Louis Armstrong - Basin Street Blues
Basin Street Blues is one of my favourite songs by jazz legend Louis Armstrong. I haven't found this version on Youtube yet and in my opinion it's one of the best.
published: 09 Jan 2010
Louis Armstrong - Basin Street Blues - 1964
From the Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song, February 2, 1964.
I think the personell are as follows:
Armstrong, Louis (Trumpet, Vocal)
Moore, Russell "Big Chief" (Trombone)
Darensbourg, Joe (Clarinet)
Kyle, Billy (Piano)
Shaw, Arvell (Bass)
Barcelona, Danny (Drums)
published: 01 Jan 2009
2009 basin street blues Andrea Motis Ricard Gili sant andreu jazz band joan chamorro direccion
Basin street blues
del CD-DVD "JAZZING" live at Casa Fuster, Barcelona
Enregistrat el dia 21 de juny del any 2009 al Jazz Club del Cafè Vienès de l'Hotel Casa Fuster
Andrea Motis 14 anys (saxo soprá i veu)
Marc Martín 16 anys ( piano )
Jan Rodríguez 12 anys ( contrabaix )
Arnau Julià 18 anys(bateria)
Ricard Gili ( trompeta i veu)
Josep Traver ( guitarra)
Joan Chamorro ( direcció musical )
Montserrat Jorba ( ajudant de direcció)
La SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND és un somni fet realitat. És el resultat de compartir amb els seus membres (la majoria d' ells entre 10 i 16 anys) la meva passió pel jazz; de creure que ho poden fer igual o millor que jo mateix; de no sentir-me el professor sinó l'alumne més avançat; de...
published: 22 Sep 2009
2011 BASIN STREET BLUES ( Spencer Williams )
SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND ( Joan Chamorro direccion )
31 de diciembre de 2011
Andrea Motis voz y saxo soprano
Ricard Gili voz y trompeta
Wycliffe Gordon trombon
Joan Marti saxo alto
Eva Fernandez saxo alto
Iscle Datzira saxo tenor
Carles Vazquez saxo tenor
Eduard Ferrer saxo baritono
Dani Tellez trombon
Raul Castro trombon
Paula Berzal trombon
Max Tato trombon
Pablo Fernandez trompeta
Marti Ibañez trompeta
Alba Armengou trompeta
Elsa Armengou trompeta
Marc Martin piano
Carla Motis guitarra
Magali Datzira contrabajo
Arnau Julia Bateria
ESTE TEMA forma parte del tercer CD-DVD de la SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND, grabado en directo el dia 30 de noviembre en el PALAU DE LA MUSICA CATALANA DE BARCELONA, EN EL MARCO DEL 43 ...
published: 28 Dec 2016
Sam Cooke - Basin Street Blues (Official Lyric Video)
“Basin Street Blues” by Sam Cooke
Composer: Spencer Williams
Basin Street, Basin Street
That's the place where my friends all meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
And you don't know how nice it seems
It's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I’m so longing to be
Where I can lose, these old Basin Street Blues
Basin Street, my Basin Street
Where the young and the old folk meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
You don't know how nice it really seems
But it's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I am so longing to be
Where maybe I can lose
These old Basin Street Blues
And oh man I'm talking about
Basin Street, Basin Street
Where the folk who know what's happ’ning meet
Down in New Orleans
In the land of dreams
And you don't know how nice i...
published: 29 Jan 2021
Basin Street Blues
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Basin Street Blues · Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Songs of New Orleans
℗ 2007 Preservation Hall
Released on: 2004-01-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 04 Jun 2015
Basin Street Blues - Carling family
Basin Street Blues - Carling family
published: 13 Jan 2017
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928)
Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928) · Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man 1923-1934
℗ Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Released on: 1994-09-27
Executive Producer: Bruce Talbot
Trumpet, Vocal: Louis Armstrong
Composer, Lyricist: S. Williams
Mastering Engineer: Tom Ruff
Celeste, Piano, Vocal: Earl Hines
Banjo, Vocal: Mancy Carr
Mastering Engineer: Mark Wilder
Drums: Zutty Singleton
Clarinet: Jimmy Strong
Trombone: Fred Robinson
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 05 Aug 2019
Tiana's Bayou Adventure Soundtrack (Basin Street Blues)
ma boutique : https://impressions3ddesigns.etsy.com
discord : https://discord.gg/utkW3qtj
les contenus vidéos et audio ne m'appartiennent pas et sont la propriété de la Walt Disney Company
the video and audio content does not belong to me and is the property of The Walt Disney Company
© 2019 The Walt Disney Company. | All Rights Reserved.
published: 03 Aug 2024
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong: Basin Street Blues
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Basin Street Blues
from The Best of Jazz Classics
published: 18 Oct 2009
Louis Armstrong - Basin Street Blues
Basin Street Blues is one of my favourite songs by jazz legend Louis Armstrong. I haven't found this version on Youtube yet and in my opinion it's one of the be...
Basin Street Blues is one of my favourite songs by jazz legend Louis Armstrong. I haven't found this version on Youtube yet and in my opinion it's one of the best.
Basin Street Blues is one of my favourite songs by jazz legend Louis Armstrong. I haven't found this version on Youtube yet and in my opinion it's one of the best.
- published: 09 Jan 2010
- views: 1602665
Louis Armstrong - Basin Street Blues - 1964
From the Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song, February 2, 1964.
I think the personell are as follows:
Armstrong, Louis (Trumpet, Vocal)
Moore, Russell "Big...
From the Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song, February 2, 1964.
I think the personell are as follows:
Armstrong, Louis (Trumpet, Vocal)
Moore, Russell "Big Chief" (Trombone)
Darensbourg, Joe (Clarinet)
Kyle, Billy (Piano)
Shaw, Arvell (Bass)
Barcelona, Danny (Drums)
From the Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song, February 2, 1964.
I think the personell are as follows:
Armstrong, Louis (Trumpet, Vocal)
Moore, Russell "Big Chief" (Trombone)
Darensbourg, Joe (Clarinet)
Kyle, Billy (Piano)
Shaw, Arvell (Bass)
Barcelona, Danny (Drums)
- published: 01 Jan 2009
- views: 2938939
2009 basin street blues Andrea Motis Ricard Gili sant andreu jazz band joan chamorro direccion
Basin street blues
del CD-DVD "JAZZING" live at Casa Fuster, Barcelona
Enregistrat el dia 21 de juny del any 2009 al Jazz Club del Cafè Vienès de l'Hotel Ca...
Basin street blues
del CD-DVD "JAZZING" live at Casa Fuster, Barcelona
Enregistrat el dia 21 de juny del any 2009 al Jazz Club del Cafè Vienès de l'Hotel Casa Fuster
Andrea Motis 14 anys (saxo soprá i veu)
Marc Martín 16 anys ( piano )
Jan Rodríguez 12 anys ( contrabaix )
Arnau Julià 18 anys(bateria)
Ricard Gili ( trompeta i veu)
Josep Traver ( guitarra)
Joan Chamorro ( direcció musical )
Montserrat Jorba ( ajudant de direcció)
La SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND és un somni fet realitat. És el resultat de compartir amb els seus membres (la majoria d' ells entre 10 i 16 anys) la meva passió pel jazz; de creure que ho poden fer igual o millor que jo mateix; de no sentir-me el professor sinó l'alumne més avançat; de no posar-los límits a les seves capacitats...
La banda va néixer fa 3 anys al si de l'Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu i des de llavors s'ha anat desenvolupant fins a ser el que és avui dia: una gran formació musical oberta en constant evolució.
Aquest darrer any la banda ha fet diversos concerts en prestigiosos festivals de jazz i clubs de Catalunya, amb molt bones crítiques per part del públic.
Tot això em va fer adonar que calia que en quedés constància i que la millor manera de fer-ho era gravant un CD-DVD, on els nois i noies compartirien escenari amb excel·lents músics de jazz.
L'esdeveniment del 21 de juliol (dia de la música) al Cafè Vienès Jazz Club de l'hotel Casa Fuster va ser inoblidable amb moments màgics i irrepetibles. Va ser el resultat de molts esforços, tant dels músics que hi van participar, com de totes aquelles persones (professors, famílies, tècnics, etc.) que, amb la seva feina, la seva implicació i la seva il·lusió van fer possible que aquest projecte pogués tirar endavant.
Gràcies a tots i a tu per compartir aquesta màgia amb nosaltres.
Joan Chamorro.
The SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND is a dream come true. It is the result of sharing my passion for jazz with its members (most of whom are between 10 and 16 years old), of believing that they can do as well or better than me, of feeling like the most advanced student rather than the teacher, and of not putting limits on their abilities.
The band was formed 3 years ago in the heart of the Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu. Since then, it has gradually developed into what it is today: a large, open musical group that is constantly evolving.
Last year, the band performed various concerts in prestigious Catalan jazz festivals and clubs, and received very good reviews from the audiences.
Consequently, I thought we needed some kind of record of the band. The best way to do this was to make a CD-DVD, in which the girls and boys would share the stage with excellent jazz musicians.
The 21 July event (the Day of Music) at the Cafè Vienès Jazz Club in the Hotel Casa Fuster was unforgettable. There were magical and unrepeatable moments. It was the result of the great effort made by the participating musicians and by all those people (teachers, families, technicians, etc.) who, through their work, involvement and enthusiasm made this project possible.
Thanks to all of them and to you for sharing this magic with us.
Joan Chamorro.
Joan Chamorro
Joan Chamorro i Dani Alonso
Càmeras: Jordi Cabestany, Ramon Tort
Ramon Tort
David Casamitjana
Dani Alonso
Estudi Temps Recod
Josep Roig
Dani Alonso
Ajuntament del districte Municipal Sant Andreu
Taller de Músics
Fundació Catalana de Jazz Clàssic
Perla Kaliman.Tots els músics convidats.Pares i mares de tots els integrants de la Sant Andreu Jazz Band, Montse Jorba,Dani Alonso,Hotel Casa Fuster,Jazz Terrassa,Festival de Dixieland de Tarragona,Jazz Sí Club - Taller de Músics
Hotel Havana ,També a totes les persones que han ajudat a fer possible aquest projectei a tots aquells músics que han sigut font de inspiració per a nosaltres: Scott Robinson,Sidney bechet, Louis Armstrong, Ben Webster
Duke Ellington, Johnny Hodges, Bobby Gordon, Lester Young, Bobby Hacket, Bob Wilber ,Count Basie ,Billie Holiday ,Lou Donaldson i un llarg etc.etc.etc...
Basin street blues
del CD-DVD "JAZZING" live at Casa Fuster, Barcelona
Enregistrat el dia 21 de juny del any 2009 al Jazz Club del Cafè Vienès de l'Hotel Casa Fuster
Andrea Motis 14 anys (saxo soprá i veu)
Marc Martín 16 anys ( piano )
Jan Rodríguez 12 anys ( contrabaix )
Arnau Julià 18 anys(bateria)
Ricard Gili ( trompeta i veu)
Josep Traver ( guitarra)
Joan Chamorro ( direcció musical )
Montserrat Jorba ( ajudant de direcció)
La SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND és un somni fet realitat. És el resultat de compartir amb els seus membres (la majoria d' ells entre 10 i 16 anys) la meva passió pel jazz; de creure que ho poden fer igual o millor que jo mateix; de no sentir-me el professor sinó l'alumne més avançat; de no posar-los límits a les seves capacitats...
La banda va néixer fa 3 anys al si de l'Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu i des de llavors s'ha anat desenvolupant fins a ser el que és avui dia: una gran formació musical oberta en constant evolució.
Aquest darrer any la banda ha fet diversos concerts en prestigiosos festivals de jazz i clubs de Catalunya, amb molt bones crítiques per part del públic.
Tot això em va fer adonar que calia que en quedés constància i que la millor manera de fer-ho era gravant un CD-DVD, on els nois i noies compartirien escenari amb excel·lents músics de jazz.
L'esdeveniment del 21 de juliol (dia de la música) al Cafè Vienès Jazz Club de l'hotel Casa Fuster va ser inoblidable amb moments màgics i irrepetibles. Va ser el resultat de molts esforços, tant dels músics que hi van participar, com de totes aquelles persones (professors, famílies, tècnics, etc.) que, amb la seva feina, la seva implicació i la seva il·lusió van fer possible que aquest projecte pogués tirar endavant.
Gràcies a tots i a tu per compartir aquesta màgia amb nosaltres.
Joan Chamorro.
The SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND is a dream come true. It is the result of sharing my passion for jazz with its members (most of whom are between 10 and 16 years old), of believing that they can do as well or better than me, of feeling like the most advanced student rather than the teacher, and of not putting limits on their abilities.
The band was formed 3 years ago in the heart of the Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu. Since then, it has gradually developed into what it is today: a large, open musical group that is constantly evolving.
Last year, the band performed various concerts in prestigious Catalan jazz festivals and clubs, and received very good reviews from the audiences.
Consequently, I thought we needed some kind of record of the band. The best way to do this was to make a CD-DVD, in which the girls and boys would share the stage with excellent jazz musicians.
The 21 July event (the Day of Music) at the Cafè Vienès Jazz Club in the Hotel Casa Fuster was unforgettable. There were magical and unrepeatable moments. It was the result of the great effort made by the participating musicians and by all those people (teachers, families, technicians, etc.) who, through their work, involvement and enthusiasm made this project possible.
Thanks to all of them and to you for sharing this magic with us.
Joan Chamorro.
Joan Chamorro
Joan Chamorro i Dani Alonso
Càmeras: Jordi Cabestany, Ramon Tort
Ramon Tort
David Casamitjana
Dani Alonso
Estudi Temps Recod
Josep Roig
Dani Alonso
Ajuntament del districte Municipal Sant Andreu
Taller de Músics
Fundació Catalana de Jazz Clàssic
Perla Kaliman.Tots els músics convidats.Pares i mares de tots els integrants de la Sant Andreu Jazz Band, Montse Jorba,Dani Alonso,Hotel Casa Fuster,Jazz Terrassa,Festival de Dixieland de Tarragona,Jazz Sí Club - Taller de Músics
Hotel Havana ,També a totes les persones que han ajudat a fer possible aquest projectei a tots aquells músics que han sigut font de inspiració per a nosaltres: Scott Robinson,Sidney bechet, Louis Armstrong, Ben Webster
Duke Ellington, Johnny Hodges, Bobby Gordon, Lester Young, Bobby Hacket, Bob Wilber ,Count Basie ,Billie Holiday ,Lou Donaldson i un llarg etc.etc.etc...
- published: 22 Sep 2009
- views: 1386781
2011 BASIN STREET BLUES ( Spencer Williams )
SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND ( Joan Chamorro direccion )
31 de diciembre de 2011
Andrea Motis voz y saxo soprano
2011 BASIN STREET BLUES ( Spencer Williams )
SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND ( Joan Chamorro direccion )
31 de diciembre de 2011
Andrea Motis voz y saxo soprano
Ricard Gili voz y trompeta
Wycliffe Gordon trombon
Joan Marti saxo alto
Eva Fernandez saxo alto
Iscle Datzira saxo tenor
Carles Vazquez saxo tenor
Eduard Ferrer saxo baritono
Dani Tellez trombon
Raul Castro trombon
Paula Berzal trombon
Max Tato trombon
Pablo Fernandez trompeta
Marti Ibañez trompeta
Alba Armengou trompeta
Elsa Armengou trompeta
Marc Martin piano
Carla Motis guitarra
Magali Datzira contrabajo
Arnau Julia Bateria
VIDEO divino concepto RAMON TORT
AUDIO coda produccions musicals JOSEP ROIG Y DAVID CASAMITJANA
2011 BASIN STREET BLUES ( Spencer Williams )
SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND ( Joan Chamorro direccion )
31 de diciembre de 2011
Andrea Motis voz y saxo soprano
Ricard Gili voz y trompeta
Wycliffe Gordon trombon
Joan Marti saxo alto
Eva Fernandez saxo alto
Iscle Datzira saxo tenor
Carles Vazquez saxo tenor
Eduard Ferrer saxo baritono
Dani Tellez trombon
Raul Castro trombon
Paula Berzal trombon
Max Tato trombon
Pablo Fernandez trompeta
Marti Ibañez trompeta
Alba Armengou trompeta
Elsa Armengou trompeta
Marc Martin piano
Carla Motis guitarra
Magali Datzira contrabajo
Arnau Julia Bateria
VIDEO divino concepto RAMON TORT
AUDIO coda produccions musicals JOSEP ROIG Y DAVID CASAMITJANA
- published: 28 Dec 2016
- views: 256134
Sam Cooke - Basin Street Blues (Official Lyric Video)
“Basin Street Blues” by Sam Cooke
Composer: Spencer Williams
Basin Street, Basin Street
That's the place where my friends all meet
Down in New Orleans
“Basin Street Blues” by Sam Cooke
Composer: Spencer Williams
Basin Street, Basin Street
That's the place where my friends all meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
And you don't know how nice it seems
It's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I’m so longing to be
Where I can lose, these old Basin Street Blues
Basin Street, my Basin Street
Where the young and the old folk meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
You don't know how nice it really seems
But it's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I am so longing to be
Where maybe I can lose
These old Basin Street Blues
And oh man I'm talking about
Basin Street, Basin Street
Where the folk who know what's happ’ning meet
Down in New Orleans
In the land of dreams
And you don't know how nice it seems
Just how much it really means
Dear to me, yes-sir-ee
It's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
Can't you see
Why I wanna lose these old Basin Street Blues
Oh I wanna go where I can lose
These old Basin Street Blues
Aw yeah
“Basin Street Blues”
Directed by: Lucy Dawkins and Tom Readdy at Yes Please Productions
Executive Producer: Julian Klein
Producer: Dina Kanner
(C) 2021 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc.
#SamCooke #BasinStreetBlues #OfficialLyricVideo
“Basin Street Blues” by Sam Cooke
Composer: Spencer Williams
Basin Street, Basin Street
That's the place where my friends all meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
And you don't know how nice it seems
It's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I’m so longing to be
Where I can lose, these old Basin Street Blues
Basin Street, my Basin Street
Where the young and the old folk meet
Down in New Orleans
In that land of dreams
You don't know how nice it really seems
But it's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
And that's the place I am so longing to be
Where maybe I can lose
These old Basin Street Blues
And oh man I'm talking about
Basin Street, Basin Street
Where the folk who know what's happ’ning meet
Down in New Orleans
In the land of dreams
And you don't know how nice it seems
Just how much it really means
Dear to me, yes-sir-ee
It's dear to me, yes-sir-ee
Can't you see
Why I wanna lose these old Basin Street Blues
Oh I wanna go where I can lose
These old Basin Street Blues
Aw yeah
“Basin Street Blues”
Directed by: Lucy Dawkins and Tom Readdy at Yes Please Productions
Executive Producer: Julian Klein
Producer: Dina Kanner
(C) 2021 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc.
#SamCooke #BasinStreetBlues #OfficialLyricVideo
- published: 29 Jan 2021
- views: 143647
Basin Street Blues
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Basin Street Blues · Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Songs of New Orleans
℗ 2007 Preservation Hall
Released on: 2...
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Basin Street Blues · Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Songs of New Orleans
℗ 2007 Preservation Hall
Released on: 2004-01-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Basin Street Blues · Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Songs of New Orleans
℗ 2007 Preservation Hall
Released on: 2004-01-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 99941
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928)
Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928) · Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man 1923-1934
℗ Orig...
Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928) · Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man 1923-1934
℗ Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Released on: 1994-09-27
Executive Producer: Bruce Talbot
Trumpet, Vocal: Louis Armstrong
Composer, Lyricist: S. Williams
Mastering Engineer: Tom Ruff
Celeste, Piano, Vocal: Earl Hines
Banjo, Vocal: Mancy Carr
Mastering Engineer: Mark Wilder
Drums: Zutty Singleton
Clarinet: Jimmy Strong
Trombone: Fred Robinson
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy
Basin Street Blues (rec. 1928) · Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man 1923-1934
℗ Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Released on: 1994-09-27
Executive Producer: Bruce Talbot
Trumpet, Vocal: Louis Armstrong
Composer, Lyricist: S. Williams
Mastering Engineer: Tom Ruff
Celeste, Piano, Vocal: Earl Hines
Banjo, Vocal: Mancy Carr
Mastering Engineer: Mark Wilder
Drums: Zutty Singleton
Clarinet: Jimmy Strong
Trombone: Fred Robinson
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 05 Aug 2019
- views: 10929
Tiana's Bayou Adventure Soundtrack (Basin Street Blues)
ma boutique : https://impressions3ddesigns.etsy.com
discord : https://discord.gg/utkW3qtj
les contenus vidéos et audio ne m'appartiennent pas et sont la propri...
ma boutique : https://impressions3ddesigns.etsy.com
discord : https://discord.gg/utkW3qtj
les contenus vidéos et audio ne m'appartiennent pas et sont la propriété de la Walt Disney Company
the video and audio content does not belong to me and is the property of The Walt Disney Company
© 2019 The Walt Disney Company. | All Rights Reserved.
ma boutique : https://impressions3ddesigns.etsy.com
discord : https://discord.gg/utkW3qtj
les contenus vidéos et audio ne m'appartiennent pas et sont la propriété de la Walt Disney Company
the video and audio content does not belong to me and is the property of The Walt Disney Company
© 2019 The Walt Disney Company. | All Rights Reserved.
- published: 03 Aug 2024
- views: 35
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong: Basin Street Blues
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Basin Street Blues
from The Best of Jazz Classics
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Basin Street Blues
from The Best of Jazz Classics
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Basin Street Blues
from The Best of Jazz Classics
- published: 18 Oct 2009
- views: 188547
The Peddlers- On A Clear Day You Can See Forever
Really nice still song
published: 30 Sep 2009
Roy Phillips - The Peddlers 1969 - Birth
Top selling record for The Peddlers .....
published: 21 Nov 2017
The Peddlers - Walk on the Wild Side
From 1971, the great Peddlers with Elmer Bernstein & Hal David's 'Walk on the Wild Side'. Hammond eggs...
published: 13 Jun 2008
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
Provided to YouTube by Columbia
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever · The Peddlers
Part One
℗ 1968 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Released on: 1993-02-11
Composer, Lyricist: Alan Lerner
Producer: Mervyn Conn
Composer, Lyricist: Burton Lane
Producer: Cyril Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 24 Sep 2015
The Peddlers - Tell The world were Not In
from sez les series 4
published: 02 Jan 2012
The Peddlers - Southern Woman
published: 22 Dec 2009
The Peddlers - Smile
Smile by The Peddlers from their album for the CBS label from 1967. Thank you. Enjoy :)
published: 26 Oct 2011
Roy Phillips, More than a Peddler
This is documentary about musician Roy Phillips. I made this film as a third year Fine Arts degree project.
I hope all holders of copyright on material used will understand this was an educational exercise.
published: 13 Dec 2013
Breaking Bad - On a Clear Day (The Peddlers) - Full Scene + Montage - s05e03 "Hazard Pay"
Breaking Bad "Hazard Pay" Season 5 Episode 3
Full scene of Jesse and Walt's final cook + full song + video edit
(original scene ending @ 2:55)
Music: "On a Clear Day" by The Peddlers
Hope you like it! :)
no copyright infringement intended.
Ignore the rest:
Breaking Bad, s05e03, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, AMC, Sony, SME, Episode 503, Hazard Pay, Season 5, full scene, cook scene, On A Clear Day by The Peddlers, cooking meth, crystal meth, soundtrack, music, ost, audio, track, score, original, ambient, dave porter, s5e3, 503, s05e03, 5x3, best scenes, best montage, top scenes, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, season 5 episode 3
published: 24 Oct 2013
The Peddlers - Walk on the Wild Side
From 1971, the great Peddlers with Elmer Bernstein & Hal David's 'Walk on the Wild Side'. Hammond eggs...
From 1971, the great Peddlers with Elmer Bernstein & Hal David's 'Walk on the Wild Side'. Hammond eggs...
From 1971, the great Peddlers with Elmer Bernstein & Hal David's 'Walk on the Wild Side'. Hammond eggs...
- published: 13 Jun 2008
- views: 260586
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
Provided to YouTube by Columbia
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever · The Peddlers
Part One
℗ 1968 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Released on: 1993-02-1...
Provided to YouTube by Columbia
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever · The Peddlers
Part One
℗ 1968 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Released on: 1993-02-11
Composer, Lyricist: Alan Lerner
Producer: Mervyn Conn
Composer, Lyricist: Burton Lane
Producer: Cyril Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Columbia
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever · The Peddlers
Part One
℗ 1968 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Released on: 1993-02-11
Composer, Lyricist: Alan Lerner
Producer: Mervyn Conn
Composer, Lyricist: Burton Lane
Producer: Cyril Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 698887
The Peddlers - Smile
Smile by The Peddlers from their album for the CBS label from 1967. Thank you. Enjoy :)
Smile by The Peddlers from their album for the CBS label from 1967. Thank you. Enjoy :)
Smile by The Peddlers from their album for the CBS label from 1967. Thank you. Enjoy :)
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 162449
Roy Phillips, More than a Peddler
This is documentary about musician Roy Phillips. I made this film as a third year Fine Arts degree project.
I hope all holders of copyright on material used w...
This is documentary about musician Roy Phillips. I made this film as a third year Fine Arts degree project.
I hope all holders of copyright on material used will understand this was an educational exercise.
This is documentary about musician Roy Phillips. I made this film as a third year Fine Arts degree project.
I hope all holders of copyright on material used will understand this was an educational exercise.
- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 34007
Breaking Bad - On a Clear Day (The Peddlers) - Full Scene + Montage - s05e03 "Hazard Pay"
Breaking Bad "Hazard Pay" Season 5 Episode 3
Full scene of Jesse and Walt's final cook + full song + video edit
(original scene ending @ 2:55)
Music: "On a Cl...
Breaking Bad "Hazard Pay" Season 5 Episode 3
Full scene of Jesse and Walt's final cook + full song + video edit
(original scene ending @ 2:55)
Music: "On a Clear Day" by The Peddlers
Hope you like it! :)
no copyright infringement intended.
Ignore the rest:
Breaking Bad, s05e03, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, AMC, Sony, SME, Episode 503, Hazard Pay, Season 5, full scene, cook scene, On A Clear Day by The Peddlers, cooking meth, crystal meth, soundtrack, music, ost, audio, track, score, original, ambient, dave porter, s5e3, 503, s05e03, 5x3, best scenes, best montage, top scenes, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, season 5 episode 3
Breaking Bad "Hazard Pay" Season 5 Episode 3
Full scene of Jesse and Walt's final cook + full song + video edit
(original scene ending @ 2:55)
Music: "On a Clear Day" by The Peddlers
Hope you like it! :)
no copyright infringement intended.
Ignore the rest:
Breaking Bad, s05e03, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, AMC, Sony, SME, Episode 503, Hazard Pay, Season 5, full scene, cook scene, On A Clear Day by The Peddlers, cooking meth, crystal meth, soundtrack, music, ost, audio, track, score, original, ambient, dave porter, s5e3, 503, s05e03, 5x3, best scenes, best montage, top scenes, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, season 5 episode 3
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 1675718