While predominantly expounded by Shī‘ī and Sufi thinkers, some Sunni Muslims such as Barelvis share similar beliefs.
Shī‘ī Legal Implementation
In Shī‘ī jurisprudence, ‘aql is the process of using intellect or logic to deduce law. Legal scholars in both Sunni and Shī‘ī Islamic traditions share Quranic interpretation, the Sunnah, and Ijma‘ "consensus" as sources of Islamic law and judicial decisions (ḥukm). However, Twelvers of the Ja‘farī school of law utilize ‘aql whereas Sunnis use qiyas "analogical reasoning" as the fourth source of law.
Among Twelvers, Akhbārīs (associated with exotericism and traditionalism and theological schools in Qom) and Usulis (associated with esotericism and rationalism and theological schools in Baghdad) were contending subschools: the former reject ijtihād outright; the latter advocate ijtihad and have been predominant for the last 300 years.
Altair rotates rapidly, with a velocity at the equator of approximately 286km/s. A study with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer revealed that Altair is not spherical, but is flattened at the poles due to its high rate of rotation. Other interferometric studies with multiple telescopes, operating in the infrared, have imaged and confirmed this phenomenon.
Altair is located 16.7 light-years (5.13 parsecs) from Earth and is one of the closest stars visible to the naked eye. Along with Beta Aquilae and Gamma Aquilae, it forms the well-known line of stars sometimes referred to as the Family of Aquila or Shaft of Aquila.
Shia (/ˈʃiːə/; Arabic:شيعةShīʿah), an abbreviation of Shīʻatu ʻAlī (شيعة علي, "followers of Ali"), is a branch of Islam which holds that the Islamic prophet Muhammad's proper successor as Caliph was his son-in-law and cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. Shia Islam primarily contrasts with Sunni Islam, whose adherents believe that Muhammad's father-in-law Abu Bakr was his proper successor.
Adherents of Shia Islam are called Shias or the Shi'a as a collective or Shi'i individually. Shia Islam is the second-largest branch of Islam: in 2009, Shia Muslims constituted 10–13% of the world's Muslim population.Twelver Shia (Ithnā'ashariyyah) is the largest branch of Shia Islam. In 2012 it was estimated that perhaps 85 percent of Shias were Twelvers.
Shia Islam is based on the Quran and the message of the Islamic prophetMuhammad attested in hadith recorded by the Shia, and certain books deemed sacred to the Shia (Nahj al-Balagha). Shia consider Ali to have been divinely appointed as the successor to Muhammad, and as the first Imam. The Shia also extend this "Imami" doctrine to Muhammad's family, the Ahl al-Bayt ("the People of the House"), and certain individuals among his descendants, known as Imams, who they believe possess special spiritual and political authority over the community, infallibility, and other divinely-ordained traits. Although there are myriad Shia subsects, modern Shia Islam has been divided into three main groupings: Twelvers, Ismailis and Zaidis, with Twelver Shia being the largest and most influential group among Shia.
Ebn Hussein interviews the grandson of Ex-Shia Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-fadl Borqei about his grandfather's fascinating life and how he left Twelver Shiism, started refuting it and his own previous Shia works, as well as translating Ibn Taymiyyah's devastating refutation of Twelver Shiism- Minhaj as-Sunnah to Farsi, his harassment by the Iranian regime and his martyrdom.
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#EbnHussein, #Ex...
published: 22 Aug 2020
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
A Short Video Clip from 23-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 19-Aug-2018)
Complete Lecture link:
Official Youtube Channel
Official Complete Lectures Channel
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "RAAH-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "NOOR-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For MAJALIS Short Clips YouTube Channel "True Muslim" L...
published: 27 May 2020
Sheikh Jalil Lecture on Limit of Aql in Islam
Lecture on what is the limit of use of Aql in Islam when there are scientific discoveries or other observations which are not consistent with Islamic teachings through Quran and Sunnah.
published: 28 Feb 2013
Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jamat ahle hadees hain #Islamic Guidance
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Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jamat ahle hadees hain
Dr. ISRAR Ahmad r.a is the Biggest DAEE-e-QUR'AN of our Modern Age. He died on 14-April-2010. May ALLAH accept his efforts for ISLAM. Aameen ! This Video Clip is being specially uploaded at the occasion of 14-April-2016 to remember him & pay attributes to his efforts for ISLAM.
Dr Israr Ahmed Ke Aqaid Kya They Wahdatul wajood ke point of view se Reply By Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza to Ambigious Saudi Alim whose name is not mention by Engineer Muhammad Ali mirza. it may be Tauseef ur Rahman Rashdi or Murtaza Bakhsh.
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published: 26 Sep 2017
Majlis e Aza 5 2018 Aasima Zainab [SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE]
Topic Karbalai Khawateen ka kirdar
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published: 26 Sep 2018
Aql,Ilm,Taqwa Mayn Sy Hazrat Adam (a.s) Ny.....!! | Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi | 8K
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published: 29 Jul 2020
Ashraf Ali Thanwi kay Karnamay
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Ebn Hussein interviews the grandson of Ex-Shia Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-fadl Borqei about his grandfather's fascinating life and how he left Twelver Shiism...
Ebn Hussein interviews the grandson of Ex-Shia Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-fadl Borqei about his grandfather's fascinating life and how he left Twelver Shiism, started refuting it and his own previous Shia works, as well as translating Ibn Taymiyyah's devastating refutation of Twelver Shiism- Minhaj as-Sunnah to Farsi, his harassment by the Iranian regime and his martyrdom.
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#EbnHussein, #ExShia, #AyatollahBorqei
Ebn Hussein interviews the grandson of Ex-Shia Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-fadl Borqei about his grandfather's fascinating life and how he left Twelver Shiism, started refuting it and his own previous Shia works, as well as translating Ibn Taymiyyah's devastating refutation of Twelver Shiism- Minhaj as-Sunnah to Farsi, his harassment by the Iranian regime and his martyrdom.
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You can now financially support us via our GoFundMe campaign:
#EbnHussein, #ExShia, #AyatollahBorqei
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
A Short Video Clip from 23-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A...
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
A Short Video Clip from 23-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 19-Aug-2018)
Complete Lecture link:
Official Youtube Channel
Official Complete Lectures Channel
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "RAAH-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "NOOR-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For MAJALIS Short Clips YouTube Channel "True Muslim" Link:
There are few Islamic scholars and researcher in the Muslim world who are really working for the propagation of real Islam and the unity of Muslim Ummah. Among these few and rare names, one is Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza who is spreading the Islam and offerings the solutions of Islamic sects based on his research from Quran and Sunnah.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is one of best speaker of Islam who only talks on Quran and Sahih Hadith. He says that no any sect is completely wrong and at the same time no one is totally correct. Because most of the speakers of Islam who belongs to sects is trying to defend their sects rather to spread the true picture of Islam.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza has spent time with almost all the sects and studies their books, he concluded that if a person wants to success in this life and hereafter he must follow the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) which are preserved and available in the shape of Quran and Sahih Hadith.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza chose to discuss all the controversial issues among the Muslims and with the true references of Quran and Sahih Hadith he concluded the problems which were hidden by the Islamic Scholars.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza says that Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahl e Hadith and whatever the names given to different sects of islam are not Kaffir except "Qadiyani" the one off shoot of Sunni school of thought and "Nusairi" the off shoot of Shia school of thought. So other than Qadiyani and Nusairi all the sects and school of thoughts are Muslims and we can offer prayers behind them.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza advises his listeners not to quarrel with the strict followers of different sects but just to give Dawat of the True Islam (which is in Quran and Sahih Hadith)
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza's preaching reveals that Maulana Tariq Jameel, Maulana Ilyas Qadri, Maulana Ilyas Ghumman, Javed Ahmed Ghamdi, Maulana Ishaq Madani, Shaikh Zubair Ail Zai, Dr Israr, Hafiz Saeed, Dr Tahir ul Qadri, Mufti Hanif Qureshi and so many other scholars of Islam who belongs to different sects all are respectable personalities and deserves respect but if there is any objection to them in the light of Quran and Hadith, no one will be excused and it will be highlighted with respect and references.
The biography of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza as per his own lectures and web.pk is as follows
Engr. Muhammad Ali Mirza
Date of Birth
Academic Qualification
BSc. Mechanical Engineer (Hons.)
Field of Research
Holy Qur’an & Sahih Ahadith
Interest & Objective
Dawat-e-ISLAM & Unity of Ummah
General Manager (Grade-19)(Defence Ministry, Govt. of Pakistan)
Jhelum City (Punjab)
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
A Short Video Clip from 23-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 19-Aug-2018)
Complete Lecture link:
Official Youtube Channel
Official Complete Lectures Channel
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "RAAH-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "NOOR-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For MAJALIS Short Clips YouTube Channel "True Muslim" Link:
There are few Islamic scholars and researcher in the Muslim world who are really working for the propagation of real Islam and the unity of Muslim Ummah. Among these few and rare names, one is Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza who is spreading the Islam and offerings the solutions of Islamic sects based on his research from Quran and Sunnah.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is one of best speaker of Islam who only talks on Quran and Sahih Hadith. He says that no any sect is completely wrong and at the same time no one is totally correct. Because most of the speakers of Islam who belongs to sects is trying to defend their sects rather to spread the true picture of Islam.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza has spent time with almost all the sects and studies their books, he concluded that if a person wants to success in this life and hereafter he must follow the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) which are preserved and available in the shape of Quran and Sahih Hadith.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza chose to discuss all the controversial issues among the Muslims and with the true references of Quran and Sahih Hadith he concluded the problems which were hidden by the Islamic Scholars.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza says that Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahl e Hadith and whatever the names given to different sects of islam are not Kaffir except "Qadiyani" the one off shoot of Sunni school of thought and "Nusairi" the off shoot of Shia school of thought. So other than Qadiyani and Nusairi all the sects and school of thoughts are Muslims and we can offer prayers behind them.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza advises his listeners not to quarrel with the strict followers of different sects but just to give Dawat of the True Islam (which is in Quran and Sahih Hadith)
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza's preaching reveals that Maulana Tariq Jameel, Maulana Ilyas Qadri, Maulana Ilyas Ghumman, Javed Ahmed Ghamdi, Maulana Ishaq Madani, Shaikh Zubair Ail Zai, Dr Israr, Hafiz Saeed, Dr Tahir ul Qadri, Mufti Hanif Qureshi and so many other scholars of Islam who belongs to different sects all are respectable personalities and deserves respect but if there is any objection to them in the light of Quran and Hadith, no one will be excused and it will be highlighted with respect and references.
The biography of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza as per his own lectures and web.pk is as follows
Engr. Muhammad Ali Mirza
Date of Birth
Academic Qualification
BSc. Mechanical Engineer (Hons.)
Field of Research
Holy Qur’an & Sahih Ahadith
Interest & Objective
Dawat-e-ISLAM & Unity of Ummah
General Manager (Grade-19)(Defence Ministry, Govt. of Pakistan)
Jhelum City (Punjab)
Lecture on what is the limit of use of Aql in Islam when there are scientific discoveries or other observations which are not consistent with Islamic teachings ...
Lecture on what is the limit of use of Aql in Islam when there are scientific discoveries or other observations which are not consistent with Islamic teachings through Quran and Sunnah.
Lecture on what is the limit of use of Aql in Islam when there are scientific discoveries or other observations which are not consistent with Islamic teachings through Quran and Sunnah.
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Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jama...
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Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jamat ahle hadees hain
Dr. ISRAR Ahmad r.a is the Biggest DAEE-e-QUR'AN of our Modern Age. He died on 14-April-2010. May ALLAH accept his efforts for ISLAM. Aameen ! This Video Clip is being specially uploaded at the occasion of 14-April-2016 to remember him & pay attributes to his efforts for ISLAM.
Dr Israr Ahmed Ke Aqaid Kya They Wahdatul wajood ke point of view se Reply By Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza to Ambigious Saudi Alim whose name is not mention by Engineer Muhammad Ali mirza. it may be Tauseef ur Rahman Rashdi or Murtaza Bakhsh.
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Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jamat ahle hadees hain
Dr. ISRAR Ahmad r.a is the Biggest DAEE-e-QUR'AN of our Modern Age. He died on 14-April-2010. May ALLAH accept his efforts for ISLAM. Aameen ! This Video Clip is being specially uploaded at the occasion of 14-April-2016 to remember him & pay attributes to his efforts for ISLAM.
Dr Israr Ahmed Ke Aqaid Kya They Wahdatul wajood ke point of view se Reply By Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza to Ambigious Saudi Alim whose name is not mention by Engineer Muhammad Ali mirza. it may be Tauseef ur Rahman Rashdi or Murtaza Bakhsh.
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Topic Karbalai Khawateen ka kirdar
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Topic Karbalai Khawateen ka kirdar
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You can also support my work by donating either via Paypal or by becoming a patron.
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You can also support my work by donating either via Paypal or by becoming a patron.
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Instagram: TheHarrisSultan
Ebn Hussein interviews the grandson of Ex-Shia Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-fadl Borqei about his grandfather's fascinating life and how he left Twelver Shiism, started refuting it and his own previous Shia works, as well as translating Ibn Taymiyyah's devastating refutation of Twelver Shiism- Minhaj as-Sunnah to Farsi, his harassment by the Iranian regime and his martyrdom.
Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe. Turn notifications on to make sure you don't miss our latest content.
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You can now financially support us via our GoFundMe campaign:
#EbnHussein, #ExShia, #AyatollahBorqei
Ahl Tashayo ko dawat kis kitab se pesh ki jaye aur un ki hadith books Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
A Short Video Clip from 23-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 19-Aug-2018)
Complete Lecture link:
Official Youtube Channel
Official Complete Lectures Channel
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "RAAH-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For Short Clips on Varies Topics YouTube Channel "NOOR-e-HIDAYAT" Link:
For MAJALIS Short Clips YouTube Channel "True Muslim" Link:
There are few Islamic scholars and researcher in the Muslim world who are really working for the propagation of real Islam and the unity of Muslim Ummah. Among these few and rare names, one is Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza who is spreading the Islam and offerings the solutions of Islamic sects based on his research from Quran and Sunnah.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is one of best speaker of Islam who only talks on Quran and Sahih Hadith. He says that no any sect is completely wrong and at the same time no one is totally correct. Because most of the speakers of Islam who belongs to sects is trying to defend their sects rather to spread the true picture of Islam.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza has spent time with almost all the sects and studies their books, he concluded that if a person wants to success in this life and hereafter he must follow the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) which are preserved and available in the shape of Quran and Sahih Hadith.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza chose to discuss all the controversial issues among the Muslims and with the true references of Quran and Sahih Hadith he concluded the problems which were hidden by the Islamic Scholars.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza says that Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahl e Hadith and whatever the names given to different sects of islam are not Kaffir except "Qadiyani" the one off shoot of Sunni school of thought and "Nusairi" the off shoot of Shia school of thought. So other than Qadiyani and Nusairi all the sects and school of thoughts are Muslims and we can offer prayers behind them.
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza advises his listeners not to quarrel with the strict followers of different sects but just to give Dawat of the True Islam (which is in Quran and Sahih Hadith)
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza's preaching reveals that Maulana Tariq Jameel, Maulana Ilyas Qadri, Maulana Ilyas Ghumman, Javed Ahmed Ghamdi, Maulana Ishaq Madani, Shaikh Zubair Ail Zai, Dr Israr, Hafiz Saeed, Dr Tahir ul Qadri, Mufti Hanif Qureshi and so many other scholars of Islam who belongs to different sects all are respectable personalities and deserves respect but if there is any objection to them in the light of Quran and Hadith, no one will be excused and it will be highlighted with respect and references.
The biography of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza as per his own lectures and web.pk is as follows
Engr. Muhammad Ali Mirza
Date of Birth
Academic Qualification
BSc. Mechanical Engineer (Hons.)
Field of Research
Holy Qur’an & Sahih Ahadith
Interest & Objective
Dawat-e-ISLAM & Unity of Ummah
General Manager (Grade-19)(Defence Ministry, Govt. of Pakistan)
Jhelum City (Punjab)
Lecture on what is the limit of use of Aql in Islam when there are scientific discoveries or other observations which are not consistent with Islamic teachings through Quran and Sunnah.
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Dr Israr Ahmed said badtareen firqa jamat ahle hadees hain
Dr. ISRAR Ahmad r.a is the Biggest DAEE-e-QUR'AN of our Modern Age. He died on 14-April-2010. May ALLAH accept his efforts for ISLAM. Aameen ! This Video Clip is being specially uploaded at the occasion of 14-April-2016 to remember him & pay attributes to his efforts for ISLAM.
Dr Israr Ahmed Ke Aqaid Kya They Wahdatul wajood ke point of view se Reply By Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza to Ambigious Saudi Alim whose name is not mention by Engineer Muhammad Ali mirza. it may be Tauseef ur Rahman Rashdi or Murtaza Bakhsh.
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Topic Karbalai Khawateen ka kirdar
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While predominantly expounded by Shī‘ī and Sufi thinkers, some Sunni Muslims such as Barelvis share similar beliefs.
Shī‘ī Legal Implementation
In Shī‘ī jurisprudence, ‘aql is the process of using intellect or logic to deduce law. Legal scholars in both Sunni and Shī‘ī Islamic traditions share Quranic interpretation, the Sunnah, and Ijma‘ "consensus" as sources of Islamic law and judicial decisions (ḥukm). However, Twelvers of the Ja‘farī school of law utilize ‘aql whereas Sunnis use qiyas "analogical reasoning" as the fourth source of law.
Among Twelvers, Akhbārīs (associated with exotericism and traditionalism and theological schools in Qom) and Usulis (associated with esotericism and rationalism and theological schools in Baghdad) were contending subschools: the former reject ijtihād outright; the latter advocate ijtihad and have been predominant for the last 300 years.