💙블루라이트 요코하마(ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ)💙【Blue Light Yokohama - NAVID】 ┃ Ayumi Ishida 이시다 아유미
이 노래는 제 인생에서 가장 첫 번째로 좋아했던 일본 대중가요입니다. 초등학생이던 저는 어느 날 피아노 선생님의 카세트 플레이어에서 우연히 흘러나오는 이 노래를 듣고 홀딱 반해버렸어요. 그날 공테이프에 녹음을 떠왔죠. 피아노 선생님께 악보까지 그려달라고 부탁을 드렸어요. “부루 라이토 요코하마~” 소리 나는 대로 발음을 적어가며 카세트테이프가 늘어질 때까지, 피아노 앞에서 참 많이도 즐겨 불렀습니다.
아마 저뿐만 아니라 많은 분들에게도 애창가요일 텐데요. 바로 “블루 라이트 요코하마(ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ)“입니다. 이시다 아유미의 대표곡으로, 1968년 12월 25일에 발표되었어요.
“한국인이 가장 잘 아는 일본 노래”에 언제나 이름을 올리는 곡입니다. 요코하마의 대표적인 노래에요. 실제로 요코하마시가 2009년에 개항 150주년을 기념하여 ‘요코하마시의 지역 송’ 설문조사를 했을 당시 ‘블루 라이트 요코하마’가 1위를 차지했다고 해요.
공원 언덕에서 바라본 요코하마 항구의 아름다운 야경을 떠올리며 함께 들어요.💙
추신: 특별히 이 곡은 요코하마에 사는 친구 ‘사토’씨에게 선물하고 싶네요. 최근 몇 년 사이, 건강이 갑자기 악화되어 걱정을 많이 했었거든요. 건강히 오래오래 함께해 주세요. (特にこの曲は横浜に住むお友達の佐藤さんにプレゼントしたいですね。 ここ数年、健康が急に悪化して心配してたんですよ。 元気で末永く一緒にいてください。-ナビドより)
This song is the first Japanese pop song that I liked in my life. One day, when I was in e...
published: 26 Apr 2023
And so
With eyes shut
I once again
Feel myself sink
Composition, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering, vocals:
Ike Eveland
nahusnab (https://twitter.com/nahusnab)
Instrumental version: https://youtu.be/VNE7xnGHL_I
For more info on NIJISANJI!
Twitter (EN) → https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/
Website (EN) → https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/
Official channel (EN) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg/channels
Official channel (JP) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7YkU9nEeaoZbkVLVajcMg
Reddit → https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/
▽ Guidance for minors
published: 28 May 2023
How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman
Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses the impact of blue light and other light at night on your sleep.
Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast.
Full episode: https://youtu.be/h2aWYjSA1Jc
Show notes: https://hubermanlab.com/sleep-toolkit-tools-for-optimizing-sleep-and-sleep-wake-timing
#HubermanLab #Sleep #BlueLight
Social & Website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hubermanlab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hubermanlab
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hubermanlab
Website: https://hubermanlab.com
Newsletter: https://hubermanlab.com/neural-network
The Huberman Lab Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not co...
published: 11 Aug 2022
Do blue light glasses prevent eye strain? #shorts #science #SciShow
Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him)
Attabey Rodríguez Benítez: Writer
Kyle Nackers: Fact Checker
Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer
Bonnie Meyer: Managing Editor, Script Editor
Nicole Sweeney: Producer
Sarah Suta: Producer
Caitlin Hofmeister: Executive Producer
Hank Green: Executive Producer
Image Sources:
published: 10 Feb 2023
Blue Light Aware
#BlueLightAware #EmergencyServices #Driving
Do you know what to do? Produced with the emergency services, Blue Light Aware is designed to help you help the Emergency Services when they are on a blue light run.
Covering the most common areas of concern and updated to include Smart Motorways, this is essential viewing for all road users.
published: 01 Sep 2020
Blue Light Explained
published: 10 Mar 2016
Blue Light Glasses -- A Waste of Money? Explained by an MD
If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at https://michaelchuamd.com/
In this video, Dr. Michael Chua discusses blue light glasses and if they are worth your money!
0:00 Introduction
1:10 #1 Does blue light damage your retina?
1:47 #2 Does blue light cause digital eye strain?
2:00 #3 Does blue light affect your circadian rhythm?
3:55 Buy These Instead!
4:26 How to treat digital eye strain
5:04 20-20-20 Rule
5:32 How to maintain your circadian rhythm
Connect with Dr Michael Chua on social media
#MichaelChuaMD #BlueLight
published: 31 May 2022
PS5 Digital Repair - Blue light turns on Briefly then shuts off.
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published: 25 Jul 2023
Do BLUE LIGHT GLASSES work? - Fact or Fiction
Can blue light damage your eyes? Learn about how blue light affects our eyes & when blue light blocking glasses are helpful. If you spend a lot of time staring at digital screens & are considering blue light glasses or some type of blue light filter, this video will help understand why blue light is such a major concern.
🔔 Subscribe for more free eye health education and tips: http://www.youtube.com/doctoreyehealth
Main points of this video:
Do blue light glasses work for sleep?
- Yes, they can, as blue light reduces and delays melatonin production.
👉Get $15 OFF your blue light glasses order at http://bit.ly/JinsBlueGlasses and use code EYEHEALTH15
Do bluelight glasses help digital eye strain?
-Yes and No, scientific studies are mixed and from my experience it helps some people but n...
published: 18 Feb 2020
Blue Light Bullies | Person who recorded video received death threats
The state is opposing bail for the 8 VIP protection members filmed assaulting a motorist on a Johannesburg freeway. They are facing charges of assault with intention to cause grievous bodily harm and pointing of a firearm. Heidi Giokos reports. #eNCA Courtesy #DStv403
published: 24 Jul 2023
💙블루라이트 요코하마(ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ)💙【Blue Light Yokohama - NAVID】 ┃ Ayumi Ishida 이시다 아유미
이 노래는 제 인생에서 가장 첫 번째로 좋아했던 일본 대중가요입니다. 초등학생이던 저는 어느 날 피아노 선생님의 카세트 플레이어에서 우연히 흘러나오는 이 노래를 듣고 홀딱 반해버렸어요. 그날 공테이프에 녹음을 떠왔죠. 피아노 선생님께 악보까지 그려달라고 부탁을 드렸어요. “부루 라이토 ...
이 노래는 제 인생에서 가장 첫 번째로 좋아했던 일본 대중가요입니다. 초등학생이던 저는 어느 날 피아노 선생님의 카세트 플레이어에서 우연히 흘러나오는 이 노래를 듣고 홀딱 반해버렸어요. 그날 공테이프에 녹음을 떠왔죠. 피아노 선생님께 악보까지 그려달라고 부탁을 드렸어요. “부루 라이토 요코하마~” 소리 나는 대로 발음을 적어가며 카세트테이프가 늘어질 때까지, 피아노 앞에서 참 많이도 즐겨 불렀습니다.
아마 저뿐만 아니라 많은 분들에게도 애창가요일 텐데요. 바로 “블루 라이트 요코하마(ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ)“입니다. 이시다 아유미의 대표곡으로, 1968년 12월 25일에 발표되었어요.
“한국인이 가장 잘 아는 일본 노래”에 언제나 이름을 올리는 곡입니다. 요코하마의 대표적인 노래에요. 실제로 요코하마시가 2009년에 개항 150주년을 기념하여 ‘요코하마시의 지역 송’ 설문조사를 했을 당시 ‘블루 라이트 요코하마’가 1위를 차지했다고 해요.
공원 언덕에서 바라본 요코하마 항구의 아름다운 야경을 떠올리며 함께 들어요.💙
추신: 특별히 이 곡은 요코하마에 사는 친구 ‘사토’씨에게 선물하고 싶네요. 최근 몇 년 사이, 건강이 갑자기 악화되어 걱정을 많이 했었거든요. 건강히 오래오래 함께해 주세요. (特にこの曲は横浜に住むお友達の佐藤さんにプレゼントしたいですね。 ここ数年、健康が急に悪化して心配してたんですよ。 元気で末永く一緒にいてください。-ナビドより)
This song is the first Japanese pop song that I liked in my life. One day, when I was in elementary school, I fell in love with this song playing on my piano teacher's cassette player. I got a recording on an empty tape that day. I even asked my piano teacher to draw a sheet music. "Buru Raito Yokohama~" I enjoyed singing in front of the piano a lot until the cassette tape was stretched while writing down the pronunciation as it sounded.
It's a favorite song not only for me, but also for many people. It's "Blue Light Yokohama." It's a song by Ayumi Ishida, and it was released on December 25, 1968.
It is a song that is always listed in the "Japanese song that Koreans know best." It's a representative song in Yokohama. In fact, "Blue Light Yokohama" topped the list when Yokohama City surveyed "Yokohama City's Local Song" to commemorate the 150th anniversary of its opening in 2009.
Let's listen to it together, recalling the beautiful night view of Yokohama Port from the park hill.💙
P.S. Especially, I want to give this song to my friend 'Sato' who lives in Yokohama. In recent years, his health suddenly deteriorated and I was very worried. Please stay healthy and be with me for a long time.
#나비드 #bluelightyokohama #ブルーライトヨコハマ
이 노래는 제 인생에서 가장 첫 번째로 좋아했던 일본 대중가요입니다. 초등학생이던 저는 어느 날 피아노 선생님의 카세트 플레이어에서 우연히 흘러나오는 이 노래를 듣고 홀딱 반해버렸어요. 그날 공테이프에 녹음을 떠왔죠. 피아노 선생님께 악보까지 그려달라고 부탁을 드렸어요. “부루 라이토 요코하마~” 소리 나는 대로 발음을 적어가며 카세트테이프가 늘어질 때까지, 피아노 앞에서 참 많이도 즐겨 불렀습니다.
아마 저뿐만 아니라 많은 분들에게도 애창가요일 텐데요. 바로 “블루 라이트 요코하마(ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ)“입니다. 이시다 아유미의 대표곡으로, 1968년 12월 25일에 발표되었어요.
“한국인이 가장 잘 아는 일본 노래”에 언제나 이름을 올리는 곡입니다. 요코하마의 대표적인 노래에요. 실제로 요코하마시가 2009년에 개항 150주년을 기념하여 ‘요코하마시의 지역 송’ 설문조사를 했을 당시 ‘블루 라이트 요코하마’가 1위를 차지했다고 해요.
공원 언덕에서 바라본 요코하마 항구의 아름다운 야경을 떠올리며 함께 들어요.💙
추신: 특별히 이 곡은 요코하마에 사는 친구 ‘사토’씨에게 선물하고 싶네요. 최근 몇 년 사이, 건강이 갑자기 악화되어 걱정을 많이 했었거든요. 건강히 오래오래 함께해 주세요. (特にこの曲は横浜に住むお友達の佐藤さんにプレゼントしたいですね。 ここ数年、健康が急に悪化して心配してたんですよ。 元気で末永く一緒にいてください。-ナビドより)
This song is the first Japanese pop song that I liked in my life. One day, when I was in elementary school, I fell in love with this song playing on my piano teacher's cassette player. I got a recording on an empty tape that day. I even asked my piano teacher to draw a sheet music. "Buru Raito Yokohama~" I enjoyed singing in front of the piano a lot until the cassette tape was stretched while writing down the pronunciation as it sounded.
It's a favorite song not only for me, but also for many people. It's "Blue Light Yokohama." It's a song by Ayumi Ishida, and it was released on December 25, 1968.
It is a song that is always listed in the "Japanese song that Koreans know best." It's a representative song in Yokohama. In fact, "Blue Light Yokohama" topped the list when Yokohama City surveyed "Yokohama City's Local Song" to commemorate the 150th anniversary of its opening in 2009.
Let's listen to it together, recalling the beautiful night view of Yokohama Port from the park hill.💙
P.S. Especially, I want to give this song to my friend 'Sato' who lives in Yokohama. In recent years, his health suddenly deteriorated and I was very worried. Please stay healthy and be with me for a long time.
#나비드 #bluelightyokohama #ブルーライトヨコハマ
- published: 26 Apr 2023
- views: 1659843
And so
With eyes shut
I once again
Feel myself sink
Composition, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering, vocals:
Ike Eveland
And so
With eyes shut
I once again
Feel myself sink
Composition, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering, vocals:
Ike Eveland
nahusnab (https://twitter.com/nahusnab)
Instrumental version: https://youtu.be/VNE7xnGHL_I
For more info on NIJISANJI!
Twitter (EN) → https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/
Website (EN) → https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/
Official channel (EN) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg/channels
Official channel (JP) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7YkU9nEeaoZbkVLVajcMg
Reddit → https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/
▽ Guidance for minors
▽ For Business and PR Inquiries
And so
With eyes shut
I once again
Feel myself sink
Composition, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering, vocals:
Ike Eveland
nahusnab (https://twitter.com/nahusnab)
Instrumental version: https://youtu.be/VNE7xnGHL_I
For more info on NIJISANJI!
Twitter (EN) → https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/
Website (EN) → https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/
Official channel (EN) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg/channels
Official channel (JP) → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7YkU9nEeaoZbkVLVajcMg
Reddit → https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/
▽ Guidance for minors
▽ For Business and PR Inquiries
- published: 28 May 2023
- views: 1695283
How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman
Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses the impact of blue light and other light at night on your sleep.
Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and o...
Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses the impact of blue light and other light at night on your sleep.
Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast.
Full episode: https://youtu.be/h2aWYjSA1Jc
Show notes: https://hubermanlab.com/sleep-toolkit-tools-for-optimizing-sleep-and-sleep-wake-timing
#HubermanLab #Sleep #BlueLight
Social & Website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hubermanlab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hubermanlab
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hubermanlab
Website: https://hubermanlab.com
Newsletter: https://hubermanlab.com/neural-network
The Huberman Lab Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses the impact of blue light and other light at night on your sleep.
Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast.
Full episode: https://youtu.be/h2aWYjSA1Jc
Show notes: https://hubermanlab.com/sleep-toolkit-tools-for-optimizing-sleep-and-sleep-wake-timing
#HubermanLab #Sleep #BlueLight
Social & Website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hubermanlab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hubermanlab
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hubermanlab
Website: https://hubermanlab.com
Newsletter: https://hubermanlab.com/neural-network
The Huberman Lab Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
- published: 11 Aug 2022
- views: 73685
Do blue light glasses prevent eye strain? #shorts #science #SciShow
Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him)
Attabey Rodríguez Benítez: Writer
Kyle Nackers: Fact Checker
Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer
Bonnie Meyer: Managing E...
Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him)
Attabey Rodríguez Benítez: Writer
Kyle Nackers: Fact Checker
Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer
Bonnie Meyer: Managing Editor, Script Editor
Nicole Sweeney: Producer
Sarah Suta: Producer
Caitlin Hofmeister: Executive Producer
Hank Green: Executive Producer
Image Sources:
Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him)
Attabey Rodríguez Benítez: Writer
Kyle Nackers: Fact Checker
Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer
Bonnie Meyer: Managing Editor, Script Editor
Nicole Sweeney: Producer
Sarah Suta: Producer
Caitlin Hofmeister: Executive Producer
Hank Green: Executive Producer
Image Sources:
- published: 10 Feb 2023
- views: 790710
Blue Light Aware
#BlueLightAware #EmergencyServices #Driving
Do you know what to do? Produced with the emergency services, Blue Light Aware is designed to help you help the Eme...
#BlueLightAware #EmergencyServices #Driving
Do you know what to do? Produced with the emergency services, Blue Light Aware is designed to help you help the Emergency Services when they are on a blue light run.
Covering the most common areas of concern and updated to include Smart Motorways, this is essential viewing for all road users.
#BlueLightAware #EmergencyServices #Driving
Do you know what to do? Produced with the emergency services, Blue Light Aware is designed to help you help the Emergency Services when they are on a blue light run.
Covering the most common areas of concern and updated to include Smart Motorways, this is essential viewing for all road users.
- published: 01 Sep 2020
- views: 694292
Blue Light Glasses -- A Waste of Money? Explained by an MD
If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at https://michaelch...
If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at https://michaelchuamd.com/
In this video, Dr. Michael Chua discusses blue light glasses and if they are worth your money!
0:00 Introduction
1:10 #1 Does blue light damage your retina?
1:47 #2 Does blue light cause digital eye strain?
2:00 #3 Does blue light affect your circadian rhythm?
3:55 Buy These Instead!
4:26 How to treat digital eye strain
5:04 20-20-20 Rule
5:32 How to maintain your circadian rhythm
Connect with Dr Michael Chua on social media
#MichaelChuaMD #BlueLight
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description were created for informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions you have regarding health conditions. Accessing, viewing or reading this content does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the author.
If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at https://michaelchuamd.com/
In this video, Dr. Michael Chua discusses blue light glasses and if they are worth your money!
0:00 Introduction
1:10 #1 Does blue light damage your retina?
1:47 #2 Does blue light cause digital eye strain?
2:00 #3 Does blue light affect your circadian rhythm?
3:55 Buy These Instead!
4:26 How to treat digital eye strain
5:04 20-20-20 Rule
5:32 How to maintain your circadian rhythm
Connect with Dr Michael Chua on social media
#MichaelChuaMD #BlueLight
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description were created for informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions you have regarding health conditions. Accessing, viewing or reading this content does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the author.
- published: 31 May 2022
- views: 207283
PS5 Digital Repair - Blue light turns on Briefly then shuts off.
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⭕ We are an Amtech Flux Distributor. Buy AMTECH NC-559-V2-TF Flux
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If you are local, drop in and say hello
19365 Business center drive, Unit 7
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Phone: 818-668-7058
http://NorthridgeFix.com If you are local, drop in and say hello
19365 Business Center Drive, Unit 7
Northridge, CA 91324
Phone: 818-668-7058
- published: 25 Jul 2023
- views: 4227
Do BLUE LIGHT GLASSES work? - Fact or Fiction
Can blue light damage your eyes? Learn about how blue light affects our eyes & when blue light blocking glasses are helpful. If you spend a lot of time staring ...
Can blue light damage your eyes? Learn about how blue light affects our eyes & when blue light blocking glasses are helpful. If you spend a lot of time staring at digital screens & are considering blue light glasses or some type of blue light filter, this video will help understand why blue light is such a major concern.
🔔 Subscribe for more free eye health education and tips: http://www.youtube.com/doctoreyehealth
Main points of this video:
Do blue light glasses work for sleep?
- Yes, they can, as blue light reduces and delays melatonin production.
👉Get $15 OFF your blue light glasses order at http://bit.ly/JinsBlueGlasses and use code EYEHEALTH15
Do bluelight glasses help digital eye strain?
-Yes and No, scientific studies are mixed and from my experience it helps some people but not everyone.
Does blue light glasses work by protecting my retina from damage?
-Not sure yet. Animal studies suggest yes but current theories cast doubt.
Note: One of the beauties of science and medicine is the ever changing data which improves our knowledge and understanding of the world. As new research comes out, opinions & practices may change. Nonetheless, retinal changes due to high energy light is a concern in eye care and many research articles exist - both in support and in opposition to blue light protection. The information in this video reflects current thoughts and theories on the subject.
Learn more about Blue Light & blue light glasses
DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored but some of these links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
--Blue light protection products--
**Be sure to talk to you local eye doctor or optical about your blue light protection options**
👉Get $15 OFF your blue light glasses order at http://bit.ly/JinsBlueGlasses & use code EYEHEALTH15
🔷 High Quality Blue light protection Desk Lamps
Use code DR10%JA for 10% off
Gunnar Optiks Gaming Glasses & Computer Glasses
Blocking at 450nm depends on the lens
Another Gaming & Blue light glasses brand I like
Felix Gray
Clear & Sleep Lens options
EyePromise Restore Eye Vitamins
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
DISCLAIMER: We are ambassadors or affiliates for many of the brands we reference on the channel. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Let’s Connect!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctoreyehealth/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctoreyehealth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctoreyehealth
📧Sign up for our newsletter! https://www.doctoreyehealth.com/subscribe
Website: https://www.doctoreyehealth.com
1239 2nd St N # 741, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
⚡ Doctor Allen is now scheduling new patients @
For Collaborations:
[email protected]
----- Cameras & Gear Used To Shoot This Video -----
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including information, opinions, content, references, and links is for informational purposes only. The Author does not provide any medical advice on the Site. Accessing, viewing, reading, or otherwise using this content does NOT create a physician-patient relationship between you and its author. Providing personal or medical information to the Principal author does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the Principal author or authors. Nothing contained in this video or its description is intended to establish a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health.
Photo Credit: Rama [CC BY-SA 2.0 FR (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/fr/deed.en)]
About this video: Bluelight is a popular term in the media right now with new brands of blue light blocking glasses coming out every week. But do blue light glasses really work? Can blue light hurt your eyes? In this video, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO reviews the current science and theories about blue light & blue light glasses. Bluelight has been found to affect our sleep cycles by reducing and delaying melatonin releases. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep cycles.
Can blue light damage your eyes? Learn about how blue light affects our eyes & when blue light blocking glasses are helpful. If you spend a lot of time staring at digital screens & are considering blue light glasses or some type of blue light filter, this video will help understand why blue light is such a major concern.
🔔 Subscribe for more free eye health education and tips: http://www.youtube.com/doctoreyehealth
Main points of this video:
Do blue light glasses work for sleep?
- Yes, they can, as blue light reduces and delays melatonin production.
👉Get $15 OFF your blue light glasses order at http://bit.ly/JinsBlueGlasses and use code EYEHEALTH15
Do bluelight glasses help digital eye strain?
-Yes and No, scientific studies are mixed and from my experience it helps some people but not everyone.
Does blue light glasses work by protecting my retina from damage?
-Not sure yet. Animal studies suggest yes but current theories cast doubt.
Note: One of the beauties of science and medicine is the ever changing data which improves our knowledge and understanding of the world. As new research comes out, opinions & practices may change. Nonetheless, retinal changes due to high energy light is a concern in eye care and many research articles exist - both in support and in opposition to blue light protection. The information in this video reflects current thoughts and theories on the subject.
Learn more about Blue Light & blue light glasses
DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored but some of these links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
--Blue light protection products--
**Be sure to talk to you local eye doctor or optical about your blue light protection options**
👉Get $15 OFF your blue light glasses order at http://bit.ly/JinsBlueGlasses & use code EYEHEALTH15
🔷 High Quality Blue light protection Desk Lamps
Use code DR10%JA for 10% off
Gunnar Optiks Gaming Glasses & Computer Glasses
Blocking at 450nm depends on the lens
Another Gaming & Blue light glasses brand I like
Felix Gray
Clear & Sleep Lens options
EyePromise Restore Eye Vitamins
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
DISCLAIMER: We are ambassadors or affiliates for many of the brands we reference on the channel. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Let’s Connect!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctoreyehealth/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctoreyehealth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctoreyehealth
📧Sign up for our newsletter! https://www.doctoreyehealth.com/subscribe
Website: https://www.doctoreyehealth.com
1239 2nd St N # 741, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
⚡ Doctor Allen is now scheduling new patients @
For Collaborations:
[email protected]
----- Cameras & Gear Used To Shoot This Video -----
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including information, opinions, content, references, and links is for informational purposes only. The Author does not provide any medical advice on the Site. Accessing, viewing, reading, or otherwise using this content does NOT create a physician-patient relationship between you and its author. Providing personal or medical information to the Principal author does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the Principal author or authors. Nothing contained in this video or its description is intended to establish a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health.
Photo Credit: Rama [CC BY-SA 2.0 FR (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/fr/deed.en)]
About this video: Bluelight is a popular term in the media right now with new brands of blue light blocking glasses coming out every week. But do blue light glasses really work? Can blue light hurt your eyes? In this video, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO reviews the current science and theories about blue light & blue light glasses. Bluelight has been found to affect our sleep cycles by reducing and delaying melatonin releases. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep cycles.
- published: 18 Feb 2020
- views: 981574
Blue Light Bullies | Person who recorded video received death threats
The state is opposing bail for the 8 VIP protection members filmed assaulting a motorist on a Johannesburg freeway. They are facing charges of assault with inte...
The state is opposing bail for the 8 VIP protection members filmed assaulting a motorist on a Johannesburg freeway. They are facing charges of assault with intention to cause grievous bodily harm and pointing of a firearm. Heidi Giokos reports. #eNCA Courtesy #DStv403
The state is opposing bail for the 8 VIP protection members filmed assaulting a motorist on a Johannesburg freeway. They are facing charges of assault with intention to cause grievous bodily harm and pointing of a firearm. Heidi Giokos reports. #eNCA Courtesy #DStv403
- published: 24 Jul 2023
- views: 38847