutečně rovnováha z pohledu chemie a jak lze vyjádřit rovnovážný stav směsi pomocí Guldberg-Waagova zákonu a rovnovážné konstanty
Do komentářů pište případné otázky a nápady na další videa😁
Pokud vám toto video pomohlo můžete tomu dát lajk a začít nás sledovat abyste nezmeškali nová!
Ve videu rozebíráme co to je skutečně rovnováha z pohledu chemie a jak lze vyjádřit rovnovážný stav směsi pomocí Guldberg-Waagova zákonu a rovnovážné konstanty
Do komentářů pište případné otázky a nápady na další videa😁
Pokud vám toto video pomohlo můžete tomu dát lajk a začít nás sledovat abyste nezmeškali nová!
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of for...
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of for...
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Nella video lezione si introduce il concetto di equilibrio chimico e viene enunciata la Legge di azione di massa o di Guldberg-Waage. Vengono spiegate le costan...
Nella video lezione si introduce il concetto di equilibrio chimico e viene enunciata la Legge di azione di massa o di Guldberg-Waage. Vengono spiegate le costanti di equilibrio in funzione delle concentrazioni molari(Kc) e delle pressioni parziali (Kp). Inoltre spiegata una importante relazione da cui si può calcolare la Kp a partire dalla Kc
Il canale YouTube offre un corso completo di CHIMICA GENERALE ED INORGANICA con oltre 100 lezioni.
Sono stati realizzate alcune video lezioni di Biologia.
Vi posto i link di altri filmati realizzati:
Le leggi di Keplero:
Le stagioni astronomiche:
Le fasi lunari e le eclissi di Sole e di Luna
Classificazione delle stelle e diagramma H-R:
L'atomo di Thomson e Rutherford:
Radiazione di corpo nero ed ipotesi di Planck:
L'effetto fotoelettrico;
La mitosi:
Il seguente link è il mio sito web
Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura. Troverete tutto il materiale didattico degli argomenti si qui trattati. Le materie sono organizzate in unità didattiche dove troverete i link dei video oltre al materiale didattico.
Basta iscriversi!!!
Il seguente link è quello del mio canale YouTube, Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura, dove troverete tantissimi video di chimica organizzati per argomenti in apposite playlist:
Nella video lezione si introduce il concetto di equilibrio chimico e viene enunciata la Legge di azione di massa o di Guldberg-Waage. Vengono spiegate le costanti di equilibrio in funzione delle concentrazioni molari(Kc) e delle pressioni parziali (Kp). Inoltre spiegata una importante relazione da cui si può calcolare la Kp a partire dalla Kc
Il canale YouTube offre un corso completo di CHIMICA GENERALE ED INORGANICA con oltre 100 lezioni.
Sono stati realizzate alcune video lezioni di Biologia.
Vi posto i link di altri filmati realizzati:
Le leggi di Keplero:
Le stagioni astronomiche:
Le fasi lunari e le eclissi di Sole e di Luna
Classificazione delle stelle e diagramma H-R:
L'atomo di Thomson e Rutherford:
Radiazione di corpo nero ed ipotesi di Planck:
L'effetto fotoelettrico;
La mitosi:
Il seguente link è il mio sito web
Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura. Troverete tutto il materiale didattico degli argomenti si qui trattati. Le materie sono organizzate in unità didattiche dove troverete i link dei video oltre al materiale didattico.
Basta iscriversi!!!
Il seguente link è quello del mio canale YouTube, Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura, dove troverete tantissimi video di chimica organizzati per argomenti in apposite playlist:
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of for...
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Berthelot's ideas about reversible reactions were finally proved by experiments carried out
by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law)...
Berthelot's ideas about reversible reactions were finally proved by experiments carried out
by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law) Cato Guldberg and
Peter Waage.
During the period 1864-1879 they showed that an equilibrium can be approached from
either direction (see the hydrogen iodide illustration above), implying that any reaction
aA + bB cC + dD is really a competition between a "forward" and a "backward"
reaction. When a reaction is at equilibrium, the rates of these two reactions are identical, so no net (macroscopic) change is observed, although individual components are actively
being transformed at the microscopic level.
Berthelot's ideas about reversible reactions were finally proved by experiments carried out
by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law) Cato Guldberg and
Peter Waage.
During the period 1864-1879 they showed that an equilibrium can be approached from
either direction (see the hydrogen iodide illustration above), implying that any reaction
aA + bB cC + dD is really a competition between a "forward" and a "backward"
reaction. When a reaction is at equilibrium, the rates of these two reactions are identical, so no net (macroscopic) change is observed, although individual components are actively
being transformed at the microscopic level.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Ve videu rozebíráme co to je skutečně rovnováha z pohledu chemie a jak lze vyjádřit rovnovážný stav směsi pomocí Guldberg-Waagova zákonu a rovnovážné konstanty
Do komentářů pište případné otázky a nápady na další videa😁
Pokud vám toto video pomohlo můžete tomu dát lajk a začít nás sledovat abyste nezmeškali nová!
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Nella video lezione si introduce il concetto di equilibrio chimico e viene enunciata la Legge di azione di massa o di Guldberg-Waage. Vengono spiegate le costanti di equilibrio in funzione delle concentrazioni molari(Kc) e delle pressioni parziali (Kp). Inoltre spiegata una importante relazione da cui si può calcolare la Kp a partire dalla Kc
Il canale YouTube offre un corso completo di CHIMICA GENERALE ED INORGANICA con oltre 100 lezioni.
Sono stati realizzate alcune video lezioni di Biologia.
Vi posto i link di altri filmati realizzati:
Le leggi di Keplero:
Le stagioni astronomiche:
Le fasi lunari e le eclissi di Sole e di Luna
Classificazione delle stelle e diagramma H-R:
L'atomo di Thomson e Rutherford:
Radiazione di corpo nero ed ipotesi di Planck:
L'effetto fotoelettrico;
La mitosi:
Il seguente link è il mio sito web
Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura. Troverete tutto il materiale didattico degli argomenti si qui trattati. Le materie sono organizzate in unità didattiche dove troverete i link dei video oltre al materiale didattico.
Basta iscriversi!!!
Il seguente link è quello del mio canale YouTube, Enrico Vitali Scienze & Natura, dove troverete tantissimi video di chimica organizzati per argomenti in apposite playlist:
Law of Mass Action-
Given by Guldberg and Waage in 1864
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to active masses of reactants.
At equilibrium,
Rate of forward reaction= Rate of backward reaction
Law of Chemical Equilibrium-
At a given temperature, the product of
concentrations of the reaction products
raised to the respective stoichiometric
coefficient in the balanced chemical
equation divided by the product of
concentrations of the reactants raised to
their individual stoichiometric coefficients
has a constant value. This is known as
the Equilibrium Law or Law of Chemical
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)-
1. If reaction is reversed, Kc is inversed.
2. If reaction is multiplied by constant n, Power of Kc becomes n.
3. If reactions are added, Kc of all reactions is multiplied.
Berthelot's ideas about reversible reactions were finally proved by experiments carried out
by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law) Cato Guldberg and
Peter Waage.
During the period 1864-1879 they showed that an equilibrium can be approached from
either direction (see the hydrogen iodide illustration above), implying that any reaction
aA + bB cC + dD is really a competition between a "forward" and a "backward"
reaction. When a reaction is at equilibrium, the rates of these two reactions are identical, so no net (macroscopic) change is observed, although individual components are actively
being transformed at the microscopic level.
In 1890, he published what is now known as the Guldberg rule, which states that the normal boiling point of a liquid is two-thirds of the critical temperature when measured on the absolute scale.