Benjamin "Ben" Linus is a fictional character portrayed by Michael Emerson on the ABC television series Lost. Ben was the leader of a group of island natives called the Others and was initially known as Henry Gale to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. He began as the main antagonist during the second and third seasons, but in subsequent seasons, becomes something of an uneasy ally to the main characters; even so, however, throughout the series, he is persistently characterized by spontaneous coldblooded actions and the shroud of moral ambiguity. Other characters frequently describe him as loyal only to himself, though it is also often hinted that he may be driven by some higher purpose.
As with most characters on Lost, Ben's history is revealed through flashbacks and episodes set in other time periods which are revealed slowly as the series progresses. Sterling Beaumon first portrayed a young Ben late in season three, in the character's first centric episode, "The Man Behind the Curtain". Ben's childhood is further explored in the fifth season of the series, partially set in 1977. Fifth season episode "Dead Is Dead" explores Ben's fragile state following the events of the fourth season, in which his loyalty to the island led to the death of his adoptive daughter Alex Rousseau (Tania Raymonde), and flashbacks show the audience Ben's original acquisition of Alex and his rise to leadership of the Others, after exiling his rival Charles Widmore (Alan Dale). Originally cast for three guest appearances in the second season, Emerson's role was expanded. As leader of the Others, Ben became a regular cast member from the third season onward. Reviews of the show would often focus on Ben's mysterious motives. Emerson's portrayal garnered many positive reviews, resulting in nominations for the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor year-on-year from 2007 to 2010, winning in 2009.
This is an old video that I never posted. I loved this character and I miss Lost.
published: 02 Nov 2018
Lost - Ben showing why he's the boss
Final scene from episode 4.2 'Confirmed Dead'
published: 17 Nov 2012
Michael Emerson Wins Emmy for LOST (HD)
Michael Emerson, who plays Benjamin Linus on LOST, wins an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.
published: 21 Sep 2009
Lost - Benjamin Linus' Baton (from The Shape of Things to Come)
One of my favorite clips from J.J. Abrams' TV series Lost.
A disoriented Benjamin Linus wakes up on the ground in the middle of the Sahara Desert wearing a parka with a DHARMA logo and the name Halliwax on it. His right arm has a deep wound on it and there appears to be steam evaporating off him. He vomit, and two armed Bedouins on horseback approach. One of the Bedouins (speaking Arabic) points out how Ben does not have a trail. The other replies, "Where did this [guy] come from? Down from the sky?" Ben asks them if they speak English, and when he gets no reply, he asks them if they speak Arabic, and then Turkish, but they still do not speak with him. As one searches him he feels something hard in Ben's pocket. Ben pulls out a metal cylinder, which is a telescopic baton. He spins aroun...
published: 21 Jun 2010
Ben Linus Being my Favorite Character for 22 Minutes
published: 17 Apr 2022
I never entered the numbers, I never pressed the button. - John Locke and Ben Linus. Season 2.
published: 03 Sep 2017
LOST - Ben Kills His Father
A clip from episode 3x20 (The Man Behind the Curtain)
published: 01 Oct 2012
Benjamin Linus - "I Used To Rule The World"
Tribute to Benjamin Linus, one of the best characters of Lost.
Highest Quality: 1080p HD
Music: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Program: Movie Maker
Disclaimer: I own nothing used in this clip.
For entertainment only.
published: 18 Jan 2015
LOST 6x07 Iliana & Ben Linus scene HD
The most touching scene of Ben Linus in Lost HD
*no copyright infringement intended*
published: 10 Mar 2010
Lost - The best scene ever: Ben & Hurley
[[[Rights owned by ABC Television Network]]]
The best scene from Lost TV series.
Benjamin and Hurley are waiting for John and ... :-)
It's from season 4, episode 11.
One of my favorite clips from J.J. Abrams' TV series Lost.
A disoriented Benjamin Linus wakes up on the ground in the middle of the Sahara Desert wearing a p...
One of my favorite clips from J.J. Abrams' TV series Lost.
A disoriented Benjamin Linus wakes up on the ground in the middle of the Sahara Desert wearing a parka with a DHARMA logo and the name Halliwax on it. His right arm has a deep wound on it and there appears to be steam evaporating off him. He vomit, and two armed Bedouins on horseback approach. One of the Bedouins (speaking Arabic) points out how Ben does not have a trail. The other replies, "Where did this [guy] come from? Down from the sky?" Ben asks them if they speak English, and when he gets no reply, he asks them if they speak Arabic, and then Turkish, but they still do not speak with him. As one searches him he feels something hard in Ben's pocket. Ben pulls out a metal cylinder, which is a telescopic baton. He spins around, beats the Bedouin who was searching him, takes his gun and shoots the other. The beaten one says, "Surrender", and Ben says, "So you do speak English." He then hits him with the rifle butt. Ben ties off his arm wound and rides off on one of their horses.
Text taken from Lostpedia (
Video/audio footage taken from Lost (S04E09)
I do not own any copyrights to Lost, or any name or image affiliated with Lost.
One of my favorite clips from J.J. Abrams' TV series Lost.
A disoriented Benjamin Linus wakes up on the ground in the middle of the Sahara Desert wearing a parka with a DHARMA logo and the name Halliwax on it. His right arm has a deep wound on it and there appears to be steam evaporating off him. He vomit, and two armed Bedouins on horseback approach. One of the Bedouins (speaking Arabic) points out how Ben does not have a trail. The other replies, "Where did this [guy] come from? Down from the sky?" Ben asks them if they speak English, and when he gets no reply, he asks them if they speak Arabic, and then Turkish, but they still do not speak with him. As one searches him he feels something hard in Ben's pocket. Ben pulls out a metal cylinder, which is a telescopic baton. He spins around, beats the Bedouin who was searching him, takes his gun and shoots the other. The beaten one says, "Surrender", and Ben says, "So you do speak English." He then hits him with the rifle butt. Ben ties off his arm wound and rides off on one of their horses.
Text taken from Lostpedia (
Video/audio footage taken from Lost (S04E09)
I do not own any copyrights to Lost, or any name or image affiliated with Lost.
Tribute to Benjamin Linus, one of the best characters of Lost.
Highest Quality: 1080p HD
Music: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Program: Movie Maker
Disclaimer: I own...
Tribute to Benjamin Linus, one of the best characters of Lost.
Highest Quality: 1080p HD
Music: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Program: Movie Maker
Disclaimer: I own nothing used in this clip.
For entertainment only.
Tribute to Benjamin Linus, one of the best characters of Lost.
Highest Quality: 1080p HD
Music: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Program: Movie Maker
Disclaimer: I own nothing used in this clip.
For entertainment only.
[[[Rights owned by ABC Television Network]]]
The best scene from Lost TV series.
Benjamin and Hurley are waiting for John and ... :-)
It's from season 4, episod...
[[[Rights owned by ABC Television Network]]]
The best scene from Lost TV series.
Benjamin and Hurley are waiting for John and ... :-)
It's from season 4, episode 11.
[[[Rights owned by ABC Television Network]]]
The best scene from Lost TV series.
Benjamin and Hurley are waiting for John and ... :-)
It's from season 4, episode 11.
One of my favorite clips from J.J. Abrams' TV series Lost.
A disoriented Benjamin Linus wakes up on the ground in the middle of the Sahara Desert wearing a parka with a DHARMA logo and the name Halliwax on it. His right arm has a deep wound on it and there appears to be steam evaporating off him. He vomit, and two armed Bedouins on horseback approach. One of the Bedouins (speaking Arabic) points out how Ben does not have a trail. The other replies, "Where did this [guy] come from? Down from the sky?" Ben asks them if they speak English, and when he gets no reply, he asks them if they speak Arabic, and then Turkish, but they still do not speak with him. As one searches him he feels something hard in Ben's pocket. Ben pulls out a metal cylinder, which is a telescopic baton. He spins around, beats the Bedouin who was searching him, takes his gun and shoots the other. The beaten one says, "Surrender", and Ben says, "So you do speak English." He then hits him with the rifle butt. Ben ties off his arm wound and rides off on one of their horses.
Text taken from Lostpedia (
Video/audio footage taken from Lost (S04E09)
I do not own any copyrights to Lost, or any name or image affiliated with Lost.
Tribute to Benjamin Linus, one of the best characters of Lost.
Highest Quality: 1080p HD
Music: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Program: Movie Maker
Disclaimer: I own nothing used in this clip.
For entertainment only.
[[[Rights owned by ABC Television Network]]]
The best scene from Lost TV series.
Benjamin and Hurley are waiting for John and ... :-)
It's from season 4, episode 11.
Benjamin "Ben" Linus is a fictional character portrayed by Michael Emerson on the ABC television series Lost. Ben was the leader of a group of island natives called the Others and was initially known as Henry Gale to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. He began as the main antagonist during the second and third seasons, but in subsequent seasons, becomes something of an uneasy ally to the main characters; even so, however, throughout the series, he is persistently characterized by spontaneous coldblooded actions and the shroud of moral ambiguity. Other characters frequently describe him as loyal only to himself, though it is also often hinted that he may be driven by some higher purpose.
As with most characters on Lost, Ben's history is revealed through flashbacks and episodes set in other time periods which are revealed slowly as the series progresses. Sterling Beaumon first portrayed a young Ben late in season three, in the character's first centric episode, "The Man Behind the Curtain". Ben's childhood is further explored in the fifth season of the series, partially set in 1977. Fifth season episode "Dead Is Dead" explores Ben's fragile state following the events of the fourth season, in which his loyalty to the island led to the death of his adoptive daughter Alex Rousseau (Tania Raymonde), and flashbacks show the audience Ben's original acquisition of Alex and his rise to leadership of the Others, after exiling his rival Charles Widmore (Alan Dale). Originally cast for three guest appearances in the second season, Emerson's role was expanded. As leader of the Others, Ben became a regular cast member from the third season onward. Reviews of the show would often focus on Ben's mysterious motives. Emerson's portrayal garnered many positive reviews, resulting in nominations for the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor year-on-year from 2007 to 2010, winning in 2009.
Villain-you-love-to-hate BenjaminLinus, played with spooky intensity by Michael Emerson... His real name was Benjamin Linus and they could never trust that slippery weasel ... But Benjamin Linus did not have those things.
It’s July 2024, and Netflix has decided we have to go back ... Here’s the thing ... For example, there was the popular Lost podcast with Jay and Jack, which dissected every episode with precision even BenjaminLinus would be proud of ... Most popular ... .
Photo-Illustration ...ABC ... The best example of this is Michael Emerson’s BenjaminLinus, the manipulative leader of the Others, who appears for the first time in “One of Them” as a man named Henry Gale who crash-landed on the island in a hot-air balloon.
Which means, among other things, that an all-new generation of viewers is about to get hooked on figuring out what the numbers mean, whether BenjaminLinus is good or bad, the mystery of the smoke ...
Which means an all-new generation of viewers is about to get hooked on figuring out what the numbers mean, whether BenjaminLinus is good or bad, the mystery of the smoke monster, and what's so special about the island, The Others, and so much more.
Ella Purnell as Lucy MacLean in "Fallout." ... The most recent entry, "Fallout 76," pushed the single-player franchise online ... FREDERIC J ... Frederic J ... Emerson is best known for his role as the scheming villain-turned-ally, BenjaminLinus, in "Lost." .. ....
"We wanted him to be attractive, you know ... As for that clip I mentioned, we get to see The Ghoul in all his Fallout glory, as he searches out his bounty (and it's BenjaminLinus from Lost!).