Elizabeth "Betty" Williams (néePreston, previously Turpin) was a long-standing fictional character from the British ITVsoap operaCoronation Street, portrayed by former music hall star Betty Driver. Driver was cast as Betty in 1969, after first auditioning for the role of Hilda Ogden. The character arrived in Coronation Street to help her sister Maggie Cooke run the corner shop, and has since had a number of storylines which have seen her become twice widowed, and mother to an illegitimate son. Working as a barmaid in the soap's Rovers Return Inn, Betty created a signature dish, known as Betty's hotpot.
In 1995, a real-life range of hotpots and pies based on the dish were launched by Hollands Pies, and in 2007, the world's largest Lancashire hotpot was created, based on Betty's recipe. Driver died in October 2011 and Betty was subsequently written out, with the character dying off-screen of illness in April 2012.
Betty Driver, who had been performing since she was 8 years old, retired from acting in her late forties to run hotels in Cheshire and Derbyshire. It was here that she was spotted by one of her customers, producer of Coronation Street, Harry Kershaw, who persuaded her to audition for the role of Hilda Ogden in 1964; she eventually had to turn the role down as she was tied into an advertising contract with Procter & Gamble and they refused to release her. The part of Hilda eventually went to Jean Alexander. Driver has commented, "Harry Kershaw, producer of Coronation Street, persuaded me to audition for Hilda Ogden – just think I could have been wearing curlers for 30 years." In 1969, she was cast as the new character, Betty Turpin. Commenting on her casting in 1999, Driver said, "[Kershaw] said, 'Betty, how would you like to pull pints for us on television?', and that was it. I suppose I expected I'd be there for perhaps a few months. But it just went on and on and, well, they've never managed to get rid of me."
Coronation Street - Betty Williams Remembered (2012-4-21)
A final scene remembering the iconic Coronation Street character Betty Williams who pulled pints and served hotpots behind the bar of the Rovers Return for many years of the show's history. She died in 2012. Also includes ITV2 idents and promos.
published: 23 Aug 2016
Corrie - Betty after the tram crash
Betty Turpin/Williams talking about the tram crash reminding her of the war. The look on her face buttering the bread at the start is priceless!
published: 24 Apr 2012
Coronation street - Alec gets into bed with Betty
Alec returns home in the middle of the night and gets in bed with Betty, thinking that its Rita. Rate and comment
published: 27 Apr 2021
Betty Driver - Lifetime Achievement Award (British Soap Awards 2010)
Today marks 10 years since the wonderful Betty Driver passed away.
Here is a clip of Betty accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Soap Awards in 2010. She was a wonderful actress.
Copyright of ITVplc and Granada. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
published: 15 Oct 2021
Betty Driver dies - ITV News report (15 October 2011)
From 10 years ago today, an ITV News report on the death of Coronation Street legend Betty Driver.
Copyright of ITVplc. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
published: 15 Oct 2021
Coronation Street: Betty argues with Eve and resigns (2002)
What happens when you use sarcasm on Betty? Eve finds out the hard way. Originally aired 6 January 2002 (the final Corrie episode made in 4:3, incidentally).
Full credit to Croftie for the hard work capturing and uploading this originally. Just wanted to share some classic moments. All copyright remains with ITV. I own nothing.
published: 14 Feb 2023
Rosie explains twitter to Betty 14 February 2011
Rosie explains twitter and Kanya West to Betty
14 February 2011
no copyright intended
A final scene remembering the iconic Coronation Street character Betty Williams who pulled pints and served hotpots behind the bar of the Rovers Return for many...
A final scene remembering the iconic Coronation Street character Betty Williams who pulled pints and served hotpots behind the bar of the Rovers Return for many years of the show's history. She died in 2012. Also includes ITV2 idents and promos.
A final scene remembering the iconic Coronation Street character Betty Williams who pulled pints and served hotpots behind the bar of the Rovers Return for many years of the show's history. She died in 2012. Also includes ITV2 idents and promos.
Today marks 10 years since the wonderful Betty Driver passed away.
Here is a clip of Betty accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Soap Awards ...
Today marks 10 years since the wonderful Betty Driver passed away.
Here is a clip of Betty accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Soap Awards in 2010. She was a wonderful actress.
Copyright of ITVplc and Granada. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
Today marks 10 years since the wonderful Betty Driver passed away.
Here is a clip of Betty accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Soap Awards in 2010. She was a wonderful actress.
Copyright of ITVplc and Granada. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
From 10 years ago today, an ITV News report on the death of Coronation Street legend Betty Driver.
Copyright of ITVplc. No profit has been made from the upload...
From 10 years ago today, an ITV News report on the death of Coronation Street legend Betty Driver.
Copyright of ITVplc. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
From 10 years ago today, an ITV News report on the death of Coronation Street legend Betty Driver.
Copyright of ITVplc. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
What happens when you use sarcasm on Betty? Eve finds out the hard way. Originally aired 6 January 2002 (the final Corrie episode made in 4:3, incidentally).
What happens when you use sarcasm on Betty? Eve finds out the hard way. Originally aired 6 January 2002 (the final Corrie episode made in 4:3, incidentally).
Full credit to Croftie for the hard work capturing and uploading this originally. Just wanted to share some classic moments. All copyright remains with ITV. I own nothing.
What happens when you use sarcasm on Betty? Eve finds out the hard way. Originally aired 6 January 2002 (the final Corrie episode made in 4:3, incidentally).
Full credit to Croftie for the hard work capturing and uploading this originally. Just wanted to share some classic moments. All copyright remains with ITV. I own nothing.
A final scene remembering the iconic Coronation Street character Betty Williams who pulled pints and served hotpots behind the bar of the Rovers Return for many years of the show's history. She died in 2012. Also includes ITV2 idents and promos.
Today marks 10 years since the wonderful Betty Driver passed away.
Here is a clip of Betty accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Soap Awards in 2010. She was a wonderful actress.
Copyright of ITVplc and Granada. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
From 10 years ago today, an ITV News report on the death of Coronation Street legend Betty Driver.
Copyright of ITVplc. No profit has been made from the uploading of this video.
What happens when you use sarcasm on Betty? Eve finds out the hard way. Originally aired 6 January 2002 (the final Corrie episode made in 4:3, incidentally).
Full credit to Croftie for the hard work capturing and uploading this originally. Just wanted to share some classic moments. All copyright remains with ITV. I own nothing.
Elizabeth "Betty" Williams (néePreston, previously Turpin) was a long-standing fictional character from the British ITVsoap operaCoronation Street, portrayed by former music hall star Betty Driver. Driver was cast as Betty in 1969, after first auditioning for the role of Hilda Ogden. The character arrived in Coronation Street to help her sister Maggie Cooke run the corner shop, and has since had a number of storylines which have seen her become twice widowed, and mother to an illegitimate son. Working as a barmaid in the soap's Rovers Return Inn, Betty created a signature dish, known as Betty's hotpot.
In 1995, a real-life range of hotpots and pies based on the dish were launched by Hollands Pies, and in 2007, the world's largest Lancashire hotpot was created, based on Betty's recipe. Driver died in October 2011 and Betty was subsequently written out, with the character dying off-screen of illness in April 2012.
Betty Driver, who had been performing since she was 8 years old, retired from acting in her late forties to run hotels in Cheshire and Derbyshire. It was here that she was spotted by one of her customers, producer of Coronation Street, Harry Kershaw, who persuaded her to audition for the role of Hilda Ogden in 1964; she eventually had to turn the role down as she was tied into an advertising contract with Procter & Gamble and they refused to release her. The part of Hilda eventually went to Jean Alexander. Driver has commented, "Harry Kershaw, producer of Coronation Street, persuaded me to audition for Hilda Ogden – just think I could have been wearing curlers for 30 years." In 1969, she was cast as the new character, Betty Turpin. Commenting on her casting in 1999, Driver said, "[Kershaw] said, 'Betty, how would you like to pull pints for us on television?', and that was it. I suppose I expected I'd be there for perhaps a few months. But it just went on and on and, well, they've never managed to get rid of me."